HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-16, Page 5i • • g • STRICT rIecetpts-a$ Expenditures, Assets -and `titins f West ate► >tiabi � �'1' anosh for • the Year 1 otal. r egeij sources. County rat eluding parity . . Postage, ttionery .. public Wor. x ' umber ..ie. Bid's Payable Gr erson'sidi'ain :Gravel and damage Special grants lir ieipa ; salaries liseellaneotus • . , a -.Schools.•I.-.4. . •'. RECEIPTS. tw from all • .. • . 9974 04 YPBNDITbRES. for '1892 in- unicipal grant ming and sta . . . . .- • .. • . ... ... .. •. .• ..•..e-. ...-•.. •- Total expenditures -. Cash o> hand to hal LIABILITIES. Co. r aces for 1893 including . ,Municipa l grant .. . • ..$ 2881 07, Outstanding orders ..• 36 59 Assessnieint on Dungannon ,all:. 2▪ .. .-. ...: .50.00 Collector' salary ... `� 65 09 School debentures ' No. _1 3. Ashtield . .. l 94.69 Balance of assets in favor of TtvnsMip 588.46- _ , • - 1 9974 04 265 82 14_ 32 66 98 1421 32 62 96 614 00 112-00 190 25 : 40 00 54q 00: 1859 3434 48 $ 9474. 72 409., 32_ $99744 04 the : u know. Seni i r el. TENDERS I ANTED }R THE !'RECTION OF A F1tAM;E. Cheese -factory near Holyrood.. Plains and specificationscan be seen at J . Purvis's- store. Sealed tenders will be received and o1.•en'ed at the a Holyrood Mec'hanic's Hall on Marek 15th' at 2 o -'clock p m• The lowest -or any tender not uecessaril accepted. JAMES MARSHALL, Secretary: • ruce OUMV Fri arch • 1. { .$ 371.5 8.1 ASSET. 3. SING THE NORT •- HALF OF LOT • 1,'in the 9th:con. f Kinlos&- Township containing 50 .acres. Th re is good house and'a good barn on the p emises, befides.thre acres of an orchara. re acres are summer followed and. ready for "spring crop. It is sit= wok] five miles from Ripley For terms and particla, apply to W .I. M.MILLAN- Lucknow. 1050 2, South Ridin LICENSE Of IBTHiCT. Bruoe LL APPLICATI AL: shop, or Wholesa trict, to .take effect. on t 1894, -must be filed with dis .riot. on or before t 'net preceding. Fu` ms supplied on a AN tuckno*, I rack. ! t Cash on hind; 499 32 Bal. uncoliected:taxes . , . 3103 00 Non-resider•taXes . •... • 13 49- toek in Dungannon Hail 100 00. $ 371.5 81 We, th. undersigned* Auditors, ,beg leave to r port that we have examined the books and a counts of the Town- sip f `west Waw an h € os-ir, and com- pared the Eveuchers With every amount exP eodecl:,; and found everything- cor- test ; the book s - kept in an excellent ant e �_ aijid the Treizsuurrer exceedingly willingt4 give any information re- quired. -. The above statement repre sents. a Correct - account_ of receipts,, expenditures, assets and liabilities, for the - year einyding Dec. • 31st, 1893: " J- omt W EBSTER -_ :Auditors. ,Tori W EATIHERil EEA D • Feb. 1 7 th, 1-894. _ - - NS F'011 TAVERN e licensez, in this dis, e first :day of- May the Inspector, for this e first day- of April, plication: - . US STEWA.T. - .94; 1 Inspecto4- STA414OIV FCR SALE HE UNDERSIG TED ; .OFFERS .FOR sEIe the three foilolving Clydesdale stallions, all .bred from imported stock.. "Mack," dark ba corning six. near y hieen hundred poun • s ; sired -by IacG- ,g r•• dam -`Midtown, Belle." - -A- sure foal. g tter, and perfectly k? ind. / •• •`-`Prince,"e cOmii r three, • bay ; aTkd rank" eominti 1,wo, -al o.boy. both -sit ed= !lack , dam- inipor d- Fancy, • k-w•ho,-h s c rried off the first pri -WO svteep stales 'at. tje,five local shows. hh s The above anruial:s'Will , be,so c1_ cheap • for: c sh, stock -or approve notes.: - . - For futher partic as as, to- pedigr ees and t rim apply to - TH1G AS TODD, .' S Helens P'1)1 - (int.. a. VST . RECEIVED- s.:. • IS.the tti:f make.- your selections in • ROCKERY CLASSWARE•�RQCERIES &e PROVISIONS • lels ing i : lack Lead lue, , aking Powders -arley, pot ssth Bnok cans rooms salons rushes 1 iscuit } offee - onf ectior ery . :. armed Goods tlefra. h3colate orn, conA - orn meal}" urrants 4. nrrie Powder ;ream Tarter (Jocoanut Pates Th �: Ladies are invited t inspedt them PUBLIO. NOTIOB I` T THE ANNUAL - MEE• TING 00 I� tie 11 emlock : City Millin_ g Cornpan held of Grant's school house on Wedneada the llth 'of January. It was resolved tha irom:and after 20th of January. 1894, that n grinding 'rill be done for any but stock holde until fu ther notice. - By order -of the Stoc -Holders 4;. = GEO Sr ROBERTSON, an. 11 b,189 h. ' Secre'tar • —R1I fluM ATISII ou-BEE IN A DAY.— - iSouth American. aerican Rheumatism Cure for' Eben aratis-m. and . Neuralgia- radi- caflycures:in 1 to 3 days. Its -action upo the :system - is remarkable and xnysteriofs. It removes at . once the - - ca( • and ;the disease imtnediatel.y dis- 1 The first -lose - greatly bets. :75 cent. Warranted by A. B Cancrrean. : • 4• •. - ..Men 41 j rrio><te�p-,. ntowork for us who desire to m°rk y this fall and winter during slack times. , Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare : time. out of • world, Or looking for a paying business write nee at once. - FR -F0 E. YOUNG, Nurseryr ROGHEST-Et N0. Y. an cKEi1I E%ECIITOfiS' ,NOTICE OTICE,IS HER suance _of Sec. Revised -Statutes: ' of ' reditors and nth h. state of Angus McDo f Lucknow, in tile C eceased, who died on 'day of December, -18 to send by post prep I IcN ellidge. of tiler° " andP, 0. , the sole and Testament,'of the fore-the - - 1BY GIVE IN FLR d of 01 liter 110, OE the Ontario. •,1887, thatt all Vi6g4 claims againstthe. gall late of the Vill g e tin, =a nth red )hit' nty:' of. Bruce,;n)a or about the. el eve 3, are hereby re4ui d, or to deliver t fir J: nship, of Bruce, xecutor. of the last -- said deceased, on or be- 4. I ner- ill the I have in stock the following : Ejt Dried actAsppl- e' - - Fie*" f . Fish., canned Fish, dried - ..GinGelotinegers Hops Honey ILicoricnk: - - Indigo. e Linde -Juice Lemons Lathes Lard 1Ma cs Mi che Meat l�taa tal aui . } Mro Watts, canned V�Vlagnesia f . Nuts Nutmeg nil, oljve Oil, sweet - Oil, castor rOatranges - - OMeal, Paeelails P,- PPipeski. - - ices Pearline Peas. canned Pepper Raisins Rice . • Riree Flour ,, . Sago Salt Salmon SSennardinesa -: Seeds Sugar ;Syrups Soda . Soaps Soaps . - Spices Starch - Strawberries, canna' Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes, canned' Teas Tobaccoes • - :Vermicelli . Vinegars - W ashhvsrds . Wa`,birg Crysta Woodenware biting . - - r•Sets ken 'tinter Dinner •b. Tea Set:. ' 'VVater.Sets Crean* Sets Berry Sets t, • '1'o'] ct Sets No r Flours al' :-ays on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. B • YliiSt'otig e are bound to lead Wali in ours Iin.e. e ha.v ill stock a -. ood `assor of .Tewel?r- . -- and plat ,�• {� in .fact,every-tiling -are selling ln our line W�LIc .h G. . -at b ttomn rices. Somethilig AND BElA Make FrOmi tc per, we k 0- EL14ING OUR.IIARuY CANADIAN. ; rown -Nursery Stock. H%gheet salaries or CmmMission::p. ajd Weekly: a COM-PLETE 'OUTFIT FREE. 'Special instructibns to beginners, - Write this week for torus t), E () GRAHAM; NIIRSERY�MAN, { •• Tor‘nto, Ont. TENTH DAY OF ; ;APRIL, 1- 94. statement : of their names, .addresses land la' dpscript)oi:s, the fu particulars and; proofs of their claims, and the nature: of -tiieii se- curities, lif any) held I y t em;- an.that After- the fterthe said nate the sai exe ' utor will proceed to distribute the asset: of the said deceased. among the parties en :•tled:thereto,•-having re- gard only to clai s iof which he hail then have had notic:, and .will not be 1 able for the said assets, or any part thereof, toj.:any - person or persons of whose claim he h- no noticeat the time a of such distribution. JOHN McNELLIDoil Underwood Feb•14t t , 1894. Exec AKER cOHFEcTI0! & GROCER. • - DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF' Gro eties, Gonfectionery, tined Goods, Flour, Oatmeal,.' Corn lea, Etc., : Etc. - 0 Y TENDE_ ' S WANTED. AOR VENT RING WITH ' I J1 t NO. 12 Schon .Heise, township Aslfield.. Also tenders for sbiughng and necessary alter- ations for the brick ork.: Specifications) with the -Secretary. Sea ed tenders will be re .eived" and opened at scho 1 house, March 17t , at .2- o'clock p m...- Not .bound to,. accept owest -tender. PETER SHIL 3,, Amberly spec ia1 er wedding presents � . N _•- - . . o ouhleshowods.. tomo •T airing : tl -attends N • B --1 e pi omp ly to. All wor guaranteed.: 1048-3 = IT3 IN SEASON. _ - hapking: the people mf Lucknolw• end _vicinity -for their 'liberal .-patronage in the past, we would solicit a . continuation • of the same. MCKENZI E . LUCIPTONT, oN . NOWT P THE:.: - mnencing, ;Tuesday, ::Feb -27th, and - cont. ming every T esday during March and .April, a oion= int Sle9pe r will be attar ed to train leaving Luctinow at 10:48 a. m. ' ford- the accomodat$on 1 of parties g ing'. to ,Manitoba and the Nor h -west.: Thi sleeper will be attached to througli train - ieaing T#,Tonto_ at 9: a. in. same North Bay 'and C. rmtro T EW E ,EIL - fl..: TILE i R SALE� L r 1HE' •UNDERSIG !'Er) WISHES, TO �. iinform the :public that he has fc,r sale brick and tile. Any ;Jerson wishingiany would do well to call at the Holyrood brick yard -i. . ::: J CARLETON,. Iolyrood CLEODIs . pionovator. And other- tested remedies SP ' CI.FI4. A D` 'T,IPOTE Impure, Weals... and I �apoverished ' Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness` Palpitation_ of the Heart, :Liver Lomplaint, , Neuralgia, :! i)ssv of Memoi?,y, " Bronchitis, Consumption,: tall Stones; .Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Pis- asees .St. Vitus' Dance, Female -Irregularities and (mener.i1 UCH lity. : 81 per half pint and 82 per pint; bottle. j - GODERIC73, O`T. J; M. M.cLE0 , Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold iy Harry - Davis: and A. B. Oongram, -.Druggist s, I:ucknow .. LABORATORY.- ,1 • Leadsdiem all for Pamily' Grocoios -i\ ND OANNW_OOQDS. Fruits of All Kindsin Season. FINE TEAS �r SPFClACi'Y Lois :Watches, Clicks, La: :ratings, etc. l epairin alb kinds, :Gold • and Si plating -t. Tiekots sold. and ggage diecked- through - tp destioa. ' For -further particulars. apply to ent ,. Lucknow, Onto. ECTAL r y cheap -+A boys Amer c Watch: fall. • and s them piety pins _aid ethbl e all kinds at :•: J• C. CATER, JEWELL e door eastof Dave Moody's.. CURE THAT 0 G ` 1TH S H'S ;1.00 Bottler: s -One cot adoe, cows CUBS Prompt! '1`�d (3>�s � � Cow/hs, Croupa Where :all oarseaossi whoopin - Cou and - Shsosl, Hoatse;�ess; , hoe no rim= Astbsas: For C nsuasptioa It , ri bas oared thousaads.-and will Cvon' 0 -takeout tome.: ld by egg o ,eiintee.: For a .ume - Back - or Ch BIIILOH'S BELLADONNA PLAST CLT.. LJTROHi$ON1A8I LIIC$NOW. iefatiocure__verns ststitrrharsturredyie ioli by uted in 30, minutes b) W PATENS T. e Largest Stock. The Ckozcest , &oods1' Best rtiue 0_ t al 1 s14 OH i n Luckii ow a :: JOHN ELLIOT Are coming and you will want a nice . Christtnas cake, you cannot do better than leave your in der with Thos. the] Baker and. Confectioner who makes them in ' all sizes, at all yrices, of a delicious taste -and' exquisite quality, ,as well as handsome in 'appearance and made of the purest ingreclients. _ RDER- EAR So that you•may not :be:':_;disap- - pointed. The most - toothsome pastry,- a --choice collection of • Confectionery from 10 cents up.. All the latest,notions Ca:ndies Canned Gtoods in abundance, Oranges, Lenions, Figs,., 'Raisins, Cuitants and all lines of fruits. G'ysters,in bulk. Oit SALE HOS. REID, =move,' Attouti01 To obtain thp 'best. prices for your ; it is. to -yOr::adyantage FINE. :LIVERPOn SALL . a0C1- bring it to marketin *eighing from..210.-:to Z. lb.- or: _in tubs. :Crocks: Or fiats at. Pe LNG -BARGAIN-FIF EN ACRES OF! land, a gobd house,' barn, and orchard. near the railway station;• or particulars , apply to Rpv. John Walkei'.. 148, Luck; nOw' or at his residenCe. • 0ALESMEN TV SOLICIT' FOR chOiCe' line -of nursery Stock. Com- plete ou fit free.. Good pay fron.i thestart. I.Prev* us experience iiet necessary, Write.at ono nd secure territory THE HAWK NIMBI:nit CI). lorts - fret die smv tac the fiou fox. kat con son Put bui rot stt ant •