HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-03-13, Page 1M?6 4* 4W 41 ag A n _R 2 YoiL�0,, "a n -m P- -- .N V, J pit e ILTON BA -LUOKNOW- lpl % "FAt -4k )0 St,260,OC pald up S675.00lo 01Z Raserwt Tund A knOw- .0 rotal -a lqsets t ve 13th 1.896. -JoHNSTUART- FBMAYI MARIGH - gi, U - U0 I-, U ition-of -DCaW#- No* - -RITARTLO"t is more OT! rits e —The ftee 01 on '10 0 ­;side,t—A. G. RAMBAT- OlIt t Berry Vice -P take place- a ��I __�Good house to reiA On' t A Vo Elftey Pills' will r store, buSatUrAsy, Mar0h lLast Of the Season annOn 31Y to T W Little, DO & co,s drug In 'SO took ApI g DIRECTOR9-- Cash seaso the attention Of ali AdoP011K'tfi raci of' the Tho� laltlj- Loru� Lue-irnOWS kst., We -call Xv th,6 ad -ver- ating, Ri on W J 1,ittle,. offer On the P Gxq-� ac in g at Sullereis to this- gfu-00-uf elkTaless -test i*Prov' s d reefed. to c e Sk 'the WTOrIg CURRENT TOFICS. kteehtion is 'h'in PI LRz (Toror-to) - CI ag being I thr e mile ---�Spriag hats. spring 0 hisrel"AT4 D,A.B ors 91 -t A.. tisemelit -bf 1xre & Malle" Is Taesd'ay o:veningi was 6 just rw -part of the Propriet e notifi0cl Of for�atpursq.of.820. The i e ty of styles and pri -aU11OUUOeM�nt TURITBULL. remav,- -the publl� ar varie The nei $,NAVk.L-1louirs 10 to ILAIR ovi 'A' mittee appointed 1,y -the An which of baglug ellent owidition, but:. -01, ree 21 & Oo?s. able Jus r ae c e th V the A 71:- com 8 ceived at Cameron, - ears in another column- ge I--- - . . - - the eyes while 06 0= Jones -aPP arrived Chan Bros., &a recita i Deposits of Si and iipwards VU has arch 30th. in ex I nade, reai ts LuAr- u r ri their *dethod glics Synod of Toronto -ng -effect on e tes n fol -,�Staud proper V� Were -There will and -Berry,& d. n mterest a`110 - 1 10 the druggis wf tak entri,; Jimmy aae, of tts I I -F I h, tory used Burn, glasse meal's Ision that the is lin -tions solos, U, 13, ert i are Sole agents for -the foilOv�iug o re,,#e� Ateur- at the conclu -t- to all -the rLOW) IP'L vspos�Ts a's EsTPRLISUED 1888- 13pok6 His Los e. Froni,stal 05 0011C th, A chools of 'on At. !1. Ontario i;l a#rl �k to 'and mciteme: it,. b . ut -choruses, fit the M ried Son -mericilli -Nervine z3les 0' lntere� orh S had. the e e 12 i0th - - ey Ureq a the vaited We� do ageneral banking b�iSil�esa 'n the Hill tairs matter -T. A. Mills, Of JWingham, ce created intefis iini. all ;Oa March 19th. South-Amly1ricin, Kidn n- the a' §1 oa t Britain an ut Can4 Obiectlonable and. 000 to hdi le,,his leg broken � in proved to be i 'the 8 ;"z IFT, le- througho should Ve ­:,t-&ndsold' issue draft$ payab misfortune e race using ied ricaultheuma -ic *T, �1 t3tares For in- -two places e, last 4,66k- rn$ d Of dr t Cures at the, close --ladies te mako belo* the kne ;u , i ­ . McKay 14s' South Afne roll, -ICFLOL, 8uu-A.GF-14T- ada and the fractit prize of $12, read N(iiii & ideqs t theF heart, a Thifted States ' V that should be expurgated. -e a:nd it will be some th gh and &d. in t veu N ardea the fir Dr. Aguew's care to JO N 11 poinl inclualiles epnrts, the it is a bad he w" a -d, c6llectionr, on a the committee r as aw X and --the -stsnce, ill --be ableto. _U s�.b ab-�ut paper. --TheY give SOV*� go Dr. A4new's Catarrhal powdet� Ad, IN14 k�ow how to do it, av&wo ao. it western States, ­Xanitoba, ns of the time before Mr. Mills w having bl�ata his appononts 1, we[ asqpr el P I - here f3XSt" fbv,, cooking same. vertised sew in this Pape". 011 t they are Cad b,on Mazi bnok contains cOm arlso 10 Y'r a. $7� test 6refully. LEGAL ces, and all collect; d -H6wever they are a North-West Piovin be hroun a all i tnessed. he popular. 'hat-cor-red)UM "a a t wil Roman Oatholin and the ProtestWn as, who Angu -he escaped TER OeOU, ers, an -Rev. E.. A. McKeiizie$ t] ztthe.properienst .0,1 hethei note or the beat all, i fairest e o lenats, LVONIS ons W 06 S it wal ad to ll�o va cl.urdn� Chesley, and ttes n which the former is un Aasth of Ot4ge Swan the race s friends will bi gl er. etc (late 0 aitention, churches, i Place in xplosi�qi, I - Johann- pastor of Gerse.- Vision' W -e fit o ve 0ii1e. h&*o prompt cardine, acknow -64 li,;itol Ic -of the wan, of. Kir- s taken -the e n eknow,- ha! P I a been grant- Suits 10117 oder S S96 M., ithat ha - effects of and nt6the frame that best South Afri 11,1t&-cv. ero I mer July exalted at the e George last w6ok rabe ea. for uce d The the morly of Lu nla- e Notes discounted and. tar ifig of the thir�elfiv-TOI`OntO - Or t1iis.district for Many Years, r abse Nickil� ir : latter wh ell a Mon jivit'her. in -airs d the th's leave of Gold, Silver, Alli Moreover, iii treat osho, h)at was esbu gz -lp-st notes- solicited. morning ich the 3 mile Wellington Alega. Moat- ntee to -91 3 tF.,V. --BARRISTER. t, cit Xond(&Y timel iK Will mee 90 th r *Laud -T, Notary We have a large strugg tin M!6Gill Co '0 amount of funds to lea betwe6n -Canada an died in tha 'the .45 sea -lids. �At the-- jeft Moitiday to lastly iie guara MORRIS - War I wound. 9 oil th6 usu il grant commISQ10ner-, .1 per %he (ffe-,ts of Moody -United State close of the. -anceon mortgage at from five s, suboiluent:to.the fro' mad§ wals minutesand County Coun to the. -he will- take a post Test- free w over aav authors, who Wd taken to Kincardine of 25 cents & day was In- real where 'he Satisfaction. only lor glass etc. Mo, eY to loan, 00100 ord- f Independence, the, nteers' Graduate course Until oderate charges cent up. -The rate is graded ace- e remains Voila -------- 0 -4 - Mr. Robert-. he Eleatple Railway Barber Shop- size of;loan r burial u3sday night. cents a d the Onot 'of M1161!6 d. Teqar� are Miss Buckley and to on'T' je d. ing to ql�Ci6rlty an rr MAY.1 creased to 40 College terra at e -the D it s been j6UDFOOT, BARlt][S that this A' hi ih bas, .0ceu ed tl�at a r tihe d gre of quire when he will weite to 11 Pit Iselief ng given to the -4 ARROW & soil, express Mr. Neil Mclunist roderich, Out- ed. chArtbr bei Q wm second clearly in the' wrong. Kinoarmno'bests Goderloh., I Prevent t solicitovi etc-, G.pILOUDFOOT. ARMSTRONG1 nth end Of Huron OOUn` B -D hd n small an�Lounts n county was tario electric- railway wit We loan' beivveet� mol 0 -in the so oradusto Qlpt61A a I Mort- th e Huron. i pro- -taking out tirube ckey mat r for wo Blocu. - -r T. e committee thinks, oil ------- mortgages and on -ch. tte Theae opinions Th fin ruproper to be. read b cide the Negotiations are in and farm c,)wan . X - . LUCKNOW Goderich id Kincardine to do at home for a few da T CRITIcis are Ting Onta io 12 MEDICAL gages. manifestlY i wo 0 18 P.; S -Make�jt worth your Prot6stant lubs, each ha tween 'the clover 'sted,. d tie between.thib- rmer ()job timothy at Si CIAN We balm generally on h9ld. for sale, you)lg peoplo� in --Cl up tnonials.-. Th?Y --ZA Surg vernments' the to our testi T. Huron, Ash- de(1- a, game, was Played Jat Canadia:it- Go nk W ar Ace e FngliSh� Province, and '; ill have a beea aw Bditor L�xkno "If we, 0 Ul ass farming �saay, and resu,146d control of olectrie railways also all klillda bi are commencing. DuAR Surgeon. office U rs fafm Property in K1nlOSS' aic;al eff, their -Kincirdine on" U( rill to Sale G Andrew, see out- r- deal e. Slid frolu field and Wawau townships cheap most preju ect upon favor of Kiner r -it would from D 11itt,j grocery osh in Of 7.tio 0 in. ilt clu! -in this OvkPce' replements Bros. p Lrliameut Canadian ho 9� ILI flom.2 I on easy terms- hful and unformed mi a. score, b,u aively elves as others"Bec 0 e U. The line. vren i P in Aildred E -tb b g eompiled would not 0 nc ads, unless d two flue �,hkh aft ell'i ling Englishnd yout mittee c many -8� blunder tre .9 i, remedy* -is applied. - com. the� -but ]like We represent the lea, before Easter, Ch Wig likely that -I.have just left 0 ,Sascatch- tex �Itly einterviting reading; -D F.T. cept arter issues a Wombat" -Qanadian hold a meeting 014tilse con I G'From the atove t," its t Mal Sur- Fire insurance COMPallys 'wil ed- in it robes, -a ud national histog, 11 classes t will be.held in �he Ontari Act, will be incotpomt d -by the Pur 161. PU 11 patriotic on t will be finally decided what -concer rposO to make upstairs ill-WIn, aiid can effect insurance on- 9' r an.!9 The of.,our yo al Com- wh -i i rmed that the- Ontario y can be ]MX Ross. preacher says, uth- a Xecoucheur. ee't. -or Mutu re to 6 made to the 'A 9 -and [jast. under the, and -we 6.re nio ew . . i . 7) Severe weather -d pin the iminds a . at prize.- The U rty in Stock. 80 many rk d admiration for lence oss s�r of prope Tepreseatittiolis a Orange R 11 nd with chaser at few remd". S stor a in the matter :Lodg� NO- Act 1IMPS it rou 6ruck the town s season of ft; e reverence an N-furdoch & 0), panies, as clesired. Mi-ftjster�qf Educatio auspices of Loy,al Orange: "Small" bircus %trang (,:Juleron. )e almost A which prevails at thi - � -pride in the men and M 10 8:.M. to anada. dops -146t impire or �,tftd a feeling GALL�,- our offiee liours are fro 499, on Tuesday evening, March. l7thl th4t it would I of le to build j -he road. A meet U' ght . a4vertising the I be a ye, 6wledg6' of bbing 1) li-�F.-DDES. V- '6- Aly on T esday- rd J� - r in descended preading ae of. speeches impossi age Ja woul i ine a ruitic to write criticisms on ln whoina splendidr6gramn . e .11 , ing., contest. -h d will be ing f h at 4 p. M. -vocal-and instfunlental Music, n paper prOuctionsim but it imbues irom brAre earted melL by --il or tele ram PrI111 Experiments on the sk' tfiumplan pro- resolute,'big e. Resideune tockholderis - Op vi age Chartzes modeTat G SIDD ALL, Manager sea, y Dr. Los6uev x ibo� town aSatur c I 'i te'. thoEjf� de- s au BO A. se b' -burial mad in bird to get UP a newsi .1 of love for t site . Dr FlliotV ordially welcome,. and vj�Sohe�d I partiality for wtb were ful street, Opp, -resolution was ce ` -a for the 24 li.y I il, OthCe- tend to prove that there- is little da giverr. Allaed c th- hitn with a st-0119 nerved them to z)z�N LIN lasti and sio this fact, ­Oe ��tupo door north 01 pe evening n. them, tertainment may be ex oted.� day orkers inside of is dooicile, human 110' the practice. -Ood on the advantages is aud w 0 by- super V, D., n -will all the sin possedi -M. cl. with dif I to this section, the- faarr in jocod Stook- of the prol use animals I f6ete Posed roa4 inte1qated in the yeteri�ry T occupation', le j GIBBON S LV/ ger of fection from settinir forth ladies wit, ore profitabl le de6ds wh C -11f id i'the want a in(., of Ontario V Carcasses, of adg him to per ' th ts braved danger, overcome gut G era- tice and coal NLembr of ;on (if Huron, has buried as n and -al 3,3 urginer the Doratalou Ov meet for p ould h� of Girvm:s early Laten I atten y6 appalled 0 0 rs. ,fl lt.4,steret ir ea.st ferent diseases were. Air- A. C. F & ge ent newsof a4Y With some tiO"-- 6bstacles that'W" men, one tioc dm Messr -H. C arrange bel -I araill- & hoer to the roa the in who x1lin's lock, callip b ai is would. have 'been a. meat to grant a pletion of cots with and. defeated Ord* ary forest .-,; human 0 e purehased.fir ged. he m Call TTER AND To ROVE Ly veiling at 7 ite thus engq T moder% :30- INM t Boardiug ,HE LIBERTf TO U of- �holora. could no longer be ,:the thorough -bred short NVies, of the rdsolati(ja were Gent to 13r an�s on Saturdt i and amuse him. ted the giants Of street,� Lucknoxy ICTA!.-Es B Son,bf Rtant -y Pros ra tteued J, ay or D. a fir' rize Chairman f ose labors we now en10Y r.ImptlY X -y's Hotel. FRELY ACCORDIN9 To THE remains'after t*euty- horn bull Oriole,.whi h wo $tP - the M inister -Of Railwa3 F. An4ewl of Ashfield,- s6mething to instruci lee J6 ir in most 0 their feet wh Ur errors oce, I -NSCIENCE WE hel-Rai waY at ML rp CO pRZg �ABO*E ALL found of tyrhpia fever t Cornwittee,'and ford Typog�aphic�l and teap t of and, o it, the court of t wPleasia4l near Brant he benefit at fo'ur.le�ading shows Lud their tors lit days hose ich he -was unpral of, his our periodicals, - z - b ur SOCIETIES Dr. R[olston. tendindltl 18 f light as their, il�6titude should be shownhera th6 Aam, ft ulaet days, last beiri�, Y4 ------ last week at W M -bavid Todd, wha see them in OTHER LIRERTIBS -elg a umemori (lisappeare Air f�terson disposed of r if they see them at -1� -a doi J. -O F- t, 123 -days, shown. brother-ift-la lyiie reader that is, librishilig their rave _1berbuiesis ifter he Destr-uctlOn Of (3 ame- ley -will pass over counting their.selfaacrifice and those of no bulls bet' Thasing this -one. T qre pul and (lied � from tile efte ts of para T06 often rnleut 6 a very fine ani Thb game - I -f, - -cry LO, -6 Gr% a]. - the untario youill as.- an inceutIVO to KN--QN - report of V He is certaill In stroke., 0. L Lucknowl, MA"11 lath/'�89e'. those of tetanus were own errors unnotc w after I which has form ourageous deeds wad 5 fish-wramissiOr m resumed his tbeiv' hem to t,,r .a:,! D E a, but disappear wis Thisy after 234 day o - D E P EIN that tha la Mr. Johli Ni0h01 leted6th6se,of - thers. -to show. uk of roodily le ac a C;&��Ing the Bye published goes order of Forester while the anthrax baci .'the', B text. LA hat their lives *iu the -with TOY and- ISTORY OF BRUCE S61. days, o in On- duties as. MPAW iti-keeping 1 no THE R IL of gra is. leasin e ie preservatio wee�j holidays. sir, lX ee a of, the merican tells- Of' a ior. mmunity lay be a -9 ter a v �j th Tues continued ip force to the en For Hamilton, af in a friendly spirit, disda"'In- guide ------- �r� well. the i 1 el� tl billing for a t workine ve ieving me now hrough c Mouthlat f investigation. In none of oked at a 51 tariolare po aalice, refer to one 01 those whiii mould t d Ot e E. Belcher, Of--.yeai o pirson.who 10 aph lka it i estimated Air. Ambrosw-� Who" has beon 'el detraction and 13 The letto A instance,in Musk( In -'ham On A pul-ilic opinion ind who in a sense- We n of IM r. *. M -&-an to Wi return 7: 0'(; c sea save that of anthrax minute aul eie kifled, . r. Nchol, g errors whii bli ars in these- disea en sat fora photogr t�stlhqt 3000 deet v more funny Ih4 respo il'ble* in edulit'lig the Southampton, er, - year -4 )i i."lly in to the -with the ult that the llfgfiltive at much of this wall omi a Saturday. te of the SENTINEL' n ful b;tllren cor their Way the 1"t isslu rf ul ,V. A -LAWREN�CE-- with a very id theermis find E) Coin imprint. flW i - na�e of Vill -Feb. 29th., o)f pleurW, nd were to lend their powe togt ofiss village cattle hia would be Secretary' anotiier colamfiy,�deals shp.wed the ii t the use of houn a) achieved And te�,' �ai owing 0 Ilizkott'st6*31 and. the what ed. on t '0" houll een between t Sim ly, chief r oveme!pent surroundin- soil and water* htf ti,;atina, of -his- eyes. bu great result -------- DEGREE -important matter'.- A ra s and dollkri ill U.,less than go ds having b j handled cant pneflud011ial which ig Mir vote would go WOU 'V now They give- �of Luckno, tis far as -paid odafellows' o'ed by. -Air. Bel- there e dime es. The- etl(- ein thst.district vv a shOrt leav- cille&- -corn-stalk dis erz e n "ri shoppe 1 08 ler Will oblige by Of their.,ll as greater. heartily'eudorse L L,dge NO 22, ud f ourth Th -ation has'been received pri t ok. The.fino: -he 8411 ineets in tl f in the direct n prop a that r's e e thili Inform everY S� C inion:tha I hc blacksjnitl� shop, - produced by too g W Trusting the Recond-a V;.Biting cher Should have taken place years closed er %tches ie eyes and it.. their op ing it at VT. Rivers common to hear of p. ave deer i Cattle, in 1A to doso�- na8 O'cl Berkelyl h bright all 'jona imposed ailment am, Dear Bill, - each mo ade- a Henry Butters, of his are ordiallY welcome. thd* past dec one anap.shot, and su ffef ditorial expressions. for during lars endure 01 ,nd brother:i are ago, shortly 'G r"ki( aniMal-9, them., sister 1 RSN" - -entire street rail the dollars Will beco me extinct- er A. E. BELCHiv- A, B. CON of the a deal 'by which I he no�itwithl, YolfrS REII). - - rio gloves with oth he pion icity. at ing MRS. T. gi eat many of t kodak is pu Imendmentg Ladies clean yofi I : ested Mairch 6th 1896. S ecretarY M�-xico- has he Sag- e oul' ailmen -.Nrohle Grand ystem, cf the City of Am6nR t 13�e Clo4nor, f6r sal Y the -citY -of fodder t oathAropton, way, way ot Bruce have passed standing 0 -r, CovRT county English to t(le laW is ond I vice �Ireventir the use of Josephine G anell. 11eadquartirs for Emsed juto th hands of an e evPn h Tel U e dry Cj� ghqr� d with them have perished valuable oir, ana any bati Oothet de by W.- Col s6d -kid glover, in all V�jnte'e,-LjS a novelty unknown bucnow 00 )od that. not e Tce,��odizt church eb minister Drydeu. A a 4 light alteratio' - %ieet�, and th a --gunner s%ences that should have been ly4dicate. It, is understr -Th in the shoot- ditasedand undres 59 boncealing WOU14 andIftlaltObA d third nded.the tea; -Meeting for . the most desirable s�ades for street Or 'hogcap 'Between th'a �Dowiftlon first aa remin; Q -600,0.00 has been paid by e us . of anT hy of the word -several loads att e thijp Of every script before death less than V, Jay evening,. in -y ord6sired chang4 66179rnmenta. ven Tueac g.jof waierf(jwl; S186 the distance og wear. -ffedt thdu.e�essal committed to Marta r the roads at F�.rple G, r eveni ie breth- bread of- 11, capil The choir i�rilished several se.lectio tion aaj� ot -farm stock and eath Wort! ufon,b ii, hOraw. memory the lists to na'd decoy or blind at a 9 - 11 aue 17- _- visiting the t Peart e. An- Suppose �­# - Snpped iol expended - also Solos, I by Misses a-rds f;om the shor Ottawa, March 9-131-thO 'H6uso ar intiendO io. has. al th:tO U. In ch more will be.- luets, th fiftY YL A one -ghich was Sir Chas. T Out a -er implements, the property Of F are -cordially - I �- bavison,- a�( dth�r-.Bugge y a. The sys- Berryl� i Mr. in pej nent improvemenc n (I by Mir. - -0 T icense to ill be eld'a to h� aged. The expressed V vited Probabl' no county, in stion i4l that -every d F�rguaon, v t i"t 17. con- diet to !Commons thisevening. UP- - R- -sal I SCoTT, C dealt -with the matter t shall take ut a a MI, Speaker, t o;hlY naive, and the a cornet 9010 rs, and a the D e t y u L: -P, so thoroud ms seed d are exto hunter t Thursday.. 'Would prove a caugo per D. _see as the to othe Tiven aurini t e ached, And 7 West NN h, on wing -statement to 110 k its early history' n- g: was also g �y wh,ch two ebuPOris ar make the to of ollectink which will be co Armstron at '.oclock. R. Me- cattle, however tut give f ra ch icing to �he crows in the quest- exelu D iSQ, report. having a vff at April 2nd, gfta rejc answerin t �t one of these coupqns Ohall of t Cattle )Use *.-#-�ince 9 evening tba askec 1he E LO county of 'y p- anc I oleer f ew 'days ago lf DGE ork and this wAs laigelY trolled by the Butters syndicates 1 1. say* tbey -Will sprizig;-but alas, for the poGr Jr LOYAL ORANG 0 enjoyable �time to each''deer or 3art of Oharlels auctioneer., Wallwin prom tiou g - i e..- e ed that :interesbing historical e auoth r to ches 7goLDS ITS done bY considered f great alt, rove - wh n be Rev. Mr.--,, Drregpdii�, Member from North visit ",Pdtple - G t1h- pc -d by said hunter. -T A -tit -bit from one of your el has 0.42E y meet- the y.,:'k pioneers. s itself. 'Sunda,y next,. and. 'ut 'people -are hoping C tby) the following telegram society known as, esent -dents :-64B -occasion p, in Kiticardine- on I zes for *141 -be filled by the z camp- LOC;LL- XTEIIS hulpit, here I dder f-3r'cdttle is by Sir Donald Smith: irgs inrthe orange Uall, r -Be4cher's- idea of giving pri ue�MAY spriibg as fo beell -received 1896- ou Tiles- g 31arh 2nd, P of Ri�ly -in the, bt-il street, Luckllo'w, e ays diialina3 with� Them Down �v. %%Hutt�] the- 'based 04 t evefiinV - Matthie last week put Mr. I ma 't tid ov. r. U 'and on or befor e A hist0ricA e`s Vitt] J= �e m Smith, of ItY oyo Qegram, has reOdvea MOB th b6 good R f scarce." This pizoposition is De­.ree night of Bruce,. is a TI: -for Buffalo a Certain c ion, Viz., the ward. La rni f III the early -history mbar-olt p6p Air. Frank Cain le 1110 ondit sideration. owing full e- taken:up with a will uld cireful con velill1g. nt of big. 9. d invit- ane a, lown the four large Kincardine in th,4 -evenin 6f fool 4r. The negative wO a Should b I W-ylie fully Irec o Friday. the I - ilKthreu cordiall number of lib -hope o an ear y . apri i-;ItiDc, b y Thesons or0nt9LP1O *jug in fro .0 Ole xoon. Ally I who are anxi atio has trees: that' ing could it is c 6r to US tUt 1-ly at The box at 1%L March f h mee in�,,-i- which honor A new Canadian organiz n werergro edtot e -t nCampbell street. g at'100 -The lentAl' styeo-11 6 y juite ther -Scaled herrib f4r Wrl; TAYLOR, history compilied dwellillg p enorinous, Delineator is, co Nv. I�L mrdy pioneers- ' t b corprited under the name great spring entertainea it, fodder were d the 3,11 o1iijproiceea to b OXG 13 S mcREN ZI E, foundation or basis rbn we Ol U -in 'Chioa trees bad grown. to an C rrigan's. V ),lly valuable and nference UPOIL ".,'-t,e, go. isi-ting "Pecii Heneq, the holding"a, cO Secretary. wouid be done to the sl ol r Sons of Ontario, ena Lawren fore- yurpope Of -ion of the Dominion, elf -sacrifice itL Wag -no w easy task tQ rt�iinber and eroic effort an of the earl thly to whose= It as a behind height, hielf thil-, hope rests is the scarcity wh t Can adia' re -Xiss T avitat regular mopL 101al il proininen resti;g b, w he 6F u -The i -in anY without doing damage to. inte -summer g is d6 T. - W. -Me were Wenda and A ?a Christian s u ic M 0em. in London. it, spring u early spriu 'ec"t-e your -0 Meld oice clovel and timot ntsting estibn -increased the - a ic For ch rableness is -ti& matter - tin. of the prosperous couty not 9 T by cast ft co '41s, for q Govdrnmout- i,,, ill be held every se Too much honor can 1�t, and it promises to become a stron h Vill 'cord we lif - d"" litling'-property- �ey ladieS, Misses v kind offices in e. 8 - I -mate, d the deal ver, th in t1ke Odd FerlO11 and flouri bing Society at the. butti styles and an aslS., GREENWA-Y-' Temper �f ea0h -0) P memory- of such. f ally thrbek feet throuh go to J. Elliot. reity-, but, the b (Signed) -th d -the Sal sea H,,Uv Hop.NFLLosecr We.dnesday - auce that the p- gns. G. W- done �v Aght and- wh nde Lckrow. at etarY. -r 5 feet in he M td by your correspo n vie* of the "Sur ggbbred and full' A irine ThOVO ver ten cords df -Andy Me ke o ew volumes litive just represen of Mj),uitoba T8 BaRRY, - ------ first cut UP -will r6e, -Fifty tbre4[ lit vernment MENTS Mr Rod Gollan, of the in town last week Iia. Certain ludic4t Government F. SCHOQL LAW AnEND-- erick the pullic. Library- a delusive 0: O.Q 'Kinloss, last -week Kincardine, be �ly spring, or the &-pni t have a, coiiferenees the etove w0d, Rastell, 6 y betoken. eat n as the secona concwlon t end 0 W �,'the -proisst and these in ta to Most of thi-sw works have bu di tions imPtO# proposed, as soo 112 based a fine yc- d A week.. and -will df.spring, U. grant for arliDg Shorthorn jubilee ay ia towij im b1i ing of the Ael[16-tll- 1 f avor. At preseut the CO IltY the township been isSu GreenWV's Urc P in 'Mr.* Rivers, of a it, a of 11oly- instruq- th d'wi+.h the hope'of a �,�ry of Maitian. W e hitu erence with 1mr- nijig a. 6,clock in, y I E-cli0ols is nied by -levying a ce pai aa good. The Presb+Yl A nie Statt er r sting aiad ity of have a cont Mee v All brethren - obtai bu ro d iv` be found ve �ere are very Frida i..&uoxchurcb, ian the village- ot members results -q6verneent. -terms street. rura divided of Brant. The pri m6eting &'frieuds in but the Be *ith a view to -airri'" ba�% Camp line hold is visitiu fio are n 06 he' ptionally. bg March roc rate on the township, and is, t be is an exce isike. an - La- nevet. Mond the One, bu Ripley, On el aramoth, d should join. a Oce. a settlement Of this q'iestion" G -v -W. WILSON. i's of attend- -,Red ivi Ing anuoulic '7� M -We t ikuoth6 trefreall, minority of Manitoba -Oqls on a.bas 0 paunds. lebrate the abilee in th of a r 15f &00ryto his 1 .0 'em Ww. TAYLOR, Recorder. animal, an',weighs 10 -1.6th, to;ce cash at that will be sat' ajilon, the Bch I I - 0 therlana es sold Jor '.L\-oble -Trand. -Mr J. G. operty, and equip- of R�v. A -811 cerne clov ment and V Pr Other of your correspo I#oeeed 1011 Of peb orrigaDS. w4o ba been on the sick f roul a:u ance, conditi wowt call This TIU16 'll be 6 lb�! meeting W1 Wawanosh, . 9 AOUW leg:islatlon came into eThe a perforined -but in the meautim�6 to that was due to -strike art of' the - pro- 'Will (D.V.) be ast, g ve us & "The cemetery wa ment. -This k p Meetings In �a A4 4 i PI u before th6 HOW", The comet �n� restilIg- -Gospel ist for several 1elaks p OW erson, eariDg- co sist of -,addresses -by t2:30 P,111- ueaday, 1,11 We gre Afr�-"`Tbfi statement the questiO CKZ late Dr. Ry but 14th is- sh ci�` T previously arrSuged, under -the, -earth'On March Rev- le&sant call Forinatice Ot aiera,- a- fore n e in the BaptiptCharch a Lodge of the L s this time. As krarnme �will Sunday. In- to the Per' I : i'le is rapidly getti ot bit u Rev�_ uturay Of. ad to k now, broer (,I, in t is not what he jut uded off and will It ea 91 r jelf again. orly at the hali& Ari anifestly'i y agairk for anbro6k and-. Rev. J. . ue, orchird 0 marriage cere-Lu of If � wylg DiJ1qGXXX0X Tj,itd uld be. The object- for either it wo!t come this wa UcRac, !!of -- C, -Tirnothy, miettaqW baelf to. his 0 All are but the idea P l,the Odd it sho last meeti It f St.;.Catherineif at lie ye� Lrra i 'L W, County or, E 11M Lrs there is still. time M y 0 pleased to Rev. Mr--;, .10i Township 15,000,*000 7 of friends grasi. liad perunal rye 501d for cash: -T- he S on such -an on We(luesaay fell A -large gat ering . . V - h i cemetery' (.n th�� a eath Legislation, lcob4. and marriage 'a far, The carnival I �cod qac-nt subscribers to. pay-. we re. ex ecte Corrigan PUULILb a thfi mind �y duccess alia VV f6r a few delin a t decided t ven r erable PaStO - -p GoOeridh -venings Of been to, strengthen a grants Must haj terrestial sphere -is of r 6"f charge. Correspon- oediliOu carrle to the joleim week was 8 T before thi4 h -end. the ma rl notices free from -the Scene at issue ented, from both well t ot fail.to ait eliet a avor out LMORth at eig thq present UP by f urnishing b il — J�adjes concert oA Mar weak sehOO19� since annihilated. 0 be pr6en�- . -h -will f A reverS140 of ch 19t dets'Will COnf ular b d f the'departed L know. There were in. no :,. , some 0 9 0 e 0 Id -ts t which hath,- iu d entertaiia tices, 41�,Way§ being partio a this abode' at tiw�s t i Ucl ilme he e. invite system giv o the. murder an Such no h r a on t ren C ially I lVer TOe Bavl'10 unique , jes thoug t to thl ty Cost . requi Brei Ford i Unprofitable, -ULE -Of �yjth.names, dates, a eg d b In A Fine Dv -ely ass-odi4e 6� we ever _had -K D Re'Order. Ulls a rements.' the brother Of insboio, he.fivj�st the. ALF c 'mr. - R. D. McIntosh On Monday inan, ind-Ausa Lo: to be accura4 but it is ran hort of thoL were t' ounty age ceremoni of seeing. the co r details. Ing Slaster workman. proposed the C nfessea- mur. ueEt of Mrs. Dave ivi es them_ The W10W last sed - from Mr. John D. Michael Brenn miltoll, are the g etc,; and gi-VI­,?j prope e c surc th P1 a he I)rMe the, bill now ver purcha the Bank of Mr. John A StrAthy, the. Bar n Ross stteet. ArInstong-alld her with `marr:' liberty of correct -ill ke liames 4-t. iarr of derer o 1 nto on Mon� McDonald, 6 -Mrs. 9, assume the., at t ist miss �Wil rity. and -a gra -\ I e V& at I OLD LICIFT LODGE Gouncii shall levy, a Uniform rate 0 ichol, Mal ri. -colored rie ex-:bankorl'was in Toro march th . 'as 1 -,1 of pupils will give ord, cemetery* -Yet 'a 8 fine buckski tl,,6 concert On talented 7 ier,all Betst -dressec - WY, at of $50 end -At oinnient iA 1fijs Revi miss. Hamilton, hi uaaei �o def the Town use of -the,w X1717 ging for co me* will -be grand outer A. grand. loss to berts, 2nd the whole coil excelfenti day trial., prograim know how She is All ea man r th - diiving Mare- 1�)tti th6 entire � d April 10th - A 21 - na, to 011 the �corftillg t , 1, metery. AXICUA- �i he in OM is fu vor ladies. on F'rid ade f degree the in 'I aW mbin will endea. mQrrie i�a and 'all. perfo- a ce son; bpsb dressed gentle es jo a large -bi*h o- The' -weaker school animal, -a6d­ CO, renderold I be presen ild to -attell WM. e lhio dress, ist Georg's giv M cement$. co Is be. greatly . Watch fo er annO1411 couxTY HISTORY*': tural, s6hOOl* two very easi to hav6the crime'reduc at their G Pv -ntial qualitieli in a driver, The de.�enc6, it is saic ... ed -to th of Mi a; Loan 2nd' -The' Ladies oeiety of the progra, strength- e a arr ed sho#ia- mak Luckni)Nv; F -U1tS.DAy,NIG11T sections will- thl ati' of both beauty and speed. A search has been Methodist church wi r 2na Jaes V Ryf H ci)pte pf edu or- we stbriok of Dangal:11101at :Ira L full moont in the 'e-ded and the �rin I BrE;nuan's effects which h Printing Company'. d6i T 16t; n dit6r.Luck ',),-k street- rm r ja T.A* �fore Rentind, now 'y 0 ucknow; ObBta' on or Ill re nearly 'no- ladies concert on arch 19th' :-The Br4 . �� ievublic mo TvAln Dela,70d 'his trunks lore, but h d. Tuesday. Lia -lave. the asses by tl� look 'u 1) pure as- WG asonic hau, ed, on the casl m Isaac. Mo 'IsOu has dne on h - SiRl H,&Rry DAYS, -big allow stO Toronto, aPsfR6 000 Una --assests are MaY Adria,4 Shoebottom, attained. on 4ecount ef the thing was fdiina bearing use - and loti, On bilitieS � -are -I.,thilik that I 0W y an due few' lawyer ed the Edison ag&1n!jt -which - F- the �.tidvo- of 'Luci Another the Will '; ghby� street, ?,ast. estims C ett` of claim 0 Aires e -to dett�s of to section provid0a for- the �u Saturday. last, the ex( to b th or �illf ul V thelate tr "option of im 600, Father d b W ted v, 102, rene aceA secure county c6briel r best t 8 of m.j di. -rrfe on r of to I - dbure 0 lit the or 130 L, meeting -Of ttils e here 10-30 p. d not reach. in also IL 2 a his' wife. -I a to be reg Sunday Brennan an iadie Br,wi� of Kincardine, re a%- 'e a mount, so that or- Me GENERAL I tioOlrs'o r.- , - dOtile,,the j -u6& did day in ck ti)l- six o'efock. on about -the 't f 'r as, -,Post is on the., first Wednes LUC now as a dble' the P------ Ibut -,�%.t�jere was OnlY two h 14 girl schoo endint a, 4 dinary owil C)UNNImiGHAM. ing to be hqld 'he early trai 3w days 'wh I -get next t 0ourity of Brad y.quarter; tile Ineet morning. News -i has e&, I � ble dreisse 04 -t le - no amblef. .0 write plalaw nothing. i8k the then coune 't 3r we have anfor- -be of great benefit tij the 16:40 train went its a getner ettiest ealaudA 3 W- -The pr Every pvzo ED -a from -the Cana a� Eye.stght! `61i for igjDg 'Of MARINE, evet a nd', no mail - iss C1 X8; ri,eless a' - ' he. school holl e. - - There is no morning Was cancelled. a laer- friend il coul not consider them worthy AND in i�d to appt9priate n va ell zjjia�ea FIRS ELP". doubt that this -will went south un be Stated. I iinduc one GU sections. As a general thipg, All trains are now runing Wihst you can for your eses 'ItI.1895 my Mary jut bY individual; us he, is u in Inalay through. It people who ess thet received this year. -the pritici e thi Company, of Toronto of the year.- thi.3 purppse- Ce hone NO, iven ularly., cly and suf] inting In �&d with Wwas lost 01 little attention is 9' aciently, soldo, 6 ,a divi9l P by, -the during trying Be Ironicle letter Convention 40n, to Win too reg -- --------- plain, heir 9, LOaLrue Get - pt VerlY PrOv' ble glo, The council of Oi� Year -on pay. d duty entrusted �O complain of . th* -The Epwith t no pers _p any Ittot hav, cause t - . tis subjected few vo es. trustees to the adre - 0 for. nee -will be` hold - at d relieve as much as Poss' be 1presbyteriml 1900i0ty detained. A, of ' nao eye T. Lo ll CO M r. and said, of olw� otheiwige &&e tension. the i.gly,compOsed of men 16T misgopt - ad. thsve, family Sunayed -in Luckn6*. to their care- and W. F. M. 'Presbytel� -93rd the eX' might 24th an� is see hout Sear, of The Matti -his matter Is St. ThomaS-0-11 -ch to modern ideas i rural. boards Witt in meet in Lucknow -litblbj pains, taken.irr t 25th. Graosate, lop 'dvanc' many ial s6eioty, W W irm voted a sl&U sum B. Crawfora D.D.9 By that, never meet, eriali church, on Tuesday, id by the greater cartaiii J. am glad to say, rs . contradiction, th' well Irepai age do noj� ask� for IL 3 lit Dr NZWt011 cept ith- :Whi h MISS - the VresbYt neited.fishers for the te on Fri Went i-youe far -Notic I purpose mentioned! � onto Sohool of. aary, t6 December, the uf ternoon, 1-130 P -M- jtV and expedition our de6ideasuccess. aduat� of Tor 4 th ir -Two-' thel 61h was -w! Gr the com- rde 'My OPIDLUU . I v;hi . nonor Y.when- 0 other dayv 61 the, teeting �On Thurzaal. �Ovell- Too lettbis Vw n Alb -the L I' In be forwa redibdn 0161 for �cak- J - ' ert from Jan' called ti hear 1'tthb-eino' meetiiag of the SafC d to 0 rer a d tiinothysoed. We have not ,tistry and Doctor of posib parent. the annual I ot 5elli g stri tly down to Thetea-ix D jail t be present from 'I Ifincipally paulls -.vhu.rph P X of' S4 eir agates Will' are The people )me ir&W I Society, 01 reaflOctive destinations clean Ry" - . though th the. the Presby- . endugh that e end r e a le It b+ their intOntiOn to en9ugh 10ifig' P t In Ly in DFINTSL STRCT at as -various auxiliaries In iould be a est , hand- Deuti.,tr.y performed many, trustee% a th 8 e at K one, of the b t of all i�s herring, white council'is C Of thli tOun -Y at�taed,. and the 3*ing kll ilperations Mply to -hire" -w teacher as- t -All ladies aT4 welcome at the - own' writing on a lot er. -Mr. Andy B-- lake of i lie press 'itiwould S i�ougud' duty was sl read, his has, WO are with care ar-d endeavor to doall work ery Special missionary tor , ar' .11 el of the fin6y the Medium The p or - -ning me( er whA er it] 6 . , would seem -to roeee ev �tiug. should. -consid plasterers L. thisl regioll, r jit. -4nd .6 -fift eap" ]possible and pr6ise e gla to say, Out tab] fair anc toLover. Y d6114TS. satisfaqtorY- O1dL Porcelain. Silver and h or afterwards, ddresses 'will be delivered- by Rev. H4, or she, 0 tak nupy T43640110e in e to Say thiiy came and it I with G jin or hi6r ev a d ib L., -have only 'been, w one ur, now. 'thl censure b eturned missionary from. ilib:writing is fully -and eabilT 109 perch, which -none and, 0 availing model Dr. Smith, r he post of [ce, L ,k i- 'ho wl .:1 deservea tri -to the e mrs.,J. G. Andergon, copper E DIOYO& Of, t hand to 'in7 .Mal m to. !the Pr ��qe it by the- oral robibWon All take in f -V. of pres&rviD9 according hdresOy d o0ers- V4-- Domi lon F would act papo �S Visitin feabods inhl [ad, vvith a view rel .On- the 31onan, an letters --..;The of the 0 ed.locil Is -ably cond: to, ru -was and to hands the in - Luck- 1,pearanoe- and ol the beat Solely t� In through who n Sir.- straight the, naturAt ren; but as ----------- P ra OneY, re -a small Sul Alex J�entlau`d 61104 clean. melt. i ates artorls .0 d in V b of 'been evidence Of chill JAkelY t -de the Court'01. cuuiity we been niade to 6=1 i0dv6Ca`( than has.beea V6110, 41OW. -ou;Ta0diky- ol house to examinot the -By th'iJudgemen' A "TuesdaY 13 the divided i has in the scho rmed that Mr. pro] iIoraing, the trus- evelft more r- ing We.are credibly; into il of Matthew nutahinuou pers.;w �proplo -this 'Vie' 1A0TJ,,qG-Au ak)PlicatiO4 ast -,--MSLV P- guin for painless extirk6ting. it condition of maps, tituencies. h of. -these pa he rod:SJA oraillee in E Of B - - a :will, ppeal 0 FMong qua olton lot 'Mdritiall atity., and. P )Tt Elglu chure- -*0 Lecf�ssjry ja - oltq atron t member n met; Hutchinson, � to -av tried, withauccess.'. ddition rds or other n -T thew -ist, TePOVer bee blackb( rr6sb ter3 -in Chr glAe Hutchinson, a a- B �,dthr h speil% in Mr d 6 Of bytei Unite. . - r. �Xalioug -of prol firm t -ia-- the.. rps Branit Board of mee- 6! f� the church ut.to resigli.. )gilV_e tisn, church,' en ly adveftise th� Allins new.16lock School Bruce, is a 0 1 3erty from, e cra'l IOU 'ciPllit'es us OFFICE,- apgaratus. or calling ber of 'the theiGoderich branch-, Tuesday,'Vith- POSSAPSIOX V 6tay sall, at on Luckno* atch opefations. would,bo as �Was k mein -tile sawe rfij��ger of.. �lz t.joftrulteos ap�bintea by 3�ld fornish is quol nry h urs to w year and r c( i5f, �whjeh IS 0 1jealth- lost nday- at ca" 3 died on SIX aother evi agy� visit, -litipleys -their ideas of duty" disproved Vy thb* businesi �t-i 30 -1 - le merabeqhitl. ipterestin4inOl am"O a hotel anid- faction- it t1 day thing C041(lp, -be e qu cluOP 1011 ear t6fter year e —Will foreign to 6 bi irning courCs for 0 -being lost 7 his ilb .. ., t� -a go by theeat' aftet no0um Th arter.; t' course was IA -'S Deceased was Dorn lingering "has been ------ d in 1827; a-. awho n el e Men many Ing 1, 181D w n e. ly meeting stables /i - - i ) Thurs -Of Brant w1ho wete week dif the Board is a amove in those- ratepityers Fiver id'Ayrshire,-'so6d B mcefield last nther,a V Om e keep the Sugeon I his parents iD 1Z a valua�* of is told, by A YOU -county witl U�ig 7PAed ip the Tol.tortis to this councillor -A a artid - -- -;J� , In fro' NOTIUK the right direction "Xious dto�L. -thought ist(r- Ot and rig. 1 � I ?I call a or I also oroposes to ex lho a; horso, ealth The bil their interests and 1-$33 H is, mother was w L Al 413 _0k �,ijlfttl I up I tend -the LS- against founder the , an. b who I -r -11 - NED AN course NYE Of is at It OpF f the Ila, towns and iucorForated -The 0i 4,,�iah to,'a *98 in!' W1 no wleaj of the men ISCUIBBB HAS This local Jaunies Miller$ -The sj�ria z east a rried ntry in the buildlul V T119 SUI olidays., oWalkerton. S are cou h s and the crow Uo aikedfor extend 4 oralil nehips.; wflat th 1111ffn pri Office. - a; illfiges the'll-oliday. ter, or 0 �ho first rob as hf5-,, vd4 71"Otm" h IS i e Ot Steal I n M. ` not 1113 in city' a -11 - d and as Several Si the are jlaYi4 in h 0 atioli. o12, bEASES. tembe Rural feeling had not mbste 1864 too Hel0n Ogilv' for prar ngci4a Awo ll the first-day in -.Sep Patrons ad. Od north11. tich 3ob feel iig,not -sv eri - some One sOf ihe �,Rldinjg- YOU1119f fi. aL rant 0 ra -ne of the M WAS 1 at, of the kickers are stau UWl WILL )"owed!-a�� Of esars. Ogilvie. Xle w :i It mouTGAGES ND bho week as B- bulwarks When re s-J.i h "mouth wor D1975D-8- �VLLY PlEtFPARK3D7----- flian 0013. thought feh'in 1874.. F e di PaSSO&I' met 110- oCARHI ter the, salhe -As u patr Bra in Fast trud`6 it is --t &406,46 Open 'Lug %V is sad estimates for buil as Oni be asked to 66impleted h6 entered- -into p in, thia. et. - 4 -that Mr-� TOItOu whidh­ -'W broille ishe.4 beat itfi.Mossrs. Ogilvie i4" ­ _Q1 4, , -tie was B r � � - 7 *WOW father. _qqk�fl, - lug so --9 -it J096 46rie of Millis bridges,�OtC. s furn 1880 out of overyloo is -ul i tted is. -not In: L - resign. verA years- dd on, ahort notice. a of -Englabol ad. - - - -14 qui4 F h t, ion and or Be MOW -,a eye native afigs-ior, t I oufor the posit- ind of t e - Rb- Vn1l 8 OXEItVILLE le 94 W t t" throng- peop einber of the- to* W eves. w A William Ini public wee I JAB. S and 98 of Great Britain and, + down Mr-, cucl ne of tih0iite ILW d, Wales ar, in New, ngest Vale is the stro 0 U. ------ 100, tvtrons q0 York an 1dr a Cleveland out elf 7 every d aeCUP AAMNz 0-URES Irland. inthe same ye lop [f nA W, 119, the a off Valens is fi)r � bmth fOr foreign ca tki Ridi ping &W 80 were LU U19111k I* ill,betroit 8TH -MA borii or. 6bildrel one. f meand. maphe FRE -11a foreign born paren, that We Will -U "KbijAlor. STq L