HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1895-12-06, Page 200-11 W., Z A 51 -A AM— %&R; ��RROC 71 W N 4L -lL7 �y, N, P Q "M M 4 4 dti IN W X 7 - N", 001 WIT D 10. 4--- Z- 77 -4 ON 4 N& - i F-2 L ancy'Dr 0 a .GOods�- - OTT Is T -e -j - -; Ifa re aad �O -lit 6 and F e dotacau4S B -4 n jijci k:+�.- V ist f, 00'* -t -be I nt. q Jr,,#t re-bre: aer CS9 % In" coming an "d m is, 0 too, lar o j g g I gilistock. �._j - -a Sqlel ur Fa:f U w7i AS wait 5- ov tr 0 ha, bpi+ t , 2,70 -k X- t t r - 11 ­.. t- I . ­.. -b: c V 4 djs Q, IA X is A QQ + I ii -� on - , � �.; - - r- , -­� ­?" � �L'�.)�,��-'­, ;�-z - & sale, s Ai �,, - i %­.. - '. _- and. 'bmye deeide& crrda 1;�,, ; i�'. X i Ju t o ha 4 t clearin e a., :RUX Be " F- P T er aceive you er arg Iii you ha T in f t ha. bett y to, o or 333WW1-f,W-1U -rgaln b.l. lia -4 - We will be rdad A d ­ibp 1* - v .4 L t*w,-i Oc botes for'56 T - : -I-- q =- x bu %le 5c p aLl y �y fb .2 1-26 n o ir 4903 r�200 U af36 i #Vd Oo o Ares r'l uH 1 1* , - L h AL i . "o - . I .. I 0, *, t in i L s -e.1-5c --Be 7ort l Rest black t�a y i sale- -20 i tea worth er N6 t if Y0i jj� Rowd dit. & 3tav's. e st bot VaniUa) yeapermm d' -come '6 -,uj§. and we W- ere"is SOMO of ou good - f. -D 30c foi-23c,�7 0 arrv, niie reg -i DO -READ, ON Lo Best -my a b ihLi Pike e price! 1ge A it tbe pri C I the, e wi: -crood vvilue rig sale ih 2 qi d., i III - d egular I. e r. 30c P6 e of du 11 wo,61 grey flunneli- worth r 8 bdt-Auri: e -.W. 2 3 c we - #t 35 a- 9 j�otton f6r per yard extra heray. ymirs� Best A wool- factory- ffiin s of i b6fo th adva�nce.- a. ing. SOP 0 Ithis department-"Lwo bought 6ord' d' We. Shille W,[ P60 8 -to, 'Von want a w6bb- f eo-ttoa.. V 4 t ur lRere i*s -wha -6 -0u stoine �s"F� ab�ilt r A- 0�. TM price ou 00 low ans e g of. g6ods to can -e so low;- e Fith�6odrvsd-graod ce so -low; hi�! iT,- pe I gow 4 r pri woude L ej t poe Thdir stack Aou?d -- C) J�i: how-. - to�yre' And gell bk,4ow'a. wholesale price, ri ra, t s- and t 'ot in coitu, en goods. n9i pjlks and do- their" rade. ill, & XeKay� -Th ho* the No b, 0 But ett9r, here is fiwid. Theii �"Tnuth� §tio9k, sub) f merchandive. most qu me Lay. first made 16,vish, sin thq brough A t iou s but �rought currei rt� , eq fitst rand styles W, set T e time" ' 1 1, at prices, d, )wn Th h e told word t orree. -their saimple hal Is amek" no-Wa OUSL r stock AVm-% Thei r n 0 Ae re Ir to the view.. Bdwild'ri The che4p t 4-7 This- is. -re on.,; all ad not oom o ..qur aMen 99Lr i6ad overeba: V re ha, V -but W& -will. Isay - A I :)thing, iand. ir se b jJknide- 614 6k- .85- V�oo alster CkA at e, off4' y e ar is a dais'. says thit our that d that+ otir tock is 01nP our ac�ets- for ess, il -ha1f'PnQQ* a&eje an Tj SPECIAL -goods Amt -061 elL- C w L want e -4 -e- an i is Sur to 10�4, to MC C1 Im sine' he of- Octobex e 'al. Nol n snow is falling steadir -Towle is at prese YARING of at engaged 'CL teem.e ;of thiei,k, t,, W1 j6 a x- �fie sleighi g is good -here nox, aria s ct- A. SA Pro we shorti. and or wr. 11 Waiing tong r n U understa4d he has, also. purchased a IN chopper. ember to bO still -b ew -Un- Did yo�� hear of the Qoming -event of �New Book%lqew DYS Our. co6k;stoves,. heaters ing not theA lisfen. There : �f. . . I he season3 if Boots ndfurnaces are giv. asing ill be a� grand. concert on s to .,a purch, have -to bdy overco Lindere iters- 18 d tx. 13th, Bibles; ,Fanpy a ati owniend'i sfaOtion �and.c aA h - erefore up ace- a auspices of 'Oublk- at sightl-.- Th" on the ou ppoars t e qn Parar4ount.-Und6r the, e ad\ autier visabl to see an( pure yourself.' o Boot dA ave AVING 80UGHT Br,,F it + go "We -h the,," s n-,* g the 1. O.'G-, T.. C me all and en -joy Br' ea dfe' - ChP10 i - TV e Zwt CQUI -the (�ods th. FaAcy T fl:irld C rise in fftll� �Iedse thbse who' to lead ]KIN Qje�. to i equally it;- but do claim th es, I wIll be al th d. h i. Ij all iha. is a6rith. L er qn e rdei.to in&�p- te esta.teL of To - those go ':hs ost, gq cheap art �ioi ods ir cus. tho, 6 who- favc 0 vefy itipa . k we handle we 4adfy �he - m WeVe pleae V learn-. that- In n the. K Mc4 is improvi , I Willia, st- week for d, tkd stock will o willf%vor�lffie wi api a Bowler, left la m 7h if - v with an i4vbstigat-' y late busbat.1- �opefnl impedtation"of s we bolieve giV 'Your inam i Alpenat Michigan. duction on will tr and in be clear�d- out 4*� a big r.� idn. We ask for nQthing but what., -to gi Farriei, 7 - 3gr- R ei, Lanes, p� WE t GO, son a \Wholesile before ChTi t 'OD VA pr ,s.t Vej �an -ATTENT10ho flying t, to - e ek. pric, e G r -he goo new must be- �y. I have o are n wer tb T . o' their mone YL. Oot . . �W' 0 f er, I of Zion, and jW miss -e 4are A ne, of Lanes Are t Wu __j Tho -e tol get� .--big bar- V A& Miss Lillie L t A uestg-oilbliss May -Nelson Dist week. i solk-s if youi,want hand ready -for sale, qhLt y last.--. 11 and gee i lware 9 -Q left for tionial at t ihe book s ality and p ces iss 4-9-Y see us in Lang -- qktu qa Qt be beat6n L ca, h Po We. Se.. � L 1. � c de "to sh­, & -u 31 Fax tyle, qu T Har - gains come an ar wamt ,,,w yo th dde!�ou. siltu Mr.-IT46&- ]�Jren spea& 1-st6re. an + ese. uresome of th tha. -we and Sundpy at S side; Messrs. Jas hree-.:' --RT. and K. Fairish, T* H. N last A after.�L t iteturned Algoma 14T T.. he sh i ory ionths- stay in tile t, . a V 'and ftpor" A an(l, Kocky di., trici. - rough- �ioo IL W v -n R:.R ONt f 'a ery f4miliaj in po-RT become - our __S ASIIF�IELD SCHOOL tp IS ­ 9 ps�ofovr street. We, adopt -ca UL -M, Ri ief.-S, Thompson. in the 9ho] leav ng— r eks, u] I sizes- -and -CROCKERY2 LASSWAR MOMS st ' s giveables. H A erson. 'bri ma er, L Habi R unter, In books we h4ve:bible Novi-sid R. Gard te SM41 olaes r and' up prices- U QUARTE FOR ave in s ock the foll, ig i 4 B Brown, F teachers' bible$, 75 aW., uO; famil.; Nutmeg ir n r, Gard Dried Apple!. IR unter,. 8 jbibles $2,00, kud -up. 'lacelYn en Hackbi on sweet ad V UAett--, JAP 3T G CA 8tarch 2ad It NEXT_'a Fibb, uned on i1lurtter"iA Habi(k. Son' c it `H,,and 0 ''1 CAURS. k 1 The poets iO Plain c4h, tan y 91 Eauki-c',�Powders "Fish, dried I i Sidpherol Ginger47' 111unter, N Gardner., R Rivett. Jur : Gelotine .+ and leather bili0ing, 400. ancl up B ps ea one i 11-unter P L Broo AINS; ---ST 4, Ream Peel AT T ECH 1E McLeah. I H'j ; . P%wrt nd—J Hunt e4 LAN T Pip < Ink INEXT -Ar11rPick:,' Pail "a, ad --K gabilok, T Rivett, H Browif, Webster,, - Reid, art �R e�s ok_q,'il usf.r d, v4lways I askeu; ate A. e peast-AvAnjo -via H 4st—W Hunter, 1.0 Ch"dr 19 'Idgo T Ilacketi, tLeceptiable I rushes Licoric ardne, 11 Ittinter. J. I 1;5(;U,lt I'LimeJuice Pe r AU offlie I r .1 his 0 R. E. BrOwn, Teach" Le Raj!:, OP (ouWtioife Mons pqus. 0 up Whiting ff 0aughter -A e noes, A;,' hwol , ate atch UT a Rice o n 1�rgt;.- stock of ru n Ks,, M i;ioner 4e� wv��, orn,canue Teast 13U0 PP*nerSets om meal Smilmon -' i Meal T" or� t hat ilrrants ffardive djug is- worth bay' ng�,: d 0 claw b off -at �t Mince Meat CIT --' 1 A AX : L- . P den 'NEXT. Rice' -KINLOSS. 1 Miseellaya b 'oks' -'all kinds, - to Winked Goo am 0 r tEP011T, C . S. No, t; A L A` MacGillvaryl A book ered i 16- oat. Vains. Cla4s 4—J Wilson, A worth rqa Vallisesp Ho 56, lakets .of libr� rwry: Mt i Wilson,- A your jj;�jerjejd G Carlet9n, W hfps, Befist Senna. Water t urriePowd4 Mae, Cauji Wass 'heS, and- m. Tirter - - M anned. Seeds -N ther 11 r Cox, D -Six land4 A Mae suelves. CoAtititked iD, EXI But B to -kept in t - c Valeiii, D selec frnu our bs Pry 3 C co a .�uj M your friend b 6rri$ori, I, Carlet6n, B Pierce, - gon49 14 acK anon, HS01 h iid. MacLeod, har ss -shop. 2—L -Carter-.- Class, ----------- 11 Hamliley, ig. a fact. W&t', that -- )n M P Wils( Smith G Haigh ROAR FOR RVJCE� r U ro Kinnon, RBIGN191 . this vicinity and! Accounts A Valens, he tarmen 46r16t0 leads all others in--R.oBiss V,E Fpas�r J son 0 0 THEuM for W NV alke in 2-4-M M,)rri coming ...and that.he wilke for setvioe this. -year at lo in verv- slowlyl accaul. Pt t 'M VA ai pe bj�'A Walker, L'M superior bred -'be -settled Y A hancellor -W m b con - Das. tht v C . E ithei 0, _W Uckak A kerk� john MacKenzie Teacher. Purchased fr Mr--. Snell, 4 Edmunton d e' J stock. Terms foi t1l' 6Ton c4h or note bqfor aD. Ist e get -1 7­ wl service, post'. P1 e r. Wi4mx Dwsox- jt THANK SG jjj1XGDAyS'ftV.j i& from -im h rl�dshilt time,of BY lix IJTE ivne ng- teudelp for, oi London re' 9 Th. lArees Advocate, VM rpCeiV The n id -ery appropriately, g!ada out., hika on Ipplies 4 0V TRAY. B-11 A ftA P O%wtVA rpnition of lih4riksg JAA ]LOGS 'MONDA 1 9, Igor special recog, mea butteir da X TURF. of butchers _ W ,resme�v -ng price f6r -eabh, fto -and ty givi 'A Day in its N 'ember 15th issue� -As' F iAS �'For thli buip! D Ulu.- near mick- usual, io- is 7� ly: "on Sund rd d ­go(A practical '3 field; of I I I - A VL -; i - W full of Robert - - W.,66N TLuD. pjc,� r eder* ; in n e#,i�ning las &.red cow, with %a co won . lbt�i. for thq f6l mers aPd bre ow,"on Sund e little- whitit. al d,%ieigh% -ab ids. 10*11g instita. 110 liny ar, VIZ..*: �i h% pon as it, ow better r At the As r fact, appears to 9T A y one and informpitioia as will, Ivad y imsfo C. J awes itabli rewarded. --08. WILL- Tou ston, rock - to ner recov Will be all London, Kfal ston o ton an 19 mi Me]�EAx, Lucknow.. ville --and .1-0 ina, the.- vent Lis upwards Meicer Refor natory:-Tqron04 the 14form 3pro*%, older. of Agriculture TCLT' 13R b Lit Deputy -Prov. Minister n f-500000 C Penitiq he e- thei� At. Onk.1y of If, The Ilo�eful. -to4 for BRyi uis an fte, of INIal)]. s, at their HE 'tudous-for tho. eat andijumb Be e. so and writes irkv�res i an Varmingf -:WoV. S e --Log Features- of Cana& the Bhud otpranzfdrd, T. r '11S. this season at C Me-- Me Coast n Wr—Mi WO 8 qijn� suppities w1111 re4nited --for c able p4pe is give, u feeing KI.-ND4. OF -breeditig and ;TOPOM Millans pail LEAVES -the due fultument of ea0h sapae rice. as -of ten - cations "d y in u tion to the :-of the Bowman discusse -ANP cinly cattlef Mr. k LATH -SONCLES thO' b aki iidi t em9111 o_,pe -Sona v sing; thj., a4vantages of sheep rai year. respective filii ILL -6n -arp -#ot. !w uired for t e N., T h of.. it, liean deali:-with that livei fi, ion Of milk: TODOS SAW MIL dairy s4bjeci., 1, Landon In Toronto. the va at NI supply of in to the '111 is FRIDAY NO mdou t ON T Dndou, X tnntrallffi 4 the to ese-ma -nor LE 0- T X and Refo 7, RMri W. A. Dqy1ei ,Ion --�=4 raildo, for che king ration, 1180 IL --suctessfidl, �ulti * N —9 to.. takes dis� I1a1ij%;6r, lath and TOR sA 'The el" is; A large q,tatil tit "TuberWiDsis atil0fig cattl AG;*NT. -Y of on to rassed a. Thompson, han -or. cut of farm implemenis!' is . well shinglescoll 00#tl. e.' jjffQUSF- AkD 1�0-t_xxl -7-- _j 4 .111, '0 B314OX0 t AME 'J con. 14 vve-w in.AQ vil agei 61" 40 mers r P Siff _,Qbe E T His Joe_ -UL t"a RR011SEs. 0" #�ble Oride,'. 6 ST RAY ;!Aaff I -E - , X.,� -#- i I -r-- - I 'train- 0 jhe,sjhort(*t 11 care rder a 0 w' -e 6n Ou ur 9 RA T v r y. desirabIq Cott q- Wni; Turley, Oil p bludled; &La e -'atle str� W -,Df- . - ca . 1 . Wq . -ifs 4fferpd Wasto. live stmck trade, and a lot pem wawflmoih. C The berr 'bushes.jl� �t� Dear yg ON 0, T. -asoAabl e to -pies fdr -dairy fat gjjqZd,. �16t 14 -West of sL -ind po tryine%- -%ad others-. -sometime hilt trej! o Lu h Vq� pay- 4o i fed and-toan. y, t4 140 twl? -ililiel�ing -haud &qq tifte, _y eful- fea 7 e, ment, .-7- -- r es take ft-Tavt-tR9nV" s admir! -i Besides the Almil thO "home C ry. U, ro V m-6- ihr6pshi A WA two beahtiful; qbblik ew,�wo 1100AW :we 1 A xaver *w.a linfulod. for. Its e engm anul-peg. Manitoba, bonany )effij,-v;Wth.ritY- say'? ;d the 0. P. R, a high -0 -tut %V01 NZ n- thi;eshib 9 an ? the ac jck tards at Wi I' INS An. 004. thinx t build tip tho.-b 3 P1 lk th6 Advood4te on thei g farmet. and not, vr�ncter at *ren el ering the Lu"d fledth. - Tb6" i