HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-22, Page 4• r.• .{LNhQ kV 1 e Luck -now �t.--Others their prevailing ailment. . tit�cx again strugf1le on - working whRn bard= without going on : the funds. The sick benefit is a boon to many ; it . seems to gold mine to _.a few. basso . -. r }F- LIBERTY TO UTTER: AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING. TO'TEE, DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE- CONSCIENCE- WE. PRIZE :ABOVEALL _ 1 OTHER LIBERTIES • - iZauckaow, Deo. 22nd 1303 ly fit.to be at - work - ander` losing time , THE visible supply of `wheat is- -note than. at' any forcer period of tie: world's, history} and:- about -half of ` t e ?25.000.000 bushels in sight is in orth America, • Brokers incline to t i belief: that all -our" surplus tsd "no. s ow" the world's, crop being _100-,000.; cOa less than in -1892 and 200 000 000 ss than than it 1891. THEelections to the ..Legislature in rince` Ed -Ward Island last week re-- in. a -§-weeping ee p :in cor :for: -the. tilted a �t Y par. Out of_ a total :of ibatal. ty thirty representitives Telected.. twenty our are Reform and six = Opposition. hevoto- on prohib tion which . wast taken a t: the .same_ time. was carried -by ., !ten< to. one of a-majorityy. -# • . H 3JItTo Specta.or--="Some- Consei t native journels -are ,so_ foolish as to fin d !fault with` the Manitoda_;_ :government I' for eancelling the :commission. of the Winnipeg.-__maoistrate who admitted ;[Personator Chamberlain to b ail ° The I government: did: exactly: -ri_l:t. . lithe --1.-magistrate went_ entirely. our:- E.f ; his way- to enable a personator ' to escape from.justice. _ Thatsort.of thing should. not be tolerated by any . government. -INTERESTING- NEWS. Personal, Political and Genera. Interest. _-."Columbi s" skates at Latterenee s. Lawerenoe ` is headquarters for cheap cutlery.:_ : --.Don't; forget the popular assembly opt Wednesday ,evening next. • ' Have you seen the model axes Lav erence has them. Go and _hear the Orange Concert in the TQwn Hal!; on.the:26th. 7 -Fresh 'lines of teas and coffees atp. rices that will astonish you. ----J- Elliot. fµ = . There=will be skating in the rink, ori Christmas in afternoon and evening —Trya _pound -of - Days' baking,: ' a .>: 1 .: that it powder =T It is_admitted by all is the best. b. • + t THE London- Board resolved to ca -operate p . 1 they V6' St t non't fail to inspect Armstrong's. stock before buying your Xmas.: presents, - /Skates:. =-Axes; Cross Cut - Sa,ws,� ' : is cheap Winter - ,oac .and. "all binds of g entitle nuC • December 22nd • D Air • _are hardand ath... T. with. Customers when `times Lf showing Practical .yp 3 s r is:- we at Lawerence s _ toys of all kinds and all prices .at Harry Days Look in and see- the nice assortment he has'to shcaw Look here1 we -are-still in the ring with- choice -and f rest alts • of all kinds . at lowoSr ,prices. , Elliot. t i to sel � S DE JACKETS APIES RE�1D� IVB r.� and, .. -- , � aced -rices. Furs; h . we are off. erring at rel , p We -have a� few l�ft,ti whic _ - � -. and Ower oats. - Mens Fur Coats acgets : are ust in :season, - _ So .are ese. . -:. - r sins i� .th � , lines • give us " a C411. . • you want bag :._ � - • : - - "- 00000000000000 �00000000 ci000000000000__ CooE00000000000 - o�ooNoo = ; . .000T000LooAooWooR 0 0 0000000000000000 JCOOODUOOOOOo000000000000 00 : 0 ----Tuesdays � Thursday and Saturday'. °g F - -evenings_ are- the: nights set apart for •. 52. skating in the rink during this` season ':- 5.,. . ° ---,Mr.'VV.. S. HOl es` and. °:Mr. T.-. Trade- has ��' Hildred are prominently: mentioned 8 . , with other. as candidates for the -Council Board. c . sr —1VIr Thos. Hodgins, who has spent ubl e�, bodies in ix en�ora z n .. several ears nthe - estern a es, is ° Dominion Government- to' x.duce: t 'bask among his old,. f riends -in Lucknow -. of canned.'goods suchas Salmon Duck, Turkey, Herrings Finn err: I3 addie at- Moody's nese • leather_ goods at Harry..:Days. Call. and see for yourselves. AtIrry Xmas and .a habpy New Year tv all._ Remember thatrho Hub - Grocery is: the ` place to buy your fruits.—J Elliot. --Just think of it ! ; A bambo table; a. photo frame, a- large pair of vases 0- postageon, letters from 3 to- 2-- cents All kinds 9. and to insure the safe delivery of Tomatoes, r k o registered letters, _-To reduce the post 0 age to 2 cents a. letter would be to _Beautiful p nts for Xmas and 0 . o place Can ada torr an equality. with the . New Year . gitt n fine plush and 9 United States -which provided a 2 cent/ rate: several: yearsago and found that the reduction did not materially" lessen.. the revenue...- - _ *MANITOBA a year ago declared by -an overwhelming majority in fav.or of lowed suit ten- tO one. -'And-the. vpice of Ontario 'With Mit C101illt) • We have •-a_ 'few,: pieces be heard ofi.-the same side on the fir. - expect4hat these _declarations- will be.. - . - _ we are running off at. reduced rates.— followed :by-, the'iminediate. adoption _of a -measure for 'the tOtal 'wiping out 'of the liquor traffic._ But there- .rea-Son to look for a Very. great curtail.:_ . 4 ruent that will- prepare .-for. extinction I later on. A FEMALE minstrel cOmpany invaded ---Zindsay about a month. ago, , and of course -had a full house.- .A.inona•- the jokelets -was one of a -practical sort.. One Of ,the beauties connected. with the- Alow -was sent around7to the trance in street Costaima where-she'aeinanded _abmission. -The dodr keeper- stopped her whereat she screamed : the in ! ' My_LInfSband is In there and I'M ,going to-- take.: him .-out Instantly- seiretal .hundred men -some bald and some not- . begin. to get undei.. the_seafts, while- one' made a dashfout Of the window and eicap_ed in the da,rkness. 1}... Brim -is of T-oronto preached at Zion 'on St-tda,?-- last `I on missions • • _ tea -meeting will be held in. Ilackett's_clnirCh Ashfield On Xmas. eveni4g, in_connection with the Sunday ----When' you Want- -oysters- stewed it -fact ,any.:`kind.of lunch; call on -R MOody,- Star- Restki. rant. and•prOptietorIof :the: Tara Leader has invested in a..large hardware 'store in. last week.. --4RemoVedi We have -- mOveci: . our _colt from you -when :buying your - _Who has been- seriouily ill:for the past week, me are .pleased to .'know .is 3.rn- ..pro-sring Riad ,:hope :to:see him-. -round . , .. 1 • 0 • 0- .61);j14)1,.::::),04et/(elbo 6 1146 0 • 0 0 0 49. 464 4'1‘. )4j:?)°1 4G;94.4,' : 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 -400.1 0 0 0 uneheOp. at 12,30. poo. fail .-tO: P-0 it an. FLPPeato4i9e. 01100 -the Pre - .W.QN.D,ORT The exsamin-ation of 5.. S. No. 5 Will . be held on Friday 20.th- corrunencing II:dation are requested to attend. The following ate the offiders. eleeted .for the current Yeah. at the last- ,meet - Huston, D. M. Cook, _Chaplain. - J Ritchie, Treasurer A Ritchie, D. A McKay; Lecturer. Committee, gentleman who Is a- prominent Om - agt11.1i few days , ;trees -7-Paities •9 to: Harry Pays -0 -gee 'lig .fin4. display . Jo§ephliire, d,- --770g11 early add :ST_o-cdire some- o is: oflering *fipm his ',large- arid- . and- japanese- _Chinaware. - Ross,--. Who.. ,has been Weeks. with: a seVere': attack Grippe; we are,glad to say. is -able to. al secret, tocieties is of sick benefit prov- • ' There will be -sold by ,public on -Thursday, Dec, -.28th, :about 15 acres of _ first-class _timber, the .property of James Culbert. JOHN GRIFFIN eer. - • rien and lbain arge.Stock. of the above sinus be cleared at .somel price. COIVIE AND 'SECURE BARGAINS. Clocks, watches =and Jewelleritepairing, Gold and- -1 Silver Plaiting, Clocks, Watches, Chains, Rings, 'etc. Spectacles to suit all sights ,at fair prices go to 11- a. CATER JEWELLER liERE -CAME_ TO THE PREMISES " of the ,undereigned,• lot 8, coik.. 1, Kinloss :on -or about the.1stof August, a yearling red steer. ' The owner.is iscia-ested -to _prove pro-. t pair. cipenses and take him away.' Lucknow W.A.1470„ 000..QQ Fall Wheat, per 'bushel .. :Spring ....Wheat-, per bushel Oats • Bade 4 00,0,00' feet -of maple logs wanted for_ which _we will pay -from $8.00 to . $10.-00 per thousand. The Usf.tal price - for blocks 'Will be pkid. • MITCHELL BROS.. Sawmill's; Luckno*. AT 54 to :55 50 -to 52 .33 Potatoes • .40 LL KINDS OF HARD WOOD LOGS wanted at Misner's Saw -mill (lot 1 con. 7 Ashfield Yfor which ate highest prices will be paid. I will be kt the mill every Friday to measure and pay for all logs delivered, For further particulars apply to DAVID MoDONALD Butter, per ib.. r Egg§, per d Caen Hay' per tun notir per cwt... Pork per _- Chickens, per lb.. Turkey§, per lb. Ducks, :per 16 Geese, 'per lb Apples, :per 'barrel Sheepskins . Oatillegill. 4f - Itch on -human and all anitpais cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. - Warranted by A. tub .17 tol 8 .12 6 75 • • rilHE ANNUAL MEETINQ- OF THE in the Forester's Kan. Whltechurch, on Sat- urday, _Dec. 16th, at bne o'clock, .when the dividends Will be paid- and other Iraportant busineis- transacted. Patrons, Share- holders 'and 'others Interisted are cordially invited to attend. Whitechurdh, Nov, 25 1893. - DIED -ARMSTRONG Ai Puyallup, Pacific Coast- WaShingtonStateom the 24th of Nov., . Mary Armstrong, wife of George W. ...Falconer;and eldest daughter of Leonard a 11 • • It • -.1000 r.