Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-15, Page 2•?;,
E B11.11,in
(wontWidpiv-- After. a Halton
County Widower.
No, 235- , Markham
sItiel,„:6 widow,- fah.,
bit and 45 is ening
widower oft hale
ex -butcher and smelt.
While te
... • • de.
ShitremoVed hem-. -Sally • :-otreet reid4 puBLicily
denee to :Markham street.- •. She ,-.eays - . .
'4' Heget me aWay front MY -.4minfortalile • ,.
:homerand then thoughlthe-oottld.-teit -what!
ever be wished, best) het:got:slob s. dollar of
my alconly.'!-. ,
. wain stip& A Winricazair IST01114-
• • •
_ Wage give. .1, different . version. Of - the
iSsuse, of the ,sis: trangement„ 'althugh. - he
states that the fec.*- Oen by hie -betrothed
are substantissily :correot. - He, however,
olaime -that-hit was the . victim • of * Snare.
Ito -at -Arab ‘Made -no.. reshitatice to the
-widottes demands', Oonoeiving , to. beabent
at profitable an at the
equator or.hinting that there lit Omni pert of
eoandeil arse ng.-th pit allele- of-, lengitude
Flnally,_ _•t/ 0 Waver, he -learned cseMethipg - that
Opened :his eye's. -
- 7". Mis. -Balley_didn't :write thine lettere-
- ertioli her the:advertisement
e Indubitable Value o
Placed Advertising.
• •• • • •I1
flgbt,-more ostutters, :niers everything lfer
the :Oesteenienee.. el .10s:customers, and he
-muetadd 'as Immix proportionitely.:60 -hie
advortioing eavenli Os -he does to any ether_
legliiitneitstexpense Coming -With itioresaIng
busbies,: .- • _ • .
if the.tiMes vitt:19616:1y 4411 in,
ib ts par (ly Your _tenth' You meirmake them.
/f -the advertisers in the city - ars•
'low, tinliberal,-. -the best opportitnity • is,
offered the .enterpristng -merolment .teke
huiln-eis_lway.. Wen thent,-, Where all the
merOhents: are pregrespitte, -then :oompetition
tvelpiC: trade,. -Where few - merobente are
progreiettre,- - then liberal- advertislig is ,111
_the more- neoeineity; . • •
• ,,tHis no14.1DAT ApviaiisEnanNT
At A WO:nano -the •artioles be divided bY•
adVertiging rival or:other distinob diehliews,
..w.b100, make- the • adVerttietnetit not a Oon,;
.glonteratiOn of. .atIvertiientents,- but a direc-
tory ,of distinct holiday attireations, .septv
rately presiented. '• • •
Holiday. a dVertlisie gr-musb. be fnief. The
pipers aro likely to be:crowded with adtiev
treing,.. and the brief .1dVertittentent galas the
retidet'Sattentiotw- •- . • '
• ibis remarkable ha* attreitive.awapper.
-aptly --.nuattraetive artiole appeare„ well
'dusted in the -ste'te, iend adv,ertised
-the 'neWspapem- The -. otikinal adtertiser
will ceuvinoe people, Who are not regular
helidAy buyers, that they '..had --better :buy
neeeailbjee. during -the ..helidoys thot : a.
man is :going . to -give:. his. wife la dreier,
•-broanse..she. nee -do it, - gists. no _ mors- to
give ib 'her: -as a Christmas' pro.sent.
than ib does to buy ib for her by and by.
Shoes,. l.stoeltitge,, ,ehirts, -and every thMg
children Wt3af :8a51:•te,-gPien then) as Civist-
Mau presents,: i with- . or----wItheut
tolidey good'. • -
:E verything, fromalubbet hots
.sirand -.plane, ean belt:tilde .to 1:01 a.'holiday
gift, and 1.
rw reirea
de tier, residing atand advised her to enter on the correspen-
' 64 C hu robir delta.. She told me that he phinned 07b17-
• • d
ayenue, for -:$5.000
dano get for -jinn ?hot
_ . ercinitee• of . Instriege.'
_Mts. -Bailey claline Atlas,/ Woe, like other
Men,- hag. proven. f hollow,-
setinding micker-y 4. -he hat ruthlessiy
torn het heart strings- asunder, and • that,
eines pecautery conipen4ation is grate ul to
orwounded,/pait rid the law reoftguises ite
• _justice,: she intendi. fo-. make -Vat pay
-eve Alellar,et the sunteaed for,. • --:
aro, yrt. the other -h apPetrs. to hif
nit more alatined over the •prooeediage: than
were the Falls of- Niagara when Mt, Omar
Wilde:stood en theft blink -arid_ told
them a calm firm 'voice'. that they, were
nit what: they, wero:drectied- up to be. He-
- _ ?says the m.atier teat a btteinese- :affair; that
it had etarted.ln:a hAinues Way, had- been
conducted. in a -bu`lenete manner and was
-.devisld of ail but the applarance. 'Of esinti-
tient,. and that he carried out hie portion_ef
thecagreement, teit the vrldow dtd no%
thing:for her, and- knew_ how a wen .
/ have politite .proot of.
:• hire; Bailey says, ibab no lawyer. adviied:
her,_-_andthat her -eon wrote all the letters,
or .nearty all.
Virarefurther .11116# he folfilled the
• requireinents Of the, istrivrient-and dia.. an
-ho mad_ lie- 17:soul-O. :**4- -beileve-
it's bisok
Mail, And I :don't think the -petite
cAtrGivr-si,--Ax fArAmwrissmENT.
who.: wai. then resid-
• ss WANTA. ISSIIIIT)1111$ t-": ..,;
A,:: Philadelphia- . says . :Little
. . , • . •
klioetirtacileaurtde stenos -be. Venom/BY at
1A8ST: - •
-Tony ." Losaesr-t, the Italie* .-boetblaok
wheio,ehining stand 'has beeonte-
landmarks_ Of •-_Sixtirand.- Chestnut: -etreet0
cornet, - is the -hits -of• .6 tomonce. •The
re/monde imoirred. yesterday .Cepiii•Bied's-
boWer iit the Orphomis", 14tie yOutsg
L:echintar iilte:--poesti,.. Testy" was aki
ducting a -bride, gallepieg 0414 with her
with alther:Antonio
is -Dinah:mote- dimitintiltre - in stitnre than
the or/lin/sty lover-kid.napper. --ef. the novel,
hitt he proud. ise an -Italian -ptinee
when - he tnarahed Into the Pre:Motion of
Matrimony Offiee yesterday morning- and
demanded A Marriage Clingieg to
hie. arm, More -fitgritenetity-.. ',than -timidly,
Wee' - pretty little.: limits* •••Whose
bisom:figure alone-- bore, ;Of het. 19'
.Yette. :• The beg beidegisiein intredhoidher
*Legroesis,= -the
belle of.•._,Idatriett 7',..etreet.7--- • Bird,- soraigthed.
his head .three- tiaile, hattali • last -drew' up
the-licinee,-. • z •
-But . here the milsohlef :osSine- in. When it
•=cetne to makinther mark, ths.. proitiective
bride Intietio.ionsly- protegee&
she-, exclaimed- several l tiMes.---..1,4-
litoilian-accento,-;” I no event* marry _him- I",
••- Telma proper abler:to the !cone- mid- sup*,
ply a' .0)1,mati Itelien ....priest,: lather
Isolerii Stu, -Mary - Magdialerie-
61 Pzzt,
birit in at-: this- ,jtinoturstr_ and indigi.
:Mostly -forbide.tb..ebons.. • !4.--The:letiter .hes
-*en-bribed," *Woo • the...toner of his iottti h
tion,:- and. it eellfsig hie daughter un-
liappineis."'- -The .ptiest had to: admit',
ever, that the father b'1 .consented to the
-nista, and the: lieenie Wait not •Withitei&
-The:Atte-010 deported,. Piny:" oreetfalten,
sweethearttiat.tears..- . •
jatquir.y at :the. Loosest, demicilt, NO.. 709
Oetharitte,street,late Wit evening, Wielded
..thst .it Was a oale-of.--trite-lovia.
nob running -
-Hyatt-- Of Tony% *Or .idesigoint
.relatigee- hod whispered *shit. hinters -
the sweet joeophisielkear. -Slielvati-hoppy
-agein, and-sel.Wite "Tony," tind
Father Iselep's next role in the. drome.ivill
soon be te join -the tWo . reelprectillithrob:-
bins Imeorttin :one! • -
• .4 ;1111"
. .
-111stneis Nen Pions .by lintirprtie `the
_ . , ,
. !Apt litse--The --taeson. Wanskly. News• !
paperthe-Best IiledInm, She- *est 'BMW
tr.:-Nathani01-0: VOWler,--. jun., Vector of Pub-.
- 1
• 'Jolty-, Beaton!) -
. . . .
Advertising is bUsineit. • • - •
. It it waits' buil/tete, lt wottlilit't be apart
et -*Omen, • - - • . •
Tne.inin_whe eannoitittiliza advertising *-
his -businets- has. ne .busineep `te be.
in busi
nese and gen:trail,- • .
Wheat Dix '.1atindrid theitiand. .Secceesful
itelsolesitie and halfwit- men. have a&
vertfeed,do--advertilie and. intend-te.odver,„
tiee; not talk- to :man - who.
--deeen't edtertielog; and • Whe•
im siteigisating: own . at. --
tempting- to, believe . ....tleat the
except ion- whieik *eyed' the - -
,ingiiike .What :mon. of,: lenge' :dire'. folio*
the rule .of exception,..Witen -ire/mutable law
ot luccess demendoi
Make Opetatistioe for yourself. -: Howinany
'intoceseini _lxien --in -your town or city '-do.
hi/enema without ? Wilt yettbe
-pith the- engem/140 -itiejerity Of hl:'14411•11151k7
1111110fitY -• • - °
• IVOila- advertising pay?
Read the anewer the-- Suedes. :if the
In juce IntrairZ inmerman,lialton--Catinty„ inserted_
•su,sdvectieement .a TOronto:. paper .iriti;
mating that hc• desirous if- seottring
wile.- The -advertisemenb. intimated thit.
t.he wite4unter had no objeation tei_widowe,
• provided they: pAseeased - , if:moo:noble
11131811/S5 of of Mi.,. ,
hire. Bailey, -Whitt/ husband died several
• yeah.. age and aviurThas sin -ow -been- living
with her- s -/n„,_.47 printer enipleyeil' On ;the
• rAnnberracili,. 'WAN -jell provided ..Wheit her
Itnehittal pasiied liwoy end has. Oentinied to
isocumtilsite wyalth --eine° hie . _deoeisie. -"I
• have no pre p •-yi- `but I have -quite: a ;. littie-
money,"- f,a-t-d- "'tett. • . .
-Mit:13/410y- -i.14017 k:advertiteMent and
dotdded: to anitifer it, knowing hill Weil,that
"the`ordisnery het :natural guile.
lest. - nneophia-icar=ed,z-- unwhetted state,-
. stos;(3. sert of 'ehow whatever With: the
widow in'teigging-L.a man for. Matrimonial
4 .
Wars, dated Zimmerman convey ins -the
•.The return: MAU bieught: her a reply. Irons
information_ that :he: Was -living hie
Slaughter there, ihat he Wee man•ef Means,.
but lonely, land.- that _ho,wes:. the -Owner --ef
11X. hotites. In the oity. of Toronto.. ,
- Wthipa liEVERDIEek-7-:
Tip) -Orreilpond.noi` was 00sitinned and
•'photographs! were • !xi/hinged. . - The totters
• varied In ..tlietr,--etpreeishra,' of endriernieelt.
• 14:-.604 Werewtote:::` - • - .
Yoir intitet-4-are. fear- Ion
- -*se? lovo: at -I -love yet.", •
•..A-mumber Ot other letters: have- sentiment
et another kind... -The tvidoveir- esk.s-in:the
very Second -. -letter ' that 11 sent -. to.
Wm In retatis the'. deed of a .house,_
' -Venable - one,. -. really ,. twiCe '. the
Money.r The. olterine• he wished:gent .1 Orth.,
. with, ise he'vratited, this- money fOr the .pay -
tug off.a. roort witot. -
103 Wife 011 iier Mato.
riage1: Mat :
should not present. more than .One, point
600,000 business'Men who know that adver-
tieing pap', • •
Theta is onnti111Y, *0Stis• tided in. -Atnetioe
150,000,000 in advortiting of nil ohms* the
bulk -this' money goingliste: regutar perk-
dio 1weeklyP
-9 _a is an newspae _re. •
nv-7- Tipp wtnow WAS PRACTICAL. .
-/Clow,--gettingi- roar. riot], for a: ise
-More thisit'getiog shopping---eivaply a -Matter
of selooting-iii,d- having it. 0/ nt home. -
iley; therefOre.. did not alto*. sentiment
‘tes run, tit=r-prectIoal head. - She
dgrensuitst dAiv -arced that the:bodge
was sisessoti for 'Unit $800. She sent beak
- word that Thomiie woad" have to wait for
-- ?loin* Vine for the Olte.q0e, 5114 sho•decided t�
-deloy: for Reason tintil !hotbed had,* per,
?tonal intereieW .with- the advertiser t then,
_ stilted tilt/ eoropiesion'of her mind,. or
metithed or Ontra0t/4, as .the omit- .might
'-feetthe.fortUar pat•orit„ she Weald ,thke
.1t was ,_a.4-fout, eijt weeks.befOre the,
Met. Wate. took advantage of the eXhitti-
tic* rats,„ imae. clefs to Boo- . hi.
. bonsai_ -.Slid .eatled Batley. • 'TO
.1ser--; be Wail .an clay in the bands. of Alit
petter-.- To her he_ ae_all. open book; sod
*book:the hattread and-of_WhIch shi had *
distiCet regi011or4ofl. s. t� holt- wonld
.ttetitie int"' .•• •-• - -
'Viers- realized that:to -try to get .therad-
--liontago-.-of the_. '-widoW ,would- be like
tempting: itteirS ist,tv-while-', it was in
stotion._ On -he. did!!"t -toalre- the attempt.: .•
: Tun. nrfoagne/XNT.
. .
11- Oa gi al Dei- std•---othEr' natiehat
tie= heenop goo .hire-, for WO are dia./Stiel.-
. tog loostadVertisiieg.for local business men,,
Who Obtain thst-bultof. their bighted. from
'the city in which they • do, and
from within a :radios of nee exeseding 100
Miler,the great propertien teeming frositinot
exceedington-milei: : - •'
• 'Business has suffered -.--from bniinesi- de -
:Weston bit Do busbies's?. _depreeiliofl. ever
existed t'oymid ibm e.pidemic Iiinitianctevery
dFprenieD bas been .followed by better
times, all the .more- brluk from their contrast
With-. pie** ding isonthe .
•The mio01 succeed's'l'. hueineastmen.'proie,
by liberal etpenditute, ; that: 'there never
.bate. been One!se, dial thab extra
tieing .did not pay. - •
ABLE and ,Crape
im tot the only
-mourning in the
life ot Mrs Mac-
Arthur, &f No 59
street, Week-
Mts. VlacArthir
e.ppeefee g er-
dal morning in the
tea Avenue
Polio 'Court fairly 'hem In .grlet, Her
fathikr steed by her side. -
• Throe ,. months --marrle , -kite want* d
warran. for the,:arreet ef her huihand, Pre- .
fester ianiel MeoArthor, who •gives Mutioleasone , .
Tho charge le 'astsuit. 11.04,ng
listened to her tale of tables, in it might be
her. m
. ,Alth'
0118 8Ve
law Is*
•olice.JuStice Coneelly gave kr
and .Mre. MacArthur teturn,d to •
;her., Kra. Lind% `ef.- No,. 2,287 ,
tieet Brooklyn
tigh this ,ad story le A peso of
•in-law„ it is thelunniest eaeo any -
heard of, .-itessmuch :so _mo'ther-lit- •
t only -dead, but has been dead for
y este. • - _ • _ J
troubles Mrs. maoArthur pub up
JJUA With, and, like .s Mrs. Rabbit,. -ea,
nothing. On their wedding night tho pro4'
-few; olio set the .pacodfor •tbeir future-,
happir by giving hie 't-ttle 18 =yeat-0101 • -
Wife. 9,-• delibeyalfe, faith! .adminieforet
ispanki It wasa-s4d eappoiniment ---
MacArthur, d forward
the Same tender tles • ent from her hulk.
timid thatehe bed received •from , her fond
how to bill htfl goods will gain not only
greater sales front his regular custennro;
but will bring people into hit store who
De!• before tnought of entering it. He
Will be jsuiplised- to find himself selling
-goods of all ?mesons when the, Majority of
habit es men -calculate .to sell only Beaton
able geode. •• -
1 don't =own any newspaper,- or any other
pul3licatiom. _ X have no intotest in -periodi---
cal 'buts I know fromity own-
eiperience, and from the exterlence of hun-
drecle otstuveseful business Men, !that the
and weekly local newspaper IS the
only indiepensable medlnin for the adver-
tising , of local 'goods in the holiday.season,
or out of it, and theti3Other -ntethode, like
- circulere, ,dedgere., pesters and: everything
lobe, are more or leas deualtory, and . are
liable if valuable so an, when aged in
plrents. " But she emeepted it, net only.-
then- -but of ten she limy, • It -a as- only when, -
. . • - ,
the prefeeeor invented 11..118W torture that
'Ole rebelled _against it. When it -come
deign to. the point where he -not only Insisted
that. she must go into monrniOg hie long
&MI mother, ha the hlaeltemt -kind
)cf: mourning -trappings 'at that, then :
fshe . Wits angered. all `. the • way
iihrough. She • saw firat • one and
then satethei Of her .fiie new. wedding
'gownsdipped in the 'dye- :pot. Nob
' tively, mind Ion '_but literaqh thee° dea,..
-cote piolit and dues !became the. •grlevitetit.--
of blaoke.. 'Probably, -too, they wank -
fearfully, -although she ilia .00b:meotiov. -that
ID bet mompleint. - They -*Ways . do. That
dyed thy were, and dyed:elle bait . to wear
them unii a •few :days ago, -when Dot
,orsly filleted.; but restited a- woman
a to/At:shin :With the .ald Of a broomstick. -
:conjunction with :the firet-class, Tell written,' She had threatened to leave t pr,- 0or
AO: woll-displeyed Advertitement - in the 4 biut returnAo her Mother; -This threat, -the :-
nelepaper of:character and oireulation. itts, the • professor - resented forcibly, and
• -
ABOUT $1,010Tiph. - I
: THE -,SVOLISH. $1115114ESS *A•E-•-
• • •• ..• . • •.
apprepriatien when buil..
nest .appeari be poor, and .alloee. the
nti4hbar•.in business -wout into his Old ons -
touters, and keep new- ones aWay-
irom him.
One 'bop only -to judge folks by himself:
:to/bit conv.lisaed,--titat few People-. btitt*np
• thhig.,.-hoyend perishable neoseeities,- With-
onb due oeimeideration. -1101dOla.
•-•buyis a hat, a oloak,:erany other article -for
-her-twin -nee, 'or for' her . children,' .nntil.-the
.Matitet -hap therengbly refigeted Open,
ittid'Obit'smarket Investigated:: -• •
- .tVittio Men- are. quicker.-bayersi most of:
them think befeeit,they--••bny. and as the
jority-Of niev_ ic?-fer..•-as•butittg-is•-cOnoornid„
are ander the..-„ direct "domintition of. :Wife,
•Mether, alsttr Or. -some -other woman; X can...
not far . ones- of the bi- -saying that
m(4 -ti goods- areputehased with two or. three
Weeks? consideration. . .
AS early the -arab:of -November,- and
certainly the -raiddleid. the•nionthipeeplt.
• begin to consider whist -they -tor-
-betide-3i .- •
Curteg a. coi(iff
. . ,
Thefseason •IcOlde .heleg . at band, the:.
. instinotions of .-eininent --physidien. may
be found Whitt- the -first -.0y.Mp-
tants „Manifest themselves is the Aline. totaction,.
and this ehOild : Omelet- If 0,hOt
Mutter& foottbatIL before gelngs_ to bed and:
het -straight Thsterwerintefthe
body:the-1'1d he linen. troel,;theliamer-
in the-way:et-the sheet and the lettorinthe
N6.--abteroPit tittelt• up ,an
sweating . sherild---bst made, 4h0=-•
and the Warm. -drink will :give. a" sense' el
-*plinth-and faollitete.the natural exitretioit.
:o.t..L'isiiteritOt' :oheold.:- pass sway
.., and any effort . •- -aggravate
-.Ilia- will bit: not::: only .-iinperfiuritto, ' but
.2he bilMket should - :never be.
werifnext to the titghtiObe,:isid.sheialtl-not.
be 10 thiek teeetifitut.the Or nest te-.the
body, It advlsehle to
tigIften-the /*Vining iof..the- feet, pre.
serve *certain 8.1. Welsh!) 'frier _the -
Ian*, and to. have :the:--shouideirst 'ptoliect/ 4
'rent eXternist:-Innionndinge .general.-.•
. Tbe list: Meatier. 1.11 not to ---bei-:linderteted.-:
Ak.sepoitivelting 4004 - -with
to : 10011...$*6/y:thing that-,ipould.
:poosibly -affect it- to : its :-.tlefrismesit...-- •1:11rimn::
tiley:.or.MOV :sob be. the: ..-Seektiettbe of,:a: col&
-The '..nteteritY - Of4hent,. •.boWever.;.•• esti be: linipritdentie In tir.ete and-,expeettri;
'Atoned tit Ins. Ittel WOW: -;
_ • . . .
• : A„.Chicagi;tioOntectioner hail- the bed tette
to diftpiett 10.-biii-.Wiltdo-tit-ten- 'dollar:. oertiti-•
Oates- 01 World's Fele .took, Whielthe effete
to pees -int to. etetypipolisser o1.
nI etsitilv.• hed•-..biet dotal Now.
Yoils-whikei hely .1* -74. *Odd. have'-glinettp
frent:tho.:Chicisgo-J.psipergi.:. the -.Ostrifesitiotier
Wettld'-hattebfien.hangidraWn 00440AS:red
.0n4 baled in:hie ewsi teary.
- noires 0 goedllaing.:
. ;To - ' 'Weellen -tatiewtor este
,„ , „ .
puteome-fieur alsege.pansina .1111D It very
thOrinighly itite to -:be:Cileanid.
Vs* plenty. of Astir:1114 rablhorintighlyi bat
genply. -.Then-take - ;Out-. -of doors.-- and
shale, -the flOtriti 01115t.:-'-10-"Will take
irinsi-1Ime, %Wiest -4S • thstirtiole as 04.0
neW,ste*s- there pre:,spnts,..-i.-
Thorax!, poised:a Taention.
Xlist4lbOdy'-desornsi the
ovierweited- train :.• Men :.. and bsgigagemaini;
after the..bliettimidlt4MlithittlandeArf
To tbe Eyes Of. the Initiated- Ibis Organ,
Revolts charrieter,
Even -when in abseltite :repose the mouth
tale its own .story 16 those_ who are. , wise
enough to interpret- it. One's Obaraciter is'
lisigelyretealed- by this important featUre.
Cautiousness -le . &doted hi 6 large- Month
with OurViid lips, very full, and the line of
the month. makings decided • double wave.
When: the teeth 'how, frankness maul -
_fasted, alio • generesitY and .faith.:.- When
*or Aro -buy -...ohnoet oe muohi
:but they -Agin- buy imiceseittelondiewerfancy.
limit -lee,- 'when, 'if -bites* ',are 'paid:0140y
•:good,. they will-.1cSolitsb
uI io• many .nticeseitike;:i . The tithes regutate
the .rotase.'ef- buyiag.,- . . _
Ninetyper cent. of the people don't know
whet.- thet Want 1;0 -buy! - • They hove bought
_Ohrlitmos presopte: hetes, and they don't
:Want' tit huy..the.:stinte *binge again, even f or
dithaent--- People, biewins*. there: is
p1mie0to in.bnying something new; Oppor-
tunity is :offsied-* -the bushiest .ocatt.tri. net.
only sell -Ctirtstititie:. presents,. bat adViett
-1)1.1.1siyer Ho- large ativertiae.,
menteiliauld--begiwin NeVeraber, -land be Of
sn adoCatiOnol‘ *orb, bright, breezy - and
t 6114 g ho-hss.oty.
.--.611,,:but- in a; rioa-egitiatield weft: -advising
Wit0 to bey,•• -
Tbe laity people ...Sm..: like? .beep;
intntf: - Many- a *ottani Who. intends to give
:* telistiee int oil: --.stoyttloon:he-
huy:a , first -dose orreiring .1range. -' -• Many a
fother,-ithinking'; Of. •-prelenting sen-Witi
bieyolo 'Sled, -osit be made, with proper.
adv4thiementi.,.1e-Pteichele :6 . eod. Wyalet
:et sled,Tiebleh ie. -Cheaper -Ai-. so- end; . and.
• - niaturies.:Any-xxe.
-The, engagemont wait made:. The.7-bargabs
A -toed .one!„ A..-honee'shotild be:bought
wait -One Of -.the
widower'S, -of Oourse was Only .t.0:.00st.
tbealrits rest werth:-...TbIa
.hoemee: should be ernes ---
., it
theit'wetrld.opfird tho?.:balanco ef.thoir;Triies.
ta:Pisher dower in in csb, Ware
that.: be _thould hitt.
;the ntiviligo-,of residing there at.long as. he
Itho 41.94.•-.1441.11 of furnisbing the -bonito-
would -dif040&.-;-14rore:' would pot the
7 44.11188"Abi1105 for . the front-. of the _hen the -reit •
- -After the- oigagenViit Were _betektne' die. ,
,tritortal; • Vire-. Belie yi sals... he grimbled
Whoa young:
--offetuted thby, ridiettling..the yeaeg
.ovar,,ithe :bore" //11-..-.1nott '.petientlY.- -Made*,
•-snhtle,..penotra,ting, .1..417401840e - by ,herep,
Iierietice hi -subduing- and :ritititegitig
• vtimit-tinstand --theltieW -tit-esti, 'She ostitil
/.. • .
easily rareso tiiatr. -40114, leresollits:•
biunbi.d creetture,•ik widower, ;Mee- .1thei.golt
.-.-.134$. 41464 *fiat. tiimarrY
or the house itt•Which. thet:were.telivewap,
to be '.ready.. th.0*.'• . He wanted be:
eddid -Oenember.004 live in 0,-...ritted
• unftil . • .
silywosineurinde4aad-evin Mood
IlItY.4,34.: -She Ittenished her,
Ow*. Were -.hitt-bought $t..few
Mgt et Oivotto.tion
nu- AAIUN& • -
Swing.: '.-Thron
es: Wiere,--,WO014,'..onlv
wIbb the s
'May ;WoisIdn't,
the upper lip long and ,ouils In Mt -the
- at it athered,. the owner. , Of • the
someone finding St ' hill. - butinill.. . I,f iis ,the habit' of intittog people -of different
is a: woman, - she is . ever imagining avocations to oome up -An the stage and be
that -heir.-aiseciates are wanting , to know would .di:iste -upon end expound the pow •
her personal effshe ; ehe- Deter -latle to 1 Hs, ities - of - their.oraniel c onatruclion. ile
tient their.. Elbe Is kind-heorted, l'had come =to that p irtion. .of- his lecture
then she protected herself. -
Of the :milts of that -encounter .11r
MaoArthar is evidently not athamed._
Having a -disagreeable role to play mo • the
worni that turned,. elle played lt) with en-
thiuditaiin. Then the went to the home of
her girlhood, leaving t he profs seer in eh alga
their apartment,. Court, Policeman.
Jensen .hloote is loAsing for him now ler the •
. • . - -
purpoie pi 'saving the warrant. '
• ;
Thisl•Phresitilogist Saw 'Twenty *tare
ertinsiilaltiy In jotter. _
:A.phreaaleglat ,Whohat been touring the
• ommtr -and Miring lectuyes in the art was :
mouth is geor.ttve and ever in • rea o
but- Mafortnetilie; will niske fete :friends,
and- ts.atietsys on the defenegie. Thick liPe
that drep the 'corners?' indicate a vain and-
penty -person. "A-Motith titres ult., at
the 001`110f5.'sbruptV like •6 invari4
colly halongi to a Wealtniinded, stipid body.,
-It is a sad Mistake -that : so many. of- our
-artists ' loofah' -on representing beautiful
Women with the -shesp's-..menth. -A tocintli
that:, seethe . to be cot from the nostrils
downward,: not tisakivg the -csetnersalono
turned down, but rather the' whole mouth,
'mid - With :6-..ehort upper hp and =very
fult.under., • is elite . tO ..-.belong to • .a
Iloghty, highbred, well-edtioloted, inde;i
pendent Woman. She is' qui* teniperett,
imPeitiotiOaird' impuisliro.- • Fill lips that
:roll frons.the teeth end unitehluntly.
at the °onion,. making it .alinoet- an _impend!,
bility to thetisTwithottli malting -the/
Ups: have a gatitered oppeerariee,..belong to
the sentimental .wotnan. She -is Siways in
love/paid :married. . Lips that
civet the teeth -and meet on a -drag-tit-. tine,
She/Whig Of the red a ...very., Vety.; and
whesibloted have iMooth yet-- net -drswri
sppoikr.socis, denote .griabb- determination -r4
deternihration thot hos grown- -oat of *
-strong- .Ssitd ,unbreakable -Ajoislons
.mouth .depressed.otithe cornerik _The -lifts
are: -full, and jest poilisPe drooping. A-
itiatght, -large - -mOutit, with full. -liPe
that. 'show both. -rows .-of teeth
lati4hteri indicito good.'nuittire..and-Ithought-
ink*. The lips ,of the .oynio, the miss*
thrives...are flexible:to I -degree throb
.thoy- and Wiessthe in learn
and immedlotely turn into O. mile' of
filendshiitaird.00irteey that Mae. hum .
at -first -deoide the natural bent. -The'
;elf -satisfied ' Month les- rattier 0 -tight-et-
yreerdrits, and if the 'corners are turned they.
:generolly.incline upward With a wee bit of*.
*Mirk: - Toe 'exprestiois generally that of •
hall_ernile jut prepared to turn into:
-ens, kit • ottdden.droop at the corners efte.
meabb that has . iregt fall under -lip Also:
hstlieetee gre at Self-esteem -and.. rictisbotian
oithere he dealt Wit h he criminal form.„-__
Ofaflia and add/food hie •audience 1
.t4 If there is ary.'persen present who at
any time has beton th-e -inmate ef a prison:be
will oblige by :coming ripen the platform." -' -
• .In te.spouse to -tine invitation a heavily-
billitman went up. _.
- olYeu admit that you have been in -prison,'
sir?' . • • -
,s. I have," Wakthe -unblushing ..antwer.---
• "Would you ' kindly -tell us how Many
,ytars you have f put behind prison barer
"About 20 years," uelmesitatingly replied
time subjeot.• • • _
- o Dear, door I" ./..rrcl A ed the vrOftoior.
' *ill you sit down, - Itst V'. .
, The 'Whiffet tau doie4?. a -chair in -the
Ventre abbe, stage -The protegier ran his
fingers-rokidly through the- bair of the enb-
jeer and assumed a thonghtittl:expreuton.
" ThiS li 01. inOiltaX0011€11141 $petilVetk, ; MI6 . _
ittlinatione el a deprived eharaoto are
very plainly marked.. .. The .ergens 0 be- 1
mevisierce and :esteem are entirely alirent 1...
that of deetrit2tiveneso is developed .to an
abnormal degree._ I o -Auld, have *told imp
!tautly, without the Confession .o, this olont
that his life bad been erratic and crattivat
-Whet .Wai the .-orime: -ler -which you Were -
imprisoned 1" " - .._ . *
"1 never conimitted Any mime," growled
the man in the chair. ..,. - •
• "But ton -void that you had been MI
inmate of .6 prison tor -20 years 1-'
"So .I' hive, hut I nivel' :committed any
crime." ' -- 1:1. - ' :
, ."Will -you tell as Ii) pis - were them
/of' persisted like prifersor. . _ "
64 -Why, yen let/111am 1 jailer 1" ,napped
the subject, tie be left the eiliair.-N. Ye '
Rernid. .
.• Theweriats or -ilia* 'who. bas pub aside
• .
$190- or any :other. 400 ter::-Pbrislione..pree,_
iiett titaisitn. sliend More
le become oonvineet1- -.that by:
theritmeney:bitterand mere
eitoopl able: thiegs-Osti ptirchiised,
The Otirlatniat Of Chrbt
Malt -004 . Witte& of. rietimeihing of.
luttrieile •nitteati/d-Otitrof his
aaCbe oath, te-:_bay4risety, It 1
'the bnif.0010' Man', -.plane to'etr:sOggest• to
birn that he. :WIC -boy-Something arinSible
and isS:witiOlt thgtels eetofertabbi
-..lieverntsee and: Itietember are . -;the greet
bnylog Months., :th.o yeari;: sad itsajOritt
of merchaute iiit-silerrt. to :alt _leatt ditahle
illiiliti'adyortisiag.opoodisilog-theisi loathe; eighty pountys,:n.
'tOtarobigi -after the- ' t.hoir asoal -
; .ibub her' iris° stips:bis.--advertisthg
attar,- the: boildssys-,Issees Teri lorits-.-Pe.r..- thank*
Seistage: -the. 1140km:fit to be-reade. And -Bobemisms, so 0.10.
0:61dily orthe.terivit:tehi..thltieipeirtis- oetlh 4tatidofi'obb.pere Cteetrnomigthgfre:
*1140rarii.iNor 0410000% 'States bottoisa 18soloid 1890 'returned to•
,4401-ziaaam. ,BaroOitotpar ,tpTigitrisis that .aatliro. lands - the., -dieted', 'the,
li,se blade their annu41 6, home. sus ".
IJV la fiegtomber. 2. : -•- - "i)
- : - .- ,--
The -: plolipsOkOt -ii:* -liVlig..easinpli Of
.-.the- Oath thatia Oratk -to isOoakti. In.lifeese
- elute& krOp la tosob-iiidth..hlo follows. : • - -
.. . .
.',41,0#12 .is qaoer. .tbliige;.: *Soto.: TOnuity.
mis .• I. conipositloa".": elsiY.. - ' • Why :41. Bo coif*
a. old Is 2000-. it la sootsitt,t$11 she Ootoil.
,Ont,', - - - .. . , . . . , . .
Ea attgor)-I don't him why we mon
ID marry,- spywor *.onsto.. 111101% 4046
: Depesded-opthe Thu&
That'i-.. a fins baby,. Wiggins. How
„maoh, does he _ Depends on -the
Vine of di,. About ; yam* itfthe
more -
Ing. -his weight seems..ti sun up to -obont
-The Illesseies Rosie.
. :114Syle, :immortal iimiltority -gemee with
verde, hiol Edmund for re first "name was
ltogietrar at the Pietogative ',Conti/ LOt•
don. He -Wes turee -yearer.of being *
-:coritenarian, when he died, 124 yawl Age.
He lived In.:Vavendish re, oilmich May
be the- lesson -Why- Ihe .:1. in ;modals-.
.authority on :whist took -44 Valais " for
his poliudenyM. •
i.•ne 650114:0 'for :a illon4 Name.
Dear - father," wrote isincee -foto hie
.oeileie, :44 you don't les me . have mere
money 'the boys iv111.-.thlak "oio stingy awl
mdsoriy.'” • .
-.. "Dar :Igoe" :replied 'his parent, 40 they
-will then,. - ;perhaps, • you * Clow •
:student," - .
She Otrititiy)--rT jos, the - reality.
ir lieut. of the -Ittigoriano, • More
f -of the Italian, 35 per cent. of the
-stiv.rtion blufid-7001lit! flOsidhitilans Who 0115310 to the Unitod
Ems t: bi- bulk of the. 10Oal - bislaat. tibmii"--11-;',"!!"120 *Gag.. .,t° . "It 11). .th. •14
oatic If -bo shrowct onough,. and without . - •
Stitig46 mull -magi •ThrYt11.11111 14 hikes tO sake a giady display owl& Watoki op' ibat laugh's the opt that irscpa,
- Magma attisiOtiva :must . • _ dish& - -• - sadly.
IMO litiebardssitteyete statun.
If Richard III. bad lived in the present
era Me 'hump would have occaroned hits,
no -sullen *Oughts. the public- would
1110tothleY blq• ndlitakel him JOT* speedy'
-dishooOriot hlineslf; so *yeast -his regular . Secret sooloilos have ...Ohavasi *that :aro. bisiolisb, . 15
limes that H. orlit d;osse4 In es attriotivo: tO the .-litssa: -*he 1 - , .
Is -