HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-02-14, Page 1-4 7 W r 4 z� , . I t, ­� M Y`� 4G t� 7,%- 'J, -A '0 4 Am' Ak IN 1ANULTON 4 W., 'LUOKNOW. 1 a pita paid- up $1,26o, cto Reseirvl -Fund 56TS,000 j, $8650.135 -%sets J President JOHN STU ART- FRIDAN RAMBAIrs M aw` LUCKNOT 7- 1 FEBR L .7, GNT.&RT 7 TW=s k Vol XXIII,. 5 DIRECTORS LOCAL T We are pleb s0d -E OF - Op. W3r. GIBSON M. P, Gro. ROA611 that Mrs. D ATW, 7 A8 piplabner Killed been z-4 PROCT TEX S to learn D, A -'B. Lzr,.(Toronto). x. T. W& whence t6 to the land _b9yo d '01 sPa D. B. - Forester, who -ba� -41"d - - ­ . :- V71.b. ll.—George Smith, a Another - 0 7 for the: past'. week is Cewihier--J. TURNBULL. 'rorontoj pened 'a cqe gerously i-11 r �6 Satur- ey e 10"- if, -Houys 10 to- 3 t1i cain But they, n;us b- not --make e need 'on Dec. N1 e& Smith-ha3jUSt 0 -V as IrAZTK. n wsboy w 6 #as sentp bf A u ty. improving. 490, -,-111M 0 Deposits of $1 and upwards & for t Ic rest of L ky �co it i. ,,,tter of lovely -prints. ;)la- pippke -w 0 5th to throemouths' imprisonment in Ced W17- M0 il interest atiowfd. has 6nibbed One b)r one the over- —Mr. J. G. Anderson, hm heir- s Iltij ents. Cauai.a the C ntral for the theft of an and see' t4ose beautiful n e —Just call had- hewed out. for themselves A us to share t and -during the' BANKERS. A WAGo OS121S also received at our W-1 =44 4- V. -First i coat was illed -in: the prints,for sbirts -at. _repacking hij rest', "at rat k es,;f interest. last, three -has shi ped to, -he piibrokenfo s;l :01AL -VRP accidentally k Mrs, -8mith's. 3 apples, he among t ESTABLISHED 1888. -weeks t is ardihips, �fh% -prison yard on Friday'evening, Smith 22� ine any tii+ and It —We want, a quitntity of h vrs'o:f Great �Bjitajn and the'United cars. anking business, cars w e Ot, cituilit Liverpoo 10 ra We do a general W as n, hen It g wood. Njill & McKay. countered the 6arly settle jot u 'i �v co states *111, �,ht and sold. issue drafts payable fliroughotit Can ali� SOO green timple - ._Mr. A. G. Stewart, Of the Tees - he weeri th drawhea-is and wa 4atally ir undaun SiCrH�AGENT. 8-� AMD -SIEN-TA v 011OL. We make —The ladies -f Tivertgn are, giving sectiozi and, who by- ;the 'a and -un ­ TO stb Mr. I . I pug; 1! ON, 7 JOHN D. NI the ited States. and son of the I LOW ad crushed:' Deceased origittally, cam" i fil n g. -water News; collections on: all Points including, a beap Year Hop oil Friday �yf- urage and. stw1lug .,manh d, had no. friends. in -Angus Stewart, gave the SENTiNEi Q co -A me E(ight" Id, an 'To..Rvy. X-60pbs MaIlitob -top AiHo' from o, are no and -the Forester W eixtL� inmat,-s in ceeded in iftakilig this part of thi, Western-,- States, —Ther Q�-- .1 : - — S. Oanada.� - 11 on Wednie"sday. -day.) -are silent AL J. eiinan�i District ca M LEG NorthrWest Provinces, and- all collect- Dr. the -Huron coutity Hudic. Ot Re-fuge. Province whatit- is to ul fro&- "D;ithe! on c Conventi , ing -away to. that bourne or account. wil ou.rt- of the �At the Co ervktiv- pass 34niag-,of Friday I Deputy of the A: MALCOMSoN, BARRISTER ions whether note t and Nov- sday, it was -traveller. has rlpturn4 ihe -memt e e budget, ember, 1896, *ill hav five, Si.. no Conservative ide -co) r w ekly %�t solicitor Cox Whedadfiding you Indep nden-t Ord( �f Foresters, of lr� Correspondents March, May, Au4 s in Kincardirie on- Wedue er* ofthe Whitebliurill rompt attention, whence- no Lvevancer. etc., (late 0 have p e t-000. pe flidh decided to -put This week we are called upon:6 chrl- "I Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich)-.--Offic Notes discounted and farmer's sale this village, -repr 3s6nted i the that the e SENT -4 M iiee -Mr. Angus -81evra one -bund[T* I in Alrin's new block- Candidate'in the field in West Bruce. -death of -d, gi Courtat the at liMid given: in the of news to C�o icle the 0 notes solicited. ked "Printers �.Co val in the �t t*spor Ajo� Wednesav eavelOpe-is-11 mar rni first --settlera R �nj and presented I Ount of fund9to. Kincardine Cour; n PYO —Don't-forg6t the c —Thet4revival meetings in the of Kinloss,,one of the ise 4. BARRISTER. MOB We have -a large aln upon itand do Lorne Sk�ting Riok t is (Thursday.) -NI.th -bit A. UcNab. itud, -wife NotaU place.a -one jeentistarnp clitirch.- are very. largely the townshi which' took p ace Solicitor, office ever Moody -eIat from :five per eveni 19. 91 the envelope. -and `Valu.41e--zet:6f -s advance on.mortgag ro�se A sealed letter etc. Monev to loan,- accord-. night. aLtiendecTe&eh evening, and many have Monday, morning last fibm . blW- cent up. The rate is graded ber of und --I- Rho Lenten D&7s CCAS thre07"cents and a num. Tucknow -;f19-.AA of a 'k a slipht adt gAt e an wife -were ing to quality and Size 6t loan -requir —Air. u. nne I co e lof w 0,i3 go- p Um - c tat It, by sur] erlo Lent ommencesl F�lj, l9tb, Easter correspondents have sealed . their in ardine last degif - jo live a christiku 11' :6ived:abodt ?rise, but -'w Ow. & PRO FOOT, B ed. spent a few fe. on the bspd%which'be -rec ARR Ont. thd . Z�S'" M 4, Sunday April 5th Queen's Bir 16Y hitters and placed the one cenC staillp oitths ago, Bed when theysaw -th# tls Solicitors - C., God i second v, eek. f �1-ucknow Odd- two in Dece,a vis OOT. We loan. small amounts on .—A number o n -v a ness 01 NV X. PRO Cq)A h Dominion Day. result bl�lng th�t they air F. T. GARROW, Q.C. t- S�iuday May 24 1 thereon the th8bire, Scotland, in 1871 .11 hut aor and, heerf I chattel mor Wed- born b Per farm mortgages and On �Be sure you see the fatties'- -face -fellows went to Kineardine on Wednesday July Ist, Labor Dsy Von� either sent �o the dead letter office or d and was in his 69th year at the &Ss =pled 'Games, milsic, vlp gages. at the carnivh;l i1a the L�Orne Rink -to- ne- ddy evening to meet Gran ay-Sapt. 7tb,. Chiistmas Day Frid. ublislier's are - called 'on -to pay S df Ho le�rned the tailo.- indruinentpl were then -en Wed in., sale, d is his -decease. i In - MEDICAL, d for -aY the. --p e ry, ali& aftep which the I s of t e zon We haVe generally- on han o obt;dri them. Please r kaster Thos, Woodyatt, who ackle - - p]iySICIAN i Kinloss, Huron, Ash- Dec. 25th.. four cents t ina, tradeAn'the Old CouiLt gre farm property n It f rget the babies, ins1ituting a Lodge -of Odofellows ev hi TEN- on iIabout t6 tiopi ze'ved lunch 'fron) -t Well, N A NT, e member this. —Mothe a r ur. surgery field I - emigriitpad to Canad and Accouche and Wawanos"ownships ch. ap ie a whoi Surgevn but buy the n prin, dresses t MW 1.v fill" baskets- r ug vl'- y the - A-- 7 store. office hours Ontario tegIslature ow a De rvi years of s -time he work0d,." 11 UL I are an Al r. A,. Mo�� .6on Social Box y Jlfa�rine'rs in this section his trade, bi o -ver J. Elliott3 grocel and, on easy �tcrms. -litb 4e. F6i a fr&d 2 to 5 P. i -- of the ei., sh7rt, speech wusgi-��n 6y a 12 in.. and. The, second ses We represent the leadink English and A finally went to of the f the p, mallasses totheir Ot Legislature -! villa. is A tlol�i:t - -%-1 1 niside, in which Ite said Parliament of tht" 'The,, Social Box �rs I' o, ill be a feMing black al,ra ! . —Walkerton -i -K�iizi% ok Li C.M., F.T. eff eCt inL Companys vin -of d on the 15th of dattle'and find i College, Ohio, after which . he tau 1, - 't he w- Is Uranee On &.11 Cli Be gi -1857 $63 -4, a.D.. 'sses of . g. one bO L ur- purpo q r of a centu as sorry that as the Imp -%IOD GOP Canadian Fire in Luckno ry D" t profit I th, i rPhys!ciall Province of Ontotio. was opened_ 'at able� besid�s Pveral years. In D and can S in- afternoon hist, by ente tainments on the ev having fat.tenin� properties it causes school fbi s NJ m. C: � u1ues4y ell'ng of rhi Upstairs in Win. Mutual Co 3 o'clock o reoation had th� tel;04 rid Accoucheur. of property in Stock bir their next plontly. a colig, of� "A cordial anituals to clean up dy -ron. 41 �esideuce Ross street, Li'ui6nant Goverqbi their cribs and maTried Miss Sarah McNeil, Of E panles as desired. His Honor, e of Thursda' Feb. � 20th -,LbaIn,- of Kinear the Williams, County' of Middlesex,, a4d tb � ni lit., that it 14d unfortuniite Miss innie k 4 Lao ameron, Murdoch& cWs store, in 10 a,m. to Kirkpatrick., T14 'weather was find welcome id extended. to all- and every- M i -than than thoy �vould other- d by - iU behind: C Our office hours are fro dine, is the gue9t pf L zzie Mckillan, ea . t- more three years later,'in 18602 -setjtled ;-in in;erfered *�ith a SO&A, -1201 114 V and a very large': one, old and young, boys and girls to wise.—Wingbam Times. es of Whitepburch .pumber of spectators r View. wuship of Kinloss, wher Aid. Sociotj 'V S,, CAL 4 p. In. at Fai. the to L di R. D� GEDDES v6uing�- The -. . -1 -it. Knoxi ruggists. Luck- Afterspendi -A v4ry� telegram iIromptlY GEO A. SiDbALL, Manager were present.. the.Town 11 on. that e Don't faW' to rbad, —Berry & Co.:the di I his dea cc continuously resided til 4regation ng either-bY mail and .*ill be D I - 9 he was i o -thp, cro', -dispersed oderate. Residence. ogram a fine, one ts -for the foilowin *d, pr isem 1, ue. It will now. are sole ag6n appointed LicefiseC V113 vabW evening -�ttendedto. Charges in is It ILS 001ppe advert' ent, in this J iss In 1879 pposite Dr Elliott's ent in Luck- tptfieir homes. outraut strept, o presentea the lvvt tal -1 . South American- Nerviae, SENTINrL office. It L I iSeS t pay you -to do so. inspectov- fir the S ;nth Ttiding W Whether we are going to have a re now and. tbi I pro n 0 -9 American Kidney Cure,, - to n comic outh Bruc6 %y' the- Ontario wing is a cepy -of the mi sio —if you wisi the fa [cy atid a -grippe or not,� we- have never be gpod,-tmk6 it in. Ad a only u -ion R. A. J, GIBBONS, V- S. V, D., I -colds hadies free but- they are. parnir r jecond door north, Of tur� On dist aticGure, Gpvernmi* !The f�ll 0414, to 1�igilt, you South American Rheut ed at 16W so many complaining of dresses at- the an& which position- he occupi +ress, ittid reply jri6Veterin heard 10 cents. Aauew's cure fo the heart, St 4u ary-College - ri timp of -his death. Mr. I ewart ADDRESS D Graduate of Out, erinary as- we have lately", Many tfiink that a, MIS3 something �good- �' Ad- -%[ember of the Vet Dr.- new's Catarihil powder. witie i a r o.bring box'to the doori and Registered irvin's 1 , -be -�'receive --Min of e ntry a man of maqy sterling qu cv. a tsociety. one. door east of G OL C�uple of v(jars-ago has road'a-tn the con or. b. Medica] campbell eHE LIBERTY. -TO UTTER AND TO A GUE the scourge of i -vertise.d elsewhere in this pap ndA 'true'friend 4b'd opposite Ilinis block, where a getit ernan will barber shop. kte. Callf, -that the visitation wi t locked, with snow after Damt FRikNDs.—We the imeniders'- A -11 good neighbor a 61, - FREELY ACCORDING'TO THE DICTATES t 'fee. refunded to pur -are cot.nple imb, . othhis - - ib. . -lout Chaxges� modera it. Admi, Sion —The storm on Ronday night a, rivate buE . come back and nd p iiness and pi street, 1, - - or Whitechurdh 6nd Lanvide 90 get, U led to day 9 s F% Liickuovir- or inight. 'Boarding CONSCIENCE wE PRIZE ABOVE ALL be as enpral as then. p your Monday ni ts storm. GF chasers - of oxe have toptly, attenk iain Fire TWday,' was the most sOvere we: lie capacity as Inspector, was UnIV0. p-portunity 01, '% Ys Hotel. -20th, -of the Win b congregations, 61:0-thiswo 9..so. 3. leGari the hall on the —The chief 9 661A OTHER LIBERTIES,' crowd and coubie,toi The early train:did ally eptee 6d and respected, It c i� Sepoy Lodge L 0. G. T. had this winter. in 81 lowing in Some -sfl[ght measure -outr e alry of $100 a. -year, ­,nd: r f t th pleasant time Co- ets a sal, snuth at of him -that he �10 be truthfully sai amonxus� -440CIETIES Thou -h th6 night was stormy there- you will 66ve orge 9 'fire a 8-0. no't'get in, but one passed appreciation of your Jabor"o M - - which: is store for you there.- each of the 0 n 2 nd the whO4 IN -very good -attendance at e , , 1 1040. The 12 and 4 o'clock trains a mati-among men,. a ring your stay with -us you hav6 re '-of Wiaf- LUCKNoW LODGE. 454 Luokno*, Fe'brmazy.14th lose. w.as 'a —Mr. and -Mrs 4 ­- The Goderich -ets in th- L Lge, were also -cancelled. su ffered fhe loss ot a -900, 0 of Forst4rs. me, egular meeti -11 8 L dge 10., county has 6ed been "Pestoe ana "FrieW Wepentlent. order f ng 0 epoy 0 Lecture i6r, HOIYFOOd visit Ix. A. Mc- - - I I r ilig at Ow an , CPI -d4y ton, are 4tage,startedout but only made Bel- d -4 he fouitki Tu eiday��hight. During the' citizen. Heleaves aivid iq 46 truest gensb of the worU The- �r' ide be MOurP 'Your labors among u*--havo'beell thi nN of - Holyrood and stree 04die'lows' 11all on 1'.k. visitingbretbren G.T. on Tu OF THE COUNTY. be dly 40 o7clo even n th kin Donald's Stauff r stree fast when they -returned. The Goder sons and two daughters to each ;iOnth at A HISTuRY rs were v. J. L vicinit o a rare- treat in Re. . t, - Uri '4ntingxe�v - usbanil tv —Ladies %N ich . bocky -nod f,1 y invited- R -S t stylg of prin club had beren playing at loss of- a kind' h oit Unt cordiall �V. A. )m treated y -pun. Of cocoanut 0' Ripley whe y On a 94mc, andinthis salhour of-bereav�iidks iring,'auid you ve All"YA ---------- W- --- i Murray' 'ectureon the 11:Yellowatone I 'will d re ihe * had w' which dress�s andw'fa�per, : M , ly iss M� y M Ke I -Very- doep interest i th' M c nzie, M t4keu a Bvrefe.rencetothe minutes of the tAffy 1 y America for house, in Huron'$, espital, 11' DEGREE Parki thE wonderland of lit call on krs. ugh fro they have the earnest spmpatby[�,�4 1>,p,BEKA - drove tbro County Council whiah- will be found was greatly- enjoy'6d by all. There.was 11 . we violfare of �our never,-.dyin# souk iti! ter-ows, I - iscri Ive powers are rare, and LTCKNOW itteets in the Odd is d' t congregation and arriv -community. D;waied fr" L -Lodge No 22 of ie of sonila efS Methodid ed at 'the McGarry house th0whole rth Thursdays 6d programn ft -1 Bruss d avorizig!in your kilad and judidioui -and fO14 - 11 -the Telescope, also a go lmostfancy.you. saw the I- li oit the F�Con� 4iting in anot ber c.ol nin, says you could a ited Re�,. - Dr. y f about one o?clock- -looking like two ember of -Camp On 1igh. : r Ra 'mouth at 8 O'clock,- p. ta V. recitations, riddles - etc. The lodge -3 actual hasinv Willouglib -an honorary 'in *Eiy to lead ustm 41 welconfe. 'ouucil wonders of the. park with tb It - s are cordially -the'resolution of the Counly C -g in the to bqe -rtetts -of . north poli adventurers. -m-i d brother meets every. TueSd-4y (evenin oi;je I paitor. qua donta," Sons of geotland, Wing a RAM. VISIon. aind you selt agrieve4 at'.'he Listowr I jtyls 6nd 86rrows'fiave been sh sisters an t ght,- but started rs b Order, toft-V . I - I* M k t the stim banquf ttid They rein and thq'me.mbe of thal ty yo4r prorqpt� . s. A.B. CoNG be- seen, which sets spa Hal ained� all. Iii Mas. REID, may 'the park rangers, that, _Mr-. J. H.1 Elliott was odge room in the Temperance brethren of Albyn b� T. Secretary strictnes's- Of rnink und Cogle Me- her with the Ca 'p-1 y u, ana in every du N.oble Grand, of $50, as for the best. essay oil Havelock stredt.' - -Chestey,- in honor of out next "0 e er I would sea cely allow tourists to carry by the n "'SS an , , - : a prize -people of alnesslia4bgfitined our, A4 Leod's epn 'WAY ductor's ship. The party- of this-vill4ge, attended the juueial�',bd We -believe the away an impression, much les w the warfenIs chair.- si irrows and eheered us vik, our o.,F.�;COURT the County of Bruce 8 curios.' his electi on I was as follows: J. . McLeod, N. Me-, Wednesday -t gnd conducted the ce Shej;�ood No- A Bad- 8sretem rons a W The lect.qe w -is, held an Monday even by associkion of'Pat h-mvenwaird. M slight tasuieft The couni Sieet- Object of the council in makim, this "Charge this lip.11- Hor� often have Leod, A. Mcfvor, W. McCarthy, D. eral -services at the grave, The corthg6 lease 50, Lucknow in Fob; 3rd, ulaor the auspices' -of their apitual meeting o ir esteem you will is - if possible, to ge of industry, h6ld 1 'Halcowson,' H. J. A. was . one of . the, largest seen in tho t Thompsonl jt everytkrst and third -grant ar, and the Merchauts-of.our town heard this a , le the Holyi�ood Public tibrary, Assoeia� n Tue 4if last week. blocklabd- t iese ard les, n(#- fort at CheAey 6 'ch in the Or- preserve- important incidents of the a' customer - I Cook. section, and despite the Monday in every lsenttnee.as *1 id es some . .1"I'i mont'l ti n. TU6L% asiociation are . trying to I V e but I for the spirit. -i A urchison-, -were 14 of bi'd R.I. h reds -Visit- first settlement of the couuty�.niany parcels inio a basket and goes out 0 becture from D.L M. _Me_ �Mr. and. —A farmer near Pinkertpn'has gone state of t e roads, llund e given, and as the aria of rxod adge a secure id- ing brethren. a r e Leir datightet, Mr. J. in never exp. visiting U crazy -and attempted to commit Buie de neighbors and friends turnid out, "th Lad -ift ebting to Pay? We. M.P. P of Glengary - last May - of which can still he obtained' from aga Pherson I w'i, of.Chealey a� few dqs elters you from evi y�4 f cordially invited i - - - - I Burro ecause he feared lie liaA not fodder p-ty a last and fitting tribute ofresj�ea iie t C, R. L9 tile ese a safe ter I , the postoffice or at a rat e* 'Is. kt own b t shel , irdii thexa*ng-,69 s SCOTT ipauts pay- cash mi irgg. I .jtc, the lips of those who were par g -h- the JOB ai H e elements. We join- 1tartilly in IF YULE not at the oil d out week, enough to keep his cows throu t d way- Rtation,, then why therein. One by 0 e the' pioneers of grocery, ana Ae dry -ggcds store, or anno, n --'The -box social to d' shortly. town hall o, �,ishing you a long, bsRpy 4ud P U R. 428 f cementl 20th, tereiteid in the matter than he, appear [-X.L ORANGE LODGE vira and it Credit -fosters extravagance and the .9 -1 the eveni ng of the Or1V"i`LLJLdE -COUNC14 C given in e winter. n hee iing of the %�orld, so look tb Th� cows, who we're more in - monthly meeti in the the county are passing a - y, p'erdits life ion earth a onou# lj�"hy 1d-4 its reogular ent �kf the to have' regirded the outlook a. great. uld eagily be e ey. i4l -t Lucknov- on �Of goods that �o will Pert in y be th -Wined, ap i, ­%,J, Campbell Stree was recogonized by the council, that purchase. 11 Kenneth �WcLeod Dead They did. Oran -e deal more philosophieaH ore- the full moou- done without, is r more, -in- -son. lo . se th y. on or bef responsible fo sea The regular meeting, of the vilIA43 i'inmottality in heaven, A. TussLy.eveuings- th 1�e ofthe congregation; -vening follt)w if anythin a was to be -done in p. way -Kenneth. M�mLectd, the brother.* not eir heads over -the prospects Council was held in the -Council Ch4 pegree night second Tuesday t I events-, 6at affect the - financial- and —No young lady, will -be, happy pilere of the* n, visiting brethren cordially -.%., - or attempt to quit thiss Ir 'ith W1 Alex. M&enzi(�- -his fadts; it engIneer ber',on Tue ary fall moon. 1111 of collecting early torical of hpbertJ. Hill, chief has , see -volitio -They did not try sday,:Febru -Cat Ing of those busintsA world than all other.agbricies 1W ured! SOMP 0 to Xzq Xd� invited 0 the meetings. oft go Cit hilway CO.,. died until she wn it. sent tht 1,611insen, Annie 91bell, the inembers being pre and The idea is a 1mbined. he Chica y R prin - -for 'blouses at i Mrs. lg6 before they -t1:i6- chair. ts -came to N G d-8 �1 ZIE, Wm. TATtoit. must be done quickly. co �ail 7 A Ind on' haddsome cross the brfc R in �eniie. eeve i, Secretary. on theit, CKEN commenda�le one, but the grant set �f heart ure at Hammon mith's. it. There was. no attempt e fop Box Social F eb .5, aged 35 years. be The minutes of the last re900 ]REPLY ap as- a native o KIND FRINNDS.—I he regular, monthly y of e asgure Xpa it rite up Chairman' -Wednesday, pre art is ridiculously Small.,- In order :-Ppagrarnrn r given part to shake hands with, t devil, -delased, who w' 'he read alid confirmec ry of the Count a address; Comic song, f- —T finels -pt ogr mine eve ticy p the Weiiien'a Christian �O w the d audt� Co willTioe I referring rathet to wait until meeting were meeting of W, mx been'. in I this to.a Lucknow 'The following accounts were '-a- ie rinon thanto W 'second -found necessar� for c 6kno Ont., and h; ach -eas r th prftch a at -is L., Lu 11 be held -every Bruce, it would be, Geo. ATnistrong; Re itation, Mi soc� I �On hursday they met that dark and a.ugust person or a. little, over a. year, %v ented: -art-, electric light, sympiLthetic - --addWAR. d Fellow& c age., Th&y were not fools enough to reply -to. such -a day of each in r -y $116.0-6 - Jno. Murchison, sal&ryi i6t4-� Temperance Union vn ai sented at the box —W. Stew f, Wodue onth in the Od t4e Vist'Ohan to visit eve municipal- 0ampbell; solo,-- Misi L- Gordon� Re i- country with i Your'kiodness is beyond my wor& foi MRS. G. -.NV byphoid fever about three evening next. resign untU they -reached the 6risis. I - I I � a iuckne;w�, at 3 p- in- county, and to spend several salary. itel, y? ity in the tation, Miss Cora Moody; So.lo, Lalla strikeil . P2 RNRLL:Secretar -h R-0682 p MRS 110 -iinq 9 ent Jno. N. Olin Armstron weeks a&o and his c . �l In this t ey sbowed -good common $58-45; ch. His travelling ex enses solo, J ondition, bi r.. Mex And Ali R Mary 7 * ` ression and such a 'proam-tatlob days id ea 0 p Berry- Corn udy, btiryinil $50.41 ; An 41 1 -N %v -tit ure 0 cated L Lodge,No:11-2 r e�ndered --rc W we6ks Wi it d6gs, $L00; U C K N 0 W W a ` . -turned is scarce, of coukse, drew. Gr4 ;:kis us.�i our.guard. d amourit- to 'Miss Minnie Tompson. Sale '"f compli ith 'r,* 'affection of the lnon, i sense, . Fodde e vr to say, woul SO.10, covery prac . la�nd., of Dungai , liare r th but the farmer who V. J. teadbetteik h -every Friday more than the $50 to say norhing of B - es. Solo, J. 'Hunter; Violin hi�art, tically� -after- spending a worries over - titude 1 -or such a meets OX hose, 75c: W,.J. *Lyons, pqrq 9xpress py�­ w was- As in t e'vi i u e.- un i evenin g at were hopelessii- le wease I frien d his mind . becoiAes ddra g,.61.50 Thos.,11,hoeb 63M. know. inj strbeti 0" tree y a lfkrgye hol and -it in w ed -b J. N- C. Wil- very foolish in T 0 s L -es ard Armstron �d.jress and presint, audIshaR vQ the loss of time. If the 6=4 selec tion, At isse e n -the Campbells t All brethren -grant to tw6 or.. three Due't, Alisses Flood' Recitation, Miss highly 6iteem L 0. —Messrs. indeed. He must -salary,425,00; h6 4t not only f r the ibir hich it oble to hicreaie the 11 the mow by cuttin., 4ul er. tap- -:V ue -A d $63U. �.y invited. Ww. TAYLOR, P Lawson; e f ien s, -i- w as, in the - employ of the nilton,. drove -that he cannot fi trinsto Recorder. bundled -dollars, it would be more lik G o. r son, of the Ban of a] a count, Bar �iven, but for its in gie sa sb 0 -Ag �a�d had been and bi� t6Dat with a razor. The way pon, genefal c Q uncillors aild haVe greatly -"JJ0 y NVILSOX t the thing. Douglai;; Tristrumental duet,.'- Miss 'Hamtn6 d Packina to Wing anti on Saturday evenip :ov6rcome any tendency to- melancholy Moved by Co L I h Bryau 'identified Monday-11norning. r -among my,people 1 with the Odd U.W.LUCKNOW LODGE 07 kiis , ali(I 10 ;Berry. and Smith; Solo, Miss MeNabb; for y ea returned 01. just to look Davisoni-that the 6,bOve accouuVs be abors 4 Othe Ancient Order United Workmen, Rig remains were taken to because of hard times is .4 last and An God sa-ve -Fellows. angside, nod with your By tueet in the Oddf ellow-shall. on the� y Comici Geo. instrona. Secure your apkes before, tbey around and'see others worse off. JWe passed. Carried. of each month�a CAXADIAN LOYALf Canada �y the Wabash -on Wednesday -hat i�ie Tolma ud he�� my work dcou Mouday evenings en A ba;�j eli must admit times are hard, but bv The accoixtits of W. J. LepAbrat -U - d ock. Visiting b th6 Quo, rt�companied his e all gone..' 6re light. I feel -that, -is itqpwible for rethren cordially . -4 - night, and were ge, for Cu $1.00 for :saLe o excliab ttingourthro#ts we may land in $5.'90, (1 Allau McLeod ALF - Ross oritman, themselvesi 'theri4ohn McLe6d, Of'.H OOMMittel5f tuik niited. x Master W Few, except'Canadians 93kating Race atumoud, Sweets bro 5 J. G A nA Wr,- another fand wher.9 times are harder, referred to the Anance we.to r�ply further, butaga*-1 bLve,- -Recorder. oes, oat-, 7 - Uv ID Y, tioned the loyalty of Can- Ali -ye. mile skating rice will take iis brdther-iii-law, D. A; Potnt r, and mones an unkn'ov' you ear, a Ind., and- I fodder scarce �gardi�k the h tily ZD Some pra- -have ques r vour-: au ri t -son. qua The treasurer reported.re youtheariy a� ri place a Times must -improve !�nd OLD. LIGHT LODLTXJ -adians. to the B itish crown, and no -place'iw the Lorne RinU in Lucknow Me Kett �i �The funeral took- n's race to -night at the ntity tranafer of ihe Sinldng Fund, P#1""On -the loyalty rf the . ruary 2 1 st, fo z e. - �The fat ma - n - acdWat ut -as well an on Friday evening. Feb Chicako, British when the improvement comes we want one has doubted Luckn Ont;- f the Merchants? Bank, Itut liopo- wid eesl to be of aii inter- Tom hra- of.pjUborsaud I.siqcerly-11, But it might . I- tk. jnq f $13 is Lorne Rink promi to b *dk- the good Wo official class. i be re which & pursejo offered in A e -here to enjoy it.--Kineardine ine to the 1�ank of Hamilton, pray that —,a ox 1hree prizes o amognts- 60's tinue and Gods 005 eating ReVi6w. alf of their Entr- -nature, warked too pinch on bell f V, 84 and 82. �eral prbalinent s fund now work MAY -2 Such: frequent r citizens have Craining fg.r-the now,, Thi province. eiteration ance fe6 50 centg. - These races always Thq North Efide Won. sum of $356t.45 and on it wb ar6 e- it ling done. i for EnAi6nd is apt to bring togethex-- thn best' skaters in the Ant.. ae�half -per of- their love On t' occasi -r ev an adivance of' 01 W 0 ons, during. last wintc DUNGANNON eivir r. the -harness recoivea ted that R -s fro* the give the impression that they are two counties, and it i� eKpec the cuifers living. or doing business on Alex`.� cent fiont that we I I toreceiveorders tedIr -U-4. 7 such notod XUL0 UO Stl Co Itte elee V La L� 4 realy trying to convince themse veaon thii oc the th to % casion Bide of Campbell street, aker, . 0 'th 'Wi wra 0aa to state that ftInS�Vor I 11 T� M. .. A I. - This week lie -1 -.41 xpress. -Elliott - Bros., 01. Ug 1m; U& US arlino"L trom a Is - .. of lorontoj U - ts Xne Vol G1orLe ULM of it.----Buttaio I defeatbd the north,sicib men at ci now. r. rew, haresa to to ncardine;' and --northerner-i sb�ppe& s of fine eavy '6 ay evening -ales of our town is able -- bearo URSDAYNNIGHT ON OW and Me"' cod of Ki day last-th a n - Thu d a written statement that �11 the � upalgam The distinction is not so -much be- 1J ., I ted but ori. T�ues rneetifig her o t1l.63 Messrs. is - -Drau in the Masonx Hall, - ;,,s of Walkerton, and other no ted exce 9. Little -and, 'Thos. ni St, redeemed theii'Just Manitoba. had tween the official and the unofficial. JO in ait week, explaining, very fully alij k street. pai� at. lea Of 1, S u utract Of furnill4ug usgels, Listowel, Dun- return&l to the ConutY Ties rer skateis from Br by defeating the�'southerners f Oran-eirien in, t HARRY DAYS.. asses as,between the native Cana- -At the meting wa Bryatl and the wood for the cheese factory.-'. BuT". nnonj Teeswater- and other places -as- herail and how the village -Moved by Councillors by one shot. It was a well contested Clinton on Tueiduy t , vote � taken Secretary of 9, n cora Miss: X. -Kehoe, of W. M. dians ai.d the immigrants. Many. ivill be-4ere. m Start to 6nish,, and - at no to' -the holaing of the 1�ext'a uu@61 Would be benefitted by it. The re- Davison that the :finance game 0' DENTAL a dince and jeportL Visiting here last`.w4eko b match were there more at the Clerk' the. latter, having lived in Canada for time ift t 0 -celebration resulted hr eTy i!i favor of $500,in stock had t6 be m6et,. .9 quirement of s of,taxes. claimed t6 4ime Alex McDougall, -0fLuclrno4i"jR8A re upon arreaT in ny yais, and haVi raised their A Former LuckryMArItO than d1ew shots between the rinks. Goaeri-ch� ter a short discoqrse the 119 granted. Af GENERAL. a Americaw has-- been paid.., Carried.- Us a visit last -week. They-w7er fnr the iiag into Luck- five U-isip Jda a -ad W.. Potter, -of "imfiv, -by Counci t S 0.00 CAN M- REPAID fa ilies here, aie quite good enowill The Chicago British was.o trouble- in getting the moved _S LOAN OF $10 former -.Q aWlogs are co-tO llors Bryah in �ve annual payments of $24.25 each the follOwinyreference to a Farill d S undav with Mx. -R. West. -in-grev its. m South Sid!e. ers are hundre made. up, &13 every person wa USU ()0 speu an ians -for all practical p I -poses, North. Oide. n w A-. quanti al grant of 4 payments of $1188 earih, �C acT of our village. Mir. John H. 'twe.0y mile� to buy. stock. 11ormes. that the Sim. Burke was�. in the -resident IV i.as be or in tiIn. half-yei five years. J Skinner hauling the. ready Braui6h. A-gric- repays $100 But they cannot he blamed for re- C, e Men John Alef'sarry. made to the Kinloss Monday gathering"ashes. ameron, the -president, of th hey -are sel ling at Whitley, who has beeno 'dirivan in. some -instances. ohn It ultural Society. $f"' 0 J Neill' ed4 La CarT:1 P!l d. 'the sick list for the past few weeks, is Quite a IsTge number of people 1row taining an affectionate remembrance delssohn Club, 'which is to give, a jrri,� � -, r van W Allin -tbousan Ana pe R013ERT 00 Nr411t0HAM- al,211usic Hall on J-48 B Moved �by Counei[llor� Hlmbs Corrbes Corner aiid­ ]6a for the land- of their birth,'just as doncert in the Centi G0rg e Ahnston,and,Mx- able to go around again. Of Win. 0111 Neal Moe tug. is the assistant c"hier J B H It Dr JS Tennant. —Mr. Davison. that tender our last literary 0 cords of J0 INSURANCE-. of the United,9tates who TArtiary 13tbi. cLeod Patron luominees in oaeridh, to supply 6 wood Ab� the We jare glaa to heaT tUt- Ji 0j r Mv� R. Clendennin of 0 esident -skip. 10.. skip 11 -klex. M u ter th orks at $1.25 be rn at �JV pton last wat-erw RINE, he Republic of this --FIRE AND MA j)ranndn, Nvho -has been" firatizz for n vely, were boia in Cdnadii think R� 11khes- Rou and o h: Vi toria respecti paid our village flying visit i kindly of OiDum cit r. Carneron- was bo presented their- resignations to -the- -effect:df -0 have -GUELPH-� week. CaTried:. the past few, days froj3i the Dominion. Scott hadV the right T F Ciin Barrie, Out.', i4 185T,. and entered the Alex cPherson so -Move&by Counci rses,-U Ab e to lapho,110 No- 195, -county association. ckno illors- Brykii and kick from one of his la� idea in his head when he v4\ote: banking business at an early age._ He i chQ1 P A Malcom It the Miss Lottie Whyard, of Lu w. acted'with the Mechanics' J Mu ehison Co ay -C uncil have fo been at Holmes that the appointment, 011- be around agnifi- - P�-_u rd oc h —The -Huron e Lto give of - this p.ace, biLs Br ere a man with soul so became Conn. able be;loft over" until- the eathes t rinerly q It -it &I in 1873, and hree� skip 24. ecords of ston home for the past few days 6 the sick st Bank at Mo tre f S. at_the ineetinginipr -Carried. dead, employment or ife t e priso. red the:service of the list. foi. ye r Were two a 01 L.D.S. D -M, ars late entia In 33. Goderich jail., The There Newt I Who never to himself bath'gaid Federal bank of Lond-ou- -Oat. 34. stones are not to Mr. and Mrs. P. 7. Hamlen abd collstable, 'being W, J.' L70fW] R114 Mr; ni6l 13. b to be, carried -about the family, This is my own, my nati.v6, land, I n ut, iting -friends rhoq.. Shoebottom. fiio S 001 'Of barked in a private baking -broke of. Ripley, are, vis Asso8ation I I - �. �, U., -. t Gfad�ate of Toro oh 1878 e. em ed. F Honor bath-. ne'er within hi- no w-, with his broth6r, W.C.T.U. Concert -jail yard. -tiig UIMW Vib� Whose� heart in business ect Luck here at present. nual bounty nee -�Ututr*anaDoctorof- es. Moved by Councillors Bry te. ao., on :be' -'aw, villate of Ches ty -op �ur ed' vdn on the 31st Anst. ov with Morris 44 4 D. E. Cameron, and in 1877 left -Luck- Thd. concert -gi dics clean your kid gi f Clinton, Hugh Miss- Fifzaimmo4, 0 Ion that ne Glove Clea ad -Several %TAL STRGERY"' )w for Chicago, when his� services u ner,.-for sale, only ... d ii 6 the auspices of the 0. T' U. j6g,phi isin's, Mrs. Robtf' Carrie of our 'home hi� footsteps he hatfi tuened, 114 pointed Clerk As t. visiting rAt her. cou -were -secord the -Merchants- able'aftiir, by W. CLonnell. Ileadquatters for eir w, 4. !nTIL - '0 .0* -in -VentlAry performed - From wanwring on foreign provbi to be,& moft enjoy Pentland. Moved by Councillors Davlabli.. UUL linable to- contm, ­A�n overations r d undreespd-- kid gloves, -m National 'Batik. A, iter, eleven yes s dressed an I � L I I !he ap"POILL re cold. do -aU work who failed to atten&. certain.; - E Al roe,. of Bryan.tbat Jno N. Ross -to a �15eve and an endeavor to strand lie' and ihose Mr. and Mrs. D. care service with that bank,, 11 the toost desirable shades for street faithful a 1� missrs. J0 e1W ubu I L. t 'i- 18-1 log ollebtor for 1896 Kay; iek�A satisfactory. ly Ip Bed a treat. -The chair was, ir. .1 rn, sp6n a day visit] That is the sentiment that eeps was upon to fil - t a Moved illors 110114 in. 1890 calle h or.evening wet V Eroni heW & b -the ori h Gold.. Porcelain. Silyex-and Rev.. H. W. Reed. in the village.- by Coune -trip to Tobe'L d -.-L-LING--% it W w holds. oced ablw me extent English, or position of' -trust h1ch he. no —For sale or to� let! A valu fiat Donaid Uanip t�r amalgam. The teitainment *as- furnished, y� 1�lrs. Jas, WhyarrA and 'her' son iKraoch �e acres, frame flot-for lag -6. -00VI-491 111W geot' , tho gh he May have garden consisting of 11 meA vere ving. I risb, or ch u 1"w Irene it cox. 0 cu- Divid, are on a Xiss La -trip housb, goo( 1i �apple- and -OTU-Mada- with a view f preser Bru�e CounW Lodge f Paris, 'elo I wel cherrie n exknded visit ib aPl*ntea A 11-C 1 vwe- b-712-61 hei ora W�411 S 1* earanoe. and of. theb6st lived i moved by ou sa t to 1".dk And or the, natural app n Canada two- of bi t and vocalhtt, N Be tsy and lots -HarriEton. The annual.meening of the West tionIS Davison- that Th6s. Douglar. trees, black and redcurre averything Aal qlh -time. But the, same sentim�at­ W, and thei Wingham mmuni,)n day fo life n Lodge was held of uckno -I -00tiea.. -� - e U ge goose e lFor further partic ser. for 1896. Y,' I mad ]Br cetoyal'Oka b'rries,. �sse5sibbath being co pointed engip 9 Tof of Aft. MA u stra under the leadership- of -. A. plication Of ainless .4xtractin adian from bein 6sa orA s ib�rteriau church, there was f, the native Can -Bb6iley neat fhi� the Proi g. it, hii keeps 9 in the-Orang6 Hall, Bervie, on T. in Moved -by Conn avigoli At It the gum or P ul ra apply -to Jail oillors D r ra 'Hitchcox, though a - a, Holmes -that -MQM Wed- with Success. last week. The aLteildai4cp Koftn" min Ye atte�danm a n nnot of P esbyterian church Brya nythi 9 but a Canadian., lie ca day of over vej We Isiiih -lie a �eomliifttee- .01% 'bee!p- - .1 'ung artist gives ividence 7 w e'* largo y Y0 � that.Afist and the Reeve s th st in. some, years, -a meeti bf tlif) Qo(inty n It h bl'Pjk' be Etlgjis o Iri h, or Scotch, be- was fid nearly 'pos -are sorry tQ sa, _:_I mr.AllinIg Ile 100 delegates being present a I aging great ilatural giftsi and al Sau,lq is. slowly rec6iering from petitimis and bv-1a:WP., r c Wors Br; c -er or -his grandfatber. ts ause his fath t d. e Lodge of N th Bru -6 held at i Mr. 1 every lodge being she is a very pleasing enter - in- Orang er. twell 'represen e r a y `qnani- ries d' M the skatiog �, _V1141t tural- and Tara, a resolutiofi as Carrie? inju'i Moved by _,;p ItIP16yr every happened to �e born in -England, or of the Order were is vivacious, quite na d I" Rep - ts on the State -tiat the Aeeva aA 0 aftei noon., mouSly expressing pproval, 6,- Grand rink Convou- ThursdaY He never saw- his �ery satisfactory. The lodge unani- ge ter hearers in sympathy with the 6 land or Scotland. in resigning `The -Sundity-school cillors 11 4t real pl. e!S. otion Annual mr �:s was -a -ml ei sub�. it- - ­ hi e n' f ircui d that t6 county do- t. It eksuee- to Master WallaceIs ungannon c father's or s- grandfath r's ative mousl -the tion of Nile iind 1) t a is Lalla Berry, of from the Ministry ac -0 Wednesd a . ee a out rd-;arftjgMg­L y lsho�lil be held on- 12th lie` to- her. Mi n count NOTICE monstration I b co -that -his a a � - __p I uptry, but he has an idea In 9�re dial po icy.- ill be held- at Nile IX., "I I July 'next 6-t -A com- LU O -W, sang several selec A splendid �EXEI�. AN own native C-Anada,-is as worthy. of -�nc' t and music HAS 01 c the 19th in, n' the building east of the mittee c6nsisting.of Rev.! Hall, pleg the audience very we.l. Her -in the iffolland of 3rd con. .,of n,.was u radi d guen _ey Pri'tingt te for him. appointed t bire a resolnt -0 . R It Tuesdav .oflice� EL for ente ive Mr love- and devotion as any other-' t Dr- J Ines SturgeD Pro Nohis, (Pr rtainineni -*As -9` Jas. ,t�bor -Or& I ay n Office. v Abhfi4d,- spent S�qtid 67. e, MORTGAGES X Sul a mee Ing of the-- Dir any ra ion of us,� boing received with special f vor. ill�ge hall, St it is good enGlIgh r Of l&8t-L _W#k, iiii aid. sl)f the. S. BONDS, LEASES, It 15w et,voice, particul e GREEMFNT Of the-p,-)pulation of Canada. in 19,91: confidence in '4on. N clorke WAllace, MiW-Perryltag e ev ning _An: -enjoyable D WILLS Institute.. annii'l ada 'nu bit d in the ac tIon eringi. ti4n. whieW he has taken. arly sweet and ful I in the lower notes' LLy pItEPARED. thoge AREFU a very g�od--R%6sfdc- time� was spent. he instliute- is '6fficers re olfd orchestra gavi _of The, eleetionl' Ited as oeifications and extiVates for: bu'l 4,180,877 and those born outside r., :16it W.hen �th co follo cis tion� indeed.:, The- members. know how miag T�ry popu�a B10 ;Mft" 't sibridges, etc., furnisheit Bro. De -itt H. A y -gay, ev eir�=., 10- pasi eu. ERVILLE o.; -4 are i d ry ,ealj e"' t qg�mqij ,a -" , rem will a numb d only 647,362. f. d 1). C� M aloe ofi ishoirtLinotme. er� was E. A. -he auaieved .the iatter, 219,688 came from g.: Martyn )lain, Bro. . mik lure.' Though t ilitia; must a Bro. Hir so )rgg ai, t1w excelleni 0'r D er land and lVal i,l 107,584 from e t. Dagg; not., b I- grfil to Or M so arge ex lit ES land Roe. Thos lVilion; Tress.. ddd should Asia- -broujht, to yeb, the"r-eceipts wire bil )r.'FAM and 149,18 from Ireland,' B'ei g IB ]Rqbt. R, S�11;. C� Bro. ht. ou: ra. ..f lecture] f6r b -a In 7- 11ij,' ae"d ri "Jus. C.- bitt the fuidO t e Whiie- depu�$ lecturers, Bros. cio to d -h Wle !NOT -e Ca adia s H th n in. I r, Bro.,.-:Thoz.- mfoatuou. mmaymmm not 'giudJ Eff �need r idinstsea 0- - idgreim we will =011 wal Do— Tp their aranco Johnston and unu asurplol n 9 ID pl 4- kL