HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-03-13, Page 2-7
-1-1 7 _9 11 �i
A, f"pl; A �
- 71 7 -
vull W
ould 'then. towd Bill WAirtzele iA 4;�I
-an Inimen0ee I
disappear for few In the village. and'theA100r,litt. . -w . 1+1 , , .1: . - : A .
tor Ia ej. ispil use.-
-alonths, to,.retara MOW D lit'
rillialit than on hearing Ot her Aerrible a-, r lime i lownesis, of t1lill All
at -what
exer; wbtrt no' one ever - knew neighbors said that the Engli 'lauy- UHR Dill. i, alm&t alwa a -be �*Ipiad. UY
p - ort.110 embarkedi nor what crew of hel Inu I gallon. of , Mal - a
had no, doubt gone %Pul 'doh ;- that eag�t
�eh took- him -to the Inez- expressed any 84 6444 ft -ill an L degrees, -in
the ship -will but no' one I at Uld UGH.
[Ian aulcl& � Ho LA,
. that point re. , I
At has been
i #tlbte ii5tand, sh&. had- committed - pla"cel &-tablespOonflill Of salt
d, In RoberVa` . Presence *9 it Laid It 'hed ready to rhig -world bas' io -0 much"'griet' 6d-,64 Taw
mark.neea'se necessary - Inquest- too w , start - the and
but -41ough had-inoW.1-than OUCO: I - ; - --- 4's a fazmer4 IS with a 1: lit the
th Lt hot body I
scovered . 'This 9-- ebu comes
John L id I"Inuathills- ]fact been di coldes. .ruip b PEdn; A �W.Nuekwl Fouitfjj
'heard very awkw'ar bore no traces of-vIO1eAC6.` �as 111111164 for fences as graulu auou- whicir Is.espesially fine, f J
ry Ing.
People -did not hesitate. ! to allude thla -note left - by -the' unhzip6r. not spend
aws!have a4md,s aclua to dome aU &-tancie' ikud so my.blessing do I 91VO
Only WO ti6a
did our'eifftr* 7`110:�StOelk I Kidney diseag�-',-bas -20
befor - Ilh tu the enormous profits-tO. t Jiur-jar. Sign
------- e proved ,suicide Me laugh' pl"Soiasa- -
t a e h&d favor. Since ktqs#- HowhCULTUP.E. than the wadi t- -is - Oil ,
-be derived1rom smuggliag,� especially 'Is so ageeted come into.' general To those who Risk , o ud pr
by stint hinl up -In t.tbsolu I ade. ome cattle Improve, scrillus Without paI& i4f
whon - supple pitlazy. Tile Diego- *1 is kebt,&V'h even
in ass. a1du
L ills Tio prevent jippie scab, kather -and 10 stlif ones, p 9;., air
,all, and in, hen let V
his. uncle,t:A lei him A tildl-0
old sailor could- not, coneek]. Iron ilia Saw out, 1 Their talk IS' &t as chall;' une" r orhour every
crimes." said -Z-iet h er 'her stse- the damage theise rumors ell death I a diminish., bowi give inorb milk. cil bum the lea -tea Ia the aw,,Ike:
erself.' Tob area will 198
-watch ov 680 those C are Of Spray the trunks and' In th�*i 'Pla'YIW remalas
There are her kely to 'bave on'.DfegO,. wh 'In thrive i�;tter. ho;ll' fietter reng 43
ung -Irtiand's Al that ter, gir-de tra a solutio -Irritating and
-, str�ngthen tt -one -night.
IA.- -feeble lifind her =a:-emiri rgan, became eve in Its b an nt%, n of words,' - 1 - - I
timaey Witt, MO ll be Caattuu.13d*.)..� bro -of ef -that
his YO hand. tier. mental faculties-sueb. was in ry eds but, beat of all, the Old feuds Libbtiste of-6opper:or two.. - There Is a
-pouno ihe�AlghtsOlaal
Ood *reserves 11l Him*eif to 'Punish. e -care. Mary, It is .I y mor4,�close.. ----------- -a. thing of the -past. f e of iron .--(Copperas)!; 'That atIff wakeful poisout, 1. l, the' blooc.
ve 61s --$ I
ver Uvet fences an a - sulphat t their causes it. Slog Ji kIdn07 have -al-
y- momill in 7r� r. 00 -'True, serlio4s MD61118 -must hA Ia-
because man has no Chastisement pro- trub. seemed to be happyl and, -' had 41 Ek.rose in- Robert's'mInd. -]�IA y roads- get rid of
Fears - i building count.r lions Of- water. IV Into the eirr-a
Ing, � ned. of the READIC or altro P.; lowed this -t6 A
accepted. her new Iiij ith 9hearful.,th6ught agajn of Mal 11XV098 I - a, Cither, by- location Stro to use after -leaves
a %v -graue
"tt - promen- wlil which the strang -'Iiance -had heavy I placei t on.
O;Ied'to their atrocity." e grade deter- "-AppW blossoms fall spra3i is lifes great- staff 4t
indifferende.1 The fetes. the dutbing.- The , steepest. Fair work '3'1� odd's
These Words touchilld Voliert deeply. Came 0 4he Kidney Pills
I her as ddl- brought into his hands, and he id the 1 now. and -D
They aroused in ill* inind the terriule I Was tirad mines th6 road to hauled. The - r6k with one pound. of Pari A few dose i - - t . or'
,td, -,s. the d#iasses amusei t 'But they toil WSt who, age I the 'bet-
--aUgumout, 9f 1� [ w.IU make atieftf4 - lid
�ad formerly 'done, aftol she loved tier to tile conCItision, that it bt v -keep to- the -in '250,.goil, - then, .
assailea hil-a at ArS`U; - Gree 'or Loudon Purple
doubts utiat, hatt T - sacrifice of 1good of water to -destkoy - the eodII4, Sond fortil.
liusbatn7d a.huest -as -children love �"�e That Relidefftht 'Uh Of the prop6rty -to the 1110118. thetil -.werry laugh. ter as to satiiUt Y,6111 i -t'You are
Lit seemed ti), hhu ti,ait -the niagis�raze UrY stayed A --Trouble grade; and, tb avuhd'expenille,�do not. Repeat, every tl%ree weeks- taking the rill 4bedliclUe-
g"� - cannot
t,uue ol-icie-d by who give them prettY t During :"tlie summer M maltil of life fie over. -
4" prunQuiteed a Bell The first year passed rapidly. and with 'Diego. and Morgan in a -COun- 0 1 ill hadows to U& But sleepless
make the r0pdway -too Wide. U111 midsummer, - or fteneri And -so, strI66 a r
fine- By far tb
providence. lie IuLulu�,uq IIL�me over- he bastide. 6f�-tbe Selnef My TOM811,11is lodustlimbar, plantedand - 1: . )me In --a
i1oxt Of. -t tky liditse on the banks An. acre of washw. it ofL , The 0 lar4et hall, Cc
by � e, weight of so many sad the sad 'recolleii t raini -us give VA cOr�
She drove In 0. is, would be ubrti. bf waking it
th were beginning to fade, -When near Saint-Ouen- ed well -cared'for twenty yea. spray and the greater the - force useit. Our Sincere blessings let if in the h 7 . .9 .� A
In -The tin J.. I bt take one Pill
6!mak-6 us -laugh. n hour. Of ilk".
0-tootions. And, ontia ruori- he.croissed Ellen gave birth to a son. Ila al mLi6t - every day, �aud pass worth more th" * An. ordinary farm. the. More effectual'will'it be. To those Aal
Ell ten and Robert. -be- thought to the claim LOGICAL
.9 heart honks with' Already being tried Mo going
roM -this;,,
tha -0. by -re. ars 'of the scarelty'of fence po at Wol 11 you lit
to, him caused him almost- tofor- -*�u do It a MaU On
ther eumillon. In. spite of himself it mease joy which- filled. t1obert' U
t D�e a re ng -in Atigust She left them. so Tronimi Aron pcists.kre G1*e -some L�Voe
sts In �95 6 r e d f
Occurred get his fe 40ne event A Sufferei for Twelve Tenra -have not been a gre
tueal. itua perhaps *Vag Ag tlil�'Wh of unrest, for a -grea,
in ellintl he w4s o'clock to'reinin to"Saiut�- Ule gravat�d by. iiitilln6y'Diso canoe lid t le=th --of
d1mug be he fee -Ung that about nine. liftany-regions-- of tho Country. The 'tw-s in recen. ably b-
-ics. T sue t years, prbb
anilk auxlet driven `bY' Tl HapPl- the quluee� They kill YOI* r two to Put IL
wl"llad to g.ve, hiaid,11. tilUe 16-) ViAt a off altogether- oucu In a -bro to ue�gsbi nehlit. :Yellow -oadiugf*..'dutLables Is It Will require, -baz 0
a fa�her carried theri Tialls now Xucust is exec requialtes were no ou do
othing, What *Oalid Y, h -&P. e.
understood. They- lke southe a ifobd r pills always -
his, Iliding plam- But the stone did- vere de-vot- �ucninan Whom MOr9ftU ed, and Ili a ' Ir
Ras appicar 1w rd rapiti grower. tio But Dodd's' idney
I.-- Tile A-11' his thoughts, N Moori*h boick froill one Of hill 'lea" easily --propagateds -from, So "Die." tile kidneys la�-. -i
Ilayb 1ji-en LUL)V,e j�roofgltt northern Oro UO
'loco -WIT- .an:
ed to the -that - God had JU
%vi'th vala. Pastille and
buz-*ad. in the tinane- islaCt'. 4 seized 8 Her visit had been a long (From the Smlth�"s AJD WISDOM.
lid still sent himamd lie wa voyage The. liquid manure. is the most P they.ishOuld be bou �cure -this con
farm, *aud it P-Ille cure So Many
to be aFO o . ne, and never ar '01 Pliblisk able oteet them agai It -takes a vast - quanti ddli KI V,
lie 'wilh Ills Ila& M' appeared n" W114le, young ty, of. veneer
euntainea the rouLaux. oi 9�41- Itobert an eager desire' Since the Redard began, t I stra . w.1 to pr geatascia that -Onsid-
It k,;vila -neVpr been e
Tier a:s usual wit
al gToull(L Mary to hide a. hog; -Uncle
it, Moze olceel,) inw 0 - - AL, gayer. -D regaruilig which the least heat and wig-ter's C
�thruf�i ; hzo�llpjxLefts. MoTigan, Diego of Ellen hall given I the aftona -the cures.by the e of nz, IS lie One r are doing- that for AW -_1 ered In aily
relil - -of
U quicli- -him. Ila rge whiell -ts cake is tat There related to the Vd-
d. vva.kc en in Saving Itl is' bat L Bummer Cigarettes
aced the SLone. all d French less011-ft 160golf E, -aporatio is always going 41
herseli riad,ceased to concern b IL -corsets did
omillon --ttY well, lit 'pills, its: -r6preselit a -pos;,tite need of water -tight tanks erlean yol
ly away. hich the life iA C poor -Irl could talk pr( n froi a -the iurlade of t -wigs and bill ling men which young w0- "because Dodol"A-Kid-
le hours, w urty -IA Williams' Pink - . - - .1.
t (11111C Luse it can ba allowed Jolig ago jf0V i American me
Molstdre must 3��
Next, day, when the.carriae Witch :tI Im. tb devoto-to-thein seemed tvlllcl;� silo- had grda that half t1iia wogder-.. -1p recalvo It. baeg e in winter. ien leatlin' that
ol�lllged h eared, -tives.have found son 'Globe.
n I men,--4telit
the These . �Jessons aPP I and -when deep freezing e
wa�6 hearing ti,em- away rot uti-A, to Jilin to be stolen 4goin Iiis - son- writing. I interest Ilefl- ee thig medicine. to Mingle- with 'MAilek, . road' oust or 'lap. liel , to of pleasant things CUr0--*-& of t be-
tOuTt OL Lite hill. aad tile r,:LL t.les of' . din- - - 'and. ful cures ell ted by a stirred with " trionlities- of the ro(,t§ A man sairs to R!aje�'ted,n foriW of suffOrlug irievei
He. had- no difficulty in persua eveir, to 4muse it; anti canAllen bl, ex
He how. saw on. dee to; -iw1f6 pany, , to prel- fore gaspeeted. .'Is a form of kidncy� I
DI anures, and repA is groat 1,
ui-,a�p-ared bvLind t . he Ellen to that day.�particularly she had- en given to' the Pub- Arier ru y all the ajalit;p., The his When COUX
t1lia bastide separate from ��90- aall a- tile hi;a the t mwise awy,
Ont- talk of tier husband's -*ho hav' V I sent tha trouble.
S -men t
talL, Lreed. the tqdA,s cUllit; iuLL 61 the hi n ot - C 1.1; is . 1, � labor. it has of artly cleared forests f the
bought,- Ob the WI fk�-qf IV ad to Ike- -Women as Weil a cost. _proves t
U.d not help t 000d-iiatur% X%-.IIO passed- tin hour hillsideg the furrows r tho young tree- topa stra and. a Woman- says lots Of, Meau And - sleepleffifitaSs Is One 10
gr ge - ei the facts Wr 'in tl�,Xng�s to -her hu
inartre, a It r"to A cam -
eyes. U, -Y. tin. Ing onse, surrIountt�d*Wa vas no . to tier, and found relief are ea y up and sbiLud before troubles th&V Is settled bjC Dodd!.h
I, abW Vecs-_ every -day in dictati I difould- neither be "run direeV will form 1
t1unkin" at the Uilter !oil.: tin. _:irden planted rwltl� vener. the benefit of, cther'suf. along -the; she wouldn't dare to BAY, Kidney pit iry ti
wtlwh t;-ule U13011 11 �rbey halt the advantage of'r-dre air .1,14ing-hoir copy entire Pages. 'be -known for otown, fiur on 'the. -level 1�ametttnes previant'deep freezffig�� pany thav to la
the 8,31.ts. James an if they we hison Globe. It no ex 4
We,) vvt:,%� l-&%% Jug next daf, a&' 11`16 was at Among them is cut to
-there naist gro, r
Thit r%Auu w- id view. It, *as a I be -a slanting slope, re �Ione.�Atic use a box. of
tud a splend OuW ro lie 'remained as a rule. f erers; dide& beto I . ay all T lie periwinkle 'is a f No young. girl should. aJlow,a Young - A?jIls for ssuess.
-tile h-, It, that the Water in
and thei �'.* Oung rk-a, Witt' Oi-4`WoIfor(I* down Dodd's 5
renzindea hilu ol I.4z tva.ful house in rarL-;.; isea Cotuam. of the towmsbip ant quite small pieces will make lai 6 than three in .4
had O.0 --Mary.. il- will nut; be was y- thp - Ir Us times' a I ame.
tiat. Z-ame try adynatage. of Itobert. wits much surpr soak :into the ground. man to Call, on her oftener 'En. one-hun d' the bous
and WIIeU ;l1ey SLUX P -'U aL couple had -the fufther . MY, Ahly# have time 'to � v fall. The Wiles &r,e.tso lek.- even It they are on- Canada !)ad Xiduoy Pills Ill a.
lau a IA. %% 1�,re he ar removed fr to e ot Dlego' 8 gervunts ar- had, nor the paichbo by
U,*J-H, st- : one. th The so starting. . - tie InJured b gvtge(L 14�n got Ia
not being I ad never, eon- 1 rive -At full. speo�d in a carriage, wi I Of -till ds a, 1ItL � F, tired
ugh, - w� 4 111 -ter wasVed.. nor. 4 - wing OR, t � sure p ce
-WULSL IA- Uej b,i-.g John Slo s master. wid al. wInt&, when . gro -it too Often,. t. lid ell
ji, letter from It,! -k ditelles. or gullies. at, so W1j kind of pile, if they have :One suff;reiiilaied has told
,u a- 'it - Petite- , iA
wilted to 11 Ito n RolleTt, but this to not, 80 wl� Man!S lieart cut out ou.-the same
4-1 �Z3 terable rl�zulleutia` uv,ri . " Wrote Diego, 1 4
Wago himsell, wu,� -,iui, re,bea. for lie or wern dairyman and horti- walls-- rid. itil Jap A and ad the Wdd no has
-ne, Jovrnfiv ai�,�Oepted AIL bottle my. del Nor �4
11 au.j uouerl, 1,0:()- lia� to Sz.,.iut-,Ouen -yester-_' Il- rur(ning on the grou as- his Stomach, ORIY, OLL from.Pro
iM. I . j 1.1 1 - I tually do We plan from bQuse tbr -house
talie n6w Al 6otie'-ana, took upon hilligelf ill on returill, eiriturist'will both 41avell -e
# soil an( grecafhQneysuckle will"mak
in -the k4outh.L. 4 1, am
r growth.
CA- e al, 0 1 -runs along -the banks I ON IT. A
Tli�c next, -iuurL4u the-Utlil-AY blil4illicMt. Ile ;ellt. the'roa iand are all in peautIfu banks may -.bb formed A bIT TLE FIl -
Mardel-It:6, and V.u�, faitilinil szirvalit.,;. and -1 ern -:energy Will stay with Jilin. plaluting; hardy ferns drid. by nil .1 Ta-ke care, OUthila'ditl
le from tile: j iiiiiiate, , 1.
siluugat. t)tmuer wt, blui Ilor LCI` : iolest but cont- 1 day Mary got out' of the carriage'on Lcheap ev auer Be &
- to orgi,nize tUpre a mo t " , ' d wbich Zrkiar, large I vince to Provine
of tile Sil 111101A a WI foi a x and you will
'A Ada - tile -nt 'holise, lit thia',eO401man to 90 r will 4e have rpe%. i5f the BrItIsli'Medical
-time af wr: Vilfln*s coyijiuei�,L site to time, alt least; neithe -vergreen Sor th'-� the dbeidu(" never.be withouta-lir �A :_Iti#
. 'J
in setiliing their -;I.Ort P
- -.1.51.S- . . I.- I tile Yount, -0k posseslou of hoille'witittillt- ber as- slli-- wiqhed to 4tipa among people wit() to Wi -that 4. WoMau'always an stsion on Ron
cooplb t1d ell complati - Their spreading riaotg holdIlke I WO UIPUU
too- and a Isn% it funny
threii nl;l.iL)n ljjien- in - Paris, 'I uuLu ",yet. fa�xulliak with his sbe loses her InflAts treat ient was in-
busat?y I u�arly 'Lilt tht-ir litFa walk. I hld it midnight re not q6W in place. There are also. nil in
lad let, I U Catiije efreetod -witll� when I tirrlivetl here abol n7 raises the devil whe
-s. wwcu %vab,lia! Ir 'Uy,� Savage 10 the'tollow-
f -se, ation Was I his necessities. growing shrubs --of low ba #'T trooldhueebay
ranc- nor ..,
.1"t. imiegy par, e n -fau- had lot appeare set out- Ches, close
M. The -Indj. -rove in Illinois has temper ? !"What, is neurastherillk ?
u-dZaAs -AL lit ve taut g fair ithp p iiar. When a Lg worils: lessor who, On
heir -4 in, sw urposffi 81)
otit. tnlfileul,�. 3assed the we)] sul$ed
Lie agre:iablo. to. )()I- for, -tier. arld Ig 1 years, and bas- Poker chips Ore. pecu was
b pe a pro
u, -v. "It"Uhl a wice I bus 'flowering In sunitne blue- There
tu til.it it- w s scqretiv A oiic( to It cen in bearing for
.11 nIv failed of a crop but once 6
tois brothek-in-1 night Wit iieted hei v nes he pents Toeing asked
shared knew aboui a
LjINr. Die- drv, I to in scciuring t tea he feels Mit he
It Is i _in grOwerF
lily. cour all' directions often average 1�o orch but when. he has blide a certain subjOcti4e
-swin .17 'that tiiiie. The trees
If v in .
in fll,�l of wor I _tr. r ard should' ever man has only white or ted: '144b: 9
In the e. has'discOv- P Ing -, one . Which is well
aild I hild-day du%v'. alit.,no oi# as Much as-tw 6ushels ted *Is p . runed . several times a yf-B-0, things red. hive not ey ibetured on It.
the whole tilind a ,
zoriAlit: Rtbcrt, whiell I.bsorbs TEt IIEAD- of nuts, afid stand our. MITi.
crLuid WI.L. tz Ia All. haullb *,Ilzlt -r.ol)("rt ii,pped. %lip. tean trace -of tier. five dolla 8 lit
cLrhali, excessive C, ibs Mrs. yeast -n -j under
arp wo That . . Hei 4
tinie.- Tlie retiretl 1; ie SUFFERED r- ROM SE rth from two VP
Ile uot have toll. �-otl,- in order to spare ACRE.' r. , so- tha ttiing of the predell- a sermon to
CullsitallUY 11"LlilLe- h1b. It ed with Ilia wife lkl-a corner (it 01IS -1� -bich is -perhaps un- it .0 a -busheL virould' NJ - demanded later Is going � to
4g to WIWI& I A - . . - -1 - u ty v, w a r twelve them... *1 1 never be, yeast
st�andiitg ' .� of
Qtldi ivr LL;LiL y it .1 y refarred.toi I Neyele riders
Veil, licuse was ou an anxi, lave T a Ad rich' prolits, from -an. aere next -Sunday. Mr.
par T)trt a note -which I I Ir to pr Ring alwav9.WOrks.InJury -by . on -
-9 a constant nil er tiuice'of cold Weath -r �r',Suppooe he'l
Uto atouey -re I-iuv 4. A.I. u- n.-pro-toilt, aoifp.- t;I killir ti,eir at, .nvc"strY,- ',at the, year f orn nerv- Does it try our patience too nine -1 call It the Sermon
-L lie U sok-UIC. clear - for -ered. rmt-kes, Div, ft fi., Ing for. resis .6 -Monut I
iu,u. . discov, 'thbra 4, of fill th
le L ture t1 ,e%7 left tiw, com
t, without i roub _grow and the-attacb.
eutred , i --considering the- - beet - -qu
beiure'luou alui,SIL, it-- F0k-I,11LA-.V 4" to they diti not wi,41. to wortit. ousness,.headache, dUkidde f t Cal
I So Much t.: littl7worIlk Ili the young orcbr�,d,. What" Shan
:,X;Isiire,; which While ted the unfortun4tia,
- ;�l - - �Nortliwes 2
-0A.VA 1, tff iuiil�trlty 1 lo,,Llig a lilt.) filent'.". Dt. Wit -tion In the United States id� 11 hat Is In reolflai: to any at these ad
pr%;deut,, al Jilin. Apart f no.-st - t 1, young--husbp w 1pl- 9 mention ShU
av ng� read -0; eas
Li, -r ell- tro Zoltqirt lu.the 'H i16 will give the tress a better sil a lt more har-
IntJ p
-tit no- f:lult.1 Tlii,,4 letter -t r Iffed -e :imified to the sugar region. ked for'llfe to Vor
e T
let uskromember that spring. Branchaq' wilitch, � .9 ,e rowing
ergy- t", puca littl'o C 1,Ql)ert ii. has ams' Pink -PIAS she: det than -to be tin
'a The
in t1wir 1;jzstej� - --ble his -gucle. filg-hp,,t degree, hild lie. tened to 1* ITt the
F"rL4umLt:Iy- Ili— 4- Lk --k �o lincl either.Avith U I --In Their- a. for at the South is'butbelcull in develop -Fbnuld be -cut -of f,'$Ljd -a woman with a cold heart?"
i aki� - into - I Merit AV . propottlont
,,,wea 'tint, t1tiont --tit, --& tio carridgei ou arriving -at 91-io tliem'a tria.L' Th Ili on �.O, a oughtfullY 8
onlv troubled tTle youn-,, filet by 'Mor --aa. hiler fl� tlarge 7plantation Interlace or aged ope spat- . th A the
t: out Whleyi
Luut:d, iu uiv t: r Li AIL' Uzi: 1. x1vinditure ill Saint,-( lit- brGught a� Amprove said
Lill.1,1. ne recNI-si.f. n Ito al shortAline 9 1 - iffilon pounds th )SeL cu are often a v dooro "Wall"
UL ,% - pian, viz.. Lico -1,etokotiold an aniount -a for about Texais has, produced six n 'tit ely - to do so. 'They hole lit the stay
-C,,:T. ru
hall agreeu, uuL t hel II;Id fald I.t. that tv h o.,e 0 be ment.- and[ after taking the of sugar a yo4ji--it has hardly. been. iw braw IT -d feet -is- Wass."
116 tllu�: the house; bil irent, t, th �ck at 'the heft(I. A 1q. he, �l I duAno put Cold.
1,.r Tulc '1�4 toi 11 P I)- cing- State.
Vu911z%LLCt:,# tu lUIAa A ppri.-nee Of Parisiall ge tif which w, a month the nervous heb. lache and Ju uld SC
e tiiii, ei, ques- heard 'of. as a Sugar pro( anoll sho en
tCtO,r,,',ii%, ti I e, c 11 --tks have
I., IMP whilell wit.4 )hert- %% The, d6gree of. ptob conditions, sance,
n U: LU ill siuct-re. -kidney trouble lef.c ter. %1.ith. the er driol in- -tr T 48 a nuL jo Beautify thi; CaMplectl0ft
ljt-h�. co;lld"Il mink
I" up 1`4
reply. d ibi-IlIkri9wipg how.,
t I felt by.one wl �b receives tr
I -It till !tie. It. ioned', lkiui,7 11 lordly kfulness ducements we sliall not. only make
hodso. aiT b -h-, I.O.Tior I 6ut I i . - I " ow. than Ills 11 D the cosmetics, Paiuts 'In
u if and -to,)I- Ilin, 0 1, ift- 'better The f4pr.milar,sioldbra prqnes
-t Xor9:-.'iu A to lit� I?r th.rj s' the dbo an we -nced,'but be ere ut Sill
Seryw b..Itei.,bo%Vev6r, tha suet. benAits LL ve all tile jiidgar great 'tR, . alid - tb Do not taki hiirh Willie ce
-AfLiko UL U testing. I . than describea. Here are trw. and apfica powders w, the -skhl Ill
ievi,,-ne. btuud In - Llig uua s, -ind -that I-)ie,,O %V424 S A hi-A.-licild of- eXplarters. 'Me o
a large f6littitle, -1 1. ' be lIa'agin gi own up the feeling -thrtt tbeyi *111 to gain a beau- secret abolit
o tile Iii -4 hands. in an attitude i's Words; "-If You- could take the easiest .*&Y
tifui- color years
gurLa. The 1 C) 1--z w r,; --ontribut&I litx-rally tow-ard-, Mrs il STOCK. -but really [I a whdiepome skin.
e I* could tint tell: of pru b1ni % .�fi#lulslon it At
lijouth diseases, til pip,,@ � are m - er -he
Ia -toot and d bv
7 hoist:d oCCUP.C.A a aritil n n,r which!
- its tie le 01 rlibert -pneumonia- %] Lan these.- Only MIS is.a. groolth in
11.1 -xi Lilt: xv. exp .�outaglu.us plenrom the aTeateat beautill -:T '�4
turlu.,ned. Y I- e 4:LL41 I -L7, A -dry --dIfferent ttie griet.' 116 out; know or if hog aot - stand 'this work.
t,u. �zontmon - - atid:slidwed ore' benefite Hpa.
.Ellen in. . ha' a to) 1,. bert in dilenef the IntOnse sullarl. I have Ith its
at. 'ece e.. sle�aple�ff nights I eholdr; means to beativy,
.11111nerous ilvt:l I, d 6LY� him .1. 1)* of p2pier OR It ditired and the ihany coinjort a e�
'e retreat lie us disease§.,. there- and 10t,.111- J ad health sc=en �hen
their I.wce jil similar to tal a -in h -ano "at . tontagio n for women is - - - - - - -
zj coui martre.- I& for-. ligr les- p e is a so, wood no
LL,)L Undt:�r aW of voting wood 6btat'ed, �-Dr. Fieree'S F&VOritle
111.9 was a hiteet of f0OIsC9 lant low or ics and by im-
lka-f thrown have Spent in men which, p large qu&-tititi
to 11,1s work, pritl hodEt- that'which Mary use- ro der T th�' 13V germ,`iL s6od ad, a it neW fruit will lie P100- rL Dull. eiyem, Sal
n my. yuu*would not %' a Prescrigbia , , of
o lig iural soil, will develop- wkilikied ja;cc, and
-whole gout in the follow! It,
ever,y itlf*tt zeal which vt)ll* 11tobert a0eg-=e of tbaliklulnelils I fl��i for 'MY ed 4a nat thooe "feelings an eill
U re'did ills.
in - sell. to it W ; Al - P
ve, 1 6 V - -�ooll I :d iced
bi.uri- 1,11ili, IIUL "' ,, word.i,- traced 9 . . - weaknedo" bave that
oted ]tint' ta.An awkwarll hand. restioration'to health.!' - r trouble. st tile grows r)se in the FlTiovingj. , I
nil,: Ll 'was . tin reivarded by the most Fue- flor in -the death Of - tile - &TUT be 'mo -re perfect.,,
:a The YQnn, *lliefl Was it er, an( in and result EUTU 1011) derangements peculiar.1 - women. sion MU,
thal LILZ, le Ua couple ill6ed-Allat.of his unfortu was a continuhl. dread to
iiativil, itua "LLU- cesful resutts. I ask'Go(l's- for-� I rom,,-46ing- mat -which fosters it. The wkniobt and 11TTLE J 00M riff 0. ori.ee PrwerVtidie' wiU build
Ulu W L) ef, An It lei -me j -ever carrying these germs - 1�.
supuriAtenfAULL I h givinade in
-tIld yet t4- fr fortune, nate istixrriflAd-W iiievented -bet Vliy the old -
body Ia long t agorate every thall W�
,Xkliy. . oR and IRV
enulge - 01 U1. L -MY life. 261Y is water are
- wis i a, Ry BluccAiAng thU 1) re- Mortar
or th-. Ir 6 ra.,Ie. gi-vviiess fOr taking k. up, strength
"vii'l ll -t1ii t'3 �" tier. own in their.'eurrents. -and.
TUC LLULIbO ",Us V'r,) " e' air ady far two farge U .11 . wor quantit food IS NGWOOD ONT6 run-mdowu' or deUmte woman 41 Wdy:kvith
A LLjLV;it:l, tFu _Re. -time
Was lVereasi every foundAn. bite (IT whic 1as-.,WoIj1.ds ever-:-ur -60L11 atu-
i , , - ta -tilts If a V
t:. S t Us,:. h oulijejeat -Of and agsiatiPg -all the a
Cuntatin, -1,%%U L;AIUA-%;61 I ercnn7- to Ile buiied in tho ess wokils—Ifully - restuied.' i gulaxing -
ti S..,# -result* profit felvii ounces at a
o6ked t en pest a W.,
W -giv
;zA- tvi%, 0 1 Th -v s-rW but Ily wedding -da nk P! Is 'alie 1 0 to mIkke the
nd a few- 45 1 lioasehold Pi _ so bi that which. raL Juliet
Of & 111ULU DIA-1-aill" scho"ll I-'Nvore tin I -P I a- riesi -the 10 ions.
- I -ers, merchants.. a ad f;lileri .It ob.
s a., is why S60tt's
ulloa as one of the 4Pce
wing*. 01 wLIlA;n _t. to tile litl)lt ft -06.1t � ace therci Is
4.Al C-Li.auLau a gotin Tlii�
I friends. 31`
te Ul �11�"KtLUUJLAII.3. astound- has been given.; and-there� inustals as
To tipation'. biliousness, in-
-very dav to 06%'l -1, - (Cw (,rt*,4 fet"L it COUld 11"t -11' As Is the -case with eVery- good cause oil
pluLe sul wuse; ad left its have- �,enol I be tile- prope en Yeog a S'Ufferep- I Tom -digetion headache� take Dr.
lize u-,LUlb of conving - t .1i" r kind 'elVen -to- procure _ of cod -
W the la be� si.,t�r. rIlen ;Intl, ed Ililli-irlorce' Ili 11' 1 Pink- Muen con .1e.'holds good FOf Vey im isipil
A U -s in LL I:oatrs -will,. -foreso happyt sogay. With; sllUr1ohs akleies�� Ithe desired'ead. The ru ep
but, nt:itner U�oerl, Ifor J.-Ilen --I,bL- tho.-Ill tile (lily Cred_ r plants; and pierces �eltdta. One "a dose. jeparates,
+ udl
ry -Ili", Uj market, "4,
upon them, but Ma k, pliicea on tile t pyoUS -D DOWN.
I. r. -OU such. it Co,.or L - -
_iiilc A rid Yet they way r44 OILE
al. tui�j laxlry. ""u. Lu -Y It."r their sbn. appearance and , 1; TUU I sweet: W years, 'aP4
""p" We Spasms. -1 ly
4; ilLe Pobert ti-IlLed. "od- who� ougli In I whether feeding "hogs :0: ii e v rj,,;
�iyil g. h Vfiere:is a knowledge
wery farare
-ir 105. tlacir pride, letters, -tills emble the gcniilu t -Y must have a away
th, IAhe nature.of foodg'if he
fornled h
h -id a --ed -e - paL,blih �ve an zltd to
�h"ir -I, aIt the thes generally gdes
wtir,6 Indeed liers. on �Ite system. -Thb- reform6r
L�0� ulpvu, P rge, vv"'O rp -wri,ing.. -.1fereat efLet k
woulil succeed.
t allot first 'elltioll ' I ' b is troubl Ome to begin *Or An
was -once in it store when When a I rom. h r spooUfnL
ed wl w6ilas''
fur AUA., ?n lid
a child UsN; Ou 'A it; -lie, it. am lqve,- ilud every
and sho%%lbU LL : It Cou, writer I op rpentine -in a F I
t: n .6 1?e i t lictated to.! Th.e-. by a +eus* give It 20 Vib-ii�qrate. Case That Excerded the kill a Milan whom illien
A. ui) UY worits. eir hell sv I Pink- 11ills"m
a tri ta - SL -ritint-1. -IS Ell" -ere asked f j when -a biilf roil.. out -
Tnt; I 'r- L 1,�Nv k.Uyl.w.' al' I:Nery year theT took 's, of IN Ilich "tht lei then!.. but -of - milk,' df- the best rhyslet yoii find one who love$ -umu- 'of even 1D
�> hadul -tablespoonful-
VuriviL, oC1:'uJAuUu",:,. LIAO li.�T, L 0 -e ,It- t4D., tier 1ronth s -1111t ric', t tomer. The -(lea 1 1".. Al I -and poor No -talking p twzst
t ad coughs and beconfes, thin rues to il thing is galne In er ps you
tile 61e. --ant-1 it v 'a; a t r (I ',Ilivays suet, oliffiCultY i a id that he had somet 9 , Jug Ad by
W be LIL"U6"j; - is W It 1v 1) or -Wiri saniq in nts hose god, is -money. an Ovor 4
IJlz,.,vy. alla tilt -in to see tile good 8.0101 a o I itearling. His- a ed- agafust. give -'a- tablospoonflil Of th6 No - greater - trial - CO heaven to a Man W - . " a I 'L��
J,: I r il the-riamt wilicl tli,-Y in- uJidenitandi W4 tile I Auty to -0
,in t6 guod." Thd doga�`?, - tswtt-A* denglas.-Im..
of -LIla rrLUlIt2 tl_U i -.)L tel)- fill to Pool publ-c arme w seed oil. Most iD 0"or w 1 �4
brotlier Ice' ii��Lilcd It -oud" sche e. whi0h is a plat of Uzi 1 these tilan. the sickness of their chiLdreal We Cannot fulfil Our
goad a
Le'l i.i. 111le" - lthis hap, -in IN,, VO this just. 'as I,
Ixegv xuanl�z -and
or ills crijoy-eil in th&-old &xys- me ills -come fro Jung th while Alug Qu A
i too -often re�, assuilic the meglec
d Diego,
that m.,plean his sunterices. so7ted to bY. -store, in throal this troulAe. hope(f i1the
p1m ,lost per' coridibill In. the Bible that
41,, PU A fumes of the turpen--: Ind- Whbn
11ay.ug I terdav,� ,al uld -be b6 Re in mirld woroik which tile It, is still re
f'�3 )rl-tl was, fated, tq- v., n- Ever -.,incP Ye;, keepers. '114 silo of UcrV40aSjI68S * the � the, kingdom
), this wo�'.q we have river i ill -.. Willi. -kills are a tine cause to be ejected. -shape no drunkfLtd shaii inherit
U U011. Lla ON, If the -a t, Dr. -Ims, pink I
all ii-i'llLerl
CU&T,Y ubtiilndi I The fatal hour was t to I, I lor'
f tali liken (IT.1 ,adly
uiLd -; bix,.,,rt: Lr�.Iu edu ul rophes jiLl:s,t: it drag-, (1, buL%we li-I've found- I -senses rising if rum No - use' for the lairrne.t to say his pa receives its_ severes of God.
draw �?A fresli ea-tast" specific for -all tit ninion stock reats n recover. rom in getting riches we have -to take
it- '.AjrukL:d appl-oaching, oudiLlon f-theblood fathers 11 co childfe
ek tile uilhappy -Ilotmn�l notllill.�, an impoverished, c did well wit 'growing so seldom 'do They
Lit: JJXLP- -were about. Wrt' . iliit! !". cried Rob- f the. nerv- lid' ways -of grain f ids, character with _ them a -multitude. of other
n"k..'afa 01 Lne. U, to -Wille" Lilt it is impo;'s ed .10-unditiou- -- or the c j�ldl�ease 0 %
life, �.ora shatter -way. be, for many ra,
pUU th.;3 LIAU"ey. L�iuu Uas r.0clit's- Mo. had, ot ta-keu her Ous lurces, such as -:St, - V tus' dhnee. Timoas, prices 'and'mmrket' dernAn Witt, �jt. it things. we do not Want
pusea tv �11 Mary. JI
c, u."lem zi-- ulure tlail uIlCe Why silo.- ,vIsh to die?.- you luct'Anotor.ataxia, -0ieuiA&tism, par- have chan ed. Quality fliust be.super but eventually the. d coA a
Whatever kills the Wit of I I
.9 �-Ot 1
A` Cc -Ia. ior, lor the lel cry. to Id �dies. Jessie, the I little in the church kills ppre -religion. ; , I
-UlLa WC alysis, sciatica, the -all
s vc
Redd. nations. Despite -on 'Lek
tic rt:pr Lud -Ua JUAKe As he pronouncl t'Ai-` [ll -';t oenteAcia. must --.-rid tollarls-iriforlu the 0011 ifects.of prme 'th- the I a tdaughter of Mr.- 11� E. A oarchan l of
to 9 )etl�lon . W1 knowledge of Sin leadill -.to- it
U Uia w -thing 1 grippe. 16ss" of appeti g-' 'headache. come IRA, when and tile CIA
a her
i..gulu r cli4ice widich foreto'LL it 11 of events any fula, civil r Cot Ing t:, had given', one symptom of back-ffiding-7is I. i B �Ie
-1he ree ess' chronic cry . lize.d
-it T.Ue W 111 aplallf's hig lio;id and --Wlted aiz.,In ' - �ipel. 8, a wood, On toven
ey are also a rats-er millions 0
uuf. lie could more terrible Still, tII6- ell, it(:(l till now tu'try vanceinetit we pai�uta great anxi lity, as for at thankfulness. 4
had Poll, in 1. its trenAth seeni- I.have Hot -*%'a Th peculiar to. Stock - ever e a gufferer lirain
Iz tiu reVivu tL8 vilice trembli!d, tint I I ruIS- ,l She � had been if we would f4wak kind. words. %re
never fu41ii uJ 4L" " - 'Prealdeut! rc� I this kist rt.;ourcel: ..Thp. poll -Cc la%'e the'-troublels -the worthless. se i - THE TEST-
A L, ell to nli him. -'.The no- tincr Irregliaritics, dapli. no where lands. a e bein- 'These would' take I - - I ' - -
gull, have found system, corree In reglo nervous - troul must Cult vate kind. feelings I
d all 'Urria is, 0 1 a e so
Ia IefUC1LA;ruUk;e I t�iien.'iniormed;. tIlVY do
JUUt-en OU - ',pres:iions all newly only
htkri ib -Ile -some ,mz4t, anti co- OR -fa Lite Shape of spaslus, und bocd thlng�, a. Christian can I-
1 cl�vstett him to cleared It -is not The
I.I.&C C�IJU011- 0
-thill'" -,the bloull would e -a 1.6 t ftat .& worldling ca4-
U talve,rted alloanced that tile court w0ald rise Ills gFief-stricUen to aboit It is qultaij)c _severe- tuat Silk- for an erionlY tl
ling Ane -,v imins ave
1w a r. iv a. 01. t) - u, U s une, i,,eu n ilwuti. At that time the 'rooin Aud lie. resti.med [weakness bu.lL h '- a" "bLred
Luitit.L. lie nati an restoring tile glow A heal h 'to -that the ashes to which they trol herself The paren
bid spre- aititu d , " n 1 e case to their lowdl. one, not do is to lo've him the devil'a I
.5 aaa '116 re- fl Xnoi extra oirdinavy die. to and sa such f ree.'access - in thdb-bumt- bruiih g g totgIve It is hard �o convince
'r a few ddy A a solditenly oce4rred Rob- pale ilow check h lt� hat is. natural to il,�,btld
aw ay I they 64,1 t�tcle. Art atteritt-06 crowd I).- idt Iiil,- to a childish - ra leal cure In heaps have a good- effect, furnishing -ta.E.t. h , , 6
at men theyx effect a; lave that God is his friend.
turne" f rdm M ntal worryo
told t hem with 9upplie* we are not 11
sts words. and curl;* ert. of phosphate." Or X"Illed
ell Its she had I doctored. with. the - MOO 'God to help
veti u lie w az a --beneath the prie solitiatlines, all eased arlsiD life. ie'fa-ther writes elping anybody We
Lntu- tiltur u ' L4L otatUie .,pity ill Ma. r
halt givii,ri way to pro'oundemo- C'lPrlc(-- Tier sls- -a-Y - be - that the -"lips they ekt'
-and littil, Mary had returned to' overwork or excesses of. azy nature.- it' "with Out are king it hard fo
An, 0 -
Mau of- au , A, I rLy L%;d uloVakk tion. I `Ilad affected jutlge slie'liad- lo., . it tier way, Sold onl� in boxes heal 'a- keep. the - 119 -a w
la dcuu witch add. 1 Ang, the lirin stomach from Dili physici as in Colliagwood,.
"a oilutil-0 ter's mposition' of. their lay dauglNr
A 'gases. to I us-
4nu bru RicX- jury alike. by' her bus- .. t -rid' wrappe � (printed in through deco any reliel; coming IV is not thp liuft drink that makes
g�Lk� Al',x -4varilig to bo' scottled rade mark a It
MOLL dtrul& the drunkard, but tile Ilia
t.141, IAC The priso bowed down, On Ills ts' at have spent $500 ill this wil t.-Ramlia
u" Au�-g ner tllo�e -it aiting her brother- I -'-Ink), anti May 4a hat of all'drugil conteu - 11
--at tittles at in ill, she was aw. red been ill ` W"
s ul";;Ij, curiy Seat. e tioldered Wlillout ts or .8
Montinattre. - direct by M411 om Dr... The improved beef breeds ba+ jti
g -s I eit- Horn.
in Luz ClAuta;*.�O, -law, develop aptitude for thoroughly 0 0
C-4. "ll whon lie In at Brui disc
I; Lll -himself Into 1:'ms' MeaL:Ine Cu 'Aldil, long'brod-to becontilig
h4-ir wuu,
I-L"I It:L' QUU Lo`thALl*-"`oYMP:Ith-' a(W zul',crl, that I i�,ould
ll�llved ills e.?etl lowaro1z, 4�is nioro that to - realize 'S THIS I
-etady. - and -ROW
Uluud Ia lots glit him, oat., or sclienL Y., t� quality and 4dantity of. Meat: an
i6llin;- 6 lead mich liort* time little
tilat lit: llad Alrizali , the -earriage %vll;eil ilad brdu when OUFJ
"o - t tetirs weresiam. $2 AD. i it would be Jolly t Only be a- a
_wv);er, had no fender. tZLk'e -I,lm cents a box, or six, box flu.r .5
.z. gre4 Dollars Be
veins- H16 lk;utliry U.In ch"el'N. .-Ibe �(Jtlntl -.111d told, �he- co'leliman tu 4 highly for butter;thialsamla wil one wbuldpaaq from us. A. �,fiiiand We. offer One liundred roken duflng� the entin
as -11is- liorses mal,
ii LIU9?U- I hLy down his nimals to, -tr 3uth Ali�ilallie-an ward for jay case Of Catarrh that riot -0 FrA, Ifib
tilt. lizick (Ist
U.%,Iai ex b:irrils 7 - . - apply to ieeding butter. an ma IaLluenced me to 1Y So
pre--- ters -I-,) - �13 de" 'i :d rU let 'T 4P&tNill *.the i- by HIL11's CO3all V Of 1
HE T%VINS WERE JKX. liberd Soal
Wtat: LLL -LL 4&rl(:Ll wit,, (Iet�l) iII.tA,re,t con. gamig.; Llieg�
I -- u.101t' CUUI- -libt I. . feed! Nervkne, knowing , lothing OR, can 110� be -cured 6asoff
F. tIIiS4 last hope beef ; but . witlidut
out; ui prisoner, ke affected lt� tile Cure.
ither beef'-.�Aor butter can be pro cures ithad 1 J
lirll.,ie ,ti,ry .1nd without trying to Ia 0 See Whitt It Cotit Chaptki4ff klyaigs tO Vlest 010 116
poz duced. It
11,6 did u(q share Dimlil'utive, apply to U" Avatn
zEuiluaLed to tilifs cl-ar m - t, wonderful MY F. Props- -TO
rew -ii iiiiii; b4t, t. Nv as easy th bree . a4 1 4
Vlii matter of.b6th bree caketof chikiren tr6ubled as W J., CIELENEY e0' Far Caw'
only w1ACII: 11U Allu �11-;d showed u -s xv.eTe as-ojlnt.1611�at I -OL that 11rob ere. clue w;Ls
ic--1 ar.tl-:- from Ili: f: 'The medi Pro- ledo, 0.1.
whith. sc6rint,Iw it in It and feed. ie. have known
tt; .u. -Li.s- eyes spa himself, had axe she
whit -C e J -n ordor to beliel Therehas Vlieiisom6 diffiouUy�abollt
isnaip, fie I -i;ore, necUs of. horses. in rd given to - tile child. iilu�d,
Vhe We, the undersigned,
vF3, -vas 'ah"e, to str 11 8 J-1. b, B1 E C0.9
r,,i.Luss and the -fatal J. cheney%for -the 148% 15 Years,. ail e-CLUJI, 4.
kied tlien with :UIL 11 b. lillist have I galls'. amil -bruis : should b a CYC
- t i a; ib'-- s'- a,- .;ttl.k I'. rt I ' tile fees of tile ia,%V�. fjoin es and
jSy Lu zi;d LUUU tillb.. Irl.or,ik-T Ift it IA i lia'd �j tile collection 91 has never beda so well
eA hist jiluld but le perfectly h6norable
,i. il. was t -if letter -lie had J that L W -ass Outh believe him
'ILI .01 A degree thoroughly- cleaned, and then' W since she. commerl�ed to
defence lit lin . Fo 5 U trail -�;tIV�,JAMIL14A 410IRLe
plv.� L-t; er,f' 3 13,Lv- ing to C01111,1JO t!'e s conncpt�--d with the- 28actions-and linau: i
Man could- t; r' in r n az- !oIt 111', 1I td to slich a yer alt and wa-toror-b e Nervine. when she all
-i" tile batl-�- .1bit, U, - - - 41 -think of t�llc terrible It', Cot w th di American ry out I�uy obligs
i leua t lis t. no i obably t Ove
agu and a %V'Xi u ast I r -t is - did. not evin -4 case, "'I'lle tAk! all.-, th6e are. nothing -Superior Ia tui
a"cr t living toijir ii, t on the 11yam _pprior as bar(ily k ab
LL- ile wil the .-mbars-,oi- taunt thesore An tin R -iou Si IT
I of his it. 1-i'iv tit. s kbout to ini c 9 its use she w cially able to Car,
Itis 'M afft ctiE6: scioin-�. - . a Coma to heal *now She can run 0 is made by their firm.
owed tdicir IIN t it s about, -but, R SA. GOSR "A 1
lu Lrizk:e 'ot liae bl.uz;'IuL we V tIo Wholdsale D
bore z Tore, ,ar, their coumel,. �ut m sbon as-.theY toughen'tit, the same- time. Keep as other Children. - I 'am 8 W & Truax,
Ig presill 1
zlu.jr. lie ",;peLred, on -tile" :tnAl soil, to of the E it KiuUa4 t
U�s� Qi M b Ti- - ();I -.*irrl' Lng.at'thei 9, - is the sore'nears beating, ing liki the medicinel seeing Toledo, 0.; "Waldifig. III good runalln Order CA
Ionic witn ,to sitierIL,, 0, W..oa lie
Niontitiartre lie tbou'-il I were gotten. 014- (if - the- country oRed i a sweat T. le Druggistai Toledo* 0- 18pages, 6 jor 7 coluninill1l;
to t0 -L -t- gu. Fr e I tile I oll er. t*.,. U don-. 41; lly,1111 alre � r - I g to. sponge - is effecting 0%. Wholesa. Cure'19 jjLken -inter- pacity 1-4. Far fVirthet par-
ki nis ruseace ter- stint Lite tei-raice 'at ch-apluali- s"the nifti.on, b better way.- a permanent, cure.
tht: bosi. society. an t* -1 � �Il-:Ir , fate- -iiw NI.try sitting on .1. t 24 $ 81
of the des -rt a'WILl A horse's neck, -'find have no galls; Tile secret �'of Nervine Is It Hall's Catarrj! Allee 'tens Herald
t Ia tall! I aria -Cc Rally, acting direcAlY Up e
rule,#L. -A itle at t1le fOO 0 ther of- tit who .-put up tl d -Printing -Co.,
Int1i.142,),�iondt lwr� sl,t. 8 ., tro ticulars,
stoicism vori le i fundi for their'def the.r, ot near, -the I a Of
ll�jla,ell %%,It,, perfect with the [I f bees whicl directly - OR the net
Ile InLrodu Vill- iret" which - W�us l&r fa ence, coullneueed a Colonies 0 1 . operates the system. Hiltull
u1in"itiud in alew- to tile stakp.j But tile 1111111 ul"I'l ey was short-lived. displ'ay'kreat indiffereacc . its - to begin breeding this month, and ties 'located irld and mucous surfaces of
ebbiun. and Lose i i tie de- gold by- �Sll
selk-poss ill, eye
wvr#,- limpil w a�j 'tile lj'aco. The fan ropidl 1171 e -eli-6 brain.. It is whea Price, 75c. pim-bottle.
Ill, -in 4 W :;1 ; .
0 1 t1l il is reason -fur wholu I be Consumed
well-chosen " -1 - -r Illi,n was alone. 011 seeing: tier whether, LNJesr.s. Louill, . 3611ustOli stores wit -aocertain, at. his - es. Ith nervous trouble::: that Druggists.' Testwonials IM. ilia;
),Ut:�%v utter -enel:ous Abbe (Werin. vi orch A ranged -.w
litroiew lill.-liand nd pal6nes8,, and ll&rn got paid or tiot. llr..Lount apiarist should" f each of
to -the state a opones,
Uis name. wild )rtunato -nilt-ol, of tier son. at..lwst setured -a-acttl nient of his �Iiest- convenience nay ack two-thirds-ot chronic -diseases .0 SERVING oNV
long. abs that none v At . least
comin" W IIVU � - .4
" M0 Id.; st-trit-ch, as much othor trouble
Diego -I his Atl - solil tier first, t1l nt big coidnies, S COUNTRY.
11W - s I,.'P- -bill. ftud the ,he
Uorgau- a lthe' fil ( - 'All D,c' ni'tile: other day- A�r.-116ru We:
Richard giv --)d 4ur what ha, es agenic t df the 1 live
N I-" ra
eiv York prep, r,!,d.iP fojcc,Chap�- Ifficiency of star al this critic if
*US Buru ILI tue i.land 01, lie. had formerly I. ILCM rgo?" to ate in --a de of - 'Parliament,
PPI.14L to G.Uo I An English member
at.. young bees are a1l importa t o- NN'F
eat P"
d lla%i-g no mequzi be- tit(- confes.-ioll of ad by a osture I -iiian. flyarns to -give -upll� He thr Meas tied- his seat, 19SYS.
C4 rikiii-, �rid %� hen itollert li, do thiM '4 lacently - resig
PLUIU in tile. Mop - Ilardily, ha( ue - tho ar-corint and Mr.- now to k6ep up the wpi-xinth Of the Nervine at�- once -bull up. who r the, Hbuse he re-,. 1-1
yond 411s, -posCoi ci rose efect antl- ened to c, I q are daily (11 ;;� so 0,1nd so he was in :CE22
hail buelf With. r6-% Iiiardly. had It(-- sAt e anti rv-lx�z.,tfred Ii.er.. she ast succlainded in having hive, and tbo-old one tills theblood With-richnes that when.
Wellman at 1, -amswered 4,000 leftidis -
:a i a nerye tissues
Chant Service. he atig l nioti�lzfli!" is- a &tatue- that It ceived and
Z!, . to- part I , -.she sa ppearing. -strengthens th aise"a 112 .3ne year. paid a monthly vlalt'to his
with ills. Re- overcome, Withl f.
is Mzlr) id, In t the ntat:ter. settled. # JOfinAon'9 a DAIRY. on
gret ob. of all. tillili little wilile wh I'v
tile 6 -lid, al --miles. I
pbew,� vv uo had been I I I oll Iv todl, C - -put D
it, Jilin Had not this priest who wa%, relat- vol e- [raps from'Its victi I a as the t
an orphan UT sAinthrient entered* �V ith on word 1 bill� whj.�h IS lit 10 Is yet :unp� is only fe,
let t 0 lAckles Constituency somi -hundreds of
bi]LI11,11119 1 but Ile dQe,3 nozrtl1ielliate .1, fight . - - )Wu, wak calied upon th
ly age.- and SeL good dalry farming e w 6 had from t( WA
an Car Ile had as ag� tllp� p�ia- she -,hattered the Irail., 'It Is not Slave w
aliowanUe to- be Ing in pprsu, it al to (11`1`7 of'se of tire calves As *Oon as laa; would drop from the t-,ffeCt- his �hand in his sorts of
ifill a very of IA r hu"ll Iloilel.-3, anti- Roberi,?s-t for It The, cok of the tri, reedonm. - The pocket for a A
W Ii-ad.his §4are, in Itob- Veal, pill to depe d received hii f took not the ...1,
uoi[�r's hi.�tory, he hall i.11111ii 11yams 1%10�. AbOA4 � $600)0,� ' Of ellough for- green 'hich P E R
a t I -Casc objects in he 1 8 T TRUEND
06j) eitme t Ohuz, this medicinne, as wit
educated in England had Would Ile hot motion',alia,so lnto�ie .1 a h' td by 011'4�qat
ig En -fore Ills luck ert"s mlsfOrtldnc,�; # rength �to tell Tier the w leb about $23,! upon. haphazard. buying to repi fore but r 01CUE,
A -few Yea tile at e we lnde�d rema� ,lightest interest, and. t -F
di6ct;'Very of esently ininfrie with the dairy RUM'-. Pr4mure a Young 1) it us, 11 hip THE 4 !ST SJ�Vll I'VICAll
story the history- of IIN on her si and" re r. Buill. cures are being L9
ch; fort.UnUte li.toi stiolo pr i broken il n R`1 news. A!,,Ile iWbtenea, withonz 1- ada, It - Was. spent --evert
anged. The -a effdete rd ad Sundays, neverosaw.
slze'fe - ca�stq,-- NzlieeL 611t, beatdalry breed, ring. the- session.
and court ul-oa u a
an 1Iland contaiulu� oica wit :'Id famll
wtving a n-ord GoOq from the 'dome from -,tile 'in day by South Am n Nery 00. y,du
- `7 a she W to jxles�szrs. -Weiiiiiiii and b
n* torn 1�irt ? I. . - cut A. at
made JAM a ri..,b ilipattendo -and an%- n,�esrintl began to llk!,IY- the calveszW.hich
denlY sping with I lk a remedy. for nervol ;. pros -
without tat jCly gi,.-iag up- tile sea. -Ga. Aiardfy e * I e pes and -Col.. Fester and tbd�eiglit or nine Ing with, your cows. At a slight. eK Use �thL headilche, hot )Riashes, THE BEST REUEDT.FOR tORNS
I x- i wszl- jer %v,,Drc ilry.
it, tile spectators growing -tration, Sick
had . decided- to -settle in ty, W. I t " - a shid -site till a 1-6ther-socreit coininissioril from the nae thoe! -herd -wnl 1�e- kept the i Lprves.
Morgan rvIAn!-1. rei, cii, Ili to' tOne4. My Sister Is 11 -ld" � wj,'.ir - P' . sleepliassuessi debility of. Ls I-uri earn lExtractor. . AA'
Inged a few w 0 �6ui.l haVe, who Were -al kin the city better -and better.
lative.�'.It was a oll-ifizutt matt The-magniCude Of tliZlin. sensdtions 1 lizird volee, - and. w,
er t,',le, trial. -To- i It to-Rco.lepted-that fyjft load 7 jtupid,� pathIc
Fr"ce Witt' Rid oul-v ` as, its action -is 4 marl.
A sfigured tho'cralwol. It did tier. M.Iy God forgivb us-! . I baFe-4,ifol county -prior A er, than dry food id tried It: FanGY
advances had tran. us 1 0 Wait& - dairy is betl I�QT A SUCCESiFUL RE*.DY . i
rudely, 8 yet to all who have
irneet Such- Ill - 0 lit -to puuloh� rout f1i
(IV ! -iti.: Flist. 1).J�Oaiv - Ulm not Carlo in twent,'
--�F- .. . . an to getting roll 01 P
d In spite of ttempt -to. is Ito trouble U say that. brandy is a good r
ollr. and 4 11alf, thepres .11 - flu* of�mllk till through -the W for
netive, . rept4,11allee, iin h Is, - a nil T W ORE -1 se -Vin
fe-it, that he. was alreauj not, speaki ; It, thati'with PIWAY -01 90vu eum .'Doct t I ilhillerst to
-dinterval -of t1trough - our thild."' : - or, didn!
and Roller himself. Ellen.- tvho. walted. When,. after. af, keep -up- the Su four hours. ."Putnam'99' It.
-e ident an- lof)-.-rt (till not dare.tO a
pledg -.
shared his Instl re- spatting -wori llas 1
DOOD KNE - tZlet at. el
as rol)epsla ?1, aslidd, a Da y
-d that -tile, Sitting w. Jall,om tUso de -WOULD THRIVE -
to yield also. and, for tile time nounce and e experiment with ensilage 41 a SINGLE TAX lit
had e oluivei; ran throll"'If I Tiny tit Ills arm tried so-CheaPlY, even nifty. physicia nd in
C, Litidy. of her- fa.
-le"t. -they had to resign sumed, an cLectril a te by pac, ro. Yeigerj, it.. fil Aft: excel- Ork city sells ?or all
at -11ale but firm -like weepirt, -wilian A of9fMAVAW P �iand'lu Ndw T
being. -the whole room. ru in.a. called -bin, - th I :
s -1411 1. ensilage co Inch Good �,j r,, . fIetty Will-oweill iind
�heja,clve , to a life in comma" in a e man* lidd ridilen dt - I ; V from $50 tO'$100 Per- 11
Who 1.4 about, to perfor peared. ni o * 'itze worth or tent'romedy." the wa,, P
It- Depends each farmer may ku w 'Ott
Morgan had a-Upropriated to blua- a man ticceeding -In Over- �Good Healtb-4ito 1 -1 don't. agree with you I doctor. lots, while on Fit R itestissued
ver�, inf ill duty, tile chaplaill rose, and s1we 1, without -11ad blinself. P !7 on the side'stre to Forill - R, n '.. C"As
or, and lie was p.1 litilutik' I 3k the 11pu my -third In uanada
;he getond fto Betord I'kept brandy h n Twenty -
.sell t people. ore t01,4o1lrAed taking thinn. A I I und6i Shown, that cows wl;th� 'ise avenue frOl
the young rt t. has be6u -where the millionaires arn
reserved towards his. grave voice once in 61 after Robe U nk about 15 husbaikd had dylopep ' eviary few, second stree i WRIl V8
it, Were un- the m&t profound, cens t. -Dalf- n-botiV sla ts. Ill
-tile inidst K had it per -�Jfl ITWJIU�PAT-
dy D to .$706
in P out,8alt for a W. ack Shm Jr
The two farailleo- live(, Wt r it in - it saiiiii ..for $601
At night only'they in quantity- of -milk; and weekskbut now he��Suffers
liccri foun�f In the !;461w per'cen IC gei6xIl to* bo 1h
he saift6 roof. silence. t��The r4ts Of' s !ettlug adw4y, down in the
left salnt-()Ue�n i�o, Fs bo and on Bil
-it turtle
met together. at hall tn ug- it ',ter dress, q1tiatity also'; that and - worsel"
M-116 Abed, tknd awillOW Much less'tilme than m-*Ik drawn .1 bus le
der t the, same table. and -0 11 SO#r in every day.and Inch, - j� Q0
trl�e * ; . rom worse ftess ftntre. $500 A $1,0001 per
Id h ce-thaivtands
inch- to com
ave imagiried. 'who Ippinoss'-cannot I in 1 (41 - b a d a -tlie The Al. "D
re (I on Surface Lessons of ExperI41,16 Ideried a fair. prl&. The
u -ert passed whi ppea
at Vie meal.. tilat a sec- tIlc glad days which Rob ted D, me c,6wS when receiving. 6 'Elm pica
play of tile. vi-ater. aifd the -bOd.F Ilito res e Learned -'and Tiestified- odd's, the sai ghows- ill impi;.) IF THE G ;E ON d valuation Of New 'York city Ii fth -11'rius PA 1111110161). Olm
waiT pres(= ABY IS CUTTIN se A
latipa,thy divided the gulasts-� thiri house- at Montmartre wl whith- Lid- -every day.- This i
tat I first. Di took ory. Flf11Qn years --6n the barks at a.little isimAd, xldney� pills -Nevex Fait till Ca.tIng-41- l o1rer $3,000.4101).000.
ego of ll
ribia tite ry no p�Lrt in this'st Pol it DiegO Iying Ithein a regular PIY, -sure and use!that 0 well
.41 '1 (1 arlit -ney Disease. a have to 1 . Sooth- BOB 0 IND11 011 UNIQU111
F] an entry sell -Since -Tho y's er lhe.c�prrent (I, c. Be
to obtain Into Par- had clap, mas bislic to 'L .1 . I d - 'Mr*: Wi I
-law they should always have Sid tried reme 7. CORMIpation -Lauses -.More than halt UO
pains ociety, whieb is always especimi my9terious -deaP.- and gre4t changes s-nt N�Oria to file brotlierAn o -body r Good lia'vored load produces 9 =g. It
S -ni lmTII0XfI;ltf'IY, and 11,6bert Wfis Eaefi- particular orgap in All Ing, gyrap for - ilar en. Karri.ClOvoll
k. flavored butter, whatlaveir. May be��a Id n
Gus to rich for It' liad taken place in the brilliant houlie, retur a 1?sljc4a1 war so tens the Ills of w0la A
-A ry . . A
tAls life of luxury and in tile pe,i-te-pologaia. M.Qrgan- no 1-fireparin.er to -folLowi tile M001% when Is put there to do Onag L dalliv In soothes, the CIA 60 for Constip
ally graci e liver ; lid the, kid.. tu �;tbia -contrally.. A y na Tea is a plawaut cu"
ippgared as 11 fmpel.m., 4rm and iia*d firmly.. T lie , I ungs, th Wterward lear 4i allays all pain, cur WLUU
-it. element. and 11-n gr. OeVL tion.
atur. longer inhabited it but from time to ys aA have -their bilictliuns. prize, taker, It was a rh
pleasure was his. a. " 1, rid qent; -that. man. Re, ads every Ly 'best -re e f6r
A, Ivni-iin here a is- the
etl llij life in presil it' He went. away every ye4r, bright clover;-hea D, �Ud& FAN.
be The'stofn find bo is -receive and 41ckiad -five 66lits a, bottle. SARASATE - 1 .1 NQUEMON
that had pass me away.z!` .. � I I is T -Well &N
eturn so;tMetimes until h we live %r h t Jersey twhich gILVe he vwwt*�A . tmmral 011ti. V
the food oa�wlr pe,
at allorn!ptucius dial*17.4 or org . an and did not il -tA f --found
lug )r eight m6liths, -Inte understood, no dlg�at Am. 110111111ki
rmakl, b.*s mesc;enger oL, ood should memory de- ABLy the -comme
)Ien,dld fetes. at ter seven ot everytliln�g ',,In milki, _pr6per foods- With fl&v rs Sarasate e -hk —IM
Izing- aL '* to go and-7-A.01111t. for he� *ant- off Immodiately. N -the staildard M TaAT dts-- Z=InIM4 � l&Dv--UFTAUZS BEST-Mll- AN
liged, lie said..' as - mAterla. sorts, twaf
I#e - State a b paiolia -go -into- the'l1lood' Ia 06&� -aerti him. at A,reeltal; but Adzut
of -enlg hPalth obliged a -ttle in- Ili. -tiiat' earlouft not Of Will' I Ot HAD HI . mb SP -XOd ztuaenta'
ve, -lal jm4
Ildd discovered i Fideli, s ca
d this A I the gold-fliggibg In izlva the beat pr h Ilk ADA� W4" V&U&�
er istatr--6 from Mp�er iLnd 11 tile Frankish Ian- -.There -is A'separ UAL effeetea . bY-- _0#11et9- . Lawyer-WILOR-WABre YOU co �l w�rltwtoeltherac
7 to keep at A . 'him- mysterious Island h6 IDenmark' dairymen -a falluril 484Y MILE Xmil velper. - HAW
rid u told
11,obert W xendon,
boistkrous tire, a theseorguns. rma and . 'ItIjaw-I e6jet tell time to -prevent,
byte may li 6 ft C& -IV and feed them. a fanning herself In 'Uhhhe row- All- princtil
ge -keep their a,%
wit Nvirltdre- from COM- for himself. and his"ex&ditlons seemed n Stoli.;VObPrt 'But the -e -es, �Me a while ago that I M
Cc.- .1 topped Ill FYN
a ; 11 Me, s-%bIr, me7 a -Ly-
It (jut of pra -for bi-is, return wa tt6r which 'u3jtlI,.Iaa-ge enough f6j'.market. TILbY
.1 - 10-- p(Asoliolm Ma - f would -hat t I the i5tall:9. 'Me. V101111116
Party wittL whom- h2o fe views. to be. profitable ucrWb4kd lux- not -come, 10;I t Fil-ina.tenir IA. so It -a - now 'this -is partlY w .1 Il myielf. and bow &n I
T: �Z. "
, ten,
lie always. remarkable foC If r life I t Wad milk, 1�u I di t looll Ing. --Madam - -he 44.1 Bill ItisnUm I
tl other heard other People DAY I �1 When 7au are
Besides this.' ol he .1latel them by -puading To!-, hand k f -once cgot U by adoltilg-L.Coilin me&l L non I walo play In 'two 76r Min J& 4)0 .0 -hu.' shordiaud-A"
him, an ury Oad extravagaticA. 8, is- be takeri-out. Ae -,up me&l L
Idleness began to Pall On on his heart,. and wdrit. and fant' .-at the almonae w "*tlii, W.21totor
'01 R, 'skim I -as a heAtiq F -up _a
wag ashamed to leave oil- at an age . Diego 'had beCrOme the Centre' M iT, and al-, -e ht' d Abut
y basely as- e kidneys ary at once beating six 19
ory of rn� "at. I A MR. B
man is just begin- gj;0np of.deballebees, almost all for- I -Bk tile Iniern ber id was A -o J
when. What "by noluded
as a rule, a -issinated father,", sa iiii1liters. reing subuill Ian.- and the
inprov'ng eignerg'. astonished Paris by a Ia Ellen mg�, a gaod r I . . . . . . FAILURE. IMPOSIft "ME 4i I - *1 �V
pWt4W8tully , . 03' , -, .
When Nervillne4nerve Pain Pure -S. #1 -N ]i
ning his career 9 0 1 -E
Trade was L tuous pacentricitfes.. r As the name af� our - son George.- swe. L -r . Nineteen times out-01'every twenty "veal which bri ii F - M0
7rance, and Robert thought - that their SUMVP in loa� when We are 6ft-ki It bdeaus of calves 'at DrAdue MO. A, t4 A
ledge enjoyed A late to me that- you *111 never Aga
In 1115 profit. applied It .9"'not of. w. long
le(I our -wea M RaWfill Clover oat Tea 1i a Sure, _;bUt.oe %Igtl momy
Know for Mary, -she at .13M k� kidneys. .�-- if ything a fair Sitter
he,could,dtllizg� IAL higr ujion the monster who has kit -tll� "Stabteg.
of a clexer- �rty and continued TO -to ak s'first. Fast Lot the into Standing, its penjetrating 8.1 rJQ PAID- anif mervibus dibli Andill ts U4197',110,14W by Uose �Wko
at Und
VISIT wrilyng. look the a. disease. Dark Tam 4069.
qu-,red -Under the gIl1u;tnuB dutiv�- t ot -relief 'Ctra 'or head r.ww
sister. Silo spoke but little - of her sister, tic, or - Injuries Darkuells- AS co I powe t] We. --Ta
r; is such
the course of tit, her arm -7 . 40t re'deves go 44161117.
Then- her color, we -Ilvlpg, overwo, , re an abolilinatlon!'.1b6ii mbillaing 430ft%o_ AW
engineer. 11, portun- ose Bdjop.;, itablegil r, antandolls, Neil Is eases
-OP home; but nothing led 6ne, tb .811111P ay Rai of them W the kidneys ;Ciaw a
the- first 1 s became, fix- M, Cows. can. is -almost Inst &W -
Fear he found, an - I - ''Al ' _be noisper TWe a 0 itenteht i"01 � "s
Dying hi.4 time and CaPt- that -she Was not, happy. .7he ped at Tier aides,- ter eye. rm'thetr Im- causli 'dis IS. (It `-Wd4dvLM*1%1XS- - -
go that the 0 p; e pain Oure.
War case for
-It and -.be t �0, L - -V -W , R
Ity.-for empli Ilged to. ed, and.Slie'lell. Her swoon was a le k. dloutentilisla - -.alL Try kv -X
tat In some works m�hleh had lust -worldly life that she IF!Ls Ob Purtiant-tt r is 0 4 1 .1lappy mor W-611 unless eases. lyinced. Ill V' e k, --761100 a Ft- A
catifibi,teed, cl -11 eXPr
to, leave
on pro qua
iti aris. lie soon held an I. g_,one, and vOien she recoV.ered her It has- b to t 't Dodd's Kid- 'tera, well -T enlent. Great B t I In the T P
ed outside P lead occiapled. her too much delirium seized Der. mle utimps er X as to
ft" di has-beeu Orlin
TION. ; . I -
ift" idt
me - for reflection and tier wln.�es
to their illailt EXULT* dary al V
Id na VQ I
�gativ, constantly on h V
life feet I 'be
OU 'lilt her. Nary, dr-DI-eg -At� all a' t' e are exactly 612 rooio; - attention, -at, U v 11,
Importitat pogition -there. and became anY, ti ro7-�Vof George.,werel ney- pills and so.60UV
tile oCCUPati, jaiiMted Itself Of- 1, what is wanted- to � he 0 the kidneys. invite prompt
ladolent nature aCC0fr has .0
enamored pf 0 happluess �r UPS, In Alloi lftIdSt if you have tee-Afidach restless tee ple neeO& t4uAbd 67.1 _.at I e*irli6ll jil�
that time it new ane -of malting 10 ppirfectly to a U( lncolle�-rent phr"es.- Tile doctors -skin, Bven� skim milk choose -ha4 a shook b 0 Ives
sarcasM did- -not Robert, had 41most eatirely.broken off' of Lug, tired feeling. C that sallow Jonah turned -and 04, "MI
mcktives. iDlego, but. upon ilized the CO, mencem t of-bral 0
Jwd; MosigrWAM in
A - l it so a . the Whale. i.
his -in-law bis rotational :10IRS, coated stdek�'ble aniount Of fa;t In it, Ji
when, he wtth hing across -06 ri - hen I 'Co
et est tiorn - CI dy -piece - 6 it outi" MOOS,
reE ly cruslidd. -One ton rliduma urluo, :6VId heed W
jolntion,. which was m6ve t4an oile-occasion,-In the quie loco; and ordared perfect r s el hemb found
brother love A d
ta@' of l4j4 hot Ilia. 00- 0. umpt
-or his. ON euuu_*.Aj ;"that yo od mail, latL -Lung lo- M-
he4rd flesh, shor S th. bef a 10 - Two %
on v - J;J 'kind it, a
Lid, Of this-PQ.?1- company- wil "N -affictent to pldnge him One A_ m0ce the t 'thel- beat WAY I and
0 v
-a his 'fortime assign Pill j wo Aa, t j -IbIlloaftill tills -Oloo-mq es- % - %
you will, find'.. ILTP lk �,:Il - -
bour had been a 100S ei 0
la affectiod, the heard Robert Av4s. COMP'ete
qlgte unworthy, he Sf ed - to some echoes of -the rumor%, Which were - T an at tr7 Out 18 down r
wh1ch r- Into a bottoml^ss abyss, and for sev D ds oat. an
Mal avoriLble
velst % air
-bedside A
91-M tin YC
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