HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-01-24, Page 41�_7 _2 PE F �,�A aM S lk INA T J 2N, V iici 4 Ain -Y Uc r. q n -1perit-1 ' I : The. d -W X _�q J LUCKNOIN PRXILSIE THE -1 ".T.U. 21� '68ty 61� dat% paia e-followinji, coihplim�ut to Fall WhL.-Ii7,'per For the it per b4slieL.: .... ... -6810 -69 001tRUCTED X ook Qut ri, -1ftY,THURSJDA:Y-* t e a I -t , o Now L d The Q .6 Mercury\of a �ecdnt, begir1wh, b" somethin the W C.T. . upon the oc -aiion of the Pring W1104 good -as Scotts SWUM 50 to 51 111st I - . per bushel .... .. ... DominLion (ionvention muetiii- iii that eas ,oats, per -42 to, 24� le City bushel ........... ....... . - F jr _Llin o w blishel Barley- i,,,r 11 People who - Sympathize With 01161 bashel' 20 potattles per ..... ..... n an d w.- 1 e suffering 4umanity -cann�it fail to When you take medi* take the best. In, Blitt,r ,--r lb Tolls 12a., tub ...... 12 to 13, appreciate the large liearted and 1, t ruly Scott's sarsaparilla you &o illre - Of the- most le ­4 ver d izen .......... blood Puri '15. nor builder - 00to 15 00 Co QU'r Sto it Christian 'spiri ',.Which Powerful and: tissue. INV 'r toil .............. ... ....... cause Vi-1,ir. -1 m r ni 1 ar(�, I f, The b of kbtdne83 0. as well, be . .. ... ... i.� ........ � $1.75 t 2. . . I - j' r - . 6 � (I [iis no.4le 'known others will not d 'i ................ 15 - V�Ilv, alan of cl of prqnips thit membert, of Ll t1k properties— there is jj.-A, Apple -A, Tv �oo .- : ,,, t� y bs, 1�'eatersd- 4i - 0 they do not ek p1lichasin- e -tS - - I r;,f1xllv1 per )b 'JIUI.e 4e.lVeg to nothing to u&e ini its plox). jvtisfaUii��i �w Ib, ersal s.. S associatianlia, their � ffol to Igtrd,. per ...... . IV ion -in life - J those whos6 coudit calls in ... ........ S: 4 75 to 5 00 th( r3 I. ler c%vt -1 ...... I . I- 'i LN" S'11 rface WOUP4 X_ _j� 7 __A . i �r L ...... bac. at. i!,,.-nL �_.Uii 1 e. 1�v, L&I-? an gerie .......... 18 P11 1 .4 y way f4r their rous interven- Wt)io, per lb roln t d the -Chiekolls, per .. ........ ... �4 to soe aii'd .�uirch4si tion. -,F irery city,aul town- ard 'urkttys; per 14 aaviscllhih�ly �of -­� . , - 11) ..... ...... e d A'i �0 lea le -::Jcu ts 74S ii�, ',00ds 'that� Im - tt Lcqd C e hamlet, laoies layini, aside theit c, liet 11) �6 :6 thet -I own -.fql!Y A­tsp th n -A .4 at -With 4h tLe uf0ew.. calls upon. their attem- W 50 1140 tioial to relieve' those uffer and Shorts, -per cwt Nve handle'4 NV.) (11111 grilit.1 y $2. 0 t, 25 -If hi --.!S- I 0-ut A- dtinlesti-_ '6ares and -makinor a trifee t iye. do claiin t 0 and'lnear!V� �. .0 t�(-,. -niost r rre go the -very -9�iperlor S b'% t I .. :. 1. . ff Fu C ap ed themselves. Not cuWent Bran. ptir ...... i ........... .70 of t I( U pipare 0 Co lier ciiit 4'. ------- 5(i t(3 -IS -11 unor, holo When Y W hopefill tA l')se who fifivi'l US,. Wi L11 a U 11lv"-_ti­ at ec i w 01 e w- a r in per or� .......... 1,05 i6h Peen 2 ar� assistat;ce tho�: n hi i, . 9 -b numbe� 0 d In a bottle of Sc0tV8 (Ireen Wood, th - 1 R ht�artwd alostles of charity look - head r. I Dry -Wood... ......... ...... terest to*,-rj T1 N S- --ollars., and' _'W `V' oses vo, a A d" Oua i', ��V(o' �Psk_ t i but: hat b(-4 S4rsaparilla vithother i3r�parations, rernibinbc ATT F_ torm U I o the dw, e NY idca of S Which b6a t, their. 'at d8 Lit is not gotten ip on the old 0 y S -bottles T___7 I . . i, ( I . a . 4� i - - M b k &ncb the da-irera which lier in itheir maxtyd fora4ellaK.- � ,Howmany 7S W oses or V -.1 AN n LL, 0 -,j 8TH, I&M. MI all VZO Incre,tse( ,u nceaa INE. TH tioll of this In tht. dire'rti�n oi reliloxilig- 0-stqcle.- - I qs the, produe -Concentration go:ver from tl tic' wy. I L would be -t teaL)Us -,,.v antiVY. DOSO new preparation� qUalitY. 140t qu t d P6P11 ar �`t th* on- h to 6numerate the lung - Iii. ai n-ly but ivith the QI�Ject Of x C p"011, and ilipic poweriul influ',ence is In EL 9 On oat7 an B ir' E LEAST" MEDIC ILL�Xy'&q W1 aA un "'c"y BESTAESULTS W task ITH 6U�� m jar MUSt be bleare Ir oh ects whicli' receive dich cat�efl2l at sto W NT, cost. lurks, or, m4 rality threatened, their ddonot st -of Fe� r Store. in sh.i A of J r - - Th e- H d, ware take tentioil. In 1act, whereVer- daii-er -WE DRY GOODS HO US E regardless r1,11 Original Ca assistance is forthcoming.- Our -watch-. -book luaryan Veople who 4or. til e, on 1, to,LC rs over. any e arry i6a of the mpray 0i tfalls which are. to y 0 not follow. these matters. havoino d Lucknow. r trooft. ea r to q_� o,%v ev I As, you -will se by on, circula _this be found -but: utithing seems to vi-ilance of these 'de- week we are -now conduct4i'g a increase inz sales over the past r%ORK UAN fhe iniereaging _4 ar s gpod. yei - As 0 t11058 baye already 4one is almost 0 100 ser'ViAg ladies. —GREAT -Is the p� naAe Your eleeti The amount of We are -not satisfi d to- aca,Lto 0 and, zet OUT- pric aloile. but S &'PROVISIOUI$ 7.N they �' A L -1 Ve go. enoaol'i 't-, Sale. inealcuable. Ye� they are on y get Clearin goo LA�WAR HIE U reductions in our. 11101'('.- e,bava -inade b; 1 ave- i very earnestnesp is th io '01, in 9t-o6k. -the fol WIUg ing down iii, earnest to iheir work ai illed to inake the 9 -7 KERT. Q E,'GROCE -T! id have detetm I Aheir (Ire, h' _e beat .-watch-salesin .'IseStill arantee that in'the future their bse- DS and TRIMMINGS -Dried' Auple ut '30 11IL-order to do tbiS'everi-thil-i-I DIRESS Gdo Soda Apples aps fu -d by, the Extracts Spice Q Blue els caull buyin" Ora to be a knock -do In n c-riiiiiiiings,to visit ii before in" Powders. Fish dried Uv[ -_-5 R_FF, i) $ Oil, castor Staxe large field on'whialt iC will r a, e , P - Oil, sweet h Iness, will. only bb limite eived It will be decid6dly in your interest Blackil" ii;ake ifselt� in the -watch -Iiiil- has - re Fit., if: 11okilagg- fo 'dr ss -linings t[ r B ack Fis�j canned -01, trawbetri 6 felt. Chri ianitv'has reac Wish it , n y L ' - - n - ak g ngit,6�;l B Out IV prou4- of �hese workers, and, this to W "Oodi to-i;how the 4rL -t 0- NS leallS e hare: nc� 91d Y 133ricy 1), Ginkers Pails ass ciatic�a is destined to, exert all ii aboliat 2Q per cent -BAh:Uick I.. At'le. crued 4- ilew and'ftes i. Teas Our Beans -Pipes. ood and to Illy custor4er Our -enormous influence 'for i1utkr.1.iSti , t tI)* oney "All the lateN ings in Bromus Tob _ ; Pickles. , accoes boutribute in no small degree to rqnew u(t, Sil ver Baskets - Ink Vermicelli Old -face of the earth in the wa - y of stock of G - Se'rges, Bar'ritzi indigo Vinegars _777 the Brushee 1)11 ht h Peas canuei c -ries Js w4t d Al Lioarice I Wat Bi.5cuit q P Witshboardo improving t6e moral and social cOnfli- gppor ingL 4 Satip -1) Chei Lim., Juice est eve arn e- Ine, - arn and lal,"e and fill' "Oh Woo enWar,6 -CE ed 0offee W'sb CrYsta. tio'n of -'fiiany af its toilLW s+ Jokand Scotch- d Whiting dropping mijliois, and its helpless al"I by'any� one jeAvefl, I ard Rice norr VV ol Plaids. friendlesi sufferers.-" Dinl't 0 sag(.., Diriner Sets Section of the. colilitp,_ (1-walate Yeast Cak& )IIi-or Salt 4� IAIth 1)('(n 6(- 1�1 --at: 0111'eAllil . . - 9 . UmnerBets Dress-C.-oods this -�-()rii weal Salmon' -iom inll :')I P'll for a I! eat I matim, 1)us-Ulers ill Tea Set a HISTAIJEs ill C11EIESE-XI AkUeO Macaroni' Sardioes CT bt fore vou 1A watOi Pt Our stock vp, 'IN] listard r C ream ..et$ w too oods Seeds chasin a , - I - -P - 'urrie Powd _lWater Setl S9 ason, ve. Ila% kt �t many canxied:' ninot session 0 th6se lmnlense:! K , Cream- . 'I - The mor f the 111'ester V(11U(lS.' a] I we find Tartcr see 114vt 4-y Sets" UZ-!ne'sia i sugar. IF K ch to the 1 lcoanut Tliii means anu vf S 1roilet Set Dairy.menV Association on Tharsd-my alA. yruDs a - i , was opened, with a paper 1) 0. -mous �ou. W -1 Floill ys !(�p ban�. jeweled on Il The y Pr' f T e&)tiondcal �uyen Hopin to spe alwh icv: n hes "Mistakes Hampde: ' at,� �A 'B. Miliar on. in Cheese- anion- the in-owd Making an4 how to avoid thorn." The. St0el-r. Tor w telles �ee- J* �,-s R 0, 1111stakes he would touch on, he' said, 3NIG uri4g the OR �R M ST R 4 his noti6� d JEWEL cv Tli�m- MAP" 70 had dome tinder .4 & McKay i -P. eill IFC) A41i past season, and he would make xn Allin's Bldek, uVeknow. W, OP-NNELL Lcal'Lersia flow prie'esl.- suggestioni as- to how they might be XL I, D OF-_ WA N1 TJW d, that was avoided. A. mistake -he sai y -1-13 s 04 UNCLES made by at great man cheese -makers, LUMBER LAT ARD Blotches. M iLLS- HIS Foe W wwjn accepting- iiii1k tba�,,,%vas ql�iite AT ITCHEU—BA W1 TODD -S for makin� hne cheese. By doing N EIN Llv�` SAW M unfit -buy UPwards of 0,0000,9 s so a numbdr of -ma n.1s, kers had 1urt their But now h1s_5k4 ciear as -a y0ar . ...... H -a Z4 t�% -;! , . . E ENS.,QHT feet of M ple Lags at' tb Uw eir ownreputations and that -of the-fac-1 -olic! _babe'r�- In all lines of vin -ter gocas tlus woo Ally tories under their charge. ;Duripg Scott's Sarqap�ari 1.1a hi$L Salvatidn. Lucknow mill.s, tb ason a �k, 03P00 n'q' - __ i � .0 A largre qllanti�y of lunicer, lat i . - - - . .,.(t I - It. " . . mber of - . _ - I ana ove hand last season -he had visited Nothing b MI existence 1,f- - t e on hand or cut tO the, sanlie" as pai ast our appcAralice it; re- price CD and FUT' knowledge di �Ies co V - - — - i s1liff" I . - L factories whose cheese had beeii reject - 1�%, - 00ticp castes Fur M 4:1 - - now Opats, ellant to those w.,fth whorri'NN-c- come in ord.er on the shor t 331an1ozi. Etc. A ed on Yecount of flavour, and he- found p -y--ear. is there any. relief like' that in almost e�ery case the iiiaker was contact, not wan's. FUT Cost for *D..262. of feeling that the disfiguring causes have r. - accepting,,mil ;."! - --Z '. ., . . 'if! - 1, '�UCKN' k which, although quite . I -_ - &t�` -Urest 0 been remov7ed. . Sqys Mr. William Alaer face oh one "side wz sweet, ha(I such a� bad flavour tliat�.it My is a mah cpnstar�tly FdR SALE- -o make a first blotches, s4me of which were wasr almost impossibl6 t I - VDA3 upilil OR TV RENT b ke shop dq*rvg of In full of matter. I �'Un a a Ve ZV class article of cheese out it. �00KNELL my mKil. work, but ipy face got so bad that, F1i18T-CLASM0R9ESAhD R -16a. ; - 11 - Lo 17- 1 N vt;HNOI� HOUSE , AND Vistd that the patron Then a'sonabfe.'' such a case -he ad 4 hired a customers -drifted aviay.- Prices -e se ,of the trouble -said my the cau w�ent to 4 1 . be seen.. man and doZior. Ile I r re -On Outiaill 401� FIVIIIAT very desirable cottw- t :16, pa r i -ions WS streeti-tbe proput� of All� W certain-�d,- and sugge� made fol blood wa lsold ffl-s i s in a fioriible condition lejj�ee as re 0411rraml j11%fsol13;l of 21i 1410 _J m Turle em"oval of the 6vil oved to the cityy.,he . . . . . . . . . . fA -r Mable. iwice, ;,r the r The best my busiiiess and In -tie at a reasi is offered was recommended; to vn -rim-7vivorks. arsa ill i were-obtairied Scott's S f will'be reifted. I'lle garden is one. of the be;t The I t bot le d pie i results, in cheese makin.. me. r�ar di much good, G I in the vilfage,� aad is well stocked with choi, �e onl� whea made from a izood, quality rees, grat)e vin- an4.after taking five bottles my-skiiiis s fruit t es, Curr�nt :knd go -of milk: It behooved e clear as possib-16 and- not a sign of �ri T er paitioulars very eneese �erry Imshes, For furth, app V _7 - Nervous Prbstfatlov maker to try and edubate his� 1� patrons us disfigurement. I ay Scott s ckn-o tG Wit TURixy, Ld w P, 0. E=arilla' is the best bloosd medicine to furnish inilk in first class c9ndition,: they wk fo -.s Pimplcs,.blotchi�s, boils, u cer-s-and all AN EET ING r unles they did so Z. I xpe;-uence. d effec ally by Scott'41 Sciontiflb O-ptican -re ai going and Afn speAking from e Cure NUAL Sar aparilla. on -�.4u�rar e(, -d tp Ot the factory mi wO I as:' to diseases, arising -frorn vital exhausti detriment to and Spe . ctac . les it per 'e. impuire-blood'alIC radically cured by The Annual Meetizlg-�f t..'eIlwest-Wawan- i 'the industry at larg u6h sound ed com- i fectly�' -XIlltual Fite lnsuraii6e-Co�u: parR4, a6oncentrat !e,,aard!D("' the -Scotes Sarsa vas given, pany; will I ie 1'k7 -'Id in the - Town advice st medicifies eyei His heart was affected., R4, at tlm. Village 9t ibilk, the use of i starte pound of. the 4ife J. W. i A#�l maturing of. known. Your dr has it at Si. But on Wetlnesdaytbe 22nd -day f Dungannon,, 0 o'qlock p.m4. e I)irectorg and Ab, itors anuu I Overwork as a student �t colil 7 ieport of the busines4 of the co mpany for r�str e A e th� employment of ren -net -'%rid the getscott's. Thel_912ctl that cure5. Allin's block..; 1896at the hour of o JaniiikrV -Ab -when ill detai!i rilg� _bT6ught on an attack of r vo�s �utting -_ of- curd wh�an in cr�indition. He also 'entered into rd. patA year will be laid before-th.- meeting, 0 lon,'� says -Mr. Gilbei ly- irectors. T Ino f acii to be dmPloybd rt, a railw fcr the Election. of- tbree' missionary. Directors whose urmof othee I henleypiri! a 'for dipping and'Ith All e -te �urd curing tile- proct--ss of inanufae, Ar. Win. whom are Eligib)e commenced to flutter violently, aqu 1 was ; .1. - J N E. R 613911T.13 i ture. The curd should not-- be'put to COMPOUND$: warned that even , ordinary exerfise en- i ED re--er-ection IDU, e e nlanipuliition of b cotto n* ot the atnc!unt o _�msas exceedingly ner- :0 0o RO vous and if 1 exerted myself mylleart 1 P'vlr. FinkyAnderson, Mr. Is. w Fish'r and iitt,thers,all of IgAlinoli i3e o, to 4 rece4t diseoveo h# amold -dangered my life. -But thankstoScott's PF, N f(Ir c,. 30tb 1$95. 0 k re - press too warm, for elleese, Put d 6.Iird and physician. stweessfuuy used Sarsaparilla I feel t4tter than I ieverex-: 90 de-rees -.woul -thousaids. of,, Address a r4onth4f b� pected to feel, for I can now press at. 1�ff flavor" -in act, -quicker i1han -if it Ladies. is the ouiy perfef-UY meeting without effort) Ican walk a brisk 13 Urm im-�e h ve -a new bonk go !,, Foi- thi rs or more,wi thout ex- -advan -a So degrees. fc saf6andreliablemedlelfiedis ace for twp hbu -is !low -well o6d a-�d have -00.1 hand had been' put to- press at 64 druggists who Tha skating season_ re'of uuprincipl -at distressing known a,; I a the 6urin- rooma: the end of the cap covered.- BeWa Custion and.arn free frQm.th offer inferior viedicties in place of th" Ask for In my- work I have often - a and, havbt se� p 1pitatibn. which 'We 1pitirchas-ed A w pri left 10 ce or clotbo on the chee shoulcl �6 cook's Cotton Roo$ Comvo�:mC takd.fto 80sti-, time recommen'ded Scott's Sa g�rilla, t -ORQIITSONl�� large number of skato iettek rs tute, or inciose si anA 6 centSin J305LCL90 In wh on for two or - three weeks�; or until and have seen mhny Gases and 'wOwins'eiid, seal d.byreturninall-FullSegled to � .- . FOR effects ha-ve, bee most marked. prices -oti they were to tie shipped. An inter�st to ladles only.. 2 r M4 H --&te SID'he of -D!g particuiars in piain euveiope� Xountv Xercises -Book, decided to give. you 7the benefit of it erb T�e Cook Co—vany,-' Sco�tls Sarsaparilla acts like,inagicin I -Christmas a4d 3ew Year 8 ing discipssion' which brought out a stamp, Ad" ts, and drew I Wilids co�u V Nerv6uiheid- I cont e n ies o number of important poin or. out., ontada. restoring s1lattered nerves becauseit.re . a 111.46 of th t builds the nerve centres. ainillo - -a - 1 .1 ulow by sagges a 'all nerve OLIDAY, ftlither tion' from Inspector I Sold in �Llfch ache, liervous dyspepsia and' H - - 4 i g deir on -'the systeni. ce and Huton -showing all'. the ISM WILL Af AK illar, f this giStS, angements wear, E I M ollowed, the reading of .0. , 46 I Bru BERRY& C Dru' Sc new blood ancl I 0., Ott's Sarsaparilla mpk paper- stron"ervei aill r6ad.;, etc.,T find ik Of all drug. to*ns, vilhirfes, lilt ates For All muscles and special R mps. _r11uPPfLF*5 Now B10.015. . .: bqjUt. Dose from kalf is D,, 26. 38�3 teasK gist si per FARE S or". _q tity �f 6st SOECIAL FIRST0 rw. a, pa! -THE _X.EWSI?APER UAN in adAitiori tbf,, u18u u n LA$$ nd 256i r. I-- . :.5 steel 6oing D�c 2 t a Rew n No. eturning: Jai. - erg this as MISS- V. JVc NW B_ �3. class paippr. Goi 9; Dee 31st and Jan Ist, R —1'EACHER OF— CE 6 a .]Rev. Dr. Talmage de 1he way No., -7'ste'el $ ly * - dyz 2ndn W. -ANP� his opini n of the 0ittalls in _���QAR R SEIRVI Evoubo 000.it. RE % Z qt is no 61tv rapaper men MI - I � &LE FIRST G,JLASS� FA of � the nev, 0 -0 E -THIRD Vocal & Ins HE -u -xDr,,iRs-i,'N_ED s f;31;� T -to m Morin the larmers eturni6g, lin�ll �y I - - - -d surprise e that in the newspaper T in this vicillit Each U.'and per 4013, 506 Uoing Dee 21st t(j 25thl I I, o.' 3 steel mckI6 -plate. a ill I-eFp for service 675 year at- lo't Go'ng Dec.'28th to Jaq 1st J Jan 7th, 18�6 in and 'Hanm ony- that b� w N here are 'so e sneptical I - ry ates forb 11�tuden t or Wit 4 men. ZET B�rks _r�,I Eoai-, "Cha -plated I'puly worider ithat newspaper GOUGH SVg Chancell L k C111S ts iLnd i - I professiobt' t 22 co.l. 2 gilll(vq, that vei superior bred nickle ON. S60C 10 ste6L anything. _011el of �- the %fr. Snell, of Eduruinton, and No'., men boli�ve j)urcliased fr.)m SINRLE FIRST CLASS FARE ANO a newspaper pro i,-; from im1wrted stock. Terms for the se-a,�On . fin V %-" — at -in -vair. great trials Of the- TO VA)AXERS 0 9 -THIRD -it time of service' with 81, pqstivelv ca*;ll emtprs ard compelled- THE'LOFNDON privih�,e Of. ri�turniiig. oing Dee 13th to'2411i until Jn�.. No.'. 7 stee I71ockey skates a fesuion. is th 7�, 0 p p G Returnin ORTUNITV small ore of t to see m he sham of thbyvorld Wim.rAM DAWSON. N Exci., 13tb, 1896. is now affordedi v farmers � with �her -profession. i Through d farm Special Rates for Commercial oub� tban- any o' hal. wrio &-ira- to i �obtain improve Travellers capi iches, with irrigation; '.buildings These -prices Ire away beloVwhat.s4ates can!be be b -Ift At laper office day ifter day or stock rar ASS every newsy SINGLE FIRST GL FARE ai -North e. rld—all wl� fences, in the DiArki; of Alber' thei weaknesses of th w,0 The roising Going Dec.*20th to A5th, t r A _E 11 _Terriforie�, on qasY terms. f place -to clear out ou" stock befoie ga? all West s, blit w- be-peffed. all �e,urning unti �.have determined J o. 7tb, 1896. the vanities that want to of borned cattle, hotii��; shcep, aild pigs is AND— e revenges 'be unlersignel wift furni'll'informatim or . TDOW-IrT :W011 WEM _UIRI 'that multcuis-O.N, that wadt t6 berepeated, r1idly developin- in tho- Di4rict.' M 0 all the Mistakes warit t enquiries (sd ress) answer W. GM ICTER Q C AG JJJPKNONV�. eloquent, aR the uleaiiness thought FARM AN HOME C) A RTEIRS FOR N. W;T.' Q wares motic�d gra-tis -HEAD Calgaryr ALE OR TO RENT. tvants to! get it- gOD S e save. the tax. F -S ki -I- of the adv in order to ho want to titing column, all men w Sixteen Pa ps,'96 Coltimns, �of Thos.,-Lawren- 11 U./ a4 d 10 System -nendvlatoif. 'be set aright all the cracked brained --,o CON. Attractivo Family Read- ACRES ri. OT 2 _,4 A T, - I we4 *%�rano-h at present occu- Ina � ig y Sai R i' �vith stories as,' loill, .8sl i ljbilosopbers hig Ev:et Wepak. pied by I' 66aeres 'hi h, R HARDWA T -hair-'and as' glossy 'as their -.1 hardwood TRE T)nPULA 0 their sUite of cultivaticu,j b�ilance in J. .%o and '*611 watexed.. And,other teded reliedieEr ilosb.- Good "build ing beref t of finger hails -in tile morn -Made ten acrem-in[iml wheat, d out the- bores-that-cothie-to stay Tl;ere ajo 1' i1DOtE rthe p'jb,.ee; SPECIFIC AND AN TO a .25 a cre.i of f a' -but talk five hours. ayiug Ior Decan, P(mession given t usi spriijo +-;al MTN P NO 118, .11 plo-Ighing d6t ender. _F0 five Utes awr F it - i. A --l' ---,--or to let, bv t Throu& the eall;orial alu L p- up MI iron ov N..__ oorn ,,.pply to TH'O-.Q and the 1)ys�6p;iw-_�Sl6eplessdess, Palpi atio We f. the 1189.5. For pipticulars ha 4 -detin fol - i �11 tile- foljies and a me 0 .'ToVV,!st. fielens, or addres.s Impure. Weak andlimp day, Vhitby a i. M 0, d s- Dell, World are seen day after WM;,.qAK, Box Mi' -hlgia, Low* 0 o to 1�elie -,y F PREss and -gt, *S Uver Compkini, Nell., THERUB G'. ten -k I vd in F The WEEKL REE Alai , siock. of Tru n 117tri.tIry, Bronchitis,.! Const mptinj is neither _xRm AND Ho#E, combined in one Mari or wiomark. issue, upiforux., in, Size and' appear Valises., Korse bi aket 0XR!/X 'W, J Stun. Jaundice, Kiane- "I Urin I;ead tjl�m all for pry Di A ith flow the"31st December, 1896, for, -1 br! er ppy-A e d 05 BeHi Curry Send your: child or, leaveyoxi 0 es. St. Vitas'jDaned, Fein e Trregulokitie ase ance, is* offered to. subscribenk from %N h i l4illy and General Debility. 10 Lo until 9 CAL ITEMS C GO m Lis 13ru and all 1 $1 per half pInt and 02 per �Int bottle shes, 7%tail 0 �'that Dr ONE DOLLAR- 1 L&ROUAT044, 3. 4 DZ�ICH ONI Urton ho says 0 1�ept ill "a first clas _-�_Thq+ Onds s' Taker ap q - I --AXD MCC ant. 11 k wn cattI6 buyec of 'rhe FRan I!AE the Leadin 0 K Ail I . . . . ; i CLEOD n 11A we ss is .9 M. M Liberal -Conservative Xoum�al OtWest- harness Shop. *114e has left the 2� coun&ry . 1 ek r that V, I ern -Ontario. It- containd eaqh.We GOODS -face big creditors. s It -is: a..f�ct What that - CANNED a I'te summary of the neiv T KE -comp e 1,411 kifids of rather t,�Su Q�_ o gislatuWhas been -and comment 9f the times. Dealer HE th Ross leads All others in RoBES+ T —The- Ontari �ommpreial pages of e A for the deipatch f The I --BEST 0 WEEKLY-1TRIM FiLESS are up to c and MIT -8. ACCOunts C,4ned- Goods, C hoic-0, ire. sh T _CT 7 . called 0 me lite, are, Lds in Seasoll 1 -of Feb. Fmits ot -All Kil and ample for �he country xb�erchalit, businesS on Tuesday, T -was not farmer and d'airyman. co-Mincr, i r -slowlyl and which ve y� I%e FAIt e F1 31 A2fD HoxF, icontains each . Z NU TEAS" A' a Confectioneryi: 11 W West -WellingtOD, E Fee. AXT seqgefice I ultural inust be si ttle&_ either by .7 ited last sessioil in, con repraer c f act & subjects an jualification, of -bft' Tuck6r, week able articles on A farme -before JE _tPF01A4TY no d Uve Stock. r cash oV note , Ist ire LID. A' anythlng.)� hdAt ivil 6f the 018q IlLnd cattli� andjiorse breeder Will fti ism. Bread S member elec 4iu have a - rvic6s being in itfi j)agps abiW1 Aek t6, any p vered litrt -k daut topics of speb toc --Tb,6 evangelistic sei T4ze Zaogest h Methodist 6urc� aye well interest U The full of interest.' re iest Crodds-,_'� held ift z e A. geridl Tale of absorbing baterest BOA 7 -OR SERVICE. B an Cake 50 The rgled and 1�4; , z es- attoo will'be an int�eresting festli of 0 -be "sisted Thursday evenr. WEEICL-y Fj&E�-pn-Ess. VOW D W ILL KEEP one ad, n h B ---V hk !L e ut I t 13t UU11. 10 Easteim y-, t: a ue KDERSIGNE zoth i�a� I'Da 1 40 ta ssibl. 404 for s!ayip o �e6h bOLUR, V Fridaf eveniig of t V.0 cdh w�_shd'j ers dozublneA 10P $I- hb dureS -2nolplent 4 DiVisral. of three -thoroug red Oblibledi U r p, F� Is -Agents WaUt4pd every. 1 MAI fr . An animms are registered x M, w XU 18AILE B A wm_ -or boars ijicludiuk,t�,Cheater Whitev� ;6btainible: ih Ickh6w. _Wiek toy Rev. The meetingFI: Viir h e. -Address and 1orksbire- Mee VOM, 't n V-. &W4immonicat.ioM to the the New 8 YU e Ilerd Book. - Terms' 41 -At' v Ion AMES A1LT0Xv:1%, W 7�, 9i --4 lint WE to' J , J04, �J 0i Mkt and Re;v. Q 0 ­ MN L 4 h. For-ji t ar J, ;;a �fli preach edigreps--and � - ING C EPS -PRINT a y C1 IFREE- PR r HA I A& V irint p4tt of the - - 7 - `:­ t �,4 v4 K T 0 _4,1 VIA ;a AIN 4-4 _2- % .0_1 3' K WOW 5 4