Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-16, Page 43 r rt - EkIUJW *tntuu1 • HE LIBERTY TO UTTER' AAD 1*,- ARGVE , FREET1Y Ac,C01g)I iG TO TR -E DICTATES t, 0P C#SCihE}t 1WW1;'P`RILE A$0vfE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES_ �- Ltcknpws. 1L6th,; 189*. ONE MAN ONE VOTE. T.h . ticktiouv• -tee Bruce Court ty, F.r- the B,oseb ry ;Government `will ask. the Im ia.l Parlirnent to a the adopt P� � P one-manone-vote principle. " In Ont - aro rt iso already the law that no elect- or shall rote- in,more than one con- stituency in a Provincial election. ' A- 1 like meiisure v should bef , passed a, Ottawa lays the Toronto News. The preterit Federal system, . ander .:which= 1 a Man mny_vote in as Many ridings as hie has property, is one of the principal causes. -ot corruption and is most un- fair to endid it who are not ;wealthy. r, L . - It is possible for one who is the choice of those residing in a canstituiency to be swam ed by the non-resident votes brought brought in by an . oppo:lent who has -the moneiy or the, railway .influence decessarv: to _ provide transportatiu.n. Thus. 'by means o: a: corrupt " expQnd- ituye.'ar the riid of a railway that... has i is own ends to serve, a man is sent - shall be permttted • to assist in th election of an old p rty cand = oto eve. where ere a Patron is ot_ in the, eld Before orderi ' g,. your spring su call and see the lin of Twe4,ds we ar making up in the 1. test etyl's for $1 pier suit, . Fit guar : nteed:-A: S. Camj bell, Merchant Tai or. > • 6 Foresters Notice - The neat regula meeting of Court Liucknow, No. 454 Independent Ord" r, of Foresters,. will meet -on Tuesda .arch 27th instea of 15th; -- inst. • J s. LYONS, :C.'R.• D. N. T AivnENCI —A - good..: ban some' sec nd -ban d :merit for sale.Also a variety f s . cQnd hand bug ies. Ca11, and scee o r stock.-Hild d -BIN,. e —W` have elev i4 . our work shop so busy so :. early i `mans: that :our.; ga � J s tisfactior�, and _ stay right with; u Merchant Tailor. ---" Oh, me 1 " S; s. nk into the - chai . twenty-three.,. call�� broken to pieces, q icker than - tha One call . finished e a t ,- • --The largest;var- stock in town of d our own make. p- and open, Made material- iind first n people;_ working and never: were : w. the' season.- Thi ments give:- enter. hat our ustomer ---A S. ampbeI , id his wif'., as. sh T' very -part os. --CAPTAIN n . Diego tai'rah Remedy is have ever;..-.fo Ille any good.-" ld_ by Harry. lay oto Ps riii ent as the nominal represent- B - .tive 'f a cou:.ui.unity of which he is not_ the choice. .. Plura.iity of votes t S _ f .6 shouldbe abolished for three reasons : (1) The tisk of selecting a - represent- , • woad. be confined to those act R d ually resii lein -in a constittiei cy ; (2) the expense of election_ contests would Eve dec rea' pend: rre hundreds -lone awa ea 3Pd ; and -(3) the ex - Involved in carrying electors of miles to - vote A: 1d be «i !li. . f TnAm.honesty iS .the best policy has ai air: bee proved ed in the case of Fraser the Graul Trunk emliezzler. After a few noiiths of wandering , from .which all pleasure was elifnina1ed by the. con- stant feu of`capture, he has .been sen tenced to three years in : Penitentiary. eraser's fj to should be a :w'artiini to others in 'positions such .as he # filled a Lw pont ago. Money obtained by the robbery of an employer ;m ,y furn- ish urn-ish pleasurable _excitement rfo• a time but detection is certain sooner or later and in these days of a world: -wide tele - g _ graph- anc police service escape is im- possible. _ . WEWF(UNDLAND is one of our -best customer for�inat ufacturetA goods: .Vire sold o the peoF island lastyear$101.000 worth ' of . leather ; O J 141 h ve mad to ay, . !and I Ive got , broken , " jrowled John. me last night. ety .and best cele *- wagons, factery!i� Parts &. buggies. from. choice select= clan: worhmahshi rant)eed� Hildre E NEY,.U. S. A .says , _; "Shiloh' the first itiec,rcu�e std,. thAt- -w ou-1 Price° 50.-s cents ABSTyA p-; Receipts & Exp & Liabilities of ndtures, Assets. in o S for 1893 RECEI, it 1 To ;balance at I ist e 30 Total `:i eee EX PEN�'DI B Roads ; bridges Relief and 'tax rel County .rite, School rate : .. Salaries iii; cammi Printing postage Drainage.. . . rNiseellaneous .. ed the , treasurer's acCounis:.- 'of the -cip iity of the row ship of ,Kinloss to he vouchers Su-li ittid-to(ns and in $P4,000 lin. boots andrshoes ;-1$46,000 in '''. ' -PINLAY, '1,1e -IN ES -hardwarti'; $44,000 in wdodenware ; THO*AS 3tURRAY, 135,006 iti machinery ;$i3,068 in wool- - SP ' 7 daughter of Ed aril 1McQuillan, to ;clothing, 1 and $8,000 '..--tiebrdage , ;:ir_einle's. father n the 12th hut by NeWfounilland . bought - fro:MI. u '----:::-----. oildilt atn, , littr Joni' Br Dipi bad' for 'a colony of. abotit: 200,0094/4N _ TEM WilOti bill, as 'reported by the ' Finance' I.Committee of the _United States' S,tiate, is very* different from • the measure sent up by the House or 'Representatives. 'Still it is a &insider - able impr#vement on -the old McKinliiy law.- . Lumber arid eggs,. in the amend- ed sehedules-, are still kept on the free TS. n hand ut, -14;,' -fitted 2494.89, 9.994 .93 f: $1248S s, .$2976 52 -,328 2798 8r 4079- 5 678 24 60 95 125 0 369.0- sta'ry • • • r •, • I. • s soon as • • jure. is A. - • . s •. • •, �vi1�1 �e in • 14 • 9 a slim:71d ge.( some._sap rppared_for, the sugar 5easbg ;s:ruie at! out. store. ; • .ppi y pf ppring 'aoocts s cthicipletp 'ypu *ill will by dealihg with - w as 011 IT RE li,EPAR 11 AINTS Yon; will be. doing -sOnie painting this spring anal w,e, lead in those goods. 114.RDWAR • STOE • MID IJIICKIVOTZV 11 W Ilea; _OH bushel -tit/ 5 Peas Opts Potatogis ter EING THE EAr_if HALF OF LOT 20 Oonpession 14. West Wawarsh ship,,iont4inine 100 ,acres with the following imprk5/iements :Al brick house 20 x 30 ; Frame -kitchen 18(30.; frame barn, stone hank 50A60 Ceder log Barn, 30x.10. ;.Franw Staiitle,40x30 Large -orchard, spring creek' crossin4 the lot.' 95 acrei cleared and fit for cultivati;: the bal-. ance 5 acres are bush. The property is con- venieht to loth church and' school fiand only three miles from LucknOw, Will he sold at a reasonable1A6pguorxe ,to tlist the tax on potatoes is about 100, a bushel 14ss than that now -levied ; the ,Auty on plOultry is cut in half ; wool is wade free; agrieulteral implements will be put on, the non-dutiable_list as -80Gn as we reciprocate and the. impost iipn barley is only about one-half *bat was before), It is generally eonced- !ed that Miss 611 Senate is *likely, to _to- add io its 'restrictive features. ; although still fir from being. a free, 'trade measure it is.much -better for :Canada than the . McKinley ' McIntosh to Jane, only daughter •of Mr; SHIN LEs FoR SALE. shi#gles, warranted fir t-olask For further particalars apply to KENN (IAMB TO THE P EMIOS OF THE underbigned„ lot 1 con. 5, Kinloss, On or ibout the end of No ember last, an aged ewe. The owner is reciiiested to prove proper- ty , pay expenses and take her away. JA,ligs WILSON - 0 -0.0b FA FOR §AL cin township*it nil* 86 aereiall clear: ed and in good state -of -ultivitiOn, The -Id- lowbit buildings are erected thereon,-----PraMe .House 18x2S and Frame 13arn 36436 The Rro- -miles from Ripley, and 9` milesi Kincfiid- A Patron „. Lodge in- Victoria ine • Will -be aold at a ba*ain declaring that MO. member of the older • • r *Dried alaplei." • Taildw 509 5 Ttirltei , pefr lb. ,.;-... . alp Geese, ,Per , tb.... BShraenir, ..p:t,i, c'w: -...-....!.....,_$1.0(.) .t0 $1.1 • • MO OR SE.E.tVICE . CLEvEtiwn, 17.017, -7 -Roan, (tallied Feb, 20th 892, bred iby A 0 Paterson,' Luckngiv, Ont., elude, to -5 by Dixie 9D-iilc, 474 ; Maid of .ayfiowe4 :1514 bY Alfreid. 3041 Eva,- 981 ;: Souter 'Johnny 1°83 _; Florence Nightingale, Duke, 484 ;COuntess 2nd.; 784 133r Leopold Lancaster. 360 , by a ion of Windsor, 698. .00.. payable Jan! let 1895. Cows to be re- lied :twice if necessary, Hind charged._ . same . —SHILOH'S VITALIZER. -;Mrs. s s*.: "MnlohliiVitalizer. saved 141ife consider it -the best rismedy for a de,* yspepsia,•,LiVer or ICOnety trouble it 1 Wilkinso.n, ;of BrOWns valley, W.,: Says '1';hita been distressed Condition for three years 'frOin .NivVonsness,:-WeakneSS of the $50, oio4h of doctOrIng- ever:'- did in my* I would 'oitIlVise any Weakly Iperso4:-.t� use this valuable:and: :lovely - _guarantee. It curO Incipent 'Con. suintttioit. It is the best ":cough cure.! and $1.00 ter bottki: . Sold by Harry' • • • • Is now ,open -with a full line of .Genti Furnishings, consisting of Ties; Puffs: __and . Cellars. Pie - latest -stylealn hats-; the .Fedork range of i.Derb)r. and stiff hats. suits in stock„ .•0203311311) 040TICI;q. 4.'siszczAzaii, • And a good, )gt guaranteed, Custom work at usual :.museArs NEL BLOM • • • • • 00 • • • • Ic