HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1894-06-01, Page 6R REM 7g , fl, 7tv, 4 .7- j tl �U en n -ay-,, j n e Or Thp L0--CKn, t ruc tv F d h �'Y 7 T. I AV -�, EIR p 3- j ace 66 H0_ I ANT8 A UN.� se dred eyes, wh�, sells --nee hit W V6 one i ppli�,alpl to- 914! ATCHES a fe*eler. 'b'o 'ather j 41 W. MAL . . . . . . re nu, Pa izes W sin My better ihe'_nbcessity 81 -it 1A A pre R k. ra ing' �114 -Of oauti.on- in buying nef6rit 4 a t, big etiergle UP1111; N. -he' de -I _M00 IKKB.- -to se 1. XXF e tire ai glad to - A A. -E i sires to _C41.ef1il­ 6.44% )ecause we a N 10 IR gel. thi s Assumd tb4t r crooc, s and -prices. 0 0 f V -a f till Ass rt!�6n.t are right. NO-MOUNC REQU t A CKNOWLED0 -HE- WIS-' V pmvinb,' ute %t ill wish.1 as repregented. wheu weare njdrt� The.onlysafe-Way''to usel x �o if the,,-,( ods 7we s to IWA its, rost as krul dorn ��of the - 0�lo _e Tie i its, Ca s s S h itti ts AN� re not H inds -of Worsted Cloths than anxious to 6ake -Co rise-, Alik-, quently �jie publA'Q are safe- in coming-,,-- roR --Ge 19s 60- us in te w(ab y. wo rnish n foi� their n"eed;; arl"ble agents ior-iliefarn(us DUEBRI� L L 00 IM - ! - . .. - .. I � .: . . . IMP&N WATCHE the best in HA and k JEWELIO'. urtile worl now .This s -also re,'comme Gbt a- 8 be rew wr nded Or fruit trees 8 st -nds -of ugstli d -b f V_ 6 111; 1 _�vii'ji -of the: lar6te' fit �ly any ciiylloU4 In' tond- �11 k- plants: t e b-ouffht a uvwhere �01.9 effl. 03K, WC)W- nc;;s they' re IoNye�,' ban can b s+ome nst, -Tim Call. a d see r A R'' -_H fGH, Oj e. & AND' S11 00 Yi Ur WA, T IT TRj E R IN FINE B --1 7- T mono if .5611, buy your y StoAings,t. and We hav erytllh)gP in ,the line, Of CUP% Sweater IS -1 44 Xky prin Bo i al "in fact all th is required tO fiit a rideer Ji ..full niforni.. g- S t 6-cli -sur-I)i ssps� jn Sty'4e-ffhaish -11 L �AT-7- Mater�al 'anything 7 . . . . ....... here ats' Ties. tof6re. I temp'�ed in Line ITT n -kit. ott, 1-110 -se WO lit tit the- lastest1i d ino-it 0 0 sold tt Siih,s at $ 10, 11k, �k W ch will -%vhf VP MI el-Kipert- coat- that exivarience "I t if low Call U la St Ali t, All 'IV r -ar t It) R -AD-r.R maker. 1111,1111Y(r ler6l w4wk it'is -bil ar .4 4. sirin thing irt fooiware, j.9 �xatnine _lftl, took. N6 t w-- �e to iihov F u. are. dl� g: any ot s,%u -go quote pric�g.; If you will �ao so.1 feel an fident I 9 -an mako 'it woj -ih Y�our while.. st mll and tw ILI W urray s k New Bloc _W 7 - RT BOS A J -ST -OTEPRICES, N Doilgrobt plain. or tipped ...... wo'rif 1., 2 25 only . 00 M ......... 2 00 1 65 6 i R I G S ke -vour s 1 .1� nia e obtions 111 .3 00 Ahand turn.. 35 2 6 r) -00 ExtrA value.. 50� an- P11501veilt. welt.. 1116 PROVIS10 IMi E YP'VA t AL -'GRP E 1 .35 4. 1 25 $2 50- -Jla ]h stock t I I e. fo I I -it fi e li es ....... 2 Oxford tipped. f Ex tt n n ...... . wort y & 00 oni $3 - w t alm ...... 3; M t i 11al oi- 2 5 0j. -F 1� i:. 1. k )v, C, 00 .50 r -11 Core it. Bulor 14 Fi 'uff Bal' Extra value ..... 30 13-Lking Fow(e 1;1 wilt rfle3t, cantle. ..... .. 1 35 ne L rs 75 A ])(in a 2 25 2 DO- ,ol id 15 go ck. Plou-11 Mat k, -t. i ja (.47r, canne Peels 'ip.Ploucrh'.Slioes nA 1-50 1. 20 rnt gr. I 0) I . . I . I killk 2 b-hillir -Shoes in' arifiiy o' 2 Pt tnq at allip -iel-s .,great v, lii-.6 of'�X�unks Valises, Etc.; constanily kepi o.hand. It tl'%V" ysta My -0rdi-r ndl-Repairing Depar All woi;k -�aivnt f(d. Rice F14.1 r :Whitirlu 'll upet n %J 'kj amk�' kit' is under the' 14L t"ry ir W I trijent f Plia er X� (4 ake one I eet thick t llit,�ue f "I r u-1 Ul Iti C ours tr' 1-0 , flirna Sel tna 44 t-. Corhet t L Rudgie V17.11 M e H aw ------ T.Ilcknow, ]Beaston, Humber, P' III r S E THE MORLDI, IN THE N Vi k_�Iv 60 D Aj-f S 0 oThat _*M: bilm 'UCH -WqOD and, COAL. RO, U IONS f Z- Efirkq STAlh 4F Eq ywe i t 1 1' E N C E!,; 0 0 0 mail t�jllets. 1�1@ I a - r al� s:ation n 4heiiFie of the: t IJA RMV -\RE ST( TF F so I, g �.iner -]I-eed a4l �af.t)et it is It 9; I oW.1111 do mat the L;krge -chn buy ch T CA% V. S sl;ccl( I TIN .01 E H -U- - it -\even. - b fill. t'S STOVE -A. FARrI99 for Nwe'stre h4adquar.ters E OXFOR. Tfic Iar( re' SOMON lejy quan;. TICKETS WILL 6 ry i losi, Eve ody's, Y_ selling S -bows Te unt,I-A gi t ity, 1we w1thout. wick the p�opla, recognize G 01 C06k StOve bNE 12 Goe"d to Zetum BUMS its- Own Gas- see M un;1I'A4g-- is M ia*k e s n t iat E .1 a0oa, to, Retur A to R&turn ie won4h -of une will Gooc i ornizion CS J: M 26 until Apx- 25 0 HgAi N KITC1119N in the we 'GO D S 6000 -to A�etuprx A JNO DI THE ushe; ather ANr ED i LY -17 until Sept. 15 -wb,Cents and here wi# be a demand Voblk FA= bilier for T - i I tes. -hame.d t- i -- To th foil6wing point at ea for CottQil, Ifose. is M_ emun. 01D A -E TEAS , PIN T RURN Dello -0 Fri of. All ]Kinds iia 8 BY YOUNDRY - 01 Ltd osi 3ry e -be- t t the St. -A st4ins the feet' 'or SPUP LT HOSE thai A p H "' il - ". '-. 6rtant _l(r Cation in 11tuy Re vii a ur a iir6enish MiAck R eg in W, M CID- CD ,rWe not vir at.tbe yor h, $-3-0 I r all $ The Lt?es1_-.S C�? - . -1 ., people -want bat- somethiiag prt' e. Albert ier -tifUl a ry- 7 he Clzolc'e t:& oi)il� -at]' .* T -1D C C a beau that will remain P� Re4l ee i Mull Tn-Luce Curtains he �a'n 9,9-.v black This'we have in the i r V4 ste $4.0 e &sl utoll MOM V -9.1,41111 IW q uc Ow. 1: roni 11s and n�L k' by. I i 114 f -From 45 cents i)er pair up., -11 eatbers. Exhib' n will b6 field frl)i All owhioli- s made in' b or iv�elu.,jl and alitly 17th ha - I +ett fixed- f EVIFE FAST ]BLACK liue Agrimiltnril in(instria. m nab' -R E t excursi? -j enable TrIfe b' ve c .0 t ttend the .0 T1 ath�ers- e T r intete-i to -xve y Ill. - tin thIt' it 11,11)e tofy(:ku t y r Exbibi,lon. OHN ELL 1� YA Yia o uT, want YOU 0 V E I ANP, OVER ery p4ir. 11A � j D. - 4 aih _R: _TA n D athers. F" ATH hat- this -MUR. 'S NOVA If y6u %j E st ess Ho�e §ee t I- H1.00, -.-INT wo 0 oily . I I Ab 8 anJ PIjLOA'$ RE Our stock - we nd- ton ih6iji, NVI e are vertisel W 11' atl' qid- the ne ti a 0i rt w i )a 0., "jai ju-j I t I ll �t - .1 , -: P' vt ore. ratnv,6 -of size�- in fil)bed a6d TAKE onj or, yqi t Mot:11avb �j i 8.19t lug I 'R IT� Wishes ito rerni d "hiJ inan Feathe- , -,-r � 11 A ­ . I *81atil 0,-.. . not.. as QW. UL R Om L FR: POP AR H*A'*DW.Y. is no C plete, With full -nd ;io ol -ye is 1"I 1i n- V R, E BOAR MAY V 0.1 TH-C other 4ce fb r tes. It, 164y. Fli-I tJN)KkSjGN.EDl WILL EEP a ta floct(�r'q bill. C11C)l ir service duriiigg.-the �pring s�.�on his in let sit V y V (-ustomers-:ind th U e tbers. lie�that- hi3;- stock. if,, CO .14eatb 'I'll, k 9 r OR, M-Ordoth & cu erai YisrkAiire Boai- N.'"OJAA. Stole U frou Ill, .1; arc P in.). ve y tie mi in "w. sp,ring, C 00-08, 8 1 a I *Feal.bers- -th- h 0. thTyqgh r. e, its ffr farmers Pave romp f iii.e. tO M bee� p �-this jimp theksbould rem� ot y6ar. If yolt ar' 4buildihg. i L u �irkshires e tbi� is the bog thalf i 4 antirch s, 1. T_S7 N' ba -cc z dithb. A itter gnartanteet -le -are wantin ;`a f# aii bvd,� A -ii a 11 P1 to bre6d Y" P6,0 0 n .00 MARKETS. ou new house'or rn, buy inoney wi )e refi Vd ifter three t Wheat� -pier h"hel. 4 to-) d 'stock fjvr Sale, ardwre at beds elv.; Itie gervi-d. Youtig grat 41. Th ti al d novy Oroe wv4s d1d V pej 1u%hel 50 to 5- B all'the lipring -y-T_j0:EP_ l [It 0 t Wt. imaratillefli SfV - t peas ting 41 - listabstu P.. 0. Tf you are "deuorih ani 4facti,011A I zevvi� way. Give it ;111A Qu e -C ing Y( U lban gi t Oats FbAthers. - .31 �ntt . hous leiin y % i i Emp Iromar- Cr.D promptly- clarw e �o NV TTI4 tv F611 ply of pair ts ils, gas$ vvberi� all otters f(jE c h 'Thr"t, h'� _7scn4z-% V.Mau and Ptc. Call and b Mly lie Orange 1. BG s 15, t fi W I iVD1. WMAN,'' -Opp 111utter,*6erlb...r I I Asth� F:xcza "I Sxno* tir's. Floor 1 i bus. C� -a �axlzan 3 On a SU2r- .1) AN Egggs,_ p4f -40z'W tak�_Ata SoMI by Druggl# izlin�, *Clittins a id. rail T I 1i IAO 7!00 Lwk or -Chest, use ie 'a etbi Th W- e.;r, flay pe -k -ton ..... 1.75 to r 8jjiVGjVS Z3 LADONKA. PL ILSTERMc. Uterisils,-Fon�e._,v lijilimir a.,t if the. e, ers Flour usual stock libi"T.11NEL I'lilitit'g, ()ft:C:.- w Cwt. inj -Z 7;3 :�Large in Canada in Dried RRH akes'-a- d all otlel, Gai-de ers, 4 e--- :a Cd ce of a, to I L 0 .4 ca 4 CS C able .'laon -ith6rs. willing to ac owled, Tal R F. M E 0% Tools -QItTGAGT:S A NID WT[,Lff Ax hat tha tee t 13 ilve remody-i -C ar R P�17Pt-A P4 54 P4 Pli P4 I 121� P-4 PR ai4frd is e best low as well a. D 1,T, D, M op t thp, Br A ...... .12 h -e 'Ph* Zo'n'ti La aran et ntlpiLy r�;war ,, a e-11. 1110 rtree. - - - - - - CLLY T EPAPIED. -tn ped hLe r Pork pet cwt. Cr(js�-Cqt Sa*s 4110 gone. I ip gi ;-)Oo to 5.50 teeftlo`=014 !��IcW- is leq d 60 we U d ob 4ktrlanw wool ard y VP4 ban' BORN.. e incations and pi ld. in the wife PUB furniEffied r-tinds -tid fald i er 6 ss - biqy�. I p: estituates -for build dr PVT 1p Ca Podu6e 'hile Offi-0ould V 'ware 41wa iq -D 46t -B L4 - fast on the! sh n Chicken§ per LGN�OTICK' tw" I:i)t, ey. 6 B R tnil-IS, br ages, et, TAYLOR It - -0 do -not Cl -MVICE8.11 _1 e. -only D 0 7S. I . :a _TUOP63r§� per .08 X( is , A. )i of BOT11'' on-Aort potice. C1411 iid es in to t aini that av School, JULIO N �l BYGlVF, 2: . _=,.nte4denk _�ji i -.66 VP30 Duckso g, E P- to.. a ade, they 1b - 9 W R. 1�! sold Wednes I iilt Far Park on JL that the neil of the Town tho succeils of 18113 dernonst It CIA ipe J-JUCN Iii n. 10K. FINSTON in AshAel t inichirie nia& eq limly in'� fa 4 every "T4 ter s*of A -ifterid. to-moobider and . I, . - Geese, A It- claw eveningm at Municipal Cot I tN�t a Bible ap"rayerr bo lessot otory reet: tHerbe'rit to $2.12 rantee.. �4infa Jaugh akgel� i Ap�les per barrel All Pa. 9 26 M�ry '0 d 2 days. �by-lawi tn estiblsh and oe tbb I hstor. sum 114 e Agoc su';4ar. one .3 ption. It the best st neges -50 Ct cwt. w ic fro )arts of ots -11 parts -of hi 11 ni h0til, tbere and e#erywh6re, -And im put" togjAher -as S)Idi TA-ZE1 -M'rs- con bottle. SHIM f Ashfield 11br' iitid'$1.00 ji� . -25 H��, iTA ? Sheepskins $1. 00. to 8 L65 Onlv one: cent a ddse; and McGrejor�5treet- led and'laid:-trjut r inu saelly i 1 r, iorA, 1�01% the 11th (VD) ;f the 6ni&T,,*nsbiq'Q T .00 will tBran, 't 06 ...... . 80 to 81 -1 verybody pleased to 4 fig par�.of th e Vill ulfon tu age ok Antialoo Rail*' in. the thf, G ay -Chat registired Of �b e go; filed -7. 0 to $3.00 learn 1a, Irand Truri T� 'S. Haw] Said jila -0atinea. j, N 8'WRMq U. KAI of Hur for t e C0)lt4j saj oh'i Vitiliz savei my I b .0-21 -QAPTAI ife Rides, nom prepmv&t,-d carry ll sorts; of registr on. ati& ME PRE. I THE PRE Y. officet E PRE, :-AE Vr, THP, y� aid by -1 -say d.pa4sn, C 8pi ed -lot 12co 11 (NIT 1)) AS Diego, Oah, 1 -a de, It held thff . Council -t� -:bdst; d will -be ;ft reod in shipuierits San: A'Shijoh'o- L risideri, orz thii be. order stricting to ee ol ock -in ib d dy ik the rs irie�W ne bi ev, Be t - .5 -yearling 'The Rexpe ik the i tein.-: u Nj ed at Seld� a 0 1 red caal Oatarr�h 6ted sy I emon on th ty, pl�y eXpen- raber. of 11tcrogcOh and other stebj�, Owti 'bavin be revcin4ed . I�i jio -tt -U616- ii Ch,,b at I foor hai,6 er foand ti at: Would D spep _y stiikefort theotber. side is ot, ended. .1 ev sidL iv;eir 69' 1, 2601. asty 4. M oo M -Ad. B g- -1 HERS' �G 1114� re lost 6yi ftd A 1, . ­ . - ..$ 1. - f '4t irrangements hae iapp.:ilrehtly d -, 9TOT' o nie any ood.': Pr )y - W.:tlol, -AP4 -Ag Tb., -ATHC M 'lerk lit S d T0w!MMP,( . obli leaving the ut I i %, a , 12 . : , - .0, _. . : A% A1 11ART. baftek. We the 216, i t6_ i De 50 bonts. i 4 lei Pei )d 7.5 ceq;� finder �vill go -byr at b t�ade f siffficie 901 bY Harry D#s.t bee pp X.-- the �EwnNm office. t A-4