Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-08, Page 87 - _ < - - .0.Litkokri.o.* • • The-' viater-:proof- - garments at present.'-: in use have been. uni.`versally: condemned by .4 -classes of.wearers:44.also- .by tilo. me (Neill- profesSion,i;bec4use they are unCainfortablei sightly araiiij urious to the - health.. r.T116-re.4-Sciivis While .!they. exclude_t1),e:rain :they also tOnftne :010,in-sensible peOpir-: ation, quickly, ..causing -th6 ndergarments -become damp,. tiohOlthy and disa- eeal4e- to the Wearer.. The .4timatid. is -1.0 a,garnient, that . . • is porous _ as well , as The'lgelisSii-garnientS combjne...--these tWo' 'The severest tests Iiitve proved - s t4em-to;_b_e a_ . perfect '7prOtec- tiou -from. the. rain, . but. tIle- process Which- ,his property is attained does not effect, in • the :least. slogree the. natural. perOsity. of the &ill,: its there is neither 1.]: rubber,: - gutta percha, parafine.; oils, -.gelatine,. varnish, or. 'parations like nature used: These . are not their: - only points. Of, .sn-periority.. They have :• others: 604,11y; taut: They fitted .'t(i...:the .Pali..,Yaut. Tax et - e ti a orth 13'Kuca Election to notify the ra,tepay-ere of the village election.- are aughton (Patron) that all. taxes must be timid before the 1,475; George (Conservative 14th of December, according to law, .Pierson, (Liberal), 981. aught.n's. and anyone failing to pay before thAt majority over George, 37 over Pier date are liable to,extia coats added. on, 494. Collector John N. Ross requests us- Full returns from the North Brno- Noticetot3u1scribei4-:. Sneak Thief.. s _ 1arg numb�r -of subscribers for On the. night___-7of NoveMbor 29th Mr. 'the'SEN-TiltiELare tir7-- arrears- for this' John McGarry'il clothes line was rob - year's paper And in some cases for. -bed of its. best articles, - The party several_ years. To. =- all who are in has tillDecember 11 to return the clothes arrears we would aythatsubscriptiori<ls and if it is not done the thief, who not paid promptly will'be charged,: f ' r is well known,* will be prosecuted :to At _the- Advertising, -7 -rate of $1.25a to the full extent of the law, • • -Year' • Tho 6133°-.7-iate is ,f?r Temperance, ConCeit figtire, -well-made and_ finishedamt. :will. -.answer every pur- pose of-an-;,.91reregat_.: -- :They retain their qualitios:,. in ":all• alitanges oftemp-erature They are perfectly. oaerlesS. They ' :are- moth proof. 1_They .0411, prove rnoie durable thanAny other of water -proof now - _ , - in ns.6-.7- These qualitieS are ..notr -:combined . -in. any •other of - .:water -proof .-. _and justify ourilstatement that Melissa is. the - best:: in the World; For --sale by • * those who 'pay in idvance. 1. 4 Gand temperance concert will be _ cbr - _ Nomination . Dan i the Town Hall, Lucknow, to- N '1U nomination kir the municipal morrow, (Saturday) at 8 p-.. M. by the election will be heldfthis year, on Fri- famous singifig evangelists, Messrs. day Deo. 2nd. , This is owing to the jenkin and TrAford ; recitals by- Mimi set, that Christmas this year comes on E. Crozier..Program to be seen at Monday, and according to the statues, thelucknov/post office. Comeaudgeth in such an event the nominations must musical treatAdmission 15 cents ; - ' . ..- • - held on the preceding Friday. - ••Thii Kun-awo. 016Utions wilL be huldon 31°P -44y) the • ••• While ihre7e; young ladies.. _ were out. - *driving `en,. '...-Wodnoscl.ia,31., -first day , jannaty. - John Purvis, tax-contiptor -for, the fright and 'ran PmaY! ran down, -township- a Kinloss, 'may found at.. Main Street and on turning the corner the -follOiiril*.plaeeS.at the ,uriderment, at the _petit :offige upset -Athe cutter ione4. dates,: On againat:A telephone post throwing -the Dec: 8th 1:0'elocki Gantit's riders out int() -the snow. The :horse; -_•en Ttmsday,•• Langside; oft. got clear,of the cutter and:rani home. 'Thuraday, Dec. lith I • • at 1 o'OlOek and - They all escaped, Unhurt • .The -tutter . - at Lucknow, every ---•• broken. PuRvia, Collecter. Anniversary Service Rebekah Receptio-n Tax.Oollector's Notice, MOrning lasti tha,, -horse . took - - . The - arinive. rs-arY services of the A'reee. ption-enter,tainment will be .-Lucknow : Methodist -,htirch will bei held by the Lodge -Of - the Daughters ekah in the Odclfellows Hall held on Sunday, Deeemb..v er 17thli ,.when of Iteb Bro. Dr. Briggs, ofTorontoo- will •oc- here on Thursday eveninat' Dee. 14th. cupy the •pulpit both . morning and to Which . all meniders are cordially' inyited-: As this_is the first reception ty evenince Dr. Briggs is one ' of the ablest preacherS in the church, and as given by the ladies of the Lodge it is this •is the first time the people of 'clesireQua that alrthe tu-Pombers sh"sid Lnoknow will have an opportunity of 'attend abd $Pend a pleasant evening hearing him there will no doubt be .'----- together. 'A:first elaSs programme of. large eongrega,tions_prent, vocal a,nd instrumental music together , • 'with a -,choice 13ill of good things: l'arior Meeting CIIMER 011, M till 0 C be -provided by the ladies: • The seventh of a . of parlor series . . On monday; the 27th, , John A. Cc held on Tuesday last in •, • ..Beautiftil Moriument. .. rneetinefs Oder. the. aiipiSeekof th• e <Ws'. 13,.obi ertson, of GoderiCh; in '-icOmplance. . •ithe OddfelloW's Hall,_ - Pre.('en s ' t - Mrs. -with:an order.rreceiVed by him from Smith in the chair.--,, A.fter. the Usilal Messrs Joseph Bell of,a'abo-uriie.to-wri- ,..:. devotiOnat exercises 1VIrs.`(Dr) G.ordon ship, and G. -S. Robertson, of Huron; - sal* a.:461°..°iItit'16d- i T -he --Iiihc4i-t " township, ei6cutors. of . the. latq -- Wm*. ', w.hich. was well rendered and . highly Pagan, Ashfield : erected • ' ''' b . 1 1. appreciated..- The next th'I - i .th - _ , - a-:auti u. -1. if., on.. 9. .inpuument. Over the . re.rnains: .of the- programme..*4s a reading "D' Canto*. deceased- _lin Dungannon Ceinetery, 430 the .plebisc#6 '' -by:Mrs Horell who The_ handsome memorial shaft - is. of -.rea-48 NFith•gmat •_, eMpliaiis - Irldking re4s,Swede granite, imported..foin Soot- every rord 4qunt<, 'A:hymn wad-, then land)'.and is about ten feet .Iiigh,.firiri-- sun; after which Mrs. -Armstrong 'read iy.Set upon a substantial' base. LUCKNOW POST -OFFICE. Hours 8 a.-m.to:7 p.m. . " FlUXILS ARRIVE. W. G. (613; Bouill 611:3 a. m, Daily 6. H; & B. North- , 12.36 p. m. ticayrood - . Kinlough 2:30:pa raj -,- - Kinloss W. G. d: B. North • . .348 P. ra, --Goderich . Intermediate points.1 9 00-p. -m, L. H. &13. North 10.30.p. m; . f' - Tnesdays and Langside , - 300 p. m, Fridays _ .. ... , . - W -G.- & B . Snuth • , . . ' --t. Pil..4t.B.:,Iso- uth1- i P.'39P• rn...i- H. & B. South . - 10.00 a. m. ' W0.& ' B,North !' .3.20 p-. m.-- frialy•rood . , -_- .." 4.:30 p.m. - ithough . iqdlose 9. Vitiate and Victultv ftwO., - an essar.W-ould, the enfranclOement -The Luckn-ow Markets•of.w.omen-Itelp the temperance pause. ' kicked-by:a H2Orte, _ -Moig.an_ Austin, a -well-known Ash- field farmer, received injur-- ies fr4i yick inithelitemach by one hishorsesat the God,ericli, station Monday Morning-- of fat week.._. Mr. • Austin waii. .holding- his- horses , with Ihelines. when a -dog rail .-610 and -scared one of the horses -Which struck Austin in the. stcfmacli with serious result. - Who May Vcte' A_ -coft'espondent- who watches mun- icipal matters ;very closely dired_ts . attention to softhin(Y Of . error in , • -the statendent:that alluponthe Voter's- -7,lists are. -entitriNj to cast. their yoteS _for or against prohibition. T-T)r.b..cti-ealtly, such is thefaa; so far as. being entitl- - ..eci as -Murdcipat-. . and -TJeg-,islatie, - Voters; -but 'there is , restriction that residents in...the Legislative districts_ herd the vet 5s tendered is .enjoined., e-principaI "one 'Mani one vote ails- ity this in elections_to. the cial: L.egislature,' and" the nom- ts •whose wanes appear anc4 being entitled to ;wiles - for- rposes, are.nbt entitle to bal)iseite except Th -re goila ..iie.:irthing is giving, an Op-. port un:i tiy Of .the sur-. rounding ct.uiilry- to. bring in theirpro-.: .-The • Lucknow: markets:: this yeat.-e_p: on:LA.)4 to fully sustain its • es- . tabjiS;;'qd recora-as best in. the - • k - le0411trY. For. many many years our ' wheat marketattractedtrade'frc.rn long.. diS-; tanas.,- OWing-to..:the -unpopularity of *hteat.growing that -.strode!. in the last few years- has fallen off some,. - but its place has been, taken by the -high prices given for Coarser grains, and live stoek. • :LiicknoW'S pork Market not :mtg. BrSTan then sangva very iiretty solo- ehtitled "Vote for Prohibition" after which refreshments were served " and the meeting closedby singing the dORolrity. We were very much pleas- _ ed to see so many visitors of Whom a number ,joined the 1.Tnion. All were Made welcome by o'f6.cers and nienbers. ELEAvENVILE I 1 tograther:* 'tliankg hi "navy-, ,custorners:, 'for their patronage during- the pat year • a would solidt CoUtillttatICe of -the saro'#;;trmiting that -the friendly -re- - latilns beretbferiexisting -bghtinue. patiomi and tne general bog to amtburice an -6`.A.T TicAlr in my Art Studio ttiri.ng tbe'bolidam which all are cordially invited in . order that may irefippet : my -soak of fancy Cldn o ware :in -all varieties. .31y large.and- complete tock of - AsibtitSt. 'Liar( .002440040.,. Giovo,'.gezele,tel4of elv :qua, Gouts Stoving SOS 40.-;137;:sh-iL.:Cisee.: .zitio Utd. .sslectline of Biblds, groan AA& rtarfei-,' Books,' Xtp,s OA, NO* o. Tear7p goat teozlio:ty, . Bv4oliotri Faincy'r zitatit : . - . :t04.14.710c1voopai-.Sosztes,',..1 -.fe•ot 107ezy glus: Of Oda, kopti:it.O.:. 10011. .ortlervi artist stah).-i0171.-1 late;71, wfxEINo VoV ALL A *.tiatir .C1711,4STIVIAl :• 7.4. HAPPY NEW tEAR; Ti; .7:13t,LEAVEN: - • YOURS, Disalipearea On Wednesday morning, Nov. 22nd about 5 o'clock, .Angus Matheson, who had been attending a ball at the 'Walker- _House; Kincardine, disappear- edand no trace can be found of his It f red- b some :or Some of Our Readers that lie has fallen into the harbor and lished the Lucknow SENTINEL. During surpassed in Westren Ontario. Whereabouts. s For over fifteen .years' we have pub-- has beein Circ*n°1 It:is stated-- that an that gra! have- Jiever refused On at Port Huron but enquirieSsfail one, .Pay.or .-manY _cosies' °f -Missing man live- ne.ar'. the piper --has- gone:yegUlarly everyweek. . .to subscribers :for two, three,: aPPeara4ce. ;°f sci": - I Angus five, ix, and: even tan years -withnii6, a '14abescli.*h° is inisSiliig is. about .28single . dollar- --paid for. :it. A yQ1-11i's of age) stands :5 feet 8 inches and - large number, it is true, have been wears a-- -heavy brown .'incingta°he• honest enough to pay us,- but in .inktiy When IRO- seen. he *.dri- - cOOnskin:- instfineps we hal-re,N4ti cheated out of. coatovera light brown ,overcoat. If our money sniallest kind .of :t1..xis-'ma-ches the 634 6f:644.PG-6°n-who manner. Now, the SENTINEL has ,inoWs linything., of the :WhereaboUtsi �f never failed to show -up :the fakirs ths'thi4SiTig man it .-12e a great aid other .gentry :that are -contin.ually. kindness to Communicate r -to•-• Mayor travelling through -the cotintrY".deeiv7- 13ark6i- afi-Fincariline; ;fig: :;the: POPlat itnd* warning •:olir iS-a'd a.th - - • a person answering his description was send the-Tiper when ordered to :any toil)car -the =lion- --The 'Parenti no pay In ' - and are in great: distr#sis over the dip-. .readIns'. against anything to _.(tol on: Tuesday. -1 evening, Noyen213er with them, but...on 033.CriP- , 28th; ai-hiS lio.me in Ashfield, don [list we_lia.N.1.4terii, mean enough. to T *eldest -.son • of William :-Mathison, .-anythinir.:-. It: is-.clishonest'..tO- fifissed. ,ayvey-;.. :The decea sedfuser 'to pay fot..a: but: who .8.; had been ailing •sottietvhat*eineti OPririg who on receipt - of an: account .for &A.ei he othitri.tc,tod newspaper h@ has .1?eep' ,getting for ()lied btogest.itsix of. the. lungs and four or or fiVe.-years,_ on tellsr,..:the although :kind-treatinent,. and the. best of hia °ffia° to send it Ptak'. - _medical -skill s eWere'- einpio-yea. all tnirkect,"refti•secil...-pr "John so and so - .80, gunirner.:yet as the - -fall Caine onhe has. rem.°*ed1-7.- br.,‘`qe6- th0..--,heighbor- grew -worse- finallTconsumption hood," is too 'mean: to live This. is laid its fatal: hand upori.Wai.oid cora- adding insult- to injury. .and, for the Other ways we have lost .-bitsndr6ds of 4gt two months.- Deceased who ;wits:. dollars- by subsCribi,rs, and as go'd *.amostin.his twentietu year, ivas :of a-. nature and Patience has cea•4'd to _be •P.,. quiet, agreeable disposition,. and a um- • vir-tuc; inour char-acter, _intend to versal favorite"among his aequaintanees.- ado-Pt .a hew Plau• 'At'er the brst of The funerilltook place tO the LoClalsh Jannary next all unpaid . aecounlis. .for cemetery, on Thursday afternoon :- and- ir BOOTS, FELT, UBBERS OVER- kezzamszcznasszmonmsamisze have decided to sell my ntire stock of the above goods at a slight advance above Cost. I will_sell.:1Viens' Fine Kip Boets at $2.60 ; Boys'~ Whole stock Boots at $1.30 Women's Bals. good at $1, and all lines in proportion • one year- and. over win bo placed in was largely attended by both young other hands for ;collection-. We . have and °la -testifying In.a measure to the oil our list over -one thousand subscri- eiteoni in wW.chf he was held. hers Eind-a. great many Of them:- PaY. The bereaved family liavelhe heartfelt :regularly --every ircear for the paprr, and sympEtthy of all • as this is the second nothinff in this notice is intend -of" for .deafil occiv•irfo• in the fareil/ during them< .• • s's • *. - 1 t5 t -h is • ytear.--- OM. 1.4icknow; Nov. 22n0 189. mething ntirel ummomilmoilimmulow•Pliiimme &man ilvetrplate Speciallynice goods in .Sugar 'Sifters and Creams, Jelly arid,: Ser., .vers, .‘e Sardine Ser- - Ser- -Vers, Jam Dishes, Bake Dishes, Marmalade Dish - s, SaladSets, Toast Racks, Fish Carvers, and Chilli's Sets. ,ELLER. BAKER CONFECTIONER GROCER. bEALEIi. IN ALL KINDS OF roceries, Conf3ptionery, Can tied Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,, •Eic., Eta IN SE SON. • -Thanking the people of Luck•now and ,vicinity for their liberal patronage in the past, we would _solicit a continuation - of the same. LITOKNOW, ONT, • 12 4