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Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-11-01, Page 4
CrIPP vat the L is • s 4.-e' go ttii-n ' .ve:trl'-sorry to leas th.tt Mrs. t AI 4utins.; \ t of Mr. r 'tr\b ttE _ 1'd of as, i2 Win gIi • died: thisortittt_ t. . y u66 O 1nty Friday Novemnbethl is 1 MARRIED - - 1TWAM,I.EY On the 30th_ t,. t the reSidenee of the brides father, th •Rev: 1;. II. Niall, Mr. James irann .it, to Miss Lucinda '1" aniley , crush er- ,.f (Icor.. 'l'\\-Ltnt:i: both (if Afied. l 1 • - one• F iffy c, prttl.tjrty, 11E.SP ASTRAT. S ) 141'1'llti l.I:,•1::�(rki t((i< u al on tiet_ t,t \\ ;ill histd tf hie bltek. tracer can hive the sane - Met; at Moons Hotel, and proving nit -•'pay! e• a :pense<— ORT[ - • PIGS FOR s=ALE - - TAM Frit - N D -E1 SIGN R11 HAS VO1i _ L male t 1. t , r.,n. 1, Kinloss, a litter of niliei thorouhbred 'rantworth pi; -v for s aIlf at r. as.hnable• rates. These rigs are .welt \' t•t•k ol.t anti are- bred from •Mira- t 's :t e1 to,tiri lz.sr t,:trtis•tllar� apply t.i ;I, its M.littum t.uck:ne r 1', t►. VBT.110 gOTIOE .-- tlI'l�' 110•:!iI:I:Y•(,1\ T`' I'I1A.T ' iFth"• f•a:.•t sha'.'t1Pa' 't' t•1l.r•t'\\'lit` tresp sz siunT...a l.,•t . C.'tt. t; 'will he pr esti uttvl ail +i.1tn t"; 'law. .ill _stray Jags: .•und .gt- the .14-.111-1, '; \\ill I.,- 4; latlItsf: ,'(latl;t.t'. .1tOt rr, I.at:,.;-hle P. tt; C.4 -.l F 'It T111: 1'11E�11SF-`3 t1.1-", `1sT i?• k„....raid. `ignt•.i.. in the \ iaagi ,if his ttsfit . .on or-altol7, the''(it(t .,f I'let ..htr:,t' u.• v.ar old trintl'le tern. l'tie o\vi',•t t tett tt.t .l . t.\ prover tr,t •rty ray t'ri'ed-. tut Liket.le animal atti 1,. - J.titrs I Teals. • . luck-n,w'l'. t1. SI-SHOUS__ TO RENT. - 111! I +t tl room vr1:.i� , RAM is t \i:i•:1.1.ING. II '1•SE rear of tet. 1 .it•. i+t eltt:r--I -in ir.40, rent. It. e.ttt::al-.. :. .Ureter stere l.tt but ` •tt •r tl, • i'h.• -1:0•1-' i, in s - ••ttl :pair, ar d will be rented. ell.- I'.•r itartit•itlars a 'Uly i•' tl.+nor. Il'I tot:. i,il.l::l-,i e'trlttt J. A t' \lt` u. E UTO1V$ NOTICE -1 ti-XTIIESTATE-.1)1." .1_1 `III:S I.. i . P_3 ERSox' i}F. E Si:I) . .0-U RST V.' '' t. f..S.t\ 14:'t is !is, i- �ghere yr Ai ten that T i r- I alias - bare it, claims against-- .1.intes L. k'atttersop; Ate of the \-illal�r .,f I.teknow, li'oAte I,f lirue.6. Yeoman lit-ceased, who Ili it oil or 41'out the :>th. Clay 5d. September la_ , ate ret %lilted on or -before the tirst tia3, of :Decent er .A..11.• IC;1 :,- to send Iry mail prepaid, t d-llv-ert 1 to the uneitr.i;ned • ,olieitolsi tot A. C. Patterson and J:tntes L-iu•tit • } xeoutore of - the said at ct.a.ctl, their t;hriitian and surnames. adtlresst•s .tnd di:scriptiena, with - full particulars of their claims and he nature''f the secntities tif.aHyl held' bF them. • and that after the said - elate the Isaid 'exeeittor` -will. pr.,�.-ed to - distribute tar assets of the ::lid estate having regartiE•only to the claims ,.f which • the:y shall have'receivled nlAiee, and that_ they' will •-no': bs Hale. Or the claim -1 of -any person or :4acrsorts itfwhich they shall not then have . received n tics. : - Dated at Luckuow` this: '_'Stiff Oct. 1St** �, P. A. MALct). so .• Solicitor for Extcutor:s, All accnts owing to the said. -estate must be'paad at Once to the said solicitor for the estate. - . sine . DVERTISER 3xd'7t'ear. The Hest at II bed: 1BI"TAS- t)tNtr.". 1.S EVER , ... . . dRrighteat Weekly .paper pub.• eanyotthe ettte..infeanada.. Sixteeil Pages Every Week. t 11 WIS THE TT i4 E TO $ C, BSORi ,E -. $1-= JM 1,187 _To t • - Sne4 tl rates to- t'Iubs. mood leu neements to Canvassers -- �I,rrrt# :>l. „uurtth,^,}c1ti••ni f:✓s erre Aidverti:ser, . 'London Ontario,, ljc-Notice. HaPiceSs Dater Takes : this mediumto , arurbnnc to the = general bubli0 t114at- after..18. years of usiness !dealing. with them he bas °nes (4' seen a _ year that raorrei iras as scarce when rafts' . Come .due. • While auk in= r- thel my - old- customers patronage during is p.l'4d,-I would respect:. Elly x14 that they call and settle. Choir accounts before the -la t (f Nov. I -have not entire11- adoptee the. cash syste . ut cash Would• be s more a , lcome - than • credit. My s ; o i . fully equipped With' '1 OF ALL .'► TRUNKS, V A_L- ISES, V1I IPS, !ILAN K- ETS, LLS.: BRUSHES and -G ? ' 1&S: Get a pair of my MI: and your hands wit3.- be wa ii all winter. -I -lead the lin:; l ROBES, - be sure and se 6 -r- one of my SAS ATf I WAIS, they take tib LE. LOGS TED T; 4 LL BROS. W - LL b : y .1pwards of 500.000 feelt of.ple Logs,at their., LAckno ills, -this season at. thei 1=e price as paid last yr. if& LUCKNOW. LUCt cNOIN MA : U ETS. co REO'ED EVER HTRSDAY Fall Wheat,per bushel.. ... }..' 66 tl .6I Sung Whenti per bushel Vit. .66 -to .60 .Peas, per bu.$141 ...:...........-. l... 49 to 49 pats, per hu el.... .1 3:1_ to 24 Barley, por i)nihel ... • '-......4.; _ 32 nshel.. f.. - 20 rolls 12L•,, to �' • 12 to 13 7' }t••v ix'rtlo�e - ti 1 ti -:i o230 ..,1.1 t Potatoes per • Batter. per lb IEav, per tom.... 7:7'7 Flour, • per -eurt ...,. ..... Ilried: Apples:, per lb....... ,.. :. fi Tallow.. per I., ...- I) l- iter 1 1.,'tre Pork. iter -cwt - ' Wow, per. ib ('hiekens,. lest 'turkeys, per. .Ducks, per lls - Geese, tier lb Apples. -per b: Sheepskins .. Shorts, per. et. -t .. lir:ul, per t; w t t):ittrl. al, pt•r l tildes, u'r:1h Breen .�W ood, l icy : Wood r s i • ......tate - #. •14.,.t)o to 21 • - .50..to 60i .711. t r i :32;0 to:ilid) per cool. i 1 '.'.ri - ='' . r r 1st{' N 1'!1.1: 11-ATT1t11: Es r.\ t r OF' 510 t t: \ 11- lit.of f it ', \1 -('ai;ut,i.l • All partit • owing the �sft le .•f the Tate I,bert \1i (t -rall are r. tin red ;tit settle the Baine- on of be ere the Lith, sl I 4 of 11t --e uber Dated '-1st. day of 0i-tither/I: 1i. 4:49:i. 114`tai -`l Gal. :BA li•is t?r. Luekuitw, : - 4ieit'-'rAor• the 1' t' 1t'tlta. 'e'lMlle ;s 1.y-tn, I.11ilaltt- l''. (li., aIltl .loltnf MItt.Carrol .il\"dil- •alley° 1'. -t . !\ostein. " OLT QOD al3CZ..AXD 'FILE YA3I!. - : 1 rhlllt' 1 t the - 11AFO sale at, I1•tlym, tl Ariik :rani til hard, a l.lr,;-4pnan-It).of the itst brick and Me. :i sits.If fr.•nt 2 incl es h t•, -,i;at :l _ 1.1w price. " .1. A. ('am.t: toll , 1lolyrty•d. . NOT109 _ N 'l'II-E `I AT PER (11' 1. 31:.-1:s•l'A'1'Ir. i ot+jit' ol'Art \1sai'roll.I: tat yf tiff., i illa.r- ..f 1`.nekn.:w" ;;Ii 0000• ('.':int� mt. '•t. r.r:te.'> 1 v.... :ss . 1.?reease 1. - - ' : ' - . Purr -11.1111- o 'the prt.\t 1 tort' t.'nt.ti-:..I ie t'h tpter 11') I. S. O. 1 S-' litiiii.� is • hero]. .....i\ t fl that .'tl, la ruins hat 11: re'l:tis -. or 'tie- nlat:.lx ::;•titl_st the e<t rte 0 t'to sail 1:01,e1•it slc('ar4-011 deceased. wit; .l st t .' i .•r al, t.; ti4- rtth, t1 ty <.f lrlttentl.rt .i..III..-1:-....).,ai f- re.lt ire -on ,•C before th.e• k t,; .I.tl' 4 .1.1..-4:l<=+:4; t•t:ririd j\A'- t *'it. i'repitt 1'i.,r • deliver t4• 6 i1r-4h- t%nrii.,ta liars t••-•: Odic., 1)tit telt„ a•,}i.-it •r t 1 - r ' I:Nee•t'„r.. .Tana•. 1.N—tins' I.tte•kit..n-, an I ....I n -yici'arr.,si milVan'i":tllr 1'. O. .11, twig,i of /lie: -affil deceased. the r nate, a.1.1 ••.1tls. and •secttp.t tions with: fit p:trtici:sal of - lair crani., :i statiut,ntof heiracc.'til,t lnt.the natitre.if their-si eur'itie s (if aiiy1 151111h\ Stllt•u:. An` iir'tice is herr:l.y forth ••is. -n that 'after shell I t- t uie•tuit,tlt 1 el �ti • ill•• -.skid . •l iecutor.'.will •,roceisl t,. .1. tsi tit: • t -. •`,est -•-1- of the •- si,t ..t ce:lann.r.1 ann. , ie i..n•ti.:. •,-n titicer t ere o." liarin_, 1..:t 1 only t•the,• clailtis,tf \viii ll notic-• ,Ilt1II Italte i.,� n i in to thein a.:: a .;a. •.till am.; til. .eu•. ut•t•• ter, not bi- Iial-tle for salt ..iictii••'1 arty p....1' thereof t•, any 1J1..-11 , t• i.er-..it• ,rt. whose- claims witier hall o ir< have i. it revei\r•1-1by- them at: the tint e•' of• :...(,,-hi t-- tributi,'n. • • II NI -HtnisoN; • . aollcit••i• f r the ifaid l:xecat„t•• day ,of t)ct;;' • i- -Dated at I.lit-know this 1st 2895. - .11llll� Before colt«. let (1 . P e Tomi{{ R 1 he h -watchni-llIiet rs 140.-411a.• 0; o • . taking - c arg. ix- month's term oto -Hero' 7 ls.r recognized C1 a thh on 1 con • oliarantee of perfect workm patrons that the finest itch •with per feet 'safet - We halve tt complete c may bept•operly tested, and. li'efeet of vision .that. spectac 1t ;Of `.our: I ( at the .cal I one ft- tlent.) . 1'h nsh'p - and Might be en se of Ienses -` tJ:l•o prepare es cap. peme • pair t .i1 pat Knelt, tfut s �t+� sh� 1■. for i (.,( •;.� fo had ::be(i our as$ur` act;_ rt steLl to (llir-caroe. . t t herebj . -til eyes • } to - correct; every ' tT (J 11 F N. li::t, than 4'l1, ,i11(t )r()li5tbl why ;-t1 11111;1-I1?t 1)11i•_e11 torte iCt'1't' it) �t�hti1'i iit-v W0111011 111 'h st 'Yalu; Ili :d)0 �-S that--1tt(ik ivtyll- blo ct -t, \Vc cU'0 I Ile --t atR:°H B ET;I' E 1 EUON O MISTS_ ;tllat ccou11tS f"i). the ; 1'eason arc of .t1to gentlltls'x.. -- if you toff(', Ylt;tili(y .i'he.itt) .is row.p1 ace • fin -eit,1 ('1' -melt- •'\vonien • •of ':1it' , sill iron well, -for the- sol }.i fl(;tl :.hitt. in. iY ost easesth . e ghes! of course,: Since' -in ,,ug('I'1ltil1L the ct slr system, the ladies have not been sl(LW to. find (iut that are -giving better value than ('i'ur, :biro our S'('iuttre of ntsiness- has kicreased+-accor tingly. :Fur urrt Boohoo 1:.e-, for st v iish hoes, our f 1.111• stack leads the Fan, -Iit t the Flees speck: 1ou Ler than all. 0 est. Felt --and Nepro Trirnme and Untrimmed Toques, • IN,JET *AICD i The- -most po s FOR SALEOR E CCH-AN;GE ATWO STORY. II()L'''.1: - WIT If stable anti two acres of Ind adjuinin;;- the corporation of L):ekn •\v f• r sale or ex change for a 'smaller . hot se [} the v illaoe., Apply t.. P. A. 1,1, Li•v't,..is. - - PUBLIC . N CE )I V1 G LF.ASEI) T i co-NiM()-' dons tilar�kslitith; -hoP heretofore occupied by the late J. L. 'attar+on, I beg to announce to the people f i42tcknow • and' surroun'ffnd csmutty., that I- am prepared to, do all kinds .'f bilaeksnt•ith ng and solicits it, continuance -of -toe very 1 herr .patronage, i accorded to my ;,re•lei•ess'r4', add I • hereby guarantee. tp give:them arid all i other's who favor me with their - ca:,te.nt peiitect satisfac- tion. Horse- shorin • and biisvclh renter' '•r•ra :speciality. Soft eifa1 - of good .elrality'kept constantly othantl f'!r sale. - -- - ' 't NoifTitsco TE.., PIG EST AY LAME To. TIMI PI.EMISIW- OF 'TIE tinders!, ne I Lot 1p, corl..1, lltirop Township; on '+r :4,ttnt t4ir, first :p'( October, a white pig. The owner i; r''t Tue. teti to prove properfypay expense; anti tilt it -way. 3 ins. - • Jon:- 1'F:Il i,ucknow Special 'Notice. Big Bargains t... Boots & Shoes T YANG BOUG*IT,BEFQRER jj the rise in prices ofboots' & Shoes, I .w11,1 be able to sell equally as cheap as last year. To - those who will faivor me with ;their cus tom, I will try aid . `eve . - GOOD -VA krUE - ,for their .mons . have on hand ready for sale, of ;1- stock in style, quality and prices which cannot be , beaten: all and sec ure•some of these bar sins: • - IJ .QHN .-: PEAltir. Leather O.mpo .nd. Excelsior 1 Drummond. Harvest To Best • Quality -:. - Lowest Price at • TA rha otattp Bud RougIr. 6n - Flies. CICNO Send your .child or leai, e y ur o er : personally with .�R Choice, fresh- Groc4ries,t rain Meats, r, • in 'fact anything in our Pe? •and ;t will : 1 e prof eptly delivered to any part- of the to n.i ©urs for bus!? ess, McCLURE_ 8e1VIALLOU H. nt assort n' ent of dinner s ti s, I.'., S, --Wei have an. excell very cheap. M. Is toe place tv make CROCKERY, CLASSWARE, G have in stock Apples - ried Apple Blacking , .xtracts . Black Lead Pies ” -- Ii1ue WI, canned - Raking Powders ish, dried - Barley, rt. Gelotine - Bath Jlrick ; t'ingerw Beans -. • • Mops. ' Brooms oney Baskets - Jnk t Brushes indigo Biscuit - ��.icorice LIA taoff.e - J,imis Juice • Confectionery . emons Canned -Goods 4 . Cocoa -`- and . _. Chocolate arches (ben, canned • ce Meat . r. Corn meal g sal • - Currants acaroni 4 Currie Powder natard Cream Tarter •- eats, canned !- CDtsat , • Nat Magnesia - A-1 Flour.; always on -had.- t S s s S yo r selections in e • ©C RIES .:& P OVISiONS -he f 114ng . utmelrl il, olive i1, sweet il, castor ranges at Meal . ails eIs !pea ieklea -- - earlfne as. canned Peer arms ice ice F1o}w It • lmon rdinea ring eda a gar na ..t - Sodas Snaps Spiels Stafdh Strevttiberriea, (sane Ouli l era' Tapi Ton 4toes.; canna f ca Tecta, - Tolrabcoes - - Verilicelli- ' Vinears - Waeliboards Washing Crysttl Wo(denware Whitting Dike -er Sets' Yeaatakes Diii h * gets - TeaSets ,- War. -Sets - - Creaian Sets Berry. Sets- - - Toilet: Bete --, • ie :ans-1,- er `s three old : lst—We the}"leve we have the goods the people. want. J , Y - es 2nd -We Lelieve tha-t�our p :)ices; on-th • av�ral,e, are lovver'thari those of moat=hour . —tolet . e� o le know i , "lt 3rd t .t d e .. 1 our b�l � it W belieies } Yp p., 1- li t the 'oder Weather mused a char p demand _ for : - • Here are a ft�w lneg a Q (,. � has 1 .. d LAD i Es'TACKETS re 'going 4it rapidly, io w nder , for we neverhwd heti -value, andeven ourlines as ow as 0 have' that fat touch iflst le. and perfect fit, -that t pleasure to the- wearer: HOSIERY & CLOY S are also in good demand. from 15c . a `pair' up.. \Me '(offer, fullsize plain wool hi 1 Thii is the KID CLOVE SEASqN. , oili stock. is large -anti well asgortecl, we noW 'able to offer new lines from 340 a hp to $1-.25, ari4 .jolis from 25c a pair up. silk- lineCd4..S1111111 EsRpEecCia,1111vVal?0: ligiI• and liclavY • weights, fleece.lined7 and something pew i BOOTS, SHOES di RUBBEliS ftre aving a ready Sale, with .us. Our vet y loW pri account in. a measure for this. and' t.h se w ro uy rea rze -t at t ey are savmgmoney. y ours; • _for firstclass goods- that: peor lead lpo .an increase b13.0ps: The mOnth of October,-.• i6 a proof of thi6. • We pxrOct NO epaber to b0 13'etter, fot .men tolcniy cri-Ter:oalts and undeiclot, Ingo • We have tliese goods- right., liattiOs! Jackctg,: Fur Gapes, he.latest styles( are to foup.d wi We want to show you these gooc weeks • 1i(42EBS ESTALLT • r AM.,tta'i.. i:he premises; of the undepdpied. Lot 13, non. 5, 1 +'Minos sirs ;•x^ab;:tit the first of t ten 1, r 1-i tw -, white'bolt bolt to j tit. '1 e • r.v-1.ri its rt u• sted to - 1- t ve pro -. rs v. pay r_ Ji j,i itatli, anal take theta .ati uy_ Janata WILSON, T.me f'uow P. 0.• - i TO P1A ME1 . '1 . - . I4'. 1I :CEJILEN'T oPPo1 TUNT1Ty . is -04i. afforded u, 'faimers. with small capityl' )tries iessire tp obtain ini raver} lar `-',1 ofsacral } nehc� with irrigation, buildings ant i fine , n the :strict of Alherbal Worth 't C 9 t 1ia e ta- irtt s, on easy y t ei 7 The ; raising of born rattl.; horses, shCalp$ ynNdY°WPi�,Traf etyudt4Vi1itl amcTd�twitlhfuernisihtriicttori�tion,rr answer rtitiris(sHddrWeis.)(YERQC • TO ilk NT. PAIMIE NTS OVflIt._ D. IL Wig" tecirli store; suitable , for dwelling or 0 EveNrsrOOFNrid;y POUR D RIST _ TO 'THE- ACIFIC OA T Aguncuisolil AGENT;' LUCA -OW_ lilt. LONDON I. gig AND. HOME at Now that the cold weather lois set in, you will need a new stove range, and we beg to calI your Ittention to the fact that We have been leaders iiiean to lead. g DWe are re agehts for GOOK STOVES se. RXIN!GEs PARLOR & :ROX ST V 00.,Aza cat 177.001D in Stoves, Ranges and Furnace's, and wd stj McClary's Vamo' Gurney s "Souvenip Buck's -"Brilliant Sitart's "Perfection' Illofrat'A "Pearl" stow* on shortest notice. . . ..., ,...,...i.:: • , H....., ..,, .„ ..:,.., „....i.,. ,,,,, :„.,, ,:..„ Sixteen Pages, 96 Colupps, -of big Every Week. _Bo 1 . jeoccztr._ - . , . . 1 I ., _ Th4 =WEEKLY FREE Pates and -nitiform in size and uppea,r- anee,,,, is' *offered. to subreribers from now Until the 31st Decen.lber, 1896, for .ONE- noLLARL The FREE PRESS • is the teading LiberiKOnservative Journal of Weat- ern Ontario. It contains each week . and coMMent of the.times. The Commercial pages of the ANTEETWZ FREE PRESS are ap to ARIA and. aniple for the country merchant; farmer knd dairyman. TheSARm ANT) HOME Contail2s, each subjedta And Live Stock. The farmen. and.cattleznd horse breeder will -find in its114N. abundant topics of special • Serial Tale of -atmorbing interest. will be, .ian. interesting feature of the WEEICi& FREE PRESS. Epth Osipers Combined for $1 Irani *Agent§ wanted everywhere. Address all corathunications to the ALBERT FL G BUT.CHEIf,. fiu§iness lately carried on by Mr. James Lindsay and havbig refitted wishto tilmouneeto :all citizens, and farmers the surrounding comMunity, that we lire ,prepared to iu the shop or deliefs to any part -45f tWoln, the meats that ean be purchasea, And buy nothing but first-class aitimals As a guarantne that there win be no dissat- isfaction, Mr. Etarvey LittuRay is still with ine and be &ad to take ) our orders. Thauking you for the patronage already bestowed on, uss I "1 --tours respecaully, Albert Fleinin,g. seasoh the -highest price pgdifor pork, sausage, etc. ALL KINDS OF---- LuMBEg LATH AHD INGLES ST. HELENS, ONT. shingles cbnstantly on bind or wit to order on the shortest notice. • Leads them -all for . A SPECIALTY The Choicest Goods,, o tains le in