Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-12-27, Page 4QNM&W MY 6� .3 T W, MM-0-00wig- _411- - W 0 0 F -M M ;1 EA EN QN ti A WN M 0. IP'Nt e Aw 40 iv z' 3_� v, z PR P V 0 e-% W, oly A es! ei P�� C;� w V 014. oy i2 ? "Sw 55 T ipo- hquaple and- Fancy Dr ods, Grocserles,_ U0 e W- 6e rp I Cht t Suitabib,10., r. m 'oo e A � fgw I An ety '_ Fk- a tifull V" 0 _N, I I - '- * B.bota and.- 0 C ----------- W ,j lug i 011 �dy�. ade h 4 TZ6 yj A 7, be X. Cie. are- ts -iu ES R-6: was is conli a 6 hdw-.--,., ow Az id so is our F16-ps, s �.ogk. t is -la -�Yes too lArge to 40,Us -1 . �, V ?'� -4$ -0 W . . - , - .0 z -9 ur- he 'lug 11111:3 ,9 i 4, _U . : - - I I . - - _. . - - cy: W;J, T ve a great cle. ring so n herefot, 0 ll� 9 -.room 'for. ` bilue ill b, - _. - - . - L �0:X t al. aye detided- to ha le,.80 AO ous, T _�w in PE� border em s -ord ilk �j .'z t rT 8-Pariese r 'es _d lb W( re ill be ady to offier y �u 4L y zlu 0—p—i M -IS 0 ou b t r baxc�aiiisi than you'liave ever receiv'M N0 Y 1vo-execL MI. 90 L t 1w- 0- C3 ITE Beat black tocn, r' Oil ring sale 25d L 5c but i duri .20 5 A U the' 119 POT# U i! no-velty., beused' same. 14, c pil C_ fiavoring- Damon' Vafiffla, Popp ty et"c 10C bottleshi .5 2 �o Best or 'P4 'Bestbaki 48ill &AJ -c Ka' 's rnd *orth�',L25abut during sale 15 Be 'ok 2,06 -Best-0da'arackers', 8 1! ox - U 01. -k te -th igular c nam sale wor 400 but du wan -reed, only 49 sleft, Ibargain,-At B6Rt line-olored SaJo 0a be esi-10 J4panesed rlias,811 -h- b V der i c st .4 ancy biro-rdere. D - d T F Felt EM At e - All -wool grey Ilan t -00 -dry _d Price RDi&EA5 ON—Here. f Elo our 900 S Fano: y Felt )ut dint�itig's�ale'-thd,-.'.pi-le-0 �s 18-1c FU , -regulur c% eaut Mi, 13 t , li I regular 18c Best army' fla MOO- 30 Best all woul faict oryl wor 2 at 856 fut the, siale"j)'fil' for 93 ifhl Ax noter'W s_* �oovd Valu ce ig 23c 14 st uvi fat 'fl �nbel, tegular 8% 46 You want a Webb of cov.oll., We shi sal pe Dur p'er j al d, e -.price 19'! lendid ne In this 'dePartment a.0446 bouiyht -cords-6f it bef6re;4he van anez _y of P _n cottoll for 56 d the sale we -will offer a -A- i -,.rd, ex tra, -he'Av.;. of'. -a e,.rous er-- Silk TiOS Und num Y' -C our cu t : 1�ere is Vnat s oiners -a ab0iit us at, ro, 0 ck-bott m �4; A. A$1.1: PRICE, T Their price so low :that people flow' Qf years, their days- and line; With gpodsP'o grand and price'so I if it. O.V 'Wim- XTIZ IN;torians-wroLi- and p oeis. sun AA ic Their stacks of gdods to C & ow 111011der tw d­ lut we will sing Neill Isc f n Qtto re 6 0 ns, -silks antl w qiD gpod -sell below "bolesale IVOO with gm�ds that's mosi subli 10. 's And p�ice, TN.o better hetre is f,)und. -D -heir stop'�k before o Their nianir46th ra McKay first hl d e, N ST nee first thq brou'l-it. _9w t ley do - their t -NEW-A The time's.but Short si That's h UADERSM �r vie -w Neill& niade t 6- pu4 �tock i -Broti-lit ourrbnt des d Of ine6handift usan styles is pri -own; A- th6'- Which'is iWaielise ia piles so den Their naine is now tk hqusehold word se L it once Bevrild'.-ing to the'riew. To vi�, t1leir sample- halls Tlie cheapest st in town. -4- ore you never can regret This is not.alf read on, 41 'We. are o eiing'lnini A our 8tock -is com let6' '!Dd that oil lAv' ensb, Mvgains io -re.-ft1yjnade..cloihing a d- overcoats, We I 0. IW� j-( )in to.qtio e but we, 1W say� that 11Y [)I1ceS til i -Cl A L F ASSORTMENT - p $3i'ZO:ulsier is a -dais It. aays, that oi r- $4.-W3,111 W601 u1ste, ckeri OE Y. �Pl t r is. a ack _V P A.— SPECIAP S-jamets.for'l th n A s a, half rice. A 0 ei e CK -7- 1 4 LAMB ESTRAY h. 0.0 z P ��.A I-JAME TO -THE PREMISES (;F Tjjj�,- Notice. oliday eoia undersigemed lot 19, third range south of N ST the Durhain'Rbad, Kinij). S qs t.n #jr before the SULY first of August last� a whice ewe lamb. The E19 11eAted to prm-tf NA, 'For the.13rib-M expenses and take it a%vay. - Rings, t4by PRI jr 0., ane ping, a nuils knife, fork NG. owner is req PrIt'hVIL 1"ty AT ee ed CI�S RA-N.GI s'l ver 1 318.4 and spoDn. sets, and'lin&n bo Qk R For B 'A� OYS and'GirIS-1 Holida y- instrum- NMI rgamesa -welte ell je ry. -aad L or PAT J11 the nia r12 All + -e! -4 k Uer. of Willia - ' ; ` 11 -Grow, Credito�� Notice bock -s, pur —111; . , - .4 ses, knive4,'.wuqical" & -IS .6-. e4ts parl a Pot it a n d S, wtter or t,11 -e Vill&g 6bCJ10.rS�T,% e W e of Lu(-k-Roiv--ijj 'b6oks, albuins,'-silver-ware, teachers' J�o (7, -On ibles, band i:)4,,s toi et the County of- Bruce,'ec*r-yip -On TIAV[ bus in cases �Oetv.o in XG BOUGHT Bj&FORE esp %3 res JLI owiis r -giving 'un - i a8sitninent uader I S. 18 'Ftnd furn Oves'lleaters �eaper at die st;d 6lusb, Jeather Znd' th-p rise in pricei taurant-l�, Vil lage of Lnc�know, -has inatle- a ­_ce� h1loid. s of floots�A Our eook st' N Shoq�, aces a e THE TI PC; GranCIPA '4311 Will be able to sell equall iVe'rs 11,8itisfactiQ.n- a d S7, cliap. com, emselvesjo a drc4&3llig.r To thoie pablic at. Sight. arge bibLle, a gcrbld -watch- or, gqld spee- m ehea�, as last yvar V `12 and'araendiAg of- air his Therefore apon. the _s mend th taeles� pai ei JON. a e VIM 0 Z est Ur yp the ate, credits and effects to Hugh who wi I favor me with th r cus adVis',lbility of cr 31orrison, of the Vill a of L toln, C)Olng to see alid, purchas' _Pti0in is an., honor e�radu te+ g ids that" uck a . : . Will tr� . ; 4.- SO "owl of the sch' give ft'lly, Please those Wh­ and ca - F, prae. �i O� -use them- 1N e don7t: c for the beriefit of his 001 L creditors. experience. y rth� and nearly GlAsses to 4 1 ea -fit ever aij n. to lead! the sight. A zne(�ititjg (,f his credit,)is -will bf.- held at al, that is in G001)'VALUE the office C f We d it but Cl., im hat vvi _Z� - e, we c Vifla--e -of -Lucknaw. the 17rh their money. an gyrat* y -i the Yoryi&)n jr, the I - � I th 6guarantef f the V!,,-,ry Superior. goods wie handl - _-T� � -the said Hugh atisf4 tio� U 1 6 fl F. on of two on - on Tuesday, lhavd', hopefill eitpectatioli of th December isq5, 4 the h.-ur 2TG* 3300k &.rr.i+ -T11ie B in, the afterno,' nie Beiar- Bu h D hand reAd ose wh )n, to. a sL-tte- st, ays$f AU14 L y for sale, No s fcc 0 0 favor us with n W-vefti k r fia -ter St, to giV 9 ive believe -is in you ment of affairs, to, -alMoint inspech ri and for 8yne- Xile Clanudian I I I I , " , i: D. - :We ask- for lipth in -WHELE THE 81-ZES the or --of the ttffaiv� of the c t te n,,eu� I Awana in S but what quality and prices whic ARE eral ..1fi - e WELL A can C1 -140M. E call and D. not a beatert. see e)an.d that -is ATTEN 10. Cred16ra are r'eq'uested, TI -1 40�� yto file th L Nith the A r rgains.. - isi,.-nee,: with ure souie� qf these- La GREA'17- 4, ��rberore, the day of such meeti, - . - W, __ - . . . . - . I i_- --,- . _.f: J lculars'there4 required by the said Act thq�prjof6 d 'art_ he Assi,,nee wi PEAR -T. And notice is further 6ven --t after the L 5, �cembe2 11�95, qV____j I Wo - W.a Procee(rt� distribpte the assesta of the debtor Pill RING S LLE "P100 -t the Darties entitled theret rega.Fd ohik'to, the aiaims )F.Which notice shall -Po t-; or hey -part --P-ular"11- then have been givqn and that be will not Th ue UaDV3 tor the a:, ard g, ­_ -thereof 96 distrij)uted t,3 a� *2 whoqe- claim he r exs()n t Or person.15 ot Ne -ew I&T w 136oks, -N not JLUY89 notice. hen have had 4 UGH 3101"Pusox" H Assignee. Gaihep,'.Bibles of Decebaber, 189.5. CY, Dated. this !)th day Fairf JU IV A n JIM . 00. a JL rJUS yolr - breadandBufterh ancy, Tea- and Pupst, H To FMARXF&M, RR. -GA S� N e N') r LENT OPPORTUNITY Is the N�. FXCEL 'is now affordel to farmers -your gelections make W I I j -.with small rn order to , e'tai in �.t_ Who de-.4ir:� to, obtain ind up s e of hri -improted farib sttaa s- is, c om PR0V an4 fence�-. Y2: ipg and will we: Or r I k rauchps- nith irrigation, buildings My lat4 husband-, I-CROCKI Al L A 8 Bioko n �j, in tl e stock RE, GROCERIES &I strict Of Alb IN atte tioil 40 teduction' on I have: the"U y red out at -a' M -4 -de the fact* - -that West Territwrijs - t,n t.,s term]4. be clea of harne?] cattle big A ck in - - - owl fore Obris't ftfoes - - . .- - . 1 4 - - ' N . . . � , I - . , - . - . Sz;;ned in , - B . , . , Drk Apj) t d eep, rala"If 0 -the fill ng-: 1 tfie District. and pig, I - wholes.ile; prh:es, be bettpr .0 19 under wineg arts r en will furnish information or dking Extracts Oil. o ve 8 d finiries (Pddrf-.�) T6'goad4 are all ne "Wok Lead, 11 -1 nd pies 800�('i-aa M niust l3lue Fish our, many-_ 1 7. If: W OR swdet or sold, so ir �ar- r1ed. 011"c"t Is Y IG61otine ce cal"arY X W T You Want- to.get big' Baking Pow I Fish; d or, - 84a r c sh Barl pot r collec t ok ee us fi,t th� ricic V0 era IfQvs J.Pe%jis jjllap�oel rooms 6, ca .1ned akets, is -IS-TMAS ) Beans Pails NE 42 "Afti W f allises 3 ck 0 4' 'L loit Meal gains coinc�and e 0 tnges � _ -- - 8 _h tha bhoi to of Tr' k JGing Ztraw 'I 4AN unkS 1phe V DO -UCLA& store. Whips, - Horse bf CIRR Be I Is, ushes es JT Pbacco a V vibega e 4" Ine V-11 Z.7 bs'Brusihes.. and all Mhouit 1--il i k. r d.- I -NEW LIVERY. ourry Br Ink Al ' X Pi Indi arl I T H, :oocorlillq Li, 9 Pe V a Confectionei I . - fa I EAU Washho rds class We AJ have a line of PQ TV am - Hail, �snjng uryo a h�rn6ss shop. Canned Goz - in, %rd 11,11iceylo-ur w n nice CqcoA 2 i t Meat! a che'' ran It is Uh3cWate aiche� Corn, canned . COrn meal a fact. What tha' 9_�� U11 ON& Meal I 4oss ledds BES Comauts M salmon Pner 8 acaroni bardives av t' watter of the er Must' Tea -Sets ILVe` all, Others i I.E.Len h Tn* Lb estate f Richard -�X and- _Nfus.. n Ro -clxrre Powd ard we c. -e rz:11 A Willerl late of th# Township of Meat Un&- Wgiter Se ccOunts, are 'rOani- Tarte :9 RWAI in G ` 's, ­ . - . .1 ... �i eg & '%k Coming and _Co9oanut I ugar est Waw4n 1.1ga Seeds oah .1ft. Cou=y gnf 1 of Huron, in very slowly 24an, Se, A R VING KNil 91 qhaut. D t et. and, A ven that e,ttate I __1_ of the e credit4 er A4 Flo al S on 6t!A I voijet. L VX, 31; a n a _-Xotic� is hereby st be settled FO St. 31 nowill. mu 113eiiya' VES RK eith b kf*tbO said ichar X MilMrs eash or n ul f z. f -before Jan. ist are h ehy required to�senit befo mber 18 :51 ote 'bh ydl' F i4TTCLA19S149R9E8 Alto_R" w116 died an thib I lith day 0 WAY And_'mnanY other-gd JC& ods Whi er re a Price' 0 1 — — see before _7 7-- e )arrNters etc , room 31 Rank,of an s Reasonable. daT -?f January I Miller 4- 0 dellver4-d_ I ,h e rcha I y u pj� j,,rs - - . . PUBLIO NO v y W rto U. STEE Bid�,. the TEE EISTRA, 6r Soli(Itors f �r V-81'rIA-Ze� 211111 Of Mild person n ng good fresh aL th a statem NY dust 0 HE' `PR 1 1-1 _Y . EMIS ES 0 M Ohould trued Aot 25 Id by then fqr tackin ice, or far beddin N -J undirsi I H E i"AME T T OF f ailY, are he - PR certiberl.1 tq�thj�r wi At tif what L 'Work.ei. , securitifl.4 i ' Uly -PLE m a refIN I eX'eT1tokq fnif particillars of theb claims d 111A app, can, 14 'We J y toJ cob er. He will d 'it to Wliftechir h G dod W d ecutors be sons, wishilig to d U911stin smal Jul ce is here4y further �giv( any par 4au0sh. near .0 a4r tho t I L - ­ ___ _X tn. - Wit, f. 4'the t wn-.for 50c y.ra er-_ I .- re ­Tatp, AVI 11 proceed to (listribu w 15 TDQIIM86 VLs will Please I he owner is earl' - Of t WANTED d! t of -a,t 0 asset. consult him 0 to IRrove at, ly at Nitchell's infil; as to *�;;G:-P-L atnong the i1:O ay. p.r s ptitled per ),Zd. t is all maple sav�: . dust, expens,6p, and iske hi n away. T WM It Wi THom 9t I wbien they, good hianure All irditra I e eu?, 'BROS L itit pric�s WAIT' L tben-tshall have rec i e �,nQtic thereto; h _­ -rer ard'onj t av, n,,� Doly t Alm, 3 WI L Date I at T., e. At J. V will -7 S 50000 be peomp atter ed to,, rout') this 16th d �y of Dee. J.- MFLLEH, 950. JL)U, buYIIPWA�d At j I'- Liti 'a boot ind sh;e stoij FOP, MILLER a NC_ W 0 _TJ �� 1 - ­ y solicito feet rqfor of -Maple L- AMR -1 eir Fait o9s; . *at . . )�, . - th Nns T IPAL AL), X1 N T A R, Lucknow mills thi on OR TO-REf � aq, 'Christmas - a -Rd NOW Year'& eas A A RAP pt _UBLICNOTI s LUMBEIRI LATH, AND -- cow; VOT 20" n 140TI st est _X 10 —AT, Price a KOLf DAY8 s. �wanoqh,� at presen paid la I -A. I atj'4.�Dj R, obert McCarroll, or mj$,if. h TODDS A LLaccounts owing to -the e�t!�L t POV 31,1 )c _t. OuBu- UOOtU[ - build Wat ST- NIEL Janua e firs 911, and we �d* ENS ry, 1896.- This 1-8 the 17 ONT,4 u - 1', 1 e, UCKNOW 110J7 190 t e U er le, I For ftirtber; partj '606cftl'RzLtes� ForAll last X190A 0 ttl f thel SaAders. 60 acres in- a- SAW, MILO r- a be tqe e( note or cash t- or state 10 0141tivatioil balance. in hard 11 not settl,;d b 'th oil BrOAN H'E H -U 0 notice. ar.4 I a L gned, at Irel, 51 G will, M I nn& t e wed ban 1 tht M4 over -for colleati ye i - f Iril . ! . 1 0 ma X 307L ullniver, latfi.' Apd weing.Wc 31d ant] J TPec. 18th, 18%. FOR 14 iRSTCLAS - b _e 0 -Leadi th' -SPECIAL F a S FARE tidn ordd(T;�Rs K, 0 E -all or 8 arid, A large �rn De. Ap oat t k [the, sadie as cash. AS[" L .1 f I X;niug Dee 21 and 2. YON Shingles constantly 61, h SALE ORTO REIV and -or out Seh T -order on the shofteit notice .�0 0 or 040. Im- - - . 4 - - 7. d 7qAr Ch d an lst`"�turling Jam- .1 i I - T 4e ,:z- St CLASS HOUSE FIR AWD a -THUWDT FARE AND -CATTLE ESTRA LOT I LU(,IKNO&y Me ipa. A _:0jkN "J nderaj.". ed, -0 lot 14 con. nowh 441� or time wlllbe�rentea_ 11hegardeti*16on A special Rates for students; "Id et, cast of Lll;k e4'" U offer -d fer sale. - at, a re�aonabje prive.. GOODS rZeturnin" Ooing 0 W i, - XF,, P, N I.' ry defdra 2Ut. to 25th iG THI MISE8­- rVIE[AT ve 414 �Ottsge on Outr&in F P Dee- 28th- to Jan IN& ilutil I THE -.-JL street. tbp property -J-%n 7t�l Win. Tu w Pig Ftevrs, red and rOign. W -of the be8t prove The in1he village. ito is W hA SINGVE 'rCLASS- Prope k on -D FARE Afto take -theta V Pay (`4it - 00N, grape and. other" sted remedies Fl[C' JIV 'Lucknow jr. 150AR FOR. S ------- RLEY D ANTIDOTE "th to 24(h, fletuming. Until j - 7 �_:_ - to TU par culars - apply , 1 -1 ILLa awaY. A cny berjry bQjejj. Se- ut - gfftllo aVnIkumv P, jof ' Th, 861 Al tIRS ell Stooked rith ch6i IF -HIE Wrant and g6o co IJK X furtherl tj eason �Fflgk TEAS ERVI .2 gum I . - . - i . . 7 Sp Cc; Pk— -A MOu rzhpoverisheilq ftj tn Sloepnl on. palpitati 'ODA ffijvi 'A I A . . - _10114 —5m ou"k_-. until k!Fr), for sw-�, is T IT NED 3.12VWX "WAgum for 9-ronme"fal inform t he flarm,q, -r� 0 31 re, a WISH 7 dL-", nd B- -Al 0 RA R rZ. that inlosia. thst ve bi -d We Cuts year UANDAWGNED at WZLX;" kmr-0. t uppiplai JOL c, 144 �r _�:;__ 0 r , o Ti erks 014perzo MUM p; T Zistexi Opr Pftbaaed Znm , N ­ da - I k4 j toa ell. of Ad Medw 00 0X_ vely 041; U L __Mm, G NTJ 0, of rqturhtm� it, 7 ther.F. 2.1 he.