HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-22, Page 2•
• ' _
Matey_ ant anew
-- .I"m_ orb otupsotiii inymind, sir; I'm kind of
, -01_ Wrought up. in my soul. - - - -. -
I'm fihled up 'with trouble, I am, -Sir ; my, heart:
_.__ • - ;la the picture of. dole.. . - - •
I've got a -weak boy for a son, Sir. 'He's weak
. las a feller can be, •- : -
- But ii then rye a daughter Who% 'stronger, 1
It think,' nor her mother -nor me. -' •
• And that isthe -thing that- -uPsets ,,m0---it-filli
;me with direst of woo:. • - " -
--MY oe he had oughter ben Betsy, and Betsy
she'd oughterbeenr-joe. - * - . • --: -
Too, he ain't good.for his salt, sir. He
. He 19)10i% he' i. berry- Mr. Shak
a esPerei, eed., t- acta igtveg up to his. dreams. -.
•I - .14 pOiiii wicd white pa -per by reams. -
.. ButiBetr.es-as"Sarne as -the keeper 'mho *Oka
. }1 after folks what WI:m.41 - _ . -; • •
She - gat solid striae, hasmzyBetsY,- the solidest
- • 6irer watt. had. . ,,- -
I 't
eta the slighteat ideo, sir; just iuni. the
-- . ,ti thing came to be ke,. -,_ 7 .
But -Joe hB
e had oughter been etsy, and Betsy
• - ---: i siieUoughter been Joe.
• , -
,.. •
T4t.gat ;she- will go to the medder„: an' 'toss 11P
- the hay like a, man- ; . • • .- -* --(:-
• She. I work in the.sun_ en' th'e shedder. as hard;
- 0 :iiir,a,s ever she -eau
- 13,u 4,lee -he'll 'go- out there and dawdle. At
•• .4aWdlin" he's reaily_A one !--
Ilut that ain't the- thfnk for a daughter,_ nor
• that ain't the thing for _esen.
n_ that's why I set here a,sighin', and :that's
•r why. my eyes overflow ;- - •
lytjoe he had (Righter been. Betsy, -and:Ratak-
She'd oughtcr-been Joe. • - -
.. , .. . . ,..
Ido,rt oiliid-a-t0. yin! My home; sir, the keine of
tz,.. 7 •
- I-4 po.et, at all,
- I m at, say [lie for t h. ,t, Iitiyetses of sPring
.. .. , - •
and of 'fall. ..
Bu what I -don't ke..for._te see, Sir, en" what
- , sets my bet .., ..
- Is t ' e poetry writ, by a boy, sir, an' 'all_ the nay
I tossed by i.k, girk-- - - . - .
-,It st,iems„te me sort of outrageous, a .sortota.
ft terrible blow.: - - . -
- That Joe he:should °Lighter beet flietsy, and
•_Betsy should oughter been Joe - •
- '13e Lti--,,e I have always. told-, Mandy—my wife
_•f Air .; a- bpien did cme.-,- .
, . h -t. work:that was fittin' for women ain't
• .... dittie"forinetil_kind to do. . •.- - - -
1've sort of a -twitted the lady 6ii weakness ek
_ . . _ . .
woman an' that. - - - •- - ._
•-- A. ' bavin' the thingturnedaround. sir, ."4 the
, .thing that's a -knocking me fiat.
. Anl.ii" there's a iway in einatioh for ehatigin"eM
rd -like to .knoVr,- -. _ - -•._ • - _ ,
S:q-,'' Joe could, -be ina-delnto Betsy, and Betsy.
_,Iiema.de into Joe. . : . ‘-.. : -• - -
John,-KenArick Bang, f_, in, Harper's. Bazar.,
- The- German leneid:
./.Gerrnati band, in the noonday .heat, .
topped ork.a. 'Corner of the fit eeOt..
Birkenheimer and Mederwurst -.,
4h cornets under their arm were first;
NeUt Schmidt with a ciarionet that shone;
- TiRn flans Von Beck With li. . greattroinbone ;
While after them there Would always eoine-
- Lit le Dutch Frit with his big, bedrum,- -
Ani, aei thestathoring crowd he eyed,-; .
Birenheimor, the leadvr, cried:: - • _
- I.' ,.__'' Ein—zwei--drek--k,6 ! ••
..t1 -f
:-Jl 43-; Vier—funf—led hef go 1"
Th n woompety-woompOty-woorop • . they.
, went, • --- *--.-
-_ An f -eats- wlierever they took their stand, -
- • NW, 'uld always . say; when they- heard -them
play; , - , - . .. . -- -.
• Th 're vas nothing to equal- the German band!
. The- rra'sirig, ef china -giro is the oldost
Indfast,*y.. •
meriand Luigi fields, 'but cultiVa* atrial
!here -are tihont 41- -, yardsof se wing en A
kid glove.-
ilia Shah. of Persia is- the:. proud, father o
teen children...
. • .•
when you buy
shoes or cloth.
,ing ? Don't
you go to the
*place (if you
can find it)
*here they tell
you thatyou
may wear the
articles o u t,
e nv..
'Oteronot satisfied,they'll refund the
money?Why not .do the same when
you buy medicine?
Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Is sold on'that plan. It's the onlyblood-
purifier so Certain aid effective that it
can be guaranteed to benefit or Cure, in
every cage, or you have your money
It's not like theiordirtary spring medi.
clues or sirsaparilhus. All the year round,
it cleanses, builds up, and invigorates the
system. If you're bilious, run-down, or
dyspeptic, or have any blood -taint, sloths,
Inir can equal it ali a reinedlr.
lotion pourds-of carrot/4 thirty-four pouvds
et patens, one. :hundred -e evetity-two
pounds of potateet. and _fifty4sieon pound*
of totMatoen- ovary year. Parisian!. *di!.
vIdualIy:-censttine- .thirty-eaVen pounds of
.csarrote,i fortpitire .. of. -t °bates., fifteen ei
onions and seventeen of torniteeeper annum:
- -
-Proceeding . weetwerd.. . front- the: Irish
atiaskthe ocean bed deepens very gradnal.lY 4
for the first 236: -made the gradbnit is but'stx
-feeb. to the mile; In -the - next iwonty milo
the fell is over 9,00.0.-ke1), and preolPitoni
the descent that in many places deptbe Of
1,200 to 1800.- fathoms are encountered In-
ver./ aleeo pp Oihnity to the 1:00-fethem-lhis.-
--. With the depth of 14800 to. 20100 fathoms
.the soft bed becomes . slightly undulated'
61-ain 1...200.milei wide. The grainiest -depth.
In the Atlantic'', 300:Miles or asnorthward
ef'the Islandof St. Thome', 'where sound -
togs -of 3,87S -fathomu were obtained, or_
:Einar! y: four Miles in -step O.—Nautical./ lifisgai:
•tiritet, have been found on. the -Waist's of
Egypbian inurnmier. _
0 -third- of 'all the 'landed 'property of
Rai -gals mortgaged. - -
if a! blie P)pulatiten . SPalnent4fteenth
arat_isald be be noblef.: •
et4he profane, man array, takin 1 oareory
As* of the 'ether aide. "
Every Member- 'Of the Osage tribe: of
worth- $15,771. •
death- of an orsified. ECM Twines•
ea is reported. He died' hard. _
always oblige but -Tivs.inin
B Speak obligingly— Vollaire:
" 11.11111111.10f. COM( •- -WHORL
Ilialr.alfaisonag be Made a 10.411abifi1
iLesneglag linage;
'Iv there -A bare-.'sposeis aft the heed :Of, the
first mid the bitten of the second. ,filglib ef -
*kW whioh- strikei yeti as unsightly t :Yoh
tuff .Siske It a. of 'Acreu the
top -of the:WM:40W, I wash therettmally lest
stteh A.:turning; fita pieee et . fret.
work. Flf003 a slender braise rod At -the- hol,
-teni-Of this let'the fittest,- filmiolt white.neb.:.
-curtail* fall in ...straight, tiodraped.lines,-ind.-
.iniide .of them. Os • drePertourtieles Of dull .
teil :Onto), -
Build.a Window' seat,: and itmehion ib itt
dark ree.Hihve lo* Vstfortn,vabodt.
eighteen -Anoka,' high alai- _fear 6,40
Made, and on Ib ptb :as Ytitaay palateantt.
pottid.plants as lb will held-. .'"- This: an be
"jelled In-:: front of. the ,Wtadow • fer-..this
-light "part efthe d sy, •.:and-. then .pa.aliod off -
into a.corner, -whersibleek- green and
beautiful. :- table, . -a big,
'hided lenip.end a book or a sicerklaisket,
will complete the -Ohtstnt Of f. the 'Stair Way ;
jAfe Iattiirante,- has • -daring,: the pttb
tivo.ently yeere :Came; te. be qon�Mered
triaoh of s flees -Silty' for the preteetion of
the . hetet and.' prevision 'for the family as
EirOlitsuraup4als regarde1. ap indisiiionsabkt
for ihi-1;,:pibteoOtesi: --Preperty.- In: this.:
0.01214.3ction we .este.-,. plemed to netted:- the:
teler.p.enition by Vomit' arit'of the .Dotigniosi
-Peirlianient of..thee.l.Hattle',Life .Aiseehstiosi. ef
heed offioe itt Torents. •Ths-
cattipsey. is authericed bo tranuoti the:bust-
_nese Of Lite Inittrance_upen • thstilseilinent
.._pltits. and It-11114ot GoVern#StitAapertrisien;
The :taiga- are.. •:calculated fer pure--; Life,
ineurancre•-•ttainixed wibh Bankiitg and are,.
• thorefore,-; from a'. third. Pri 11114t. lets .than
thoite.-eharge.l.-'by the p tot tini peciapanice•-
svho are 'piling :up 'in reservesi andprofi:
s which - 0 tibUttirti.be;used or to
-00de who.: contribtits " Hon's-
-Lifse.': seems:who in Una *Obi* the Wants Of
duo .. people,- woo,,.- while .needisigiitteu.ranoe,.
.Whon id. not be charged: p ie for . that
. .
ye _ . .
article.: --• "- - - .
,& rude ipgcles ef mariaer's "oompseswis
lcii4wn be ...the Ohinerle- as -early. al II. 0.
° • ., • - - .
Igto irons's:easier!) that the hippopotamus
wdt bhaorne extinct withinthe nexo twenty
rs. •
fever. there:remoter Is, now made in
ohiSbelaine farm for :the - use' of; trained
tiring the past thirteen years the U. S.
iant Offiee has granted 2,500 paten's lo
en. . • .
ranCe- has . bad sixtY-leien . queens; Of
.win thirteen, an .,add number- forItiek,lad.
he pi
lives.. . . s
he- remarkable statement hi. Made :that
thlf averegt„ Eogfishmaii, Mies- forty pounds
- ef Salt a year.- .
- we
he traismiesioa of mileage. through:tele-
wires does. not injurehirds that' May
erched'en. theni.- -
eine Southerd.oitiee attribute the intro-.
.duetion,of Mosquitoes- to railway, 0110103Spe...
: cla ly the-Yallmalk, sleepers._ --
be*ansoza hill 'pante itReberfi,Latiiii
. . . .
Sa fent Stevenson.- The. neVeliet. :00-poed
the third narde froin_his- signature years ago.
WThe war of the rebellion- was 'the Most
dintstrout Of all inedern_ivars,- casting -830e,
00 lives and more_ than sev4ec.-. billions-. of-
-di:Oars:. - : - • - ' - .-
It Is -well enough to have your knkriv, ied.ke7
it .1teur fiurrif ends, . but whee• yciu ;60,1
'WOO an exiimination this bitber:te pat it
- onitthesnd of your oak.- • - : : -
, . , .
IntYou look sweet tmOugh.. to eet,''' said. :
ao-h.Sansfrae ne. • his :best girl on "Sutiday
- afternoon. •" You Nei: Wall: SUL . stipper
time end-you'li- see me eatt!t was her reply.,
11 ' " ,Atter the Paothait Maj. ' -- .--
' -After-the maul was over,
After the break. of bone,
After the Mayers vanished,
. All our breathwasgone.
, Many a. limb was aohing, - -
If we could feel them -all ; _. .
Many. the ribs were shattered,
After the maul. 1
of the old remodies for . nese 7b.,1
. •
ab Eh drop -of vinegar ia the -ear
was supposed' to be curable if ti
bage 'juice was deftly, itij eptil
*Isis twin ter Ken.
Rbeutnativit for years, and Nerviline is the
only remedy that has done me any good."
Bo writes -Thomas iloGlasban, North Pel-
ham; July 24, 189a, end 14a lestimeny_is
stipperbod by thousands of Abhors who have
experience- t the Wonderfully penetrating
and pain subduing power eltNervilio,e.the
great nerve poin core. • Nervilitsii Ia-jut. as -
good to take as to rub on and is -the belt
family remedy in the world. Nervilino is
sold by dottier"; everywhere.
- .
,,The funny 'barber. pat up a its's'? oigalts
_flit 'hop lase Wok. Iu read: "Shave ao-
Liair out while you -
.1 Old Muggridge read- ib and - grunted;
Humph. ! 'don't. sea- anything 'fanny
_about" tha,b.11 - . • -
" 01 oeuIrse `yoI
ls don t, said Henry.
• : • • •
-You. d-on't see any fun. hi it beeriase-it 1.
al*nye. -soffiebody else who ie. gotoUt,g, the
ebe and bAir:out While yen 'wait."
J -;- - - • -
'1 ani a llttI�
:boy just! '11 :year!' old, My,
little sister has ..takealiiur ,flobblos -Of Plec4
Caro fir Consunip men, and 'it it:the:fires'
thipg that ‘has ov4 due her ow gota, SRs..
1. only4 years.old. sem ba,hud a 044 eold •
ver 'since she Was: 81-- yeec old Olt llievitt 10.4
imost entirely over Brat • FianioiticK..
eensburg, Iiis„ Mereh--20th, 7:
" Ssigiciissuicia Ill.; Nov. 18 A,- 1893.. .
Dg4r4. SIR,—My-. (deter 15- entirely over.
her c4ugh.-- We have: beetiising
Pure fol.- Conettmpsion.".: for several years,
and art mover- pebble. Yotirs..
- ; .
truly, Biier naming,.
btsdot at
4,1'01 D.Li
b4vent54 tt
the world's lave
iresfl. the mt. l t
SeMethink as cap
says that. the Moir wh
was the greatest of -all
ar d -1teriefanters,:- feF
tread -the wheel is
'us nett -Antes that_ .,,IIIPP.ftibe for the
- \-rople i the
genes. of
e- average
_ ao it 'Wes.
Maud-Ohelly SmoothiiP hadn't mac& of
a moustache, ft is true, bac you ought not
to abuse it.
Marie—Nensense. How did I ever abuse
his moustaohe t _
Mend—He told me -the Other day that
you called it down.-
- •
wino* psis. Ging itinellers as is SOM.
. Two physl.logIat,- Profr, ;Nichol' -sod
*Browne, have -beet making opaperimentule
show the . feebleness of WenSen's
Sense, In reepeeb. to easel,. They teok tour-
oderiferets .substaiiiik.-osiense of °Wes,
of 1-(strli ,c1 'bitten and -pritilskt said. With-
- these they filled a seriesof bOttles,up to
-single park in 2,000,0002,000,000 of :Waiter... Then.
theyshuffled the -13Ottlis and - called- In 44
flitik and 38.women :all rung and healthYlt-
Whoi:gaidad by thchr.sien.se of emell, iihriuld
arrears . ',the -bobble; contitipiag • each
.tinetnre by , -The results she*,
ai the reporter tesutifiu, that the Women
were net- in 'in. The note" .of no Women
• eould- trace lemon beyond the -.100,000.
:dilution,. :while the men' disc evered lb up
to 250 000 Itmib.l.PetseeW %Old Could nob
be dettioted _berlP.ci _the 23;000 traibute,
- Metz repognisedit at. • 100,000
part - mixture. - There: -. -*are twO mon,
'boo/ever. with . pheneineeist • noses. whe
identified prueaio Red Up: 09 the 2,000,000 -
'IMO.. . ,
If i body meet) a'body who )4 dresdfaily
tortured; ',With .rlseutiatiani- it :would • be is
"Cruel "thing, net - te: Cheerfully- impart_ -ths.
oed news. that .iiteOsIlons'a Rheumatic
Repellant cures ilearalgio or rhennietto pain
thoroughly.. Sold by whoissele firma\ of
Montreal, Toronto, LOndon,
Winnipeg, -And by retail druggists generally.
. _
PhYs Ian iseverely)T—I.have no hesitation .
is saying,eir, that your . Wifo-nerious fits
are ocoasif nod by yotir-staying.oab ^, "so late
every" n • . ' •.
Witterby-70-reat "lenient dOoter,
didn't know -Ohs ares:--stiffsi;hig from an -
incurable diesels. ,
-English lady cured herself pi. "minas's- .
:brills -in,. after trying every kneWil remedy In
vater,- Oksaiivibg ap her night- dri e" • at the
bettorti and at the- slimy*" • - •
- Childish glinplfeltf...
Little -Emilietta ecammitfiid Seine trifling
pffentse; 10 r iv:blobs ILO a Ptiniarhmenb.• she was
pup by hr WAGS ti a corner of the &nine
regM._a- -le* .MitiutOS,7'wheli .he hsd
°east iterYing, eheli.0)0*13'. "1444. ter: eyes,:,
and, :heaving a deepeigh, said t.
. same, do come Natid kisil Me,
mother diparl fertive-yon." . -- -
"Sited' $tatts. Ariz
eiery day' el -- the y
VdoilyeemiumPtien ainountin
:Tha :average .:-resident. e
-Rave You Asthma Dr. R. -.Sehiffmanci, - St.
will -mail a- -trial peekageof- ." S.,ftiffatiniee
Asthma Oute"':.free any .Ha
adVertisee_by Nor* givefails-
bo-instant relietand cures. Where °there
Name this and:send addresii,for:
free trial Package:. • —
Shouldn't Their DAUM&
. .
Ho w *many dieputes .have been settled
ever the t -Sim Many wars
have been averted- , by the skilful me
thereof 1 -- How tinny_ foes have -fraternised
in its presenee ! HeS*7--many entanglement'
rios -it dieentsngled - And yet, alas !-there
1.. danger in it. "
Why siimp.gbeist
With: painful : Gerrie ?' Puinaes Petaled
: -
(horn TPxtractor will retrieve them' pain-.
lesily in a low _days:. Pee- the safe, sure
and painless Sera .ottre-4Putnanili Corn
.Extraeter. At druggiine: •
. tebte' :Cosoolg.:74 greatly
.fear, my dear .madam„ that y.etst husband is
destined .to reap- a._ .har.vesb of tares. Mrs:
Swiftly GiiyIndesad, I -fear se, . bishop;
he has..been-on one'for the last -three days, .
How to arity _
. QM, ..of the beat riethodeof -.otirrylng frae•-
tions in the had flute inslre remark whir&
detracts from the dignity ,of New Yak
pelicetnan. -
For tiorses and Cattle
Use Dick's Blood Purifier
1)10,8, Co., P. O. Box 4820Montreal.
25 .Faretifor $1000 iscile.
13 - g4 $2000. 44
' fi " 0' $3000. g•
•. -84000
Alsii some Weil situated
-properties ' Ohathiten,
' WallaCeburt :And Trenton.
*amity° Si** riraciousaiss
• esr•partievilsirs apply to •
- 41101114 11•4040T.
•.111arseiltiosis, Qat.
- -Cures Ointsnwritio4, Voughs,Croup',80,00
Throat. 'Sold by rn Druggists an Outrzetei.
-Tom Lame Side„.11741: i3r Chet gshileh", Permits.,
rbister will we great antisfactiori.:-.05 cents.
Aat-e7sq.rsi, oe,
• andCurs"tlyCsOutarr'. Pique? '16011yrs.1451Remedy will * lievfoir
ite Succeseful treatment, *free. Reraember.-.
--Shilehtiltemedies are sold out guarantee. ,0
. IT .ACTS7 Lilt& A C,HAiSilpi,
- 1124111.1; NEVES DO •411010111( 1 -
it -makes your Hands -Soft ik Whites,
.Givera healthy appearance -tits: that -Skin;
Eby's 'Electrici, Salve
Has 110 signal for eating-. BaItItheaw
Old Sores. Scrofulous. Illcers,, Bete
. Eyes, ,-Skin Diseaser4 Pimples -
Chappeatlisndii, Corns, BOft -
Burns,:Piles, Frost Bites, ,
PreshOuts,Sore Nipples.
. . .
Ask your Druggist for _ Mbyte
• trie Salve. Price 25e. per Boit
Best Imported E h Sheep's Casing! alio,
Prbne, Amerieun Hos' :Cuings. -Full' lines
.1Iams., Bacon, Lard; ebb., Lowest _ pietas W. the
bride. Park, Blacktvell St-Oe.ILtd.I. Toronto,
I S. .
- The bits* and limb.
est discoveL7, _by -.the
inventor of this elan
of medicines.'
Ours' all -Weakness'-of: Brain, Body, Nervee
and filyetenk_Antenda. St. Titus' Dance, Panay
sio;:-AUWinboluloatibut. Sdatioa. • Neuralgia
Early:Dunn FeMala Inaindarity and .Weak
nem 'arm boxes. - 10e. rift - toe WO. VW
EttforAura igmourn Rrralitilie Relf
. rose ampule irm- EritiNQ
*Sr man bir $5 casts 1 bottle.
- .
Remedy .tor Catarrh. isithe
Best, Easiest to Use, And Clieapest
CATies. Fe R 1-1
Sold by Druggists -or sent by. mail.
. E. ToBazoltine Warren, Pi.
• s
• • - • ,
MICH., ag. mit for the Celebrated
• OVER 12 MO ACRES of the veil
:best land in the States can be had at
low prices and on 'very.. reasonable
•• Fare one tray paid on the purchm.
of 42 acres. • _
• Now is the time to get -a :home_
your own. Write •
- - R. 3.1.• PIERCE,
- Mich.
ISSUE IO 51 11191L. •
Nit rirlying any 'el Anis sarong .
awn* *lean aseintien 'AVM
Diseases are oft
n clifficidc to remed
will restore a lost appetite- Jost flesh,
and check wasting diseases, especial-
ly in children, with-wondetful rapidity.
Coughs and colds are easily killed by a
few doses of this remarkable remedy.
PALATABLE AS MILK. - Be skre to get
the genuine, put up in salmon -colored
wrappers. _
• Prepare& only by Bookt Bowne.
"Elitmanthit at the Worldie
Fair," by • ,Jetdahi
Wite. (Well 0.? illostradoirie.
nearly 6e0 .nesee.
torr afisifsped. ill. few
prosPe4us.- h the .
maw's- - ytre Make
WlLIJAJ Bit 1$
Temperance ti.ceet.
• . 'Toronto
Head Office. Toronto. -
• Incorporated by Special Act of the Domin-
ion Parliament. _. •
Authorized Capital t1001000.- -
Pure Life Insurance at -popular rates.
Agents wanted.
-$1 AN 110:_ITITHltvaiddwcmget
tion. Every housewit_e buys well :Samples and
Terms by Mail lfic.. Agents wanted. Write •
quick, no time -to lose. Address, ft* Casigrefne
libanufacturlog tiempaisy, Torentoii,
1ONT-B-4 a Watch: 6r1,43:-"tireseiiw„..Telroiltui
NOW Catalogue. FREE , Write.for ona so
veg. Two_to five dollars per acre. Why
pay morel Torrens tathfs. Send for yartic
niers or call on. owner, F. PROU.DFOOT„ firm
door north of. Poet Office, Winnipeg, BFIMI:
50 A -LCR Fruit Farm for Sale, ad.
- - joining Waterdown Sta.
ion on 6 miles from Hamilton.
About .3,0Coftreas,- chiefly peaches, pears and
GOodhcitsei, barn, etc.. A. snapi. for a
pushing Man. Will be sold cheap. Address
- — do F; .A. POWIS;
• lAtimilton,..
Ont. -
.44'. LAND
0 - • .6if.r.V.A.• 4); LittISAIN, PAW
• UL -41T IL -1t.i.rzako.an
CtafrAN* in idinneotil t'end fr Maps and:Mee-
- ltirs- They- wit! he sent to. you .
- Land Commissiener. St. Paul. Kinn,
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