Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-02, Page 7X F _Z_ Ali, Z 7� 7" -4 5 Z e� Ai now K 1%6 dMim they in' niuv WM be -h li"Illy 989W Ix swill tor go 69toute, :'A want.. any", ing In -Gorl f you N001 KOW4 =4 A FdX hold of 11 GOW's sm they 4 Vft" e AMW V401 y.� To emir. heaven. ALW u And i said to -my atten g P69, and t6 Move its q 1"htym'do or tow' --Peffi- -VTSIGNS-' =lred' What Is thst gr I : -UVW be atv devils 7 ­ bottle, 54114i d4p; of the -vatic?" ;rlwji- 00-1kood of4b The I on' tlie I YOU anythhe, -in 01d6i to- remain r PWArw V t - abd oaly ear eurnno w h" T" were d vou not 6,A4.0 I 'd,: ibles it the gate- is the vat "Whys V , -an Of HEAVENS WEM -OPEN and the.' ge sat dbw"ftr - "EN THE - : .1 t- teem ainos Ue body m- not fto ly so Inuilk, as. that jrwww--. t is the bottle to'wh" David,� b 001 _p beav iAs7 the greiatm know?- That was the lixind. ahoWul _w4hapip on -his 0*1&nb - 0w;; --"HIS. SPI ist., referred in -his ty Ixtb '.have- jufferer, Christ of Us IN thlehem vaition of a P1 TO R)TUAL GIGNT. and awfulv:.. jud prq1!*9 their m the. top of au of th� Psalm 60mummlit�,zlI& *s&n&nt; a d the birewm�ti$*) ,Pui thou big a than -md.4f Pilat's -Ternaner.,and on- Is. an when as said,. Oyer and 00 id, the Wvwsm ---- in Thy a.. - %F WrInkleL in of it is full W y. Mho sm Vlvtd Word Fa w- he. am beff, Of I - takon 1placell im tu 40. = of .7, Of thos' 41f vyu jkvl 9 be Rendl#on of a Qrs NOU- tears of- rc 1pentawe; to 0 themselvesla thb 66 Mille earih; they bad tot -"I- - AL Modern *hat He endured, oh,. hocan, bf i0y; tears of many -hdp being' 904X wro he aid repvement; ti no, 0 1 ! * 0144IM4 609 vo gave Our souls ftem genera o f precefts, lies" jf, life Md Ye' them. eV4 -P0e2M--Tfi*_ Throng qaturies.ps C" v are of the broken and be mina; out (st the salmositles &To 'the des As I was cc ambition, abd th one of a sbaMered -J%Uz10 They HeaZ& -the Picture", walls e.were Man I- tO poiAed ng 4 it, all beauty mbbh Mumb ld dom saw. All 8,10 k adad -and-'grandly-dOnitd- fottune, and1he bilighteld life takw oom env were 1, 0 "t n obaraw 1120 to kOp —In a -'re and go 66MCMft Vag, and o fort OMOk 0m, -Yx Feh, A -said `Ift* tj What I. in my Sabbatb BRO th re 14 IS upon those st A I said, r the city,, an dvleasmt IoAb kelved. " . w 0 gave ;iai-tio _: i lyn Tabernacle- th con th yt=A r. -was. "The. -widow. young an Wor railasa I I th, ti me -2 They the atis-wo laing dream. The cominsof ki Tr a as f 4t Is an(I wrl=: those1 vtaU, 11;tiing up 0 And who lives -th the Scripture lemow and *a d-tba kwo� mites-� r 't�l n th6 third -.sod hO IL iuke': 1?0n fated, .1 - � iust it'a , - ajx0t tX Mite 01 see.m n6i v. to hav:9 by observing, t t 'the a4zwer.. �,W88j, :Did 4 dThe -pen -I got W61146ga v rmon-, Arable that we. al the system, in whml as tbs, ie Vere, roe Of rL4bj7WW be Ing at si�d; #dThe In Wh 0hrist wailp 'This 4&Y- and froq"!!i t WO attend CIO84 oln ftioment* ditaon; keep tltg -by J more 1han ab;ut �his iA &11 - Fith prayer penitenee ON ?I t _ _ . Wound a earth _1133t has. Auld wh. lives Me .1 paradise I made with- in Ohrist�,whq cam .,Wj�h the Dr. Talmage took for his gubi tons I a raith from b"ven to wasbing bathe thq; taft J Itt 83�d m_O -have Th as h t re I-aiia, and the -answer '11r" 1W Ong- there?p my day -in a. Vision- Of. nesvez_� t1te "xt elug:— Ave b izisde -for a I -bile and #h6 pri 11 sarth to�, takf us- froz� aatk tO4 b"TOL, once a 1 Oft fe by as than hi rds 11jord, ame to- P blind :bs9!Lr1,&r -1 1. p"Whed ozw� bornes, ef t"t6wi1,;a4 Rzekiel 1 7 Last ffunitner, yeakr dry on a a I . 7 what the these- no.wvi, s6tupp aft -amom of n who Nras tha ca�-vei'- of syes o Sabbath: aft oon in Hyde Park, Joon the or f un kna:F pme a gentle. missage with the Bible of as Wden -those prdfessora of re - .. p " - ion, to a, gre mu n.* 'Man- tb e brow upward to FrOve the to ts. it but- soine of Chibbar -that the h e0ens Were OPe I - 'Ancl rs Of - an earth I asked bo dd ieb are 9 r ye *!era f -Noo But I heud nothing 06M of early wrinkles.;. wratect the amous n ision ang I-: at me S when I tbw fines were not and t at the I" - - at as WfhM d omm p anythin 6w Oaks 6VOW Aakv v S Of God.!p to th i ot ao.otte could tell .9 sould Reverend iated Expatrt uutil�s severe �old - sad - a 46ng *1 1,0in it be poosibie era e�l in. theL ir r-. o ty-two -years has facial disterblob a WIU2 6 t a , k wh for t., n ftg the - forebasa. 9f the River -6f Chebar, a t sueh the -,1jew,aerwalem urthi of I eing ko In are V zdiii�tory of i ',ydo. Park aid:door he earth - + a leatire&- i -- Y the that and pac, "W1 LY, was heave angel. korlost th i 9upbxates,_ sat EzekieL n1r, sh,, era li, ring -in neside& o*ei'-- 6kjy �'M life ind za-. to h*3 "hadtlin1alents W wiz to the f M" rtal drimm, and it is Me last ey!Bsepen 41 London he iLw a toull with I" had an i M,6 pf� -heaven as -of-heaveno'*11 MARY -in I iter going' javen h I a D. moves m6eting,,,, told. - ' _415- 11� Ailat Or f . I as ad here is no .9efA -the 11ulY SekiPtUre0l- the back thioughl.4 hosiI me it, Yo1qX said residences, � '0 be- j �,f_ the prayewr-8 ioatkhs they are. sat UP J#ith Ong went, had fro On ed of brightened as lying bain -whose, fice laughter. multi k obanged, that not Wh6thar mihw Tyre and Egypt- o814. loWiL 0 - art in 4igli� of Parkp aud a bsok old bLjM thathm is 0410, King'9 It matters rivei - Obober, Mon the S�Ogffit Or :-My Una 1;i Christ.aud the-com_iU_19 h khe ' f -in fiffin(anY 6 rjv� cl6sw as orysta3l an* d th h*k - ith mat hrisk ana to th or sormon had- a an of. heSVen aft: gnj astj titeruoun Una HYdfil a you livoi k g4jat8d by th�, more. 0 at tho . b glit now at I youtil 441H it. Hecanuot rgetith e bloom -And th his do- th ilgiv. uixl� at a mn v6T, have are befor t x1a ja� was b �de to why may -you onderful- dream'tY hone WWI by, F*rk, and -'h Ad, oon -the lnmks m worl ;ho�it 6nd and often th ''from It ven. gh H:i arth bxer vn h partm spend am the- mom or out --atk To under as well, as tbal Or* mple is bless dleb on jjjh iid1g6Dtibk -df the Hudson, or AJaUme. 8 ame d as th O'Or Rot the Lord 4 - at one � -1 - be. ji ekampe its bit'aVfhetr way -�Afin- 4 as- W.heurb of he Then w it said gilt ''in Tha'mes,- or Tiber, -or Dscnu 0 81�a so wors�ip -d thly 66n Hoeawn as I dreamed beauty st1n. vidt A- "VID a- of ear nigu realm YOU r (I dr" we pamea. He bapstzi A e a r "I - is so clog &0 But -we all have had m .0 ho about Msp hotir and 6 a �t Oth ars ro. Igo 00nung h4l gil ked throu n 0611Y -of- you d to miss it. Ohs dra%* Yiur two f AW those a affor 110me of tN_ w-hbn, _-W-6-. WW9 I;e down the s -et JM1d hesaid! not bar, traknmjenoe�ntiy.glorious AfW -frown wbe4 you - fil"t 'C"WOW71 01 from the,. h exospit 0!'P d aeiate& for the first time wh it lwAke. ad that we, did Great T( imple. An Pri and balf w to And ffer, over her -they- were '�orn of U. oing.j t emaled If we also struggle cFf this to aftad and Teu worry n"Alissly YOU 990�lw Rutk4wfa4 1hrough a i tree suffer, ey he Gre*98- 'it surp- -;ised m in ailvanci lot we pas!�ed onk tUer� or saw civtd' uel 6&rs.' 4 atee, nlhxk eternal safety. 9 of. -th6 71 1i 111M. burned 0 slum erj il t` - that aU. W 1hough they *1 loose and disarrang OWspl the. �.derifrip ion 0 gftst; t Martyr Pl w8j silver whether they were- hwitl - gme.thl9k and.-foob those ' arr #Ah 08bre .110hnd him t Vot ail r Y -es AIV for ft"Sce# win mulfAply th m2agination of faculties awaie� w t throu& Ar; and 4 Will 18,11nme, W a saw John I wrow 'Of hat d gshei David -hj chad thit. morn 9. Alad- und hU& 'T and k,ack. him of the sol who on 8' Suph a dream, I dicree of m -'of Ab"lo in'o as e, in�# there I was -0, and the. day w reAkiAg. Wi were The 31 av ream 4vela- the. CO ro n into the Uli b'r `A, without,,, gourney, aVous 5 .3 akliff h ]a iL d (f h. i4*31 - - - 111�� - adI Of ()o ts, ce th ioiand Ahithoph9l a, �� dream of on the bam ka the h ment, a sufferer.: It were a welu-spent A cusfi* Ezekiel hzA his dmam river; andRogeis, batbe nation's dethrone Thoua �jwv;en deat I&Y 'dream not fir f, in the. had jorresbondent ftvM all Chebar; I -d *M the �on& it had -been -W&tsr; ltiAW 'hiia of the -CAPtivit. The'Ls;i&b*Lth his fair army A Hankowt - _ * %4, , I aA It eat. on: Jai= -a df6am an the banks of of the alo -a gi -H St of the the banks of -the nlion. The mo nd Bisho XcKaA and Lati P Hoo d d My 6re writuu in een- Militia o and Po year whom the erej, patl,,'him.of the ob& Tafte el. e istories. of beaven w mer,. and; 111#&7 I . an, 90 "heir sixtyAhm. place t bent. out- aid the Med! shipWr 1 the 10 .0inAld- as I dames -,ref I =9116 trzr�es agc�, and thoy�_tell-us ho*the, terranean .11 rtine n-; tslae;l urns wo and- Rom b wa till'a the K deate -01 Jt W., look e4�i did the ixg 11111 derisi* and th8 -K Dri o I then, or how SW.-" lookec how n d the They are tried in ai ow, eta, and eci whipped ac] 6'an r6hary-i, I id -yon nol ss. and H ament and whites -but in j i - 9 - 9&ead. ou 'Of the ()hjff48 J not OUI* Used in -,jjjjo'1n to hdad spear b# *hllo a akers --w o re awn - for M" a - axe On the road 16 '05tiat tn Sol - , ; tie's. afton- in. *Carlo it l -k now? That is w -a -to, orisecrate vii was; 91yiena gas.- �h a glix h yoa� al the apof blsok and, e, M"t -tell you was thbrei this morn'. g, I have t at sufferer. hily The senior r city of er" O"died of vii - H6w 1.90t1ntO at a Along S�jg Row, an M U su 2! a - if din Kwhou. I Di abeaten ad. � I heir religion. - I vwtv ttnb f hlonsbiy *arn and, 04PS011 . . H' partkcp�F- back. Then we -Pas.1N, A vijid and 2 Y85TG Of Ogi just gat �12 gatjia 0 to t supcess was tn #ttlngiI bod, his xi&Mgthft 015pe1 singerL �1* de4th-vi-th fuller's emt!" O.J 4ragged tbs ail lea erg tar -no no�-- Which Of't'll :)Me I of th G( -pt W a old! s &Moog estimated aae WaUs, an d6ath --by mo it first Wruat of wrvcolva opr.% fit 800 C"t Wa said My attend' L or from a I I . d lovely .0 fflo an a a is -land, E 6- nu lip en*Lhalf ough., resu entered, is to m � cer Va Tha�, is in t sure brAnce- of the Scene Is As we, cam, to 'ord, r- by eipo It as of ioAnsry color. We is- remem that I stood- I up,- him he &,,k)d me- if the one and hey.15Y in tbis. the o e tation. All't high 74P F -he mnin avenues, b _ b_, 0 11 , !, gli. cine is It is -0 -on:e are ,ill dicopi �da with ruabos which - N hurchea--, as of 3 on of. t )n earth Tilt okjll ad4rn This, *30A hymn he i idaven great su arp akel QUO in black, as -the. bimat. i� rptures,... d the air a ffere There tested by liftibg way.and thAt, 10 iom-6osed at �dilse Of high V. 14 laars no PA D go �Du( -L,,'nd redolence, h- "paid a visit toare thai man Fafieit&% aceeet* b b ruCheq siabe. W but U11 Of-mlisie-, atid I.Ady %.b�nOYR to; ho and %jj, or ID 0 tnly lifwd, it t b ttist hbights v th -tar &-nd Jightl thal� I knew jh streal -fix +ear&' -SL Asuek�, and S IV, the stock call AS _G*n ve as to Gmm.. not of th and 1 im. that ai�a t the being. PrOP -of irty. alittle- toje up c�'sted_ n1to f- out" went -too grett W", to take, Nvhen'aLzi --el God- many of lab and *Omen never he etred, and, to pro T11e, - govotner eato -j - h 's old hymn, f 0 U664 -a 4 the ppcko I. dourm the ba., �anjd off' red- to sho th he-- and fttil- �wa'j�e the: ol� ectis queens- T -bath -morn ing'servi"s-wl _2i�eir 11�tlghborho6d,- wajL hj=� to -i_GPE� iT�bb.n sue atea an, eels - street t he -so 4ten suppres pe from t6 isjon, an brated with 0*1i a te 40 r. Off his C- o -streak I from mal1s*, n� to M -,,In-. ivelcom S_4eet Di6 �kd th broom" and t he apd. Bat "k - templ a rewar 64 183w, offee ManjI- d from.to�ple t,6 ir 'Oospel ium k -Ad thO wasIx tuh� And the 4A rewar of. tile h t raw How ful Son Vaeir _b jU I the th an work. hymn'. .0 'th.8, 9 -barb, wall to 0"id to te ft coic -bnnC"--nf1j9,% c wall. alvitibn, ng tO how well, they Idi, xpolling his bodylad YePOstsd d _b and the i d otions thoa een "in - he&v the r t to sit a tea -table jor 90 vern an e %b Jomcg hast and T often roja� b's hetho the entire istlefoodan of WO Ye a .1 SC or. r4i aid.' And prattler feat to Us t otding - ansWer came$ ome, W, TI -Ave ;he. -Lord." p"ib hymn tion, *heiher amprew,3 H*rAd ana 16*81 PT"t1G!N - i Wbou in arah e'graudest the lovelbst, gh� -to the earthly -.calendar- ntrodueed me aI here was a -,a, w aWn-g he i wo' passed.A1,07ag -QUO 4;r, $he de b6 iou'4 he While skili was net cdnbPicl a nam vas t4at 9d xis ivers;-or W - au& iWd; of iny fla, healf. vards of b%ven, thero WA I � ale bor4ers . I b*UlAi ihe first 161ace, on thei gecret dbout lo ancith�r Of Ong the tendernesfip &PD bu m RMS L radi I Lt Un ta and -group so 0 not. aiven to me,. . t fro' esley, -who belonged On of per do ten dolioste vinift Al but ausO bt ight had his teadbix 2" This s'Ch W laid the goverser did him ths h088t om mine, ad h� mY OP being In To 61 to'vh d affection, a�d lni;erest reut,6hurch en.� thread on-whitia. not: My W r u A Ilk �d or dark vftS it was hto f t,4,rty�two we are v now. members han and siree-mess. ad earth; to.& dig oe gn(I apparel I h of alk through and -of the' samel - a -tali-en liea4 bw. ia rep th an -the --I Of -the-Ins, Au;y Igo of' small hand- trainer. the! 0 od L�o- &MA I ell do an hdor m-eab f�r a el !act o . 0 W himsilf a i� o years since Wesley that an Ate M0 rs, feside-ace Cfiurch I i4e who tll*tare wer k A blue, us *OU 0 a. nd dair aimber Who. yea the namWr o mb.' And I told. Char ? ved at Nit La hod W a oat g one.- n. 0�1 other,. we' algrosid ascended,'l thin- it W25 y In al t ev ry §abba they, vrb ir�: lcid Wash- Aque, and. d�creDitnde, tired. Arm of the Lo Awake I" or 6 at tribulation na had b�dtcag have two be QVId ge some old ym oil blood the 4,oher. Ithi one in 026 I01D$e*Ab f a colvr sit' SW6 -,lie 11 the, takill 'DO D 64 matertal. Avem I look ��mb., - - - nj t� wer' all t, as she. ou A de Above I or Oil, Cast Juria, a an. W bat I -w Co=e, 'jt4 join - r i;.d . d Materl: I am Mi outs it the cf A-diff-trent wwb4m ed, in fdr-a few�-xn .1.4ord. in�e, all Love-Exce 1129. in Von Franceqi� Our brillilan an MIJ da g It is Sab Scot6h. e, rien 4n. re sea i 90 now. bat a oru� ire bein Ur Drulrml�almn Olu C th 401.1 the anything of 6 and- 1roA 9 Areat- Temple.; "YS th4i f my h 1 said 1hy ang with W first CO lovely sayl 4§ar -it "did I � �s 6 d '61.6triany With -a eai*w some V, of litokei Gring it, r CQU-4 sohlog n1j"te. or Gf t look you �bioideu, re to the ligre bit he dj,n and be:iD rjctj� r ea 'm of cideraw of churchin Ueaven, 8" and 1 mst Pr*�Uch brt�,13 go sulphate, or as heaven? 011 ki stow y%9; I -did. I Did you hn r 61 Good 140k b"iding 10(ols b80t 612 9MIk 1�t street. ''Saini ek on the rig there T' says sc me one and.� I pit by -half past afted *ith thl Okile I for ju my MY Ya 1 &64 is sliboat covered Alckfil record h. Patmosie V3 81 T hilooine of 61trk n, 10 s 'a to- th %r red. ona-, ght when Of last 8 -1 It al bkUoe rjuvh� anz4arks en ate sit iron., tf-rher [ ais�- the pier of R,&velation" he speaks &r -e You 44 t -tbem'r er I s 3.w -it this upc n hird eba, of my-dod. or 1 -did see Ahem but., -Thinks.for - what shown- me.- w1th-this 6ama br&�,divgq and L I - urt, -but �F unider the, 0 of no fever, no kub* isee - onlyA P aue�Wt to year no' pallor no con I have n j1phate, nitraW Or -010t%tO Of Cobia' era -W I e* iron rgest Church vler Saw; th en. hai co ns'd�-b of sulphMe morn re s Good n i, a woom w-xq tO ing; -the put to- lAnguor u -1jope- t t hoo Tb a all 'Wrell, I; o re urn air. -un, the aoni Tarry v' kilograms la &rot gL I '9_ - ail the dhhrehes of 'the ear�h C -i h 41 t them. ' .:: - anA some POW ul, 11"4nd bouniting ,-..,YuareY of our -10 A J06US -1-big as and.. Tn a� d ltr� aldinj A AU 4151901v4idL 1S 100 "'tree ih s1kaK Y w4z thronged.. Oh,what' Y'. give iv 9 tt,e I gulfictent quanOt gother. and it Th old me to es al -mirth. ey plixid aud- some 843 many with * r 0-t. ve to To zo muh tude 1' 1. had- never seen -1 their 10 U; that the thOug.ht Of 'YOU- Then I passed. on aml 0: lart .4 of ia,,Ka- A01n sadedtoniutraU V46661utiqnsompt"Y All the W. r d f r'evoning tellottesp sh, .60" an lenoe�s of -:all 101 detted aie u6td r I=- paopl�. 5 be d: aloug'bl so �vouquer 31 - a little bhulphatO 6f Pots lah. ai e V. Wgether hour by hii; and that whe13 the."0111 lion. an' Thw b% ow isna 0 �p -by wiu"wd I Motda. May tbo, jj pil d -And and if used are U lie -the. ch rc r,%f all the e P14 fro�m the heavenly P14Ygr&6� are tmda ice, -0omparad exc'. in bex plWO# it ii - : - - , that had b6eu duciv ty. ;The basb irou is, immenA 'Voui poor at and ' ;1bathali 1. taake. a u and h6vered overou,. of -and Ul'de-r arche i I - - ; . I I dbw ads W11z*— W45 d your di -tw the a stop f'hojA4d for h -.50 ampelres -per iquste th-at ream or t sbse4 h"igg- I Therl a. f ash in p -density Of iblage. 1 And di- -kiss�d y:w cheek and fille rokarued rrau a -tiro-. alA head-dress that imme gate% arte lined with 15192te 11 ad faces 'and ihaA ths7 would 6-4oward the walls vn i alliS &Shod �n L mate tQoj�c.mt attention.� The faAlftion -wit] sad GW64 r the We was .'out -eve ".qufteL ately 'when 5"qu . AU its-, r9e: th� Pon we wi, round the All in W oka ne. 4 d the 4 �with topr fluted c 11 re 6tand hite el 0 be at 3 -906- to gmet YcQ d-aisetb them for' rr. p�hixes and chry' an b �nd lily. ..eended b le --bead-dress WS ad uiider the gl, f rose, 's a garlan - A other did You bi gr fiiy wit x rtailly them, a �(j Mig, frfe 'bolt shavw.' and r -con leaves C1 oiz'o..4 so x4estau szuerjls� -mingied and - I hip.Td 4alstch HA an I - nds?" f the Ofeth C er. Lop ion. glori sai hihrldw�' have rom thel: ROYal Iff __ ano d hich- A The d bouii d Ye to iving, - i�nd they, e all o pe,,iwl 'broiderd- that culled they a.r I well in the land w be ow - the I ads Of goid. iaptures, iand teat 0411YI lqa�cp been slow UtAa adv-441MR10 of ith Va ether W psiesi cT ty;- �ud I paist!d Ott lvadi;d -th with r -mg lower, U, lower monia�, or or Vod- I looks vlel tloi&uts of H. -19. A W=4671 - blows 6w,_4 by- work ftAflv tj ill"" VerY Vona& t aught by t] 0 1 saw some yung le illaking hiandr.-aiid said do swee. Th5 aroma, the figlit pue me V� a' sirbt of i thd nd� beizig WaOdtl 9 let of the btmktu -on the, finger of P40i h ly -in an �A& exaot imoc 'tb tnes bwing:_". lower still until I �ame qut Jac "Why,* m j4oreb�r& W1 or &at 1 t I ver fr Th 1 st houto AWN f Oise 0 a -d in 0 'gers jo p:ecompgnyng ahg rob on 11 Pei eshl nd ag being h-- right, han4qp: t at A gardens, 66m- aity6f ln�r.-earthly r rw f twVlve jazziner offrUl Ft. 182're-bi, ever -a full G W !;arthly 11,6_Me gp,.en Ptitkee 'Wit id" of the this* 0% tje is a desert, throuh. the willao of I -f b gather *Ittk Tings on the g In tbo a pared 'i �-ithl whicf*' Chau tL ar-twW �id ti&at-_thme Who wOrs them strong, up,on MT pillow iuglin U auti I was tc miuglin cri an earthly We u poured -so pit tbs back,, able, PA is. a my ey -fe4 it,, sad _"U bi- a bt e CUTVe 40s. and The cl 'Wil&r. x miuglin A6 to re- prodig-tl nd.1 0 a the one that elids felt bVib the t -Of the 'Walst, hi Rob serve as an obj4ect h846, tG Ruutsu we ctobe�r: the 61 I- as- what Gua er. 0 the- wilderr-pssi. and lived 4 in husks, but june The meilt aw t Whore swilat .11: ad 'jkets' th -where r they at�. realm here are Is 9a e V I. tonio, of the e I awoke. -9 set -he .10' Father and, S*O&Gd In d0819RW perb chief 'novel by of -the how came honie and 1=9 & rin -on his h life- in, L ..,Put g Aou- z Ity. of'. 'Wit& large revues said,- S., or.jeo R,'fleetlon the firsti—T li, ittp,�rior . T rJer Callor bye Noa.0tLt'rG Ion e W u Oeptjon t0L and- the sa on e3 11910 lo" LL all othe r. hAtes, ail es. t I f white' ading To, Bul there waa on bui h aven to t�,`e- fashion 026 si An our e boj . I d thq,told'me d4�artedl are. thd front P to tell thejsak-oL All Uoke-til rj. like to- be '#A E Mwo, beirs" -the f or thei ceb -as restO 'r h red tlxo�dgh all the -eveilastin love. Scaudinavian heaen: he i wo and orlum, an, clear. u appi e, Dough to ;a141p .11 on kv�ahje. oave even I e o vownct Weep f6r vorlastiug h elf! 01 ."after --being an. -to Pielees, lt as the, attire Df1h�'One.*h it is in o' 61 Off tbs- 11 Lirles. W . _ 4` These gall ple.: - T eness. k ow. no bound an Y.&qaes t th i --,drink *ins Laler - dreal wily so?' Wit& I L that immense. YOT! I ihau f the skells gaiiA6keti Te2n ja vaosited whm- a fd!6'vr the IOVC�ieSt On reigii. out 0 of the �r kielbies. IThe Bejaume pre6'! ti Qf ti2j�q, when 6g a 0 p�ilaee, u. join J� aper. d aen &a -descri )ed �Ythe Kor atich ai of'- jim t1j' go -t, the wn In the Mir =a -or 11tow mom son Ack lere wjjf;j large -bl -4.1. chieelis "enied them. i n tliO 9 m oslpm he -b6 Tlki Pflnoerse 191i in all th and His them* n t�e I lanets,- zhall I b -ave ell one in r�d volvait� 880ce s,%me, xplor Won 0 P, au�y, IJar� iiont ith -61nite S. en ith !at- e tour Of r sh -dughled 4ex to ba - - "n. et�. But. His ana ti ke sdin evis'like peuls hidd broidert?d round g, Mho loquence- omniP U - L -t so iv�s'wera -e embly Wan -ass Ptuft Vho` Sizv's beaveu t-�-Afti or the ul Th sugg'site(k But yonder 1-n this 2radable tn -aeop. colors* e - eeks abLqk. -he- -body', apc and gave me tbs S Of Vry full thd hv ILtd-re wa th�t see -ask -how .'about "ro ms re siX w which lie *&�ed, 0.4 fad aven. Dom., then c1hn1V a fitoel� -mom Ail ji, depart, OrL- the tOp ay ever th 0' carnage he. tdor. *Ubatnj hoo"Pid- W bk _stw*t_ by this %WXY -If'thS aWfil WhAtl . ages f th6sb in 1. 1 . iingel, sAid, to iny att 6 Tasmariiawki wyr thidbu� cbildren'or have -thay�'. Of Whkh -is P bffiae lis remain 9 re�L I - 11,10 upp at H �nd ed ch 4 �Vlery_ U1 job th a, wears do," - -.&spew is-pirte, d t the dead, that fi ji. that erimrudl !ity? -Do. my twins by-te180118119926MG are jdyed, gZrM6nt8L eii childish XiM beven, was told, -*They lost th,L ' GM paiments renjain-'aged. or -have the* ey� 'Mim. 11ave S athl to W Ifts ve av�n W re treaw -4 a w111.h% the ine arte of' -go-Ju a rom h and .'He P out and ey Of do . ref� a long ehase- st ope of - now he bl, f their nat-U. filte ALwhile th -hat I saw eam I t01 lost I f I- -think . 00(1 of all sorts, %e Tah tiaa'a. (;-go a W. ()hj ruff ntghtL m -w chiiah rg .14s says &in 164, y be- b6ok tie 6 tam le th fro. h entered this aculty h -deparW ell up �01, h* 0syrize i�le full matrity of I f e&ven —T a ad to WAS a to the CeleStial y_ auce 21 it had i AV ch th 0W,heavezj,.---A. ex% sit s, whvn 11 TIMPPOS ore"L n to chant ildhooa, The ua.tive -Afd' f�vp 3- ws and -I A Y. I - 4rep Lut Workin er, a -rever, -fine boa ex aml M% f;s,�or pow still re" debLarted.thoY 15AY1 ill ii dO a; fo #A�gaged tn seal ne all -deegO e -but -;he l the resilera-08- of &d& I had overheard retieate --mId' land bf sbado Emeking of -fit Pnfli ALI -most -..-and hat -the aged bad I to 0i -1 and I have heard the i0r)Dj most of the life, free and hile on before 1918,91;M&vs, 4truck a of the -great organs, to Apan "LAY vklopeep kmilk - o6- venerb6ble. 'Abo t�ojn f4i tw�r axm th Ali thm- taining- t4e. ch, will more I said to my *ccO, td Meb. solil g9ell !hid& I&F grtAt lea of p')ffe6dy now �70 - tell� U. ;rounds, hutting I s,*hat # L groat Will U L 7 e r# vandez a sa The! philoso0he hAt F ta4ding �In of. SM biLt 1010d DO AOS of snae, 13 -Who is t AA64 t 0 (10nom in- SM% i ing an -gel, heaven?" will.,,, oil 1a, bridge tog or !an A_ a t of thic.�k Sg(I its war Wass d you in 0 0,9 ner of the wk 't.h the -hap_ aud the a on 8""Aff" "Who is tha4 a; mo�t impressed with tbo reversal of h e,%.*f e u an 1P and be.. 1 d with envelepat V99 * a 0 -ne A_Ud I sAidt big bi mm: I knew, of oursei fililtft dOji'.t-kuow- But heark, ' L -though nd the-aUAW-P11 Ily �ouditio& *OALT 'PAInady iddr di and eart] into, thme Mr. T hat at trul r heaven,-: whi(h, scanding thai 441 is that that. thez�s' would Ai fforanees of Buird- on. -va!; I 1 16 G And Who be the: Bible 'was I sail It ftureof.sPeoloh in the bani; nOtIms whfall jjwk,­j3Pr rag, hilde ibed by tMinir for -Paul degaf had.do� in eaveAl, in. this dis- Pr081nt6 t n& tbe, a4swer was and his at the org#a parable of a -were to be wc -thell 1 andi by t at ouls I,uld 11 it el -r Aud the muf�iq rolled on ti r dep6adent. Upon insy say ete ties me ani$ ohe whtt vonits fro -,-hara 4s anotber.�7' cour". has for its on OM sea. one a. ology a ng Ghrist him. diff one s. from an is- vile, 1absence' 0ift 8&��h envelope was WAtt4n 02 14000"Gre T ams to a d01 from satiarn-, fren� Mercury as r an disco fe, -be of, Ohfld4 .1 We pers. lowe** dowu as t.; je s e;I C a OU st wisfies when &11 the w d AM& frOru all that 0 Wlvh But at every dep in my e galleries'of kind UP -to been t4ld thil 1. and t Present" of this a Nd moqu air -13 an. ee -that -soi�; ail -t rratulate. d higher bat- dail 9 neel n was amaze bLt - - - - - - �th a in Cho" ke Qhp eir 1 d to r, a 'no nl;g some Amounts, VIA* we" m sud y the a4ial' dropPed'- On .0 amb that re expedted be high clim� b -'no chasms to she avian an mi.* L 'SO is the�l who -W6 tbi Mails "Mr.. childs annuiny 4as ate! chan.e *ha iulh t .-W P Scand-it tfiTfg I's -th &nd Worth� d mine; no ears to ChIrisbMAS r all heaven 0M Ferp were - I ian;h�a en ift ed F#t BO fAr know It was a L Under a �*ra d btibuf e—Ho v You was sYain. wer hai*en, - Sla -be I down to higli heaven. Afr bor- 000,.�,Phjjjxdz1PhiS Record 3kot of ering low do t0 OW he4 iren id 'Lat-us go. r ectec -i an i;heaven, 1-a 0 wer a ex in the 3ttange, that thoii or harmiuy I Tahitian iought, f san for mor al ecan, P. Y. u , ttereq, t( s This is too W i,� 'es' heaven,. sea uch and- of I un what 'do I W 0 tion, an -Aunt. .h digg Sarah -h of IOUs �Parentsge I - they call t bear a. over ymp ony.1 bor a by a glimpse t john's heaven - WJUT un goo isposi ai�ont to,.tUrnL brilliant facul _'ust Vs'. heaienp -of G -W.40 t W -0 hr the toxt But aois, wM aetivei Of aul,s beaven, -too 1 -TsidermW9 U -0411r8%; _o - all- st�le� Of f altar was hft Skins-, aLven of my� ho vel 1 YUUT, n highest e 17 tit ]no n -see on 110di.,be Ile -a :lYmal. _�Or A found tht ttelL bd' the steps A the' -ange of ale - Aj-,V bect away that ork tear- dillba like the 1 from smething ction the on tile G agso sul ad( no. V%41pt 6en in the earthly �f and PO led 06 d' badunG &ad a. Y1 veste) t oneti3 an e-ei f filly all PaI I: ha;14 -A heW Mixed fluk to cal ot as hron he bT4 est cor thi d, tear tles Pat] Or- -bot tiu Ito.. Q�.aud- tri4ds raDIA001 Widtmay In Move ltu104 tn out Pktn undo ussums. this lachrymal 161 bri4je bat. P�t P -which the si if right.. b if of 6.arth no$ ea -were, 000 peep theit mansions 1 apiqd by thots' affronts harclsbi L ioilet Orie S' sad to i r or bad s'rne theyt 1%surs I t6fi-of Gi Her _Into wh h' prok er d But, Ld re ate fat, effs'and g6t thISIA tacy. away as e y �jn NeW Z-34%4 'EMIIY- -ate evi 1he -and and whd -tst . . ale - instead of had the -twisted n be-0.1enly- PYMPUtR 0tte am Used'extentive, r 3041 dis 7T -lie -told W 4 or tw is lachry�a �Jjjge of physical wy fix W th -who de6u.u3#onvf robbl*' used of generatiow bt a Orientals. tin that T, ihios as ed t every J. earthenware lies dW_ k jibag aud AM t 4 dih perfected of heaven. y death I heart troy tt h.