HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-08, Page 7- " Rea • -TA , LI Wearil,".-1r -Joel eAvegyire for yoii- - - Altithe time a-fetilin' blue; .:1. W4Shin' for you7-wonderIn' when You'll be eornin' borne Men- - Restless, don't now what to do, - 400 a-wearyin' for vou 1 - - • Room's so lonesome with yofir_chair 'Empty by the fireplace there, - Je4t1 cant stand the sight ofit ! • - - thilout doors an' roam a bit.; ' B 't-tlie woods is lonesome, t00 -7r- ... . :le '-d-wearyilf foryou i - it - - • Coines'the Wind, with soft caress, -- Like the-rustlin' Of your dress; . - Blossoms fallih"-to the ground • Softly. . like your footstep sound.; V4bletslike your ekes 80 b11187- • - JCS' a-wearyin' for you! 9 :.: lOrnin' comes • ' the birds awake -- • Le to slug so for your sake 1 But there's sadness in the notes -_ T at comes thrnlin' from their threats; Seem to feel your absence, too- ' .JeS' a-wearyire for you.! E),,Ipliirk! comes .1 Miss you more . - When t .lark go:Wins in the'door ; s4enas"2 ':ife you orter be : . ,•.-.. There t 11n it forme! - - lxiIph g ..49inklin' ; thrills methrongh- . S ts moyMayire tog you, !, ..- . _ _ • - -17 Js' a-wearyin' for poi- !. the time a-feelin' blue; N't, ishinTfor you--Wonderin' when'Th: u'll be_comifi-': home agen Js --- tleSsdon'tknow what to do - .1 7- Ili,,. --azweAryin: for you • - .Pran,.,- L. gtai0on,, in,' Attalita Constitutioni Lune Girls. - -A Whe e -have -they gone to -the little eirlg,-- 1 . Wit 'natural -manner and natural curis l Who love their dollies and like their toys, And talk of something besides the boys?. -LIM ' old -women in Plenty -t find; -- . - laatalre in manners and o:ct-of mind, Littl":) old flirts who talk _of their " beaus" An.dArie with each other in stylish, clothes. . Ong in the beautiful long agO, ' Sornii dear little ehildrenj used. to know: Girl who were erry ailambs at play;• - And la.ughed a rollicked -the livelong -day. The3 thought> tV• 1!„ of the " style " of :their t -- . ? etothes, •••ii,e' ' ' ', • ' ' . . -. The neVer imagined that boys were " beaus ,•!' -‘‘ Ovier girls' brothers" and "mates' were they ; - - - SpIe did fellows to help them. play. , . 1 _ - Virh re haVe, th.ergonetol If you see • One of them anywhere send'her tame. I W ul d give a medal of purest gold - To qne of those dear little girls of old, Witth an innobentheart and an open smile, - Wh kLioN‘s not,. the Meaning of " flirt !' or , - f3tyle'_- - • curious con.(ensations. • .. . . • . 4 -Aglaia has no silver mines.. N miae makes wo.eden bottles. 4 leseander had four icindiiiif artillery. Portugal's royal crown is worth $6,500,, oo Af teaspoonful. of baking .. soda, dry,. will curie hiccough. - ' . • - ' - VOWS SI as 1Ss a Faenity That e Stronger Sex Lacks? MINIM WOMAN AS A' WORK OF ART "vrritiesr• Rather .earrastic :Medd in.seneements--,i.unt • Fteptiesies itecuie _For making Waffles. E..R A 1.4 10,-Y„ speaking woman 1a -pushing_te t,tfoint:' in the tar, -..itiztes of serious'. - tieaver .•With • a.. ....tepidity :the steerage maeculine- .inint le 'marvellous. _ and ineOmpiehen- -siblei: That ?she should :attain -ant!, ehicg more than -•-e moderate success" in. htisineeli ptstpuitele altogether •-ificont7 ••0614ble -:!4!).4 Otte. .uenception of the feMelet. capacity, We ef . the- opposite - .sex have -been . Went.: to look -upon w_o tuaniest a p13.*eical •- and intelleeinser weakling, ad: a.reiog incipe:ble of more than a_ amni7iotgest. In the. ,sterner quee demi 7 of life; and as eine.who,..even.tit. the milder and !Warning' y: mote: appropriate, "Spheres-T:0f ort; hi -usually .aetisfiecl With the. --:inerest tantelem.• • The --Most obvious .-Oharticteristies Of the feminine intellect, eiys Banco°, are delicagY of perceptive power .aed --••rapidity ef move- ment-, • He aisetts the.t-Weman.sees,e thous. - antthinge whiCkeedeps .a :man, and that: she - is 0 -Wirer -sighted._ .-everi, ;physically.; lidereeve.r, nhat weinen: differ from Men,* having far more varied, subtle -• and : ituMer‘ ohm inlet* to knowledge, upen which they rely, --reinember..- and reaeon from previous i.experience,'as -a met- doee.:-. The tenitile -intellect "walks directly Atiratitmci" tetulinlaultit. • . To deb.,-colirs en it random is not 1- and we cannot.. toe.frequently bald apes Angiiler curies sleveidy. exeotiteen, unwholesome atisiosplere • and • wOodeny- effe-Os are -altogether . abominable. lady hae. joinid the centOrtionist schools Her isOut ensemble my bO superfidally d- febti,t4- but in detaiiis I:toil*. • -" The sensetien - of the season premised to be aehieved by,Mise exhibitor .whoilse Work, we bAlieve, he never yet been seen:in London. Her method is -bold and her Outlines ire clever.: Theoeloringle but hitt lligentlyrestrabied,and sae Poise!** a eentittous really& 'Which cannot but beep - Oriented. . "The Widow contribute. 13017120 exoellent enamel- work this year,: and her pate -sur -pate. pl%ques•-afbet Salon possesses mneih merit. Unfortunately, as we have observed before; her: glaze is •ritill fanity, and lundee nnfaverable conditions is opt to er.aakin • "-‘ • - ' Lunt .EItpgibah's -Recipe. all4..-140erot *to 1014 04: .0.0a TEAT -ODD .QATHBa ANNY.B. WARD writing from 400 In Paragnay,•eays Arrived et theestan- -cia;,..Whieh,- by the Way, rejoiced under. the- jem-hreaking title ..of "Gansu Cla; y .4 - ant ce, n te-r n g through t 'he .frent doer of .the dada to. dismount), koco kg to eastern, in the our .elfitC- :-terles were greeted • With the. ,i.welcome - -odor , -of - impOer, , already steaming upenthetable. -Evi- dently' .WO were ex- pected to lilt down to • 0.4- Once, but gained eur host's resinetant -consent to 'hake off an enter cseathr.g of the day's dust and wash eur tre.vel,steined. 'hands ant:Welk Then,- re- - patrieg. b_aetily .; to the comedor reoni) we found •eur ...impat.ientlyewaiting eritertaineis_ greedy -stetted upon : -benehes around the" -festive beard. The.pitte table was neatly ;:covered -with White oil•Oloth, and _at eaeli glace -(rilatee there were tient) was an enormous wooden.spoon, . *hie& would hold, per.haiks, half a plat ;r:while •in '.the centre nacked a -great dish .otjerked beef, with, ern11 ;fipples, slices ef pumpkine, beans,.: garbanin and vartons other edibles, 'stewed - with . and piled Around it. • t3ma1l gontds. of •Chffl 'Rance,- *Made from ripe tomatoes • and -em1I green • peppers, ,-w_ere scattered Oast; ren.t ..-mandiees root &towered fer bread, and a huge Mug of cane ruin .circulited .•• • Mies 2Helen Holcomb (io-aolortd i3eelc and. preparing to *linty, aboub'. thole beantiftd •wiffiee _ you. make. .-,IXo w • many eggs ? • • -• . . Auntie 1.1eptibah-.---Well, Mks-. dab 'pond. 'pen wheddah-dei hen le leyin. pulity ..wellie.,- net: :Ef :do is. I tta'atly use free,' en'• ef !ley isn't I .0se two, er-ebein anet- • • • • • MLau Heleitz--Atid how muck milk 1:- . Aunt Hopelbeh•Well, X Plittaway- de milk ober nightiti dab der - littleIpitoheh fe'- de:wellies, and ef he oat dean' get' at it - drink as far des*ri as she giti her bald inter de-pi_tchab I uses it all - ; en' ef-ohe do Ines .* "Witte wahm wattalaile-ordiet' ',What", she dond-drunk.: • Mia. Helen -And " butter! •• ••• • - !fr-- Anal) ;. ye". • ha; b' belt butbah fe Wofflee. ',Pelt poivfat geoidfryin' --hentiny -gteatin. grid- dled, -an' it's geoid fo' a huhu en' for eilin' do -be'l het tOP ' .1ase. t' b.b buttah fer -Wofileis.. -. • Mies Helen -And- salt? • Aunt Helizibah-Oh, yes yo' hog -bah saib. Oookin' '11009. inight ,ifunny 'thotit ealb, - •• - • • Miss Hilen-And- how maoh biking - powder? • • . • .. Aunt ef » deers bin a thrindih-sbOhm:in de night, et de widdah'e )307, *abut; - er yo's _ bin ceekin' _ pickles roun de .kitchen setrak de -milk, yo' dean' use no bekin' 1-powd4h 'b all; jes' leetieltarrattte,not toe much:so Ns nnik de wellies taste ob:.brimstons, like doy'd bin baked .b.er de Iterstal fiith and look de °gnat. '-ob. yeah Miele Eptirnin When he:. done- got de lender's, bist.jeea leak bit. An' ef . does tin bakin powdah Ws. :auctsidin' t". de "mouut. ob •fionah. 11119/1.'• 'MIAs -Helen-And how Much deur, 'ele you use,- auntie ? s: • . . • Atint Hepzitiah-4ee ennif, honey. ; - "snuff.' - • - . - - • - Just itik. a Mini: 2. I once heard' a. Man Bay' that he aottisilY could not otiejare up . a happier existenee than:that 'of -ta, pretty girl- With barrels Of money -to spend . for lately - gowns and.ple= tut° :hats adia all those dear libble.gewgatrit thet woman .adete. " . • .• - •-• Now wouldn't It be jolly sun .if that --ad! Miter _Of Well-dressed *teniinieity, timid be pia inti women's --clothes end.- sent 'down town In a rainstorm SUDO Auk.? -.How nice and oeintottabletied feel with eix yeaide et - damp dreg's:. Metals! *flapping -again's:it his ankles, leaving tittle-. Found- pies- -Mt • hie Ssecitinge and making bim wendet • if be Were:704)g through fon......itichee of. water 1 Hew he'd almost .weep whenhe.thought of the $10 Werth of feathers -On hi. hat that Were ruined -beyond repair 1- HOW- Mad he'd get and hew . • . . - -GRIND HIS TEETH anagoed valnetion of the!,--Stottes in 15.0 wee $24249,.585.304. Pailadtalphia'-hto dealer says ; theta ie. lea t profit, inselling silk -h.att. 4erniank--, ;prohibits_ the employment ot ii Men on governMent works. -. . • 'he. Most extenswe. mines are 'those: Of Saiony, The galleries( . hive:123 inliee 1431 leri .th. - . - .. " • • migration • from European -Rusalit- - to r1 Is is on - the. - increase, and. -reaohed ,900 io 1892 - . - - - •-•:-."- - - , We than $1„000;-.000-. Is invented in.„club" *. ht- pee and • duck-sheiting --feellities.*:aleng. _ .., th4),Ohesapeake, by. • 7 . • ..' L ' , . . • Thia observatory On Mon4 -BIAS • already . • retoorts pioef that there It no oxygen In. the -attneephere of.: the sun. . , - ' - , : • .-: [The largeet oil-irate:house In . the British . ,kingdein is WentWortit Weed 'Hattie, W.hieh •-:'-bdienge to -Earl Fitswiliiam.... --.. -.• ' .. • lin.c.ca fi#hing: is prohibited In this State 7Of- Wsehington . between 6. -p. D.2:-Oi'Satur- - - d y'.e.od the game: _heir Ott- Sunday. • -_-•• InMenutacthriug•socupation-the average :. Ufa- of sOiipboilere ' isthe highest, and that .o „pled-stoners:takers the -levies& -: ' - - II It 111 Mid uncenciously•-: , • . - • BY MORE . . and -a More: refined and -more . trusted int* Men te.en. end to which men's Minds grope carefully and plodlingly ..alcsog,''• And Hazlitt- affirms that. *Omen have More of whitiecielled good teas than nien#4eing lees iinplicated In theories, end: judeog -object. • more -.1r,Ors.,,,their- iminedleate and involuntar•y•.tcapreniiin on the: mind, and therefore, he contiands judging More: truly end: naturally.• "They -: cannot_ . teann wrong, for iheyido not tiepin at --. - *French proverb bide; up take the Stet 'advice- of a wont and not &CV seeond. This; proverb . Archbishop: :Trench deemed one 0! great wisdom. - :Said. he, the raeotinil commode, spinet .which: we -.ere:Warned; went& spring from her tenoning, "- and In - this she is mut* inferior:: to -man.; iti intiiitieneabove all, Women gutting no far," having ...What Mon- taigne ascribe"' . :to her 44 '4#01Yrif prints-. gitgierii" the leopard's opting; Whioh T takes . its_rikey; if it be to take it et. all, -10:the fink bound.. ' . • • •7:- • _ -• --10 may be 'said general Way that, in vedette -its de mending 'iquickneel enctdecisive- ness-0 thought and 'settee, -woman with her iirtproved Oppottn.nitiee must soon - • • toyigitoottE Tstitrnaratrimen.- • • The Biagio of comp:amid interests : The Burgomaster Of kittenwaide, a town the . Mark of Braudenburg,.. has found a melold 'records -bearing .the &beset the - years 1562 id 1549, the first being., state,; . Ment of Moneys due_ by the city ei Berlin tt the townef Bdittenwalde and the second - ° funds advanced , by that town to..the then roigniog peace, the-- Elector- Joachim of -Brandenburg. lb ix rebkoned that,. taking ' . eeinpound interest into account, the debts Worti*st present represent *, a sum - of *3,500 11111..rdii of markt, and •iti is stated that • t e Burgomaster intendputting forward claims en on behalf 6 'the town: -The -toad- •Meus opinion is, Avower, that he =would-be non -suited_ after ¶hittlapie Of time,- even AI , the, debts eouldbe legally proved. - • • . - . A Snap for The Republic ef Vroguay li abo' to to sne a, new.- postage- stamp, an order for ,000,000 stomps _ of new ,designhaving gen recently gtven'to an Eoglieh &tn. It hithe praetice among the S aiith and -dentral American' :Republics, under these ircuniitatces, to sell hawed ttamPsf to European collectors, the. Republio' •-of endures- making as much. as $25,000 in .89-1 ever. a, deal of -this kind... Seeing bat .$25;000 represented; a little Mere then all the -national .revenne for itheYear ained, the Minister of Finance it Honduras as. DO irmall reason .to Masi the braze et foreign stamps tileh stied. 111 Europeen ountrio.' • Blamed a the Bacteria. Ba-lteria are likely- be blemed . for all • - the ills that Leh.. is .,heir :Va. Profaner Schenck:noir maintains that what wii_oaira l!'s cold 1' is r4ially due te the - :Mt& • 7 1F.* 1 than the amall- .noio that is mad. 'Of lidate and even its .1voldenee In the Preparliso feed' • Thougb,fint,oeweby them -040 revs- *, *maw, hitter is sintoot unknewits and nebodreente -of su,oha.S. as eating breed and milk. :Having -nolo ,Am *brim* berries at dinner,' 1 hippened -te meatialt Senor Valdez that In -the United Strata 'fruit is eaten With -tram. • , Had I told him 'that rattlesnakes were a :fumed* -ertlade - with my countrYinen, he :Could -pet home appeeredinere shieked and .leteniehed,for in Paraguay therein. Indiegui vrho 'oensider i - serpent flesh a tpotheeme more:emu to N. es peessinine r es V!~ (it is intpoisitiler Ib ispoison)), he OW oddly, thlnkiivg. hie credulity -was tiehig.impated ripen, - - AGAIN. PPERING RIO. Oodieitt Of attcoess, lPushing -Oinipitign Actively. 1 , THE SUNKtili MAN OF :WAIL . .B.eavy - artillery. , ,fire. .continues daily. :Forte Villegaignon and Loge -have been greatly- battered. • The foreign. diplomats'consider it impose. ' sible to take further steps for the,:probeceicei of 'life and. proterty, and the -naval nom, menders; .cencur Ilia the gOAOrAl.0111A1411'Sligoh. !avert letting both -sides .pinceed withatta lia:oinyusfonlin,t.abeohirceito-inbo_te: etward,.rencetk. ,alltettra -74.feet.114 Admiral Gams, who recently jottedthe insurgents; oapflimi. •the telegram . Of kith week, :Baying that De Mello is disposed to • wait until the eod -of the revolunon :au& then take a lilisbiedite 0 the ,country on the question" •ef a;metwarchy. . . • ' • -- The •in.turgents are confident) ed .success; they have captured Bage tin theprovince of . Rio Grande.deSuly and are making pro- greis northwards. • • President Paixote is .preparing for a born defends ef Rio de.tieneire,„ and .stateis • that he Intends fighting te the Int, and 'that when his -ships ;arrive 'heexpieste--victory. - All 'bulling.a ii-sufferingsevereiyand every, biome& le stagnated. The .firianciel :potion* of the flovernment 1..tiitetetilt, the treasury Is exhausted, and the fact that Pernamibitect 'hes been deciared in o state' of. ,stiegoilskeve the spread of the movenient. • - The Javary,- the rebel vested sunk by: . PeixoteSguns; was an tren :armored target - ship of 3;700 tens she _carried lour 14),inch Whitworth muzzle -loading rifle - gun, idz 5 -inch rapid-fire pis andfiventechine.guns. The .Javary had 2200,horn power And liek 12 ineheis of armor.. She was a powertal. vessel, of Ilghb draught and suitable for coiset defence *or river .service. She wow ;built iti France 1- 1875. All 'her crew petished. -By Way .olt.Ceastraste -The world:reedit in the :newspapers that Mr. W. K. 'Vanderbilt sete 1111 MO 'Week for a teD-111021the MeDifie on 'the :laigegt and handeemest 'steam .yaohe •afloat. He taken with hire a Patty of • gueets, and -it is easy for any one" of imeghlation to conjure up the perfect indelletwe end tan in which ihe luxurieue patty *Ill glide through the blue , waters of the_ Mediterranean, coolieg their bestial thirst's with iced wined, appegaing their • recurrent hungers " with :ornamental .- viondsi ,and listening to vanilla 'from the romantic The •eyliarite.s of ancients , days knew no treater rapture then. 'the ,Messret. Vanderbilt, Belmont, Rutherford, Webb, Beach end -Key* will • expert-. . erica during ` their verso. It ,wonist be .. 'extremely • .our and .inerchistic to envy -them their rhapOinen or to hint fOr Moinent- that they :di) net deserve It. They ere all notae,genblemen,thaesksve - labored thieugheut-their lives for the good of mankind, theyhave steed Were the world it examplee of Industry, philanthropy and uneelfiebrien, and now, afar 'untold, ..deptivetiOne and herculean labors, they are salting away to quiet sees .to A well :earned rest, and the oongratedeations and - -geed -4 wieliet of all imankind go •With theta. It Was theughtfnl and generous Of the daily, newspapers:la describe to their readers the beautiful plans of this., piehtig "arty. It • le Comforting reading far 'the peupere in the downtOttutimidt- The :meabenfo who gets D halfhenr at -noontime in which to _eat soma Stele breed and cheese wil be eriaenrageod to renew his toil -when-he wideof hew Mr. Beaoh or Mi. Belmont . Will teaks • thekr 1161031,11 each •- afternoon -,.e.tnid pale soak atishieni in a white' -arid gold •aabin after -eating t.liemielvei into s-ociaditienot drawl& It -fact; :most gratifying to all society to -too* that :a littlie -comptny worthy. men, men -of groat intelleet, groat character-and:great oharity, Are to f*xperP once •sdelt perfect bliss. • The -canaille- -wilt "labor more blithely , for .1k -smiting et ttl, -and even the a/161.61st Will chortle in :his joit bearing et that ten Menthol' telp threugk seas Of chinipague• •We are told tbat dittos are hard. . They Are_l_snietliinks, ratio, toofth for the Kees* Vanderbilb, ..Behunit, Rutherford,- Webb, Beach: And :Keyea.-- Nita-York Town Topics. FROM . MOUTH TO • MOUTH._ I. We Made 'an -ereellent sniper; .einitting the -runs; 'with lase diffieulty than 'Might be imagined from .1 the -- absence. of platei and cutlery; . each flhiiog his big spoon Once or twice frem . the general supply ef the central' platter, oecesionslly swing his bit of mondiece..- root as a sert • of chopstick', 'or his fingers 1 calm ef emer- gency.: At the _cenolasten of the repast servant -Who had been standing perfectly motioning throughout the Meal behind his maiter's'obair,like ea -breezed statue in bet,. tered drapery -suddenly clasped Mr -bands a and broke bite a -• loud prayer or " graCe," with all the gravity of • a .bishop. • .,This mintier of performing:one's devotion by :prixv; _so tit. speak, . was net unfaniiller *to me, -having:Met with it, years ago, in the *Aide of Oast& Rica. ." It is .generally :..m- ployed in the rtiral -disttiots of Paraguay, end alweysteudnds-Me of -the very .sensibli remark made._ .by the Chinese -Minisbeeto the United 'Stites • when 2 he attended his firet Washington ball. It* was a 'warn* evening, and the mandarin- loolied with astonishment 'upon .the well-dressed mob, who Were Outing and . peropirliag,in-• the wait a and . inn onntly - inquired- : Why don't you' have your stestoranti.--, do that? ' Ia my country we hire 'snail hard -work , date." : • . , • • - - • FEW 0114,EION- - LUXURIES. - agelinsb her,:ond,etond „en an equality if nett. eiditival her male competitor; in 'ergo- demandingdeep and. earnest thought and vire .ratiocinabipn, she mueb inevitably fag _short of: the required , ••• . Woman iaj adapted to buelnees.life, only.• in je far aa her 1ntnIblve•faculty : May moulded ' &Winn requiteinente. Ner does, this fact eet a Mean limit te. her aspira- tions. 040 01 tat .inosit valuable qualifice, tient one . can poison. In =.the:„.witrki.st-day -world It the .ability -le read *stagily the 'character of 'then: With *horn rver-- aro brought into nritect, and thiSis orikot- the finest -,esperatimw ef the feminhte- Went. -. • - - _ • . . r0t X isheall-.take youradvkie,",-- said CoIo- ridge- Iv-lady:Upon Whose judgMenti- from constant • experience : -•-ef its reotitude, -.he Could rely almost.e. on an orale, "1 shall aet upon yoneepinion„-for,I am sure yOu sire /IOW right-. 7 -Bat- as to, .yeur fore ea be. - conies" -kindly- 'leafs them_ to -Me . tot. -find out."' • .•.1- . . ••• •-• • woman as Swirls of Art. Knee Ihe Very -oomMeneement of the world,: writes LinkMaii" 'in -London-Truth; woman:has been .1telated-end a. great Variety 'of Wept . . "It is Mt privilege to have been . able to: :deiLle yet another Methed.„ • 111 View of :the exemaiivo-Linoreas-e. of the Ule Of Paint, paste, powderft: and Other ae- leeptiveembelliehenttI propose that 'woman .shaltfor the futurs.lisconideted purely- at Worltelart. • • Thus, in amieuilobig that the Dtchess. of BabYten,Aias returned. to town . for - the season, the_ paragrspli witad be worded- as folio**, - : - • • "Yesterday, the Danttesei Of Babylon in• -augatated her•fertir-bhir& exhibit!** hi Bel - grave Squerei and it Is no Alight' praiseto essert thit she her . -:former high average. Iter:outves(sto-alitays bold; if at tiniel-audaelone ; the- . , 'PUSS TINTS 41111 Exclomprr,-- and th.e. heir. effeCts. clever, thigh *hoe a • • " • 'When he'd find his hist Sunder gioiesipitti.: through •the paime benne .they were jtuit a little. bib. too .tight to weer when one wanted to :holdup rone's dresi isa one band and gratiti an umbrella isa--the other! • ,Whei . tiny atom f Self-teeOe.c1) he'd.: have when his. little: untitled: ':and Made -a streight--fringe- 04er his eyea . and., around .1118.00er And seVenteen-..peckete- khen his One and5-bandkeichief "slid _mil) frem:-iitiderhis earns And fell -with • a:splash. into the very -deeriiist •mad puddle in the whole 'bieckl He'd -feel so pstfeatl help, leatsind . hate -bitneelf ,•se: violently that-. you May be ettre he'd ;dip into his masculine germ.** more - thankfulness them be ever befere -.experiential& • . • . The only eime whenwerl: enjoys a ratilk --rley is ,when. We isa the :night and she oak hoer bbs raindrep...piay: on.: the wind,* p.enee before she.goes to sleep.• " When, one.entere a. cold teem after-: sing teifie woolly. Her breadth tone iheafed thi, bacterial's% it fisok to the warm -I admirible_, whilst -itIgnity-if-:00111p-osibletz body and and enter -1y.- the openverse- of the .,prose-rve& ibm.- Whatever May be - said of. the .tention to. detail* and to14nerel-fhileb." hypothesis,., he oeeroi_to _twin .provid by et- .1 Other- notion 'might. alto -rat thus.. , Iperieoce- that- bacteria in: the - ntighberhoOd ' "-Mrs. •-contribetes two dingli 1 of .* .wirmbodY- moves toward tt; The eon. tiers this eeesen, who Minuet be;eerieusl,y enteker.: may -derive ileMe_ oilinfOrt reworded otherwise • then-ta:potbeilers. Ib I from', the fact-. that -tiebaccts - -it inimlfustto is to be regretted:that an artist Who has . . .• ..diepleYed unqueslionable-ability.M1 previous t - -• • - ' Occasions: should.' je.Perdize her, reputiitien At Pert Elgin ea. ;Saturdey ilet#1$14.0111 by.. turning „out lot* trtabYi -f1001113'Icerkas - off r. 6. Liberale„ 440 George' by -tho CeneertetIvel, bi•g-. She'is • Iiiereolier,-. re ca Of- iv and btoNangtonn:- by the Petrone -work irkioei. -in.. stud • &tatty,- -13poeches.Were made bys.• thercandiHer conateoiseit:1. "sit, i &OA and:Ifeesre.--Jas. Mektugen; 4ered, her panting lumpy. *Sild her .pir- D*-9*-11*: 0414-Pb•lif- Itfril! Pi • aplietita ill lenity:I_ the II anibitieativith910 MArteri: 9.‘74. polieseing: !- If Mre: 'ever -hopes T. 0. ()Artie.: -• : - - - to be, tang .upeit the 1W-ies- she intuit 'Vastly Mr. 0. A. Goiffiletifq 0..• Wei- tendered-. -.thipt070, 'Upon her %past: and 'her preemie: lineh.. all • Montreal en S *turdst en the - brm,91: - • _ eecisidoa'othit Sebk.-bhihday• Mbeckair *Or.: GO Stlio**044.-. eocnplsdby Mr..14ader. • • • ity. sad la • _ . infer in tisimielants. I - .EidentOolliery viliege 14."the mirth :of Scetland. -.0olliet (Landatador),... etnployed. in-thetning neat by,, ie discovered -.tending by the open door of hiscattage;in- °Ovens*. lion With the . villege Pellaeman. (of High!. land ' end how will sho do to -day, lettataffeir . And Will iehe pe.workhag piety' ti • ground se far as thief whet. talieeni Will pe r0. -"Tut., man, uo It's- el: bo$e (empty) belOw. here, laeg syne?': Bele-1 oh '1" And -If she was 'book:whit for was she MI felt iti ti pe sure 1" 011•,-,-! Obh. . Wit wale' 1, 'se long as .'-the water's -belealor It, ye low" • -water 1 -water? , Oh, dear, if ta• water Was tei :try Op 'A--pody Would pe far. -safer 11 ta- -Hielan'iwhittefter, forbyi. - • • ,t •_Tsibiecioth.Of tilliteatte Of 4110o.etape••• frequent atm -0.000e plienotneners. -ab Aps.000-ed Hepel. ai queer mieb. whiOh- overhang" Tabis Mountalu, and is known as "the taideolothe" The milli 'which -grabs- 14110 collect over.the mousatain we/4,1We suffer* aver the -perpendicular midst : of bbs teWering. pile of ' rookie :drepphiat over the edgeOn fold., exactly likeia piseerof fabric; Then 1 -..-the Winds begma to roar andlash friginents ben the-: edges -,Of the.f!.01011,". until lb I.1. filialittY: tern to. &Cele : ,This siegular atniesplierf�:. freak is usual _.stelt . . • :on . this eiterneont. of . very hot- WorthingtOn's /11k/getinek- : • - -• • -Give the;Pars,guay's,n :plenty :Of Mate, beef "-m and andion, -in the order --owed as to their itiectadty, -ssnst bis want. are well -sup.. plied: 'Mate is wirer served at meals, like :the Oltia00.:leat ." with .us, but always an etteit-riageMpaniment Of . cigars, between meals; at:: bedtime,- end hnritediately- upon awakening in the -moaning. I Their forted.. yield A. wild 'abitudauce of it, native t:ietittires eipplart theist -tie with little mare on their verb; and mandtoce is..very eiteilyoultiVatedi "Little:else is grown but tobacco, cern, erenget and. ineleenthe letter, though eniall,r. of delielotts. -flavor.. -Coffee of esi. pedals- excellence . grow. Weill :in '• Para,. gutsy, but tbeteire only two or three coffee _plantationht:. the ,whole country, Banines. iand .pine-appl*„. are ales well .otiltivited on a limited -scale,- and. nowhere in _tbe World de they attain - greater- -prin.- tion, - Shtlf) off- so bang, Stet) by the - -policy. Of Spain and afterstsitel by that of the Die tatore, from all co.aiMmiistions ;with other - lands, the :PaTagnayans I have almost no kno.wiedge of foreign battles; The-iligais,-e Is eitnply perfeot.- Hat*. 'work is • mit re• quird to keep the' wolf from the doer ; and Withan womb* dance. and '-the frequent fiestas of the Chtirch to break the. monotony, -they dreemlite away tranquil 'fashion, firmli ; *standing themildves that here- is the true elysitim. . The -..Aultrials. eteamer Liss% bOundr-for Rouen, France,' has- been Ist et the -f closet Torimgal.. NO. Oetalls are - given. $he was alessel- ot...960,tons; It Is Stateitat thei -Foreign 'Office at Lei- den that: there fp .ne Until repOrt- thafthe Mt tquitof " Dufferinwonld-summed Sir-guitatt-PaguicolOtestWohingtow , . • . . SOME ODD OATHS. • . • We ere yet -Within the Amite of -the .Mistioneeind the fittest Old church theve leen 11 within walking .distance -:from :the Oaia GMeau•Oaphtion, rIbe :Wood -work, nearly --black- with age -1 and :elaborately, guyed,: IS especially heoutifults for the ex. .Fair GIrl Graduate -Why .4o they call it toilette color Mid -.fine lettere- of the Pets- oemmencement, pal • • • • guey Woods reader:them invaluable for sash .F0tber--Beeause those *he graduate :just • ptirpoie,- as well - as almOst. Indestructible, ceninienoe, . to .•diecover ',white they . Z00% , **song many traoes loft hereabouts- -of the knew is pretty :-sittsch st,11 there Is to Una * order that doininat d Paregny • -for 150 ihis life, '• year., aside -',from' the: patthwohel• oneteme,- one -.- et the mast): amusing .11 the wAY- the people - anfes0,: men -end womo-n, - with :equal '.readiuess, After the veheinent :feeble* .- of the fethersr.," 13y the Holy TrinitY,'.' -"By the immeeciote Corecet•t_iion,_ 44. By :the hentrails• "of. Jesus 10hriet.” :Ocolisionally One inn •11- the -.411. lege .0"-Matfrom.-.0iatriatiyet father inland,- dtessed isa thetoositume of Frioncle"..time 2 shert *est' and j ticket) hardly..covering the eheulAet blades, iskin4ight tip:wane And pokittid.het„Sizteeiiiitolies bigb,. f- • .TH11:41,1C-111DII‘ CARRY .404-ai - basket,O.Uthe.conntry.-is an eit.hide, :With • itS fOur. drawn -to- gebliet antl- fastened, se that hi*** be slung open a pile and :..-carried by two . min; or, 'more- oomnionly, two -women.. Every "ceneeivable- • eosin -edits'. •. is- transported thronigh. the Streets. ita- way, •even the pelvirlesd yerbs„ Metal* and Oisilistuntilti, etead af in bete. :or: bevel., es :in ether part* Of the w�rl& - Tnou0h- the country abetted.* Woo sadiron, hide Is .etillptbe faveitteletbstittitel Or ',both - well :as ter Comiteneemott. The gtinboot Dryad, '•ef 1,070 tone, Was launched' it the Chatham ,dociltpards en Saturday.- She is expeeted to tlevelep speed_of 20 knots per „ An experiment. with tin bars of fres eepsorated.by *-layer -of -chiral& eked. eel*. „ jeoted to. a.etirrent -051 anpares si Volts has resulted in Eine ber,-the tathede„ twin converted lute steel on tile tide isezq Ws* charadal„ ; while the other bar, :the sactdoil raniainedliniffeeted. This was after -three .bours of heating neasr _ the--cutrent; AndAs one of a -series of .:experiments •carrled'estit recently by. Gensler, -Which no likely to bead to bettor -understr:ndig of -the priteil- 'pies --underlying- -the_process ;el --oelivertlaye iron 'Into•Eteel. , ttntil repent rare alcohol; Watgeneralty -• - need for preeeryhig 'mimosa ef -fishes twit, naturalists, but .olitter things sre-zow Its p'ace, The_ best of these Appears to selutien et acetate of soda; whit*" Is on the filth each' layer ef the fish :being covered with it in tan. Pt Hesary d'Orleaiis used this preeervidIve rape and many other things. Nothing in ging bit. travois in Itide-Ohinitand .1. dram regime Is aisle- asteigsbiag to -me 'excellent. $ - - - , _ .7 tf, 4