HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-02-07, Page 4R • simminalmoras. Ammo' ber iot members ler the Association- cope Top ; An Ostrich Farm ; Chinese LUCKNOIN MARKETS.. • according the size of the factory. Villege and Pagodo -with Theatre ; Japanese Park with Hooden. and Tea .061tItECTED EVERY TUURSO$3 la The average quantities of eheese - made in each factory is estimated to _be 60- tone. • At this estimate a rate of about 40 cent& par ton x?-rouid be need: ed from the factories. - If a sliding le webs preferable the foll,,wing .r ould meet the requirements When Garden. the Exposition end' the' -advantages , , pelt:rim, sheel.............:zi...._ ...... .. .. ....... . -.32: to 24 the make is under 50 tens, 60 cents ; tries (011 countties," -wilt be gathere Butt* per Ili rolls 12c, tub... .. 12 in 13 the Products, Resolitas - and Indus - from 50 to 75 tons, 45 eel* ; from frem the following :_- to 150 tone, 30 smite and oier 156 tons, 'II cents. 2 Means of Transport, - 1 Architecture and Ferestry. - will guarantee 55 metnbers fel- the 4 Food Industries. Association at 50 cents each or from -5 River and Sea Fishery. . 40 to 90 members according to, _the size pi, the factory, the As.sociation will . 7 -Machinery, - . undertake to pay the, costs of syndie- . - $ Lighting. _ - ate instructors- and .to manage -the -9 Tudustrial Arts'. 'patron _paid into the, A.ssocietion 1.i geographical Seetion. would also enable it to pay the total 12.Compete Furniturt-, cost of -the scheme proposed. - 12 The 'mein* bership scheme _seen* - factories to adopt, to; each petren who_ .16 Ai issAbilleoes.. e . -,. becompe a member .•.Z.:. ill reeeive reports-, • • There will also* he- epecial klepart, -times the admission fee; dine leev leg and Hit:tot-Teal Collection; the Women. ' 13 'The Association intends, it pies - _TIM Ex POSITION GROUNDS - - sible, to orgaaiiee ope or -two • of the4e are • situated • at .the base of Mount sendieates for the corningseasen ae. .a Royal, which :fs one of the Most, beaut:- any-locality desire - to forre thenevelv es into a syndicate -and- will guarantee their share of the cost, the Aagoei itiorn_ -• will be -ready to appoint an instrueter arid assume control ofethe work. • , _The' foregoing scheme is stroney , . recommended to faeforyinen as ..the . bringing about more uniieriiiity In the quality,,of Western tentario thee* Yegarding it should Write the Seeri.- 017R DARLING - 'Dedicated -to the Demi. of Infant Son. for Mrs. H. Miller, ilelevoi. • • One darling has departed --To that lend Of. bliseful yest, He has left us ell foreter He -.is' sitting by his side, In the realms of the Eternal, He forever shall ah;i1e.- His days on earth were lumbered, • The parting- hone drew neav, - "And theree so mute and motion!esse Lay ourprecions little dear. • At last the angels euminoned him, ! His spirit took its flight, Ana passed triumphant tlaro' the gate To the Buelah land of light. He shall siand, among the ransomed, He shall tread -the streets of go,14-, 'He shall be ft. lamb of Jesus, athered safely in the fold. Your cradle stands here ernpty, For no longer tlure you lay, Since the day -you bid us all farewell And your spirit,eoard- away. We shall miss our little treasurer But av-e caiveot wish him here, ; • He hae safely reached the golden kate - And is- ever free from fear. . As this dear child to- ge, • And safely fetss through Joeclan'sdeep iful parks in _ America, abounding in Alm most magnificent nOurat sbehery. week we lare now cienducti wilt he of the most unique and. beaeti. ; ClOgring „We have Dry! Wood Li s 1 20 . DRY GOODS litIOSE Tlp Original. leash Slore in "As 00 will see by °tn.& eufars this fill descriptions, us la . _. 'Manufaeturers tied Liberal- Aete tural Building ; Fine Arts- Building ; Tne Palitee of All Nations and e.ither. The GrOonds -will lie artistically -aud beautifully . laid met, and •:every- tning will be done to wig t -i the con - Th. re wi g be. fleeing fountains. apd green laWnS, -and prizes- will be offere (el for the best. desii,7us in -laying Out bands ef music in the work! have' tions and- Feuntains, as also a- Grand --t - The raikways ; and other. public bodies -it may be 10a -timed, have taken up the:Expo:460n with et.tlius- BRITISS. UMPIRE EXPOSITION. Special Article issued ley the Itepart,•• merit of Publicity and Prornotien. - The Dominion Of Canada h toil:lave position, which will be , officially • kno-wn as the British Empire Exposi- tion and_ Interuational Display of all • , - Nations, will be opened on. May .,_ 25th . A kept open until October 12th. It will - : AT PUT.NEW LIFE llil PA -Es. be Catiada's first great International from all parts *--ot -the_ _world.; 'The -‘-'';Sco-re's SA Se-PAIULLA -CUBIT ME." " active spirivin__the enterprise is Mr. The chilly Weather' of 7late -fall at. d , - 'Joseph H. Skiles, .who was the British winter Fair: At the- close • „of the fer. Thig fact is ▪ plainly priivted le -the opinions o.f some who speak from practical experience : visit to Called% and .was at once "I felt like a• man that could commit striick by the magnificent . possibilities - suicide. ,I caught' n cold while ceinele that it afforded for a great Exposi- ing on damp grout,d, had twiirges rif awful muscular. pains, .couldn't cat-aud - tion. With the encouragement ind couldn't sleep. All -I did 'was to niepn support of - .se.verall public '-iipirited around and make all in the housie as citizens' he let tb *drk, and . it was 'miserable as myself; - Scott's Sareapar-• not long before he bad Obtained_ the illa put new life in _ine, braeed mei up thoroughly, and since al use pain Ion stranger to me." Alex Grant, Toronto. - au fait.inEXposition work, he obeein- J. T. McGraw, a mining prospector, ed assurance% ef assistance ancr -"pod writing from Mindeii: Express me three Will from •ree.ny of the largest exhibit- bottles Scott's SarsaparillaIere before , Saturday. Have been ' a martyr to ' ora in the world who had taken part by exposure. Scott's- Sarsaparilla is- . ' in other Etpositions. Mr. Stile§ end his staff of officials rapidly curing me." 1 . : -have Wen busy for oyer a year en„. e:Othing has ever equalled Scott's - gaged on the preparatory Work in connection with the Exposition and the • arrangements are now • well ad- vanced The objecte and Scope of the Canadian Exposition, were •-ex- - plakeed by eMr. Stiles ate went mass meetipg of- _citieens. recently • held _in, iient in mess meeting -assembled, and . . Baker and Confectioner. -' ' authoritjesiot Montreal' called aipon to ,. Dea.ler in all kind§ Of heartily reeeived by foreign Ountries - that- there' will -be front the -United States, the -United Hungat7, - Italy, Sweden, Norway Empire, :Switzerland. ' Australasia, Ceylon, Berroah, Cape Colony, Japan and China'. Mexico, gontli and Cent, SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS i In addi!tion to extensive EXhibits character win 1 -The . A.veque of -All Nations ;, ow TO FABItetS. -' London Bridge The, yertetian, Canals, with .Goadolas --el -E:k_CE LI.ENT- Gi'PORTUNITY ; is now afforded to farmers with small': capital wini desirs to obtaini improved farm. and the.iops Seenery-Irhe Haunted; nr stack rattans, atal. irrigation,. buildings $:wing,; gbildren's Fairy Land ; The anti feticea, in the District of Albetta, North West -Territories, en ewer terina. The raising Cobra& :Gold Mine -,.--: The Blirror ..f.i.,,crited eratie, heirsen own. si)d pigs is lout Ingters; Ea.* India?. w9ofit.. , - Mb- underripEd will furtri4 information or • made hig reductions in . our GOODS aua TRIMMINGS. ft will be elecidedlyiei yinir interest, ii4uniinos to _vreit vs -be ore buying; an art .t Our. cpoh stoves, heaters and fuirtiaces are' giving -un-: public 'at ht, Therefore, the !surface appear the f oiao to see and purchasing lgoods that so ad the t with ost fully please those *Ito usp-thenv Al‘ &don% claim to l _earth and nearly all that 0 in it, but we do, claim th• the very superier goods 4N -e handle, we'ean gratify.' th , ion. NNT e ask for. tri,thin , but what we believe is in yelur t• an:1- we' fi int, wt ,litive : trio., many gond,: _04' henki. Ilii--; lite:tile.- inueli to-- the. 'among die bread ' TRIMOLUAL NOTES . Wedding rings. are made and yery rarely bearsthe stamp of the jt wt -ler will° sells them. Now if there- is anything in- tho world that a- man should. desire te) have of gobil it would be his weddin:, ring. A ring bearing the stal4 your iocal dealer is a guarantee that you can refer to at any time. have now on -hand a 18 carat plain viedding rings.„ of different w4ghts and any. width 'you may desire, and. every- ring bears my stamp is in itsel a guarantee- of the fine quality stamped thereon. tor wedding Hugs see J. W. Armstrong's immense and excellent stock,. tlace, Neill at, ay: 114eadeles in Low Peieel. • it ,opular Hardware MAN'S _Is the- place te malie ydur selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; GROCERIES & PROVISIOIrS Apples . Blacking Black Lead Blue - Barley, pot • Bath Brick - Brushes Biscuit Canned Goods porn; conned Ltiitir meal Currants - Conk Powder , A DAN- 11481V314.N,•32anager:' rinST-OLASSOORSOSAND RICO. i-* . Prices Rea§onable.- IS Cau Rheurnatism i the 'presence of , the system,. and of this - paurpr this .terturee. -T hrocations -an may give tempo ery re until it is eepell. d, rh matisrie sciatica ti expelling th i,sonous 'acid. In chronic cases, this me ,ne' reathes -the sburce cif the disease a no othOreenedicine can. - It gives Terme- d eeergy to 'the organs • that -sustain life . die -Art -es that make the youth, for the ebility- 'that -precedes old fn to modeerrine cal. sew ce—The -dose -ia from one half; td one teaspoottful and • durieg its use the •ordinary Vocations -are Acid All tihe Bloo,.2, cede rpniboal. 'a blood disease,--rdne to uric acid—a poison—in t is only -by the removal n be effected. Acute ereditary, end thus it is ren arei often victims to :outw rd applications, ief, but can never the blood, and fi tracts dried G ingers Mips • corice fiard Matches - acaroni kleats, canned Oil; sweet Oil, castor Oranges OpaabilsMaal Peels RPS tarTiiispi s- - Rice Flour Syruris A 1 Flour-8,1Nya' s on Ir!ncl.,....„„„ TENDERS WANTED.. -delivery of 20 cords of ''font• -foot -oodi good, sound, sgrcett,15Oilv, beleak' and. m pie.' ;Also Public School, duties en comicebc Feb. 15th, - The- Great English Remedir• . • Packages qUarantee4 • piomptly; and 0,5re ail form IreaknessiEnt Mental Worry. execssive use Deere and After 6:•tr Has been prescribed civet 135 years in thousands:of eases; is the; oldy Relicilko and Ho • t Medicine known. nskdruggistrolTood's Ph sOhodinetit beoffers some wortblesi,, edicine tureen et tins. inclose pricein letter, aed we win a nd by return maii. Price, one paisnige, 11; six, ono siat ermauentiy of Nervous Arm- tenesandaff or EXCOSITA nne matOeS. can ed Vinegars t Washing Crys Woodenwase Washboards WDillitinteinrgSets ; ea Sets Vater Sets Cream Sets Berry Sets 'Toilet Sets MAPLE LO AN'M ,14 ITCHElj. 13110S. ,feet Of Maple Lop, at Luckriow mills, this sea the same price as pai 'LUMBER LATill AHD litiCL&S • ST. REEENS. ON BOAR FOR SERVICE LIE VND-ERSIIINE WISHES TO that Ikt:. n ill for ser ice. Alfs war at lot 2 Kinriss, that very. superior bred is frotn imported lock. 'retui for thesea4m pi/stiv.ily- cab at time of service, wlth shingles 'constitet] on ban Order on --the Shot est-notic putting the blood in healthful- cirtula- . tion and invigorating- the body. Thou- _ _ FOR SA E:.OR TONRINTi •:- sands testify to its spleedid effects , in ,--4---,- ' . \ ! diseases. On -this account no imitatien, , c . ' ... Wes Wswanth, at prestint•occo-- of Scott's should be-, -accepted. Of your Ple" l'Y IP"' State, of Cultiva loll . balance 'in ‘, hi tame -A antlers.- 0 acrvs itt, liiigh local druggists at $1 per bottle, .6 bOt.- 1)14;1 - Good - bk.; idings, 1 "Oil oval}, • terld.- 25 atm. id fall p onhing qoud on thel plate to let' by terder up till 1136:rnary - 15.1 18 i5. Bread, Buns . and Cakes . Fresh Daily . NO* -LoOK Out ijealefwasho ca:tv snierthilsoitogr iireirMa-it,..4r the bo le lug the pricCchesper. • et, lath and Scott's Sarsaparilla' yon are su „powerful blood finriflor and known— °there will not do 0 well, because nothing to take in it4i piece, - they donot contain t,hese properies— thete is the best,. In of the Mosb 0 builder car issimmy arsa ari ereve ji LL 0000 their pp at last Lug rjow e balance_ of our stock of . adies Jack.ets u7 apes, Mu s, torn). Collars, and Men's and Boys' erreoa s Must be cleared out this moitth regardless of cost. Wo take st ck on 1st of February, add do not sh to carry over any wiuter good Call au& see Wee goods and, get our prices.. They astouidh yak FOR SALE ORTO RrNT. 1. street, the property of MI . Turleyv is offered for sale at a reasonable price. or will be rented. The ;artier' cif the best ia the village. and is well stoCked tviith choice - fruit trees, grape vines, currantf. d goose- berry tushes. For further parti ripply • 111 oats, AND en's Overcoa Must -Go this As we :6annot afford th carry them ovev 01 AN NITAL- ti$ETItG The Annual Meeting of the West .Nrawan- cosh Mutual Fire insurance ;coin anv, mill be held in the' Town Hall, t Ivillage ot Dungannon, no Wednesday the 2 d day of January 1896 atthe hour °Pone (Pc ock p.m.. when tbe Directors and oda° annual ref,o'rt of the business of th comp y for the past year will be laid beim- the m eting; and for the Election of three virectors. The Directors whose term of otliAe thenkerpire are Mr -Finley Anderson. Mr. Isaac Fisher and: 'for re-election. J. M, OBERTS Dungannon Deo. 30th 1895. ecretary. tIu8t C+Ot Our eXt nd if you want coat, or cap, we/oan sell you one.- tilmOmingyroirtua • When YatilCOMP,re the number of doses in a hottlo of Scotts Sarsaparilla with tither preparations, remember it is not gotten u/il On the oldliden of "How 'manydosesfor b, dollari" or "II many bottles new preparation—itualitY, not nantitr. pose !rein e to teespeoidid. • .ChrfstmaS and .iNew Year's WILL DIAKiE Special Rates For All' - - SPECIAL FIRST CLASS FARE !Going Dec 21 and 25e1, Return Dee 26. 1895. Going_Dec 'Alst and Jan 1St, Returning Jan. StNGLE FIRST CLASS FARE.AND Going Dec 21st to 25th ' Returning until 'Op eg Deg. 28th to Jan let j jan 7th, 1W Special Rates for Stadentlfs and Teachers SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE AND' ON E-THIED GoingDiv 13th to, 24th, keturt:.ing until Jan. special Rates for Continercial SINGLE FORST CLASS FARE Going Dec. 20th to 25th, Returning un0 . AGENT; iiitcooirs BEST FR1tND ook'stottoullopt Physic mound poviWean and 0 can in post a in letter- eines:In face t for direovere by snot bit thotilsands of Lithe only -perfectly eliltaeineetetne NED ! ed. Bew inferior me 's Cotton 'pa whirs In p ireenvenhip. to es, env; 2 For this teeth we have a, new. be* moLEpp And other tested re edies SPECIFIC AND .AN DOTE goClary's Famous Model ood Co hich is in use at the Free Cooking Sch9 block for op.e week- c'airimencingi . , These stoves are for sale at ana any one wiihing to see the stove working should not f '11 ,to attend the oe pepsin, Sleeplessness. Pal _Anti° Weak H art, Liver Complaint., Netir gia, Lots of Mbmory, Bronchitisi Comm tin, 'Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidnay and Trio tory DiEl - asses. St.. VitusiDance, Female trregulairities and General Debility, 51 per half plat'and $2 per pi t bottle' 1155 OF s Colintv Mai'p Exercises Book; containing amps of th counties of Bruce and ,aon, Shp the to*ris, Ulan ro s, and _in addition the: 'Usual q 'Laity of first 794133117 014N-Orlet PANNED GOODS -Runs Of A1.114Ss inSeasog FINC /TEAS The .Ltagest Stock =Ther.Cho:Fesit:Goe:, T-14 21:4,1::001.9.1321-tetettie.,. 50 otalinid stakaa s: Iv tarsi luoiPtent ti` Send your child or leaVO yo lure Iliauf,- delivered' to -aux -ritt .4it L Dap • Oa aouGE