HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-15, Page 3'6
nee upon- it inidnight:dreary,-as 1 pondered
weak and Weary -
state_ ot sleepy stupor caused,- by work the
day bofore;
bile,' nodded, nearly napping, audAen-lf.I
of someone loudi tapping-tapPing-Ori the
is- the gas metee."-- 1 muttered,- '6 -rapping
Only this and. nothing mores. -
ow distinctly 1 retrieMber it was In the
4.nd 0801i 00.parate -flaming ember only made
II with sorrow, -
k •
edify of her °harming sex. . i
- -11 Ileac Pirunmer 1 -- Thistes the matt 'that
wants theist/torte bny hie . hone 1 - Mime
Grant 1 Well,. I should .111re to knew i"- -
Ape muitieg deeply,- with Many shakes of
bar head, Mri. Tennant delivered .the lete
:era to Bryon.
Ott that, met!. r, still a:ticking, kept On clicking.
41111 almost, ir4 'kieking clear through
1Thiinn.Ch 1-1 dismal and- dismantled, - that,
Just ono etelei it nbthing more.'
But _that ineteroinver tiring, never slopping!
; salt tiring "
I, And 010 tire that's at nio eleanung_ iaic
ieltly. -.• t" Oks, I wonder whit he says 11 - ,:_L- liternsiisit-r- Piens ierelareet•e-,pritilearis
- See broke open the iota, Arid readitWith ireale-Are.eystoo,./ehe peolaegnosanowa
a °hook that first grow pele,•and ',then fired - ixesivation_jfite rieee liork :sietime;.,
Victoria Grime elinained the lupe
: When -he shall come,: tho man 'long -to Hee,:
For svh-ese reality Wait, Ldecm
That he Khali bring a Wondrous jaq -to -me.
't ask net -that his form haVe pettget.
m 11.8,wles4, after God's first plan
bo six
rout.ori that bia lips shall speak
Itra,ccon.p.tv Asti tender, love te God and
Sath-at, his lieaV pulsate in tulle with mine. -
So that his soul be to -all goodtwSS glv-en,
So-,thati he knew the Way to miturets -heaven,
thoi the- light of truth clear eyes
!Ire shalt -ow meth° way all goodeeas lies
r TWO, -LEttE4s.
-into. 'geeing, burbing-Nearbe : • ' lime. insures -le 'Core $15;
se ran the werdells. that there iitio ese.rin
any furthei luterviews between " we Your
gaol were framed 'and Stoll tepthee
and Approved, iii-wis token spare Arid Moe
Pleoemeal to the ts bee whore it was to
-be.itsed..-* yrs/otitis that loins hardly war.
ship. The . machinery br °Orating the
gates* Correspondingly heavy, mid:roma
Mitehell 00. At Eestbam, 'steam pimps
foroo. water into a ..obansber under great -
pressers to all Pitts. thir belts. -where
power is required.' 7
- Ali the 'look -rant _dock India ere. -bitillt el
chaster Ship Oared,
_if no evaliteit far as I. tane: oencerned, antit which . _will be
may. !save us beth some . tinpleesentnese if : . opened en i Thiry..
you _uuderetand it at On00...-Wbat could in- day neeti wart firee
ireatue 8' whose age :- aud-. _appointee:to aro . 416 1882 When tive
..,quailly- et* postoteue t -, 1 trail a this: bete will- ._engineers, E.
,.. and Ilitintitore Ail,
a.s it e :band ef rett-hot hen evere_preesing on tennohodoe adieu - began. re :lag Ps*Iii,
ire,.-tiao'ss-giese- 'wait iiivered-ovee.With "hoer eble-effeet en,,the- propel:y.4d these • 'interest..
treat,' iie Celeett BieWil --Walked ..-into th44".-:_ eisd. se the=stenfitile Wee::n. boa One '.Twine.
4epote hie -z oeoreesti.. ',battened iip,-.. to. the the -company weedefeetekalthough.beeked
uhroat,_abriqst running. against ..an elderlY.: by 38 .flianielpit bodies-, .01 lode' hoerdir, -3.1.
tir: BroWn nodded- stilly. • • '. • • ' -- - . -save-dates eptint) 4600,000 in teem two :Wiese
_i" rel Wiry, 'I ekes . pet lahnie for.. pier houee."- pegs, -_, Daring thet three -pear perlierrientery
,You..raid yea'd °ill arid get-the--.anewsii4e.bit struggle fabOut $1,750,000" wee spent beebeth
I knoWe me pla ce .e. hoop: -•.eight .tee welhfor Mei. -- Been -When the.- legeVisteitulty Iva"
- hat. ;-'Acd_11 yott"Ve reallY. tor* icci,1 0. '&01. craloOthed Over - theta Weee'etill twit yeere-of
e whe on ooto .wnnea.. your: .fids.: nine*/ ..:.1. :bit sit -. laiit, : in-- 1887,- the .1tothsc. bilde :end
thoughb *0144 loetted -.thole *tette; :400, ,Ileriegeliet--the'r:otteerptieten Ate' :financial
et this Weber line where "Alpe might strike,
rigid tette, and wee :mixed With sand end
eight parts of the hatter **serials. pr.:each
Fere of cement. Where the oonerete PSI
•usedin the bee- of the work the materials
-wets mixed in.' the. ntle •of -• fool to one.
Whateyer . meg have - heed the properties/.
the °entente 'end and gravel Were _Mixed
bogether in:a -dry shies on a platform, then
!wrinkled 'wish clear - -wider by means of a
Watering pate:And the whole " mast well
.spetreed the-milee Of wells made•in this way,
end are ptsatioally unanimous in .ptsising-
the work -in Which 16250,000 :cubic yards of
The first • level of the canal le 21 Miles
long, set before 'neeeitiened, and is'. largely
opereted by mem/ of the -water -admitted- to
eteleaseham during high tide. • Pare•Of it
latter .00nsblei of re neMber *lova
binged together ;end .Intvg iron -the --end .of :sre
the sueface to be.excavatodlhey aro 'open,
wine tegether just -es aciatit-clesse :les their* .
.ind dig ripsaws or leis ear*. The
Wigs -from thttend Of a ensue by erMa lir
motedIfrom"-.place to:ploy* and lifted -ova.
the car intsi Whioh the :eterth is -dumped.
, Serene aid- ci*oucllesse like a glebe of
into hysterios ; she only Melte pectr creature, teether of the slime year a committee, of
but they. were -not a faeces, Where 'the
ground -was heavy... 'The. 1.1.extri
-were qUiteleevyand :of ...aortal Thee "
kind mole need lead rib buckee :oir *hovel
heidhrg.2-1 -ssulaic 'yards', to thee trio ,shovele
fres were. litild0311! to .611 a mar holdieg
ling, hut teqtaired !heavy. 'track.
24:000 cubist eadi in :ten heave Where thi
earth. woe favorable; -although .frena 600 ta •
that tine°. . ireoeeledredges :are of tire
types,' them esed -land end -thou:eider&
-The lattee -type is familia being largely
tried ar-Grovernment 'Wotk this country,
whiceh -buckets eke attached, -The isheirs,
runs °Veep% .padleyeet the end -of :a frame..
and by itowethag ehis frame to the bottom.
Where lite :dradging is to he ClOue, the
bucikets eta forced lista-the :earth. which
them. _ -The land :.drediges-are :quite -differ-
stetacihed,, 'bet 'there . the reienabiance tn.
tween the two types endi. .The lend .dredge
and englheit ineogesary to propel rifihe bulky
The 'oer mutton a' :healey track hosed.- thir
;kennel :where the :excitant:ion its to -go eta - s
The earth excavated' by the buckets is
oentraotors',eara, in which, it Is reineeed.
-On -the. Manchester :caned :there Were Von
'German, • the letter being eouildered .thie
Reeghly ispeekleg, this great canal has
$2,100i000- _e It le snow
.emennte dredging. -. 'Tee, Warrtngesise
desk' ere net "finiehed, and .-probebly
'tidally _the .oraned is -one .104 -dot*, and it in
:Englaed ete: nearer to the lamed than -ear
other Ociein_,steamet,nerte.,,gelenereeleitiret
tonitage -here le. used is- 'a centinteys.
coley., The, else mid program of the -
town .01 Seaport, on the line Of the
_that lit Se 40earekee belt eity. Siglatee*-
-canoett-of Maneheeter goods. "...The trade*
'bratty leather., Of Which' eensiderisiale
quantities. tate - :docked -on. the - Wharves
fieet in the:" 'timber pond:" At Ellesmere
port is..,e.dri:deek:300--feet long, 'The staters
-berth,- tteeetninedetien. at the Cortibrocili.
docks, which are intended lot .Iriele end.
teethe et: 'IA- --„tealford-iend Romer* „quips '
-between *see:nil ,and the -Mersey eati• Enna::
Are nal ,oempleted after 14 nruthe et bard
The Bed Iffeedie4
.cavea of the, old ._recl-hricik- :Mau:Sion with
Grant's- little hand inlils..•13tew- hard ill -Was
sly -good-bye !
•6i Anct -when are 'yeu :coming again .1"
• 4'4 .When Shill. 1 be auto eta weldenie 1"
. , ..- Vtritstia went bank .teths.house tie think
-,- of .Gzieett'i lo al. words, white SOWS Grtint'S
- 'Victoria G -rant. wee no. longer in her first)
tt. P.0.111, r.t ;eat bloom,. rather thokelk bud.
. .1 to have hidden him- goed-hye hoes., in.: ehe
polio t.' Yet.. 1 don't think he -lwill: yds -
Construe: my' conductl. fer--1- think; -he
ewvotget. sly castles' keno Lute berrbrain4-_aud
lute' eirertatitoli of :she .fancy knitting watt
And what dld CalCett Brown think, ashe
:was whirled through. the sleeping, Moonlight
-fens- ilia truth. ••Letaiiing beck enitho velvet-
. oneeemee • mete...with folded 'arms end hat
- &awn • &mu 'over, hie eyes; he lived civet.
. „ the iaaw fear hears, seething Once more to
hear Vic.‘30ria7.-slow., ieffvoiee .. aid -feel _the
- light hand lying _In _hiii 'eWn:4', !_4 -ed WI:tenth-it
delicious thread ot his musings With 411oyn-
. ow he , e i -buttoning „up hie .ceat . and,
watcshieg he- train glide - iWay _like- same
Eli estriage woe ready,. with the -aid%
. sieedei.limbed. bays, end ell :the -way home
4. why, dear me," -squire I'm 14eet if I atar_ted the eettiel Week which is 110W necirly
which rest against closely driven .piles
their bases, 111 wera the foundation is.
seisdp_7. At Runoorn a see well of motets
hes been built. ;' from **peke) to -the looks
at .14,Atchford the °weblike blend anti ball e
mininium width at tlio--bettoth of 120 feet
end tneets-depeit if water of 26 feet. At
Worington there are to -be docess . with e3
mores ef water space and a quay - 'trent-age 'of
le miles, The largabseream raising tin
the first level of the canal is •the "River_
12 feet ha diantetee, Are laid through the
„embenkment on which thlipert of the timid
is built up in seperatesectione, cog* art_Inch
thick, which eze .belted together and :then
covered with ociecrete. The bottom of thli
°divert -where it panes under the ship -canal
ii -fully 50 feet below thesurfaeo th .
• paire of Med epeedieelcie on hie:nese.- "4„tiertee tume err :hie °Mitred", :but "he also pad.
plebs -es -daylight). _ Priceleietreeieure You're Malty nenertal•Ways..• :When - he table - held
join!. te at tee..; long. been .Wielii111°-: ler 'it • of the- loth laii:dIvided.lb Jute nine scabies,
kiere yen _Winde- -in -hy.tellin''. Me _you'll call stiff -Of Agents, engineers 'end clerkst;, who
- The calor rushed -to Calcott Brown's tem- hill Othe.r 0011trihatee the- ',tense:he
pies, eshe smote: hed• the netts - from Isaac Pliwed in themis sheyei„by '
bP ne meant lily 'white' hand,
TAIT 4' Pact N10B,11 8118i11111
-iancr. " butriedlY •• glanced - 'oirer its cc:intents.* tinder which -some ef -them .- teat ,,,' vole' ----e, a
taerose his mind while the old- -• men was 41. -.X.: -....m. :woke -lay squatty ier--• tne . measure('
presing .0"verJt,,r_wp-,!..b3tA..44.A..egam--...kiaa deep work,: One. men from the prigs- receiving a.
,,,,I vilely- -1) bard' with ye,"1-esiel .tlie eta ell. , eeh dis.trlot 'frali. .providid with
oetween his grimy; ilneers . and.- thumb, : lies heap/book an5i physidais were envied
44 you may! have het tee $500,, though ihe'e„ • alici -.missions : and °heves. founded by the
Oftith-olitotohdhli.,10.061..:tehOr::tiiti:pear11$0,1901:4461.toolithiriii..e.bwc3atoeisirtkisittio:rgdailt.n.h.yider, .81insrai4:081tepahoref.,
Sieber' lee- ale. end the tributary rivers:
Sluices, care provided -at 'several: plactes, the
itirgist- number, 10;lning at the -.mitt& of
the -Weer- Weaver, Thule ...dikes are
WrOught iron -.shutters. or doors--
var.ticaltv la--aratetinav their epee/time by
hind is -an easy *titter. The ehntters- are
terelyleissr the surfaces of the water, leaVing
openings 30 fete widdeared. of the full depth
Goo/cremate:I-far use On • the. eine% -.hi that"
Abeve •" Letchferd :the 0813011 T;8801,18-8 all
hieriey.rivers.. end --other • tributaries. • The
sloping *stars- of tit* region hitherto 'found.
their way Slowly. eleteg the winding: °surges
ited deep venal will .earry off the water more
' 'wax eve; Wen sieh a -t!liati.Jd1"16 10°1 --•at 150 : leeonicitives, ',Yokel _thedsend- care for -
1 heee: been' . liereeeee. ticket.- fer Pre* Wie.in moiring -06 . exciOite4 _ materiel end
Per the- whiStle of .th.e adeanising train- .in all -i . ale pliant '' ie eiltitnete4 te• het% colt
wee -already %edible _and. _an' he-sprang7ttpen- hini- the- enerniens anmei skeeie000; ..Afiet.
-‘4Say-e475,- Squire.". . work wigi thee !lionizes enthusiasm charted -
The i brildarde: chrykantitimentt • .in :the terietic of -the "Omni hie Wee, base siekcand
warden- iaolded4--. thole eieleing heed's mesa.. died after a - shore •• illneis.- "e. Iiii toot wain
mei -aft hiee -aN r he': weiked--‘1113 1910-05-1*; eerlintepre;•ffifte-hini the. °Mud - company.
the. -sunshine:- -lay.. ens - :the -_• -deiii-atelPee -was greatly, indebted.- -- Since his deeththe,
seienely, es- hes " •knetaketl..: on _the', old irera: work .hes hien livdrily .40ritift, _OU 'htithe
. . -thee_ nine Miles -"Inland, • teraninetioil .0)
P- 'Miles -, along the -cest.atery end.
.4". -Mies Vie:forte. bade me i&Y,,", began .the eeceieseextende-71 Miles eo"--.1.elses, ihe thire
Tee -next ,rnotnent he was fitie•to: fade ::With uw° IP tlith - " . Baton's the --fourth: - 31
she hid..rieen and . -itioaa: with ...ono . hi-hud flatlet.: into- . Matoluister, - of -Which Mode
Wheel is-*eatbutler..- -Thetetial length- et the
en the. tablet her face vere'ipiale,.. -bit. 'own.
Platferni be could tear. LIMO Plummier he ha -d pirfected the ergartia%ti-en - et his.
baWling4 after • him.: Circe and :was beginning to prosecute the
- 46 if- she . were. -only- waitiiirter-veloeme
- Me 1-': te . wraith -fled; half aloud, -se the eai-
stetely aid stone ' mansion: on". the . hill,
-• The library fire was burning. ethectifiiily.;
-Calcott Brewn see -clown .andgeeed the -tight-
' fully inta: the- burning coila,l, isititeut takink
Up the. pen that lay ready to -hie -hand. -
lave wi
indui?Ita.!)le-proof-of else tender pession., le
thiek.Itheuld':have lived,. tobe 24 yeast old
- 'toed.. there, with her little- apploblossom of
:a band_ In mine -.1 . Because I•wee.a coward. -
I could: ne- mere haveAarieken out the: clues-.
-_--" I will -Write to het -1 -The words•I could
.notepealr..in her; abtiial-.presence then be
embodied on paperi: and., time . tile- =emelt*
eue quention shall be decided 1" -
in A vett sterene :. end satisfied .:'franie : of. t - -•
ef the Oared are chiefly remarkable for
magnitude. The *lc:heater/ and Salford
Water tarea„-152 acmes of gismo, and. -a front -
ego of 01..mtlee, f the, installer dock
141188111110nithe line -of' _the caned wilt bet
wonder the- merchants- -el 'Liverpool
up te:such an _81191118011ii t .60 it Is no
meet/ ie thee pciet.. The opposition of the
retie/aye, pediameneary •ssectien had'
been given the ttedertelchig, clid not dimin-
ish, and to satisfy -the martinis olaime et the
compel:des- seven bridges and miles of
the best kind Of track had to be both to-ris-
piece eld lines -rendered. uselese by the:
-Iwo hood . Oak yotii " Ittr • arowii to .Migt;00.(41;11thatortriisb:1100ettifeiemLanti_Tlitte-dfitterregeo.peoci:
"she said,".frigidly, extending toWerds sets. of leeke, reeking the lift -at each about
- ib. from her hands is Dd. tote it 15 -feet.lt lubber; The total malettnt ?of
the fatal letter. • -
that girl With. the gray eyes an
chy-: ed :cheeks .1 _For I suppese
ellew dream's °ea girl all night tong
66 This ncte -was. never titeneed for yen, 000,000-.oubio yards, of which. 10,000,000
man who has -long been annoyhig •me ; Brian: muaLiox . auk° TAW:* •
late a score ef- pieces.
In -the Preens, Professor W. G. _Atwater
dein/ the. hese feed iri• t'he sense ef tobat
Which -is sold_at the leigheet price is rarely
the -most eeenemiced for people in health.
-food, thee le 'boob tO the -real
Wants ef -_the user may he the -very "-kind,.
Which auPplies the most nutrimeet. at the
.leivest coati. Rotted, steel; cotes
Pound °entail/ es -much ptoteheand-energye
te jut* as digestible: end -111 folly, ay mettle
eive Mi tenderloin lit .50. Mackerel has es
high netritive value es Admen ind °esti
from. an eighth to half es 1.14011. Oyatera
are delicacy.. . If -otos can offerd them
there is ,no remelt for -not •haivieg thceetv.:1 h*.naett
25 cents hiveated•ine, pet would bring telly
mist you: .11e.ve thought eitne, Victorlal' Canal, :88 -Wiese long, ito thee,. per -mile of
, The colet returned etiee mere teVieteria'a lesegth,-..tne work on t.he likineheetee canal
had to. e
latter a 'remarkable 'piece Of work. 29 grams, about :an _trJeackee, -0 p
sttuature reteaces one, -,of 'the famous piece's
260, eateries if :energy., 'The esine '25 *onto -
I the -last . century. 'the
aqueduct ctonetruoteA-. its 1761 by Jame'
•Brindley to carry the -Bridgereeee canal
.over the Irwell•canal. ,
*ent-en, `` but Perhaps' it is better ter tell midst/mote for_ a shot distance,.. s .s
you. Worde what I have - written- _in. the- near Iteneeens where a _depth of '66 .feet
coldet Meet= of -Pen and ink:" - , entrance at Bastion -1 naturally, the .firet
,And 'sitting down. beside -her, , _with her tat to eiomine.e. --Hero . theta are or
114Pa not Wtthdrawn 3"61-- Mfg 9-111'ott greet lecke side hy side, Assigned to:•ace•
Iirewn,told her an. - :cernmedite.veisele of 01 ekes With *obese
is's- -staving seructure, testing on -a cetterete•
pier the centre Of the _ship - The
difference in level betWeeil -the solaces of
tee watm in the two capals -is 'Only about 28
nor on a eye-
„You will. be my wife, :VI:stetter' he waste of water:in opertablen-.; -They Measure
600180. fe40.- .35000 feet I,- and. 150x30
Protein -.end 13;700 ealeriee of _energy«
avegied. the victual nutritive Materiai 0081.
him three. times as nitteh as It does his 4ii.
pleyere, Wiehesebraeyona. te:td,taudin• fiPouoter:. 7 .......
- - erb herb week, 041,01 a
-Twit yourag -merited Men •in the ,tieleis
WM . Of rollers, and iir operated by e three- i excursion to
cylinder "- high-peeienre -. Water engiue sand 1 epithet - :sweet _kik. on their wives Before
rack end opur gearing. The .mohing up 01i.outerIng.the long tunnel at Elk ;04 -each,
the .ends ef the swinging poeticise with. thel wai •• fitting -with_ -the -othee's wife. 'They
ehore is -effeeted by - dropping- A Ayedge-ksgreedte- exchange seats le the long Tuned
_shaped cAltii*, facel With India rubber lute . and each Mai Ida 131M 'Wite• 'Viral", Min' AK ;
the opun between7the plasiei levee ei the . at agtet-d.: One. 'of -the 'yerang weft*
-fixed; and movable ends. 4. Whenever it *; ,soreemed terribly- iise•d -attracted the aleozto-
desired lie open 'the bridge to allow a vessel 't tied et the wholcezer, and all -had a boatel -.-
to pale on the ,ship cenel belOwp role -Beteg . leegh at her 'expense when tbe Ught•brolres
are pressed ou each end of - the -- swinging* in uponlier, -resisting idereely ...sod in bier _
aqueduct siudislise at each there end et the' -husband's arms. - The otter _site kept "liSir-
canal.. - ' The - Water bertmarell !Cab tele lit _iitAtiy- still, -and the -said her ,TernaMind Isa_d a
grates hi then PumPed, Out aka the gate, geod-laugh on elm& other when the 'light
-1Pahreettried oi!oricarolt.retheiltrtgociart.outiko imidThate 7briedagge; brolM. en then): • She said she did .ncea kik**
but ichat -it woe 'her 'husband sitd-didank
began. thehright retatity.-/e. El. X. on the etenga,-..' The- design . of - else
. . special. requirementer to enable .vessels to
• After leading ;artfully ttei. to Vie subject enter from the limey,- 'Where' there is, et
the teacher:Of. the - elsee bleb! Waite' Mite times a rise in the- .tide of seven, feet Oifer
iii911. Suudey ichool felt otindtient he - had -the- ordinety. leeel. of water in -.ehe .canal.
vaede- .an - imeeeeelen ill '600341esed Daring such times the,getes are - open .ana
-••-• ioleed usew; itlike-;' his:Mid," adeptteg his Were -the tide turns the gate, see shut, and -
'Style Of talk to the vocibultsey Of the -elms,' ei the 'level ' of the rever sink. the water
4t What sort °nettle •k41 yett ;think go- tes- pertly!scapesthroogh theepeningeneedefee-
14 Is illryin clown "stairs, . re.
hirs.Vennant paused in the hellhole;
the moral --lecture -sided' righ, t of grist strenoh on% a angle. lea
-She Wanted tiererMation.
edite is to the clerk et the:
I told that old man of mine Its d get ,
-Welland 'Cense: "-- Weeder* watere aie. lased,
sesbas been the ;emetics et Stault Stie.Idarie,
bok While 0010 Roe OA- hie doff hiqe eal,..-
- THE TOOLS ASO 18189111141.03
A le
deeervelsentlon,,,,se without them' the tin- Xelergyanen out in -lawmen wheenrog., ,
derteleing could nett hews been nettled' pesience-in the °eve appeaslo be limited--tei
whole _course of, the - csantal and _hi manyldeceetes thet the people 'of -the Agenda
plebes -en both Didier.: Its bruit's, edded eoesti---citles hate the- ,peoPte Of the wade
that:bid in the: .bettein -el Ow Canal 11114 T11018'8 S obiritable and wholesale g
228 alibi of single line. *Won for yen.
purpose.fiem Demeter* eta faro! owe
gree •
The ;alb Weight d 56 peemds- eat .-1A/Iii And .
;were laid Osicresi ;ties, the tot4 cast ef the
Wilk averaging ebeut-13,100,-a-- "Mile. The-
tiveti find 6,500_ sets: is on a lager _Rude -
than mime of. the iegalair .English ;await.,
The inechinety used in -imeravatlig _come'
The :prises voyages.
directing attention to epersee
-the, street, "therea
some .eitod -he thts World."
said jones; "is he a Con