HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-02, Page 1• • ;•, • . • • • %Pr 7#4, rr• re - VOL XXI.- 9 AUK OF HAMIL LUOKNOW. gapitai paid up +Si Reserve Fund - . $ To:AM:Assets $8 i President -;TOTII4T STUART. Vice President -A. G-. RAMSAY, ON 5co,000 5o,000 436,818 DIRECTORS-: ,q NO PROCTOR, WM Gfl3soM. P, G o. OAM - T. WCOD, A. B. LEE (Tontoi. 0a:shier-L-J.12111tirBUL • ISAVINGS BANK --Finnrs 1.0 to _ - ' . clay's. 10 to 1. Deposits of $1,a receivedand interest ailowcd. .3.Pt'CIA.& DEPO$ITS Ilso recei ' I rent rafts of interest. 1 DRAFTSt on Great 13ritain and i States bought and sold. -- , • , C. III.OWN, Sp • 4. • • GEO, Or. Luck LUCKN ' TO -THE AMMER We have t.,enerally on or unr4 farms in -Sinloss, H rm. ,A shtie d -arid awanosh townships fo salt. Parties desiring to buy -will consult heir ,own„ initerest by calling on us -as we sell cheapand ri easy tirms to suit the, purchase w, JUT TgE GrAIIE OF CURLI Grand olid Sport and th cif its PopularIty skWhat !makes curlers so tit?" is th questiontaked r 11 many, 4nd particularly t 41 • Witted in the charms .of Tere is a fascitiation it% the ' h • Seeretst 1893 Sii Satur- d npwards ed at ctr,- , the !United I GgNT. ' We 'have $ •on good tar to 7 per ce size of loain a We also le gage on fa We do a drafts -paya United St points, incl. •and North. The coll receive' spe farmer's u departmen pall-depo 4 s. s. SEROME, Wingham, will be on thee second an day and!Saturday of each mont tor ao. ! Filling and er,dractin Office ati Cain's liot€1. _ -LEGAL LJ b. S n Lucknow fourth Tri- .•-GoOd sets rpeci pity . • .-5,900 to, len on fiist mortgagr,e - -or !village rcipertY.-ht -frOm 51 t. 'interest fate asrcolding to 4 seCurity. eired; . I - .a.sniali am unt.5 on s s and:first -chattel in eneral. bankingbusi le ;through: ut Can tes and ma e eollec -tcli*Weste n States est.'ction1 of notes and 'al attention. Lendi speci ity. In w4allow o er -cent its. • I •. We 'effec Insuranceon all Clas. ings,-either-in Stock or - desired. ,None but first -class Co resented. - • . , . ..ASIDDAL • 11 'cond mort- rtgage. ess. Issue da and the ons on all Manitoba, ccounts will g money on our savinza interest on ea of build- ompanies as panies, rep - g nae which those who taken a hand in it cannot u P r-tho 1 - -curling has no , . w1ia,tever4)aut let those peo -, - : • - intr11. educe into the circle., a _ . . . Magic to1ch to -which all ncl, and .the influence. o nannies- peatedly ose unin-, el game.- grand old• ve never derstand: att 0 er•tbem tielir wanes; c, me and go having a -seas tilarity, nd become the fa tit lose he interest of Owl totaries t$ti.d -are _dropped f if IA ;entirely forgotte tioweVert• with curlinot, • -4). the. same. - Always- popula, 4.n the heara of those „who ha ur raction e once. eOl'the ers re-: ie game Sports of pop- fontrame' e time) Not i al ways nd 'first • e exper- vehtieisd nswered a.' Some me is not d young port. Men ri for forty r love for the than they nd more tinned to Oiitrina.tincr as curling has yed in every obe where e as now ni that of os days the tiling, and, old, man's game was a e and the e t drawing • scene has a been maore n'do oipne4skaiistpdt: s on6 a "big p 'rnan's bout is fast o &lays, when 'house" filled nt down the takes plate e drawn to-, of •life,, but! Manager, feneed its magic influence the secret of this Many to explain it, but few haNe the quetion in the same ii cillyRom REG OR MA.LCOMSOIN , RANTER,- Con.Veyanoer, etc , (late of Camerm, Holt & Cameron', God rid* Office at Traver's old, stand. IJ‘110R.ISON, ATTO ‘NEY AT law, Solicitor in Can erzy;' Convey-. ancer. .• Qdinmisioner,; etc. 0 ce.: •over the barber- iShop. A*Row P.13.0UDFO T; kir -teTs, Solicitors, etc., t oderich, Out J. T. 1GAnRow, Q.C, NV Li. P11,0IIDFOOT. WINGLISH CHU _u..4 a. . and 6:30- :3O p. m , Superinte Adult c1ass every 8 o'clock, Bible and p are welcome. VEV. , STIRVICES li . in, $inday School, --, 'dent, W . S. Holtnes, ednesda evening at ayer book' lesson's. All • MILES, astor. .. - 4 GE E RA OltiN.NIN • INSLIRA*-0 FIRE AND MA GUELF614: Telepao e _195. .•MEOICA ELLIOTT, OFFIC. AD ence, Outram street, se oud door north ;•'•4 Little's slyie sthre,. . COI:JNT'Y'OF KUOg . • . • orivention orthe WC TU held txt the ,Village of Taeswater -Fr the Teeswaer,News. Th sena .s,nnual° meeting of. the Bruce Co. Woman's Christain Temper ance Union was , held In the Baptist church Teleswatee, -on Tuesday, 20th. inst., There was a goOd.attenda_nce of Aeleiates from the various 'Unions of the count, and a nuMber from Huron coutityi. In !all some 42 tlelegates, officers and viitors. were present. • The fallowing is ailist of Otose attend- anceProv President; Paisley -Miss Fisher, CO. President, .Mrs.. Grant, , Mrs. Carry,. Mrs; Conn, Invermay-Mt.s., Butch - art, Potinty Rec. Sec. ; Chesley-Mrs. -Crags, Mri. Brown Kincardine -Mrs,' Malcom Teskey, Miss ParSille ; Luck no -M rs, Smith, Mrs. Artnstrong, Mrs. ,Bryat,- Mrs.- Berry, . . W. Mrs. Ged4es, Mrs. 4. Ross, Mrs, H. Johnston Mrs. D. Hornell, Mrs, E. claim that it Is because th confined, to any amt. Old alike can join in bthe royal have .1:16en" known to a seasons, and have astrong game at the end of that ti ever had in their :young active days The, game i no nationality. qfsathopigi in Scotland the love fOr- spread, and it isl now pi Country on the face of di ice can be found. , The -,- played.; is very' different twenty years ago. In t young men did very hal it was looked upon _as I game" Then the who draw from Ilegitining t tam that'could db the, could always win _But - changed ; the discovery that by allowing an 0 'drawl the " house" full end",1 is very likely- t "big. - end" will wirt'd chanices Of victhry as aillything known.. _ n thpponent. gets t up, 4,. few fast shots at ` r ice, and thea a scatter On the icy level there gether men in all wa he who skips his co1l0 and " roasts" them' , favor when they fair , according to his dir . what his station is the hero It is Of _no clasi distinctions 1, naa:n is as good u 'that be may true, bu positively, -however. a Curling game the as distinction, excel) man curia - better 1 -latter- gets all the, „ man of the moment, the game he may as laborer, while be a doctor, a ' lawy preacher or eveia.i' HAM. .Tt. TENNANT, P Surgeon, and -Accouc o`cer • BIliott'a grocery star from' 9- to 12 a. m., and from ,MeD. GORDON, M. _ M.S., .don. and Accoucheur.- e XI:Hale implement Resi ---soutti of 130,,Re'McIntosh's st WLUC tu • from t the: ho hours. MORD° 0 rate of at the Pal ma the- ainknm etc., -apply Surgery . Offiee hours to5p.m. • C.M. FT. Physician,-- Sur-- ne door to W. enc Ross street, re. NOW e. Aeadin rs be CHAN CS' INS11- rocm opti every evenni.4 Cepting S r a to-r_n 1-.1=, 41. The will be in atteliane duvigg these J.. ,Munc 7.....‘”.! • geoieto I - It. D. CIEPDES, CA.LLS- either, by Mail or te egram promptly 'attended to. Chirges mode ate Residene.e, OutraM, -street, opposite r Elliott's and 03."figl- dobr. north ofTSENTIN L office. EY TO L AN ON security for any tim interest. The princi nd of the tine, or p be paid ea, paid. to .ANG EAL ESTATE , the lowt al may be paid rt *of the princi- h year\outerest ceasing n For firther particulars, s STEWAIIT. LtiCkU0Wti• • T. R4IME 1Traiiis Teave Luetknow for outh at 5:5 10:48 a.m.landp-. m, 4. Nor' at; 3.2a5 -k. m;,4:0 and 128 ra• • MUSIC LES -NarRS, A, Al, ARAIST INJIL pared to give lesson struinental music. - Residence -Campbell St. soolET .aViAL ORANGE liOlds its regular mo Orange -1Iallt Campbell Tuesday evenings, on ar b Degree night -second Tues full moon: All visiti • invited to the meetings. afr McKzo, Secretary. O. G. SEPOY ODOR, Q. 8,t. • meets ,the s.out end.. Lodge. Room. in the Temperance H 11. Lucknow, every TtiesdaY evening, :at 8 'deck. S. 0-. Mui - 0.• 4.1xx. Mu DOC. Sec. - 497 • at of the - 1889,•i Eve, Ear, New M ML TA 1301" ST-IREEt LONDON. a present %%ere here invited tol, speak zs few words and Mt Bryan, .4 the tine!, 1.4cknow, gave the laSes‘ a ivw words of encouragement int itheitt- work and assured them of, the. ott,opera.ftion. V' The afternoon session was open_pia with devotional exercises led by: MI6 Cross, of Wiarton. of the press,- r • a fr Ktiake,iMrsT. S. Reid, Mr. /Bryan, Watkerton-Mri 'MAK "Irs. glief- aeld, Mrs. Chide, Mrs.. r: Brunskill, Mr, ShetlielA : Wilarton--Mrs Ash--iworkers -_ were thrown • out. 1414a)37 c- / . croft ;, Tivo'-tort---Mrs. • G.,. Manners ;1 beautiful as Well - as piftictical idesatc- O-reenbckiss Miainnon, Mr. Mc- I were em-hodied . in the paper. Thema- Xitineit ; Wirigham-Mrs. . Ireland, ' were. added to b."; . Mrs. 3.ilutchait, 3h - Miss Baxter, Mri,.A. McGregor, Miss yermay,,and Mrs. Bryan i of Lucknesor_ TiOdgson, _Mrs. -Ham, Mrs Smale, Mrs:. Mrs Thornley then gate an address Miss. IVL . on "Dirties of Oflicers a,nil _Superintexa-- N:.: McGTegor, Miss Pococlt, p.o,cock., Mr. Pocock, Mir. .1(elly. - - - ' 1 dente -The firAt requisite of 8, sit -comb, A very excellent '_.1*Peifson" "PA* Wqrk" was read by Mrs. (itev.),ELIg. - Reed, of Teeswater... .$Ottie: work outlined in the paper is.; Imikt- -er.cing the Directors so thatexhibitAmi an immoral or degrading tendency =ay. be pr ei ent.-.d, and that the,Sale of vs- •tionahle drinks, etc, may ,not ed. Mottoes -of a temper -4itre chalairlier 'suitable for W., '0.• T. U Bapds etc,, or 'for thu ht4e may emoroidered ly the ladies tthd ex:hi:U-114 refreshmeots may be fm)vitled,.terapvr- aece lit prat are diAributedf4 etc. Imam* ' discussion that. followed Sim*, a- Lucknowi Mrs ;Graint, of 'Paisley, 2.#zad Others took Tart-, - Mrs. Grant, of Paisley; then mail A paper on rowt,,e Missahs". in die course of which many usdul -hints to This: large bOdY at theearnest and -.• ful worker is conFecratiOn. COnsi:orsit- i. - . .: -. • - de -voted ' Qhristaiti workers of ' the ,. ed- work . tells :, •- The -.. Members *mind& cdfintV was presided over by. Miss K. ! learn to pocket•i-,heir feainos atid,:lreiN , „, - , . r 4, 14..Fisher,of Paisley,.presidnt of the 'fuse t.ki-11 Aoubbed. TOey inust iear.4.1 .; :13ruce. Co.' 1Ttai.in:; The lnisiness`bf the : tok no w and love eaeii other. -.Thi _ conVeation took -q-te form of ..a, schoolof ptysid,-iit iA t be in1)st41itp0.rtai.t --factse• --Methods. i -The eirerciSes derived addi- . in 'a lacalX.itiort and a dead -presidea& - tional intereit anctiristructivene,s if om lilt-ans.-it; dead .ViiiOn•.. The preiitl'erii ' the preSe4ce of Mrs.' Tholnley, of Lon-' should varefUllv prepai4 a writteit pep-- , ..- doil'President of tlip PrOvinetal W. 0. ' vrattiny-.!. for each meetch4 and shetT*3 ..._ . .. .. AND' GrItli;15- ew York Eli rind Ear Hasplfr Oi*IrE: No 428. hlymeetintfsin the treet, Lucknow, on fore the full moon. ay- evening . follow - brethren cordially A t :DA.viDsoit; W._AL ost Graduate course :013. ge, and Th-roat at th' or Pot Graduate dical School and 892. B es tested. Olwes s '6f SOeetaclei, - Lenses and it be at. the Brun sivicik House, Win ham, y of each n at xt visit March , .to 8 -pan; Cbarges 191cLELLAN ' I pplied. stoek Artificial ey,esi the dat 189 mo last: or firSt Thurs nakune.d , yaw. Ne , Hours from 11 a. erste, • C, T. U.- T •'Meeting of th Tem.peraiice Union will -.Wednesday of each mon Lucknow, at 3 Starrg.President : . . lb their hall, Campbel eordiallk invited. S W.%Wit$02/.; Recorder 1 e 'month:13,f Wemen's ChristiMil be 'held -every second. h lathe Odd Fellowi. Mas...W. HOrIELL, Secretary; U0i140cli . . Lodgeils}6.112 meets every, Friday evening at 8 o'clock street. All brethren ELLIoir, N, Grand - B. SUBSCIRIIi office in pie. build • SEN • AGREEM BEDS, -CAR.'"VLIX lans :,specih cations si • . ings, bridg on itho ,OPE14E AN _ - • i!e; :east . 1 t. e ilTEL -.0face;: - NTS-, .13 NDS, LEASES, ORTGA - AND ILLS PREPARED d estimates orbnii ; s, etc.C, furniOed r1 n?tice 66 LuCknow,.T n.1891. ng a ks ig ti T. I hedin and cloo on titti.e. She shoii- , ; • tl 13 1 f f " A. numner -or the ue,ecrate4 arr Aved taye-t don o aro *leg enteusiassat • • • On- the.eVenini ot Monday ilea at 7.10 and getting Otl*s to *ork. One Ntz a Meeting of • the Lcyal Vtup'rance to make the mi-etingS intereSting'is to, Legion was held in the -Bap4st Chuich, 1;haprO sunerintendeOPrepare.s. papeit About 1:0 children were pre,..ent. Mrs. liAr'sued"lint!. of Wol:k and' ‘Nr,: Reid, "PreSi'dent ‘: the. LocafiU l the paper by A The corres- es to victory ' )1 , out fear or lay the- game , us, rio ratter aid there are `minutes were devoted to organization nion- presided-. A -number, of tem- pon.dipg secretary sliptild arswer corga-: _ eraiace songs were well rlendered by 1 municationS at once. Cj. duty' of flaw the children and an instructive a& rt.ss was• given by Thornley. 'The exercises of the evening -wet& very. in- teresting and at the close quite a num- ber of,new namPs'were, added to the metubership roll of the Legioli. . On Tuesday Morning the do. . Pres. opened, th. etfirstsession by a.,. ppropriate devotional exercises -which consisted Of singing,.thd reading of Scripture and the offering of Friler. • life may be After the.Openin•c, exercisers a few ree..rdieg Ocretary .k. tc prepare I,* • • bright r‘ -port of evely meeting or al -16cal. paper She should 'notify ttcom presi ent of toy businoss that As ill cOrize.-• • . g up at .next xneetinu-_, li`nd .1-.11e. should notify the con.vener a any &imitate* of, fier 'ap.pointment;:, The ireasuTer should collect theleeg,* and giv-e.receiptg to. the ' members -in. Overy -;-cise., and - county and provincial funds stioul*. 1*.t kept seperate from •• :the local fends. When a superintendent of a department is appointed; her first care should be tp acquaint,herself..thoroughly with her duties._ They should give 'titter, • 66 , ports ,of 'the work being done. 1 and that one and an explanation of the usual manner • • " hoot of methods" atOther.. t may be asserted hat onethe ice ,in is no _such. thing s far that one n another The r, and is the n thongh after e his rsition ok)onent Allay r, a. merchat, a eclitor ' on ey On°Fridayst NV Winghatn curling illb.ge, and playe a ..aucknoW lovers o' i , . ,6 'there was a good te ibresent and the i easy victory - for --iiifte,r the Ina.tcli kiiv.ere ente,rtAined I-, T ;titIoNpvtilnegr the15)yth;s•-ci.o4t ec , f te of con ncting Two bright little girls ALsses TNelIie IVIdAachlan a.nd 011ie Johnston acted as pages. , Mrs. (Rev) James Malcolm read a suggestive paper. on "Band of Hope . _ Work." The writer of the paper con - `siders italmostas inipartant to have the chilFlren pledged -against the tree of . tobacco, as li4uor, and.. has found it harder to getmany young boys. to . pronitse to stain from the fortner- . . . , rinks of .§he. than the 1..att!._ , ..TOO often .1i , )(maple ( - , the Of sorne religyks-tobacco user is point - and the Argutnent Used, ""He uses came to arnioaer;inigit, gs.s,' titht:. . -eitcl, wthhlY should not I?" The paper pro- danee..-ot visitprs yoked an. interesting discussion which resulte0. in, ' an . Was ialiell pirt.in by Mrs. W. H. Reed of Teeswater, Mrs. Artnstronf.t„ Luck- will-e,hitni .t!nen 1 now,. Mrs. Thornley, London, 'Mrs. and__Mts. „McLachlan, Koine .1 curlers. n ouse tci 1 ercos,!) W* tOn, 1 "Parlor Meetings • was the subj. of a paper read by Mtet BOW Lucimow. Some of the ideas throw= 0. F: ,COURT • Shetwoo4, No. _ 50 -Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Itonday in every niOnth, in -the Or- ange. hall.- 1 Vidt- intg brethren- a e cIrdially invited. G. NORTECOTE, CR, D. YULE Sze. IT Farmirs, ••insu 0.„ . .• -the .4 cient meelodn the Oddfel second Monday ev • eight ;o'clock; Vi in.vitid: A bilePHE ! R. R CSitOW ii0DGE OF, Order United. Workmen, ws tall, on the last and of, each month a' iting brethren. cordially sox.i 'Master Workinanl corder. ook e your: f mate 0 DO NO largc Prend I CASH 50 Cents t 90 cents JOH Fur own. interest rin• building* and • ellings in alp- . • - MUTOAL - jnn Noteg_requirud SYSTEM per $100 for, thr and. - ; • LANE • t e years' ITJCKNOW- Cert:igan Alex McPtierso J M-urchisen. W Allin, skip, LUCENT -Owl A 3,MAlarry Bryan B. Hunter .3 Murdoch s AGEN KINEAUCit . ; . Also acreut, for - 'he phoeiii)4. of Limid . . England: The town, and runs the. place, is losin . • spejulation'yea. cc •• out were -eX6ellent,' and a-- profitafile: Tha)rnley, Mrs; Snaith,, t'ot discussion followed in which, O ci:wa:11146:::ari,"nc:clIkal S Ken:t ici 411 enterprise, and cannot on that 'Before dismissal -42e presi ent, t 't WIN911AW rpe Vimstone ace,ou'nt take a position too touch at kindly referanbe to the losses that- tha- D'Stiitherland varia,nce 'with public opinion.' Thel society:has susthined by death. it r t • • I F Pattersonsk 14 many excellent ideas Coyita.oeil in the the ,y•iar. ;,.., • LurlknoWand:MrA Brown took 1:10M,„ - ileeds of • 00-r: 'Societe! was . thea discussed Mrs, Bnichart, . "nliims, Mrs, Granti Mrs. Stnit'a, Cross -a nd; Bryao. .A well written -Papa:ion Mother's;, Reasonsfor Uniting with :prepared by ,Wes. Patterson-, • of WiartOn, was in her abssmet read MrS. GO. Johnston, TeestVat.ett a Airs. Williams, of Walkerton. read a icarefully prepared paper on "Presis i Wrk." i TIK this thoughtful papPr the i 1 influence Oi che press was giv,01 its bill 1 share :of credit. for the (rood work it is 1 - 1., I doing' in helping 'on the cause -of moral ', -1. refOrm of -every *kind. .The master ill, 9 1mindsf the * /d 't At th i o , , or use 1 . .-e ISatne tithertoo much should not be. ex- ' ' of •1 Soarntilisin is a cominer- . • 4-Parliamentry„ •Drill,' by Tittrsa Thornley gave It very cisitirideti-of concluct nieeting-,.. The Offre,er4 stool& all be in their places.- A. srieltic-. s)044."*1 -ways iddress the ch pia should alwitys, speiik to a‘ argreat vantage to ale atitel instaid of merely; raising .thet • a Mrs H. IC * need., of reeswoelly• then., *Ang .a ' AtAlat 'apse al this session and allso - at the Miwning iession u.. largo ntimber, at.- qUestions were ans:v-ered by: IP --s..... • • Thornley. paper, w ire dise:ussf.d by Mrs. • Crosz, 1 . The evenini theetirig_w_as beg. in .tb... 1 7 • . • , • - • -• _ _ - • 4 r • j.131. tuteliart;, Itivermay,- m eth church, II large -.0:0,fliettco: fachali of cu NI-Laciii n am} lUrs. Armstrong, - .of i bah) a preseilt The choir dt t yu GU , 4 he r • • • • f • the, a iOut 1;t1 the, Luckni) • , furnished appropiate lpSIC 01 7 • - actric ,of that. ; 1 ' ..The representatives of tile, pre, -..i's 14k;pettu11 and t1osin,s4 eiirdses,. , r - v r r*- -