HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-22, Page 2• ; • ' _ Matey_ ant anew -- .I"m_ orb otupsotiii inymind, sir; I'm kind of , -01_ Wrought up. in my soul. - - - -. - I'm fihled up 'with trouble, I am, -Sir ; my, heart: _.__ • - ;la the picture of. dole.. . - - • I've got a -weak boy for a son, Sir. 'He's weak . las a feller can be, •- : - - But ii then rye a daughter Who% 'stronger, 1 It think,' nor her mother -nor me. -' • • • And that isthe -thing that- -uPsets ,,m0---it-filli ;me with direst of woo:. • - " - --MY oe he had oughter ben Betsy, and Betsy she'd oughterbeenr-joe. - * - . • --: - Too, he ain't good.for his salt, sir. He I . He 19)10i% he' i. berry- Mr. Shak a esPerei, eed., t- acta igtveg up to his. dreams. -. •I - .14 pOiiii wicd white pa -per by reams. - .. ButiBetr.es-as"Sarne as -the keeper 'mho *Oka . }1 after folks what WI:m.41 - _ . -; • • --- " She - gat solid striae, hasmzyBetsY,- the solidest , - • 6irer watt. had. . ,,- - I 't eta the slighteat ideo, sir; just iuni. the -- . ,ti thing came to be ke,. -,_ 7 . But -Joe hB e had oughter been etsy, and Betsy • - ---: i siieUoughter been Joe. • , - ,.. • • T4t.gat ;she- will go to the medder„: an' 'toss 11P - the hay like a, man- ; . • • .- -* --(:- • She. I work in the.sun_ en' th'e shedder. as hard; - 0 :iiir,a,s ever she -eau - 13,u 4,lee -he'll 'go- out there and dawdle. At •• .4aWdlin" he's reaily_A one !-- Ilut that ain't the- thfnk for a daughter,_ nor • that ain't the thing for _esen. n_ that's why I set here a,sighin', and :that's •r why. my eyes overflow ;- - • lytjoe he had (Righter been. Betsy, -and:Ratak- She'd oughtcr-been Joe. • - - .. , .. . . ,.. Ido,rt oiliid-a-t0. yin! My home; sir, the keine of tz,.. 7 • - I-4 po.et, at all, - I m at, say [lie for t h. ,t, Iitiyetses of sPring .. .. , - • • and of 'fall. .. Bu what I -don't ke..for._te see, Sir, en" what - , sets my bet .., .. - Is t ' e poetry writ, by a boy, sir, an' 'all_ the nay I tossed by i.k, girk-- - - . - . -,It st,iems„te me sort of outrageous, a .sortota. ft terrible blow.: - - . - - That Joe he:should °Lighter beet flietsy, and •_Betsy should oughter been Joe - • - '13e Lti--,,e I have always. told-, Mandy—my wife _•f Air .; a- bpien did cme.-,- . , . h -t. work:that was fittin' for women ain't • .... dittie"forinetil_kind to do. . •.- - - - 1've sort of a -twitted the lady 6ii weakness ek _ . . _ . . • woman an' that. - - - •- - ._ •-- A. ' bavin' the thingturnedaround. sir, ."4 the , .thing that's a -knocking me fiat. . Anl.ii" there's a iway in einatioh for ehatigin"eM rd -like to .knoVr,- -. _ - -•._ • - _ , S:q-,'' Joe could, -be ina-delnto Betsy, and Betsy. _,Iiema.de into Joe. . : . ‘-.. : -• - - John,-KenArick Bang, f_, in, Harper's. Bazar., Wh - The- German leneid: ./.Gerrnati band, in the noonday .heat, . topped ork.a. 'Corner of the fit eeOt.. Birkenheimer and Mederwurst -., 4h cornets under their arm were first; NeUt Schmidt with a ciarionet that shone; - TiRn flans Von Beck With li. . greattroinbone ; While after them there Would always eoine- - Lit le Dutch Frit with his big, bedrum,- - Ani, aei thestathoring crowd he eyed,-; . Birenheimor, the leadvr, cried:: - • _ - I.' ,.__'' Ein—zwei--drek--k,6 ! •• ..t1 -f :-Jl 43-; Vier—funf—led hef go 1" Th n woompety-woompOty-woorop • . they. , went, • --- *--.- -_ An f -eats- wlierever they took their stand, - - • NW, 'uld always . say; when they- heard -them play; , - , - . .. . -- -. • Th 're vas nothing to equal- the German band! AtIGH . AND _ LEARN. . The- rra'sirig, ef china -giro is the oldost Indfast,*y.. • meriand Luigi fields, 'but cultiVa* atrial ' !here -are tihont 41- -, yardsof se wing en A kid glove.- ilia Shah. of Persia is- the:. proud, father o teen children... now 11)4, . • .• when you buy shoes or cloth. ,ing ? Don't you go to the *place (if you can find it) *here they tell you thatyou may wear the articles o u t, then,iI e nv.. 'Oteronot satisfied,they'll refund the money?Why not .do the same when you buy medicine? Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is sold on'that plan. It's the onlyblood- purifier so Certain aid effective that it can be guaranteed to benefit or Cure, in every cage, or you have your money back._ It's not like theiordirtary spring medi. clues or sirsaparilhus. All the year round, it cleanses, builds up, and invigorates the system. If you're bilious, run-down, or dyspeptic, or have any blood -taint, sloths, Inir can equal it ali a reinedlr. lotion pourds-of carrot/4 thirty-four pouvds et patens, one. :hundred -e evetity-two pounds of potateet. and _fifty4sieon pound* of totMatoen- ovary year. Parisian!. *di!. vIdualIy:-censttine- .thirty-eaVen pounds of .csarrote,i fortpitire .. of. -t °bates., fifteen ei onions and seventeen of torniteeeper annum: - - -Proceeding . weetwerd.. . front- the: Irish atiaskthe ocean bed deepens very gradnal.lY 4 for the first 236: -made the gradbnit is but'stx -feeb. to the mile; In -the - next iwonty milo the fell is over 9,00.0.-ke1), and preolPitoni the descent that in many places deptbe Of 1,200 to 1800.- fathoms are encountered In- ver./ aleeo pp Oihnity to the 1:00-fethem-lhis.- --. With the depth of 14800 to. 20100 fathoms .the soft bed becomes . slightly undulated' 61-ain 1...200.milei wide. The grainiest -depth. In the Atlantic'', 300:Miles or asnorthward ef'the Islandof St. Thome', 'where sound - togs -of 3,87S -fathomu were obtained, or_ :Einar! y: four Miles in -step O.—Nautical./ lifisgai: zine. •tiritet, have been found on. the -Waist's of Egypbian inurnmier. _ 0 -third- of 'all the 'landed 'property of Rai -gals mortgaged. - - if a! blie P)pulatiten . SPalnent4fteenth arat_isald be be noblef.: • et4he profane, man array, takin 1 oareory As* of the 'ether aide. " Every Member- 'Of the Osage tribe: of worth- $15,771. • death- of an orsified. ECM Twines• ea is reported. He died' hard. _ al always oblige but -Tivs.inin B Speak obligingly— Vollaire: --1 " 11.11111111.10f. COM( •- -WHORL _ Ilialr.alfaisonag be Made a 10.411abifi1 iLesneglag linage; 'Iv there -A bare-.'sposeis aft the heed :Of, the first mid the bitten of the second. ,filglib ef - *kW whioh- strikei yeti as unsightly t :Yoh tuff .Siske It a. of 'Acreu the top -of the:WM:40W, I wash therettmally lest stteh A.:turning; fita pieee et . fret. work. Flf003 a slender braise rod At -the- hol, -teni-Of this let'the fittest,- filmiolt white.neb.:. -curtail* fall in ...straight, tiodraped.lines,-ind.- .iniide .of them. Os • drePertourtieles Of dull . teil :Onto), - Build.a Window' seat,: and itmehion ib itt dark ree.Hihve lo* Vstfortn,vabodt. eighteen -Anoka,' high alai- _fear 6,40 Made, and on Ib ptb :as Ytitaay palateantt. pottid.plants as lb will held-. .'"- This: an be "jelled In-:: front of. the ,Wtadow • fer-..this san- -light "part efthe d sy, •.:and-. then .pa.aliod off - into a.corner, -whersibleek- green and beautiful. :- table, . -a big, 'hided lenip.end a book or a sicerklaisket, will complete the -Ohtstnt Of f. the 'Stair Way ; eopy;corner.,- jAfe Iattiirante,- has • -daring,: the pttb tivo.ently yeere :Came; te. be qon�Mered triaoh of s flees -Silty' for the preteetion of the . hetet and.' prevision 'for the family as EirOlitsuraup4als regarde1. ap indisiiionsabkt for ihi-1;,:pibteoOtesi: --Preperty.- In: this.: 0.01214.3ction we .este.-,. plemed to netted:- the: teler.p.enition by Vomit' arit'of the .Dotigniosi -Peirlianient of..thee.l.Hattle',Life .Aiseehstiosi. ef heed offioe itt Torents. •Ths- cattipsey. is authericed bo tranuoti the:bust- _nese Of Lite Inittrance_upen • thstilseilinent .._pltits. and It-11114ot GoVern#StitAapertrisien; The :taiga- are.. •:calculated fer pure--; Life, ineurancre•-•ttainixed wibh Bankiitg and are,. • thorefore,-; from a'. third. Pri 11114t. lets .than thoite.-eharge.l.-'by the p tot tini peciapanice•- svho are 'piling :up 'in reservesi andprofi: s which - 0 tibUttirti.be;used or to -00de who.: contribtits " Hon's- -Lifse.': seems:who in Una *Obi* the Wants Of duo .. people,- woo,,.- while .needisigiitteu.ranoe,. .Whon id. not be charged: p ie for . that . . ye _ . . article.: --• "- - - . : ,& rude ipgcles ef mariaer's "oompseswis - lcii4wn be ...the Ohinerle- as -early. al II. 0. 1115. ° • ., • - - . Igto irons's:easier!) that the hippopotamus wdt bhaorne extinct withinthe nexo twenty rs. • fever. there:remoter Is, now made in ohiSbelaine farm for :the - use' of; trained purees. tiring the past thirteen years the U. S. iant Offiee has granted 2,500 paten's lo :11 en. . • . ranCe- has . bad sixtY-leien . queens; Of .win thirteen, an .,add number- forItiek,lad. he pi lives.. . . s he- remarkable statement hi. Made :that thlf averegt„ Eogfishmaii, Mies- forty pounds - ef Salt a year.- . - we . he traismiesioa of mileage. through:tele- wires does. not injurehirds that' May erched'en. theni.- - eine Southerd.oitiee attribute the intro-. .duetion,of Mosquitoes- to railway, 0110103Spe... : cla ly the-Yallmalk, sleepers._ -- be*ansoza hill 'pante itReberfi,Latiiii . . . . Sa fent Stevenson.- The. neVeliet. :00-poed the third narde froin_his- signature years ago. WThe war of the rebellion- was 'the Most dintstrout Of all inedern_ivars,- casting -830e, 00 lives and more_ than sev4ec.-. billions-. of- -di:Oars:. - : - • - ' - .- It Is -well enough to have your knkriv, ied.ke7 it .1teur fiurrif ends, . but whee• yciu ;60,1 'WOO an exiimination this bitber:te pat it - onitthesnd of your oak.- • - : : - , . , . IntYou look sweet tmOugh.. to eet,''' said. : ao-h.Sansfrae ne. • his :best girl on "Sutiday - afternoon. •" You Nei: Wall: SUL . stipper time end-you'li- see me eatt!t was her reply., 11 ' " ,Atter the Paothait Maj. ' -- .-- ' -After-the maul was over, After the break. of bone, After the Mayers vanished, . All our breathwasgone. , Many a. limb was aohing, - - If we could feel them -all ; _. . Many. the ribs were shattered, After the maul. 1 of the old remodies for . nese 7b.,1 . • ab Eh drop -of vinegar ia the -ear was supposed' to be curable if ti bage 'juice was deftly, itij eptil *Isis twin ter Ken. Had Rbeutnativit for years, and Nerviline is the only remedy that has done me any good." Bo writes -Thomas iloGlasban, North Pel- ham; July 24, 189a, end 14a lestimeny_is stipperbod by thousands of Abhors who have experience- t the Wonderfully penetrating and pain subduing power eltNervilio,e.the great nerve poin core. • Nervilitsii Ia-jut. as - good to take as to rub on and is -the belt family remedy in the world. Nervilino is sold by dottier"; everywhere. - . ,,The funny 'barber. pat up a its's'? oigalts _flit 'hop lase Wok. Iu read: "Shave ao- Liair out while you - .1 Old Muggridge read- ib and - grunted; Humph. ! 'don't. sea- anything 'fanny _about" tha,b.11 - . • - " 01 oeuIrse `yoI ls don t, said Henry. • : • • • -You. d-on't see any fun. hi it beeriase-it 1. al*nye. -soffiebody else who ie. gotoUt,g, the ebe and bAir:out While yen 'wait." J -;- - - • - '1 ani a llttI� :boy just! '11 :year!' old, My, little sister has ..takealiiur ,flobblos -Of Plec4 Caro fir Consunip men, and 'it it:the:fires' thipg that ‘has ov4 due her ow gota, SRs.. 1. only4 years.old. sem ba,hud a 044 eold • ver 'since she Was: 81-- yeec old Olt llievitt 10.4 imost entirely over Brat • FianioiticK.. eensburg, Iiis„ Mereh--20th, 7: " Ssigiciissuicia Ill.; Nov. 18 A,- 1893.. . Dg4r4. SIR,—My-. (deter 15- entirely over. her c4ugh.-- We have: beetiising Pure fol.- Conettmpsion.".: for several years, and art mover- pebble. Yotirs.. - ; . truly, Biier naming,. _ sin btsdot at thee 4,1'01 D.Li b4vent54 tt the world's lave iresfl. the mt. l t SeMethink as cap t - says that. the Moir wh was the greatest of -all ar d -1teriefanters,:- feF tread -the wheel is „without... 'us nett -Antes that_ .,,IIIPP.ftibe for the - \-rople i the genes. of e- average _ ao it 'Wes. Maud-Ohelly SmoothiiP hadn't mac& of a moustache, ft is true, bac you ought not to abuse it. Marie—Nensense. How did I ever abuse his moustaohe t _ Mend—He told me -the Other day that you called it down.- Ai ignanif - • wino* psis. Ging itinellers as is SOM. . Two physl.logIat,- Profr, ;Nichol' -sod *Browne, have -beet making opaperimentule show the . feebleness of WenSen's Sense, In reepeeb. to easel,. They teok tour- oderiferets .substaiiiik.-osiense of °Wes, of 1-(strli ,c1 'bitten and -pritilskt said. With- - these they filled a seriesof bOttles,up to -single park in 2,000,0002,000,000 of :Waiter... Then. theyshuffled the -13Ottlis and - called- In 44 flitik and 38.women :all rung and healthYlt- Whoi:gaidad by thchr.sien.se of emell, iihriuld arrears . ',the -bobble; contitipiag • each .tinetnre by , -The results she*, ai the reporter tesutifiu, that the Women •• were net- in 'in. The note" .of no Women • eould- trace lemon beyond the -.100,000. :dilution,. :while the men' disc evered lb up to 250 000 Itmib.l.PetseeW %Old Could nob be dettioted _berlP.ci _the 23;000 traibute, - Metz repognisedit at. • 100,000 part - mixture. - There: -. -*are twO mon, 'boo/ever. with . pheneineeist • noses. whe identified prueaio Red Up: 09 the 2,000,000 - 'IMO.. . , , If i body meet) a'body who )4 dresdfaily tortured; ',With .rlseutiatiani- it :would • be is "Cruel "thing, net - te: Cheerfully- impart_ -ths. oed news. that .iiteOsIlons'a Rheumatic Repellant cures ilearalgio or rhennietto pain thoroughly.. Sold by whoissele firma\ of Montreal, Toronto, LOndon, Winnipeg, -And by retail druggists generally. . _ PhYs Ian iseverely)T—I.have no hesitation . is saying,eir, that your . Wifo-nerious fits are ocoasif nod by yotir-staying.oab ^, "so late every" n • . ' •. Witterby-70-reat "lenient dOoter, didn't know -Ohs ares:--stiffsi;hig from an - incurable diesels. , -English lady cured herself pi. "minas's- . :brills -in,. after trying every kneWil remedy In vater,- Oksaiivibg ap her night- dri e" • at the bettorti and at the- slimy*" • - • - Childish glinplfeltf... Little -Emilietta ecammitfiid Seine trifling pffentse; 10 r iv:blobs ILO a Ptiniarhmenb.• she was pup by hr WAGS ti a corner of the &nine regM._a- -le* .MitiutOS,7'wheli .he hsd °east iterYing, eheli.0)0*13'. "1444. ter: eyes,:, and, :heaving a deepeigh, said t. • . same, do come Natid kisil Me, mother diparl fertive-yon." . -- - "Sited' $tatts. Ariz eiery day' el -- the y VdoilyeemiumPtien ainountin :Tha :average .:-resident. e r•-•-• 1. -Rave You Asthma Dr. R. -.Sehiffmanci, - St. will -mail a- -trial peekageof- ." S.,ftiffatiniee Asthma Oute"':.free any .Ha adVertisee_by Nor* givefails- bo-instant relietand cures. Where °there Name this and:send addresii,for: free trial Package:. • — Shouldn't Their DAUM& . . Ho w *many dieputes .have been settled ever the t -Sim Many wars have been averted- , by the skilful me thereof 1 -- How tinny_ foes have -fraternised in its presenee ! HeS*7--many entanglement' rios -it dieentsngled - And yet, alas !-there 1.. danger in it. " Why siimp.gbeist With: painful : Gerrie ?' Puinaes Petaled : - (horn TPxtractor will retrieve them' pain-. lesily in a low _days:. Pee- the safe, sure and painless Sera .ottre-4Putnanili Corn .Extraeter. At druggiine: • . tebte' :Cosoolg.:74 greatly .fear, my dear .madam„ that y.etst husband is destined .to reap- a._ .har.vesb of tares. Mrs: - Swiftly GiiyIndesad, I -fear se, . bishop; he has..been-on one'for the last -three days, . • How to arity _ . QM, ..of the beat riethodeof -.otirrylng frae•- tions in the had flute inslre remark whir& detracts from the dignity ,of New Yak pelicetnan. - For tiorses and Cattle Use Dick's Blood Purifier 1)10,8, Co., P. O. Box 4820Montreal. 100.0. 25 .Faretifor $1000 iscile. 13 - g4 $2000. 44 ' fi " 0' $3000. g• •. -84000 Alsii some Weil situated -properties ' Ohathiten, ' WallaCeburt :And Trenton. *amity° Si** riraciousaiss • esr•partievilsirs apply to • - 41101114 11•4040T. •.111arseiltiosis, Qat. - -Cures Ointsnwritio4, Voughs,Croup',80,00 Throat. 'Sold by rn Druggists an Outrzetei. -Tom Lame Side„.11741: i3r Chet gshileh", Permits., rbister will we great antisfactiori.:-.05 cents. H ILO rites C4TATIRIFI 140 Aat-e7sq.rsi, oe, REMEDY; • andCurs"tlyCsOutarr'. Pique? '16011yrs.1451Remedy will * lievfoir ite Succeseful treatment, *free. Reraember.-. --Shilehtiltemedies are sold out guarantee. ,0 • 111EIONDEROF THE AM . IT .ACTS7 Lilt& A C,HAiSilpi, - 1124111.1; NEVES DO •411010111( 1 - it -makes your Hands -Soft ik Whites, .Givera healthy appearance -tits: that -Skin; Eby's 'Electrici, Salve Has 110 signal for eating-. BaItItheaw Old Sores. Scrofulous. Illcers,, Bete . Eyes, ,-Skin Diseaser4 Pimples - Chappeatlisndii, Corns, BOft - Burns,:Piles, Frost Bites, , PreshOuts,Sore Nipples. . . . Ask your Druggist for _ Mbyte • trie Salve. Price 25e. per Boit SA -USAGE Best Imported E h Sheep's Casing! alio, Prbne, Amerieun Hos' :Cuings. -Full' lines .1Iams., Bacon, Lard; ebb., Lowest _ pietas W. the bride. Park, Blacktvell St-Oe.ILtd.I. Toronto, ORS I S. . DR.- - FlOWARIM -ELECTRIC - The bits* and limb. est discoveL7, _by -.the inventor of this elan of medicines.' - FOR MEN; .VIOREli AND ORILIIREN. Ours' all -Weakness'-of: Brain, Body, Nervee and filyetenk_Antenda. St. Titus' Dance, Panay sio;:-AUWinboluloatibut. Sdatioa. • Neuralgia Early:Dunn FeMala Inaindarity and .Weak nem 'arm boxes. - 10e. rift - toe WO. VW EttforAura igmourn Rrralitilie Relf ia OTHIN. YRUP *NIBS, ..WINSLOYTS- . rose ampule irm- EritiNQ *Sr man bir $5 casts 1 bottle. - . Remedy .tor Catarrh. isithe Best, Easiest to Use, And Clieapest CATies. Fe R 1-1 Sold by Druggists -or sent by. mail. . E. ToBazoltine Warren, Pi. • s -. • • - • , R.X.Pieree,of WESTBAYCITY MICH., ag. mit for the Celebrated KEYSTONE LANDS, __in.OGEMAW and ALPENA COUNTIES. • OVER 12 MO ACRES of the veil :best land in the States can be had at low prices and on 'very.. reasonable berms. •• Fare one tray paid on the purchm. of 42 acres. • _ • Now is the time to get -a :home_ your own. Write • - - R. 3.1.• PIERCE, Weeli-Bay - Mich. ISSUE IO 51 11191L. • NOIR - Nit rirlying any 'el Anis sarong . awn* *lean aseintien 'AVM ;04.4eseimailasioarniseeio I Diseases are oft • - 4 n clifficidc to remed 01- PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER 0JL.AND irOPHOSPHITES - OF ,LI M AND _SODA, . will restore a lost appetite- Jost flesh, and check wasting diseases, especial- ly in children, with-wondetful rapidity. Coughs and colds are easily killed by a few doses of this remarkable remedy. PALATABLE AS MILK. - Be skre to get the genuine, put up in salmon -colored wrappers. _ • Prepare& only by Bookt Bowne. MIENTS YOU ARE. "Elitmanthit at the Worldie Fair," by • ,Jetdahi Wite. (Well 0.? illostradoirie. nearly 6e0 .nesee. torr afisifsped. ill. few prosPe4us.- h the . maw's- - ytre Make MORSE, WlLIJAJ Bit 1$ Temperance ti.ceet. • . 'Toronto • ASSESSMENT SYSTEM HOME 14.1.11re'-esSOCIATION. OF CANADA. Head Office. Toronto. - • Incorporated by Special Act of the Domin- ion Parliament. _. • Authorized Capital t1001000.- - Pure Life Insurance at -popular rates. Agents wanted. -$1 AN 110:_ITITHltvaiddwcmget tion. Every housewit_e buys well :Samples and Terms by Mail lfic.. Agents wanted. Write • quick, no time -to lose. Address, ft* Casigrefne libanufacturlog tiempaisy, Torentoii, 1ONT-B-4 a Watch: 6r1,43:-"tireseiiw„..Telroiltui NOW Catalogue. FREE , Write.for ona so R. B. MOWRY k -Co. TORONTO' ALL ANITOBA. FARMS. NEAR WI/4141. veg. Two_to five dollars per acre. Why pay morel Torrens tathfs. Send for yartic niers or call on. owner, F. PROU.DFOOT„ firm door north of. Poet Office, Winnipeg, BFIMI: 50 A -LCR Fruit Farm for Sale, ad. - - joining Waterdown Sta. ion on 6 miles from Hamilton. About .3,0Coftreas,- chiefly peaches, pears and GOodhcitsei, barn, etc.. A. snapi. for a pushing Man. Will be sold cheap. Address - — do F; .A. POWIS; • lAtimilton,.. Ont. - .44'. LAND 0 - • .6if.r.V.A.• 4); LittISAIN, PAW • UL -41T IL -1t.i.rzako.an CtafrAN* in idinneotil t'end fr Maps and:Mee- - ltirs- They- wit! he sent to. you . Address HOP.EWELL CLARKE, - Land Commissiener. St. Paul. Kinn, GARBdesi Ida hi fswi I) ties sad ttyls essossistl limas duds, "Ilk U. _I•svily "link Wok win wartindukee STAR CARO -WORKS. Illfooldistoedi. Os& .4/4.• AGENVS. WANTED inale-and teraa"k T. '11 eipurno. No capstatraTuirei. 4r, 'sal -Knit° &a ligia" *ad' elik.CIIDCT "2.44—CLA-PYtIaring"WII.'I:EllivnAre:COC11;103.4111414"ka":39271r;:iturf"dtLirment*,"wAlitt3110: I10KFIA.c.l.gPMIFT.' '4' CANCER:OR 3174y1,0 . • 4' 7:7;..'wgist477L1RPA-R 3.7.7-x• sft. 21.. ,,,S. ..t . vs: 4, ,..rp. • 4.4 ‘011, u, ' : . • ' < r.:734 ti:: . It1.7 4 • ' 4ja -;e. 44, • Mother Orcen/s -"nritmy 'Used -by thudtands. Safe, Sure-and:Always -Reliable. 17..i4v-tr8E SII1382"iirtr.. T.ES:-- :From all pruggivu; or . • free from observaticn, on recgirit csf $1.00. Sealed Particulars, 3 cents. • - LANE. MEDICINE CO., Moirranal: , • t Is! *70 ela**, e.o.' s TZ.t;(.,fr *10 • 01..;•<1). r, ;•-!* - 11 Meade mention this paper when rep - tibia advarbisment - AND - CONSERVATORY . OF. .' • (rounded 1840 04T. • . . .Jt.- is the :Filen* that makes the Coll el, Very teacher -id the "Wesleyan" is an honor gradhate of a University orCollegeThe Faonity contains honor graduates of the Toronto . 'University, of Victoria; of QUeen'S. of Trinity. Of Albert, and Of Hamilton, all giving full time . to the Came; .Ladies desiring the Most scholarly instructionin Literature; Scieuce, IVIusie, • Art and.-ElooutiOn, With the social and educational advantages of a cityof 50,000 inhabitants. wlfl send for our Catalogue.. This College lifts furnished lady principalsfor at least five 01 the Colleges. of Canada and tor several.of the moreprivate schools... Its:graduates . and - students may be found in the best hom. est of our land, inehiding the homes or Lieutenant -Gov- . ernors. Special attentiongiven to cliacipline,PhySicadiilture, hmlth, manners. etc. 'Those thinking of eandingtheir.claughters will receive full -information by addressing the Principal, " P. open after hOlidays; adisiaarY.-6gb. - • BUMS," tk V. D.,' ILL: D. . . Peotile_ in this : 9th ei-i-tury 4re. bound tp-- haye the .bot , that can be had for the money. . That is why Evrybody Wears -ifi pliant& 1.1 • :sod :PATTERNS. They .are Superb in FinIh , and Superior In Quality ta Material and They Excel .Baking 9011-0-!.. • ; ' injconomy of • •'-,F.0.04 :and - ,.CeniVealentek _ • ... They are made hi bium wood .oxeluedvelar or cosi and wood: and in a giblet varlet* . fit miBir4114 -ant satildhsarergethoeretlireadapted r small f briln.-theaorietillextufs*. • the Dominion. Every.stove-warranted. If you are in want -of s .000ir titeve or inst: burner. don't . bin._ until yen have -seen • elegant line. - SW, by lawithig abve. dollen everywhere. . . ifenuilseiturea int (L1111211114,1 HAM1.L.TOK. ONT _