Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-02, Page 8-Vree• ••.•. „ .6.- J 21- • - ,•• ••• - _s.0,0tine-.1, Bruce CoUrft • • LUCKNdW POST...0 FICE. 1 -lours 8 a. rn. to -7 an M.Aths ARRIVF.. W. ('.&b.Sonth. 6:13 a. m, 1 IL&B. 2sort4 1.2-30 1 ft plyrJ otl Kinlough Kinloss . W, G.. &B.. North Goddrich 1 Intermediate points & B. North -- 1.angsicle At, 0,-; k B. ,So,uth -1 .1 a II. & B.'S.i!itir IkAr , G.& _B.Nori-,4: ; I olyFood ,• . , } inlough ;C.inlose , • 230.p. 1114 3148 p. m. . 9 00 p. m, 10.30 p. In. •_ Tu sdays an : 3 0'0 p 1ridays - 10.00a.m - - 3.20 p. In 4:30 p.m . Daily b • 414 St - — iitn ti!: Patron Notea-itiation The Wt *von Pt-ttro ArY will meet -inext Tuesd ganrion for the purpose o .a candidete tt). contest nuinber of names have tioned, the *test being _Cox and Dep'utyllteeVe Stt of Goderic4 Township.; - of Ashfield, abdJas.. Ga Wawa -nosh. Don't Do It • -11t may not be -known th ing7 penal ac in. isettfindi .whether 'arty ;offence has, committed or not*, at d al ea b 1 v ad veitise,A a re w a t • turn of any property, w hi stolen or lost,;. and in su 1ftfrtuses aq words, par no.ciii(s.stion i.t11.1 Ie \ asked, penalty ef $:?Zo"O for each - Paramount Factory The milk rbutes for the Clieese and 1:11.L.ter factory. - follows: 2n&con--e--siou r tos1Nir. Jou Start for eonci!-sion wc‘t, Air. Phil for a90 ; Bolinelary west, Barkwell for,6168,50; B route t Mr. WeJey If nd i3118.00 f" i2th concessio • to Air. Gardner, which • w as much cheap yi;ar. • is of Indus-. v. in Dun - nominating • Huron. - en Jaen - eve John nue( Sturdy' ,M..stotherS nt of'OeVest es tt mpound7 ta le offence n one eh° or the re - has •bK-rt cvertise- thin- that •iableoto ce. aramou ere let • 'Fd.rme s In titute. eetitiA of - ilho Vesk HitoOn Farina, 's I4Ist itu t e -Will b held at Diu). - ea nnon on March Iiiith,- :1 89 i, at. w hich t2shO !fall wine slieakers 'Wi 1 take pert . Hort. . lin rydiel,,Proi. Dean, (3,0-. -A C.;` A.. urrii Wingbairt,' R. AicMillan,. t, -Consta ee, and- others. Orange Grand Lodge* The 'ran 1 ,Orange Lodge of Ontario ;WeSt, n ee.ts at. Cli:ithant on the 11,3th'bi . 1$1ar .h, tied_ the Blaok. on the 12th. gIaiida .d. nab -weir .certitieates for . red- ue.il fates ell, rt only be obtained frem- ti4et acTerits. Dekeates , .v.‘ill - bear e_ i . 0 , . till§ in liud.: ' A. T. -Davidson_ will rOp- rtsont ucknow Lodge. , - l- Obeistri n Endeavor . The nternational convention of t ft sot:WI-le of Christain -EndAhvor - will tne4 t lis -year at Cleveland,- Ohio: Thti, d:t e is iiow fixed and the _convent- ion 'is e intioned- from July_ 11th- .. to Jury th. Canon Riehardson, of Londo pretident of the Ontario -Union: is dein( - all it' his power. to make the i, next in ern tional convetition.. one of spe&i:11 ntelest to Canadian's: NOt itvot'.th 4a:Icing . _ i - ,. .,! - • LOCAL iLAID ` " 1 • 4.;on.deused for senun A -c up4 of . loads of one 1 young eiple drove to Ripley one night recentl • to ettend a carnival, as they euppos .d, and the Enquirer, , asks "If e{ th.e wn d the to n" No, i- they don't, t "Id' ve doubt very mach if any one of mortga thecar place, , Ives. On. Tu.' dred Kincar t •131"•ce8 as now -al e •was let .5.1 ; •1 '2th p _Tennyson, • to Mr. Jas. clary eaet- rson,. for • fo aset1612-75toe. light - .r than last the ci 6 6 Well Jubilee Singers. •The Canadlan Jubilee two of -their popular ea Methodist elikirch here- Saturdly eenings, la audiences.. they. are a N and: their singing and or tion were oe the h. - -Jimmy Liehifoot has a . , . voice anti is one of the singers that; bas isite 1. • :NThy gave a seng. service on Sunday ee_enin.g and •as packed 4:).the doors, Well Brea Fliunkies •-Awriter-iin one of t se,ye "welt 14:ed persons • •hunellIoor pOrceis 6,1 t -h whenitis abkliutely nec •just -where 9e writer e bred personkwith snobs • A well bred Tperson car . when -he has one to carr i•s convenient for 'him vweli bred man can 'bring - wheelbarrow and - does. not suffers:a bit. rloyment hurts any ma Dasta-clly,Trick ' One of the meatiest a ,temptable acts that • committed in the villa - trated in, the skating r • clay•afternooe. last. • Mi • preprietnr of -Are rink; a anct i tilled ievilh- oil, that are •useq for lighti Left tnem on.ithe large p - end of the rink. Durin from the place for21 sho scoundrel entered the broke fifteen Of the lan the broken g1las4 and- o ice. It was a cowardly pity is that the. scoundre still at liberty. Canadian Apples • A gentleman in r.`3C0t11 been handlin$ a, goodman pies writes that some he cently.were a very pom very poorly packed, bein than windfalls, He say • him as if those who put • trying to getiall they con without thinkingwhat unfair deiiing will eve Canadian farmer s and take note of this com • won't take very much thing to spoil the reput- . adian applee in the Old _kets. Any person gifte ary common sense- ean se •• is the 'best pOlidy 1n su this, .Farmers jus no _aitord. to throw aeay revenue, however small. . • 8 a party, wotild, even take a lit. •They• Went, there.for , ,bu't es no carnival took naturally .amused them - they could in the place. nie•ht last a.loout one ting• people* from Winghan,. ri and other surrounding, to the carniyal, and Luck - d them al.1 the freedom of nd will do ssa again. That's s style of treating& :friends distan.ce. f •rr the tow • -Luckn from a LA Sple - The B. Hu 'tigers gae certs in the n t, go he gh e) ful base • best colored the village. •in the church. • the building riday and to • large d troupe 'tealselec- , st cowl: 11 'did Carnival1.1 - in-oe (r- countenance 'of Mr J. the genial proprietor of. w rink,. sparkled With .-,de- view-ed the. great crowd at rnival on , *Tuesday :evening. .ndw, ain't -'this a gratid one. "1 heeclainiied, as the SESTINEL. entered ldliig.' ft • was indeed ttoPi-frand d'. leo mistake. Youth and NV efe,--':thete -in countless -num- , • d the magnificent -sheet of ice , rupler, .opportunity. for a vening. : The masqueraders n large numbers, and - th, were varied ,in ,character: f the dresses wcire really 'beauti- altogether,: it was the --finest I ever held; in the rink. . The fone ". hand, of seven - pieces, - a (rood deal Of aninsKnent and mursid ". was ggod. The 'pi -lees i . i , d were ...- -4-Best ,r1ressed gent.' , , - ence ;-'.Best - dressed ladv I . • /_. MU a. Flood; -Gent comic dyes's, , di,- Witighani ;,- Three map race S emi.irt, Winghain ; ..21 -id, C. \--",* ingliain .; Boys' Doul,le Race' avi.:.ou. and W. Corrigan • ter .kn Miss. Fiossy. Harnlit itfrlends -in Toronto.: —Don't forget th oncert.:011°S4turclay ey nit nd Ploweidale arrived toe' Ilissue. M its- Lila. Bower, hi Week attending jektienings. _.—Vor teas, cOffeee, a lbs of raisins 'J Elltot. •time bu ooe _a beauty hers,. a afforde pleat,a1 -were o costumes Some • t • fill, en carniv. "-Vole( create their " _ .aWarelt le ityd1)• L la 0,-1, aliee ,, • do et carry .„,aiss itr et, exeept. ,i- , ssa y" That's 1st "- t nfo nds .we.a 'Elliott an OS Tan to his his oh s b flunkies. lst, Ib bundle • Lady when it arry.• tuff home breeding nest ent.-' eeding, ' d oSt con - ver been - as perpe- on Mon - liter, the vi i " cleanel 11 he lamps the place, •atcrrn at the • hi absence t t me some bui ding and ps,1 cattering 1 a 1 over the act and the o did it is as nk, nd, Who -has CanacIian ap- adreceivedre- • qUality and Hide better it seems to he up were d ot t of them da age such ua ly work. eal rs should Iai t, for it f t is sort of tic of Can - try mar- cro • Wing —T sistin able d and C week Estab ship n numb manic of Fe him thing had b • hie). "the e pupils troyin an.d p what The- p ation chive& setkve tne h t. o'00d 2•5 If ATo advic belly ha* s bran .unde imple *.‘1,4*. ts w'th ordii.:. cofl. th t honety I • villa. h . ease las ;1 2 O'cl .e n hardly ny 1, antkent s Race,. Miss Cassie en.t nel 1). Lawrence A large of skaters were present from tini and Kincardine. .1- • • ; vo cases of spring goods, con - of ,the, latest and most fashion- s -in Scotch,. English; Irish nadian Tweeds, opened out this t • Campbell's Tailoring 'shlilent. farmer in 4 n4ig )9rifig town- * - - &let the besi,-, guess as. to the r o. beans in a jar; and won a re - et. . Heil -111r i.diers a -bushel toes to tinyon H who Will tell 'wiat in huritcler the • tarnal s r." -8 Atlaitiaceounts AO One ea_tound. who could 'enlighten e-. arrie Adra4ce declares that verli sting examinatio of the r s. in The public ehe- aols ares- the,intellect M -I:the children, eve tiugi them ' from learning. hex are. sent to se!lool to. learn. ripe ual, cram„ crain for examin i of 11 sorts Is a souIrce-of nerenus i n to the pupi,l, and utterly , sive of true intellectual develop- : —Miss -Minnie Bow, r fgern14insg-toinn. Tc!-1711tck —A phonographic given in the Metho4i t Saturday evenieg next --The Oddfellows of -t end holding their arin ,rrielay _evening next, Mr. and Mrs. 11. iPungannon, spent 'Su 'village, the guest of Mrs eftders is visitina ow:graphic g next. I nce froin for this' We have a .few nice left which we are uffelin Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dungannon, spent ' Su! residence of of Mr. cremes 5 ; • .r—Mrs. D. A. McKer been visiting -at the repi McLeod, ha4. Toronto. —The. East HuroL. nominated Mr. John A • rey, is their gen& • Legisrature. —Money to loan on •let 5 , 5i and 6 per cent .size and loegthof - Malcoms6n.. .—MessrsPeter Corry \Taking, of Kinloss, are Patron convention in week. —Quality and Clea Strong.combination. T Beavee Tobacco is th chew." .• • is a Cr a Gt a, a nits of all: cts, go .tci 1- is visitin ilton tInd r be church 'On e)e 1).illwilin--:social Ion h 9t11. wford, of in the W Berry. ging laps a big bar- t- - etcher1of .. d y at he o don; Of tihis • wh6. ttas cel of .-„Mr. ✓ turned -Ito. L roue • Wive • Reeve., M fOr -ithe rs inortgfiee a cordittgr n. Z1 a 1 n —The meinbers o Canadian Order of Fr friends Will hold a grip (FO.dayfievenink in the —Fish ! Fish ! Fresh Sea-F4rring, • Lake Trotit. and flacldies a ---Misi -Lizzie Law, -W. Connel went to Ter to attend the milhnei • that city —.Thos Young Will: .a few days 's_ceith a fu tOent's,, sewing machin at his Old Stand:. 041 The members of t ave dedided ,to postpo taintilent till 'Tnes-cla .Further3 particulars w week..., —Oi. Saturday I13 • nierOulry dropped to 10 zero; *hich was the 14 the Of March 1_89; - 14 degrees. Tho Port'Elgin.Ti for the statement thatT. election.s for the Legisl Miller, may& o Wiar P.:P.)A.candidate. —Axi'auction Sale of the-prOp • Westbrook,-.will..be hel 4, (E Ashfield, �n 13 th.—J os, MALLOUGg is -Understood *4 on $4urda.y eiiderseaT .(, a and Nyin.„ ending the ronto his - ss Make a is why lthe gentleiOn'S 'S_her*lood t rs and -their • socia/ this,. r odge:room. dfish .fresh eraring, Lake ricet; at ti ur orir an.d rs, n o this .week •openingi, e his shop' in 1.ne of imple- organs, etc., n see him C..T.1 U. e their e4er- arch ipth. be given rext rn gireslsboi astltot est here since when it fell to • is authCrity 'the' coining e 1VIr, I* B. [will be the at tu �n m fa stock and 4 of George at lot 11, Con. u4day March Auctioneer, at the P. P. • he, Patron can- didat Mr. Wm. S.. ore; for their choicel for the Local ebililature for Lon& Vree Press. • ta,s ad to Preih---0--ysters; Pa Ida Oranges, Lemons, and all kinds. of 99 Biscuits consta,nply also lunch served Oysters served in any Restaurant and code The holidays of occur on the followi ou admire I bright; fresh Friday, March 23rd y garments properly made 1 I ox Thursclay(; • Donli ire close prices'? Then (Air • Sunday ;2Christroas, ? on is to (to lo l A. S. Carnp, • 1 auttion -sale and implements the A. McWhinney will bon 6„ (E. D.) Ashfiel March 6th, at 1 o'clo Auctioneer. VIT T. 5. Hawkins, Chat says; ,"Shiloll's Vitaliz I Consider it the best r bilitat-ed system I el Dyspepsia. Liver or Ki excels,. Triee-75 cents Days. es! Fi' gs Plor- a tied Groixici, .ionery :and •On hand. hours. at Mooply's inery. ie year will ate.: GloOd n's birthday i n Day;I an ueSday,N- of1-.f3rm stock p rty - of Mrs h 14 --at lot 1, Oh-• Tue0ay - Ierc -"ant Tailor, Lucknow, for he rvecl his time in all the different es of the trade and thorougly, stands'his businessn a ction. sale of farm itoCk and s, the prooerty of Peteri • en w be.held at lots 63 and. 64,.. 1, -Kinlees, just adjoining the e, on. Saturday Al arch loth, at ck in PuRVIs. ave you tried the consolidated source of J Lemon and Vanilja r Something new i beats the extract—J. Elliot. 1' ti ue an er Oga, aved myl. life - dy' for:4.dt-, isect".. :For' y trouble it, old arh.2nd LA7ES Mrs. Gli!uley, at present living with her daughter Mil. B. Vansickle, is liefT ill but we hope to _soon hear of heedovery. M. ,Ootutney and Ars. P. Bowler have been on a trip to Mielia: giu -.to see their mother and other friOnds. The old lady has attained the advance age of 14nty siX and in. all probality may see the full five score years. M. Huntei, of Lucknow, vitt- ed friends hew -this week. NIT; james Scott intends returning to Dakota during the present week, ;Anis Edith SOU Will accoMpany her father to DakOta. 4 Mr. D. Farrishliaipurchaied a very fine lyoung shorttiorn bull from E. Gaunt and 'son's. Mr. Farrish deserves credit for fiis enteiprise. Alex Ross, of Iducknow, passed thi.ough •our town- on Tuesday last He was looking - or something, mile • had* not time to c411 and see -us. - • : •;-• - I; • ./.:.=••••=.1.1.411:Ppowwww•wim.••••••••• • AS FIELD , Mrs, Walter Wiison, 13th 'con. West Wawanosh, who hills been 'dangerously ill:with, congestion of the lungs, „is now canialescent Mr. Bower, 12th conis tuning the lumber pretty lively these lastlew - weeks. Quite a number in the vici ity seem 'to be affected wiih inflamination of the ey0s., A weak solution lof alum and:water will be very sooth ng. • _ -;; - 'WPM 1.01TY • • 4, ' sitimsmarm• fa' aitt " rft• ...N4Witlx4t . ding thej- iticlemancya the weather „Last rriday, eve the. ultv - . ichool was..ercliv-cled by tip,wards Of two hundred perscrs-i .- The concert was a •granctsucoessir In „fact so sucdessful ;.: that while thk.great Majority , were . I ,exceediugly :vtiell...f pleased,.. a certain . click, merit hbme exce6ding,rly ' sorry that II: :-C: 84 u141 he - second to. -wile i: at entertaitrink :the- ptiblic. S itly 41:11 ;after eight.; the'efficient'-chairme a Mr. ; ' Giant, opened th.. entertainment withki , appropia.te.,,and witty: remarks. The-, ' Lake. Shore Band was the. first to op., pear and alth 'Ugh they. had not the l't assistance of tie friendly association, - , dle they were' lo ly _anchored every time -it they appearE4 during the the - evening. M. Wallace, te Irish comic, brought- 1, down the house and rounds of apflause. .'t - Mr Beckett; entertained the a,Ad- ience with Ili hland dali\eing and alsoi, , , althongh-the pace given him was ti5(10. : small, he hantPed ' the ":4 _Indian 'clubs.t., very nicely. iMaster Robbie IVieLe11ali danced the "ftaise to the satisfaction of:: all. 31.1isi Fi41ayson and Miss Murrayt gave recitatiotis which. were well 1 re4 -. eived. Ton ttuch credit cannot iv- -. en. Miss Magthie-PaterSon for" full:filling ; Iher engageniejit by singing "Two girls in blue. D. • B. -McKay, thei well known p per, a.nd Sidney the well knOwn. violinist were in •attendanee. frhe order was excellent, BORN • LITTLE—In uckilpw, On Saturday Feb.i ; 1 . 24th, -the -w -of Air. W. J. Little �f a i daughter. -- il .....•••••=maram, . , • - 0 11.4ve kist Teceive4i A fresh suppl,&oft t Ose daintrrib- era' ti , *ith toe cap, _which- iheladies-: have ibeen e..iiquirin so . much , for of late. Ali sizes. We offer also . , • Ocial: v lue -in ;._ .4. • 1a4e stock of Boots and Shoes o prices' right - - ER S „. • kinds in Mnd an4: 44 amminiMOMMI. s only a few crbssvi. eir large ok to be s saws exceiiend at ••• OFFgRED FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS. fz--wisb. to se ure a as saw at e, will certain lltng very ear . are all gone -7. • 14