HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1895-11-29, Page 4f
'County A"y
'k -A -.8ent M 6.i - Feld
L-U()lKXi)W MA-RKETS. Cxilkwt, A 46RIot COUXTERty-
rded A'a famera with Bmill
Pr P�roduats Lead i fap%ftl 4b.� obtain imprived. far
the World 001MECTEDr EVERY jHURSDAY S- in
S e G
..68 to . E te me od
Fail Wbeat, per buhheL to,
loi� stod [lei, -wA'h 1rji,;4idj1 buildin
on indeed i I bushe 68 to
and' Spring Nybeat,per. qucrrepc�40f% T'hstelet �7 Alle Nourgth
S fe- c—e—s,-and-what is of the ............ .. ....
st TeRg teruw. S, west Mt
Pew, �er bushel 0 b0im orees, shimp. nd
.32 to---
Watthless so4 ess, pigs
r o w-- in ob -d deWW##e I g in the' District.
id, will
Barley, per bushel ............ and- - Still f
greatest importai6ce is. the fac thit UP ..14; ...... 'be MA urni* inf6rinaflini or
auswer q ez (eddress)
"',H. W. 0. mzxzu�q C
'h d ftirn-aces - ar-e givilIg un-;..
co s v rs an
gggs,perdozeni 12 to 3 0 s
Butter per.lb"Tolls 1-2c., in_ our ok. to es
pd very - _ll
produces an abu _kri�ce is of the; 00 L
thin,",,f which this. countrr toeq per bushel.
........... 15.00ta Is n
Har, pe I ir ton ... 0' ivers
re CT z.-64id
...... 1 �satipfhction and co -mend themselves t it putl� g D!
highest meA �q.1.75 to 2. 0 'heiefore
Flour, per cwt Pht -Therefore U)OR th-e'� surface appeys the
urchasi -tb ard the arge
No country the worl D Driedr Apples, per s public at sig
Tallow.per lb. .......... itad p c
bett wheat.; it� bf 90iAg to ze lig goods at 4SO We stock. in W
er 1 6. 1 hard Manitoba a(tvisabil
lb. ......... ....
taDdard the' wo�jd_ Lard, per 1!y pie"' ..tho"se uSe 111. Vv e"don't oltdin, t -if 16ad-the.
W004 . ....... n t froria-. ull ran
Fork 19, f Colo 1g. is th6 highest i to 5 90 fu Nko A nice
�4 Ahat is i it- but,f 0�:�do_ fai t1l, t , ii pieces to-': sel _. t _ . .
per iwarly all ;w c In ia W ec -1
earth. alud
V. Chickens, per lb ..............
-e-rior --g
Ducks, t*r lb ... ... 5 y 01 e C'u s e r ev.lpn
in � n
hoppf6l expe6 fa us with
a re y sup 11 t ilig- Wear.
onc, be Titrkeys� per lb... 706da h nd16, wo can-. giatify the 'ost hades suif abl fo
Canadian barley has I the ve e
h8 an id�,'Ostigat- Varlet
garded as the b�st aro'wa, as has. llef"V Geese, Aer lb tatio oftho 1
.5 e.a'sk for"nothir at Ve e Soie
b lieve is in -yo r i
...... .. ........... ew in- il c
es '�in the face of a heaff Shorts, f)er c%ift.... 0� is NTION- f. t he n s
ja SA z
er brrel .... ... ...... 00 io W good P
micle,61vident b$%� its export to us 6 t?, in, kg 1�11L, wb ot a
Unikd 'Stat an& -TE
o. te that Bran, per ...........
Oatmeal percwt nam arae may. e bezns. - (74" $ 3 0
n Wood.. per c rol ......... 1.4 X %Teigp, Pa',
cot a. I trA
b said of our Pi ,, F
Thl s'
d ............
L10 vry NVOU W
batter'beans t1iju- those pr9duced In 7- -ack etc ur
w-i-oviin- district of On ario J U
the b4a arge Plaido 0 -black goods areunr al
opul ar
--_re �lot,to, lip foond. - -Th-6 dware
a c SUITE 41STXTIONER9 -prin C
HEN led.in:, ality -d value cipal1v the facture
Cai than apples took first pla er
th6.1'biladelphiaand Micago -exp.-isv- I r. _q
A�l counti owl - to the 6ve- estate a:
tiouz,4aiid our northen grapes alw to enable tl 16 ack Pa 6;`i�flc.- Coast
XY9 rquireac the. best mkers oT bl
d to be settled at op of Briggp e ly on S)
e n in L T
r ss Ung
be beatep. Todp'Ly,-when potatoes -ea
Pril)�AEdward-Jslandfind its I;est -e-tlo -us and we will.
a fly ple-leii.
eieown. -edue 8hythe
hold indetkI, aa must bpji; d If AV ORONTO
estate to be o a _'u
Ca lisin oat;4 and pot 'toes cannot the lat cember next. goods'd the'Worl' ant
P. A. Mi ON,,g,) for administr
hariv b sold W Ganad at a IN 'TH E M E�res -Goc-ds'of ki com 12
S any, n
your, selections in IDAYN-OON
mark for thit Oroductin Boston, db- X R
OF THE -the place- to Im
UP, y -d-
106 ja'
t'fe and gheep have riu-_ PAle'ilas owlaurge x'equu ed- to settle t GLA the estate of e-- carry; a range o U
ave, yo f 4o 'bl. jWid
ROB Pur mr_QLRR(,4-%
ti All. rti & TROV s u� monqY-
snpmi to tax.. t8TAjE OF "THE LTE J� -AURCHIS-ON
the 1�ter
' 61sert; 40 UffKERY2 SSWARL ROPER ES
liaA C Lt rrall
t ery g1jeat same on or btfor-th0ftli of* Decemb�r
e in' silo the following
. ) -- AGENT
er 4, and. wha ig, of� v f *h av goods.ftxii b6!$
importitce, are much freer from dis A! D., t
ease and- she -from Tati- pp es- Dried APple. g
'for the M
Solicitor aLead
castur of*O��oberA. D. -A' 1 "u 'Faithfull 'Y
id ibis 21st,- day Soda C
hall cattle�. aec
;er, Luckno;�, Extracts - -Y our4,
ItUeit MORRISOX, `B3M91 i
tudes turther soot, cecutotsl, Blacking Fivs Oil
and John WoCarrol Silv;xn Fish c;iuned
Oralli, 'trawbri cann-e
rses froni Canada, if well bred,' Lucknow P
bring I - highest market pric Pov
e in akin- _he -K 0 IR 0'
th Valley P, 0. Algk)ma. 'ish: dr ' i at Tic.
bo ed. 0 -A.
the Ujited State$� and Great Britain -`7 e "Geloti Gingers
oma TRROG �FrF E �th Peels t, 4
n % esuis a Pipes,
ur j0h adiat �--bacon commands O Honey Pickles
Ink Vermij;Ali 4"
h ce in the British market thail In -the xnatter of the e Bixaket,� Pearline -U, _-P
r prl
i - . 0
Mon sent from 'any other tinis atl Dec BLushes 1'c
eased. 1peas, 'knife 0 A0V HT11IR'
in -'any jai'm aidnst`-tj,e.- Biieuit
tie coqrLtry. All parties hav
'any 4,ime Julce -77
of �he- Townsh p: -Coffee
estate of Alfre Pollock, atv Lemons. in the County 0 , Dince. Yeow. Confeeti
Car �dian bu tLe- produe�d. un!jer -n PrQpe ",I, 'will �.hoid-its own with any f the 19th day )f Canned Mo A. 0
Deeeased,� wft6�di�d RiceYluur;'
t Lard-
�w to her. A
ith Denmrk itself. �ount even reiiAirecd C005A Matches her, 1895, to -jeolat6 i TT YovkZ4
Meat C BI
w- - ac'16 we- export d m
en* yeam to t4t; 4 e e SoUcitor for tLe. (,'�)rn
-T INTefti - - - - . - . , ML AS EYE
e a at full A-dver pkawo n �9
of dallat�' worth and -can do it ft-,Kth aaministr4tr particulars Srdinel iminist lof-t I L
e-�Wuities-(if-any)1he Currants t's, 1 ter Pub
ellua The ekly Pav
- th -ld
if evadian, dairymen are as eareftfl aii-I Cntrie-powde� 1149taiid litrightest We
by them. duly veri#ed Affitaxit. t r- Creauj�ra rein Sets!%, jt%4"An
-any orthe.elftes.1n. Canada.
Ak will proc- d. e, , toll, i)role to market od �titter their' date the admin 5 Rug4r
M the said � 1) la w4at
competiors, the Dtitch. to ilistribute-the estat th� parties oilet A
ae estat ,L,�jjts. - 7 . . - - t clAil�s f, Date&
lug fere e 0 1 Pages. B-Tery Waek
tied, havi
d in j I aft -r -A-IL FWRI' klWays on T
NocountrVaen s to U'reat-Brita. which iihe shal ' v receivt i an( h,' d
-be responsille "W IS T11B TIRE TO
aij much cheese as this countryl shW. such distributi- 0
for any part of the e;ata creditor pf
n qar6 is :taker' te t 4" BSCRIBE
'd �o long als,
A L that o
whoge daim Ae -sha t h, vo'received'nlotk-e�
ese - -is
adultl6r-ated or tadly--mad6- che' listri Phie -jioti!pe� en plirsuant to the - a lite ill -
it the time of. 4uah.distri
-br 0. TO
willour E L Uf
W on the British Purchaser that b I -
for the genuina article, so long ..MAP! ' 0 1 N Ll
189 jrNT.`1?HF14tATTER OF 1
P. A. N_'1LCOXSt s0ii �i
ass g people milcial ates
to iertlUcClairroll lat Village
for Tarst-cl Poods. that
cheese hold its pre-eminene, Luckn(
*kere is there -a countr, TED -k WAN I L(! i, o the 0�uiity �ep' eo
d -it ts flo Caw
foun� yrith a -record Of natural'produe- lihan, Dece Goo t, eirs
R'S 'NOT Aditeeme
tion in food staffs,'in animals, and,let Fluisuautj to the pro�14;)ns. IW 41 11110S. hvre)y
WAnt- is SU te -t lead t increaQ
us'. addi'in mA-and women of abili�y e lof Addreq
-IN THE ES L. -0 0
ESTATE- tiPJAMI j) giien.ttlat' w r (I
to hold. their own throughout the WRre PATTERSO�V::D�ASED li�- up
of tbs.-' It' t
ie,1 oil of.,
that 1 nbei.: Ai 1). T re U1, hereby given- -alk creditors- and elito 6, it
oeeca%ed, Nv - ho d a . baut the' b nes' _'T e- -month -of 0 tober -w h 'A
_TT to 137, - notice 111ptids agai e eitate %ATX1 -ober dverti
woe.d,. such as Canada enjoys 1 _z:� 1FjjURSTA ittern ser
fee t--- Of' MI h
150, dy, 6f S s.:
d -i, f all.
6,11SOXI retinired or before thL
others bavin. Clai inst, J�lues 7 Lojidon 4nutrio
A te,of the vilage of Lucku'L- -Lucknow P'aills, this s
Patterson, a leiver ti,-,
t.)- seno I ly or'
ki, W0ect!-
-of Bruce, Blac tj 4,�
bkB rrison 7
5th f le same - f)rlCfl,, as, pq, as.
e _UCI
a , L -licknow and JA -Ii 1 -a pro We -e e in Your 'Hat 'ot
Alarm Clo or abot'th e on er 4 e Ontlario-Solieltor for -02 Rxecidors, Of Of this' 3ict' Nov -
last, are feq -S.
I ye �Silvall_- Valley- A goma, Of the'-sid
ufied on oi be the t Janies Lvoins L
6f Decewh�r _-D. 189'5 'to'
sell( ai S" e Other Convenient
At this seasoija of the yeair, alarm �repaid, � or- delivered to the dersig deceaswtl, t4eir nanils, nildri'-sSeS ai 'to be -st* bett er - f men'wil
.liRt6r9-- fl�ir A. C.'Pat rs6n awl James
_vithfull particulis. of theii elinis, A.
clocks e e
are 'statehibid (if tbeiraccoulits _T7 Loutit 'Executors, of the.-Vaid of witure-of
h r Ariatian and addresses aild
eil , nai fie tbeir seciqitlie-i- (if held"by theni.-.
Frip long, -fiv
Tirne Sefvers des t* h� fill! jArticufikr*4 of their R.;4%ember the dates is
r' by cd -wi
Anil notipe. b, he e .- jurtber I � - that
claims and natin e of th -sceulitf�s (if any) PUBLIC. NOTICE ti� e said ey .0 UY Ov
Thef get the h6usebold up 4� tLhe hj'ld,:� them�." and 04t. aftpr- th`� said mentioned date h_�ve b e-rcoats and- undercloW -8, L�'TH Nq 0 N T H L Y* ieo;u�ors will Proceed to distribid'o the proceed
a M 1.
properf=ei themor ing TjXey j�re d6te. the said will to,
eat THAT CO.\ H\ 1 9 -ties. en-
dkzibut�-the amets tbe�4ajd ate havi AVINC® EASED of thesaid the 14XI
dons her plf"Ir!, tiflett �tl they shall H b. -ig oik y.
hey uill not :,occupied by the 1 late J. L. I'attrgilin, be ;claims of noticeshall bave- bi�eii given
Ave received no ch cksinith -,,,hi wro to, avir I L, the:
g., hese goo d r
regird oulv to the i , f
Money Savlers h aud at-, t Welhao t
6 to aid ant! th- e.�edhtoib %vill- ght. -In bel6ble e claim -3 C f guy person Qr 1to- anuo4ine the (if Ln�know an,l ito�them'a.
li-tb Miets (w� ny
being cheaper than any 4h -have isurrundind co try, that I am
n or ji - -whs Of
'do idl kinds: of blacksmithin- nd sollcits k �tlieieof tq. ny - 1) * erst) L`U
con natice shall 'not 11 ve . been'
1 b FFB. 11 th, 10th
-.h d is
t 1�h
r L 1wr this' Sth' M noti
eifly 1),�te-A Oct.! 1895 Pj- vrepa�ed t) not,be le or s. Pitt 4t
persons- which.they s_.411,�not 'then Nov�i I th D19C 10th Jim
time piece. Wi ith-o'neof a r- ieneied . i I . ocks you can, meet you titivane of the. very 11zrtl patr4nagf, -�d b� them a- -ti
accorded toL u4 Prbol6cessor, nd I � I ereb r receiv
eateh A r Exetutor's, if su(
engagements and always the A; !ko�_N_g icito fo
vor me wjtA t] iiir - cu, h-th.
guarantee .-e thew.apil all other. who tribution.-. H. C APR�L 7
i cco ()Win- to t to gi
tratin No home complete without It. f 5tom perfect q pal Solicitor for .4.
III, and 1&ycle rej.)ai ing tate. 0 specidlity.. S (.'141 of n000d keP -t, diLy Of OCt.,
-3ins, Dated it Lu�kn&w th 21.,
autly i�i� hand for sale.
ape ough to ' 1 C �d 'b
b' L Rtonee. top the said solicitor ior the
We hav'e over half a hundred, ch tion H6rse sheei TW to dicnovib4ad to -9
ehe r and cheapest, -noisy e eap, es 'A the coo
ORTHSCO1 nor it -ao=ozu&
51wakp the dead"' in slumber,,-.- or set qL acult beliov;
with 6hebrfitl music to suit the shatter =003) BRICE AUDI
Bay �zxe and b6 happy. ti- -
W1 a
'Z - TARDO -est' yles' ate t ou d.
t1je care wofn toiler. TIL The.lat S -t.
ed.nerves of a
Public -No. *ce:
P.C. Treasur
HAS F r.
:and t 1� 1S U ese sate at --the Holyr W t -:to -show ou ith
-Our Repair Department. T HE L LUMBER LATH -AND S H NOL e ods
rick a Id :
jf.Vd, r; large quantity of t e �egt b I dVILT
ap _tp 6, at a
retaias its repUtion for good work.. tile - 5 sizes of fiom a in es
- I 'ce. J A C A R E'rax ITAI —)A
low nq. I
From Manitoba, . the territories and I LP,WLA a %-%Ivvw IVI i U_ I
�em erjog
tM satisfactioa received,
have qlhpl'r needs- supplied �s op�ortun-
British Columbia, old customers, rerd- HELENS,' Off ulis wee_�.
E 'MIS MOKS. f - . ,
Rom Tki..", IIREM A large (pian ti ty of I um c-q1lath and
ity o%rss. It is oui highest gratific TRAYED F Hal e
S of the undersigneol lot , 16 cojr. 8 ` 0 i I - . . - - I W —AND
I.tgo'l, two -Y, i n 'or' -cut to I . i - .
ation and we isk no -better r Wiwanosh,' some time e sliftiglt% V W 001dVI&N-EL a
eccom- 0
t ers. one nearly all red, =0 the 'o ler -,order'o n* the .0iortest, notice. i
slightly roan, with a little white in',the fa e
er pleased. of'buth-. Amy one gi b informatio'n ps
vin"r �uc
tF E
iiiendation, than to have every custiam-_ 8 e �Deatov .7 -A M- -AK: HOM
be suitably,
D. Mu isloy - will lead tQ their recov wl IMPORTANT
rewarded. R
Shrt6eii Pages, 90_� Cohunns Of
02141 SALZ
ITH, St. Helena.
es s ta
-o Tak' thi* - modium
LAMB anno to t e a.
!ESTRAY h gen4 0 n
t3r-. � - - - - AttWfive. Fhap'fl.,� Read -
Of Re�tl( aiid Pers6niz-1 Prov�r
publi 'that its -
after -18'' yok o
19t A con. B. Eastern business de6ling with them be E It ED FOP, - V Every Wj e-, 4k. -
underersignid. V, U UU.
rrHk..RF.",WI1.L BE OFF
Division of Aslifield on or about the,first of i
X sale b Publ;c Auctitili at
Sep a at
t. last, a white ewe I -The owner jaeve jr, - -
avDb,. ig, has .F., seen
oper �m PV
:requested to �rovepr t L -Ly ex'penses and. MeGARRY'S IIOTEL,.
a� as seare-e ell
takl� it aw -money,�w
Ay. ROBERT-wilBST-ER, LiticknGw. In -the Village -of Luckupw in the
due. - 'W 110. - PA
'M T
SHEEPESTRAV- �S_ U-11DAY, the 30th day of 1895, N& STAJ;:),.UB LAITTER.XS
'CATTLE f"' 1AI p[R8'To =r
Toders fof Supplies -18116-1 drafts. co�ne wig
thank hi g:. IAy 'o - Id customiers * ' . : .. - . I . . I I ., -
The undersigned. voill' 4 a terno -I, )y! - ., . t
)'elook in the. Peter'
at one fl,
"'for their. Corri�, Aftction6er, th follt4fig -The WIE mmd
rpceiv� tendpis for'
-suppliestu to noon on: nade du
S' OF THE pa re ring
FARM AND HoxE, eq.mbined in one
undersiined. t 1 2
Va. �,bl, prop�-Ay,
rt, DAY. DECEM89R 9, 1895. t c4n. 13, We�'t t1fi4eriO4,1 1 would: respqed-' RO LITERS -ST AB
NVmiwaziosh, on or u mid e Lot number threq in the, twe� LE BROOMS f -in in -s4e and Ap ear-
For,the v of butc-hers' meat, butter. dairy tr it� 1 --toncess issuet 7�04ni 01.
laa�, two ewes, one *bite -a d - - t n1css, ih tlj.c- Cmmty L
h, flouir. t I t e -y ca ai ance, -offered -to- -sfj-bsekib.er&
giving- price for �-ac tbe -' th fifthe Town hill'of -.Kj�
and -zr illy ' ask- 'tha th id iop
P fli
abi�pshire The owner is r questedo ifty
-uhinl- one- lilindre( tund h
0 pro e cout. now t the 31
it Dedember, 1896, for
them awaw. 'ttle
oatmedl ipotatoes, cordwood, etc., for the fol-
lovdng�11stitut* d property pay expenseis and t se th- accounts before .-three acres inore t1r less,
E 4,0-4, StAle on$. t The ljrojw,-,;ty i'. Situated ab. 11t 41�0. L -L A 10 1
At the I . :, wiles & AXE
-ions urin, he year 1S96, viz.: GEORG AXD*R q - CROSS OUT �A.
Asylums for -the Insane in Toronto-, he last of N-ov. I hkve' udt 41
1r)m lincknow.
BU.CK' the Leadin
A The'rtp.HE: -PREss
London, ;Mn-ston Hp6miltou Mimicol Brook- S,:8 SWS Xes HANDLES
ville, ant UR9';*tg� Ventral Prison- and cow L166T eni irdly alopt6d. the -�Zash 1 (Abont 130 iicre.-; are c' le.ired anil ii idv� cnl
LiberslUonservative TQurnal of Wes
u rio.
-tudions the Deaf anduum -suininary, of
R. near Ligck-_ ck n
the Blin a Sunday evenink la, a, red w wi G�od �rqwel 'r'o-)C(I,; tolarin and eftiment of the
atEraniford. . co mmercial of the
little white, and. weigh3 abo t- poun -MYL shop i.. fully equippe The house -is -a g x1t; se 22 �....30 with
Two cied sureities will be -requited A k% 9wal M The
d ood-b k bou I ' I _ , ages
for. 1-4 'MkE U, -X FREE PREsglare up to date,'
the due ment bf t-ach contract. �Splecifi- ny 0 form tion as. will lea WI F ALL kitchen 'attached. . - .- i . . - -
-41 on' the & !us ea
f 8111all
Mercer J teformatgry; Toronto; the 'eforula-, system, bu, cash m ould be ern 0- ta It con*
tory for froys, Pi�netauguishene; the ti- T -!=mlses. -' 'Cwo) weM- -ch week
(if � .)(it] W teiri.
b, Belleville, and field. of Robert Dur M a cO]4Pfbtb tle nevA
more.' welcorhe than- -xredit. ater I'll botli fi')nC and ba v ds ;(ij ilace. Sow
A ne giving sucho th -I42ut�N te
S.d Vvt
cations d forms of terider can only b to her ri,-c4verk wi j e g�ltab and affiple for the coi�nitry upreliant,
had ' 1 Gooi�i naw.. suuur a I . - I
y rewa, ed. ram arn 50 -c-'70 wl d. dalry1man.,
e bink 1), th*
by makingapplicatim, to rsar$ of the Rxi oLtA KIXDS, .-TRUNKS'
zespectiv the Bu T VA -L-- 3, tl i The AND Mmrs, contains each
lastitutions. stune-foundation and undergrin't
;1 SZ, oj:�!) vveek,10ble articles iop M, * 111t I
Wic urd.
17M The er
0, a I. fal* 1 111 L. D -. , 1� i: I subjed-6 land Uve 8�todk
t I WhLat , jA -
euders are. not required for the V
f Q� 'and 4f
tie rse peder Will find
pa* 'The'fi)llowing perisoba s of -i§peoial
nor to,' �,be Ceutrall Frison and- mer, and COMRS. -Get a ir of 1,propertywi
in its 0,40 dant
Reformat)ry, Twonto., offered foi sa�eat the aalpetime and Place
d ii3terebk
A rxa Tale of abO
11 winter., J lead 6 -milchcow,- in calf .7 yeaTlings J .. 941 , ves -T P oil
oront -My MITS ds will wi
1, meat to tlie asylums T 'ETS,
1,USEES A!� 0(fj
abou seven ries ii
3 U
.1SE& W111P5jl- -BLANK- There ar6 abi)ut fifty acres A-ed�ditowu no] A
tOn. Hamilton and 3 B K IS
4imic N . 9, &
The lo est or any ender not n' a4 your ban VIZ
qcessarily ef arl)Ot .8we ers- ly 42,50. each
&-:cepted� be will,
.warin a reating f uraq L, e
R. CHRISTIE, 11bay liorsQ a&ut ten years old '5 eWes wiin*ii Sig
--the, line iiii 40BES, 'be. sure SOWS.
T. F. CRAMBERLAIN, a 1,bay-mrreatout nine- yeavoold
130th -raperi; CombIn a fop $L from
No,* tyntu Dece",
M Or Slat 1806.
binder 1 Tdower .1 sulky i-ake lel an Ver
In3pectors oftPristong and Public Charities, �an ecure one o. 2 �lows' ap
dx s my 'SAS- 11 'y ei, th
J" ES NOXON, l'b _n- wu a-reL_0
I t dy ta 6. Inew wagg I itang pl;.w I b h Agebtg wanted e
25th .7
ut Buildingg�, T�ronto_ '.jov. KATC11E
Parliame .7ANS h k. . pair e verArhere. Addregs
601k' 1 sett siX harness X
the I siett he oublu-- harness -A (Initnti 911 coMillunications to.;Ojie
wr ! , j
d -about
"fit -- ilin(Tret
toeb a�d eig FRE
=,.if w at peaikr and ont.m. A -in IMESS POINTINOr-CO'll
RVICE of- straw and hay sufficient -t-) k(le nbov: THE, LEAs"ING H% R DWA
FOR- stock.
t -D Wismu%, TO Felt wid'' Velvet be. real and.,p -sobal-prop4rty"will offer- U -CK
T inArm the tarmerq in this, vicinjty -HOUSE MN]j N LUVKN01V- ed- in oneJot or separate lQts toi it. NOW a
11keep hir eservice this year at'll't r purebaseli.'
22 con. Kinloss. that very superior b IIAT-viery
that he wil red ... r .. Sp Hal Notice. - -
desirable cottage on Outrai t
in ir-rpRlas Op TBALAO
Berkshir*:Boar, -Chancellor." Chancellorwav, HAT8, et, the-1pr erty-of '&fir Win. Turley, -p�rson�l propq',rty,-c.�tgh:, t
Ai! ti) the
is off for sale at wreasonablle�pr*
purchaaeA fr3m SIr. Sixell. of Edmulfton, and if d ice,. or- the real c' -date, ten pur cent o
is from iniported stock Terms -for �fie ge&_Oa f the fit - inbasi
time of servi6e,_with :in the villag . e. and -ij well stocked With chWee _j
1- - icitor on Ihe'Ala� of the sale, and tht balalnc
privilege of retwiling- fruft, trees, grape �iljes, Clirrant ithd goose- in tbietj, days:- witbotit- r1sti-I - lie PW a a
ver Margai4o
$1. postivelx ie.� at will be iented. - Th4 jarqen is one. of the best -money. to be p�kid to the. V�ndor. or -,her Soll ds -Doli Bit
inte' T" 00 ed
*1I.Mum DAWSON. berrrybushes, For iif�rther particulars apply i ito- the Canatlian 13,ink of Combletre, to tb P
to- W31. L RLft, Lucknovi
d-. P 0 jjoln�brelit:if John Ha8khi Esq., thei 01fici
al L r all fok
T' mm ed Wa ds'
Guardian, and the Vendor. ef. theii.
epi T
time pa3mcnt,.--fn1l intrtioplars _C
t.. th irebwe
st wks c nee-
11EIFEW ESTRAY S6nd your child or -leave our ordor per.4onally 9'ith
'rE-TOTHE . IMEMISES OF"THE The real estate wi!l _be'.sold- ellbi ct to a a 0 -a-_ -Boots. Ishoes
TOWIVSKIP-OFASHFIELCJ� mor -, e nowtheron, of which
E BY GIVEN THAT which will
�T NO RE bd wade known, at timg of sale,
'h the or -by applyin4 to the . undersi,* d.-- ure
Tic 19 fl�
%igned- lot 1.5. con. 9. est ? I ul wl e eld pursuant to
a co t
aor aboutthe 21st of Octube . I C." and, t Ito -1
onues 1
f *1 �teifer. The owner 1� requoated Ontario Voiers LisUAct I - Honor There will be a' rese - -bid on' 6 real'
Day expens 889, by His
4t.- Helena. er mol uardian Goo BOUCUIT13EFORP,
es and tak6 h ther Judge of the coUnty court of tlle� cO14AtY eitatel- fixed, bir the Official- G -ED -IDS
-N of Huron, at Dungannon -'on the -26th- day - of -6 -the A CANN FOR
-N D 0A The other c6nditions will b
I JET A ARM November1895it %0 io'clo�k a. m., to hear n ding the else in.pr.ges of �vd ts4k
det conditions of Ithe Chancer ShOes�j 1�411 b ly
er y Divistio of the
ATRITRAY and a6in. the seireral compfaints of -error High Court off Justice, e abh to sefl equal
The wost and omission in thet vote- rs - list of the Muni- .0-hoicei,- frosla Groceries,,
711, `9 OF -THE lar at Asliflel& for 189-5. - All p4wns rther pm t1ulars will be i at Kin 8 in seaso'
icapality of Wl�wa -.Fruits of All d e., i4 To th
ff�UZ Tj as Oieap as last.y ose
- are re may. be ob' Wned fro�'n John
having business at he court quire4 to thb time 7of sa16, mor
W'1�60ill favor me �_.Ith'L 'r -cus-
at Of C. -
With Dated Xov, 12th 18.5. W. SToTHEits, fr6m, the. auctioneer, or: by applying 14,l tol#� -j will try 0,tid
-IW'AL( OX -30N Vend L
feW ;VU, 44e, 1 A Clerk ol.,Ashfi .1A' 4 A SPFOIALTN'
Wed or's Sbilicitor.
in fact anlythl line,' nd I
Amminist of the
to te-jopot4, 'VALUE
I ed
1je;j, PftVlEr- STRE t �o no, in otik it 1w.11. pro 0
pck delivefed. to d7kp: I of tho. town.
]FOR jgos. I S. art
W, par
0- M_ - i'li, t cam estate of late A TE GO
'4' 40"dpQ.i -C' t4,14, We,t- the same !Kae -and place. -Hoskin', �Kgq 4�1- Guardisin, Tbronto FINk
i0ed 1(4 af OfH.
41 thil, 1 attend at the same AS' F out, :.Feed, n,
i 0
4N 0944r4 The La
tho hay� vn%
A. IB95. nle,
Dibed this 14th da�.of N6vember,
Ar mo
-a d :K6 I :sbsck
Yortr-�.or husivess hafi' "r A, y for sale� r
The -Ch6z
't Goods,
r1qVJ� R01124ved . L � . - - 1�11 - ', i - A
e at t 13,'gon. 10,
X forservia I
Chase's Ki r Pa INvision of - A-shfi three thnroughb d 'POR ALE.01k EXCHA y, e, qnWity d
re 'TI MIDI,
a Me
tuy- n o
'1110,16 arb register6d 'in TWO
including a. 01 tek 'White, i3erkshite, --Fj
Ew �t, be bmtoo, TO %_-nd,so
Zqnt a oft
'New 6 evvine BM -Terms $1 !at stable
4 -
1�vq" ass
Ii. PH ari of nervice
rellefik MO. a 0 jr,&iass &TON - _AW