HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-02-28, Page 1U,
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�Iiapita paid up 81,250,000 0
fteservs Fund
t-otal A 4%sets
L�residenlv_ -JOHN STUABT..
V co-P--Rdd t-- 2'P
1 n A. (I. Axs&T,
4�1 OW0#4dang fikaZ
W, '--XTAR.TL0-- T4 I,YEBRUIA R-Y'28th-: 1896.
Vol x1ni— 9 LUO �jDA 1162
A. T. WcoD, A. -B� LEz (Toronto) -of evw7thing, bat we kn.,3
011,14f ling -44(lit Parlor Social acrimmon and. A. Trufi�
I Tuesday- evening
2 -5th inst., a.' Smith spent Sunda� - with' friends in
nu!i ML nothing in which this is more
A --IIVGS BANK.—HoUre 10 to b of young pe PIQ ass 1� t Ripley -of Mr. W
3; Satur- e ubled a Mrs. Jollii. McDonald, of Ripley, Theresidene of
C.zshier-J. TUR"ULL. 06' , I
1W 0 'isi ting fri in
. 'a, -e n the � Of
t, Depositsofflandupwards Offictial Visit the b tfie scerie of a b t portautthau i testi 9
r-,. ived LzidinterestatlowfA. i a Pidence of Mr. Rcbert Blake, as been y iends in this Kinloss wwas
'BANKERS. �Mi$s Allie MoDonagb, of Zion, icinity durin the past week. , - -b. 19t �6, eyesight the- fitting Of spe
5 P1001AL DEPOSITS also received at cu y social was ta be hel& was the a evinb on Wednesday, Feb. 1-9 -'
r- On Monde. evening newt, 'March wherq'is parlor and
u of Mrs Fred Robinson a
n�ut rates
Andrew Courtice is spendidg,a d
of interest. ESTABLISItED 18.88.- 2nd; R. W. Bro. James Walwsley,.- -i in aidHd the i&thodist church. A fe- djiys'law few when his daughter'Johaun was VA cles. A careless, test
w week.
ng w ap - Pie
-banking -A- -but the wr
We do a.general business -D.D.G.M., LQf Wiarton. nill'; pay Old very eveni' As spen t iff t ho in marriaze to willi of
14A �FTS ia Great Britain and the United I. the day� in -our midst. the sight, perhaps,
--*r. and Mirs. - R. Proctor, attenc
Statvsh-,ug tandsold. issuedrafts payable through6ut Can- Light Lodge No. 184, Lucknow, his usual chat and rendering of L Kinloss. The cerethoni lv;�
a neral ofthe late 4ohn Shelton Mis� Sarah Courtice, is now -on a by th-e;Rev. A. -Mc g.asa"st t e
e- Unifed States. We make first official visit. A lit attendance a numbie
ed the f' h same, may tdean
"AW, -
IQ ., - I i
Az- ��;,
rge plen at Ripley, on- Monda y- la� t. rolonged visit with her many friends, Mi, -j-
stance were p ennie Pierce esf� the eyes while. a -c
d g in 'T of ay' '6' e g i4j -Ohn ilik.440ii
J-OHN D NIOROLi SuB-AGzNT. ada'and th prom -a' me. A
collections on all points nclud is requested.
ing young, people fr in 'a di ter of th
I j)e 111orilthly fellowship, meeting - Xoseph Quinn,has retarned after' a �ssisted the bride, ful:6t in� proper glawas mea
0 1 ethod ist. Ch u 'Ch 1 will he held prolonged visit ong ri n' d
Western States, ldanit�ba -and tN aa while
pres W! amd came Erward
NorthL*est PrOTI'neesf, and all collect- Invited 13abk. in tf;e am e
on :wi-,h the- enj fiiei�t. The f -r,& r Fraser -assisted the groom. Aft6 the lasein*eomfort andatisfaction.
of joy
A. MALOOMSON, RATtRIST]9&' ether note or account will largely attended -in -10 to 11. L6gan.
ions W11- At a eetin nex iti.day morriin", froin
'Out, tw I I .
offiring amounted eo al; ve, - I ceremony was performed the gu4a
the Offi6ial Board of' -the Methodist Zia J, Vublic at 11 a.m, antl'7- PL to
Pa Solicitor. Convevancer. etc., (late o hav6pyom& attention, inMr. and' L Its. F cott entertained �tlie.nurnber of o red weti, -.6. *0 - 1i 5P60tv0103 zhl we
i r Cameron, Holt.& Camerou, Godeiich)- Offic Notes
-discounted and fArmeFs sale church,on Tuesday evening la4t,' a
v �D Matdonell, of a large number of their neighbors and tertained at superb bauquet-,.fiffi� e
p-�tairsiir Allin.' � I
a new block. unanimous invitation was extended to R t1 011
notes solicited-. frierids one evening lately, and all jn ti a was done here a
Knox Church B Toronto. one of the ablest and iao�t- A c
upned. , - - - �,p -
their popular rainister Rev. . 1. . B. MORRISON, BARRISTER. I Th of popular ministers of We"know how todo it, and we o
We have a large amount of funds to., Wallwin 13. A.-, to remain their pas -
the �Presbyterian report having had a ood time. of ihe evening- w4s spent in difte
o soilcitori Commissioner. Nbtaky nox Presbyterian church, . - .,ihg -
e organ,. and other games. Maj We test carefully. We DiLeer
etc. M6uey to loan, Office Over Moody 8 mortgage at from five -per tor for arioth6i. year, Whicli ton, was totall ine of his father.- Pfenty of choice music On. the
advance on Palo -chiirch,'Ai d at.thp,ho' was y distroyed b
at aturday.nigh y 'in4aw, in Fergus, last week. -violin, and tiiangle, some good recitai- given to Lheii:L by their
-last. Rev. ;14
Barber Shop.- cent up.. The r e is graded i6ecord 1 heartily accepted by Air. Wallwin, fire,6n,, t 01y, just the proper le6s tbitteorrect
ing to quality and size-of�loan requir- subject I to -the -decision of' the Station- McKa' of Woodstock, was in Palther- ---The primqtit is the last leap yea -ti n nd'-% few. song helped to make friends. Xr. and A] rs, Pierce t *1 h d
-,1s.RJtOW & PROUDFOOT, BAREIS osa defaot -of vision. W -e -fit -these len
4, eic., Qoderich, Out. ed. C
tels, Solicitor.
q'take. cha- rge of.the first anijivee- the century is
nig ommittee. ston t useless, to tell the the eve I g enjoyable- Mr. -Scott movingto their future home I the
T- -loan -small amounts on.. second renderedrh78 f av'Orite son- "My into.the frame thaCbeat suits
J. T. GARRow, Q.C. WN.PROIJI)FOO We -sary services -and on Moiday evening ladies to but It fancy village of Holyrood. on the. fin't �,of
farm m9rtgag 9 11. is out and paA6 it in in- Gold, Silver, Nickle
Last FrIday's.Raco. hew 0 an address on "The their botin ts � 'th
es and on chattel. mort ast 9 giv e - e latter are too, sm t n March. We all join in wishing th6j�- either
MEDICAL gages. On account of the bi all free," and its very startling effee o
gjae of the eksily slip some of the ladle
Church. -:611 Fire'. However the to hold it=but.they gould ies was very noticable. very happy and prosperous future, Steel, andlastly we e toilh
season being postponed, Messrs Gay & guarante
-hand for sale, ED,
TEN.XA>T, PHYSICIAN We have generally on leh isf- Church� of that -pl6ce was it -up their sleeiveFi.: Rev. Mt. Anderson, of Tiveron, is� kr, William Ha'r'per lefr, 6n A10A&Y you satisfaction. Test free at'
Huron,-Ashm Jewittgave a two mile, race: 'their,
D.Surgeou and Accofacheur. Surgery farm- property in Kinloss, r;D
open to then), and thqy -held -�Ftir Sate or to -let! A valuable announced to preach here is home.in Manitoba. es
I moderate charg only forglassesi-
from 9 to 121 a. in. ; fiom. 2 4o 5 p. m. and from -r. Sam nniversary Oil Sunday-,, nd garden consist" next.-. r. - Geo. McIntosh and?,��Ilwm.
and on easy terms. e, of Kincardine and M' ing of 1-1 %cres, frame
grocerystore. Office hours fieldandWawan h t shi che rin 0 F iday- e*enii*g for -Mr, Jas. theie A Al
th n for h
over os own ps aP k n r
7 to 9 P. in. 4 Alitiroe; of Zorrkt, are visi required.
their t a -meeting on IVIo6day eve
am, the- only t d cherre
llidtt, of Wingb nir1g. house, good well,'apple .an ting W�
4. We represent the leading English and ST HELENS Frasers..
Mol). GORDON, bl.D.. C.M., F.T* �Canadian Firevin§urance,,� Companys it beautiftil church -and -is aftrees', black,and'red currents, aA4 lots
P.Ompetitors who succeeded in, getting J.- W. ARMSTRONG)
m-C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- thro�ugh the storm for, that night, and to the congregation,_ as it of a os6 hOrries, -Ydr-furthf�r RESOLUTION OF COMDOL
in Avm. and -can effect idaurance-oit all classes 0 --partic- I -
F- Allli�s Block. Graduate 0
zoon. And iccoucheur. Upstaira
Burnside succeeded in � winning fiAt mpleted about a year ago. ul A sleigh load of young fb'.ks trom
ey, LuCkNow
A-llin's'new block. Residence Ross street. of property in Stock or Mutual' Com- ars apply ioi Jas. Bail ear the
Cos stoke. ir efe4timg Elliott three lips. The foll6
behind Cameron, Murdoch & money by d Presbyterian cli rch. f Goderich p`as�sed an etij able evening wink resolution of r6ii&l-
2 - - u -worth your whi'.e -1a
----------- -of Mr obt Lockhart enco was passed by the a'. I p P. -S.-Make-it
Ueleatid at Goderldh. at the residence
R.. D. GEDDES.. V. S., Our office hours are from 10. a.m,_t' Po on Tw- he millinery -openingtakei -r :Th
panies as des ed
CA.LLS ol� -inks representing't4eLucknow -T p Oaledonii No. 49, 8.0-S.,of Witikfik�n, -;Z� . 0p ed Races on Monday.
Deither b * mail or telegrain promptly 4 p, m. -evening.. look up our testimonials.
y --The races announced for Friday- -Curlin Club went- tQ -Goderich on in Toronto this week.- Miss Lawson Mr T
dtendedto. Charges moderate. Residence GEO A. SIDD' r - is �here copy�ingr the best s�yles. for -erich Colle. to the bereaved wifd and, childr4h -of are'commencing;
ADL, Xa�na evening -last, lasf, to John Clarke, of God
outram-street, opposite -Dr Elliotts a�j were * postponed an INIOnd )Iay - against tli" giate Institute was here on 161onda'y: our 'esteeuied and b6loved 'br'6'-tifi
account p er
I - e: 'Ana,
econd door north Of 919STINM Office. of the storm delaying those curlers f the circular' town, and-- were s. -and will havesome6f1the latet Angus Stewart, who died F6b,,406h, AN ADDRESS By.
patterbs to show the ladies 'of "tuck- Mr John Mc%,stie and - Mrs Ev. JL IMMAAc-
who intended t* cofflWe, and will be defe t�,' by two -shot%. The' %core, LUCKX
R. A. J. GIBBOS, V. S. V, D., Eon 4 1896 at his -home in Kinl AY
4 11 - We in 0 OW..
JLP Graduate qnege rue Rink this -(Thuirs- was Ow and vicinity - Forest on -
of Ontario Veterinary(' held in I -lie Lo n t
ake this, Pritchard oss.
-Ary department a S�pecl
and Registered Member of the Veterin W� Connell; Monday.. Whereas it has pleased Al�&a Rodevick MclLead an -hlx
ialty. To Rev
medical Socieiy, One door east of Girvin's day) evening, Seven or. eight of the QODER�CH. God in His isdom to ramoveiLfebtri
'have t LUCLNOW . -o-r-lieing AIr and Mrs Robt McGrory have
barber shop. opposite Allin's block, Campbell best skaters of We distriab elepp, AN lo: woman-,--tiriYd �tfoi;l into 'Huron Con.
D Mc rMlick- J McGarry our midst our lite broihtr,�.4- 'HE LIBERTY TO UTTER AN . D TO ARGUE -y a drunikeii brute returned. to their home in Clitton D Hol, es T F Cain. be in resol ved wh street. Lucknow. Charges moderate6 -Calls raphed 'tha t they w ill be o hand. kicl�ed and edffed b in'h4 gregation. Ripley. Jan.
j)6 b&�i� 20th, 1696
romptly attended to day or night. Boardili of a husband �had him ,arrested and Mich.
Wouse. McGarry's HateL DICTATES The purse of $25. will be divided into 8 -XI - - -- -1 - submission "to the will of 0
aid, ''son P A Malicomson fine , I .. kur--��
d $50. TheA to saVe - lini -from ued
two.p d$10. '.This will J Lock-wook J B-11unter A his fine-. -*nU yet'so en Wilson and Thos Ta�y- gather,- whe-doe& a �jthil (Condu from last week.)
rizes of $15. an
OF CON ABOVLIALL prison she pa] me I things we 4,,,.b -e- W of trUt7
SOCIETIES OTHER LIBERTIES possibly be the beat race ever held in lor, who have been paying an extende&ing too wise to.err and toc f 1. Wa8 upou hzl
�kip 16 skip 22 people think t�py understa�pd - the pet- )-good 14 er, eturned un ear e
Lucknov� and all our peopli, should. Hu M Corrigan ticoated p uzzle:o'f the niiieteenth cen- visit to frienda in St Helens r kind, we che-
W J Skinner
witnessit.. Capt tury their home..at Guelphr this week. remembranice of the man irtti��r'�'4Df I -This will fiollowinaking a rightgm
LODGE -Lualmovir Febzu'aiy 28tl 1896. e!sh: -has gone to London. our broiher� who has
Fop 'D�hnquqntg W. M J� G-Murcloch -An ekehn-e says: that a mar, George Cranston -ofbooka�- ke -ma'
of 0 A l-� mber-' W Allin named Moon' 'wis- pyesefited with a where. be has sectired a situation.- -comma e hi f of Tbn ods- understand -the vOay of
INDEPENDENT We have still a arge number
Order -of Foresters dau�41�ter.by his ife. That was a J -Ze- -ands to ir)h6rit the - kin 'd" r0krad so shall I
e Oddfellows' rears McDonald, of t1and has -te- talk of thy wondrous, woike
THE CATTLE EMBARGO. -subscribers who are sadly
meets in th n ar P to'St for him from the founda, -a the Pg. I Irg -27. If our hW%b are fUnr of
hink that- they' ne
Hall on the fourth Tues and who seem. to t i ont.- The old man was so over- urned �Hclens.
mouth, at IWO
t pay- the -printer- We are ..34 -o e a�t. he apt full. TI)at w4s:Alufl.- Rev Mr Wha' visit rid. ' Resolved that white the bible,
each should no leyAs &way on a we cannot but'speak r of 'the
't -human
-eom�R4 neFil W -realize' tha
e- dz
lzrethren cordially invited. -io-F- the er he had - ;to f �ien . in the vicinity of Toronto.
7:30 o'cloc Vivid ing out a list of those m W eii� _got sob e wei6#8s bible; -and the- bible testifiesf01irisfa.
-th"r en a length,� aCCOU can. do.but iWe to lighten the Preach - Christ�Christ
.�s�us§ion nivepsary. Services.' only 5 cgnts. This was his -last r _
rolicitor'and the nt.s are-.:%eina- and Vi'm
Day d crucified. He i the wonderDus
Ga:Tuesday of last week Mr. Soh
Last unday was- An, niv orsary 9 JJiSS of borne down with sorroov
Recording Secretary. miils-Ltise�s and -made out at our credit price. While Durnin wa's uited in marria -6 to
,e Bill, quarter.
ir. the Methodist Church, and 'fine M erdglied-by grief, yet we desire tim
-4'And I if I be lif ied up Iftrow
on,t4e Ani
bill -recently broug4t in :really pro. all su i tion'S should be n �Iaconseqpencc of -Rev. Mr. Me- _Ph magnet,
UCkNOW REBEKAH ]DEGREE paid i. ep, Colbourne. The cemete -family Yur -the �Ejrth rw -me-
congregations, liberal offerings and rY to the sorrowing wife and �Wflm a all
advance, we have always looked on Kay Mr. was perfoiniid-�� n. unto uke.
L Lodge No 22, meets in the Oddfellows' poses to permanently prohibit the - excelle& sermons were the r' er of filling 'the. pulpit 0� Rev. _y. RtvANIrJeanes,of h
Hall'on the econd and fourth Thursdays of those who pay' wit eartfelt sympathy and with
'V;,3iting IM hin, the 'twelve the dayi-i Ray Ja:S. nderson, at Wroxeter, fhere was no Dungannon.' In Christ we, 6ve an inexhimustable
'mouth at 8 o'clock, )Dm every e, o take -pleasure i -6ii`ura Aeir
li� P, M. portation of live. animals fr loss; aud.we - hopd eac ths as entitled to, th�: -c.18h rate, Ki ilim-an of the District, n r Cr theme. One has well said,--'Wera
ome neatiline, Ch
sistgrsand brothers are cordially wel � I service. i ' the eshyteriark ch rch con -ratulating the young cou 'le --and
art of the world, the colonies inblud- Our tr thog p the promise of our Fath6r to 11B-iAA'�p the highESt heaven -my pulpit, the
p ouble is with ftere in the nio'rning last Sabbath e'
e 'who owe for preach�4 ruorni6g nd evguing. His ext nd to thern-our best -wishes
R as. T. REi D, MRs. A.B. COI GUAM, ed. Ever -since -the Domini' In the Broke 64 A
oble Grand Secieta)y.. on was 189 4, ai) d "previous years. -sermohb were 'models -of: elocution, th, evening M r. Anderson -of Tiverton n Rearted and to prot.- e whole lost of the� ideemed.-my
I -
A number of delegates froni the fatherless aud-ihe widow" wit. .,b
country, and
gelieduled -as a dis'eued` pathos 4nd-power. In the '-rnin- occu ied the polpit audience, and Aernity my dtiy. -Christ
mo p
0. R. COURT Terr-peranee Lodge Utended the Dis- he present cas Uk
Box Social was The Spirit of Man. is the amplyJ uAitied ju. t woulii be my theme
his'texbs' 7
C rofitable trade in store�c),ttle was -The "all 41-koard, going north- trictmeting-of ihe 1. 0. G. T. at that/a kind Proiidence may pr bt
The box social held in the -Town Candlo'6f the, Lord," Prov. 20 ; 27., 1-1 r o
Lucknow. Ae't' mined, the Scottish'farmers,ihave,been -sou.tl nean" r'rD.,,active service has Auturn' on Wednesday. 'le Il If you preach Christ, youmus!
everyfirst and third Hall on Thursday evening was without, and in. �'he'evening h and,/ . ad them to that reach the d(setrines of the -word; &nel
e preached on the retired, and Mr. Robert" Mullin tak grand
-ion �� with doubt -the moA enjoyable e ening of Prodirggl Son. el The entertainment Rnd--Iecture in above, where there is no partiu'g Min
Monday . of every agitatin-� in coajunc, the In: his pladc as conductor, motermall, and. villa e ball on -Minday evening was loved.o ,s, neither sorrow or 6 mouth, in the Oftuge V he,. morning 'no Past t
X% . iMe'W&d the - exhortation
the - season for: those;- fello
Hal). Visitin- breth-' Canadian farmers to haye the embargo who atteiided. wgfiip meeting of great interest ge more needed than at the pregent,-
generwl engineer, of Mr. Peter Me-
program.whs furnishe and po*er was held from 10'to 11 an one of the best'ever gi-ven in St-lielens. foV God shall.' wipe 'away all, ears gip
ren axe cordii�lly in- d' by
removed, and eye body su sE4 that . the aftt e , a- s. QQurteousj obliqiug and reach the wor& This is what;
vited. ppo best talent -of' the town t"- evenir;g serv�ice was h Id Liren's
a ild � was The attendance was good and the re- -from the'ir eyes.
TT, C. R. succeos would at 4en-th crown the' Ys man," ' I � L . Gods people wani, - and it is what the
JOTAN Sco ir appreciated by all, each ever praer iLnd consecration service. It. polite, in fact a eriti4le "lady ceilpts sa tisfa6tory. - Air Livinstone's ;'.Signed on behalf 'of Camp Cald&'Ma
D1 Yuiz, See. y I - - I world, in the church and out 1Df the
was ond of Ahe strong energetic and attive. Bob is leet
efforts. Now, the Scotchmen. are told event calling forth great applause. best anniversaries in ur on "Imgilratio in Lealty, Loyalty, Liberty.
n was a rare
church �most need, as they hanker
the higtory.of the church. the -right man in'the"rig4t place..
-ORANGE LODGE The storm prevented many from Joil
LOYAL that they will have to buy what- store, tr,,-t and We,rWijl leave those w -bo did NXURRAY, Chief, �r� after sensational fflr iutell6ftal
en -
is not hear it to ima,riner what th WALTER TAYLOR, P.- CHib4
ITS cattle they wa % ey ments, oi an imposing jitg4gm
0.428. HOLDS ut from En-glish breeq'- -attending..-alod all present l4t 661 1- -According tp an Ohio papr, th
s ho w' hig� , school gir.1 recentfy mised -Mr. Livingstone has offered PON, Secret -ii 4- Nregular mopthly weeV' well pleased- with, the pleasaijt even- H. F. GbR ings in. the Orange Rall, Camp- simply me with its big4ting Wingic. Nnils
ers, which ans at monop. e I'lle -1cis"'ed me"; Iiis ser�rice' in 'in St,--:*�
parsed the sent nce s to lecture ag
they had s.ent together. The
TopvSNOW PROVE many pulpits are almost, it Bob
bell street. Luclutow, on Tues- lists' -prices, and the greatest of -skatinii. race to -night. "He, 8110 -8�&:D, With. a.ftind lino�et-
or befor� oys request i4s. to express th6i Helens. .. . '. - I
-hefull moon. Dt!,,,ree uight of Dunjau- ing over the word. that bro g le
day evening%; on r'thanks Mk 'T. altogeth r, silent on Imus
-'Bert Treix,-aven
colonies is' treated: w ith r no more eon- to- all wh u lit tl
si n Feb. 24.
o so. willingly ave their rhe ck litt: is quite a large one Wi ghq6m,� Out. Godys soVereign election,. the Safisfic-
a the second T &xdy evening following full sideration than, the sin non, spent Sunday in the village. rim�on to-herichaeks-, -is a pr��nouli,
U allest, lbo't assistance.*
owever we arc
moon. All viiiting brethren cordially invit- I . . . J� leased to Livingston. Grand Trunk brakemoi;bn iian-of-Christ., the work of the Hj6ly
iss B. Carrick, of Ashfield, -]-,a third person,- !singular number,
in � ificaht foreign state; In' the S a
ed tu the meetin-P. S110*111 learn at -the r Lofidon' Bruce
-th', lie 'fflic.ted ones are doing
H,!use of Commons this eek,' Mr. Old Time Curlers raturridd from her trip t Ruion . and Nis- Spirit, eternal1punishuxent e&- let us
Win. TATLort, w o Detroit'. qqgentleman
puline gender, mid pti7e"Y- as. well -Abat is.of profi% but;
as -.can be expected. ion, me§ a ferriW deftth on atnWhy keek back othing
Board The earliest authentic record of a: �Mr� Jas. Chaul, baggage. master w co
Sec.retary. Walter flume Long, Preside ut ell fixed; universally naidereti couW1--of God: and
in the �railw.ay yards at Hensall ii'T, -declare the whle'
-heA 11 a -y wn the good 'kissect' is
of Agi iculture, stated" that Ulievei curling club formation in Canada is spent: 8'nd -with friepds do -a
[T C,� T: U.- The regular'.monthly _ L plett verbi DUilIGANNON. accident -occurred through if we -do so, we will have no time trp
that ro�pneuinonia - exi�ted in that oftbe Mon'treil Club, organized line. 'tr9nAive, too much -so, regutar ever
VV& meeting of the Wrinerev Christaan treat on1political, orsensational to
u die ip'od, indi6ating mist�ling, in tlfe - insufficient ligh CEI
ld every second Oanad-& in 18074 pr bably-by Brit' -t�Me'srs G. Do 'Pi
femperance Unioit will b6 he ish- officers, glas and A; Bow-: evening, in a 0. M -
h mouth in the Odd Follows ttle-guafd packed with snow as,,�a delegxt�-
W�dnesday of eac y first and third The past t. vo- weeks'haVe bee� very cA - of the times. While maixy are
-when Montreal wiks 'a garrison town man., spent Tdesda at the ]ake-side affection ; -
The fact is, pleuro-pneartionlia was -persoms,
3 p. in. MRs. G. W. n 'h rd to a
Hall, Lucknow, at of the solid r6idbed. He was d1sigt- in the e oundi g of t e wo a n a- 9
BERRY, PresiJent. MRs. lioft.NELL.Seeretary. never in this cou. a nd a favorite rendezvous of- Sdott;sli tow nd 'governed by ir- cold and nd the roa xp
1 plural' nu ads- Rave' . ,
try, and- cannot be ruber a n ibe corner,, let us remember that in. sU
been lug 1 the shunting of ca, 8�6
regiments, in whose' r-%nkg could- al-- n- xciti
engendered here. 'The wbote histhry e ng - locat race was wit- cumstances. -- 'Me'�*Olj? ev6ry- almost- impassable.
I , Wayq I - - -i6r6w- ageapast,- present and future,�th
work was being hurried, as the�
1. 0.0. F. of the case is som6thin- like! this :' n 'be , found keen curlers with nessed-Eqt the rink on -Saturday even- body knows me. And sho sat down. Quite a socia-Ve tinic was- speitt at
'aVy - church flourishes throng
Vereaday'late because of the bL. h the prenh-
UCKNOW 1894-'8ix animals were landed in Eng- 'emories'of pari h fionspiels in far- ing. last' Mr. Win Morrows' Tuesday ey
snow stoinis. He was'in the'
f&t �,j)f ing of thi�
L 'Lodw, No 112 land from five Can away str&th end glens. Michigan -Mi 5's Mitchell, 'of. Witigham, spent last. ' A sleigh load from Goderioh aild word; and that '16the apirit
ineetsevery Fri'day �vening at 8 o'clock in drawing a coupling pin adian steariiers, iCREWE f' -b bi God maketh the readitia
can claim the oldeit club in -the few' a number of th young -people.. of the
hich, it was alleged, wete affected s with her friend Miss Sadie
their hall, Campbell stre�t. All bret hren Y two6ars, while the whole tr the preaching of the w6rdt
United �Ltates, the Orchard. �Lake Johnst On Sund�y� Fairbairn, of village spent the evening in amusement aWl esp&i'LH-v
coidially invited. *ith pleuicpneumonia. Those ani- being slowly sllitintM. ' He. hiA. to an effectual means of convincing and,
ungannon, preached here afte noon and I kind
a- .-A Oreat ntil an early
%Vw. TAYLOR W. WILSON. nials were subjects 'of . an � inve-aig Club, pear Pontiac, where -the brothers quantity of ice is being -D al r pulling the pinj Wbzi con
-V Recorder. tion, bit praCtieallyr tile move along.while verting si4ners, and of. building
Noble rand. Ge,rge-a,d Peter Dow formed a club deliertd to' different parts of th-,� mornirig�
p!aying ess and 'coWort
examination of the and evening.
"With to�rn f I Pur t 1,,.r he suddenly sank in the deep sndw in them up in holin
Kesulted in taking twio aulimals - as k6m vis' lake. The tea-meetiii-s on I -itb, 18th Allessrs J !A Roberts and B J Cra - the �faith
AOUW . 0 - w -cattle 4aard. In an instant phe through unto ialtion.2)
test cases, -landed from the - "'-Toronto" wooden blooks.. I mi -i Pete S�udy, of tile 'illage, and 24thi atl proved successful, the -ford have Y�turtiedfrom Ottawa
r -- 1-4;z ) - . . . -,, car -followlitia had done its work."'; tbP V HestoodiaifhepleadedjViJALMM. U C -K NT 0 W -k* , while cuttingvice,at. 9
and "Alodoliin. ""The. cattle bad no got a due ing proceeds amounting to abo6t $6K whi--rethey have. been interviewin the body wa bZdly mangled.
L Lodge of the. -A POP-2up Minister Be ear'nest in"wwarning sinners ot
Ancien ppearance of pleuro-pneul�onia,' but the laer on Wednesday,
t Order - of a atten(led the tba-meeting Governmentlas deleg&tes fr the Elec:
Oundhoir, rs The remains were taken
The annual report of -Gen6va on 6a' their, danger, and id ple&dWL- With
i L Win,
-United- Workmen. simplyhad what is called orn-stalk -R6inember' the three mile race'in' Id -during the tric Railway. 'They report good pro& bo�sie� to his gham, ivitare the
dd Church Chealey, just printed 'shows the�Loriie Rink Luck' were. io past n -- %is
--meeti - in -the 0 dist�mper, which is roduced by too nowi/thii T1 iur- pects so far and if everything works his fathe" home m to turn to �Christ. it,
serviefs iere highly r and mother
p that the congregtion- is -ek and t-beir live. Tho that Alleine -was insatiably greedy -to
fellows'Hall c -the da ing for -a' purse of 625.� satisfadzory the road -will be comoeted ceased was 28 years of age and rifibift
-lasV anil 'second growing apprebiated,
hearty eating of ths ailnienU
rapidly tyr. der ihe of Rev. the conversion of souls, and
Mondak evenings of Ruther",
OY% ford rot imy wit -
Dan. Munroe, one of dthrough. here this coining summer. rie. He was an-efficiett e
each month at eight E. A. M' ack-ClIzie., B; A. Th3 Aan kt tug 6f Mr. an& Ars. Win. Peirce, MO e to his peole,-,
Stever Messrs -Alex Pen(land and.H Caa3ar popular with -the men
I o'clock, - Viitin- CURRENTTOP1CS atalw a� war team, is.visitina -iree, and Us * _i_ -
agers' report shows a total amount -to hMiss Lizzie P, on the :Wid. ness is above that yoqt -heaven -wou,14
Lividastone was me
"brethrenWrilLi.ly invited. 01ford ftiends- in' Kiulos§ and the have- re.tur4ed h6mb from Lu�kftow.
the c I
redit of the congregation of $3982 s,n, of Pdrt '.Albert, 13 inber of 4�446H b6 two heayens to ins =d, the sav&
LucknMv. -Where ihey have been forthe past few No. 75, 'ID.O.O.F., and- of lodge� No, tion of. you;. all as tw
Master W oik man. Recorder. ASt. ouis man is suing -,a doctor or, the year, ding $1200 build- ,dli,,g
.1alvations to
1).L Nichol, mana weeks engaged at packing apples for 2�0, Br,)therhood c.f Railway T, Boston -saide-91T-11 �ord!peri&
ing fund for a modern Sabbath school. er of tfie Es I ha me."
!oi-$l6j000 damages for Publishing a at I
bt on the church is only Luckiio'*-hranch of the Bank of Hani- -;6 me hoey-xt � a 'ha�q time gt'"p- Mr'Geo Anderson. men, and it is probable that �hAuy ing souls' nailed niy-heart; and the
OLD LIGHT LOIDGE picture of him- in coinnection with, a The total de ho e n, day on account oi the
$130, over $50 ilton, 44 spen ing his hol Miis� E Durnin, of St Helens spent menlbel!8 of these orders will attohd
0 having- been paid cff di' idays with storm.
A r- 3C report of his case. That t. Lou i r% - - , the -filuerai at., Vingham. eatinest: Mcchynd wrotejw�'It '-be-
frien�g in Liscowel.
Is during the- year. The membership is" a fow-days� at Mr. Thompson's.
hoves ibm"isters. to uniit� jh6
man does not know what Frfie - r�ow, over 500�93. having united With Quite a: number of our you and the Seraph in their min --4he
-Mr6 Ambrose, of Wingliam, s Al A PL 1;, 1, E �,:l F. ng people
GR a beck ns to him. In this comity the the congregation since Mr. Mackenzie releivitig Mr� J h Ni ol,- of - fh' WAINAXOSH COUIVQ[t 0
0 u ich e attended the ea-rifeeting a angel- of knowl -ad thi; sugel _of
t, P edge a
Average man=if we may-judg6 by. the took chargo,.about a year and a -half Liickn branch,' bank ofHamilt6n,
-IGHT -t I'
Mi s Annie KcKay and Mrs Dawn- Albei upsday last. The speeches To burning zeal.- f we a
FT� EVERY THURSDAY Nk medicine. advertisements-findi- glory gp. Chesley Free Press' during: is vacation. wnship alli Febk W, ulcl win so,&
on'or fiefore the fall moon, in the ing have gone to Detroit, where they given by each �f the pastora wa§ very- , -we 106 St point vlearly. the w
Masonic Hall, llavoiock street, galore iKposing as tile -great examp!e-. -Ainumber of Lucknow's ccdig in- - - . sy to
young -intend to remain forlsome time. inte'restin- also the selectionsf choice 'members all present aiia , I " - heaven. while we cry. �Mea from the
JA& BRYAN. HARRY DATSj of "after,taking.": Postal Changes peopleilutendoing to* Wingham ow
Worshipful Mas ter. Secretary- Mrs.McTavisb has retyraid hoine given by the Nile choir. Lockhart in the chair. Wrath -to Com... ;' Oh for a r.
The Canadian O(ficial postal Gu Tuesdiy next to spend the elening
Mrs Andersou's. son Gordon has Minutes of last meeting r"
Perrine's comek o�er which some c ide f roin her extended deo wied "Of
with skaters�of thatplace. -isit toGoderich. werd.- blad who uriftes' the ,p kno
ontains -the- klowing instructions
is -A umber of young people. of the It is vvith -a -feeling of and ipproted. . aP Edwari wen,
GENERAL I ad a very severe attack of croup.
Is, the*dst�st
people.have been, losing glee 4iih regard to the addresses Of letters deepest sym- A petition was presen:ted b. and the vehem"eat appeals of. Richad
village, spent Tuesday evening.. in -of r
M R, Wry li-as moved off' front
RQ1113JERT OUNNIRGHAM. intended for any -part of the-Uuited pathy that bhrro-�ical the. death heCameron and r W. A. Wilson; ft,6d
ing al6ng at the'raile of about .1,600, Wirigli�ani with the skaters of that street into Ouse- lately occa
on C
States: Postmasters will -do -well t3 r esteeme"i �eiglih`c�r Air. Murdoch- Pled b -a number of ratepayers, 6'. k FIRE AND MARINE, 000 miles aay, but th&�! is not much town, 1and report a very lileas -ant If Be earnest in exh-ortin
-9- P
McKay. On Wedn'esday of last vreek by Mr Curwen, on. the outskirts of the -to build -a boardr fen-ep O�� fessing !ohristians malie ,j
GUELPH.- lilreliho-.)d of our makina its tlos6r impress upon the public- -that the time. i - - council to 'Slit
death- tern Hinated his lon illness and village. their
relephone Nor. 1195. a e red posite e J lot 1.4, con 12, to I:e(3p 11id
acquaintance, and i ddress of a lett r intended* for. the w-Alady teach"eranswe an adver- id. .'. 1khem to
it now about VnitedStates is not complete unless wit'li this' change the eighborhood We. a�e sorry to say that Mr. J snow from drifting on' the kb
60- rl Oseph
tisenidit of "teacher wanted" for a 000 miles'.off. What -might the Iiii4tter go forward, st them up to �Pt,
ts most respect ed citizens. Smith -received a severe cut on the frot
the words United State or at lea:st schoot an& received the following lost one of- i Council agreed to -attend to nearer to 0hrisk'and v ing thein,.jof
IVE U. Sr and have - fence erected thew
thp initial' lette Mr.- McKay v;a*s a-mian who, -through while working in the swamp c6k
happQn if it came. close t6 the earth, or rs .-form part raply.m e'er goan t6 highe truck it, it such -a. tWtng were possib r a iniiii dangers. You are -a watchmad'And a.
'thereof. great,many post bffices in teacher Utim Thompson spe guide setver t1da people.
-itishardtoaiy. The nearest recorded. Sunday
Nowtoli- L.D.9; D.D.S. hislife. in.our miost, held the esteFem- Mr Moved by McQuillan -and WAA Assuchit
and -affection. of the c6mmunitv. -The at Mr. John S"id's. litit t e t xes - d. is your duty to gound
the alarm when
ce of L
ad: tosay that M Ma e caA641146d. the enemy is seen, 0 point to
Honor'. Graduate of Toronto School of in 1893, but there was no known- simple and eter Refd, ang. une0al which was well at -tended took We dr'e gl. iss tti�� M. -McDonald, 35-, b" It
Dr. the TJ. S. bear ames which also belong William Reid, d Tees�vater, t of Ed. Qrajg, An
approach of a comet to the earth was
to post offi ' s in Canada, and a -P-
on Saturday, Pentland is able a. approa&ingdangen,3, tua -to V89 41
Dentistry and Doctor of in indication Wan abbreviati6n such place to Huron to go around again. srrie
as side, the veteran clerk of' inlossi was
ate old friends in Luk -now --Ork The division court day has -�n;, lawful Anea tti'leaid thw
e.' -felt symp pw- p1b in the
.-D ENTAL StP'Gr.Ryj" effect -runless, indeed,* as so er-people Me. 0.', Pa., �tc.. 'of the- t ' -in visiiti 22ud inst. Mrs McKay � arift fatmity 0, �r
content, it revied the gripp been Moved by Camerdn ad MreQiAl,
�operatim� which the place is sittLate not, Wedvdaday.' -�ve the heart athy of the thatJ. H. -Taylor receive $30i 4610ing riht way. ned putil April. balance due him" collect 0 may MOSAOCI
with care and an endbavor to do All. work if there iR-rio mention of the county and Mrs. Alex. Ross entire community in their sad bereave-' PoStpo to, be as a welatoemrock, irning --with
EAS I attended Quite a large number frorn the vill.
-u4e I ment. Dt-rx. OR THIS YEAR ON APRIL 5 uffice to'pr&kent letters bein ihe Afoved by McQuillan- and',Xedl.. Ait every gust;3f wind, or
irILLJbTG-With Gold. Porcelain�. Silver and g sent to t neral -of Mr. John Shelton, a(re At -tended the Su'nday Sehool con- J. H. Taylor'beapp4 to-iotf�vr ile
Howto"Toll by a Fixed Rule the Day B Canadian office of, the same nam a Dinted c6lleAr -for -W
died - crowd s a pla,7 -actor 1611oiriho
Clopper amalgam. e as uw of Mrs. Ross,' who st- v
ention at, Nil on, Wednesday hist. 1896 -at a salary of of This Anniversary. HARRISON'S COR.VERS -afiiuse the -people -be U'y- 'Joel
o M
TEETH -Made with a view of, preserving I 'and buried in Kinca"rdine -there - MoVedby Medd and WeUterli that
the one in -United States for w1iich Ri ww
--of the beat Owirigg to- the 3tormy weather
the natural appearance. and the letteris intended. cemet v on Monday. -that yog a -04v Easter Sund s arge an ver -0
quality. ay. this year falls on A parlor social wAs held at the home ,%yas not a at.tpndanee as By -Lam o 1,* "Appointing VD
-EX.TRA0TLNG-An -'auctibn ml Blake on Tueaday 6v6ui ar ap e. -of farm 0-ock nj� expected. ship Oflicials" as iead be passef �hepherd, to ,watch �o immortal -souls -from A, I y r newies,
W.C.T.1j. At Home wid-iii plements will be held at lots Feb. 25;-th, and wa aa,ce- if wb A-grAndloarmival is expected next rie
aiiplication mtde to April and Shro�e Tueslay, the Close of M r. it.
8 c as
the gum. for painless: extxacting. lt has df the carnival season in France ani -The -,,-At Flom -e" held under -the 12 an� 13, con. 1, Hur6n,the property -tna e in- time b9ys and Z�idi them at-4,ght hrootb t
been tried witlisuccess. judge from iheul r of people. A commuhicatiou was'recei-,V64 from lictiwcGurvtries, falls on Feb. y week. Piepar
OFFIOE-in -Mr. Allin's new block auspices of- the W.- C. T.U. at the of Jasi Cook, on Tuesday March who attended 'it.-----1rr-6-oeqds were in - Ar. Alex Th6m -Spent a fe r,M6Ash. of Belgrave. With a l8th w days great 'V
6 'tt
residence of the President Mrs. G. Wi 189 -R. MeCharles Auctioneer,. visitin, town- to Arthur lRaines, who is sick. J
up-staiis. The astal-lishment of the Christian Be e -ar P-49 i le �v
forfuture �ousiaera;ti:64. om I t il i a U rth 11014 on Tuesday afteriio6u. last was. Sunday p6hool. in God6ri VM_14
aid of ilie Blakes k fri rid 5 oh
rry, -1i av Henr'y Irvine, cf Goderich, laid over
p..q.—Will visit IRIpley, -every festival of E iter, typical of the resur- accord* OU t 0ais ivas Quite a number of " r- !citizens are ship. M -o r Afte4 11001M. ing to numbers and interest A The following checks vere 4 d
Grippe ceived an ifivit t' f, the - ff -Of L on -the sixth 'Corr.
a ion r
-an bring frnm the effects� a
--midre U I
finally established President Mrs. Smith occupied. thr
the - serte& ist chiirch at Kip e, iaE 'I t -We A�Shfield j�.. boundary' ine.
f most succegsful* oj�e of ardillm hat Mr. IV.
Thursday rection of the orct, was a m are sorry to I -plegsdrit ("�et t;ok place in
mu the or the request of -:the 'President, Vi6e beco -their- paso -nd W tr
ch controver. ch d 'rc'h f 9 earn t A y6ry
y -Che- beginning J. Hall is Ashfield a awanosh NOTI'r enturies, but wa Y� at this vfflage on- Wdne�day last, at tile $2�jo- "r J- c -on the sick list.
e of the approaching conference yd Mr. Robert Cranston -is visitiiig residence,of Rev. Ah-. Armstrong, 'it work-, iown
by the Gregorian. calendar adopted by chair. ead.
isual -scripture r -oad between: con... o., BER ]RAS OPENED AN After. the, u
THE 8 L Wies cl6an your kid gloves with frie being the liappy uoion of �Mr. Joh -,6-fflCP, A04i.4111veou;
-Lio" .-We -
the Roman 'Church in 1752, and nds in London. jr_ --j - - -
of the Mce- in the- building east ng singing and prayer, Mrs. Berry'ilf JOSAPI ine Glove Clea, n*er, for salebuly I -an Durnin,-qfDakots, to Ing bj&ll�'t %0 Printing Office. Easter- is a] ways the first Sunday otter noticed -Miss Beashe
In -your last issue we, Ye U6 a few well'ohoseft words gav'b both C :p [Ali
-REEMENTS. BONDS, MEASES, which happ a unt of tho m.Arri4g6 e 86-0 toil -
the fpll moon onnell. Headquatters� -for I Gf Mr. J� Pheei oldest daiu$ "'M 1R. 0-
ghter -'Of M.(-� e #4) ne upon- or co U
48 W. Jamieson,ai2d �Ais s-1da Finlay
members aiid visitors ery heatty dritase"o and undrened kid gloves in -of -Colb6rhe.- Thb brid� Avp et -An EDS. MORTG 9't iftd -Phee, erson, )III,
Jch date i.
AGEs lqD wILLS next after March 2 1, whi
--O.�4 -20 D- B -,,urrg -1�;
DE elcome. Mri. Hall gave a all-thb igifor'street - k . . -- .
al p,.gueats p ent, but as
6AREF(7 -ecclesiaitical year. what lengthy though very interesting 1 -most desirable shado most becorn-jugly qt�'flr�4' P beginning
LLY PREPARED. . of the so a I ist of th
aiiestimAtes for buil Therefore or.ev" -wear. some were odii who-- were- woft�y Bilk and wJ tj ift
�sitW mills, �-H 0 oug.
iw Ve- N upon reading -on, 84-cial Purity. whigh was leshrton Sept. 20th. 1895.�Ur. V, 3 f4-tlx �-D�&I- 5A, a t $1 of mention we �Ayl �.:gl t
-supporte -T
If the full-imoon should fall on.! -M -A ingg, mills, bridges, etc., furnished which -Easter may-oicaur. in M.arbh 22. followed by a very animatedAiscussion J. Armstrong, jewel6r ;id -he on abort notice.
c- M
ve me -derfect satigfi t ud: o.-Rp- e,
a the follo'wi nday. part, Mesdames 1"
ladies to6k Easter i arch in- which the. following- optich n Luakno*, - hasfitte&idie witlit JA�. SOMERVILLE 2 , il X. c Hor nAll ith- &m6b i that.gi
ng Su ag -nd' Bat
------ �The latest- date upom whi6h ASTHMALEW On Armstrobg.,: tioni, Re has -fitt(
ad TArM
Ate u very n -3
ss -d U -b 1VW0 In 1761 Grdn. ;9- and ram -at the Douglas
it 25 CURES festival may fall is Apr and ra. efAch,
rOXk 'Y.
n recom
-19hW4 6W. -25, and will do ad qn the applauded CL - 10 V
lon't _,C_Oill
weat is results Anc -es-.Q
Mt You need NOr and, 1818 -Easter fell on March 22 but WTHM A s� it 1 1 very pretty solos which cait groom. ib�
n At wn ur Lo weria.
eaBIT UP 911 111911Z 9WP-9 -that will not occur again i t h f� o� The n6 a
After refreshments
reft .Vt.
f J
11 -W e mee - were b L886 it fell; on A next century. In
ctosed *wthe AIM&L. in ADUA- T served th
MISNluer. Ter :�,c
bi Png 7-