HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-09, Page 4r UNITED II 088iiT EN • f TEND At the recent meeting of the Lodge of the 4ncient Oder of I Werkrnon, itr Toronto, the fin. report showe l the Society to be - fourishing eonditi•,n. It says, past, year tias -been one of anxie may respects. The Grand having reduced the age.limit frc to 45, thus ccttting,off a large u Df applications, which' we would wise have received ; a. financial , ,ion lig 4ng exited in business all over he county, ; causing a scarcity of. money, sickness an eletnic having created a mortilit has been alarming, yet we are report another . successful year assessment fess has been require year than in 1892,. and we hay out over $11,000 more to Lena than in that year, and the bala our general fund on the 31st embei shows an increase of o O Q. Our, membership has in between 1,400 and ::1.500. Th diction of Ontario at :the close .had paid out since arkanization. 000: to the beneficiaries of 'members. Since the establish the Order over $50,004,000 h paid tot ; neficaries, and the -number oli assessments per y 214 years has " only been 14.8 receipts in the general fund fe $9.000 less than in 1892, b expenditure was $5.000 less, balance this year is nearly $5Q than last: year, so that finanei ,have had a very prosperous ye THE,APJ'LE ESOP List of the Verities Wan Mr. W. S. Holmes, of this who is a member of the Appl Association lately formed in 'has -received the `; following f -ecressry of that;.Association -0 Wellington St. E. Feb. 27 DF R Six,—Tbe following of apples were named for the ion Standsths homier ..pples--Duchess o burg, St Lawerance, Alexan Early Fall apples—Gra Maid:en Blush,Cayuga Red r Kentish Fillbasker, Colvert. Late Fall/ wpples--Blenh ston, Cranberry, and 20 ounc K ngs,_ Hubbardston, Wealt water,-Tamica. Winter apples -N. Spy, S Golden and Rox.Russet, Ma Greening, Seek, • Qntat iQ,. Wagener; Pecks Pleasant, S Canada tied,. Pheonix, "Be Swaar, Tennock The two last 'named late ,the eighelast.-named winter not reccomendedto be groN a time . at -Least must be cla the . Asso ration Standa t fy as early as possib ,classificat'on meets with yo J. M. S$UTTLEWQRT ASHFIELD rand nitpd n&al in a y in ge m t50 0 oth epr ire, gr er r- s - es at • epiich- wh, ble 'to ,lone This p id cin 'les ce in f ec- r. $4. reased j ris f 189/3 .2.620. ceased en of s. been v age ar for Our ome3. t: our ndl our larger 11 we r. vt lege, Buyers co 000, tho -VElfities e • ti tts: vyANTO- enders will be -reeeived • and olyrooil Mechanic's Hall- on eeessafily accepted. c Ply • an specificatio store. Sealed ened at the Marehl:Ith at er. ktib- Pippins, itzimburg Baldwin onathan eele Red, Davis EING:TH NORTH HAIF (i.lr TAUT 1, lathe Jth eon. of , Killion; Tanship containing ',50 acres. i There is a goiid house . and a,gonct barn on the premises, befides three acres of au orchara.. I ren acres are 'Isummer- folloWed aild ready for spriu,g. czop.: lit is sW , uated, five Mile '- froni .Ripley , For terms an partielars, apply toi , I i 7M. McMILLAN ‘: • fa 1 and ap les are n, for ski under d. Please S4e. Trig. 1050 2 South of LICRNSE ACT. B uce IAL-APPAICA*IONS FOR T1 VERN-. - shop, or Wholesale licenses; this- dis- trict, to take effect on the -first daY of. May • 1894, must be filed with,the Inspect for this ct, on or before' the firnt- -day pf rf • Forms supplted On application,, ..,4/ FOR SALE FMB UNIERSIGNED OFF RS FOR 1 sale the three following lydesdale stallions, all li ed from imported st ,ek. 'eighteen - bun red pounds:,/ sired by MaoGre- getter, and pe "Mack,"tidlark bay ; coining tax. nearly idtown Belle." 4. sure foal 1. "Frank" copIniing two, also boy. both sired by "Mack" `; dam imported "Fancyr , who has carried Off the first 'Prizes and sweep stakes at the five local Showa. The above animals will be sold cheap for cash; stock o approved notes. , ' For futhe partiqulars as to penligrees and iiir St Helens P o Huron I. Co. Ont Miss Aikens, - from IA mg am, is visiting friends in this vie nit The weather is very mil an sprini 4ike, -The spring birds havh mach an appearance. The fall wheat'looks ver wet after the snow has disappeared it. -pupiii S. N-6. 5, fcir Feb nary based deportthent, punctuality flel- pro- ficiency y#1,-. Class—B Ritchie a A Brown, H Anderson, D. Smith. ter, E. Gardner. Reed. ILOII'S CURE guarantee. 1;t cures- I sumption. It'is tile best Only one cent a dose ; 2 and $1.00 per bottle. S Days. cipent Con. cou*h cure. id b Harry .-7-CAPTAIN SWEE EY San Diego, Cal., says Sold by Harry Days. edicine would EXECIUTORS' NOTIO• OTICT HEREBY GIVE PU suanc of Sec. 36 of Chapter 110, ot th creditors and others having clai0 agai the estate of Anglus McDougall. late ($ th illagle of Lucknow, in the Cognty of. B e, mason, Deceased, who died on or about e eleventh day of DeceMber, 1893, are er by required to send by past .1)repaid.-0 to de ver to John wood P, O., the sole xeautar of the last Will foie the and Testament, of e said deceard, on or be - TENT DAY OF A PAM 1894. a stateinent of their names, addresses aild their claims, apd the nature of their se- vurities, (if any) held by them, a d that after the said date the said executor iltproceedi to distribute the assets of the aid deceaSed len have had notice, and will not' be li le or the said iassets, or any part -thereof, to • ny person or persons of whose clailm he has no notice at tir time of such distribution. JOHN Mo ELLIDGE, Spring psi RECEIVED AT IT e Ladies are inyi m'spect them. te to PUBLIC NOTIC T TAR ANNUAL MEET .L -1L the 'Hemlock -City Milling held ot Grant's school house on g the llth of January. It was r4so froin and after 20th of January. 189 'grinding will be done for any but s I until further notice. By order of Holders J an. 1894 edneaday ved that hat no he Stock SO Se retary Underwood Feb 14th 1894. %/Executor. MNDERS WA TED WOR VENkEltINGtiWIT *RICK NO. 1.3* -12 SOo(41-11ouse- townsh Ashfield. 'Also tenders for shingling and Inecessary alter- ations for the brickivOrk Spedifications With the Secretary. Sealed tenderS•arill be received and opened' at school louse, March 17th,lat 2 o'clock p bound to- I accept loWest man peopls, i. e, thote and tight, and_ 'vOmp. et adopt the Niaeau ot do it, because thelt e ideae. They believe OE aa opinion about Elm Bible: Nov, if tlioy li who la to say that requirements of- God ose who, also iov dg part of the divice re - ow that God exign in emu in the differs co theology. According Item. The thet0egy e required of us be ne,ce entitled to hold to theology of f;ice Nuked' to heild4 team doctors Were ef it -does ;net at doth God require -to love mercy, Ind ta in throe equS1 rent from theologi and not so areal! o .tee nle that doiik tell hew with tilt tuutelexpO it di. mad ,touch of raj 4 -eat re, og 4ew 0014(0 Placed An *hen ma Which lb pliablAi and its deithfw Pioimb writtin au women like it melts nen le a mental' a like a !man geed taste, wit eueugtw- fairei ask is mere power the. wdrld. Arms4 n e are bound them all in o have in stoc goocl Merit 0 ewelry anti pia in fact, n our line whieh. ar at bottom prices. So special for wedding Notronble to 340W to. All work guaranteed,' o We sort- ilver- r thing thing r seas! • Is the plac. to make your selectiong3 OROCKERY, Gili,SSWARE, GROCER' I have ill stock the fol APples Blacking Biack Lead Blue - Baking ,Powdere 'Barley, pot. Rath Brick: Brooms Beskets lashes coffee confedionery Cocoa Chocolate Corn, .c4nned Corn meal Currie POwder Cream after; COcoan Dates iiD,:esd Apple FGi4hot,idnreied Oil, castor Oil, sweet HGtupgsers Oranges Honey Oat Meal Ink Foils LLiellin:3111:ice PPri : eeee apea slrp esi, tr ae n n e d Inoigo Pipes Pickles Licorice Macaroni Salmon Meal Meats, canned Magnesia Mustard - 146.tii1 Pour always on hand. Gpods 'delivered t6 any CHANCE a e From $15 t per .iffek SELLING OITR HARD prown Nursery St IOTTTFIT. FREE. beginners, Writ' CANADIAN _Highest salaries ekly. COMPLETE pecial instructions to is week for terms t.), Toronto, Ont, AND' TILE FOR 4ALE. inzform tkerpublic that he has for sale brick and tile Any person wishing any would . do well to can at the Halyrood brick yard Holyrood McLEOD'S System nonovator. AnA other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE' ImpUre, -Weak and Impoverished Brood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of. the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dia- asees, St: Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 er pint bottle. • 110,111310 ulphers .. apioca :ff. omateeS1 confined obaccoes inegats ashboards iriner Sets yeast Cikes- Tea Seta I Urearo Sets :telly Sets' oilet Sets art of the...towth. 4 • 1 JEWELLE . Proprieto and Manufacturer. Sal& by Harry Dais and A: B. Congram, teads m all for Pauly Grocerice CANNED GOOD Fruits 4M mds in Season. FINE TEA rFOIAL, TY he Largesi (Stolk, theChoztest &as. ,tli*e B,es,t e, obtainable intLucknow--. j ta PLACE or Watches, Clock aidies Rams, etc. Re iring of la ng SPECIA Very ellieap A boy Watct Call them ociety pins' and e alkinds at J. C CAT ne door east -of Dave FOR PARTICULARS ABOUT THE SETTLERS' TRAINS TO MANITOBA AND TINE NORTH i -WEST erican see Are coining andf you .isr;, 1 want a., nice Chriltmas .make, you cahnot do -better .th lealie your :-older with Thos. iReid, the Baker and Confectionk who ,Makes them in all sizes, at 411 price§, of a; deliCiOuS taste an:di exqUikie quality, as well as ha dsome:..in aPpearance --and made o the purest ingredients. ORDE EARLY ems Pf See your semi, Retlroad Agent and tit a, copy of "Fre, Facts, Farms and LL Y's. • So that ou m4y, not be • disap- pastry, ,a1 choice collection of _All the lawst notions in Candies-, ;Currants kind alines of. fruits, 1011CHISON AGENT TH • • Bai'er &_Confectioner Farmers ttezttiou To obtain ovEATSTRADE OOPtflieliTS6 prom_pt answer and {an honest- opinion, Write to MUNN ftiz CO., who have had nearlyfifty years! experience in the patent business. Communim. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain then' sent free. Also a catalogue of Inechanq ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throngir Munn & CO. receive special notice in the 5ci en due American, and thus are brought wifiely before the public with- out coSt to the inventor. This splendid paper, isSued weekly'. elegantly illustrated. has by far the largest k circulation Of an# siaientific work in the World. $3 a year. eam e sent free. Building Editiononon 52.50 a year. Single Sa cents. Every number contains beau - tint plates, in colors, and photographs of new -houses. with pians, enabling builders to show the laterk designs and seeure contracts. Address The eater. I Ye ter, lb pre0 different ch as much 0 the it Latin vio louse of n Into Buie 891119 len( the greater 0. Two GREAT COUG:E1 Con wheref all others fail,___CoUg Throat,. Hoarseness, Whoo AathMa. For Consumption: bits Mired thousanda, and takettin time. Sold by Dru antea. For a Lame Bac pr mptly cur s, Croup, Sore in Cough ant! it as rio rival cum You a ista on a guar. or Chest, use ABB!' .MEDY: dy is guarani.. isetertreap Sold, by T DM'S it is to yo FINE 1.i actsi4ntage to Ape POOL 'and "Ong t to tilarketin rolls- 'weigh41g Nom: 111 to .3 lb...or c: inytubs. roc .-or pails .th.is-r.seasolt bring SPAM INC . cured in anitary - human 4 all animals 30 minutes by Woolfordis riwarn, Druggist, - LAND FOR SALE A tARG.AIN-l--j'lPTEEN ACRES 01' lapd, house, barb, and orchard near the railway station,. Fer particulars apply to Rev. Johi Walker, built 148, Luck - now or at his resid nee. 0 ALESIVIEN' TO,: SOLICIT -_ Wit Plete outfit -fret Go41314 from the dart. !Pollee:it:us .exper%nce not :necessary„: Write 'at THE WIC gURSERY CO. Rochester _DI •