HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-01-24, Page 3V I Ai1Z'.AVV1,`ii-.7ML-1 Fw�l
Wblybe.mucU more bad JLfl JLKflbJW1 WD jLoqppaj
erd will pr
blood' Shown -in - the, trial of Fitzger- gotAb
key has was go. gracious. --,,t
at& case - than � there was In 'that of
Cronin; w ' onsidered all
Cronin. i Rig
as c 4*7��Wahw , Ile
-I&I i the -chk -f ��avd t
xXv AT1OI9*V'
-time as cting merely as the tool of
e; --part,-but Id" ve Jt 11810 --wax 11110:200
nations' must
lialmuelle 8 for the NOW Of a Red 'to. pa*
Turkey ought tau, 6 coril
:in -
the d4fiendant, in the present _trial.
The fteabi Of tie NOW9 Of' JLI Aindrida'for thid' -21' *h6iiiii W.60d they too
It Is expected that the -Sena
-5 "eAcan- 4hool to
ted People, -and*-;, for. the'Itill M&l ;',0 -�,-pro]
evIdeI Person buflitings
ce the Distriet, id 09oft thij. T �ouzi ke iv fif-A. -:-N
eve. Days, Attiorney is she has dentroyid.. and to I ill he FArly ministry
Ood?a grel -exhfbitions of - grace
oald tO Possess bag -all been reserved lost 'On those who give,,lear Only
I of the Americal - - i
wives and chi, are
-the' -votes' of flesh and blood.
for- Father John's" trial. ruined by tht wholesale. butehery.*
0' Po!Ai Text ?
the uglis lion &I Foamstan §eh7l— qv ' ith power 'Tli
M �j Ord w 9 1w
The Diabolical Record of theIrucklisti ao*- When
aithly-nitudedness, prejudice mi -0
ernIne .4 Is on L Tv j
that' Turkey
ut I Ip thelfame'of God Ut the bear put thel V, w like 32�
vessels comprising- the the American eag e ough -Ito putlit.40 fride filled*- the 'heI Of those Jews iffeld
t Tll Modern �-,w
CANADLi All of the �guhanos of 41ges be Wiped Fir�m..tllllk
-Is 'the feentral truth'?, Tilley red On 9'f _F
flYing, squadron have arrived tit pit- bill. lim.bered.jesus an the s tie,
'- ��lj d D, 01
t Joseph and 4ary. - How .-could one ThO ma
wast '6811 -7 -
'T. G. A. Garland. Portage la Pral fulfillo all prol thbf ift
eons Shesmok *sjl6r mother '.6 'Tery
head. Face of the Marth." Who are tbeei American and. English ScIlool-Lj Id io-&y it have her w
like themselves show Such love and 11wis
rie, as Sinn- and Sootch missidnarles who..are.beink Compllosion:? How y
xpect VM
-000. -yrashington despatefi of I she tau the ift lift
of the eligineerit -f- At,- ould thell -She parro A
has failed for $200, The strike', BF the' �Ope,! ere
Itn3i,mercy from God, Who Were -200�;Zow
I - tw J
n rist's mission., so
Belfa gvolv lock- And I
at shii)yards, I dAy night aa3+s:.- It was APPr0 menla by the Mbliattimeda a? Tb!e- -&hQol--Ch er' lther.
hounded among j.
pie mountains o
.Ing. a
arrEsted- In Windsor. is want- ($tit 'Inth
of the- -employees of -the'Cly�de priate e- W- the cbl�l noblest m6n; a#d;j�*pmen this side- df ftnuPt? -'Yet when mercy and de- 'thall �w.blte Wd,-glov JW4kr
ed In Dresden, Chatham and Cleve.- been f ally I that In'the prese-ne .. . - Sllpt.�-What I, the oldtline.? I She _Swears that will never be I ut L
shipyarps hasi In settled. SOM46 � 6fl��, them men who toolill: Scboo livergilce. to offeked, Ahey fear ,,to a4- ho glovex.
land, -hor nallons. heaven. on;
men of- tblis"nation and ct
Irish Xends preaching , in, Gall A silly inairried
There is a inovement in the -E01 the highest lidnorp at Yale� and Prince ce#t them because their human ideas tit &811.
r Dri Ta' ;-:n9ge.'should tell U.e Story of ku ri will never
IN&en of tive twenty-six Alderinsil liametitary party to accept the re- ton and HarvAr&aud Oxfbrd,and-Ed- Jee, T1. Jesus; Aell 90
pa prea Ili Nazareth. count -the � 3�bssiah toci lowly. -- In Rio, -am gift I= OV liandise
hiliburgh. 1 T-ImC--Ar -D. Place--qa:li - leg . Ow"ll cItI He 18 mocked bedduSe I- And alter thell7plinion.-
of Montreal were elected by acelama- signation of Mr. Justln-'MeCarthy as Armenian maspacre W -hat willfbe the gome*U them women,' geri-
27.' 6 ce a Inanicure Abe mans
tion., Wilkes who to -save humble 1114 and pa
lmdei. and Mr. -Edward Blake's. extenj -for go9d. of su discoursd tie. -and most Chl rentage, when He But -then, 116 Soak them sidsourill lwwar!m
ch a Nazareth. at last, when Love. goes
name Is mentioned as.a. probable sue- ngs- People they neI saw, turned',their witli. a Iiall �brosb'.aud
A. Government detective is. In- Chat- as was truly the. Son of God. past; Scru.
multitude. A
none can Xelt, The -text W If. Ki I, -backs bn luxurl6bei-hillynes. 6) spend Persons.—Jesus. The, with
cessori an ora
land, She may -lament her folly el" _ngemi ISO
Ira the 1 -1
'k thile.skin at the s des
harp investigating a ease of infautt- xix, 37: "They,- eStlal; -thelr days In zllilf-e�tpatrlatlon, saying 00mmontArI 'lious returned
he may regret he r
cide.- The, London- OrI claims to have good-bye to fathili-and tnotheri and of- from his forty daysi�, temptation in AAN. 111D Is HE AURND.
-Of Armenia. And'aurm a 11II Folly. the Stick. WithIver
i authority to deny it'lle report. that� 7
to. their qwi
coin- rea -red nio' &OgriPhY t4I --s the "firsi; terwArd good -WO Ohil- the Wilderness- outside Jerusalem. In eissors cut illf ADY"
y! timeencohipel them
Mr. it. S. 'WhIte was given a t Britain ',has bffe tie to In Bible Nbs I to I mi�duieure s
of con.;
dren; as. lcirclunts the power of the:Spirlt—Ha I A�TS A.B�ORT FRIZZli lift lie -.of dry
pilmeutary banquet by the journalists Venezuela for the latter's acceptance mepia appears, Called -England, V,
of molitrigi. tfine, that, Ar send th.e little' oileelto quered, the grand allydroar me Ini -skiii. Clip W
y.. q ca I sha them aj1d=ooth t
.burg flnel'as marking the then by* the b4me na 1 s ae
the,_' tn thIla mi-racle-worikill the pt Alway s: Candoilve to -Good"
of theSchom mel -a' nowl Ai- land,.or Amerl6f, -II have seen the g energy Hydrophol Ittacke Had' Drexel They 4re -N If tuey are 'ijillned -to
r bom
is chiefly a tal) r, g 11tild salve on them.. -
A, convention of --North Ontario Llb- I boundary between. Venezuela and Brit- menia 14: land. seven. foreign in eii all Spirits -to, 4how forth. W tie
thousand feet above - at His Sweeth
eral will be held at Beavcirton on i loh Guiana. around the -wOrldi rith- In- is powe Looks.
th6 level of the� tid I stamp m powderAhd
dignation ul?on 0 literary - blaek- head, and love to the ileople,thaI they aw's Side. wi again. POI411
-January !�2nd. Birdie Sutherinuld, a Gaiety.Theatre' nts might believe and be 1 save — larke. The majority of- women, says the
eaks NOah's C -1i is and wash onee'tiore �*o '�re
on f I S ID 7-L -.�
Edward Mabbiett. run over hy a actress. has reftis-ed an offer of sen, and -on. e 0- t gVardism, of !for gin eorresponde New' York Evening Sun, make a great
-and- d Into, Gaillee—A remoI art of the -
for ark landIlid. with - h ra. these heroes' an any 'Of the ]powd9r.
Its u an family who, have. depreci d
locomotive at Napanei�, - dietf in the to settle out of- coprt the action 'country. distant 1rom or intent. 'It il mistake - In, �.dinpipg their hair. For
heroines. who, a' Ilinj.to live and . t - the -iialls should be gmub-
rks. Snaps a d ablimes It day
reach of fauna that w to ill some reason or -otfier an overhanging
-promise of marriage brought tgre I the -earth. That n -Four Men and
Kitigill Hos, tal.- 0 . die for Christis i They- will hayp was -a parti-of Christ'i J. tilty that -I*M b6d
. Pi the r.iv- a Woman Find It bifflouit to Hold Dim, Cloud Of Ica IWA a W47 th Juice, wiffelt -dbcour-
The bar of London entertained Chief by her againsit Duuley Churchill, eldest region- was birthplace . of while He began His nil plel or
of the highest flird s, in heaven alstry there.- 4
in Elon -and heir of Lord Tweedmoptb, and ersi which fertilized the Gai Though �Ie In Bound With Strups. brilli Out all the little lines, and delim- a0s'� growthof sklu atthebase.
Justice Meredith'at a - banquet i lived there, their defamers 1� � not get near- en,- 15.'� He tatill In their 'synagogues
the case will proceed- to a- judicial set.: Eden,,when Adam and I�VL fWtd that nature or time have
"I of his elevation to the bench. jigi gates' to see the �T ir Places of -public worshipwhere . fro
iystal skies..f And . ough.to the Slit. A Reading despatch says; Most Stamped in a woi cel This ini �i Cilmost; fo Middle Ared Us n.
bonnet for a middle:
damages at 920,000. their cati;et the ornerald of Ach able and unaccountable symp- quito bmtr4l;v to �ho old-time notion;
outstanding in tlemeilt. 111issil Suthcrland places her their. only roof the c t. the maxes -1a,
The Dominion notes grass. faintest glint. of k,one of the twelve Y met, not -as in -the templo cere- remark- ed
Deeembef . wete '$22.413,463, a re-. iell- pearls -which tnak u the twelve gates. -inonial services, but -for the oral an_
hydroplilli vloientl
communicaPed Its Inhabli the ethnoloosts 4efamatid missionaries is :J9 Tl wa's takeft. for granted that ia*r� it is made with- lace and
Lord Saitsnur . This sets of devotion... -to read. P3 �4, 'tOmlk Of
duction 'during-- the -month of $464.- Du -theCauca- SI
ce. Their rel
887.; ded- augmen V to - English, and- Apply the word. tOL Offer prayer tacked 19-yqar-old, Frederick 'Drexel. more -tinted velvet, am aigrette met.
k y aperior type of American - d 10 h merchants who and
he e 0i has ted- b� th soolu
i to lVestutimuiter.- the us, are a si ta the tighter thia butle the prettier and
qan ra igion lot. f0u becOldins to � the w-onian But back. It covers'the head effecil
heal of the rall Relief. Coin at till
A -$avior -is our, praise, a;nd also for 014reh Ois- a Well,knourn,
cen decided to ho -ill the-neXt dift'i in ]London. information- X :in the Bible. -Their hat they- will, go to forel n leaving their fami-, ei I* stalwart aildhaudzeme.' modem taste rently. "If tda,lIV; g
It, has! b tl without In any way spollin
annipal meeting of the Yustern OnUtr- Christ. Their crime. IS I to look � young, and natural
I ceived by tilm.4rom 61r,1`41 -lip, Currie. Mahomet . that lies behin t ''Those dlssolut� -16. L He. came. to NazAreth-A' large J UUAAU LtLr"101 nV4;,W"s CITY, wilile'lie YOW Want - ; . I A*
kol Pftfrymen-s .%ssociation* in Brock- I the British Ambassador *to- Turkeyi not-bedome follOwers�of , drive. them therchants in-11of.eign elties-lead a life occura, embi --aib owcetneart, Mio.- rathni -th". IdI and artificial,11-
Jupiter of sensuality. To gal) here acing tbs. Juil Said a woman till other 41
le� ba iel A. y , "stop
re U of such gross: init�&als that the'
I t4ve -to measures taken b - Pure Purtant tranodetions u Galilep and
the frotn'the face pfthe earth is the MM4 anti da
h a Krickil larl"'lluumo. mear crimping 'our'llair. of no
The official return of the Vote in" British Consulo- and American mis- bition of -all �Mohammedans. To ae- households ot the missloriarles'.are a jeruialem, wIlle ie corded iniJbhu ouglers- y - now
d- ' ` tual rebuke. -! Buzzard t never did Mir's on loapuAULLi evening. Alrououi, surer way to brftlig aboutL the effect
Weat Hurou, &-ves Mr. M. C. Camer- slonartes in behalf of the Armentan-4- complish this, rp'urder is no crime. an L 29 to, iv. 54. and oceurI be -
a matter 6 en- �belleve in dove.§, itnd if there is' any- Ile lb still UllVV Illid- rational at Iiates. 440 lea . Just cal� to mind the' -well,
a mal,:)rit* of otfe hundred &ad It Is 1 estimated that, about E50.000 1 fore 'John's' mpris lent, (John !it. St
on- wholesa e massacre is governmeni -thing that night4,4hade' hates it Is the impris it, sLemis imposslijI oc. Ili 't recover a6t the elderly but -no onger... youth- ninety. will be re4nired to prevent the Ar- thusisistic approbation *r* 24). while, the transactions her�. re- in
efr sanctioned by water If MI Women that you know, and think
Mie- election of John. Mullen as I meni4nas Who h4ve been d6sp'ol ds, tal reward, , The. praY ly. Whati.the five hundre&And etirded occurred (ALatt.�`v. 12. 18) after sables iul which ijir how Ugly. . Idairtlitic ' and artielal-
an fiftj American in! . -- -have suf- a Sinking bprin
-be from'.starvIng to deatill: until April. t4ghst- Moliatilmed. authorityJ 'and ssionari6s tilid-t event. visit to Nazareth-
Ma oi AmberstburgLIVill recited every qay throughout Turkey- fered In the Ottoihan empire since 1820 lic -it- unquestionaI a Vic they look with- that- maBs of frizzes
tested as soon as he takes the - oatIl recorded In Matt, x1li. 54258 au4 Mark
of _L
4ENtRAL.. f and -Egypt. all those nota I- leave the aichangil to announce. oil Tim s E' over their fal nd how soft, nat-
while styling VL 1_16, L We,,
'take to be not a Is
terI and aniqlilie
of 6ifice. mobaminedans"as -Infidels, s as fol- the- day of iudgm�ntl Youwill see ter attlifek'L tIbUt" "Lo OLClock daturcl� uftl- and -becomft straight hair lfj
C -, Revolt In Pa'a*a., visit; but the same V- th the flrst�
izing ill Winni- i- Iowa: "0.- Lotd.zof all --creature6l' .0, is reasortable'thAt I fpu,t O much'. em -L one. A company _organ to, any Woman at any age or state
t -i -'Great )Iy- phasle on Arnericial"'in the Ottoman The: eveatsfollowing-, the temptation night. Is grUPIlicill tOIl Loy Miss D.: Pe* Improve -tile navigation o -5torm i on'the Pacific Coast, I' Allah I Destroy' theL Infidels and C in of health. -Not necessarily tightly
inilig, llib mvf--ePALeart,-A iohows:
Ve - buildin-' at 91; Bbrnard Gill4m.: tire famous car- t)leists, th
when 14611 Ahave. followed on�.Ian. dral streaked -hack
appeared -, to
r t)y a: iii Ine, le�iemles,.Abe enemL L es of edipir that America, 'arider: 1. -Drexel as slAing oil, fy, it - hair; .11; may be
-'s I tounist of Judge, is dead 'oi typhoid the religion 1: Allah! Make heir. notwithstanding'.411 ithe disadvantages Other 'Cho, following the Loose and Von chose
Thel first I and
-heir bod- namedi has noW oMer 27,000: student !rii6nds, Solin 1. 35-52.1: 2. lounge talking to me and was in the always, of,course, arranged with an
fever. ha s and
.6 'Liberals of C41chester. N. children orp defile t
sit. 1-12�, - 3. Ovell eye to artistic and individual.I
give them tn. day schools' In' that. empire; And 36i� The miracle, John bI of spirits. He was well all eifect, tw
hal nominated 31r. Firipan cClure. Martinez Campos has 'sulullloiled ies; cause their feet to slip*
-heir families, bdir households 000 children In' hee Sabb&th�; schools, ail&- The. fIrst Passover, 'John it. 13,-2k, 4. Ing- SuduelliY I - Saw hilu become but uncrimped. uncurled and un -
of TrurI as their candidate for t Palazildo; and Marth to, and, t that America ha�' very pale. ' Ag fainted like and fell fr
he Generals children-, and eXPL ended In theTurk- Jeus!und Nieode*us,--John: it. 1zzed.,'
Haval i 4nd-their woman, their
Commons- their., relatives bj- marriage, -their I§h empire for Itil'betterment, over $10,- 21. 6. The -Messiah Ili 8 to one side' of - -the louno Toque forToung Woman. amaria, John.
-not America a -right to It making an uuuou;xl
Sein The dep-o the D,)miaion Gov- General Luque has totaljy broken 000,000.� H and_ bega
&-yings,- banks Antonio Maceo's -rear, guard at An- sessions and t1i 'race their wealth and be beard, Ay Cana,-: John lv� 43-54i . 7., The Irst
brothers and their friends, their pos- as Iv. 1.26. 6. The second miracle in The cut shows a � retty toque made
ent during I)-- -0,At will be beard! AOlde, something like the -hall of -a in velvet P
I go
suitable for a. girl OV young
comber were $272.009,, and with, gostur their lknds as Ooty' to the Moslems, am. glad tfiat..gr�at Ilddlignation meet- 'Nazareth, 1�uke iv. 16�30. Sheep. Ae
a. Cuba. sermon in t -arid' and I hurried matron. This �Ls made in a u
drawals, 92--S6.6ft 0, Lord, �of i5 -Ingq are being hold all Ov4r* coun- -Lange.
Thel Spanish Government has' de- creatures'" The life As. His-. custolm was. -Where and called idr. and Mrs. Krick. -at ma -
e $5 ull, uL 'tit -he presen try. That poor,jweak, cowardly Sul., terial caUqd "beaver" satin., the
-&2.69,3 was paid from -cided � to recall Capt. -General CEC,�- Of an Armen! t CL of" It had been His custom to attend whose house I reside. Tilley quickly d with �Jew--
those who ma that prayer Is of no. tan, whom I is* in few ye�rs ago ride crown richl embroi oreid
when He was a priiite person. came, anti we all three had
April Atit. ls%)5. � to III antiary Vh. 1896, Poe -from Cuba.' mosque fd�.. I by els and, sequins. While the upstanding
- ig iron i lue tlia the life of a summer to h1s worship., Cuarde(
In b"un va 17 -Delivered unto Hil, ni the could do to hold hiifi:- He kib,1'awnde loops of ifibbou in- front are Intermixed i .
, Q ties on 36.3-44 tons ot 1) Gem' Campos is said to be Insect. The Sill tan of Ti -sitS on 7,000 armed men, itiank of them mount- book of struggled with all his might, and kept Wi
by the Dominion Government. i retire from 1 =or j --.the propliecy--The'p4bile reading in
the ka thTone imperlsonatiiiLg that. brigand- ed on prancing dUrgers, *111 hear- o d of a porq th mote sequins and Jqt, soft'roses
i those sympathetic meetingi for th' Ar- the synagogue consist )aj On shOutfug. ��: He couldn't,say any-- thb -8 qp'p' of the head.-Lildfis Pie -
M. r. -Jonn Bryson. M. P. for Pon mand'of'the $ aniih forces in Cuba. ' this time e an
orning athis age and -assassination. At . .1 - of the la which I regular order thing. Then ll� glared at us as IN nestling under the brim in front, d
all civilized nie�tions -are in horror at menlans.-If not t4rough Aiile.riean re� wt -giving the width without which no
f that. Mohammedan Porters, then thrJugh some 'of his t ARKED IN -T'
resilidence, Fort Coulonge. The tie- The: Prusslan� Diet was dpewd lia the attempts 360 as. followed by a. swee ton of the Pro- III sPasms. Ile tried to talk, bu , hat, bbuillet or toque is at all fdsh; LAIN FIGURI 8
Berlin, yesterday. The -'speech from What to.1do; with him? There Phets" Jesus does no Intrude as -an 0-ouldn't. The -men finally got bi ' )n tonal Pink and. -White, and pink J
ceased was -forty-seven years of age. the thr6e was devoted -to,'domestic govemment'to des6oy all the Chris- ' n, wives. Intruder'liere, for the book of Isaiah to -bed. -but they bad an awful t I line
B. �IL. Moorehouse. of Newbury, gen- ought to be some St. Helens, to * ch he eopid WesrCbaracter Tagass'Welf
erai storekeeper, to affairs- tians, of Arnie iia. I --hear soniebodY- keeping him there, though three -of
assigned to -day talking as th(�gh some new thing. -could be exiled. iiiiihile the'nations of was handed to. Rim eitilier by a rpler
The verumeht ha le Turkish Europe appolittedi'a ruler of their own or An attelid4uti them'strappecl and- field Win do a Clothes.
fiel barner & Co. LiabilitiesilL $5,400. Spitaish G6 s aP- were happening, and that th of the wu all a 4 -
6ut ind titke Possession of- . the is thile 'second lesson for Saturday, night and al satitil , Linkmallil, writes 19
and I,6.nd6u lirms are intill pointed L_Gea. W6ylor to'succeed. Gem a I taken a new role of to clean that daylbe- I day SundaI
government h Life,
s in command of the. forces in n Tru
Hamilton palaces of'Cbnstinttno�le. .' To-nlght Here Mis's Dimming wept and could th. dear Lady BetI
FCampQ tragedy on the!!stage of nations. No, .1 * , Ing 1w that book." 3J
-this-aul -0 lessous: to k
Cuba.. no! She is- at the same old business. 'st assemblage.4n, the capital 18. The Spirit of th tell no more. -be L'a now ouil-
The exRortsI Canada during Overlookin of other of the United States. ln� the'name of me�-not Nearly all dy
A Imperial cree has beea issued, diabolism. by -measure, s on,other:prow Yesterd
last mQntii. exclusive -of coin andbui- ly now others. A -Wise
nirollucing tion oil centuries, we �(ome down to- 6 Indicisithe Turkish phetsi but vhthout me ure. (John Ili. --was very. viole d -;e
ur. cejli� -the God of Naticn,�, Drexel tit, shrieking erienced an learns- to id;
Ilou.,-rose from WJ39,123 to $8,932; 0 ng, t34.) JeSus-probably read the passage, a Jile wholesale assassin' "onapping. -barking like a dog, hiss h ighbors at sight. To adopt -the
that the coroual
the Czar will take place in leow tury to find t1at in 1829 -the Turkish g vernment for i
.$2,108,892 was In gQodtg 50.000 anti -Moslems, ation In` Aim nil&, and- Invokes the In and spittfng. - He wanted it e,of commerce, "All goods are
934. of which government slew ce OfOA tn
next 'Ma. terferen lghtv Gqd and the- aloud, In Hebrew. but Luke appears othingi but
�he produce of 'Canada.'. and In 17,000 and in 1960 milk-, and was gi e
1950 Sill slew I S ml- o communicate it fr�m memory al ven a little, in the at- -in Plaill flgluibfiI those
ound. A number -of kfiests at the Imper:al -she 81 11.0001 and tn 1876 she -slew' rotests -of egstill and we tern he ternoon. Sbort1v afterward he told
The body of an Infant i ew e(Wding to. the. Alex-andriaii version.- 0, u read. Thiii:
in. Nagle's bush, near Blenheim, and baliquet in Berlin showed K slaugh- sPheres.
lilf)tOdIR 10,000. Anything. short of the
Lange. He hath ai�inted me-com� the alen they codId trust totake Lin Ilk Fluish-Male or females not un -
re that of polsioning. It i -i supposed the oyL er of thous4tids of human. -beings But what Is the duty ot the bout? missioned-and qualified -to preabh"the down stairs.
the autopsy vealed the fact. ters were bad. doeir not put eT�ough- red wine into her Sympath)r, deeb.1 wide,' tr6mendbus,.L . 'D t- be afraid. now. I'll d . 0' my f dently nenter. Worshipi wvalth,
'Itild L been out
alive . - . - I L- ' SL P gAospell-proclaim. glati,itidings.
worth Im edlate. A rbligliou aper has led best," he said.
A -y-oung -ma named Frank Tyner, 1 Pup- of abomin�tion to make it is
it had been born Ill and weelso.
ling. Nor _ is this -the' To'the poor -To the poor in the tovftrdi ' sperity, and iuso�
stra,gled or otherpWise killed. )nlyl time thm
C e way with m"if-leent contribution
of Ballawhack.,was given a -lass of quafl A Short time afterward ti owards iture. Utterly selfish
Mr. Keefer.. Zall the Canadian q world, whbm the J6wish doctors dis- fA
:.she has'promisiod refo -n. In thei pres- collected from Its4lubscribers. But the is sufferer
Commission whiekey'contaiping horse medicine by t daiued,*� to heal the br6ken-hearted- exclaimed-: "Now-, take -me' back brains and less
Dee Watief-ways says the warshIpMat the mouth of Turkis alid allow. Has little
would never consent -Atificinian sufferers. The
to some companions as - joke. The' mix- �ence of h governilliont, is opposed to any
that he danelle'o, she has promised the relief for to the poor In spirit, those meek and Strap me down. I can -feel it coullp
P:qors-Female. It -as
ture -killed him� the I)at the g
-have New. York side-tracked by Con- civilized nations of the earth that she -Turkish govet;nm6it has inIlievery pos-. humble, those truly 96rrowfdl for on. --Here In nry finger tips It begins. been singed
structing the lble way hifide A enlan relief. sin �, to �:such 4e gospel would-be
waterway exclusively King Oscar, n a speecli at:- the would Stop herlbutcheries, and the In- S glad hall hardly got him -back to has possibly passed
r1r tn Ii thi� Dxivo e Court; has since
through CA; .,.terXiational an4 hemispheric farce has I Novy where tildingil acceptable. Deliverance bed and bound down: when,he ' Was
nadfaf -'territory. opi of thelf Rig4dag at Stock- I I Cla .18 lhaiZgel \of, mercy,'
hotm, i declared �thnt the anxiety con- bee of believing 'wha� she' are4 on the to the captiveaI, the merit of n Into a'violent spsill and severe �respeetabitlty. Siums
A 'writ has beea'issued for anelec- i CetI ti in enacted ra Barton, *60 appe th]FOW
f Sweden anii NGil; I.says, when all'Ahe past ought tp Per- -battlefields Piedericksibift'g, Antie- Christ, sin may be loosed from the the three men had -all they could do
t6 tt e enst end to rei
tion in Northumberland, N. B.. to n 0' -repiita
at tam.- Falm( And Cedar-'^untain, I it and bind and liold -him doWn. wou -arn, and te 4er
fill the vacancy c4sed by the calling )uth It tion with the,
�ad d1ini billed. - and- - expressed A. suade us th she ia 6nly pausing in
causes for discord cities o put nations off the bondage of corruption while lie raved and barked and'hissed. t0getIoudon the west end. People Say Of
her atro and finder I French and grace, ` and beaver colors are
ay bonds, o - guilts And by His ftir to again
tj t
of Ur. Michael- Addins to the- Senate. I th h ia �thc - ;fie blaze of from woman !I' but
1;�. In 1820 urkey, -in tv fib ds, and Charleston domls.--4Com. Com. Recovery -of sight- horrible. He w Suffering *Ith one �4,
ng on February 4th. A dospatciii received ypsterday from i as iq�lzf hearts they know that sheAs de-
w�oul Perm n � -1 track, and then resume the work Of Gentian gunsl at ' etz and Parisi and orst of -Drexel's blend admirably., loft", � L
, tI. deliver�nce from the W. thral- To -day 'Poor little
Nomination- takes.place on January dT a V vanish. des, aaty. with In - Johnstown agony has been Queen. in
28tht and polli earthquake, and 'Michigan ff fires, and This seeMs an- allusion to the. wrel of the worst of ilia an
frilissia, promis d to alleviate the con-
osed oi all cia%-Iles :-Rio li� janeirp say- that
At'a me*ezing c the Minister 0hrl tiani, but the promise spasms when his edl' d d
Ov ed state% of those prisoners, , whose brothers. WUllam and George. from lfiioOln Germauy�-Fat, -florid, flashy
ditions of C Russian famihe?. -!It was ecin'tipara e� MARRIAGE OF TH angerous.
and seetlow Of tile, Community- of I of Forign Aftairs is breparing I; note !was broken. .1839 the- then sultnh ly of little lrhpll�fjtance that -the Der- eyes had bben Put *out,- when -they-, Readt entered his *room. He..' ry Costly Ceremnuy
119. wa, t Wag ve --land a aid
Montreal.. Aid. R.: Wilson. Sin itbC was lierriah�ling - �110 restitu tion on bf life And Proper- man emper �tilkar- Entertain lavishly.,' but,
I promised prote -or' d4coraed he -'r with -the were t4ro*n Into - th6 d- no. and strapped
setLdieI the- nom' nation for -the May-..' of the� Island of Trinidad. which - bas I ty � without ref rence rated her. ungeo . or a low 'bed, four traips Fallure'stTli b"- of the meanest extrattlon them-
ross, f& Q311 hath del - lodded- t with fettem I which- bruised being around Ilia legs and body. His take Influltecar-
f Montreal. The requisition been occillip Si a L glory the. Chinese Ent- a that their
oralty o I - ted tky Gret Britaiii- It the promisI6. s broken. In 1844, at- in the ght-o� all'Mations: with. their limbs. The marrildie of ftl6u-j
bout ten t4busand signatures, I--. statM that,,.,t refusal on the part of] the demand .. an. English minister j arms were strapped to his,body. Four . S shall only be of the best. Glass
had a that neither tfind nor eternity can dim. 19. . Acceptable yeap of Iord�- and the
P men, Messrs. Fritz, Krick, Demming peror took place in 1889- att It gold.
was aeeepteI Aid. Sin!th. Great Britain to resto re the island t le.nipotentiar the sultan declared; Born in a - Massacus I L village, she Us (Lev. and Collier,
and upturp,-'of dip-. aftei the pu I execution of an Ar- All 4on'to titeJubliele, year and Miss Demming ere Empress dowager presided Over, the ),Ni r too
L)u Brazil ;'III leaa to i came in - her! gi-flhood - to this city to ds -New house, new fqpA-
�,L �onventiou ofj"Liberals. at Picb w nstantinople, that no xxv. 10).a year of universal release occasion. The Wedding Is Said to
meniati at serve our gover ent in he patent holding.him. Two of the. men were have_ emt about ten million dollars, new surroundings, new friends,
d lotnaW.reltio� e. ))ut.after-"' rd- went forth from -40r,person and property. See.1sa.. lying across his bod nd,* - viliciples and very new elothes.
will bewhe New Glasgow such death p alty should again be offic _y. to keep him Vhcr4)_*eretWO pavitious- built In
S)u Janu Owing to the� A de�patcli from assowli the doors of !th t patent office with a
ary 3"th t
0 an i inflicted, an he promise. was brok x-lix. 8;,2 Cor. vi. 2.'Christ came in down, ad the sufferer had asked them and Sh-O'*, ',and silly, but -sincere. For a
appointment of..Iolln 1). 31cleod as 1 Owing i to `(fiss0,nsi'ns in the Sho en. In 1850,t' the demand of -foreign Divine- patent, 01hiied and Sealed by God's name to dischil poor sinuilirs to. Drexel- was'maklug the barking the pwace to contain the Empress ti&1much -to the fore, but eveutualW
necessary to camp, i�mperI Alewlek is suh drument pro- that were debtors and Prisoners wedding dresses.
Jud�e of ProbatAp it is ng to I have before me
nations, the rkish gov God Himself to heal All the wounds. to nolse and frothidgL at the mouth. v � h into social space. Hearts right.
nominate- Jinothei candidato s run- the It He lia.4"itsked could 13uch 1 dIvine-justice., Ho.came to let the the list ot the robes, the bride wOrs
lians for lyea mlsed protecti. n to Protestants but she jand'make the' hor- on b-4$ ieads Wrong
nd-of the sue
Ines W, Car- I Generall Bratieri, in AFFECTIONATE, THEN A DE upon thial Occasion. 'T
-,,aing, mate, for '.%Ii-. Ja toninia to this day t -Protestants of Stain- rors of the flood* And fire, and plague I world know 'that -though -they had MON. had
RplKept Dty-Good-natured "d
Italian � forees in to al)- boul.are not Al owed to build a church, 'and hospital'. fly-ilher presence. Goa -1 broken the: lawof God, He'wii now When he came out of this atiack a silk headdress -of red. which wag- I.0
michiael.- i ug, but ge4erally drunk. -
title point' a'� plenipotentiary for' th they have. the funds ready, -Clara liari6fi! Just expect- willing to be and he lay back.exhausted for a few 3aris, amethysts.. 9"
Th Rev. Dr. An i r has - resiped e Pu r- although bless as feconellpid. to thenu� MO- decorated with . P i � on Sho-Little ladies whose
torate �f the Dominion I pose of arranxi�lg the%ternis qf peace. and the Greek Protestants, wha have ed, she lifts, the i banner -.0f: the Red Jesus Himself -ushered in that. year mentl then began to utter an In- rubles, carnellans, cond, and blue
the : pas, sAe., purpose In life Is to "expo e the
Square Ch 'ontreal. add will be [ The .9bons had 500 killed in, the -a church, areI permitted to' wor- Cross. human, maniacal laugh, 'wai covered
urch. M Turkey And all natioiis are or time by offering Himself as tihe.re- then to snap feathers., Her person
-Confer- 1 fighting at Fort MKale on January, ship In IL In 18H. after the. Crimean pledged to resili6ct and defend that deemer. and hiss. At intervals he was ration- with ttu embroldertd Co 'robe an fashion . upon their
ce, ilbtW6n. Utterly Unintelilgent. L Thelr
sue e&d at the'elose of the war, Turkey promised -that no one Red Cross, alth�ugh.'- that co]Sr -of, 20. He- closed tlxe book ...' and. sat at, and spoke affectiopately and Oy
in June next, by the Rev. 11th, - - L corated vll�lth,pearls and fastened with and dislikes, -their ophilons. and
ence � _year, 1 ., , of er.osa does not, -In the opinion. of many.' dowri.to teach,.-Wlxfitby. ,The eyes -name to his brothers. diamond puttons. About her neck the MethO- The wr -I,,: endf-11.1 ir �should be hinds -red 'in the exetclsL
V. J1. Mansell,, pastor of in collai-and 'I 0le d. and] tbat iNti�nity. I - Strings of co PRW�Iple change s coftlnuat�y as
anels ',,vott, the religion he rofesse stand- for Cb h my opinion of all ..,. were'- fastened upon Him- Then he shouted: "Get &way, get -we two rat beads and-
'�Utting in' re disIich in i4uebec. Dr. Hunter i fr. -en - brokein stlanity. for was. A -His y; I feel it arried d.6, �,e#en he lashlons they wear. Soo
promise has b. In 1878, at it does stand for Chtl
a halth. British expeditionary force, has- oe-' Astnihed c again. First in h6rears -were jeweltlIi- She c
will go to Europe for III the memorable. treaty at Berllni Turw- -not the- cross un*le;r which most of: us' claimAe-4. F. & B.- 'The report tof His tn my fing-erig, dnd then In -my feet's she rode thtt* lovers.'
cupled. folded ttandkrchief., and
Millie tlie.kadopted daughter key promised religious liberty 'to all worship red with itke'bldod of'the Son. fJob Lot -Male and Female. Gener-
Moore. miracl4',and doctrine; wheA conZECTed -and when Miss D(bulming.wanted to?. to the Emperor-s.palace In a gorgeous j- -
-part. of the Ot with 'this - remarkable pr I holey, wipe to, apped at her sedan chair. Yto be met with on undaymorill
w11. tile Br�tllsh demand;;. Prince toan promise was was. ever shed. red' with the blill OP in Aide- Park. Very imposing,
out opposition.''--Kulig Prewl
of Mr, Daniel Moore' -Montreal street, her -subjects in evAery of God, red with ' the best blood that ill tears he an she was accompanied
Kingston . was. w,; on tfie rail- :cepts empire, ititi'the caused, the to fix their - eyes and she burst into tears..w.,hild the by eunuchs, add 'eight eunuch$ car -
to people lip
f Btton,
wajr, tracks., and avoid one train Henry o burg ;and* half 6 broken. Not once in Q1 the centuries poured quit .. foi Ahe . mnsom of the
tiack. 1-h was white troops the upon Him with the ilrealest-expeeta- -sufferer was makIng hideous note -chair. ' After entering the OT.POKtor& Intimate with rey f r rom any and let Clara Barton carry It! The "Oh, I was. so well on Saturday.11 palace grounds the ch w the society
stepped on anolitex -have returned to has the Turkich government kept her world? Then lend on. oh, Red Cross' es. ried thel as carried +Z ouill papers
knocked d6wn bv- . backing train, coast for (mbarkation. Thereisgen- promise of So a f tion and attentlon--iicoA. air -'iLdtiest Novelties In Sultings and
-Ar-- Turkish government Is bond -to pro_ 21. L Thirs day Is this scripture, Jul-� he exclainied.."Is011, give me back my over a brazier of* live Coals. Two of
the I eral. rejoicing Among the- natives at improvementT. he contlition. of the
and her I�g wa4 cut off below
the mepianis has b come worse and worse tec h e chariots of Clod ate filled -His whole address was -just- a health. Look at me now. What did the Tmperlal Princesses helped her ih sere -Tailor-made men. What-
knee.i he -is allwit thirteen ear of the binodlesili B�Itish victory, and We� they have good. Is outside; Isside
It fo wenty thousand.�and their charlote and !k she got 1 -1.
I theerys 'I a. a Tnet thing but bad wine jitid
prospee of a reibir-ri of trade and pro i- year by year, nd all the p mises the t detailed app., cation �o himself of thin. I. do th't I st sil so now?,,- out of the chair, dnd a
ver �beien -another case, out she was g I . L le. -a gold- is no
age-. 1Turkish gove ment now makes are ail amitIs of deliverance, and. and perhaps other IlkeL prophecies.- There -Ivei an app
nerity. A smoke -spend five
containing 19
It is pTi3bable Christ anytbInj like young Drexel's in all en sceptre, and a bottle
umrmb STATEIS nly a gaiiiin -of time by which she would .411 - ride down at - once to & One day thej,
Constanti- -03 roll dinner and the
Fo Special desps�tches from , is, making pr paration for the' com- over wid tramole under the hoofs of went on and'shomwed particularly how this region, as, neither he nor any ac� pearls awl gold colits. The -Emperor, In giviugyou a
Presiden- nople report that th6 Sultian
raker may aspire to a pro- their white horI afiy -of her, assall- -this scripture. was. fulfilled in the d e-- quAllitance has any knowledge f his who was -d 4 In full court e loan of' fifty. Are
costame, call for th
plete exterml ati6n of Christianity 0 renge
regrI "tuall ee
tial' nomination 0 having, been bitten.by a dog,Or other' stood on the threshold of th y
fessed to "'it that -Queen -Victoria from her b To ants. May the hundred, thousand trine, e palace d lared bankrupt or e
Thei United States Senate is consid- believes that -further disorders - Ill � Why, after al the_national and con- dollars llilk4 be� laid at her feet! M Alf� bear. Him wltness-Agree� allinial. Empress -got out he 44. to South Africa.
of the Cuban Asia Minor arl possible under the -re- S, m and as the IT' Measure everybody
gno. tinental and fiemispiliprie'lying on the Thou inay, the sI that -carry her. that Hi i doctrine and 'works harmou�- T -Agrees, wil
ed to grant, He , - .. .1 d to the bridal d'is u6itiody's n . 'W selfish
forms he has promis part of the Turkish'government. do across Atlantic , and Mediterranean lz6d with ond ' d ' HIS WISER THAN SO&OMON. I - an fri d eak,
belligerents. Prophecy. ere at The twowere then le
car laments, the wilful exaggeration's Of -not the warshl� ps of Europe -ride' tip as seas be guidedt .1safely by Him. who gralous,, words -Wo of grace. The- iri: ana -she Emperor took his and' unsatisfadtory
t sin, How a Smart Magistrate settled a blepute chambe -bed, while - F 6r Evening W f�IIIIIIIIIEasy to recog-
A $05,000 fire destroyed the the English press regarding the -close as Is ppisible to the palates of trod inio S&P re pavement b0storini law had been so rl ld agains seat on the left side of the
ent of he Mighigaii
yrheelt departin rt*bles-ln Anatolia. and declares Constantinople and blow that accursed ed Gaillee. that HIS L 10*1 rds seemed a About a Wateb. heir *izO and unneceiseary to describe.
ii.,enhisular Works. etroit. thut a majority of the victims of the government.to. atpms? - In the name of the bride net On the right, with t
Ctneintiat! d`bpateh ays that- recent disorders were T 'will - e marvel to -them.' A man was recently tried for steal- -faces turned -toward tRich other. The
urks. He th -Ete &I God,. let the nuisance -of ',GERStAX VARNIgOF Lisliter-Watters;
A .8. - Is not: this Joseph!s son -This was th
lisle is the &VOwed write a letter In reply to the Queen's -ages be Wiped od the fel of the earth! Ing a watch from -a lady in an O'Mnt-. Princess
W.`.JQhu-W. 'Citr the only excuse they could find- to col to drin4-together. The�r ate may' be golden," muttered
eandldi�W for �the nomination for recent itilsi In which he declares Down to the Perdition from which it fiecipe Fof One Which Will Realst Igh The UZ i MArty'r "but I'll bet If It were
4e will state the facts of the case. smoked up, ��ink Mohammedanism! admit a: doubt. This Ilact might be. tio" bus. The mati declared that the, a dish of what the Chipese call
s . ome a great pro6fi -of ons."- and Zu' t -*h President. Te!�perature the% facts watch was bo and the woman was. pdddlng of Sons and
in n - a who arrived Between these 6utbreaks of massacres Grandis Z - 'Adea l And bound'in
-A g the - pussenger -uld reason as -hers. drank -a )n my ife woukAnst ave iW'
the Armenians- �uffer in silence wrongs R. Pras.ser, VIVurtemburg. .4as a Jesus declared, for they'wo mistaken in Identifying it tokether some wedding soup.- i4, 71sk
vir York on the St. Louis was that He must be taught- of God, for which is dignified b thel name of -31, . Slirdidiet-You dou!t Seem o
a - t - -Hubert Booth, youngest son of BID TO KILL BE& -INSULTER, Ahat at* seldom if over, reported. They pateaV for an oil varmsa Tnat, will Suddenly the magistrate anti LIfI this
14 1 - - Joseph had not tai*ht Him. Other's " ii The Broth Of -Long Uprice very well, Mr. Peck. Henry
He will start are taxed L heav ly for the mere privil- resist I a high te-m e�aturei Hfa Imes a. .6 the.kolil' ' .,- ,r
William 4iooth. liege -of living, d the tax Is called "th6 P would reason that 6fie -bf such lowly Where's practiciallY cOnstitutetl the marriage :Pel to jassoclated with 9ue.,Of the
y ough
for T-oronto _to�da humiliating tax" They are compelled spirit fincture la made from shel- birth Would not be' the- Messiah In The prisoner fu3ubled In his pock BerenionYr th a marriage -con- JbiA dls�olng mistakes 11:�evtr was
Mrs: Anna A L pin -a and said he must -have left It at. 4 . - ty .9)
11 has, left hn to give three. ays' entertainment ' to is 8 seen 'the. ridness of their tract was signel
ac, -dlssolvedlh�.splrlts, add camphor- �th- I bir �
estima d at $3,000,000 to Mrs. -AngelierS --HUS.bana BelieVed 'Mohamme an tramp who may be makes the hear -to.. Ri home. - "Tou don't bring me so much Candy
estate ;any and oil vakii1ei Chal. -ad follow ng -verses to un- The magistrater asked 'him. If he 131nuer Bodice. hi -used to befoM we were mar-
Prostestant IF-PISIcopal Church passing that ay., They must Pay derstand the- courax. '.--they. pursued
the-. SS ace Is first. pouted Mrs, -Darley Ill
Of Philadelphia to. maintain e 1 -blackmail to t e asse or, lest'he re- 'tincture whitei. q�be s ff ound the watch frequently with
against Jesus. au,,Qrpban Girl HOsPlita - Dort the value of their property too gfrounded with A mixtur of -the tine- Tedicblngs.�It to the key, and he said. "Yes fia*i to -buy your beefsteaUmovFT Te -
highly. Th Ir evidence n couft is of ture and . gypotim and,then painted Tn es us strong Then -a -key was' procured, watch
ashington - weither resist-Siitau. We -Ili till6d her husband.
The 11'. Eureali ol�r delayed In the tincture. Jm t help the needy and key *ere handed ilie'prisonerI must be w6rth at least 11
'has�(IeVis.ell a isstem of kites, which OF RMOCENCE.- -no worth. andrif fifty Armeni0s s - aw -with the 0 le around us -by tellIn them Clod'spro- 100j-
- TRAGIC TE� a wrong cOninjitted and one Moham- --The Zelt. .1. Nechinduiltrie gives th and he was told to wind the watch.
-th,oro T -doubt Jesus. mamma. "How do van ]Mow?"
wll*& carry Reif-regist?riu�� mc nillesi We must-ino
medan was joC*sent, the: testimony -'of following reelp! for an oil 'tarnish for He opened -the case, but could not i[Se told me his fortune ended In live
),here rlitt n -young
.11 instruments in the atmosi .-'AId., despatch says Is taken metals: From OnS.-A ristla find any place to i3iftybe It begins
logill A, Baltimore the one Moharr thedan would 66 poundi 60pounds lady wXw use the key. It
twoi miles above the and the testim(ny of the 50 visiting lunatic asylum,
earth*R surfacen I A enialis ot linseed oil robolled- In a copper Yes- was a keyless Watch I 01th one, too11
been :making Thc` cor"e'r's jury In the sensational rejected; In ot ier words, tile solemn and. her, soul wl"A I led with Sadness dw," aked the -man who reads
John Cork-, who 'has e_ set until the scum entirel s He was committed for triaL-Lon-
be& at the. Anchor lodgInl9L house in shooting case wherebi dharles _,Fr oath Of4 thousand Armenian would Then take ; 1613irains' of white man- and pity, with t4e;sIghts that ' she don Amusing Journal. fumy papers, 114re you women not be ig-. e iough -to overth� w the �-J " - L sa. By and by ishe was led tutb � a
Buffala. for three -years past, is the inont Parker, 6f Athol, Mass., lost ganese powdero wh has been pre -
f perjury� f lone Mohamiri-edan. room where the�e 1wmR but on6 pa-' fb. rnall. campaign lies When YOU :90
tive- Eeir to- a: fortune of viously wariudd, an pult It gradual. Y, age.. into. politics 71, "We 14ve thdught 61
his_ life yesterday - at -the hands of fesor,�Tafs cor demned to dealt f9r tlent, .. a. Young gi rl: of' the same PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT.
derived from Ein estate in In the oil. It A thle -scum covers the.
-a I -kettle as her in the Queen Victoria Is.In possession of a. sold th ere lady Vth Mrs. lattle V.'Angelier, this evening translatingi the English Book Oil 11-ing thW'operationi the self. She'was standing,, 't" 1` it inir es ravd, we 40P
iVhO ar- mon Prayer into Turkish. e t Ire, corner bf the roquil'her-face !almost I tc fa u Ith
-tendered a VeFdict against the wo must be at Once tal from the I It- *as made at the st them
The. number of immigrants Armenians Were sentenced te .:- the - wall. In stony' � ]top&- curious needle. ed do�
in - De- years' Imprisonment for- re toucliin� inni
Wt�d during that When. the boritte of manganesp taken tell.
the United S' man and expres ed the belief a celebrated needle factory at Reddi
ri as 1.8.164. and during- lessness. she stood, rigid as a:st4tue. it
1pri 1895, w Frank Angelier! her-buband, was an Christiavabridel frIo the -ban t his a, brownish 661ory the: oil Is suffl- She neither look�d nor spoke. L lt� W and represents the Trojan eolumn in
-the - I , Y th m lent as -the Queen's
ler. 1894, 14.77. During Is the urklsb gavernment -C li holl6id-and can be bottled after miniature. Scenes from APHORISM.
e- qry to the crime. -a lleart�-breakln you
I Dee mber 31st. k amuses Itself 14 t1rhe of peace. These cooling. The dii'va-ruish-Is adapted for "Will - needle, so fine -
life are depleted on the
-Ill Lmopths ende( U-mbered 324 42, �r, who had been on the wit� dellIn urkish- civilization.- the brightest ."lors. Darker varnisheg speak to her ked the doctor. 11we ly that they only discernible at may look* at 6 XIng-and it ShOk
1S95. the arrivils n by advice of his are the are
li�h 24`1 9c 3 neI 8 A But wile Of T manner. an do uothing for. ber..She has been him, she IsprivIfted to terI
precedin- ycel L.. d, refused, n ays of massacre come, may be'prepak�d in the same toriough a microscope.
and durt and ra 'to the thus for Plas: but ofie like - yourself
I- to make a statement. umb
coun.5e then deeds are done which may not be Take about, 8: otindo of
A, man who gave. his name as, IX - before- tile verdict was 1 pound might move her." The young! 'lady, Major Toselli's death in Abyssinia, The choicest flowers of -rhetoric of -
disappeared unveiled tn any refinedL asibembl&gill 50 pounds oi It, i of, linseed, and This handsome dinne bodift Ls of
V. kenjond. -Who arrived in. Utl2a: yes- 'trembild ad the conduct of his native ser- f, owered -6 r sterll%
Montreal. and reddered. Officers went In pursuit Of and If one spi links of the horrors, he after carefully.i inixitill the wgrined . g with emotions. stepped for- Ilk. The wide box -III in grow in. the most inoll of
-cell ous 'i]boll for two houra-very -ard,- gel -laid her hand on., the vants, reads like a page of Roman. - in -at the waist. th: heart.
terday, morning from I L i w
bed. him., alid. lie to -night occupi6d a must do so n li-polsed and.cautt umbra with il�- front . is 4ther6d e
to get a cheque cal 1� place -his '-wife voc9bulary. Hof Villages tie- listless form er history. After sending on thel-woundi
attempted slowly. This VarI to lespebtally suit- "Ohe
ttie.).Lil' to., whic and, ith tears - 1-0. h 4 *ith lace, ravft In -at
intuittled. Angeller yestik- stroyed! In plies of eyes, spoke One sentence- of. yearuing 'ho could e,:- althd
Ile in for in ed andAlose'W ed -69 he min lucky enough t6 get a
No ;c �l
was lirrested as he Is wanted bi Young mo06 vut escape, Tool Bertha of Omi- u
3foutreal pollee on a-charge,of I)nn- i Was alI cO able for black. and ground- 9. r -the enemy and held themback Ilk or s4erior ife, thq.average "W a is
knew absolAitelY brushwood, wIltich are;then saturated I I sympaiby - and c pa qn. Vh6.,poor faced e deep lacs Pull
nian out of eighteen hiindred day St4teCl that lie Sugar (if lead add whitei litharge whbu ym # . eo t e. apt 'to be Itleiplid, ii It 'not tiresome,
' ' , I ent; -t-igrned, ga ed for a till the. idultion failed and he was
o make with k fire! Mothers, in�iie� putted
d set on ail
In theer=snte Memn hour Abat ever t into 'killed. We w their'llinaster bar grief for the dl�ad In often Ut
coli joeyels. 01 k.
[I LO.h n. ot Ilargei;`s att2mPti. useil have bel found to darken the patt
to ,
do0axis. ors and astly wash off. A Ger. her form quiver She burs
bi.4 wit6 di-ildy'al.
bu:fa ImEanes life, 'hurlej��Iout dead two of the servants'shot thel udoonsclous remorse lor'the imhapl-
William Patt y S An th t many. "ibank This to Val Neat.
ersion, of 40. %%'to The. testinioall of D.. W. Davis. 110*- -comes ln,a gouged out, and in metal wbrker, writes a t6ais 1 The doct a exclaimed. head with revOI
recently and bayouett varnisheir tie as saved I's T ugh the n0as we have caused them while 4IT-.
ir ever, put a now light upon tile Ira s in, gtrutany use, benzi God, she may b - hat poor selves thro
a vers. - whilst the third
young idomestic from- Oanada, as an- elly, Heiasserted that on' laft Thurs- dead and dylog. hurled into the same d girl who thought :no one stablied.lilmself pit!, The SIAl of Lucknow and d1lutent, for lacs;-iand that little lf. Yrretchq in . .. .. I e of the sins -conse
rtUtsg model, and tooU stickadVant -knew -or. cared f6li'll had f6it' the the heart with a daggen whdse
a day Angeller �old him (Davis). of the CaWn
her c pore, Inoia, In 1857, eclipsed tn- firenee"has, bjeen I.observed even In
age of overtures will4h Parker had. made to 11 heart that Pitied - her, ther-'hand it Iff remarked in Washington tbat at cruelly. -are
for criminal assault. iet- -h liness! -T he worst. sdenes� of the White doors than when turpentine. o viSited upon ns---mb
an- a4etI011 ;ng Mrs. Angelier 'aiid furthermore " ex- French revoluition in Paris made more Ilds been il 919,eivertments with- stretched but to help -her.' 0, the Sir Julian Tauncefote, the British am� sins -most naturally' -and -most -Iouft
tied the case yesterday, by marry' pressed tti3-balief thatlliis�'Ill had tolerable In Co[ntrastl in many regioI dammer -and - �bnzine were not very power lot tears I the magic of BYM- bassadof, has been Wore conspicuous committed.
e, vows, it a broken herpiarring I of Armenia r Tillie chief. bjection to -the -t
the girL nd that t1he only undertakers to- fortimaI P thy I ItL in the ytil of socially since the Venezuelan dispute
ed States -'m- he would not li her inn6celit uu- ackals and hyen" M that calls a mad, des�pahing Toritti. arose than evvr- before, Hei enterI -its tra
The, repoit of the Unit day arethe J any that begins at home, -is -ex
I investigation Committee also -If W Aetter self.-�Chilstlau Journal. lavishly, his manners dellgh" -7 . me
migrat on - ngeder massacres were I'S A E� to its d, esticity, which pri6vints'It from
til Parker was dead of the chiefs off the , . �4 1 .� - - I . . -not
at least 100,000 persons )rding -to Davis' tesi sent -stialght' from Constantitople to and Ile is - one of- ',%he. montill, it
itlites that is stn�tel),- aceo- So General Shibrutan, Said. and..be-� ,irRACTICAL SURVEYI. ' _ - _. . . I - effilft on any --of Its neighbors.
0 the-Unithill Stdtes annually t do- their wdrI and baving retUrned Relivally the mosi plipulal diplomat
Come Int mony,� that- he had seen:Parker rY I Ileving- him We believe It to be he Lost -a safe i a upport
'per cent. Of- BM decorateg by the'Sultan. To four The Holy Gli ai -The hopelul -are over unlottanate.
from Canada. fully 50', to embr Mrs. Angaller, and ihAt- w4 at the,
ace duty of everi iChristiad In America to under !all eircumitaI #iftatevir adversity the pak� may.
whom - ret silk'ban ultan sent v baptight
en Cei ed 'Atilileir ement, Mal
gave.Parker 'OfLthe worst .1purdereirs the 8 oppose a War! with Great Britain In- �he of -the Holy Ghost'. i h L hie �brought -them;
urn to theirihomeg at the he then - three 'hours to
end ason, or mh leave town. It d nIl4rs, In delicate appreciation He AMUSEMENTS
of� the working Be er Penalty 0 '; di t about a boun- at the bq
tain f- death. Tred thous.. regard to th' a gluning ofHIs public -life. uhtioublied; their Mrs. An any. - Christian people- look.
Iney,"' an4 say the'Adi- - !Lnd Armenia "Put to 4ath or dying ur;r WAS Btu rAlUdlant.
they have accainillatAid a iz6r gel! r - is a petiteL omal of their servl�es. Five hunc dary; line An AuMm lea, italned and supported the Too
It O8tL
amount of me tion. She has an -almost, swarthy Complex We bellev6� . th t any nominally Holy Gb during the. forty!414ys id upon. amusemefits narrowly. It not e fQBI[ngs are ba
workmen demand protee 6f . starvation -ThIs moment, while- I
ion. which caused some to� mistake - sit, Christian 'mail or Woman who - advo- bee tie t- from JDanadlan cheap labor.. i. She is a h . ative of. peak, all u and down Armenia which. He Is. said to have )a nip tanaticall1i and would apply to thimi if 4hen :aig& Tiastells 10 thew her for, an t I a y p60PI freezing in *be i Of' -Cates: an h d1sr converion as ed by the devll..� At.was in thelmidst. the most heroic treatment. Aninal -mail, -,q
--,'Is -
_pMident Cleveland' has sent 'to, Marylndi fiTvinj been born in Fre- man Ino lay-leathenil and that any 'of the i name Spirit that He - re�urned *� ments are Important. and -rellgl6un
their destro, d homes, bererver St much - al a
e WhO Is tIlkalt -]fte �]Mowo -all
his Count4,F-6u 3�9ara ago- Her AI . - ---- I - `- the House of Representatives der OX their hoOs holdsi and awaiting the nominally Christian m1pister who loins from the, wilderness into Galilee, to: 'men sometimes tolerate thinut with
reply W tlui resolution calling n -wno game here club of assas ination to put -them out In urging swit- a war is. a minister of e r U'poll R ' iihile -- 11111i to a wry facel Wit In no broad, sweet
husband Is a Uor8ican, the deVIL an utie
!matlofi ak to what -he when! axi Infant. They have been mar -
him for Infoi of their mise . No wonder 'that the show forth -His,powet and Love, and way. The. am how Indispeti-
d ot df -Christ. i do mot
f I ve children have that'region. declared that We bei at In this exigency proNFe -,His divinity am.. -T%e maker of a toy,
about the matteoofspeeches ried nbie years, and physicidd"ns of to the PI sable they
had done men that
among delivered by Ambassador Bayard. -He been li� h and Women would'be -'every -WnrlBT#I&ll mdanice, at publi 1roI the writer I the furnisher Ilige re
for Regular. attA V III
pies OPAII6 two -speeches Parke' ra to eft known here for were do" with w6unds- and :sIcknessill wo
tr�somits co, r an -in t lh and (beginning -perhaps ship- was the rillel life �Vith us. of it -pure. alibusemileat are public beIl Chris
.o aA Z --factor Aziiiisiul subordinaIl t*
in fall. and also copi" of letters from about yeavi the representative and under th care, tiot one wanted With lall Temper, From thildhoodi -He -had .7V 4ths
_�Ir - I I " LL ult
)dr. Bayard. pxplanatory of them. of ttle� elline Company* of -to get well. Remember that nearly all ol the hlgkL ind noble indO Of life, In more
ance Union] ,Wear some Olublem of bout*_ of worsh 0. Hisill ret
No. aI was valcen hv the President velled- considerI the reports thil have come to'us of the
Orange'. Mans. e tra - - thah a menial, -diversion; It- fortiff
ming o jla�.,.Joo
y Mr moni 1 f1h daniter Is proved His� tender 16 r -as -1 '11
%hes, exc6p, - ably,,: looking after InterI Tur.kish outr have been tnautpull I -4%e Bar.' Dr. Pon od
t to. notif. the itrin-'s I We b61146 that coillitinded pra had loso
n f;r On the opees d yers those �a virtue. b of the actionr o4' the House. e,%U in Maryland. Deliware'and the- all and mo and ofteued by the _mong whom'He I as
'this ves. 'He The story IS red in �ever* Christian long. liphet N. Coltibibla. When In Turks themse i not� should be offJ ougb
air 310unt-Moijrls, N. District of - and 14, a
Cmij Colony ll� Hotel, two half told, or a 4tindredth Part- told, lidipilf. very, pmyer medtI mlghtjr -IbL Lnd deed.-* T
y.. Is open for the reception 01 word a- I I In
ped at Desch'i tilll forgive, our f Pa.; city he stop:
tr -dy occur;. or a thous4ndih -part told. None but that the Al 168, Hlg� peti-so ality W11111
TERRIME4 dado6rs froin where the liar age
but tar -off to prei
lers in t 'iti, th-6 ut* -womawVraze,
On -A' b
plidptles, will be ad- to - an- Irrilislet I Cawker-1, have. discovred wb
tients and thirty el Oft and,ou_r suffOring- brotl*ors and great DIMP and word - madei . - , at once. �Tbey �will be- selected red. d'know the such an unchristian q'nUtinholy war. J people, sibill, as ton
islon up - the -Pon
usibil mittod the, Angellers -for 1,6t tted c
-the ate Board of Her had kiiown n _their Se
a question whe.. -tpll
i's jes, being Taphimil d Some outhfil� I through. h and prejudi H Daft
Hoyt, of whole at nd It will not be known -Goo. T., pIL-In !"Oup -Du A S, 'Up by Dr. $t or ontilit
gpgw - as-- RW- -sought the �S*.hla
tributed. lia, Untif !Is said idiclue: aftogwomel
the lblo for Parker's couduc& glogs these CE AT -VASSAR.,-
-in part geog CawkevIIIII, to thin
Cbarltl until. -in le coronation- oI heavens --main. place
, to a spectal ithtone of
s w.11 be ther drink *as not Christ, shall: I fv
seroes an.d6erolnAnj say�- _Who f on till ffabUthio U*b* Aiii -bolf frbincoulltf alms phed. Applica- "a their pi - , ed Indulging.- IftelY In le b -,be' Add that he had been Ing; 'Theiiiiiii,
form- I-1worl iI fi, , L
-lust Stl 1111 'do! 08 -'t jar' it f 20 Ii IMP., roin an over t United'States this direction. of late. His till great tribulatildni and It 777
Mv the n ;i
r& received. -1
re from .9-
lorgue, aivalting'orde Washed 4nd,fte white tri �
from other !tblloI 1IQT IL
lblf,� Lo& 7
Canada h America. his Massachusetts. relatives. OU F- the 'Lam g A
Ito ra k:
0 Ill L
hfind: -Asla. This he first col- Thoia-AlAsI the cross, itiftr for
good -epliel in world. WX Vme ;b go t1fem. but TrUilo-'silrelYs, 0 Wilt
my the trial of Rentail eV the bore. not.form r. -h -----,.t'o
- -An glelellel gillien, she A"Wered d'- I I -Tohn X. Fitz Cha
but ucW el 1
e ad er
to 9-paroch,
jililismill fire th