Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-12-20, Page 107 =7 W- tW� ':-vilr MR -�60 A�' . . . . . ..... ROF 711*��-�'-- OWN 4. .'n M Ail �N a AWN z 7 F 7�- Ab­ M 4 X� qg 5 �.­ -.-- - - - - 000 �4 4 z", fi OF MANI ITON LU%. 5 - It naid U'O St,25b,00-0' JI J -kunct i buying ext 00: NO N r4 at' A%sets an.4 i'dent, Z & est.1200 4 br tha wwoe �rt J -011.N7 STUART, J -7 W - .1 41111- 1_7 little assiitguoe row STAMM you 7 T ER 20t -I MAY -DEGEMB .,1896. '4T -43 t4e* Itock- nni' NO DrUECTORS-. VOL X—X—n— 61. 00 Rowt 1 Al .09 �FR 1&6.� silver V' 1;,41 W Ice. GiBs � M. P, GEO. ROACH -7- 4. ON bosgr�v�, Pup -5, 7,�,Wcop, A. Pt. LzE Moron! to) -01d der h s no C.O. in —Days! ba�iug po —Go aqdhe�rthe, tlaahie�-J. TURNBULL umber ot' Ahe Ree The oinceps or —Ar stroiog's- for Xmas goodse, -ea ord. from Me u n itore ng of nni�t�:'Sherwoodg -equali —Xmadl' sleighs p at V I At —Try Lawrience, for r an' a ib YOU BerrY4 Co. 0'elfle-stand -With S�ik' &A "'G8 ffARK.-Hours I& to Satur- -buildinz 9 -Duntley' & -Thour is' weeti last- blond4 overl-ingi —The IE owiliele III to 1. Deposit:& of $1 and upwards. eve rty 56, 0. O.F.9 for sil D at goods, 4) a nty feet long -and f6l four NO. ec groves dies, watch tec vel mud interest ailowed. the t fohowbig officeirs were- �ol' ted 'for -drug storei —The Cos Tuesday evening 11arry Days 4 - * a - wide, divi milit —Pisno and table lamps- c4ea]R n eve ecelved ait Aur- o two partq for, the ing diser ption Lawren Iso r EHE LIB19RTY TO -U ER AND TO ARGUE year V. next izi L�Ck]170w: the in6u t;, ry hardware� d:biachinery- --depart ents. Canned:go4di of ce!#. Gooll I -Chap. -"-'R.-- at C�mpbel !�,d! nlktca of hr I - ocery. erry cezest FREELY ACCORD G TO THE D CTATE0 They als6 arr a full line 'pew gr Anth. 1�earl- 7=41o, Y' of, sp91 rting C-R- -P. Tennoon; - I's -Buy you-r-Xinasgoods from B A, on Gq,,t Britain and the United Grab ;'-R.S�-R. 10". -y 16 8;-A. T: - -Axes- and cross cut sa% doz- . g's vok zVous ENCE E,PRIZ goods. iirteri� 11116' Of 1?66ts, boui id: in are & Co. the druggists.; hn' U japffee GIF CONSCI ]k ABOVE -A full . - , � -1 � � rhom owns three qi� t r1e. -hardware sto t Davis n- Trem--��R. L , I xmteomp-j -fsk. es d. c eap a Lawreneds 16-lught iiia sor - '6el.; S W -W. OTHER LIDERTIE � 1. �., .. c 6 leat6r, at Ha D e no Morocca -�4 sections of land - in the imme ia. e .1 Moro c rry ays., �Don?t forget the c6noOrtin th a - 7 Pros- towiihall Ito -night.- Chil** inver rings OH: -,q b� NIGRO -AGENT -D. T L. SUR. Barr;. RB vie -Miss Glover, of Goorich, is at W. -D. McLeod; Chil yieinity�-of Grardi, situated. on the ru 119 -Choice co0ectiopery and* f its from u-00, 0 u McInne., Intyrldl; J.B.-F. visiting in the. village. i-� P.C.R-T-. ent -beautiNlew.- Fortunehas- -A big i assortment of �games. at ACre- and 'sugar,, c1ii", lar 0 �0"il d on qf all kinds at i�e Inbw g v Lilcknav, WdqwAbez Otlil 1 95 bf a t t hiip roceIry. a now a r..Th9-`m- �u -r�T e stored.- ttractive B &C ­-irug otwe. t he dogerves its -favor." h rd orry d sugar, VI@W clituat �-Merry Vas New n appy Cr An 17=� Haispy ChiP1stmjL8,:-t.1n26­ with'their Christmas dispky. -A lar;: 'erbwd Of. our 'Citizegs -in.; a size ...... V- 6 all. Y. ALI R :d I going -V -4 And V Inall a 4vo' Be re another issue of the, SnN -Qlrq�-. a d4 (view ehm*a, �r&d an& 4 fit) OURRENIV. TOKCS. I -itill j� -Mr Wm. Middileton, of Port Dal- to d to -tbfj concert at d priptiot -Dolls of every d ie iti s evening.-. Itter'plites. TINEL rig S w ave rug itore. Cfb ill h" I conie. atid - size housi is at. �resent via rig; home. Belfasb th A 4aid price, at H�rry� Da s, -a b.. 4. 6 How we all love-th: Christwas 10 "The railways announce ellieap�. Bert.- Harvey is the beat'. e Orly fares chiim set, CA d tea-pot, oresin. ne c Lovely, Xmas t' him -at ESTARLISKED 1988.. The Canadian I i1raiture Manufae- taxxottee. gone. 3 Mr. -John N. Rdsq, tax collector, !easo *ith. its reminiscerides. of pait.� for the; Christmas and ]Few - coldaic-singerin Am4p�rica. Rear. �0 dp iql, -geueral banking busi sold for 25� to �55c,-now,, 10C 'at'Mrs. ..... A0 ss turers Association 4�ld I loortierly -OUZ I oys alid.-s-orrowsi wfthallits hallcrwed Yeaes-holidays. 6 CosgrIves next Tuesdiy evening. F- ble 011 '010111i Can- wishes t,st&.distinctly state that E411 J i - . - b 1. . I- I .- . - n drafics P va to -last -week, a4d7 re- o' up4aimd sau loot .11:1 J� Meeting in Toton Smith's ngs A'cur ew urtles Mei3harhical younge ne 0 mo P.: the Govprpment' 'hen a 4 a the.Uwitea 4tates. We make vatties wtoi have- not Paid' theirlaxes associations and loving- t6collebtions. Paisley ri f bell Fit. -The -Qompaay b much �sttonger in .n L including, solved- t" morikal e r as �%4: -Ste r mouutod edih itions 01i all points before Wednesday evening next, will We grow recall �the eight o'clock in'the evening, si e the every respect � t whbu they appear- zillitob ind. the ag i j�S of L toyWetet of all descrip at 31 to....., 210 a nst permitting any more niunici- istinas di chilldhood. V lirry 0 a- d chattels ile k-rn Stat, :or ods . n ed here about two "years ago ized h;%ppy Chr 'ry 0 $1.20 a s, . M ha. 0 th Nov b -Mone- Ist. Of em Ler. uni n ity ..... . 7#-(* N I t 4 -West Pl-ovinet-­ alid all collect- 1 pal I vu It r children. -Days. Smdk ag 8 a timeof re 0 fc best q nal oans ar bonuse t to be made by and sold blic auction. A word Genu no Bissell carpet sweepers ton Transe, ript, M ay 2 Ith. 1805.' unt 'Will I aud.pare"nts, for.brothe the i cheap sa [e f, 2nd. go io lslml ur4iitura toL the wis s snffieien. t. L ra. �nd' s .0 for $2.50 La be . ..... it; diether note or acco 6 i ace's ng -A meotm*g of i I municipalities. -to roposed f - at wre durif the --coun6il -vOU – I ­ . . . . t b . row.s - fond -we,th cy 0 Mrb. �mpt-�ttelitioii, The he Art' er ink books and ,fan* go 40 'Ve rc er on Satur- in .9 held -in th4 council chamb silve RP - of .- : and New Year week. 11 in -. A _'the few I fm-mer's s�10 factories. Look' fhe 714t andalorne Tbam Of disc nted ant osibilities 0 f ture- Stnit Oil h's. day evenift -t, and all parties who e Ing .0 g nex oliefte -those present and 11 mind, M -�--Nothing 6ute- most' exq%site -Be6t­ uali4. Ile *4iik .7,5 +. J! avison, on 0 [Peetink. �ss -XiWks Trees uyi for ncl e Make ied Persofis b j;s are chagred with back taxes and hold - W 'a SO rance by things in Cbiiia ware, caii -be seeii at 40A --I -sets fro 41.90 t6 2.50 sto how many of them. �a e pocket4 pub� -last, purch, 4 in Wingli therd6re one of fond yetn and uff M ailiolint, Of fund ery, lberal Ing Tel AVe have larne Xmas trees, will receive.�- v V ceip�s for the same,- &To request-' e eller krmstmng'a. re- at fr6m fivq per�� lie money., one is. If il �o think of tha did mat'fo blis drivin mare, L and the b*eitowal of loving kit on our d' seuts for -hN ames row`25c to.... alivaitce on . ' I - - disegunt.onallWys an� Pre ed to d. Piet. fr f - i,,- -Bible scene in %i i0h a lot of, folks w"boa, 'of the. fines -t matched dear t L -Beei Canadian I I 1�; 1p The'rate an �no 4t It is not nec Rary� that -hem at 1�, Days.' t DOLLS' coal oil at'-Lawre'nee'i. also. Si 0;1 n�fo, fork e oQoazi requir were'about to one. a woman to death,- team of rivers in the see z.t,- They th6 g rter b dug� gnal, We.hav�th13Iargeststo&-Of' 'it its from 26C 40:. An siz tio, ioNebelexperigie. Olie., mad,�. by, �Days' pure- -er t t, qualitv eam lint didn%­# axe' both. beautifut blacks.; and `mill. you w ands will bi -mbst apprec- powder for railioad lanterns. China-aoll from 5e -up- ro e i pro ence' I - - - . I is gainhIg greate oino h 'Try'&- pou 2 hands -Pidtui latp a lis on vsecond a ve- oa se W 116, ucertainly mak6 ry i-ated. 1 Let -the coming- fe§ ive season every day. L4, only -e ff�mes in silver and gold. Jap. dolls -for 5c up; -fo bi 'The best to e ubd. Price 25e each- Parlo G up; je*ellery, yatches- or _auvr, attel mort­ s, nti o' -ch Some queer say Q;s have 66n- er6d- team. G r dolls 1-6 11 rnkl,�mortgagO be bneiof njoyment, and . od will, per. pound. b 9 'but, 0. it stock is largor, finer and -mo KV st s has e goo away;,0%jwn: in. pa�llcte' -m-Lawrence has s resse coui:pl ete I Tudge �Wlkingson, of Kingston- ds ome nice carving, Kid body-4ollsbesque.he the latest is th�tt toal pount Open the'Road *a M 'dd' very largb Ited to Miss France,4 lVillarld. One of aod a� merry jChrist-ma for a] I- our. -Now is thip time o got Xmas and upwards at Arm trons Negro dol!s f9r 10 Mau re have -efiera sale, -eadldrg' is" the hearty tO th D lis r, . II,- ou hand for r 6h of., fbit thanver. In plain Eallisli Huron, ksh -pi iasime; _A 1-m �propertyaa ill c -0. force used ill t4p com essioft of a a stage dri v*er who vain- -sets in Cases fb; Xmas trade. u ea nships cheap, I f They Extra lr e olls nbreak4ble h ds ary,- t Com erva­. ti 4 d; nd -W"a�ianosh tow ly-no.Ufi4 Idunier al Council' of the �erry �-,,w4ists au I fe ffice p Mr. McGilliv are: cheap.. You ihould'slee . ffiom.'i -50. �1 Dilldsu Itwn. Co 0. AS =-Gtro pt wl LOCALITEms a sr tellils. impassa le -wridition of the road be- -can poon druggists.' -n all the mills itrid all'. the tiains tive didate large Childs sets nife fork and 8 0 hUrs '260 up. in .-IN ncE�*hsh and -to iii was eleotei U by a_ Z!, 'S BLOCK tki vpyeseut the led, cause -of accumulations ot snow,. a� North Oniario:'n fr Inkstaiids silver -im.dety -at.' "INQ1 Thei old: lady: may .vho pias goods in, great Om llir4 Insurance.'Companys 'in t�- werld good bv neglect wk� obl ed X, Jr. -- heir SION POUR t4y lAst. from '25c to $1.70 at.Armstrougo' .- i td for XWiLs. t 4-m e ed-, but qt mak-e th -.or ffect Insurance oil -lasses :be rn�sreport iV no' she Pius q rogd- passable himself in tock or Mutual Com- i: KU*n ertv in.$' eiraiel'idea' dp.r to in.4ke Iiis trips, has a ifro M D.- and Mrs. -appreciatioki -for. uciffle haN an exagg of how gkoat -good claim G nuine Acme skateg- in 750 -Show your your List ofC&0wTP1edbef0reJ pAii� as desi I John. McDougall, Of Rick and Co nty' rp d. for damaLLLS in an- action at law-, up at.Lawrence's.- acher by buying an everlasting WCAR the appetites of woi&exi are or *ais, i - law case in itze Itclurs are- frolif a 0 ou. -e- to%vnship councils orth Pakota,- 4re� visitilul fr1q, n Is n 'Way, f- -fi 0 win �6& Walkerton' o W. t Th4 - Otto mal present in the o a ne ring, a 9' squeqzmg.- owey,erl we,:Rre told --The-world reniownedbli�zawattee --okbk or chain a ues fLy asd T d niorningr which on ac nesday eve f t1ds v 4 r*G Frances had a beal b-=6, afid otLg4t to Ope - n th4r'eyep. the. 4tb.con.:,of Kinloss. o t Armstron -0 U111 -go new 'grocery. 9!s 9014 W -tea ab. be ount of jjjuiess Judge arret Was:.'hn- -ther tea-m"ting. heM, iadbr -be has as*tuik y EO� SIDDALL, MatLa:ger know but probab! t s dwelt on 'or -cookin- your X 13 to All: Menibers of C�urt tuck-'nb D'- tfail.toseeour5d-countero Klien did- the A- pices inlough Xetk r 54 1. C. . are req of -the 3K 9nl able ­to Atend to, Judgir' -the fgnd recollectioll till- pe- fectiou, you should -puiphase Ze Oi No.' 4 1 V [iaested tb hich piov4d ght a the 74 1 Ort Tuesday nig of I st w4ek, no Itibs. Mrs. Smith. not readh Tiucknow t ve ill -the -four p. m. h h w J] is c #hstanding thb very dis has played hir tricki Lawrence's roas4ing pansl.i� You C&n't -trlin, Z' -fifty people SM ]EIELIKINTS L dwe'llin ho.6se Charles- Stewart, present -a --Meeting: on' -Tue ayk Not �-kcl&uple of good ge vant gi I -cook fowl properly witho� next in 16dge rooxp..- Ind, scime forty nr ..Of Kint 1, as destroyed by* -fire, o' t OnO Dig 1here, was a lar 4 L- Apply at.-SETIN- 'th7 all'its contents and $40� in -rings. If your ind rence, W. R. W. Ilis. of 1,Viligham- ----Si Charles- wanted who hald vome­ her a to ait6hd the i ;L` -M4rth MurrnY, 0 Tu er blame,,, the T-1�14 shinents wpre Aerved ft 'IU' .- . I kinds of --DNL%we I courb A 10�a. the home. of her Canadian G overtimi int for the sqhed- d'his--sist n ned zoods of all ki s. biscuits.- s ii4gs, you,� should see eath- 101 r HaIL and a- ter 4U. U-4 -jxw. rdus toward e er had left home o goo&! L remain all'clay in the vill tskoL thirty - f the -tb a, cakes, �Xonfectionery etc., we ao sh, tai� , b choice iafre4mentv4 Ahey mS in St- tiele uling! of Ca,6hdiln' iheep. -He t Moody's. our Xmas Vtock as Metal -:says -er goo goods! Qua&4'ple. about an'hoqr, *lien -fire was discover- 6ae caseg� - had 'been- entlilrtia- for suit, tho-seXbol house - airf u of �aea -hart. a )ier hild birthday. 9, silver:plated goods ! Cellulold'goods! pr,04 -F-vely� L�ck i n to 1. in s ghbors, too late,' 4 'the 6y of- trial 2' the e-9- uabert, the Go-vernrilent f Cau'ad-a were, �ed by so e"of hi nei .�M'. ane Mrs. Wel."­. C -s 1`1 are th s or but 1�6(6rel 4 Of m rogramip ungalinon. --were -in LAanow 611 -weddi rings at- rong nidereswits- 6 be had si D I -comin 4nicafed'with, the ho W --ever, tq save any"thing. - The loss t t* Any'of-these even were p ivo warnod. Tuesda at -Har Days".4rug.-andfalftey-g6ods had been �ettled and oidy s iLdooses wore gi L( I . . - I -jeweller..,- iy ught b6fore theL - -by 3W. is about I iOOO-- no insurance, -- Mr. Mii, Anna Vla -kOm. ;'Canadian Qovern t," sa he,' -14 to Speci,4"value§ in stores Come in and have- a look Oro is home f Judge for tiiaL .-the -ancl; the Ch ��Ladiles clean your. ki4l' gloves with look -after by. Teo ter, gave a recitation- s Teas Stewart st-bisbArn'!�Cby. fire about. a egal t b ed' around, we will gladly* welcome you. I intesps .9 - eu�g a the effect -that if- C# n after carq -.of- bea - a Coffees at -Bi only- e� ch ber' she.bas been attendinz15P 'Capipb�. s. Giv�: A -Mal -whl wr ei�i6yA 0111lig fady y Josephin Glove Ile ear ago, 0 iak a la, C than s1rejep with scab were to iters - for g of IT"& -1el school. Connell 1? ia The y Parties who desire any* sp Lawyem IX. - Morrii an hat b en en-a�ped for'. , to ttac4, th6 Cana u a t? by W. [I. Headqlua colmson.- individual to a, Director of j the W" Ktl�ed 13y His Brother- ressed and un'drt .;,also gavevaup -M W 'Helens and Mrs. JAM_ 1�6b7art . i -sed kia" glovi W4, lach selho n east of St. the V -other Cqulltr6 inust novit- 8, Of A w rati he oy--ea. mi 9 on 'ust-desirabl lies Biac -a Dungannon, were illag" Agricultural Soci 'The firs case tA en up was �R. J. Janiesi T�ug jer, in the et who hter,- of Teeswat y, or Would be for. enj k a3A uth about 1.5 vekrs of age, was TuQsday.- wouldlike to have a directo 0 ameron �s J%me W re pleased. to learn that 11rs. ably follow th,�Lt the� all the e �k4qs- for tqeet local. 0 kcCluskey, action �11 ton, of Kinlo A eabh W yo last. G r ir w Mis arris so lias been ill for some or eviening wea' -for. the priee ­ of L PUM W 901' biddqn to- enter thig, cauat.ry -1. do d instantly killed -X W. -n! locility shoW ips. � Thib i. as accidentally. shot. an as presents boqgt�fro erry their-Ok .atteind 'the tho �Teeswater tWr, st, is Oji the road to recoverY. It % said hat theie are ir the - 1�00 't tried ai t�e last eourt- aiad* a veidit t hot think that any, ierson in Cal*lal 'by 11is* yol. est brother- while out Co.. 1he dru n.66r -to .0 w Mae annual:meeting whi h � il CU on &44: ��he string baiia � Jurnigheleat are Misily en&Aged state of-Kauss twenty w -builo t 3wns the pig a bits ,)n- Th young JbIks n to t lye En' ish r t;- plpase. hth. day Jan., givenfor �he defendant, but on applic- '4n: can take -exceptio Wedne�day autl the evening. R The to . I I shootin- -And that. Pract -Ing fot dit, Christnizis enturt ain r -other, a -let his 1) without a single.i inhabitwit, people protecting tl, eir own-flocksi at One o'clock p. m !%tion, -the Judg grant�d 'a new'ttial, wag on�unced a gTond iven. by the I Harris- It appear -s �t hat -lie j "'L , dS JWJ�n $22. p 0 men� to b� -�-Miss Grace Boyd Gooil thaiiState, i Ury. to Nvassorr that the Her w as issiled, i, -have his.gun to shoot. Saratoga, in 6* absol itely And a jury: Of five chosen. Tho -boy 14bout twelvc 4fo Ild - -.w6willnot,be underi6ld b -y any nd. in B tin rd Xd t 4ay to Visit friends as awo her I ui r #ghwit --the even - was not -sur s -n.n� uninhaited, h ngLP ho wever, failed -to agree v p�revajledhro� but t ed.'.' with,anqj e.bov, becoming nervous, - . . 7. - . I - -of oliday ;� L . . - L _dealer in. our nice.lines - 1� I TQ- of our oun,,, sporv- 0 t Mount Vernon. inpa..$3011000theatbn be tried at in 11 -,3 Jodge ordered it to attended -the g' n was - pointed any one from Greenland's and th -the L�SiX ?I , e ernmen at J mets', -the - whole charg-P. b icy mountain to India'a coral- stran court. P omsop,. Albums!- Albums!� A ix- d, the next -At Male fi TiZ� beSt girl -Th Gov 0 .'for -million usbels-ofw fired when presents by eaen �iat, - ll L burn Thus- scheme o lb H BELFA-LST band c er-t t Xu uY directly a stock. fa ums verylcheii' r �ised. ftate- r def - I n eiri- p at arry ey Audi oats. is'thd e intl# -i 0 a -in We. to be slau�mjitere(j ii 1� t- 6 body 6ri tb lit side of .7.barl nd will invite yQu --to tak for pla H.- Motriso, n, id ening. They -n n lland see thVm- day, repovt having an ing. le -4 ent ring Iii 9 5 Days,'d. ro can give. endant. ell k --ment of the Manitoba grain e what bargains we 4,hy persowdesirm, inoro snow W. and a good. slei- ritle.. e _ec .:of and se -9 real, and shipped to, England in �th are 4 vs Johp and James b S, emons, 411 r�u S, 1895.- This z is the,: be§.t Nortlest- 'You., -Hkrry Days', Lucknow, all'' :�Oiange f -t Thomas �Youm iet hi:, told at. the Ux- -ela�'explained: by c -Coneeipt 'dates4 0.1-9, and--, candiesi- nds crop -on. record, barrin -the -era 3 of welcome. dtioil on orra of zhilled --be �Wh of' al I -'ki" e -of our citizeus took -a -ool -Roge.-A note of $16.00. must ; - -, , - a -!>u �a t Thd scho4l`condert in S;$.-. N M . bose name we -0 -ne e U& week nc he7 Sawyer WOE Robertson n a dr.ssi o. 7 fort�e Xmas trade at I odv',s tout vening - I - & more unatlafactory, not t 1, an.1 wlid (loes not live mai* � - I T-gumentson. t] e �choGl q xestion -For the bala ' e of 1896. John Ver4ict fo* plaintig, but. t t la-t�� t ursda cr lroi6 eeri xovern ent. arto rs-big bdrgainsin measand� & Ma, Hamilt0*. werer in�Ae I miles ast of St. Helen.s, He�purchs- -,Guelph; contemp purehas4- of Kinloss an Th y 6vening Idst, 'was -M�. and Mrs.. John. E'llioto --The. resen tJ3 "tish I Pe ffe a . i. .-- ­ � - p sigey reat 001 eildi i ns, otnens regglrdigig ekpA�-thd when ststing, He 4aUld d a tch froln ajewelkr 'the other 500 head per weel. He says that socceis. b Th(k sch -was in She­�pardtorr on Mond&V�At dentlyinteuds.to, contia.uq the line woni'Snu; fancy slippers, me psrt�es to Ale" uit the gar - t or crowded. 0 the -'door! and the -prg. Ile fuip�ral 'by its wear in foots and outd njoy ing the 11e4sure very nwh, d -all rightwheu he, got of rs. Eltiot cou�.,ia. and childrens. -h h went by the Governp-4nt tking fan C of policy paisul redect asors nishees auld to: b'oitried at.nxt court. :buti�zxdtrned shortly rry jnud 1 all that could e desired.' O� -in regard impoptatio. .6'liv great reductions.. Parties hav- George*airlkdo. V's mes'BuShel w&.10i his trip. It is quife proUVe -k. sters OYi3t 1B tb oval. n I t day it N+ould not %voi gramme i vas -ns e shoes at OOT -unts will preatly ohlige,by pay- -frequent pharge of thiS`b�sj�z-.�3-,aiano4iqct -of gues, �recitations, All! i6aftle a n c I W.- T. a d er -awendevors to induce i t -It consisfed --dialo r nd Baltimore oysZe� a 0�e h beat, cattle from -Canada, will ing acco Dy�tt,.-A-dtion on: note he making ov, efhis u 4- channel' fe'T' a sorlos, .-chorus a at have.to be -slauglitered at p he dt.bai� - to the t. of ing before N67w Year J. Peart. teito Zim­ to go jew� er to bun P les, and musici -by the, genuine salb water hel p -or Of $10.2.96. Verdi plaifttiff.. elson Oyster roll - - a 'the -school children. and �the members of do of our iisigo to Oe it Half in hour f`f�ter- 'valuble'te, -del it vvipuld- obtain oody.p. -��Apprecia6ivo presehtsare What 9t for sho Fit -o!% bought two. wart the watth-was han(led back to hearvy suppert-6f 66 farnier-6- of an'. Rising ille - lbdv of thi eii try. W. S.taniey vs W-; Scott. -An action flzig:46isds in -order t# -go to the womb- -jun[ juven. z . e s- people 1willbe looking for'this-week. the It�.,Bert'.'KcCorvie Who has been -Thepwnbas been fl:)oded with h icking 1)ravel.v. t)f*tlie shiPpets bf cattle 11rom -,�illave �n4ll her talent. Altogether -to recover $60 -for aamages sustained by': j�mter, but only -to -meet Vi a Ot Oar-sinoking sets for rovers of Ahe thii.w, harmac to -be .:-caus d by fire sketl he. rail: iand." i i -firth in e lose.0f no attendi1rkg the P .1�! G61lege of ne eonzprt, and, Mr. - roular fro ari advertising' plaintiff, I Canzy1a, 'and of. -it e way t Was a, pry fi W 6re beauties, and.ra'nge. in price- land. Small e#eUt Hslvinr r4B. . eed 'a 11aving paid- the durin, %v ino -j sol the horses feet at our worthy answ lie �lerk- Toron't6 g-thulast f6 t- dds utl's Chicago icitig agents, audre(ties lighted by 4efendant iW steata.ship compni�-" and: be cLean--�- 4eserves credit-.' for-. - the _from $1.30 io$5.50.v - At Armstrongls pait'? a bill 11 askeil ivhaf. was the. matter isgain, in -our villatre. teuiittanc� -of '$5'with ap lica- rrison blakt-sWiths hie took"t-hem, 1. VirdictfO,4efendent. H. o Lomw f nied that "it fieed not be *riagdd by I the manaeM n h cert. od - with' lis atcli. iia he w' or oft e con od.vill find- choice things in abund you -one -ear, waiA a lock of these joh. Theindademeritsai emiting, y for plaintift';.R A Ralcolhsou, for n p - . On going i-aut Go icp and t 0 0m, , or O.ernment for 16ng§r tha ihe-prl6es iwill'suit all c 'a- � I nt. I in t4e morning he found oueof -the ek cotnpan�'or Th osgrldvps company .(.VN y §nOw d needs rs., ubtless a jointl�io co, the f *ut. we woul advi - s ' e all give it r'J'gan Its that 't. had rutu d al)ples-for chri5ivai. Leave _Of defenda --indit.for hini for -for-do kinas. buye' eep itions And horl sud -frivri 1, offer to! v th.� a, - CP 0 M. Coi vs- Mrs. Alexy Finlay- commerci I i1cern uld be .5'Cosgr6ve. Company. is your'o er early and wo.'I will k wide ber s with its 'neqk'broken c mow tow Aloo hizl�sjioe in the tie -rope, the k9hoomas billed to'. 4p d -The Educaion has y a nice' orm 'to ca ry- it onl, thereAffer. LP Qar in the Lu I -n them r you RJ ht of; son.-Abbion ou ote And account for �d r Qr, ima, -evening., next. This e hall on echi val ues' in- eye gl6Aes, for a. X D -,V. -L SCHOOL vantingsp, sued it ci�cular shoyving h n berll' Of -spetacles, or.L su�0�68ed to have beft caught W. -16 -suit. $15U& on r stoc 'was- -switchini his mots comany is the best in Canada, izid present, pall and Weet from ou k. fp1aid.g?ody. sboul I call oh--, Canpron, of teaching daysi for the y�ar 896. Thomas Agnew vs To*nship.of Kin- ther horse the -colle PD17tw-0 TH� WEST If the lenses doA- suit* the repip�enl, I of sumv-stful Candldat6s A -r- OUT IN -ha-ve be' reatly improved. since -t ie1r. rd -h & Co., as thP3 to wils an N u . oy es, d facorpo -ated s-ActiOn to AlphableticallY. last appearance Vhe M o-rit eal 6'r the holliday s6ason, they I I r in. citi -r6cov�r $5-50,i bal- da ; 9 showing here. aft Cal' eal los PzLn vitten !1 Up. -fall range in prices from ya -dr dge- uo� a rd up. v- is 305 iys, lihile 'The V11' age ol.P G illages the nb work. u 4in W agette, so P. 'of tbein .,We my eyes proper ance f co rba 06 school willlm on 'Th1drobi e Ochoc. ry L P.S -that the, cleverest )To- of ie orat papers' 4n.rural'public-al is year, ouiteadher ldfimd-- 4L' G, nd sepw4 I the ana-ha y, i6pted A CEMALES safely oper lenses went ieserved ill Ath of.- -J�nua evehing t ou and haA; pr t Fargo, nouho mt Mr. John rr tuber is 214i­ pul free of charge H. Moirison for fhe IlRcoitD, On., Of plaintiff: T. 1%1� Mal- injA6'.attend -the Chorry Grove es tI �Ba rim's B all -a� Armstrong the optician. r "oyd aup�plied L )ut oil in in& On h villag ill writirig"Op e ay, will succeed Uk, Alexander As the last --Wednesd -n Dee- Friday. 0 kliierryxinas =4 i New. that[ O�L the Cosgrove . Con i.eri Lin& son for defenda fr,Calmeron I Da. Smith s t e kanize r o 1E. the %L.'1ibK,- -118 a L o)d roosters was .-y �st evening. From'beg inm h ;r y r 7A shi�menot- Ve of Grandin," Cas [)mpany' 181116er this yeM ­ Ch tma's -11 Christie fa iner r- i - the fohowing Werefices to two' Ontario. an recenly sent ljy far to- a o' OF CONDOLEXCE. to, all. D Dr F Cochrane ing to end t ie peilformance. was� br �gbt, paity i dnoin naiiong4e ' ' e Day, the annual Is\ M%I - - silvl6r to fill.-s-worder for 1,chick� -n, -fornierly. ;w-.01 knowq in to -S�erlilnq ied pqcket. ito dealle e and :!Xot Onde Aid theresee Pic re,4er Qunrir- hain o Public and Sep CHERRY L, F ig entivin a bart e the dorrect--andc oice ara e scho, ens Aelqn% i0y the. tion on the booki 4re1quit 'y .1 distr cts� wi thinkiii, be-* To mrs. 101or, or -SL this eetion,- sDn of A4der. be a Iac4 of Pipprecii ri�'tsh,urban. rura 'The shipper, b b\d W: L Dreany 6 . il th daler, bad,cut off the ipurs - WeinbelOP -orthe W68t - W&WAnO h fo WeL have heard there are t1m, t4e-v�uffiehce-" Don't. bur3day, son of St: Helens id .11-r. JainO A. of 'forget, the thii a for 'a dainty anl� serviceablp held da lfwini =T er, Xmasgift. See them injO�eller Arm- y on the G Elliott 'N t.- NV m Thom iiosd L� evening' -'n ext in ihe logs of each bird. It seems 9ouncil -have th be ed lWea -of people samely WorkM �West Wawanosh th. the law will iftv�k At'IELst xneeting of the -Township -a in ee tive -We­=ust be nu X be se we, o 41 L 301 - IN A. -A- P S befo §h h P. Ople 'Will come, bear �ex W I Iladay A Frame Thon), �rotlier of' dat T . strong�s window. Dee. 2 Wi C RA.4er 11 11afidie XmusTree of- t eleting sbi�e - 'e the oLran. The a 1 -0 in d-oin e inest thing in trade. can A Halladay '.. : '�te There -are two bases`ai�,eyy prett " coun, oil of West Wawano. " ��i mas tre. �nd ;e y c mittee.1 he' Reforai As.sociation, thi nly f n -me i�nu 9 folio*ijig 'tesolution which explans year orrawd inniff 0 taln --held n animousiyl; a4opud. 11 The bea' i 110tOW w43 I rifti 6f St. ings or -Goderic oil Tuos �y, after- 11e PeteFs Church §qn- thi mas to be seerx� 4-i Oamero t is ribw a F Ie4ie C Johnstone f X d i sbyJers. I n beba hmd A- E 164' ry -E 3fadden 1881' though the q;ounty Lucknow, -will a belid Co's., nd 'n-6ne of jl�em'. 0, V'r6mise me you'll bring home itse, was w day.* schopli noon, M.- C. Ciiii6r6n, Q.! � U., acci �pted oysters.- Theseirb his WhOrei4 The Sprime Rul `Grove bals er of the su heriy -onve itibn 25c in price.'. t be surpriied 4S find fil vaft B McFadden settlod ten years eq J ohni A.-, ; 8 a box c -1 ori Mon �rd "ekeee& -the -nomination of the At so nO thetown 14 qay, Dee. 2q S W- or( as the fir61t--settir in:. Wife's partink Is on Lodge ntkhta- universe, �is in 'his i4nate *isaom. 40son. w the, begi - uiagY 8 p. m..- harp. Beisdes i ni at, the am- 4ht of sifted -up nevirs in our n ed- -to -34K-m Nill J McInt'sh Au New grocery'in-Catno bell's brick which was tender She, al them and they�savfe removed from,.- us one of bur most c cante i -And qpe-, tree, hepr, tcc W - Elhann@y J bKinrioa' illa�e. It Xmas: graine. W* rann-on mee -e il4niti for a w week& We VM -tbb block, 4ext-door to i ur hison!s book' Dan .9! Ira 9 lots of ea;4sai-in Is ures. A hint itD -the worthy oAcials, in the poison of K- I he- atu A rom eas -iia - - presen )ng store. -Good k as Richar inerst iie 6 hid -all nevv- aI -fresW jind on Tuesday .. d K. Miller, urild her the tirdw.give -onlyotir nds-. You ca stay as late Kinnori: rig and- h. Camelio l6ng andaotimate .1 Alc Kenzie - is Wl�viys w ii -h iFe "I ? hush' could do frou es e�t 4n," S L may come fter. other 06, s r A: call sc Mr., A ierly of this you like, if -you: c I - on Reid Wore ti c a- rig olkit&- virs nj foA .-relation held with ps a. co vi you cc McNell tak-eA a live rice Ply o. - , 0 dl- n the 04-�. �aW -,A 'IN X ]RIM et ve er- :D. Oa bell. f the" S;a*nda.rd and- him in, th -and faithful dis- pi concert is -,coming along' -is .,eod Tei ry ej efficie'nt q ­ , . I s News, published i Joha ines� W.Pj 6nd people attending -the" ffie- S, 1114y n - of- his -4uties, as township a M Meltae �m ' ina honfe. Dan n ays e te."7 a As - a arge y receive mit Thr9ugh -him -the; firs 3itept ell r r ba were d Kenzie ed Is, James Marr, of.'- orchester, charge 1w ch ar -ierid Sukdh his -�he­municipilii 0 West in ay' i othe;s..; Pak6nts. andift Afrie E Pollock for th",public schoblq� - I;i' -qoted 'of e Clerk in - on --spen bur South 6 repai�a to ess near y lit' aW in- magazin 0 wawan,04,, for upwa, . r d 3f Park -for 0mir exceilence. 17 When busin* thi�. P�bl _P6 0 form- in, c iltailis .-Berry & 06. thQ dr is ds of- jaine , ", j -J iThardson i ip in genera are s, rat. n Doj?t forOt e -r- -law t all. in large -plush i1bu mm from -of rin Y. known for lie drc V6 through b -the drive Combina"tipa.. celluloid 'an plush esteeined for- W oblig*9 and pres6nt3 d matter years, and as such was widbl a 11 Penton in - the blacksmith- xvilL pe bea4i My and ra�a' d Z Dee 20th. Concert to -dommenCe children, i E es Apid. --r-mr-. "clock -ah rhig the winter months, aa and -a" half'. 1 t 'Totia­te�t�an 5p. 96 at 114 �4inbljrne Robertson C.S Znglish. and arp, Oome all aud hoye peQii41y dq distrib ti�n m. Mon y albums extra va -ire of - lal manner, C rson o a disp' sitioii anagen7 'd time. E�R-obb NI r. Ande looln f *ill be of d Mari f iinks Lucknow is 4 busy - placq. 01j Sol is g d fo his" suav jl W Arrnstr,6n:�'sjewellery t pA® ei a Or day. o et tranelp, etti makes it in6ntiv b ing forwaid lio a grat '- C --t, - Coll ulold ihaving cases for Attini t1lat, -we A Routledge wm ing ca�p6t-3,, b4s 11luiit him h ver iolleotionpkill bti t Is' ore entree into -t 6 Big of Capr nus. - but at Celluloid 4ecktiibokCs 'for 70c� the un sived, Reeve, Deput -t"4hfph W ill be rtho-occurs on �he Our hurch is ery evenin-di rom, no bf tuiw pm F Se:.' iller self a handsome and ornfortable"horne til this the door, will bl�-open e 'CIO * 11 -� 'A' Five k tei setts for Reeve, a d councillors B Scott is Jogg- during �he past sum arld till aft' ff, fo 6, p Altl ough o op clays, d le shorteg y ar. aid. mnniqipali�.V er Christmaa it . - -em -10 cup and sau 5C-1. at ill theh 'ravel Large cers for I record our este Thotn�son ing on towards thEyf dy We of ide, -A Grx n4i Worl�. 1 - cop2me Ice to Ila This will give- every one- c a4pe-to e to him, id"due -appreciation of his tr Herald a 911. C --u f Mr,'-AJWer­ The- fr*�ii q Jil -,e y grow -Hand mair ors -from choOl term ari Sept. respe toos: I. r Q- 9 to k our way., 1,he-dvey nuiriber -4 t is lqu C A ugli his ini - men sun w �p ser ices. cted V A nd Wileekly add lobs o% other Xmas oxi appears in - @ St f N eal .6tea iby e. bargains. -D6c. 130. Duririg* thei, thi�' e r :are -nesday. e n co le n Re 61 that the 40? a T I ende(X I'der as they en. rn all over -the wo0d a; d -�J� have it- on. reliable - rig of g.tting .;-Do yqu e -4' la �t k the 0aadidat(-,T.werq. examin- �..Record.' Mr, Ande sow*M' born."In best j)5d ffio ai6 thin boel Th n, you -appreciate Sa Drew -$un& -4: December, col 0111 f e wi i -you -14ve, -used the dut n i a ed as, thpit at Reid's the' Theoey -Canada, 7 and' nie-6tioneri y i -Men %i abilit i wl&b. he ec' i ;eth,)4- ot nd es Will- -good flour. and r, g pretatuing tp, -s.6methi unt I levolvizigz as also Ing n dut es i :4p ke, e:xce t- ic of ticatiovi, chout Liw! Phy-' spen.t his a. y Ii 611 b father's ity on ev 1 `rV -c hl d- of,e'a t most Re'id's flon. whit his gra toils Wme COUU861��, 40--onanaivetiling. rl -p rind silveeNvare-t 0 ery r you can't -know ling for pro t, farming foi pro t, Far- ch Eicbe..- Yod' cari'b 6 -flour i )10 Y, and' faruL In 1-877 he Jaigo the.stoma Cho -,lit of b vgire of ur fast '�dn L uit%bla p pus - ate er ettled at fit, or stock-yai in 1. . 0 ek is s"thply 'leasing purprises the icest sou a held in Ivers S or denijig-for- ro on- S -p Mae 'eal Tea6ina Th n ofit. Th Yalp-ily Horaldan' helegant, from -it: ri obtain just Affords;. -None is exam'inaitiari where lie was employ d- by ibe North- 4ereit- any priqei othef- bakes so easy ful reme ord e by usi JA en 16 �zniles c!u a -he py 'hat the saa re 4A fectioniry in e by esh mo d of T -i -cent ad Reid: pu re fr to ields -such �, wh Rio I�,eg`t ue. or e sub-, c akes, av4 pistry P, at Agated Yibo marka, and 5,69 'were' ern Pacific rallroad. 1w 1878 he:`w-ent ly certainly i a ma 'Christm V ease. yot arid a olesome and Star -5L the as ift 4- nd none the con6il' -its newsp -in pji tll-. -prices- at Arrn4t.l A- until ' and *h6lesome,. consido��ing th dso mqd k9� requ Ted to pr. of the c4n)qiJatPs to Casselton. where remaine pr great va 0 asis a wa )read a a ce t who, pas took. -under' .6-00 his 4ettlement at Grandin ixi- 8801 reur- alitY,it' *ery.rp son n, a it, is faleet ing w qu is That is w. y all the best f4milies -use wd oi�ly � 2 scripti right. fAy and should be taken for talna J; L Pei 64orthertitook orer'650F,, -17� and purchased 'the rat lot, w] thei end6us s fie less, The Family Id ohn tif, ha's, not A�'d his -Reid's flo r altogethe e8i fto -give Herp oIited. the ana readers will t Od thAt the eoiLdnlatior, of a nows All SENT11fEL 8 to Y get - dss W a i a e oo - wi; in -oosing ree and- easy' ere - kludit ag�. jp iGns e u t He *IU do -lib be9t to make tt Att 19 obod' and Wi %,- - � - illaae was 19 M .. To strietl� C%n fact p a4d ista, e- in oVer-100,.and T took ove�.!730� a P�kl 8tar is really"O -0 the diet -of d th . . 0 iggss, 6t -he -sells wdek look u 3 strolling iwound the other fmdable, -rawled and 1000101. 'R Is -N uf -s as con-' won rubi enchy. - B nuis I eaqd'd t t k t 3 mar4 randserved ?x yeaf Itow", a -the 'F r Xg�as pres�nts.' IMP% Too 'LONC eV -IneO suitable - 9 in a i evenin ,,A ring _vear, a d con- ed- with N,�ly that he t dered -aud ACt4`UPQ11 and. kn 11, of the was Oady to tako suggeeflons' A have i t Ry e Iftoss sud N sheri d. le ;s on the front- an -fif 800 4nd r within 7. One cAndi- stable, oneyear as c �put adIf the -many ttify dr'.3s@d 6je,,.t t vww ni,)r Leaving, -2t. a member 4 the "tow t4the broker's sho Is -tW .1,-ight on them, -ewbller Aftstrong b d Win Nad as --been -and Pal p6nime. . ut lie) law gL lii;;� P ty -the g1t I astliness- n ins ust 1 ;he iris to add w ting ptss the Junior Leaving ej 1ru Okerxiiess. -and -death, and, ger -]WoWledge of 41 .0 t11 ji a ME blel(itianValvatiOn e ivindows. IE was attracted in eat 11dred 0 tawardq sought orrt vatfonizo sucb avo c just JAum pt, pay ag the g ve Lke this - schbbl- board." e' tou -hed with th it and the:* -p ­ rong's most th0ft Anwational ol -, - Juvieller. Armst 'THOM. ca-st4e, The h JIgM =d one W-tdch w111taMWA:. thA4 estf6yed no young of looke em bhev- 9t zue ofnae. nteri t =0ed deall -=Xpr1so -,wbm bthe I *�w WILLIA i adcounts 0 rsr� nts a truly ard the an tbe 116, 060 0 WA lon.'rid 26 the Wimary.' -by such in ment until the .m 1byri t 1i s for t inddw display. d Ch stn he rl� or -be of the adde -at from a Invi nside -to vie liope 1Tapro*emen$8 or �:GV ear,- A-derry­tone-- j6 d it -will blin Villiarn ILOW one of! th�' lesd"-�n-bflat dia. fluet1ces. I ting, aid I stepped i THE BYE -ELECTIONS f things injewillAry'ar -Vrere on--habld -to 19k '*e-, the in( aerchaftts of !6;-Irandin, en ! gi ee e same Woe a great w1e. to - ffitoxt� corne is Ar It �app pLa A h )16- of- the dazzling w nbidt I toll-yoi there 19 gain wei t nk �he­ peol cat" Yes, not. knd -to. the toot 7t re 9 nkard in �Arn e-ric tti m-,-did'not be� ther, and t -iu oundin intry goo -d er*kre -etc. His 300"K IAL- Otaklion they would t.hink ab,4 in"the hardwaro�tiidein7connoct o beh Trfiree 41ott- -�that--Waula-xnaif -a* tr� T le Dorninion. bye-electio'nsr tak ver the wines d. q udkno, -tin Thurlew =4 n with'ah 4ty. has car _gl gince i d, most chirming,, and I am sh w ith --A.. S. ei ei lib age. -e'oss to 'ferentlyfrom bat -theY d! from ;bAs Dan �ey. They- 1191 wast6d -.15duP for ih r eitA indee urir oil as of a ro�iq wtfELt the3r., Mean. T Oivv&: 9% le on of the frOrM ths:660ne Of wltb MW RON. Aa farnfi-fig impl-e-nen' d. From tbree e, an. woul;j sudi lie d i a 'if -will repay i fo Main -OTeryb6dy a W. . -�w A to lives mlazr W, 116ft, rdw4l],"Ituesd . ay, Dee. 24. stovep�,J, nr o, enly-leg for ery my w6 - are looking to' tb pa1w W W abd flip w, th s oa choice Qhris Oandi- brewer's- diay, tbree oomiog here, we ba re �t In elondile Tak It that a three 1 tmasigift, to drop in an'd iper- is, as rre --as 14 Ja side of ott -in unquen 1 -.supplies, -oc -the-- e -ginMoi. OV.46mb. do rg . ur go d f esh eq o Mani is indsai 0'ap his� splendid I AS, -ell ID 0hauged' yeaxa otber hiss -of 'to look - tbrough ty , 6 lat V th way to -preaching to mseit ( - WaijDughby, ConserK-ative; _Qhe r4p.4 at iN �ottle.. Three- affected 11sP - t . -them as ch e -.1ortaining, io: t) e "'ilie the W,,J $1 it �s pnOssi ly sQtected. I � 14;1& also y, two. day6 1-4 14 not a or 4 -aching �Aeeprfi t n y, Lflietal ; Stu6btj McCtirthyite. a viatift lined $1. 11 ell --find, oikv. a S L shev- a or. ed4or the return W: ag*e X194 until' disew Now yon; Ad Mr. Thorn wi-,"h a.1 Is f lisovone ior vildit-7 -Ah rvativei Inaj( la3t 'elec�­ )rity a hneo tr� eXt, SWUP t eof M e y 20; 18-55. He sp�r -allevla Ott ITA could wided mGv ier alid 9! -Q�ttelrs $Ieighs! Don't In astbfy evsry-.- M 248. the or A n to give '! I I bl, celh1$v19k=-piUsh satin lined --st 6 s eet. matle the far -in - and so 116 .7visirs, Ap is ation, $2 fruits an&, -06 -kll.fres I - . - ay - 4a =6 blil b We would irL*46 YOU ana walk into the me um E voliditions �Te a ver ising w 4" far,* -As. ppr- rvative; ll'do w dl :to At Berry & Co. diug s�otb . .1 M. i - 1) b xs frolh- Q - 01 " bs- atre%I Ulentre, Friday, Dee. 27i re, and JvkerVtook- tho�, agu eculd.-As a good progr knime Cellul 1 nee ie o 10c pure and Mood clutches those who a t clitches , ftherq sto the Le And �eoxfsult vaillant, -dates If" ston, Gon�e ow ost. berea. -1do the is 4 arpen er, ldng Pr ire In- iid lien Ab trade of c t sul scrib�rs who. to sell cutters ana sleighs bel ays - Lilieral. e 6 s a he -Our villag, t b rqe years in. I Or a 4 efe, if yo hey nd we 1*1 " a- Conservativ D k i onday -the- 30 th i .*ill .4 h bro t-bla'k dress gooda in t. u Va first'class putter Or -sleigh, with te ction' 1,214. -891 ion , ight, and- wem -and, by Priest] y & �arrears, a 4re s ing is U I - wo d4s made ldcated in 1, 87 11 A6. t I matter of."good sense td. b. by. pzyh i at 30. -rihip wi r. D utley. those interiested are requested -o- be Son, ! Manchester, Eiigl' These. are-man.,A----- -ust -cost a reisotmble c ea Cartier, Monday 1jec in�tb p- tne th M ana. )efo tesol qu ar eir arreas M- tions a -een sod- ve, De *resent. e. League� inteii4 h( Idi rig gqods iare in appearance bqual to silk i6ast a -portion of" Le service you geti-o anv- d 1) -dudres h h its of� anc Da- Conservati narries; Coining to the sl ate wit nrea; Libera4, -Conservative industry,,Aa. 'kit ff tool*and its.annive d and 'ear vl6ry much-- etter., Any fher vd`�:l 'get istin 16th day ary services. on Sunda t'an Chr [Is you whe aL de'- w 'he has sue e 12th.,,ind. of Jan-" lady- 4o *ring a good IbAa Are'ss sho rib wl o are in. the same-' -question the mbdut Ifial I tyatla telectionj 208. termination to win� !eeded on4�j, C uld- kOts subsd er� a b not. theie is �no, fix. -should try ind give us a - -P mpsons�6dtt �vice *-f The Jew, C C C Murdoch. am v. 41r bledck see these goods,. Ca b g hen the- Re Wal est. Hu&n, Thursday, Jran�- -11 in- 1jui n -,up a h§M6 and hudness, ho r of -is ex help.�-The -e the isole de in also pant, �s a, 'Con er ative, fo V Weistniller. and -is justly terme-Aout lc� Grz ndfn's -pected to Oot.�r alerii Luckno Reeve hr een dill the th- meeting 6rged Luu. umn. tell a Carberon atr�n, For leadin 1 citizow To[ Anent --- i d gilt t a f - 1 6 hd 'T. seven tPa re r in -ei cl�, v tivoniajority last eleeti member o r to th CIO on resid e e 4pp(