Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-04-12, Page 6V� W- 1 :: 11111 till !ill lis F g R M�, �%151 kin ? N A T J 'S'_ A4 A 4- 7 -4;_ Wfi F p rl -Ap :12th e rhOLuckmo U V W o jjj 77 AND IMRS. MURR&y. Nil FIRK AT GODERXCH- Aril - TIU4 U le s- oderio Out., April 4. -A. dill T, _G C.,,ih : - B IX OUT 8�_ �R 6o X rous-fire, broke-, 6ut here this morning .. :-Having beori.inti-imal MATTER 0 Ti EST -ATE Qa� 1 -0 IN THE a N -AA Slit 01 OF 4LIZABET. MURRAY 4 r. Quill O'clock, ate M., ore d 7 vith- the 1 iainted A Mrs.. hortly. bef %,�bich. ll E. AGE OF 'a- tokil Men's Ill stroyed the OIR TH 66 -i d canno, ri _1[ll tbu T have W8:9 ri d t let the 'present _-P t ergo gerteral, tri millinery storill aAjgining, e of rnis' WII)OW 8- forlo - /sold at*$5 redue'll I unity pass witholit paying a I t ", - - L 01 KNO j- .10" cil n!s 1� y bO i with DECEA$ED. eniories., in sor �4"4.51QII -at $3.7.5 I bo is fokmerly s e to their m ow stil G.* G. A Ate oft' ]PP. I a6flid and 'In §iymplatky -and -stationery store �%he book VZN. V for- t B: 041blick. In all rr s a very charit- James., Robinson wfil doul- cc of --the evised statutes, of: re of tario, ter 110., t tit all, oredito 0 hap rs Or ( - tion the dry goll t P1 .'%6 IC . -HER. BY GfI A�_�r. Xxi 0 Tpursuan A, ow B 6ts the, hitirger pot On M 's L business man. %_any a poor wan pletel -tion of _T_ r.) s having Aims o m y gutted other. Tihe ies showed a 'prall tp. L goof owcrer,- been. re. �agait�sj e. stall l Eli - d ricially, hag betri relieyed by. his ae ne tsn' jjqelcno -in the- Coul of L 0 beth Murray. late 1 r dei a ads of th& Villd�re'qfi-Liil W ino, elil. The Wal lops- will he aboul at,1-ill NoVer was fL qustomer!,. no I R, d. , . till r ab It -the Bruce, dell ii who di rh li tl;ty l0r:i are requiret preen* Of OUr il by giv- his circitmstaitices; in' I' Ing f M-isA fAwson many OF#e or hats ruriftaco it, the �ellar �f Arrusil.ril to send -bv bost pre-�pil or deliver to- Mat. - 't foill relief at Ins hfCnd-. -%Vbrefi;the Will .0 i x ter -what $30,000 a. fire- riginated from. the rti ers. and all l thew. Wefsh.- ii Litirghn pil office, oue:of the V b rs Kit IW awa own A pr?por,,.l All 'This and - t . I . I - - . / -hnd 18onfiets., ll store.. f;f tive-lait will tit,- of and testame was new the settle k epsthe wire. ock. T the will &+eal on or bofor6 the in & I n.9 '10 10, AS33 F1lF_Lj)_ Plurch oll busy. t_oixt­mone�y, he never failed to A y ar" as Day Xjl�jsthl Of 14(ay� 1895. warriliantil ir wants and often to hfs� M Vi a4dre.-iscill Al 5Ih-J L iheir 6A' id f till particulars of disadvantage. ho ane,'INI 01 -Loughlin. 4t1i I their claitn� ail the nii�uje of the securities - W Oil - 97-C) :Pi --EtT eir tartner'in lifill ivitil at- the lepartment SU:'t a R;ild.4 euLrii,,f th s i$; tile, OR tole urrepairing--il A a. lo ill hat 14. dies' 00 wl a ald w-PY .11'h ham ave t Weekly .'for- Ike . 1. ZA - I lass sr --E Jol?nsil E.John ne,, f V.14) helit brthitto' Millinery an, a'blv ass�otv hig- es- sto 4n that after the said -Those who 'leave th l WVL,,lugblin,.j.V,_rd, C Me-' 15th 'aat.v 4 VAIAY t1lieuntorill Exil ntosh,'I' Lquill L11). win. B. ai�i wiii'. ii proldelill br. distri Thi t YP -orders w of It' deatfi,_. t ' lA x --t -tq:l the sai dell atuon.,- tile- in we ays il ething years MAL Ill a# L ilw s V., k: O'S r. 3 I'd ai ell 04 theret.i), �-rbgard b6iq4, had - e e. fine weath fluld t6w r ady. Wheli r ll41 er comes ;LAlt rei a (I ate said Executora atfit Etfx6utrix rt V. W hoziesty ag his inotto: n tiles, -or art Taylor -E gil F ol X- a hi� had ecit' lated :lcoirsidil 1, i,,- , ' t t, W Fo P. -1 Ho of :ili,,ltid6­has -be lass I a 8 0 only 110 th� will n A be iiiii 'for the �assats an y- Jas. Sipnnet,' -thl so , is4ributed to �ny perso;r i of di� Carl' ntlic �Re� - - IUCKNOW, clain notice inot Ilaire ' eon r1l b 71, at 4 theni and looked fter XV, S .1 + Fai ris, L 6el at' tl lifille i dist4-ibution. her. gr -atest ainbiti fil of April, 105 r. 3rd Cl Plarrisfi.' J. �N- 1T JoIll ft-, �lh 1I.-Ve an Tile.rilh- qf G1 RROW P401T i) vool Ford -A I asill their l Non -Ar _Allirelsh, JoSLIth Hc -row ilp wis E rotf, $r 2rid Cl lo* Ll Ry slte Inttle L arrizh, I'Farrish. .7 �Sp_lntlll fFiizabrtli,%I%:trrAy, deil tC taylor; P. Hill .0 JDISTRIC- 1' tit itt the. vill Fall T d F a ;he -did ul Jr."i Cl,q an er t LICE,,. hd nru ith _`,V re 'urned. ell tti 111rannan. .11. E 8 wil 0 Iter witlowbi Sh e -f rom th 6 JA-1i'l I p-ery 0 rl�rigg U-6ose­frorn., Wo- Study UP Interi a well a� our ivii i .8 - _11i Valasickle; iMW - nix It N rre ill - i -64 -,.ell a elteavy , I - ')r - - - ou the bast value that il b ei got the �n, 9 Y. H B -RU- in Ill .givi to is nil I eparc-d a ce v CS 'te M s a n y r st no elti 7 .1. ` -- t ow t1w ate 1� wiso iE -46rdiall is d ail te -f-ir i "tend" n so T A :1 n- mrall for tI il liet will'met. forreousidil -aven. nl- ht -n Oft- -elid. mery, Flo -V 0 �s, li 1�x Lo�,;,_; 11.4.4 1 ll E, P S v,l h' r -life: liowed her fit i I it -h it d T T -i Srin M'11* werm t the wa! r ­J 2nil' f Jets Et rd j C Idt'e. Aft.-[- Vit -Z Of .189 lli4", is t on. -tir( gy ill a -M Tilt 'if 4: i 4 1111 14 0 -n -S, t" will be.re dy io,�.440w.somi3bf the in I full t1ii, . - X, �Vg C n, st 81 d At the whi He W� 'latest - sty -les.. in MARRIE�D. ter - h 1.1-1 f Waeklijr.; 11-i f '31r. f Sk Ed ON T 1e. 1,ii f:trher, i Ivill NE 8 ine Fiber' g to st t e zz-ort in h th-hig-'neadfLill 1 o gt#e 0 tota flie Ap rop it le�lklll A the iiew sleeve and the rodit I s il T a I I" in'ited t' fl-er tlL�1111% r, 'flit ar �6)rdi Y ._0 hve ,ft. M.. cc at 4_ nous, Vergusbin- M Still -th6 neiEt aud -ro W,�Ar me tj alp;o,,i till assil _g be includita the aul for, firmne,, Ill Black Tail, Uuings W.h. - a une4l -Iled i -ch re 0 nill a _r is s iil aressed d rability andy�t not btj I y orh *avy. as ijr splei)tjid s Kid- Mo-, Tes Lad ay. e H, 'e Also 7 -vent.of-G� Cl A, fa I assoptn 'hs h Vl_ Ha ir, ClOth4 -te N, ning as we /rinolines,- Musli-fis -e r Ba, r i. c- ;tit Ing lit ie. assortment Of i ds for It 1111nillig. e lot bta&A Gimp brai And her gaih tenfind" tha 14 we ever b'd-A.-fineri en of beautiful t U., e to %:'.;Z 'o'-tt ii LWAT,wl I : 1i a :a;aj-,p -f-,ir time- -G 11 �zr- Curran. who. The re 00 n- hi -A7 gc�,ne her uqr: OL i�- at, prb ht lit and t that �'A good time a lea n0% 11 W 14 Any -sel c 11 or mak your e tion a r ve it made bil e thA -ng d 9 c L P6 r 'H r us h wilt very. Po tigings omes whill th e NVV1 sp4 t; lit it., il U:eys Quantit Wor ter a,_tl r till in:, e w .-T pt�sj gn s. Ill FAITII UU. I R tioll %ll to, Th a, ave I ti . . 1l Ill - - r , 9 ta 1 n P e aim ner 7 rnI -Nnsideration yl can ))r-' 0 y M U abi rvpa'ria-�- t c' -s knd wa it sit th.:111 t -e ant l' if u4i a =call. utt. r. 'WWI �i San la .-ye.t in- t . ur mill ca; D .-MURQHIR9 fin - 6 owe! P arem%me atches jpig to. 1-T ti,_ iSt. k w -is b� seen, r n in.1 at we Ila I "Cit, lilto as in s d bv� -here go" jas. _F A r ()f tinw,_v,"ever show tll�k* ork. --it t w i v -x -e s, c e en Aftil il Yin- -oil a il 20 ar- - 77 -aw a s.. Hard w-' 'Pin*Depot. re�c S. firiFir 11�111111.flrl CUStotrt'rs e, a," tonle a' -e Iog� yet. !PpOr itW1�.UC Kill He bs- de- r fill 1.' j ;..5r. _'Finp, Tdnd ii ex -(-t lvi 'Will be g, a ple out ttril f4a ba rn: f rr D FOR CASH: ONLY-' GAN:S -full D PAILSi ETC. MITX ekaborry �B In"VI-ng 011 -the n CREMERY CA NL9 The yr - Wil oil - tile nwa.&A 0 &1a ------ see n ere I arge or irl liftei id -sf-,me- plac nori qlthonh thf-re i.Zi; fire f6et Poe, nThe th s Xy�. 0 partnient -is prilliUm clill t 1, Ili$ plm-e of ESBYTEIRk il .11 A tLAX (11 r attil D $ . 084 "tit] giA toistinjo.dialS ring press unnouneemil to' info m -Dais q h6twom o -tile Churn.4and Dai [till S. Li$er I y _s iciill'ur. ;_but ould ill meet Any il i of.v, ,,ii re wota at Brul_�ejs, ail peppld i t their goods are I plenients. w co r rep�Ars o f cry and P A I R 00 - ;ll 0.11 P N T 1 ichurch, l y 15th inst. 6 perfeet , . . . Z, , I - 'CO ptl him -1 a at ratify -it clistolners S. tis l r b` th 9� a cll a. til- to riside ani iss y. 0-0 A eceived an Slillir hai r' -BA r;__9na;ti ev. I)arid il dtic s is neig�b pil- thet, -. f i dehl of the R ings to !advise t Have iki�t 1je!fitato of " il P or g(y o -t-17- C of th (:ft rge of Knox church, 119111 LA 1 T_ X perfe�t, Tiamon harroys, L d L"11 lets. 4b IM 114! L J 11. -.i tue of 1 -t _W %entifely s4 on y d' 0-8 ct get w*trarig., ald Stone' froni E -a t -he Home J.-W.'Ar c 1 1 ev ould eal to t4e mission fte](I irt Kinraount and A Spe.+lity, .1, 16 w ibre- - N Jr e n U Ce c tkqe�'Presbjteriwn churcl Wr -k. - al il f4e in wallfinisb, mixed ry Colors, in t -of Lind- re, V. bi nk C4 -C hi:�_'Preibytery prices a -earl date, -to- de ry 9. U say ll d intends on an r Sap P 'Is. e tbtn -us ally kepti y k�7 -i S D i y Now-MaRKE his new field of -labon LUCK d,Ha are Sto)r6 If yb' d be X WAIr .. M a Ti I i: if n r(tw, u -Woul good' 1I.Mki LONDON. th Amill I at at dea� 'Will meet in- Kno CORRECT 1) EVVILYWI, MDAY U perl llhea, Ill wl .6lto 1 .62 DOR EN4` E e 'pt libel prink Pe 60 ORS lie a sermon wilFf ge - 8 l, YL d. -by the retirin,rlmoderato�. D Go'. T chtIl W�oodstock, (--,n MiarIl -115tii ARDWARE �ds hdm 11 for F be Oit 334- 31 -�Dattisbv of Chiitha-1 i ptr bwhe I * -th( - - . -- - . - . 'IL- , OF TORONTO Dr. -37 i[g rs, aiiIJ UCK N. -FOR 11ANY. Y�_-AIN HELD -Barlill 0 AXD- elde;& ill ' Ho -40 Potat iisfier bu! ro the forem-rist jdL *Aticates f the stati - . - ll li�el . .c -a 1�1 - V)l NGI the agen 3 twhim purchasing' their ticket- 13 to 14 0DjQ ng A �nd will be at. Wtel OIL e .............. ....... 46,00to-7 00 JEWELE-Iff, 11USINESS. .................. l their &turn;�tfter being sjgrlq1d.:. 4PRIL rin I)ri�d Apple wt, to 2.20 (Kindsh Season. 7H R r i to re per lb .............. . : . r 0 1 . , Eggsipil dozen... . bANN EP ATC11, C w 'mtitle th- _r ton LOC d av, p H 0 :y certificate' will th' leader^ b ............. Fri _&V_ ....... Vitha large stock- of L vdies7s and Bangs, switche. Waves and 12th Ato Tallow Ver lb ... ..... be gl Fill y 6ement is Cr .6ther hair goods styleill Efer � - 119 ht- their fine FU A', S Ila taimAtt who Is bald or whose hairi b-w'm P W lav -0 ... ..... . NE El e -thin 'It If 11, Wed -d' ......... .. -S, 4 75 to 5 00 A Sli GIALTY 3holfild takeadvantage of bis.-wisrt in 'of rektoling $he Pork.- p - er cwt t ere is an 9 Me . , -31oss 11. "Wiln 'InAg ool, per 11) -24l al he will adviiie tbil lite at s best to iach ase. His gool vrorn �y A-. wedding 'hil pi -r gament' zinc ......... .. fail to. Bruqieft-,.�reache i n 4ou th Kinl* L, Ate'r tion is vited to -ou' edg. All fhousandi 'with gt r IAOSID: ivatchyll ... ... ex,peri, , e-nel Evei!y- vatiety.fvr­ Field and Garil ;-'-.Our! Clover and Stock N -,MBE4 AT, Pre3kvlerlan church fast 8abbat - I t , I ing, lie is tho Ill -k .............. T 1, %Yr -r N16JAzinan, too Geese, 1 11) -rstrinding til ini of AI)plpEi.lierl)arr*'e'l*,'*....'.".""'.'..., Iq -3 00 to 2 --ho'ce-st G undf fim th -,spacially finathd pleav:` will PI-eille church Bru cla. T T-Ite 1 oodsill LE BC Vil 11 I Pfesh�terian chuil ttti Ilides, pil ....... 3 to 3j ductil tile- pastoral Il utche _l a -r il ............ . 80 IOU R. F E� 40 'St I i. . ,* .90 atchvs,. 0-Y .50. to 60 pliAl -back saa Ill iYA .4 hortill per cwt The McGAR L i juarter Bran, per cwt w Ali-ericali 1v s Walt- Qatini 1* 50 to 3 00 FL ham, Elgin, C41uni6Uis, lie W. PE Aprl I E Green Wood, per 4�orlif Ilabl, ini,Luckud' -in- flest claij-1 1L 25. -on ha' !full -suppl of Thursday I can put order 'when . .............. -F. - McQueen, foril I)ry 'Wood.. �ually .V high grk-il f, D -y and fil of al..kinds. Thil A. -others f-gil ff your watch gives - .0 gat Ill Ill . .1 . .. I you a. Or bou t 0, liy trouble.in.el J. ELLIOT 4 le 4t i f icted Iii kril the p l y frill I'll". rifig it to. S_ -M rV 11-0 0 15 E- 'ITZ E j til af 14amption con-regatill pre A cW ockie- -Glie swa TIP_ U-8 i For Sale IGAN18 by t ii, bf. Quebec. e plac makelqbur sele6tions in K GX' The Watichmaki Js th Lslf ull efied a ch6ice:6leqtiou.C7-H Op A LE, P IP feet T ea thill t, bb -is -o L `0KNO-W. -'SAKER'd d S1 6d.jiftlt-y". If HAT I)r tuckul formerly ol S-HFJELD� n ek. �ate it fill _0110 A-RIES 18DORS111110118 hl 4,,11owing ii* the standing of tt. brt Eder. comprising a frame Wa cup ind half ER; se- a ve toll tbo'4 10 _k,U titiv an -,aore iff land Un&rs CONFEOTION d b marill apple'trees, -and 1 .1 ha 0 - ilig or further part all - Rapti of Zlo T-�IwO F pflj -sahool No. for Nlar,-h jite'd i - planted a (teportfuent Goods iculal apply to A rg 'EIV &T maWM BARR, Extri Ill Vive, 90Aps, 1) 1 A IX R 5 ela-H_ Anderson. Box 64 Luckuow n 0 iweet BI k ? e Grardner, K Garill ad Blue FM, danne ders Fish, dried -PROPERTY Bill* FARM t 0 nter, L. Habiell epp,�t Golotine M. Prown, tigers Opp ms ft -n:91NG Goo T1 Heaus 'for 'Ir ti,?n of �Veigh:.M.jqtil of the 3',,,*n A11R&bf 0ON"eil j/ r - - �: . , - bastor Anor- //1C 30111, 895 ALAB 7 ip or Rent. Zath c in neq bick, B. Gardner, M I,- 04r, - -oo T likLF 017 LOT 14, CO N� Or Asakets :nk Ap il H. Reid, 11. Garil ril containing 50 all 'Wes I%ba" us VeMkiolH mor )r less, rd. 1E :3% H! vile" t is- sittivited abi di 0-- 4af, LQG.K R prorl 131. cuit �!cotll Ifacket t, bill s on tile Rril S tey. m miles frb jjL C' Il bill fri 8IX 111l -1 divelling, log barn tpid C 111C.6 Lemons WE '11AVE. Ir OUSE- AND SIT h otit,30fruit treeil F 03yfectionery -I -in ix thriving oro a $nd-M. Reid, J. 11apkill Ki I. . - - . Ill I 'Lucknow, , i igarsi aAd U'Vd so,� 8 '10 bo Ly - rh 110111i H � West tide ol th r Ilaert Are er pa ticuisrs '(j P) a li, fino�,*66 Anned Goods Lim ilill AnEil -hohae f once. For tur Containing y 1 To 4pries. h. bis al ii -- roast natill br#d ft ire bri Yorl The -is'-two itilill er kit6hen. D 'Nex t',door w Pain --Ho isel Alsofouil lyu y- to -KIT ma - stission'givena Lard 11011i alread C . Rio &I tv i liti s6vinlirgef6ops,hal and -s SUE Pi er Jr. infl-A. Habigk M.- Cardnil iturfAiwand in 9 43 accil (if itmiii weeks qld, eligible for ri stta o .-Alf fti" No rotill in relie.,On n R. Rivill ing pin in the i, are Pa Lucknaw, P 0 0 canned 11 �B eat j illiffored: at pricits to suit4l Cirl-ft'll , kiifney-i, back nd till v art f;f thi fd'r er wi InTW 1.4 acre. - -Also the relo of I t:N 43 1,l to. 11u.. -p. sr. -Jacob Hunter, ii pur.chatill .,Call and Sou"the )r wIl [or containit, L;�a j� a�rev --pith h _P NZ16-A Wj4 DrIlla 3 ciaam� Tirl Me ill X! It, :Hunter, W. Huntil ollk(JqLak !il fit t -tlka PAW"r1tipiriatt ar It -relie NG IS -PRE N!��ter anti paiii :in paing HORIVII -I prices. wwalso�keil. iei ti bl yil