HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-15, Page 7ift.01
oodshed and Violelloe Desera
Sacred Ground,
Roantitut. sisihiehens - tromen--Brawts. In
the sacred Church -Tire Grotto et the
Netts- itithes emetic or et Piatol shoeing
asstiiicesess tit- th.e. Tomb.
AhoCited Whorl
- dayi ago, it .wae aiti-
,..-neueced in a cable dee,.
_ pitch frete .Toruaalem-
- Viet murder. hed been
• lionexiitted . in the - very
shadow ef the ;Cradle
Of the Sevieur'" with isi
Me; Chnteh. o? ,the Ic• al.
tieity, • Bethlehem,'
• A petty- dippube_entong.
th..076ein-gregationi..roulted tit the floe' itoot.
-int of .teronk.-by an A:tertianp1tgrio .aid
. the et- twO. Ottlege.„ 'Saab, ;au
coourkeao.e In any:sacred: wonid at.
once attpiokattention, _Imilcbp,pntuing aelt
one More Venersite4 by the: Cerietian
• werid..thea---any...olher --epot on earthpeva.
- it naturally: molted: tWidespreed.
Taeteatt. met: • • - ••
•=reib:13-fnvib1�- that -such.: lainentable
.110401.- eh 'A ripting .ent. a the : aelditiere
_that (-telt ti:Matiy•of thefts "--helyeplsoes,''
where -the I Omelet of Greek, Lstiers and
ArMenians teed: to violets 10. anddoirmit.tlatkea
• eimosevery 111,eber Snit aitietnias,
„peolesly is thiethe 'mite at this.
. eauscht OV othit_ecor.,Y seetteints,
iniJorutaloue. and that of the ..NStiv•ity„-. in.
Bethlehem- seine five Or ti,x-teilee- distant,. ;
Aertilie taadeozi of- the year, --as' Qtriatiest
•.*Pprosaties, the lse4art o " ghie Cihy Of
beitirtio take Ma -71k: heicik tippets -sr..
,- coin anticopatien ef. the-�orn ng hest •fff.
,pt1grw ere' eore Iu roateroteee
month. E piterim, be he Bus-
Eitglie_b; - &norther'CiPt • eor.Abitaintarxt •sfuiply in the eyes el the'
pleue toles thethlebere *other pigeon to
_be Pineked. „Ot . every had are.witeetiseid
.fnruititereatioes :between • ti-Ownfolk,
• dragomen, p:40ariv. and pllgrbns, - fa* of
wheat .ate eio-w to -resort to .ptysioal !prise:
But thepeeple ot 13dthlehem seetti to beets':
*been lei tarloU14ht loti alnioeb. from tithe tin:,
.isnomoriel. They claim &extent tient the old
;Crusader -0, atd are _proud. - to tra'so-their
linciegebeck tai.. veils a -..itisittce, Ate it rule
• the 'mere at zentarkabIY--rude, fleet*,
.position *IA; tyterbeaelng, while, the woMen,
. on -this: os;hist ItIOndt WO- neutaltehand.lome
. .
tied even refined,: - =
.intlesid; tbb wrnn 01•Elethleiternare
fer the _belittle"- :of Ito-. detigh.tireat-liteist
.not. until he late perforated '• tie Vetnt.and
*jetted the - shrine: of .thet,- minger:-. It
.natiMilly exalted!: his :starts:01*th find &builds
ing lie- venerated - a... thes..-‘01turah .-. if _ -the
Nativity in -puelik' ii dilapidated i„eondition,
bite a like' it qiiiry. dieolotes..the fed that ite
'wretched. state, likeeverythiest oleo that - iii.
wrcestg in Bethlehem, is ',. the -result of the
bittee.tisiihaititie 'of the three rival: religious
mote, nci.jtwo of .Whiols wiltooissent that the
*bhirittilieg.have the honor. , of. rtpairing 'the
banding, -isltheugh the reel and .oertain-other
Pert* are dangerously in need of, attention.
The tienrek proper ' Stud. -.. .ostei
th . grette: of. the'
Netivity:beneatis it are peke) id•-•eut atneng-
thei.ii-t.hree. sects,we* . and 1. -itis sltar
where- services are. perfo11' ed.- : There are,
betides, other - attire, wesoh are'commen- to
*11. ' -- :So- intense Is ..the . entagenism. -of . the
-.1930.4 that tweet the :- seared 'grotto ist not free
:front their', hrsitvli, ,. :an 4-,-iit e ifferenittinsei the
reetiks, •ms,ddelisd.hy. etch etherle tenable,-
. t aire..cerne. Into angry -etiliehas theta: Some
levant:ewe ,yestS ego.. .there : tete,- an :Otero -it-.
iien. he L.W6011 ' tile Lstitt:-striiid_ -the -.Greek.
..usoulie, In Which the lattot soured :.k„.tem-
peter)! triumph, 'Before' the -trouble °laded
the .sectarians entertd tbe :fight:and- • ..i,
111 ever Jeclea.. After tbe Merlons ointost
'•there wero .v07 tow .localiti, s In F4yilti thi*i
reinatutylsdieriuotively Chrlettau, end 'Beth-
feherci wad .o*e- of the eurobiiii. - 14.1iedive.
_..liehemet Aire ety2i, theabim. Paohe, finding
that the-Mositeres and- Chriettesie were per.
•. _ petualty at . odds mad Ahab violence -was
'eta epee at in gly common, tvIthdeiew the -god!
lerne testse flow years ago and -telt the Chris.-
_ Maws pra,,itioall in complete posses -don-. for
- the sae o of pia . -
• The Tartish autherities,_hew4sser, WOTO
0%110f11.1 to kstliVil Ktiffilititi.) trohea to proterve
the p • tame, A44 at• the di fforeet _poi) ti, 9. 'please,-
...- inclu,ting the Ortereh if tibo- Natitrity, the-
'-trave---Iiie pit eeterfug fiode the door guardod
• by 'Modem seutinoli - a meateuro whice is
sine ohaerved In the Churee of the- Hely
-Sepelohreiii-J- ru.seleM. , , -. •
- ..-. . - -- .
• pimp wnaw-•uSsp,
she relish) :beteg that eeyeriti :pirsone were
killed -and .e, number -intered-:Before ...the.
-sangninary‘i °limit-. Wail -x00260 the dip
batianie hattleithdrawn,.:. outside of the
-church. _ - - • • _
In the -recent fetal- diletorbasice,„however,
the 'abotitieg took plebe within the °harsh,
In the nave, where •_*. cot iiderable- -.crowd
had oessemisled. Theta oeukt., not have
gathered 'In 7 the. grotto .. the_ manger,
Which cais -onlY he ante ied- by, .46-fe w per sons
at a- date, whereis a theusand: eta be coin,
firtably mauled •- in _tbe inave. Doubtless,
Isko alneet -ell the -distufbancesof pest
-years in tha Church. el _the Natitity, it hid
its _otigin in'religlonthatted-4 strintge eud.
ad oonsmentary on- human • beisavior_at -the-
:hirtbplace Of the Prince- of ,Postoe. -But
.brawle -sire ef mob frequ,ent oceurrence
there, especially ht fesbvaa, that they
exolbe lUtle attention_ aisles" stemethieg
tieriotis happens. , • •••
• The. chiiroh.ittelf .is probitil -the - oldest
- . .
- mood .odifioeitt the: isre ithils•aseign.
.itet lto -ereot`son- to Rio &uprose fieleue In
the fourth. tiencirry,.ott tee sew, hesiteen
shibee *Fitch neva pitiv....tiuel.y- been huge bye
-thin itoiten. Bespoke- liLtdrian. to - Adonis,
.for 'pei pose. of casting.e upeis Oheit.
- -
, thee ancient. bitildirst, abet btsok. with
the Crusader.Wae otestinest-the
Jaren-slam. ' flitahoieri be.
!Was !aid; teetiese he -did
vete .* -ore wn • of gold . Where
-Otertst *had wertt ;aroma of th.orne;---ae
would -the coo had the-:00teinVi
tcon pleat • et Jerusetern: And:new,
_ eltheugh- the creseefit - of the '‘„infidel
*eves over- all-- Pekes tiny,: and eitry
-.Quo: of the ".khely plitise*". fa wider fdebittp,
Medan donstesiOti, Abe. INIOsietn __grip -...bat
leibxtid tine . atton-t. -elbwleg.. tbe
. Chriattan- testa free aces te these •• venor•
epote. -
Thee the. have Ohorch.. Of the
tivity joiha cemnien property'ef LChthe.
-.gene, end, tfies- Loin, -"Greet, ,Orthedox ,and
ob.-arches aro each aseighed parts
c. the the building- where themenks- may :con,
: - • - -
- dnob
the: ,- worihip. el - their - respeotive
horse inter:foresee, .Yeti do.
utiens braWis. fraquentlf
the :different sects,.. who se re.
• ligiens hat -el -- of °soh °thee: is, too 'Often
fannt,4 tutt:911-,isrby the. language, ,..stio Use
than the stititufse5t----the monks:. theimielvet.
- About. thie-thao the'yeSir -Pilgrinis 'ere.
_setting pet -Item cliff:900e putt
of the globe with tbe'ir ,faces turted .-teward
• Bethieheit„ - -Alyea!" the eid*ance guard of
hito gooti -Mbristinwe. ..pil.grimege , from
Ruea,-Arab -a„ • Eetpt:and. --8suthrn
-!•iti, en its.. way. 8.40n !the. fiv.
rnUe..- nine highWev. between
Jettlistiosei teed ir the, _city el; •Dt'iltt '-' wUl
-bi dot:. with:parties. -.Waytierers. ropee.
.eeneing.silmoet every- netion on otorth,-:,old
, -P141-7.0g Wiko. dteggieg Weary -,-..11Mbri-
,.; -,.he hype iinding expiettin and
at' th.estrodlei Met/ger.
Bethleit?m. -itt eubeltirleint.toWes,.. and
;its people .anewi hew. to Melte: the: -Most -Of
-their twordiatial- istirVeits, -whew. the -IOWA;
r.ht orewded with strergeirsi: and-. the", khans
and ocilvene. ere 14.4 tie everfloWing.. . There
-*tin hotel, thud . - gtesit• 'majority . of -.the
Noumea are . pitrate - bat .116 con.
• Vents t*Ow.open- their refeette les' ler the
Astitetesittnene of the . Le*. artivele, and.- it,
-adMiited: ehat he monks kiwi, hitt,
- 'Vela - generous although, . of
.teinteo,. everybody: it expsoted to pay.. .
estoTtO itit itaTSTITY..
pilgrara ititidalte*, fill no -*yea
age, it -4,
seeOnd kin
..orewo6d _
nob Whitt to
wady ars
epireAll pr
our -emus
.• . . GBOTTO.
- -
If these things. Wei° .tOld of the devettee
. .
and oterohipper 4..f- seine heethert_4eity in e
setvage.lone,- theywetild seffielitstly ter..
prieing, bat rebatedof, those: who 49111.theta.
seivee °heist/hint and :civs..itzed.: be#sgsthey
are einiett inoredible. Not _ mtittY.: yeari ago
-the adherents of one sect vet tire to einst.
- .
rich -hanging.. that bed- been,tlaided to .eh
grotto_ by the foilowt re el.anot her'seot, and
for a time there:reedits:1yr of a very-
-oonfl)igrationg.: -.The church Wee -filled, With
suneke - and . the wulia of --the "grotto- were
greatly 4140103- ned4und dii.figurett
This affair proVoled ..extenstire a die.
titrissisce • that the :Turkish; troop t -mite
sunlit:tonedto prate** the Peacee. And.; trieir-
shwa .that event a. military . guard hoe beets
kept en duty. ludied,_-_stolar reaching keys
been the --eaniteirienoes Of2isenti of...these
dhsturbouises :that ithas been said :the.
CeImean: war otieinated,..in part at leesis,;:in.
a qparrel'oier peeseteiokef :the :Chun*: et
-the:Nativity. ;Thee the tiqiiiibblit of them
pestilent's' teoteriset they hey° beenthe:Meiiiii
of shaking enipirestairiediattirbing theIteace
of a ciontinente- •
• • . .•
. .
• r
There:it entither feature about a -Blies
• • • • •
*Mb .1 of Our -Xior .14. 4. 004- help- ::the.
vetoes --ft' .harsheuilson-. Thiai :. the
Stilton 4,-.:jows, your feast..ire
.the haste of _edge," and other tittierancuse.
Of it sorb Osloulisted to breed .0ot, 'etipeelially
In vie* -of the:. presence .4 :ft 1401sin guard
-et the intireness.: - crowd: of
pilgrims . 'this -Chapels in 1034 bettanie le
demonstritire that the .:11nrkiob award' h*.
. . .
-..liteted they Were2.,about, to be attaoked by
the Olaristleas, end'. thereupon.- drove in on
be frenzied mob :with ithei beyeneti
-Spattering the 'wills Wiplibleed ahd- brains -
and 'turning the: ithopeti kite a • shateblee,
With: •OOtpses. -piled upon .-thio.lnarble flOor,
'even the-4'•13tene"- Of ,thsit Utiotion beteg
covered_ With- the dead: • -••11.4t --is mid r that
r.to Blohamtat*dan: -fury ,:fen -plot-terrible
nearly. foutebundred Reoille were •eauifi ied
..EiSter.,iiitlio Temple of elepisloheetr
fiba:t1.: a lividevrer- Wake. rate Himself Alt
other; .Witfe.? j ,
„ik_parity wonien :Weis having .little
.conlitiential chit the ether dip, giving.their
views in lora :arm: theT:.ssibject ;of their
hnsbndsteiserying egein if: they were tiV
Lill' positiets. to dit without beteg. arrested
foci 114.timy. _Seta'. ne,--• wife Of a Year,
with greattrtistftg•blue eyes "-1-.think- it
tiould kill -Me if I. knew foe certain. that
Tem Weald 'vier !eve -„enetheur. tveMsit..
thmnk marrieges • are. made iter.1.titrie-atid-
citertity, and ..If am per feetly Certain Jtheit 44:
as neeer...intet did for a man bo have more
than -...osto lookt -peilti4:olv lode -
cone to. eas- throe.. .greSe0,-. nierked- by
beadstenoe,' each ene or:which be#40,--4, differ,-
ent•namii.,..bub all representing- . that Hero
.liee.the.twite of Jelin in
-probability= Ur* John lonestthe lourtb. -*Lit
_that very:mortient petincing'aeoutid iti lug
-seed..7fgorens-heatth.: It eon!
• neediett.'aeoiseserily. baits four
Wiees,""ithjiieted a:,mild'itoloedlostron,..Who
had been -married. twenty i yeert;-. :" and for
-my part t•thitsk. eampiiroontary. Os the
deed wife to have her -huttend plunge again
tete the :tea of mittritr9Ony bottled of twang
as thoige-he .experienced ..etsOh 'agony -
'With the first wife the.o ono- einp.irlande Woe:
enotigh for "him:- 'All aok fete- jay :
bus -
band tO:Weit *--dicent leittli of :Mae ,1Oeforo
beiegisig.home Wife isuniber two. .
-",Men are sO helpless, yen know, that
they really 'need a.. Women - to look after
on't -see any Use Of. ei-Widoet mar.,
:eying eget!! . but . With a , avert le- iety.
dliftreeits Now, I've beele weeded. twenty
114719 -he'd • yet de,not.believe that JOhn.
oould- find thicket ...:henditerohlef,- :even
tivetigh.it :seal piaeed eights: betels his nse
He eliviyerumpleti everythieg in the baleen •
brewers, end then declares •thet. tbe object.
'that . be. le. looking ler .is not there., ad
the !Milliner when,I,g0 -sway- he loses h411
his • wardrobe either thrt laundry or in
treinkOr,res)antante. . ."-,
bel love:that Man:. itattesier mea
live alenet• :for. the-, simple-- reesen.lthat
the tietit dependentioreatureelive.and
:more: hissing over !And than
montheiold--bohy. Thereforetir tog
widatvert Otte; bit -for getting
niarried,again at leen as possible'. •
Notr. remarks are alt very true," pouted
'tbe bride, but -jciet thit emit I dOisPis want
Any ether 'woman= to do • the _petting and
looking ". after, :rether.,.think: of: Tem
roaming ishOut the. walk Minns: oolleibut.
tont and.-urebrelles for the rest. of hie daye-
thisti;:dwell upon the..-thenght • Of another
'Woman actin* ale •aidersted.y -tie hie -Memory
him.."Pkikuletphia Tates, - -
hem ipligelosege to:the tilts tee,
diced.: vietteri." is almost - as offensive .- as
.the perpetu4 wrangle" .61 • the • Churehes,.
and . that- the euperabtmdadoe:- Of
tibturd. -trad3lon,. legend.... and palp*ble.
inventione be. enootintered: -every.'
where. .- Guides,: dregoreeitt,-. isienkseiliediers
-and' toWnefelk are all full Of. it, - -.There it
etiogli'thett iM geStOtle .- in -and ...about Bathe
lohem and its lovely .: etorirons- .te -claim- the.
10e:idols and..fix tee:44,06mego of bbs pil.
grim, no matter :what. hs .netfotalty, but
ne.mult gelds -be: sitseiled -With a Mats. 'of
'conflicting irreleVenciee thb go fee toward -
:destroying hie faitti . in: anything he seell'or
-heters - - - • •
Dien the alter tkiat"..,:overhinge.the plait)
of thif Nativity it. robbed- of.- pouch -of-ite.
.6aoredueser.:--by bbs rude.: -beheVier -of- the
-Gruelti.alid_ Arm niesie wbo, wbtle the
Let inst ate- fielding eetilate, oroWartheitair!..
. way and took- and .laughlend; etiOugh te be
hoard theigrette, H.aring. and se-
tng wo- can more readily- toinprebend
how ettbreielis efpassion Dreier, .etou aittong.
Men-. whose, '-whele life: is - .paesed in .that
oscred;einnoephere; •
The -meager ef Bethleeern,. Within . whole
.thadoW. these .p%iftil -d:splays- of --hail:Stu
t.Weaknes# have taken:place; is in a Mayerer
:grotto -benear&the•Ounroh either Nativity,.
ati'i is: approaohe4 by.;-,:ta sptral ateliWay.
Near the. _loop. Of ilia staireaso 1. a rilcihe' fit
'4 he. Wall of inieetime reek, • nit-. in front °f
ib, • seb. lit the- floor,- In e..inerble
silver. Stet er g!'gfory "in _the Centre,. and on
the star the idsoriptiori in Latin Whioli
claims it the vary Opel) .Witereen ..91-opito -leak
born intethe star
-the.-e•jed *et Mush :•profound roVerenoe- :Oh
stite.. pars of:therstlgtime They katertiad
and stand and gaze upen: it With'
-taardimiited eyes; thq bovetheirheodtein
tints adoatien. Above lir:hinge ...--el.x.te.en
ever ".-burning,'.. and Whioh-
ore trimmed...1).y the threereligions' faiSti-one,.
the Greeketeking sit and the. -Latina . and
.Arratnisiti (Vier the star is an
alter,: at.. Whiels each faistion-
buru.. The,*.elti ef tifelgrette ore covered.
with imetly .eMbrOidored 6160)10 soine--,
-13.9i.rethe: gift*. ef Qitee.ns- and -BinprOsses;
little to fib...right -is a rectal' oub in the rook
whiohle pointed Out as the -Manger -wherein
()brief) wee. Iald. • •
TAitt sOifir-tinPuUnthli.
. . _
. _ .
:Quarrels- amisnkreligleus faCtionatieerege
even More. -fiercely in •-•islitt 'Church- the
Holy. -Sepulchre .ef jituealtort: than at
'Bethlehsrn Evory EaSter,Licoending to
.. the tresditiontii-Olaim Of the•Greek.Ohuroh,
fire deacenda floni:heaVen and 1. cornrnnni.
imbed to theleithful:.byTthe .pitstrierelt and
bits - auseolated ptets Oa EiSter ...la
the • Ohispel Of the. Ange21, whioh -hr. a
0401) itt this -Obtain" the Sopuieh.ri.
04.--tbet. day. ArMeniette,::Oopti,-- Ah_ysii*;
Ruastane, Syrian. -and Arabs tither to
wittiesi-the deso.ent of:the -firesnid to .-Ilght
a tipper at its Same, - .
ten.. -Wdpidel-211;y1*.a.-Pt
oetnipied by e.,•.-freisSied melt. of inyWhere-
from two ts five theu.an rnsu women: and
evessi.childreist _- -111:•-'is :.canditiort. • ef - high
.0*dt/intent:: .Meett-of them hay...waited. -It
. .•
itul .for -bout', and ithe moneteieus re!
Boise Mustratioas- et Interest Grewitee; at
a lkiltponliii Mateo ,
: ;At 'the a father p ab.
interest at:6 per Ont.:the earn- of $1,000,
and intik 4.0er ..invelte0 'the .hiterest at
the same rate: :When the bey was21 -years
01-d7.2- he !wield. .'hitnielf the • possessor of -
$32399'50. :a2 young. man of pluok
lead :eneegy atid'amri-Mit try. his head in;
firieided competition; he told his father to
keep the Money -I-and'. he -would bike his.
ohencem with 'the poor Wets othistaequaint--1
snots: • When tholes WM 50 yeste old the
iatheradifiad him that . his :fortuee had
grown liter'..$18 420; 'wing round num-
bee. • At 70 the.father‘called monis ale!
*Alen te his fottune, of -over :09,900; and
since -the sen had reileived -.the rewards of.
intiustey he did sot. take peoeteilen of
the itirtune. • . To :hitter' 'soon after died,
and itt his'. Wel 'requited executers to •
keep the principal and: interest loaned WAR.
the son ah041d' i4oelve it Or hi remOved by
death. The latter Wed to legged old age,
and on hie tea& letibb birthday, hesidest
teceaccuseulatione of a busy eml.presperous
hie was tacuinbeted. With a fortune of
$339,3% - • _
Ceiiiitepher ,Coiunibue jag to: have
eomepeor- Spain at this
or two 'of- these have intimeted
that if the I•iberal• Arneriosin :people would
take' collodion for. them the..neme
would- herretteived tki a 'fitting 'exprOsSien.ef
eue gratitude:to. their .great ancestor." But,
if • we ...corisider, them Weuid heels- been
.nOthing impossible in it, and it Would have
heels. really tionaiderate - in -'0eriatopherto
have.beved a itellari-!-Oniy One dollar-i-otthe
-,sithostnt given Modem .finenotal
Muster OreUld -have perh:i pis -ingested that
blue -e nd • he stametiines ibstreperous and
.mutinoite- sailers be reduced et. half rations
:toe eufficient time to . enable .the great
dieaosteter -to-save te-dollar OOd PlOOO lb at.
aompeund interest at ishe.very reasonsble-
rate. of Air per . cent: BY this time, ANY
years: liter!, thab &dist would 'Lave In-
creased and multiplied te- the. munificent
: -
OM of over 41,322,0002000, : a sum sufieient
to pay at toast seine, of -the' gambling_ debbis
ef poor resistless of thit.present this. _
Grandma Wattlioeked
Grandmalid net _bean- to the drone fer
-Many years, but the younger generation
ptevailed het'r - and she_ went . this
eno, much .against her .pritsciples. Grandma
deel'aet appreeeof drown and the Watched
the performanoewitli ill-tanitesaled perturbs --
P• resently' there- was a barebtOk eat
which intrAuctect-- - and -wenian who
rodetogether in tneny:ind won dorful Foi-
ble:is. The 'eat. ended in a buries :of , ap-
plause, •and 14ebelle turrIed to grandma . • -
"0h geandme wasn't it stand ?"-
. .9 .
; Pethepi it • wee," answered- geandtoti,.
leverely.- "But' all I -can se*. L hope
they're Morried." Beaton Budget. _
,pe don has been kept up -by a -theatiand
1 - - :•
'A !metal
Romalie-Have On. ssen..*Mr. Barlow
lately ? -
May -Yee, he
Il, now "bent twit.* *
weekvaild ete. ally conireitiont:
Roselie-Mhy, *May FloWer„ hew east. yeti
*tied hint t Het _so -clumey,--. and
alwaysbrogging abstut his Weight: •
Mayi-Oh ye., that's • tate .I"Ve been
oolleothsg•autunin leaves -to Mr:
Barlow has been Very kindsbotit then,. All
the Who he bee ben Making:hits oalIheiiiits
in the-book:for Me, andithe leaves are get.
ting prettied jest heatitiftilly.
. ,
Making tioniation.
-The latest idea of a. Foll-known
mire it* jeweled turtle. -
About .a • month ago
walked into a. jewellit's plasm With a Odin-.
mon land turtle er tortoise, whioh hod
.ceptured :the weoPs near •by, laid on
whe. counter, and giver a most astonishing
;order, resisrking " give thet-,People
tOmething te talk about." .
And he oetteinly did,. for be ordered ..th-e
Shell of the turcle-.Io be incrusted. on the
-outer -sedge with e kesiry layer of gold
on strut -Oast finish. In -the centre Of Hi
-eorny back he _ordered en----enieraid to be
• At Various points in theshell he had In-
serted -mail but pure diamond& A mesttive
silver chain was attached to the _
•-• At his niegnificent tilt:sentry Rest ;the sr -
rabbi had oenistrtetted 'on .-his
lawn a..repreduotion rooks, buishes and
fermi of the spot hems' whioh the tortoise
had been taken. -,- In tfilo..place, whioh the
AO man called a 41 tprblearitun," the highly
deiserated reptile is- permitted be' ream the
length:of his silver °heist.
The neighbor/ are now awaiting him to
have the horns his.otittie gold -plaited, hie
tow Jihad with silver MA diatnond drape
platted In ihe 'ear. of his ,faincy riga-St:
Louia Globe-Deinocrat.
, ". The Engenvererittee..._ . \. .
• The Idler Was talking, recently -:tiiiiie of
BeitOrei best .Wiy. &engem**, -end &eked
him Whether hie .- 0Ye.-ilid net suffer train
ito dentiqually : -eq... intiag.:. tibrotighi' tha.:Mag-
aifyint • gins& ••••'"Yes," .1 said --he -; :"but, 'if :
einythiag,, . its li-.1. 0. 'oelsee-.::-. eye. 1- really
thhik it gets etre get; and. 'better by exists..
Aloe,. end, Of"tbe-t ol.' the eye -Ida net ape
is the inferior.- -- Of ceuttea.- this' 10::: only my
individatit- cier:".!7Beseteis Olobe. •
An item for.Reteeted Lover/. - .
. .
When in Outoltseled-rital- thrown 0 shoji
after a nevily7therried -tiSitple _just ?fatting
off en: .their -wedding •j4urney he should
always,bs extremely earefiit that he desist -1i
am ib the -grown. - • - • •
The Ridden and the.marear..
AMAIN= or mosmiatiG •
lehtztaes Imendeittind'Broughttlei I
am enpged;writes ig LinkniatevhaLon-
lin Truth, upon a truly monuments' ,work;
Is no less a matter indeed than the
"Anatomy of Hospitality."
. Of recent year, the world hat Undergone
-o ooneiderable: change that it is now
necessary to revile all our former prejudiDes
and principles to adapt them. to the purely
oernirzeroisl conditiess of to;day. ie
then,. my exouse ler offerieg to you the foil -
towing amoaded &rime Item my prepteed
new -Work
1. All the w.orld's a stook etohange,
2,- Alt are nob hoepitablo who entertain.
2. Gillet and yen shall be reiseived.
4. .Yonr meney dr your wife. -
. 5. k. 1 the guesti at e " stnart" dinner:
are good-71mA fez semettiog geod for
nothing. .
6 - mau'ehouti Is his office -his office
bit • •
.17. :Men the promoter comet In at the
deer, prosperity leaps out of the window. .
8. What hi speculation for the publio.ls
Peculation for the broker.
green-" guest meltes 1% fat hoot.
10. Bad •oompanions- deitroy good ‘00121"
pf1137. •
11. Pub goal thing's into your guests at
night, and they will pet into your "good
-bhings " in the morning. -
12; Every dodge habits day.
13...Poverty breeds contempt.
One lover makes many.
15. Disn't tun away with more than you
can Marry. - -
16. A mart " Wife is worth -a ooronet •
to. a rich hush ind. .1 • -
17. Let us prey.
Creme,. of Southwick, le to be cern-
'pliodented upon her °enrage' in catching
burglar, ene Alfred Taylor, whoni she sew
In her bodies= in -the middle et the _night..
It -would EOM from her evidence:that-there
are.degteeo of badieis even among burglars,
-foe she velusteered the -information that
this obliging gentleman' " nob struggle
.0r -hurt het'c" There is a touch if Edith*"
%bout this which aimed redeems the tlit-
.h.1111011ty of the .men. Perhape,- Are Mrs.
Boinett'esweets little- -heroine Would -have
oaid.;..he would not have been a *Weer at
aillf he. bed ".11,...d any tadvantages.": , He
might bays been s __-reppectable outride
eteostbieker and dime his plundering .Whole-
saleand with notety,-!-Lcidy's Pittorial
..! I guese_Illquit,7 leg a boy who was
sorephig 4 perish .0 a ..iiiiirket floh--stand.:
"I'm *id :Of &dug helium" on etch. simian
setae." . i.-.1
• _Samuel - Gilbert-1.0mo up -his teat lo- the
cotton Stook Eaoh&ngebilds- sow last .sit..
urdey . after : a ineniberehip: -.of - flity5fline
years. - -
- 'Selig Hever, 'a- :. Washington -- :e0Onty,
N. Y,, ... oonitable, :is! feet tit inoheir tali,
'Strength. i ', . - ' ' . -
• • .."""1'11 • ;--41 -
weigh' 280 poll", and --la is. _ gietit- in
- Whet the-- newt pieta Aesoribee. an a
_ , .
right whale was ' e ed asbere inx Lon ,
Isitsed. last -Week.. - !tit it appiters t0 - hers
.been WC. - : .- •'. - ...
. . : • . - , - .- "-
Good- samiistikarDonet: yea :know- boiler:
than to drive tli t poor horse up hill titi-
fast t . -O'Cinner- p hill, -is'. it? c, -..0b,
Impala I the nag" blind: and he ian't-.11.•
MI I - ' - .
. :
Rptelmens Alive After Being Packed for
. ;
i . - Tears la lawdust.
The Smithsonian Institutian has bit upon
seMething extraordinary in snails.
.-The,,crestures may be slow; but they hold
the record over all other animals for pre -
longed vitality under adverse conditions.
Stories of toad. dug out of rooks, -in which
they have,' been imprisoned for . ages, are
apporYPha1. hut recent ditoovery has
establi bed the credit of this humble mol-
as o..1.in tenacity of life'.
Pay he other day a --specimen from stn
Mend -ff the coast of Lower California,
endow in a drhwer with part of_ the mg.
lut.can olieetion, was found to be alive. It
had ha 120 feed or water for mere than ali
yeire. When placed in a box with moist
earth, Ib protruoled its foot,. began to move
about, and seemed to be as well as ever.
Some time art a few smile „of a' different
sisoles,, g.athered in Mexico, leeched, the
Shiitliseman Institution and were placed In
&ibex. Tbey remained undisturbed for two
yaks and three menthe, at the end of which
time they were put inte a j tr of glans with
mime ohicskweed and a small quantity ef
Spel -weter. Pretty soon they waked up
and appeared quite active, -- Washington.
Letter in the Providence Journal. ,
marriage In Olden Times.
It -.is totally oactidered noteworthy
oiroutnitenoe.,. for e Or a: 'woman bo be
.niarried thiese thin, but in olden times the
-number would have been little - thought ef.
Ste floras° ;Mentions ...wide* who married
her :twenty -sewed husband; Who . in his:
tura - lied: been married to twenty-two
*ivesk- A SVOIDEill mimed .Elizaboth Meet,
who died- at Florence in 1788, - been.
married to moven husbands, ell of whenrshe
Ontli -ed. -- She married the last ef the seven
atthe. lige -of 70, Whin on her death -bed
'she. recalled the good and bad points ef
:eaoh :her husband., and,: _having -Imper.
Melly' _weighed them- in.' the Wilma-% she
singled out her fifth spouseasai the favorite,
and _desired her. -remains might -be interred
near hie. .
wooii vEnErs.
*oho ie Now rsed 111. ilhadalg YOUlars •
The iliandsome. velvets ogled. Velours
Mireir o.vie their depths and richness of
texture to s. by . no means Insignificant
ahitunt of iwoollen worked up into their weft
and. warp. would be almost impossible
.obtain eirallat .effeet with,e11- silk, and
rtaistly ad without Amble the expenditure
0 raw ineterltd. Formerly itWonViseaesetily
lte give 1188 and $8 a yardlora really effective
Velvet, and now $3 will.purobase a yard a
leaders mireir altogether superlorin aPpear-
eitiestosid hardly a whit more heavy.
1 Wit of -die figured velvets -the embossed
and chiseled velvets -intended for the 'meet
part for:outer germenta,- are either inter- .
worm his -wool or cotton,. more. -often 'the
1 %cr.-Dry G0048 Economist.
Remedy for Round thouldees.
Anybody can cure. round- rhoulderi by
Very -siMple eyitem of exerCiso.- - The found-
shotildered roan'should .go into Albs open air
three or fear times. a day, let his hands drop
to hie. side,' and then, while inhaling fresh.
air, raise- •hithself on his tees as high am ho-
w* The -filling of the hinge . pushes _the
shouldersittok to their normel position, end:
if the predicts is -- steadily followed.. far a
couple ef Months the worst pair of stoop
shOulders will become tie straight ste
a drilteergeaufh. •
: porn, Ristiagettsleed WORM.
Sara -Bernhardt Was i dressmaker'S 'tips
_prentioa. Adlaide Neilson began life to a
Child's, nurse. Mies Bradden;,. the novelist,
was ut ess .in tee Province& Char-
lotte Cus
we.* thir daughter of poor
• re. Langtry 1. the -daughter of .a
iseuntry'parson of entail meanie, but the old
stery *fib -foe. being 0 fOrtuue -proved- trie
*Ur asse. - „
Not Read from the Pulpit.
Lad undara Wallin grocer* a, who '
is prominent in one of the village o uroher,
handed hie pastor a notice to read from the
pulpit, and Was somewhat surerieed az
Indignant when sereiref was -concluded wit
:out his annoinoement being read: T et -
Minister was equally surprised when about.
tie Fte notice to find the following .-en-
:920 paper ; - ----, •
1 "Dar Sir -i --Please gnd inolosed '82, for
which send me a basket ef reseohee, if they
're :good, ,also Wet paunch of °hem and,
f urpounds of good codfish." 4;
, The greoeryinan had been a little minket
and got his Papers mixed up.
Pluaticial Items
An extremely thin lady, the. wife Of a
prominent New York. banker whb -WaS1
niewbat ernbarrased, made her appeir•
a 00 ht a vestal gathering th a very • low-
neoked dree* Her appearance :created
ebme taint*. Mr. Lenox Hill •called the
attention of his friend Pete Amsterdam te
tbelady with the remark:
.1 41.78461414.11111 to be in -the -same ilvittH
'her husband inlusiness."--
“ How le that?"
" Neither of them seem able lip clover tip
their defioienoies."
_The Ups and Dimas et
." •
1"1 ishell never believe there has been
Misch romaticitizt your life, -Mr. Bond.'"
i," --Well; there was. I . proposed to 411
heilreli by She Accepted- me by tele.
grew, 'whit* an eirer of transtnisaion made
a refusal. I went west. When I returned
luir.fither'had failed and she had manic d
a peer mai.- I recovered the amount of her
dowry., with interest, from the telegraph
ochaptint, but lest it tillswhen she stied Me
for h. rise:eh:of pro:Wee."
--rd. 4............u.i. r
4 -• , • Queen- or leirtegal.
The youngest :Queen .-ceasort--;in Egg: .
., the Qum .ot Peony'', was bern,ah,the.
1..0ciftalith1fttane.de'1311:PaQiiwt:11 :Ilia°. thl&e"tlietteeeliiiihijatie ::116i3r:
1: ,tirbrttliiiiel:"Mat,:Liftitibtd• 14)S41154-'eStillt. Ijfit11411*-1heint: '
nor to fist oltootnin nionkrot mood. tto,Pld and atthetame
. women. - She he.* two Ittstr'--- 1
-If you find efew minutes of 'leisure hang- i - ' ' - ,-#.,..:un to an ow.
. .
, log idly'on yew hinde-it will be just stwill 1. '41. Mr. MA," raye‘Fein Viiiinla, i
uto relieve the ennui by !stepping over to a, _colored man; «70 itwasb Mete Verde
' doetot's and getthig vaccinated. • 2 - . wills you would t diklabb stem*
i. .. -. . -Diem in this 1019146 as dent In els
Joplin payithe buteher may pretend to " Neter hear Mat After -Ave
:be your Mend, but hell give -you a terrible 'iVirginny,
reset whenever he getun -Ghana, . • minutes' s