HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-15, Page 1f
. •
1 .
- •
ood Advice -To
rulers. -
buy your
ay l'imk rope .or any
kind. of Harvest 'Tools
«0yousee *hat
oar: do for you.
apita paid up
IReservi. Fund •
Total Aessets
_ -
President- -;ratix STUART.
Vice Presid t —A. G.
15th 1893.
3000 1 irOOl
4000 lbs. mixed
rags wanted.
E NO 1037
VO Plag*T011, -WM; GTBSON M. r-, Gro.ROAct.r
A. T. \Woo, A. I3. tin: Crofontol. -
Cashfer--:-J. TUtETBLILL.
RATITIV6R BANIC.,---Hours 10 to 3 ; Flatur-
-day's. 10 to 1. - Deposits of $1 and upwards.
‘reef.ivvd and interest ailowed.
- :
-s7ECT.4.7; F,POTTS alio.) received at cur!
rent i'ates f 'interest. * -
75/?;.4--F,TS.o i'Cireftt 'Britain .'ti;id tb.e TT -tilted
Ktates bouOtand Sold:
.. , . . .
X....0. BROWN',
• 'LuckliOiy. JLLY 13tit,-1893-.
We have generally one or more farms in
Huron,. Asliteld Wawanbsh.
townships for sale,Parties desiring -to buy.
will consult their own -interest by calling -On
Ani -as we sell!, eheap and on easy terms to suit 7
the. Pnych-aser,
We have 875,000 te lend first mortgage
on good #1,ti-p-, or _village property 7- at froni 5A
to T. per cent; interest. rate - according to
Size of lean- and security offered; 7
I, "We alsolend.-small amounts on -second mort-
gage on farms and first .chattelniortgage; •
:do a general banking- liusineSs. Issue
drafts, payable through -out' Canada and the
United , States and make -collectiOna on alt
inelnding Western States. Manitoba,
-.and North.WeSt. - , -
- The Collection- of notes and accounts
receive -special -attention, Lending. Meney, Ofl
farmer's. notes •ti, . our. savings
'dein:at-went w.-.) allow :5 per cent. interest on -
small debositii.
.• We- effect Insurance on all classes .6tlinild-
ingtteeitherli Stock or Miitual--'COMPanies as
desired. None but first class ''Companies rep-
CiE0 A. SIDDA•LL,:Manager
- S. JEROME, L. P. S.-
Winc;Iiiira, will be in Luektiov.
on.-th.e fieagnd and fourth Fri-
ay and Saturday of efteh month. Good sets
for 810. Filiing atid ritraeting a Specialty'
Offieeyat Cain's Hotel..
— •
A. ivtit,..TA0Ms0g, B-NRRISTER.-
• Soiluitor;- (Ionveyancer. etc., (late of
Caineron, Holt eCameron, Goderich).- Office
at Traver's old. stand.
• law, Solieitor in Cantierir. ConVey-
ancer, 41 Cointnisioner: ete. Office: -over. the
:barber fhop.
tors, Solicitor, ete., Goderich, Ont.
J. T. GitssOver.,Q. .Bt.: PROUDFOOT.-.
01' Perg9nait
• -piiEDicAL
rt. niluorr; OFFICE :AND =Si,
(lence,-Outrain treett-secoud door.nOth
(if Little's Sh)O store,
• - et. +No, A--sa
irElsasTAN't. PHYSI C N,. -
Surgeon and Accoucheur. .-- Surgery
over . grocery store.. 10ffic.& hours
from 0 --to 12 n m., and from:2 to t nt
kab1).,,G-011DON.. M.D.; C.M.,
Physician, Sur-
' goon, and A econeheur: Office next door to W.
' n's 1 mi 1ement hnp. Resi den ce.RoSs street,
South of 1). R.Melntosli's store..
11. D: V. S.., -dALLS
- either by mail: or. tele -gram' promptly
tittendeiI to. -Charges moderato. Residence,
Outtam strot, opposite Dr, Elliott's -and*
• secOnd door north of SiwriNgr, office. -
Telephone No, 195;
. .
. and Genera
• ---Xmas. toys in endless varietyat
W. H. Smith's, '
J-. Hurnbersto and family of
Ripley; spent Seliday in the
—Mirrors from 8village.
---=Captain,Jahn ilicrherson was in 7+Photo, Scrap and Autog.raph
the Tillage this week.. _ Albums. - Ali prices at Smith's.
• • - •
. cems to $13.00 at
Berry's furniture store. ,
The place td buy cheap Xmas.
- , •
goods is at G. W. Berry's.
--Bibles, hymnbooks,' prayer books
in great variety', at Smith's.
,_ Everybody shouldk see G.
Berry's display. of Xmas. goods.
Come and see if Smith can please
you in holiday goods and prices;
_Everybody come and see G. W.
. -
Berry's display of Xmas. goods.'
—Over 28 _different kinds of rockers
to Choose from at G. W. Berry's. --
The latest designs Of Ph6to frames
kir 25- Cents at Berry's furniture store.
large' stock of chidren's rockers
very cheap at -Berry's furniture -Store.
1 W. Pofly Of Goderi3h.- was in
the village on Saturday - looking • for
.horses..- -
-.—Don't fail to riee the fan drill at
the Church' of • England S. S. .enter-
a. --in: and 0:30 P. s Sunday ‘Sc1io61,:.
2:30 p.- m. Superintendent; Wm. S. Holmes.
Adult elsss every. Wednesday .evening, at -
8 o'clock, •Bible -and waver book lesson's. All
- are Welcome. BEV. C, MiLits, Pastor.
pared to kive lessons in -vocal. and in-
strumental music.
Residence -r -Campbell St., *Lucknow,
• • ....vm.......reme..,•••=
0 Y -ATA RAIN dE Ot GE No 428.
• lipids its regular monthly. meetinas in the
Orange I fall, Campbell Street,-.Lucknow, on
_ Tuesday evenings, -on or before .the full moon.
Degree night second Tuesday .evening follow-
ing full moon. :All visiting brethren cordially
invited to the meetings.. .
- ANguaMeICF,D.slit,_ .AT PA.vinsorT,
Secretary. W.M.
sWarm........s.rwoows.•:•:•••-•••••••••••••1!••• •••••fe.../SNIONS
..0: 0-, T. SEPOY LODGE,. NO. .384,
.L.- meets in the south .end Lodge Boom;
in *the rVercperaneet Hall, Lucknow, every
• .Tuesday evening, at 8&cleck, J D. Mutt-.
DOCII„'Ci. T. - GEO. POTTER, See. - -
. . • „
1.41 tube. Reading room open every evening
from, 7 to 1.0 p m , exceptrng Satiirdiyi ,4441eit
the hours will 1.)4 froni 2 . ta 6 .p il, The
librarian will be in :at:teudante- .duri lig these
J. Muncsista..r.
trORDOOR, SSOVetSr7i •
- .• - "
. • -.
• -
. • .
-:security for any -tithe; at. the- lewest
rate:of interest -The principal -may be -pitid
, at the.end of -the thte,.. ot-it plirt of the princi-
pal may 1)0 paid each year, inter* ceasing on
the _amount For furthert particulars,.
airply.to..A,NOUS TEWART. -Luelcnow
Trains leave Lueknow for -south at fii58:a
16146 a'. in, and 6:lap...in, • - •
• . - -
-North at:12:35- p. M.; 4:02.p. in. and -10:28
0.*T. U.:— The _regular monthly
V V•. tt ting of the Wemen'a. Christian
-Temperane Union will be held every second
- Wednesay eaelemontir in the Odd Fellows
Halt, Lucknovv) at 3 p. m. Mils: W. H.
SMITH, President- v Mits. HOEN -ELL; Secretary.
-- - -
ag/V ••.V.
- . -
In their halt, Campbe I
cordially invited
Yvar to ll. Remember ththeHub.IT
Lodge,No. 112
meets every Friday
.evening -at 8 o'clock
street. All brethren
- ate of the New 'York Eye-iin'd Ear Hos0
tal. 1889, ;. Post Graduate course .on
ye, Ear, Noise, and Throatat the
NewYorkPost Graduate
• Medical School and
Hospital-, 1892.
-Eyes *tested, Glasses. supplied. • stOck
of Speetacles;: 'Lenses and Artificial eyes.;
. ELLIOT, N. Grand;
Witsox, Recorder. - .
0-; F.,COURT
',Sherwood, No.
50, Lucknow. Meet-
- every.first and third
Monday in every
month, in the Or-
- ange-hall. Visit,
ing brethren a r e
cord1il1y invited:
D. D. Irma -Sic.
—Beautifully bound editibns Of the
poets -,and presentation .books, at W.
H. Smith's.. _ •
Choice Floriday oranges next
week. at Moody's, - just in time • for
Christmas. •
---Don't fail to see the fan drill
at. the Church of .. England. S. S.
7—Oysters 1 °TAM'S 1 -Oysters ! by
—Fresh lines of teas and coffees a
prizes that would astoniila you,
—Special inducements to partie
•getting, -their Christmas trees at W
H. Smith's- 1' 1
Smith gisrps one Stratford'
Standard Novels with every dollas'
worth of Xmas* toys.'; *-
:---Bargains in men's long felt boots,
No. 1 stock. Call and secure some
• these bargains.—J. Pearls •
--Xmas. cards, birth day, te
books,: year books„ and booklets in
abundance,at Smith's.
tile pint, quart, or - ;dish, . recelvecl _
daily at Moody's.
—A large stock, of miscellaneous
books suitable for MeCha,` inistit;
utes libraries at W. H. Smith's.
- • — ;rust arrived ---A fresh. stock of
confectionary and choice Xmas. goods
at Mobtly's Kincaid's old stand. .
Will be sit, the Brititswicic House; Wingham,
the last or .fir14.. Thursday of 04q11- Mouth at
date'narntx.1 bellow.. First visit ,Tantia,rf 4th,
1894; Ilours froni 8 aim, to 2 p,tn. Clidrges
-moderate •
- cLE L LA N
- ..7 -Look here"! We are still in' the
ring with choice and fresh fruits of all
kinds at lowest-prkes,-3. Elliot.
. _
—A Mrry Xmas and -a happy New
aat -
• Lithe rink opened with a, rush •n
Saturday nio.mht-and ii.)ids fair to fu ri-
ish the most 'populir amusement ipf
the .winter.,, - .'
, , • •
Before purchasing your Christmas
grbeeries you •shouldi call at .F Shop-
bottem's -He sells ' 5 pounds fresh
raisins for 25- cents '
° --Wedirect your special attention
to our very fine stock of .gem -engage-
• ment and wedding rings, j. W. Arm-
strong,- Jewelry.
Now is the time to buy canna
-goods- F Shoebottom is still selling
cans of vegetables .for 15 cents Full
lines of canned fishrcheap ? chear I
—Bargains at 1 Pearts-77Wonen's
felt gators for $1; , Women's felt Fot
for $1.15 ;, Women's leather boots for
$1.: Misses' leather boots for $1
for -get the assembly. next
—d sz4 Days' Baking
Powder It is the best • -
—Mrs W 0 -Patterson of Wirigham
is the gupst ofMrs Harry Days.
—John Tennant -of St Thomas is the,
guest of John Tennant a this village.
—Don't forget Uncle TOM'S °thin
in the Town Hall tonii,tht (Thursday).•
—The report of proceedings of Brute
County Cbuncil 18 crowded but of this
issue - - • —
—Don't forget- the skating`rink on
Saturday night The ice is in grand
—Everybody is invited t come and
see the beautiful display of Christmas
presents at Harry Days' Drop in
and se and you will not regret it ,
—For the.nicest-and choicest silver -
plate in the way of novelties for
Xmas. time drop into J. W. Arm-
strong's Jes:7ellery store.
—Das 1 Dolls !I Dolls 1 1 I Don't
forget that Harry Days has the largest
assortment of dolls ever seen in Luck-
nowin China, wax, Indestructable, Kid
body. Nike dressed dolls cheap
—We have some pretty thing in
the way of 'nut bowls, sugar sifters,
nut crackers, fruit knives, fish carvers,
etc. just the things for holiday time
J. Armstrong, jewelry. -
• Grocery is the place- to buy your Huits - Peart sts an stac . Man
h. • * ' ci. 's,
. - Women's and -children's overshoes and
_rubbers. Also child's Cardigan over-
shoes and a large variety in .IVIO's
- . • •
-Women's and Children's slipers. :
.J' Elliot. -•
Berry's furniture, ware
rooms will be open evenings from now
till Xmas., • doll in a,nd see his fine
dist y. • •
--Sunday School officers.; in want of
S. S. libraries will find a fresh, lull
stock of . S. 5, books to Choose from at
V. Smith's;
--Plan of Hill and 'Reserved Seat,-
Tiokoti for- the Orange Concert on the
29th. for .iale at J W. Armstrong'S
Jewelery Store.
—Pie -turps Pictures 1 Pietures!
A tine line of Oil Painting, Etchings;
Pastel's, Ch.romos, etc.,* very cheap at
Berry's furniture store. •
office In the, building east of the
SENTINEL Printing Office,
ilans ,speCifieations and estimates for buil0
4 •
ings, mins, bridges, etc., furnished
-1.0n $hoA notice.' -
ucknow..Tan .1891.
.Zi-• the Ancient Order United Workmen,
meet in the Oddfdlowshalli orithe last and
second Monday evenings .of each month a_
eight o'clock. _Visiting brethren cordially -
Invited. 'A McrPHESsox,. MasteriWorkman,
R. D. Gazzaos, Recorder.
Farmers, leek to . your: own -Interest. and: gold, - .Nothing. nicer for Xmas pre
_ .
" farm bui Inge an
privatei .wellingS lii-the •
--Canned' f.gotids • -',Ust - arrived:
sal Ili ori; :•.ehieltens‘,, - ' turkey, - -... herring
finnin, Haddie, :opined beef, - tomatoes
..00.r.o.,.peas, cove 'oyster?, at Moody's ..
.,. . .. .
For the next two ... weeks we -.' are
going to . kiyo.„.1geni.iine,, :.-bargains in
-raen's. and boys. Overcoats ,COmeand
•;.let.. us- Inote-prieek,—,W.eonhell.
- _ . - -.
- —Now is:.yogr ,- tithe-- to buy. 'Xmas
goods:. ' A full • line of -easy . -chairs
Fancy.- Lamps,---, Stationary,-.. etc. - -..at
Bei ry's Furniture Store.' - '
• ..,,,-We have Made up our. • Mind to
Clean .out our Hingin**Lataps and Ar.ill
- . .
sell less :than: Cost to - Clear them- Mita
Now is the time to secures -i..bargain
•-,--i'l Elliot "
_ . . . . .
-- .:
: .
_ • -Fresh: Spanish .. .Onions Malaga,.
1 Grapes, .1 . Lemons, -- -.Hickory -• :nuts , ..
Atrnoncli, ,Brazil -filberts, -Peas* - rinti.,
- cheap .at . Moody's-. fruit - and Confect-
iotiary- stOre.:
- -• '--,Spectacles *and - eyegl ages in - _Solid
• I
—China Ware ! A nice lot of Chir
Cups and ,Saucers, suitable for Lady or
Gentleman 1 Beautiful - designs at
Harry. Days' • . •
The youngsters are .having a jolly
time "j.uraping on Bobs" now that the
sleighing is here again. If accidinte
are to he averted a trifle* more . care -
must beexercisedby them.
—.Christmas and New Year cards.'
There is as nice- a display of Christ-
mas and Ne w :Year cards as ever
shown in -Lucknow at Harry Dip.
—Musical Instruments ! All kinds
of Musical Instruments, -Volans, Accor-
dions, Mouthorgans All kers ) Con-
certinas, .A.14harps, a full 1 ine_at -Days'
Druo. Store • ; • - •
. —"cow isithe time to advertise your
estrityt stock. For harboring strayed
stoc% without --advertising the same,
evei youe by this time knows the
plush Goods! Collar and-: cuff
cases, jeWel.cases, ladle's companions:
glove and -hdkf.1 cases Beautiful _pres-
ents. for Christaints, at Harry Days.
Come and inspectbefore youmake
your ,purchase, -
An Open Lodge under the aus-
pices of I. O. (34-.. T. will be held in the
-Tempeaance Hall on. Dec 19th. _ Pro=
tee& to rPpair .A.1‘ are invited.
-Amissiou 10 cents.
=Quadruple.- plated silver ware !
We have a, ,nico selection of criiits
pickles, iispkin• rings, butter coolers,
sugars, etc., suitable for Christmas
and _Wedding presents Come ar..d ex-
aMine 'before ; buying elsewhere—
Harry bays'.
—Our Japanese ghinaware is going.
Five o'clock tea sets at prices run from
$3.75, per 'sets to $9. Just think a
beautiful cup and saucer, Teal Japan-
ese china' for 50 cents to 75 cents at
Armstrong's the jewellery. •
No large Preinium Notes requiredCASH SYSTEM:
50 cents to 90 cents .per 8100 for three Years,
OH.N. s.
AGENT. :, KI -K0.00111
Also -ager4; for ,the Phoenix, of London,
. Moriarity, let 'home you should
be goirtg,- ou're drank." --"Bedael,
but. aria not, tor." 1.(re'r,e drunk 01 '
say." .-. Oi'm:• a liar, then, Fhelito -
O'Reilly 1"` ' "No, Ye're jist- dhrunk:"
"Y& wouldn't say that if Oi was sober."
'If ye was sober ye viouldn't,deny it.'1
Try flub Grocery for oil .4nd --
Standard Oatmeal, Buck*kett , Rye,
Bice, _Flour, Hominey, =OrP heat,
Graham Flour, Germ meal, SupwIlake
Barley, and :- peOse *meal. All ' fresh
stock.—J. Elliot. • .: •
• 7, -Sleeping on theieft sideinterfero .
With. the action of the heart, sleeping
On the right side lets all the insides get
tangled up, Sleeping on the;back .gives
the. horse full rein, sleeping on the face
is, an invitation. to -smothering, and the
only 'place- for a: fellow to get* a little „ .
-rest is sleeping on the floor. .. • :
—A Clegyman. down east in. a_ser7
;non on public affairs declares that
"God needs the .help of man . in the ,
. .
..stru-gg. lifer. right. Would it not -do:
just as well to argue that, as doing
right tends to seouring the greatest
hajipineiii for all, The interests • ,cig all :-
-aeo'to be best served, by doing right 1 -
isn't it man • who 44 nePds"-i• . ..
ROW little .Johnny dons his Skates
.a. present from. his mother fond, , and
-hies .-'.him ' off. ..to tempt the fates, Rpon
the surfaci' of the pond. 'the t in
'ice- "bends :beneath -', hiS. weight, Ut.•
pshaw ! .that's nothing, .and. the fu is. ..,
. ti; '
keener .when the ri* is • .groa.t, and -
What is life' but danger run. Hark,
what. was that a crash, a crack, ,- and •
little Johnny fa)Jeiaway, and gurgling.
waters*. answer - book., ‘‘- We knew he'di
oom....e here -Berne other day."
- • •
The concert in the town hall was
a grand success, :The character sing-
ing of Thos. A. Baker, of ,Toronto,
was the hit of the evening, and , was
forced to give several - enbores Which
seemed no trouble to -hint7---Oratrge-
,ville _Past
Rev. Dr. Briggs, of Toronto, will
ISkits for those troubled witu detects.;
- - :
of t he Vision., We fit these goods with,
the best crystal, lenses' only —J. W.
Aritstrone Jeweller.
iTackets Must go1
Of our jackets
month, ,We will`giVe-
jacket lor. $7,00.and:a. •
is moneyprolts,r—W Connell..
The balance
must go this
yOU a - $10,00
$9„00 one for
we Want not
in v• preich the -annual Missionary
ser.mon at Zion next _Sabbath., at 2.30'
a.m Coileetion and subscription will
be taken in aid. of:the' Mission
John, A. McDonald,- of
Naniarao, B. C. formerly of •Kintail
•aa4 usually known"Tug - of War
Jack" - 1/4! ''.4t 'home" 6;1 tt visit for the
-wintsir:‘ Nit* Harry RQSS, his ,sister,
-accompaties yr. McDonald.
—The original manuscript,of Byrn'
','Holy Willie's Pro) err it is
'Irrhapsi not generally,' k no.wn, the
*party* of the corporation -9f!tinder-
ngtand: The manuscript is in
the: Municipal Museum there.: An-.
otheroriginal Manuscript of Burnt is
carefully preserved in. the public mus-
eum in Arboutb, Scotland . It higintf:
'The dell came . through the
torn, and danced -awa' wi" the excise-
THE.Londen.papers, 'tell a sad story
.of a pOgi boy.- brought to that city by
a kind tailway -inan, he- having IT
away from Milverton, where he
eMpl oyed by 4: farmer- whoitii*
The lad isonly 13 years :i4a, o
--Banquet of.S4preme' Tent, K. ,,el,0::brought to this country -two
• - Port Heron, Mr. Baker; : 'half years:ago by tne M.e:Phitio
hu.morots, eame next., with a song ...the Uoyernment paying $2 a
in character. - The applause Was con- 1 all the Waifs .thus shippi4
tinnoui and deafoning. He responded 1 A vigorous immigration
with,a medley; the .applause was i .to .secure a bitter 'ohm
something- teirific. Port HarowTimis. t these helpeest child