HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-29, Page 1-7•=!..-„;•
• 4",
• 1114i
i. Good. Advice
11)041: b:dy. your
- '
kini ailitar*eit Tools.
ion see. what
,0 • TAYLOR -
Can eta for you
• „
neknow Banking 00n3
iiUCKNOW, JLItr lt-nr„ 1893
ave 'generally one -or more farms
KC 11-11rol. Ashi-tehl and Wawanosh
tottnships for gale. Partis desiring td buy
consult their own interest .by calling an
uslizs we sell cheap. and da easy terras to suit -
• th4f purchaser.
•e ttave 875,000 to Tend pn filst mortgage
f,nqopc1 tam or village ;property at from
to per cent, interest -rate aecoitling to
-411' iti loan and security offered, •-
e also lend small amoWnt
s on se`cond Mort -
on tarins and first chattel mortgage.
do a _general banking busine.ss. Issue
avable through -out Canada and the
itates and make colIectiog on all
2;i61nding Western States, Manitoba.,
orth West,
he' collection of aotes and accounts will
e eive special attention. Lending money on
fat rper s notes a speciality; In our savings
artment w allow -5 per cent , interest on
Wall deposits. ,
e effect Insurance on -all classes: of build -
in g, either in StOck. or IVIntuat Coznpanies as
ired. None but first class Zlorapanies rep -I
EO A. §IDPALL Manager
T tephone tos. -
at; m. and 6:30 p. m. •Sundar-Scriool;-
0.P. --Z'
• Superintendent, ,Wm. S; Holmes.
nit class every Wednesday evening at
8 'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's, All
'iir" eIcOme. REv. C. MILES, Pastor. • -
.tute. ReadingrotnOiten every evening
fr )ra. 7:to10-p.Tro.i, excepting SatiirclartI t,--ih-In
hours will -be from 2. t 6 .The
Ii!farian will he -in attendance duriAg -these
Alm. • - Mu_ncalsox.
seouritY for any time, at lowest
• t4e of interest, The princItial May be_paid
the end of the time, or a part of the princi,
may be paid each year, interest ceasing on
tb. amount paid.. For further particulars
apply to ANaus STEWART, Luckno-W.
• tk,TE-g• TIME TABLEi--
pains leav-e-Lueisafow for south at 0:58 a:in
1 1.:48 a.m.. and ei:15p.lin. -
fNorth air1-2-44. rifs, 4:02 p. in; and 10:28
m. -
_ilkiiaGT C:3TREET, .40N60i4..-
- -
ate of the New York Eye.and Ear HOPI -
tat 1889, Rost graduate course
1ye Ear, Nose,,alid Throat at the
w York -Post Graduate:
Medical School and
Hospital, 1892.
Eyes, tesiw.I.SUases sra4ag-e7es.
• •
Will he at the Brunswick House, Wingham,
t last or first Thursday of each month at
tenamed -Wow. First visit January 4th,
4, Hours from 8 a.m, to. p.m. Charges
&fate, '- - ,
°face in the building' 644 of the
xzr, rrinting Office.
--0--A*Ife-ULLY PREPAtirr
aus s8pecihea_tetoti*-4zid -estates .104huilo
mirk bridges, etc., furnished
on short notice.- -
rners, look to your - own irkttzest sk.p
insure row farm linildings -rend
, private dweltings .,the
()Urge Prelliilim /totes required
atitSlr SYSTEtf
cents to-90-16as per 8100 for three years,
dkisO sett forAthe of London,
kte, Famous • liore,-Cas6 Tor -Roe v.1
crowd of, electorspreSent„. but
. . . . . .
• •
. •
1st of:the Candidates in the nolo
The mttnicipal nominations for the
-village took place in the Town', Hall,
on Friday last. *There was -not-, a very
a'good dial _of enthusiasm prevailed
especially when the Reeve announced
Judgment in ttAii. case was deliver- the, contents . of a :telegram . received
ed at Osgoode hail, Toronto;="on Friday fi4stan. Toronto; that the village had
won the law-suie before the Court of
Appeal. The cheer that -greeted -th:is
announcement fairly shook the - 1)14:W-
ing, and for a few minutes the 'crov.,4
gave fall vent to their feelings. .Abo•
twelve o'clock Clerk 1.1. Morrison, t,ob
his seat at the desk, and- iimomidea
his -readiness to receive nominatio4
for the offices. of Reeve, Councillors
and Sehool Trustees, when the follow -
the 22nd inst., and the Village 'has
scored a great victory, the -appeal by
the VilIage-being allowed With costs
• .
A brief •!..evieW df the case may not be
out of- place. _ In . June, J892, the
plaintiff's --horse was proceeding from
in'stable Lucknow, to "Wingliarn
*a oat 1.91.30' a. '14,„ .and on 'his way
necessarily' .passed -the village water-
works plant. Mr.:-.--Douglas,--the water.
• .
works. - engineer, :had just finished.
• . i
watering- the streets, -using,. as ,.sP
generally known the ."-water-works- for
that purpose, and.- 40, gene. into . the
engine -house • to shut Of, the 'pumps, -
when the planti-fra horse -approached
t *building; *Tri- accordance with
iiistrtro--tto..nS :received" from -McQuillan
45 bo- -(who. built the water -works,)
andfollowing his invariable** Custom,
the engineer,, before, stopping . the
ilthps, _blew the_ whistle to notify(the'
neral 'public _that no more water-
-6111d betaken from the mains, as he..
0. about to stop pumping, it being
ell knoitirthat :water- taken from the
ains after the :_pumpsi hacl stopped
uld.create .4. vacuum in the :Vipes
cl.„--endangers the- system. The,
istle waiblosVn-whitii -the horse - was
ine,120'•feeti from the building and
such position that he could not be
from within the building; and the
iSe taking 4right at the - whistle;
s = Conten;led by the plaintiff, ran,
ay and- w4 injured. Rae -theiv
ate' the council, ASking clamakes
ury_ - council kit ifie---7m'attei
ore P. Malcoinion, the
age solicitor, and_ he,.after censiaer7
the matter,..adVised_that they, were
liable for- the damage. 3...cting On
Ad -vise- the -council refused to- pay-
aiiiount ddmanded fug mt.; .4Roe,
ered- an.aetion -to recoVer ;ciamiges,
clog. the -amount at $2.06. - This
on _the pound!. i33structed
,$91-,.t ID defend and the 'case- was
d at -Goderich: before His' "..f-Ionor
ge Doyle, on the- 1 -5th day of _Dec,,.
2, -:When Its Honor reserved judge-
merit; - About the 25.ithl,- of Feby.laAt
judge .Doyle: published his judgetherit
in the Goderiolt:St-th..- finding„ :Tinjavor:
of the plaintiff' for 02,5 164 -_costssand
holding t1:10•4; it was: -not necessary for
:the plaintiff to prove neo.ligeriee'-on the
part of .the. village to. oucoomd..i-.
ir-47151-16Ile:Meating was called by the-.
Reeve,to:corisider .the 'motel._ When it
was decided to Oght the inatte0---to the.
end, and the neceSsary7atepge for
appealing were --at talc.en-4:71'7The
appeal was argued :by
Gar -
row, -Q. P.; at •CsgOddt-i- Hail,: :Toronto,
On the 13th iSeptember . last; befre
Chief, ,.eriitticel-gagarty 7 and,' Justice
Oslerind McLennan; when indgeinent.
Was again reierired, and was only _..de•
asi..aboVelstated; ok.-77riclay last
when the *flowed:- with
• dostt;. - The case: was a Ver,j- . difficult
and coMplicited one - -invoking: -Man*
- • - . _ •
Awe points of law and _evidence and DUrniii; :and Robert hirdori.
Mr. ,wh-o. condacie0.- it,
thrthIghout *Abe village, - entitled
to ,iniitth: .credit. for the manner
which '11,041p t and is War*
ly_civrigratulateit on: hislizadess:. '
lug nominations were made.,„
U. MurdoCh
W. Coimell and T. W. Hildred. •
*Tames Lyons —$Oniinitted by A-.
Davison and Alex: McKinnon.
Reeve"- Bryan was also nominated
but 'declined to -stand for another
. • .
Formosa, Dec. 1$04.,1893.
• A convention of Patrons Of _Indus-
try mei here to-lay•for the purpose of
tab:14 into- considerationthe' adOii-
bility of placing a candidate in the
field next election. -Mr. G. A. Pringle,
president of . the elect* committee,
called the ,icigeting t� order promptly,
at 2 p.m. • In the absence of
M6Kay, Setetary of committee, • Iasi.
Lamb acted as Secretary. Messrs.
D. A. Ireland, Jas. Donaldson and
-John R. MoNally were aPpoinfed a
--ebrotniritee -on . 'credentials... _ ..They re-'
. ported 66 present. Th4airman
•read -a number commuitica4**,ns' frOm
,the various Jodges in the- •riding itt
_reference to the Tote taken upon a
=libber a names- submitted by the,
election committee to the difTerenfr
subordinate lodges. .The Meeting then.
proceeded to:tpe election of candidatee.
Wm, Anderson -- 1%Torninated by
James Williamson - and Win. Mc-
Donald McDonald --Nominated by
W'm. Connell and J. G. Murdoch.
Angus McQuaig --- Nominated by
James Williamson_ And Wm. Me -
W. Holmes --Nominated y
Wm. Cook and T. W. Hildred
W. Ilildred ----- Nominated
Jas. Bryan and A. T. Davison.
J. L. P4terson--N'ominated by K.
J. McLeod and James Bryan..
There were four candidates nomiiia-
ted for the .oitices- of, school -trustee,
'but . declined the
-nom ination,--tht btlfer three candidate
Messrs. -Donald' Patterson Thos. Reid
and -Jas. Bryan, -were declared elected
by acclamation for two years-.
After the 'close of the no mations
the, usual public, meeting as 'held
with -Hugh Morrison in the chair.
All' the candidates nominated ad-
dressed the electors -presenti an
everything passed off very pleasantly.
,No one present, found any, fault with
either ,the menibers of the Council Or
school board for the past year, and at
:the close of the meeting a vote of
thanks, ommotiOn, of Murdoch
aiid James Lyons, waS. tO Ree
1-,3ryli*, for his- services to t
as lieeve,for the past
. .
towriShip the old' Veteran
--Mr -Itikert Piirvis;', ha 's .again been
610et4d 'Wei*. and Mr.. , Alex. Nichol -
ion; Deputy -Reeve -aaplamatiOn.-
Fer_:coutiellIors there are four candid7,
ate itt the -field three Ofd mera-
bers,._. Messrs: iJatnes...efohniton, GeOrge
Moffat, and "Francis /finery, and Mr.
Thomas • Malcolm. •
In this tZmnsh the- -old Reeve,
Mr. Alex Stewart, again returne4
to that office- without' opposition, and.
Mr. 'Tamps Gibson las been -elected-
Depiity -by. acclamation.. There are
four councillors in the field; Messrs.
Thos.17N Toad, - -Robert Medd, Thos.
has,J0en suffering froin_.
the severest attacW•pf .,grippe during
the past week in her. history. Nearly
every home has
--4V:ierton has been incorporated as
toVerk fand • the.,,elecf.ien -fdr its floe,
mayor takes,, place on Monday, next,
with Ex -reeves D. M. Jeinayn- and De,
Wigle as • the candidates. -
Ak the list meeting for•.,1893 of
the council of the
the trustees. titian' ,11,1r.'•,-*Ied a mot-
ion thanking thin, .-_11:4-Y; for seivices
to . the village .for the Pitt - twelve
months witneet monev and -without
- , .
pprice..ee, •
r- 7
township Warden
.13-i--)8PPfi Griffin', has Mr.; David :Agnew
as an Ofp"Onent Reeveshipk
and Mr. Hugh .Gi.rvhow'oppoied for
by • Ar.. John " Whitely.
For the • secondi ilepAy Mr. gtio-
Charabeii :kohn .0oWari are
ri the field. :• • •*
_mt.. me Y. Nictioin Sea -
forth_ E*osit000kas- -b441-1-, nonimouily,,,
chosen as: the Liberabilatircliditte .-fOe
Scuth• Hu eon, in •!the .1311 torii Legisla-
ture atetlitigeoeral electiiint No bet7
evele4ton-could hsvo:been.
„ large
151eiii,e, I tailqx froM: h-411,
been iarifect Atyay, by the flood, and'
inAsponstr., to. a -telegrarn, Wat.44.t:
-Bryanleft pl,ace�n Thursclp
- • •••!.
-Moved by J.41...Cameron secondel
. _
-Wright,- that Wm. YalenSbe
te,o,apdidate. - • -
1,3.'vert.bY Win.. seconded by
-Valens, -that I:7eter..C.orrigan. be
the candidate;
MOv,ed by jail: Jackson- seconded'
4y. J. H. Tanner, that J'•ilolin 3Ie-
Nally.fie„ the- candic1ate.1 .
The .chairman • intimated . that an°
-opportunity wOuld be given the movers,
seconders and candidates • to address
the meeting which they did. Messrs.
Corrigan and McNally withdrew,
leaving.. Mr. -Valens the unaninious
thoieil-of the convention. Mr. Vbillens
then addressed the Meeting. He said
the -nomination -Was „unexpected.' - It
was the, office. -seeking the man this
time. He could not 4iye-sa -final - de-
cision -at the present tiMe and asked
the. _convention to -give him • two
-months. till after the aminal
of the grand. Jodge, - and*if at
piratien. - of. that time he-accep
nomMation, j.he .ire,n1c1;enter..
Tpaignr.With 4.wiir And 00. all
pciwe,r to secure.his election.
- •
;he ex -
ed the
urged the _Patrons to' tand hy their
colors and give the candidate every
assistance they possibly could and hey,
had no fear as to 'the result.
Moved by Mr., Ireland; seconded by
Mr. Cronyn- that the: proposition of
Bro. _Vallens be ccepted--L-,Carried
. • .
Bros. Peter Corrioan Quirk-;
sl'ally arid others -adder'ersed,---'11; meet?
ing pying fl glowircribute to the
the ridin ' be faithtn.11y repi•e-
im in the lo" cal --legislature
..‘oronto. The Chairman asked the
meeting to :contribute a fund- towards
defraying expensesin c.onnection with
this convention. .
ability_ of ..13rtk.----'ra lens) and. 'tha4-.
Messrs. D. A. Ireland and John.
Piirvii passed round • their . hats. and
received $4. 95.
Moved by J. H. McNally, seconded
by. W. H. Brocklebank, that the
presidents, of the various lodges in
this riding be . a -committeeto devise.
ways- and- means of collecting money
to d4fray the incidental expenses of
the4local eleption. Carried.
The, meeting, closed • by giving three
cheers for the Queen and the candid-.
ate. The greatest- enthusiasm tire -
veiled .*througboub the entire meeting.
. •
14.14GSIDE -
Snow all gonel & "greew.Oliristinas-
onee more.• -, *
,.-Miss CharlotteCrowston - Spend, -
int heholidaysat Kelvin., J.Altore,
Mrs P Hazel has gone on an extend-
ed trip to Connecticut.;
Messrs A. A and -lames .0rowston.
• - :
report having Nod a good tlme at th*
prret.Qx.'epnc'ertr on Friday evening
The river it the.Caesarbridge :has
overflowed its banks,- and has inlide
footrtravedk impossible 'foe se veva!, xlays,
John Murchison, of Manitou,
is vis!itingliis parents' .here.
Mr John Johnston, of Ashfield, is
•vid t, pg 0 this Vieinity:
Mrs ii it i !rehouse, attend-
ed,',1,1,10Gry Ox-ooncert on Friday
Phe stormy weather of the past
week Ias kept- business rather dull.
Our young people's society is pr
grOlang favorably. The atten400pe. -
last Sabbath, evening was the : latge-St?
Of any 'evening Since the organ4a*jott.
of thesociety. •
R. E. LafteLind B. Finlay -atte
as 'Grand j Ors 'attheg. eneral sesLvJ
'held in Go 'Well during last liteelt'r,,,*,.
Our :ub le ..school-;-ekamillation
a grand success notwithstandin
the very.heaNY rain which fell d
the Whote;xlay on'Whicli it wd`se-7
The schoolroom was cfery artistically
decorated- withreiergreensfand flowers,
pictures and Mottoes Of various kinds.
The: attendance, 'of, pupils was large
there beink fifty two _previa., The
ottenclanee of. parentS and others was
very-lara-and numbered about seventy .
one or two,. The efficiency of the
scholars -iv* remarkable Indeed; in, all
the variduk 'classes; and showed 'very
plainly quit .Under the discipline of
our tsacher -.great adirancetneta is
baing mad and are glad to- say
Mr.: Kerr' , has been re-engagekat an
advance of fifty dollars in -84laryatid
we feel satisfied no better ,step cauld
have been, taken for the -advancement
Ofonr- sctioci interests.. °The examin-',.
_ation,4 pupils, was f011owed by a Tory
seitict programme. .Te4eher and
scholars; assisted by our string baud,
with Miss Mary I-1Ogalld as organist,
gave -sonie _very fine selections, while
the recitations and.-dialooes given hy
the ,childre4 were something beyond
the coninion; . We -take this oppor-
.thnity on, the part ‘ of the .section of
Aha.nkipg Mr. 3. Hogan .for '-his
nes in lending the organ for the oc-
casion, and;alio to Mrs. J. Scott aincl
others who so ' kindly gave' their
assistance in helping the 'teacher to
getup such a very ini westing pro-
. •
gramme. cur action may well feel
pron.4„ „ofillitt teacher who has been
engaged. 'Ahd our teacher may at
the saipe, time fes! himself highly
honored at being engaged in a section
that sikow§, iu spite of wind, and rain
that his labors n the school room and
in his social intercourse *throughout
the section has: been so welt and fully.
apilieclated. Nye `not forget to
mention be nifait' of •oar igst friend,
'ilelfast, -who' -canie.-10...
the stormto assisr. in the -OX-
amination, and we svpu14 wish -VW
every succels in the same line, • Oil°
thing needing special mention was
the free-hand •crayon drawing done -
by the scholars 'on the blackboard.
This paat of the examination was
greatly enjoyed by all who examined,
Mrs. J.. Campbell is visiting friends
t St. .Helens.
The annual meeting, of the White-
church Creamery 'Company was held .
in Forester's' 'hall; Whitechurch on
Saturday the 16th- inst., at 2 O'clock
p. rn. .From 1 to 2,1?-ni, the Treasurer
Was busily engaged payingthe div- •
-Mend_ to --shafeholdvs. When the -
•Prrsident, Mr_ James Henry;
_the..meeting to order, the hall was w11
filled with the -patrons, rshareholders;
and ethers interested in the Preanier.
Mr Robert Currie., Se;
imously • voted 'chairman intfk! filled.
the chair with -credit-to himself- tiad
to the. en.tire.s. atisfactim:' of those OA -
The Secretaty-
Siinpson read the -minutes 02 the last..
-annual. meeting, which by oidifon was.
confirmed,' Thf, Treasurer Mr H.
Renderion; read the. Auditor's Report..
'which was duly adopted. We find by
the report that. the_ Company have had
a very prosperous season, the minibeiv
of pounds of butter made at the &col
,exceeding 811000. :14.7 inaroastri;v
;any previous years -make, of 13,000
The Money paid otit:hy ithi, Tie
. _
of thia ,companyexcfleds-
All the' -old, Director4 stere
'withaukopp.01410a viz:
John -W
aato be cimgrat
their. • .tes
have 0)
it It ,t.api