HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-15, Page 5LORAL WREATH CORNERS 71'77- NOV 2.8_th last,: was the -date which was . se=t apart for that gran=d concert - that Glover, Valley, No: 578, `intended. havii g,, but anacconnt of the: wet and disagreeable week of -Weather the eom=-. rnit teA •derided �to postpone:. it for some- . oot® ` c future evening. But "nothwithstan&- g - the. -bad - ing disagreeable - evening roads:` and-= agreeable- : evening a- very `large crowd turned out; some of the=m from ..a..:long dis- tance , so we: - opened ` the . m:eeti' -to decide what would. ` be - best to = do. "o - go vii' with the concert or. to_ have 1' an *Pell lodge. '1'. . -We decided on the: . latter.and hada rand old. time. , We grand also- ":decided ••on having aur: concert on: --ip Dec. 12 - when Prof. Pierce, -the. Yen - I€ trilo r.. .will take art and -other firs .� p _ t .class t. , may. -be expected to be pre- , sent : .;cur open .-1odg$ -'Mr._ Alex. - Patterson was elected- chair an.. for. •the -evening,: and without furtlier-losg. F ` of time the programme was proceeded. `- :_ with- as - follows. : The..: chairman's speech,.,; which. I . nay • say .Was short - and to- the point,=- or in'.other words short and: swet. = The-- :first piece on I the programme: was.aa selection ` by the the Rapid City. Har onica Band, fwhich, Was .re dered in- their ver best - f stjle A recitation by. Mary NiCholi. son, =solo by Miss ' Annie Patterson,, wr hrch :-�� as: :loudly'. Ericho ed.Then - fotipiverl_; :-a._ play entitled " fun in a': doctor's office,:- by:, Wm:McDonald g: arid after whih"a few mnri utes wasgZ ` nfor i-riermsson: The. rest o E' the p p ro :ramme cons=isted of g, .-an - instrumental- by: Miss. K. -A. Mc- Kenzie, •-selection by the_ Harinor ca Band, solo by the:;chairin .n in his usual _good- syy1e recitation by Mr. -Dan_ Mc- Donald, recitation by Mr. -A. Finlay son, which w=ound up the, entertain- ment for -the evening,. After -:tender 7. - ing the chairman and: the Rapid City _ Ilarmonic ' Barid, : a: hearty..-- vote`_- of thanks, the national anthem was Song and themeeting closed. Don't forget the concert_ to be held -in 'Chores. Valley.„on_ Dec. 12th. ° . Ever body. welcomed- and ..1, a good . time anticipated,_ ,'..(D • V) We are-sofry- to- note -that the -barn and contents of- Mr::: Kenneth Mc- -`" Innis, of Ashfield " was burned early. Sunday -- morning.. _ Cause- _ unitnown.' Mrs; James Downey,_ and her.:daug-h ter,; Miss Ethel, .4 Cloves Valley, .ate at. present- visiting-- friends in •Madock. and Belleville We wish them sa.Verfr { leasant time - - Prof: WM..Welsh delivered a- lec- • ture in -the Orange_ -Hall,,. -° Paramount,-. last Thursdayevening* .to. a; ood-at tendance. . _ iii#. Thos. • Smith ' has ' a cisterns u st completed at • his, and is de-. T P.- ' lighted - .with :the punipfliut in b ' x-- Drean - ,-..o€ Kinlough... • 1 La Grippe _ is .around -again' but he is just as .little, welcome as the rest'of- --the trap s, however, prohibition . is- not P prohibition force yet,:and • a . rpventive can -be had at any of the drug: stores. Messrs.: R. -McAdam and J: Murray_,_ are taking jobs at wood splitting.. and . cutting_ some blowing done"= as to - :the amount piled the -.Other -days after_ • cutting and :splitting. • One of our young ladies- has.deserted. the ranks of the isterhood,. Miss Kate . Pickering, - and ►ill iii future` bbe. Mrs.: .. Leach : our kindest "and best `:wishes- - follow them.' -. • Mr.. Kenneth M:eln:nis had his _barn and contents burned- by fire a couple of weeks j ao. d found it necessary to .call a,:sale- h week -cause of fie . tramps, = who have .been. kprowling; arocina: since sore time.. IONT1 EAVI SSS TORONTO, -About_ two -.weeks ago the..Philo- sophical .-and.. Literary Society of .the` Presbyterian- College sent, -an -invita - doh- ,to.- the Philosophical. and _theo- logical ,theo logical Society:. of Knox -Collee. To. ronto, requesting plat two represent- ativesu - 4e sent to' rrieet two from this` society- hi puhh]ac deb�ate: The invit- ation "was accelttpted.= and. theToronto societya Pointd Mr. G. A. - Wiison, • B.A. _ aun '' 1 Wm : -.:o, } d� . � .. C ope:r; . I3; A.; . as its standar .T bearers ' The Mont real rePresentative pwill ..be Mr.::=E.- A. .. - McKenzie, B.A., and: kr.- G. C. Pigeon; B. A As all of these : .en - g � .. . g - tle men. have : had much renown- : upon latforiri, a -v'ery spirited debate; s .. i e..e ce t .d REPORT OF'S. S. NO '6-.. KINLOSS. Fifth Class= -H. K. McKenzie A. f F. ]Y4ilne, P. McKinnon..!_: Fourth' Class•--A.-iA.tk .tris, D. •3� Kinnon, M:-McDo naldM McIntyre._,-- Sr.: Third Ciasa--L Graham., K. Mc- Donald, c- Dona -d, W.Graham,' l M. ' J r� _ J. McK�YlZ18,. T. Lockhart,: R. McKenzie. Jr! Third Class -M. A- McIn tris, M. McDonald, Jobn; Graharn, R.:M'c- Donald; E. McIntosh.- 'lit cIntosh.=4 PN r Lucien-ovv Sentinel, Bruce L ounty; `second. Class-LB.t.McKenzie, A: Mc iarmid,_ A. McKinnon, M. - Mc -Donald,.. McDonald; A. McLeod. _ Part 11 A McIntyre; .T: Lockhart, L. McLeod: -CHANGE OF BUSINESS_ To the Citizens: of Zucknow and Publie-in- General Having purchased- the canfectioinery, -fruit and restaurant business from Mr.: J. C. -Kincaid, I am in ;a posi tion to supply , : the. _ public with all kinds of confectionery ':canned goods, fruits ': in - . season,. nuts, gapes, oranges, ` lemons, Spanisl onions,' oysters, etc., :: and would kindly solicit a share of yaur pat- ronage. :Next week we expect to move -:our. stock into the building formerly occupied by G. Girvin, as a ` barber :shop, and will be pleased . to .;hs,ve a, call_. from - you before and after moving. Call ani inspect our Christmas stock: ..Wishin ou a merry Christmas and ;happynew year. 'I ;=remain: Yours- Truly _ ROB - MOODY. REPORT .0 :`5 S NOs 4, I INL 7 fi Sen. 4th• -W Rathwell, W Foran R C3orrian D .Strath. Jun. t x g 1 4h .Lock art; E Ackert; A 3rd= E 1I I nt osh: Jr. Ackert,R.Baker,'D Johnston -'\'. Rathwell.. Jr. .2nd: ---:W: McIntosh f M -Bowman. Part II --E Foran, �F_ -Johnston• , R Fletcher.. t:. hrstn�.�,s • HA PP Y E� . G TI N G. Especially to those •Y: who = have made their selection of Xmas, pre- sents l= f rom our choice stock of Novelty Goods Our - souvenirs are l pretty and :sure to bring delight to all. Our stock comprise the latest and new things est h • s in silver .plate, Japanese China ware, Antimony : Metal Y fcods not forgetting g.... r g gf that our stock Jewelry isselected espec li for our holiday , _trade. The • best : goods in Gem en- gagement and n`aement:and wedding rings. JEWELLER: Are coming and you will want a nice Christi lask ca. e, you; cannot do better than leave your older with Thos: Reid, the Baker and Confectioner. who`inakes ::them in all sizes, at all prices, of a delicious taste and exquisite x uisit , quality, as well -as. handsome . appearance and made. of the ureal<in radiants. ER RA - So than not •you -ma y.. be_ : disap- pointed. The most toothsome pastry, -a choke collection of y Confectioner -:- ` from 10- cents u P:. All :the latest notions in Candies-, Canned Goods. in ' abundance, Oranges, Lemons,: Figs, Raisins, Currantsfruits. and ah, lines of:.- � stet'. . - ul SZ u k FOR A HOLIDAY PRESENT that"will be a source of constant pleasure and comfort - nothing equals a pair of slippera,,'etc. • A nether- Aa Xnias .Riddle.. , What gift ..will • be` best .''for -.your :father and mother?.' What gift wr.1 be best for your beau and your brother?. For' pleasure: and - comfort and_ good -Xmas ' cheer,' : Buy a pair ofthe. slippers St.. Nick brought : ur' thisyear.- Another Santa an hbpers sailing -through air! Slipers! Slip pSlippers! Beyond commjparel War m, sof t; -fine slippers:now on view; Slippers for old folks and children, too. Santa himself told us with mirth - . We'd the best load of presents he'd brought. to the earth, rt ,etc..._ :en fou .Came To think of . it the holiday season is upon us. We: now P o have Secial lines : in' - new goods = for this .season's. trade. . d Novel- ties in Silverware, Ink Stands, Jewel Oases, _e Knives, Child- _ ... 1. ren's Cups, Fl er Baskets.' pen Handles, Sugar lifter, >etc... at re -markable- :low.- prices. O0K8 Handsomely bound volumes of Tennyson, Burns, Shakespeare,, Scott.' = Longfellow, etc. ;for pre- sentation Cheapresentation. picture books for children. .a le Lines ;Of Jewelry, and Silverware, Pansy and Annie Swan Books, ; • Ladies. and Gents, gold and Gold Filled Patches: Fancy p Bibles. at prices to bring thein = within reach for marriage gifts. The Canadian Almanac on hand, price 25c Stib criptions` taken for F all` 'news papers :: and : periodicals FA fM :FOR SALE OR:T : RE ;- N.T.. _ . -. •_' :; T .• THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS .FOR sale or to rent a first-cla s�'-:fait, .being (ED) and (WD) sot 17, of dm. 11 of Kinloss -. containing -100 acres more or \. lees. On the premises are two good houses, •twogood barns,_ and: two good orchards, The ?arm` is : well drained and watered. For further particulars Apply to JAMES G: YOUNG, Kinlough P. 0.1: • GFORSERvio HL UNDERSIGNED HAS F R SER. vice Silver .L er Grove Farm (.lot -17 con. 13,•) West Wawanosh a Chestes White: Boar, which' is well bred.. • TERMS -1 F or furthr particulars; Apply_ to, THOMAS MILLER Lackaow I' 0 raker & Confectioner. 4107. - .e::0 -em be:r 5t-1 Is the place to make your selections in RR-OCKERY CIASswARE; CR: _, E�1Es R0 1 ._� �llsol have • in stock t'l a follow ng A plea. Blacking Black Lead Blue . Baking Powders,.. Barle ,pot Bath r ick - Beans Brooms Baskets ::Br. usher Biscuit Coffee • - Confectionery 'Canned. .Goods Cocoa• Chocolate : Corn; canned Corn meal: Currants s- Currie Powder Cream Tarter -Cocoanut...: 'Dates No. 1 -Flour Dried Apple Extracts Figs Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey Ink Indigo Licorice. Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal. - Macaroni Mustard Meatsanned Magnesia Nuts • alwaya. on hand. Nutmeg Oill, olive. Oil sweet Oil; castor Oranges Oa Meal ,. Pa%s. Peels Pipes Pickles Pealine Peas, canned, Pepper Raisins Rico - Ric a Pi nam Sago Salt'' Sali.o n Sardines Senna SeedsSugar • . Syrups Goods deliv Brt ed • Soda Soaps Spices =- Starch. • Suiph Straweberrrsies, ;canoe Tapioca • . Tomatoes, :canned Teas Toaccoer s - Vernaicelli Vinegars Wasbhboads Washing Crysta Woodeiiware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Oakes Dinner Ss Tea Sets Water, -Sets Cream Sets • Berry Sets Toilet Sets • o any part .of- the town. NA DIA ts1 =�: PACIFIC • OPLE'S .E�ULA ONE-WAY, itisb, C V'ahtiigto; . regou3 .California •.IN TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, ! Toronto to seattle Without -change, leaving TORONTO - EVERY FRIDAY At 10:.15 p; _m. Until further notice. -Corona �'�encin. , �= gOctober 6th 9P J URS HIS ON AtiEftT, LUCKNO W, Trespassers , d Hunters tars. TMETE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY gives public notice:that any one found shooting, hunting, or otherwise' -trespassing upon -lots 22 and 23 on the. 13th con., and lots 22 and 23 on the; .14th . con., and the north half .of lol.24 on the 13th con, of West Wawaaosh, will be prosecuted according to law, after this .notice. _:.- . .• Signed CHARLES THOMS,- - CAMERON, .TAMES PATERSON. DAVID PATERSON, `ouember, 9th, 1893, CHESTER WHITE 'BOAT FOR S'Ell VI CE T HF UNDERSIGNED WISHES :TO inform the farmers that he will keep for service this season.at -lest 12, Con. 10 (E. D.)' Ashfield, his -superior thoroughbred Chester White Boar. This animal is no relation to his former stock. • - • , - TERMS -=-81 cash. but if not paid at time of service, 81.25, For further particulars, pedigree etc apply to JAMES ALTON . Belfast P 0 AItITEIL � ALESMEN TO . SOLICIT • FOR `1 a Choi .-line_ o ` 1.7 e f : nurser y stock. - Com- plete outfit :free. Gond pqy from the start. Previou4 experienoe Oct necessary; - Write ;at once;. and secure territory_ THJ% RAWKF6 T NURSERY CO. -! Rochester N. Y. OAR FOR OAR SERVICE (HE UNDERSIGNED WILL • KEEP ,' _for service ; at lot .67. con 1 Kinloss :.thoroughbred Birkshire Boar.: • • TERMS41 cads at time of eevice For further particulars, Apply to, Lucknow: .BOAR FOR SERY1C11. 4. • Leads them all for i .amylk'TY'. HE. 'UNDERSIGNED WISHES -TO Morinthe rm •1 farmers of this natnity that he •will keep for service at lots 22 con 2 a thorough • bred Birkshire B'' Boar.- (Black Prince) . TERMS -41, STmer z oasu tan THE'sxsso t. WILLIAM :AW D Spli. AND : NN�.QOODS a Fruits of All Kinds in Season, Fi N E TEAS. SPFCIALTY The Largest ,Stack Cho : icest Goods, 414- Ike 13e-st Yaw obtainable iri -Lucknaw. MCLEOD'S ystom Renovators, And -other; tested remedies ECIFIC Asp ANTIDOTE 1' =FOR • Impure, Weak and :Impoverished . Blood, Dyspepsia. Bleepleasness;* Palpitation,. of ti e Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, ". Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall. Stones. Jaundice Kidneyand Ur Dia asees, St.Vitus' nary Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. • $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle.. LABORATORY. _ - GODEBICH,'01'11. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Harry Days and A. B.:Congram, Druggists. Lucknow. • 'anaers ttoii.tio,( To obtain the best prices for, your BCTTTME - it is to- your :advantage to FINE LIVERPOOL SALT, and bring it to market in rolls weighing from 2 lb. to 3 lb, or in tubs. Crocks or pails at this season do not bring as good paces. 1 D. • Men to work for us who desire tam --- tnoi a this fall ard winter y Buri:ng sl a- times. Excellent .:chance: Liber • pay. ...If .yon .hare spare time. out ° work, or looking for a -patting business write•me at once. FRED FE. YOUNG, -°Nur=seryman .RQ:QHESTER, N. Y. ., FARM FOR SALE :_ SALE B EiNG L01'S -21, 22 AND 23 IN THE isoflos i 1 t con. the townshipof -Kiril os. , ,con- taining 150 acres more or less. There is on the farm a good new, frame house 26x30 feet, with kitchen 20x18 feet, also large barna, stables. etc. There is 100 acres:cleared the balance in bust,, and is all fairlywell' fenced. The place is well watered. The centrepart of . tivrr • north half of `lots 60 and 61. containg 20 ar more or less, is also offered for sale. On land there :is a good house ' and law,' and stables,All in good repair. ' fT . For further particulars, apply MALCOLM Mi LA1GI5DE:P. O. 1- 1028-8 P. 'Q.