HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-08, Page 4•r. ottland QHE LIB. RTX TO UTTER -AND TO,ARG39E FiREETX-AcCORDINa To THE DICT TEs OE CrNSMENCE WE PRIZE ,A.EQvE AIL OTHE ' LIBERTIES= L ` 1 oW =Doc! ath, -1893 Txm series of articles written to the Globe lege,: o contait° Moue tr ductio y Prof. iGrant.of._ Queen's Col - the .best policy for Canada, much _that .would benefit the . Itis -main points are (1) re - of the_Ic�niixiioh,expenditure ;- (2) re luctior .of :the Tarin so as to en- coura e and _not restrict ''commerce . �:of British .(4)-- ecal encouragement- - :l - to -select independent n ien Mr, -learnedPrincipal- liar���l�t.. Lucknow ve LOCAL -201P -GENERAL : Condensed for Sentinel headers -Best- chesnutt coal at Lawrence's. _Mr Tim Kirk -left : on Tuesday • to Christ has '- ,13o1idays with spend file . . friends- . Madoc. w. _It is important ,that all : c1iangbe. ;of' ads,. and items for.;- publication . ff -handed in on . -Wednesday.- morning. trade too Pa rannd 0n<Campbell _at.- a pair:of blankets. them b"S' calling' at the Roller Mills. h ors.e -J.. -The owner can hace .� —13e:.sureand .read`:L..Treleaven's ad this -week -=-Come tnn.d s=eeoar Xtiaras goads of all kinds Oiir shop is i full oftoys,- . books, bibles,. 'ete., at W. .Smith's. :There are. sonie,lines- of men's �.. at a very lo« :,:'. (��. t Gt?�Lts. offeri we are n:., to o many and, ,nnust. -�-�rlce. � we-ha�r8- . -- n 11.: n e C U sell thein.. -4W: Bissell Carpet Sweepers - _�.nas. _ ''s_• during' :the - X.i �t �I.a�vrence season,. -Jt: -w; ntnlcl be well to bear i t n»uict- that thel-uunie3p= ;l. rifiminations take _ t, y .-cic.- '2`..2„ not the, 25th: ilii: _ TE'.t'. tll_1 t date being. (hiris :alas. !Tm 5.c. 1;tS�'t�11�.0�` '- � tE`re 1S �trolt� t -that rt clues ii®t exp di� eti ses Iles , alicl other points m his 'rz, ilei abfe rel ersatlle --manner,. � n l iris, - v e.«4 upon . thew will. . -with ene iii apPror�rl- 'r • 11' 1 tell a -curves. res L ini Bruce 9 Frida December 8h • 1 _showin=g Pra ctical at rrip� �i are hard an when times Customers lis: we do - in all lines o r �i ',i cOmfort.in . �L .12Qod_' poll n1 _ . - 1 �1 pct a f , on cold day Alan in $1-r .. 'gene rl P�;al� incl tit [e ti,ii1 until .the - su.i er of 1.491'': ;11.6-: only inembers,•- o-_, an. • it, ,a Ts "moi lio �iie all -dons t0_ see. .elec }o11 are -a. fgw. Conservatives, who - _ s 1:im- an e`Ye: on an- oihce . -, her. Pa iia clis�olvec . anti :s. -ow..,‘ -h,- Lir Cis L . Give us tine doll� is and you: lui ie the•. c�l�t Connell: SI)olls `' -You will be able `to r.atlsfy at yc nrielf in- buyinC; a . nice doll I - Days. Ile has: a . deiy: %ac e 1:1� Y fain* - -of then. to -choose fl�_�rlr. --`I:he great storm- last springy . b).e wv b r i1 leen rs _ a ti le d yrs of -the -Reform party. r c1�z 11 t�.bars .do not 1 r •. s the >'1 gc�atttt of tinYn e �� ti lar e- Y -jull� of tl � Ylif3 t to cr Gflll tsll� - f'Ct on `rhich• i,; now 1ielnb lectio and .the Government naffs AA E; { . 1neasure respect ther.r_,wis es._ iz c • .. ! j l ein : the `case -it ..would -be-a. rnat-- II . .ter . sof econo-y for the douse not. to 1 r a revision - of :the- v eters' lists f 1895. So=me :p'olitic.iaxls• , not the - I - try, are cranierin ;fora , fi ght. r.. the ervatice;-party.s going through a ` and s: e. dy = Process of reconstruction,- a aps - regeneration, ,-and perhaps to perta h a. revision e tZn�e. over it.' �y tn. ,he summer -of - . --a d a campaign 11 be: ses yion thereafter, the . punt y for a hot contest_ on questions -ready- - "in it ". -at at the:. present; moment, - ria which. to -clay an � not. -on the asu�es- aerated.::. The. ha.be been greatly exagg .�� _ . 4 at -thing is_ to :keepcool. -. INTE �ESTI1�G NEWS. ord ant con �Ca ste • by _ the -farmers into `v q Breathing _ throu l the nose is the - c': ly .proper way :to s1eBp If . yon: w ka in the..ni;;ht and findyour_iliou_tli. at is to sell • g I,. Politicaand 4ti personal,, __ i - - Interest, 1It is thought that "Varliament X11" toot f or despatch- of bu ms .ab:thisttt is --e 25th of Januar and thats rail " � ected; is indicated, by = the- -increased number_ of. :notice bions The anada - Gazette of appli 0 F r4ew charters or- amendment pin, yes. _ Sit such notices -appeared- t issue of 'the Gazette. ---. 1 Tho: people "of- the iii ited States. -claim the right to - govern. themselves � -.--t_,�� .�n� �a the same tune General °pair get uv and`.5: rut= it. Skating will soon commence and �;Coluuil�us� �.ou should buy- the The are- the --k tem at Lawrence s: ' y latest, the best and the cheapest skates Made. —We have some of diose far ,jackets. for ladies still in stock Also f:ur capes in ;reenland seal and -storm collars iu beat' er, iia ria,. and oppossum at hard Conn�el. - tingle prices. --W.: : �IEssrs:. Geer a ..Mair ;.. & Co Bankers, have our thanks fora beauti- ful callscider cf the Royal `Insurance (onyany, of which they _ are the local: say 'the people of I:Ytwaii the xight o_govern theinselves as they please. ha United States is only in favor -of eople. doing as thq like when they like to do as the peop.e of the Iinited_ ates Ake to have them do. agents ire the =village. 1 —The cold weather and you shaaldprovide yourself with ill " Radient - Rome " coal stove and b4 comfortable. Lawrence has a- full 1 line of all the best stoves. —Censiderable:'• reduction' in the price a *ood this winter' is predictec4 owing to _the lark& amount of treet felled -by the yaig gales- we have haa this year. =Christmas Trees 1 -People buying presents for XrilaS. • Trees, will profit by seeing Ratify Days' beautif#1 9-. • tGollan' by the Rapid" MO of It display.Of toys. etc. before-pu.rchasing; o o o forks, -silver.' tea,: Idesert Jind r- tit*: spoons, carving setei; pickle' -forks, btit.- other • -articles- Ot. We inVite. ever Nierwate„ fancy. -goods of,every descry ti -on at 1 -laity Day'_s stbre. -ware, peerless Ware 0-4x fel( that we o Ye; yOu.sAebt of- rri•a-Atude the --very efficient and our assoei.atiou_.-- We iak.e this op,. portunity - of putting onr. gratitude in a tangible- shape ; t he Manner in duties appertainirig to youi: position, your intearity and- ieal in - have . for . you , the :confidence and eSterein of_ the- entire -assoCiation. The- pres-ent we -offer you _is -of no in, trinsi4 value bat is • rich in.love :and: .gratitude. Plep,se .accept rand:-witlt (;tir. hopes, that _ you _may" . long • :be. Spared, 'to :€p*ce: your position in Whatever vocation in life,. -in :;you ay be called tO... iabori prayer of your•---rdany : friends Jolts inc.n.A.Y one to Come o 1-4 3 • . � r �. reduced •:� prices.: offerrin at :wh�eh:-. we �.re � _. � Ad Liave-_a fewele�£�,. . :1Vlen�s���.r: Cots: �_ SQ are its are- ust ��: season. .- • - .: .. - - I Jade ayou- Want bargains - we us- a cal , ij thes_e lines g Furs and Fur, is °:coag - If ��er; • 00430()0000000, 04, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oo Qo ik 12, oe ere 0 0 0 6G14 jAb ieoov 41°e1 64.00 0 40. 0 0 0 0 cooiS0000000`0000001100100000Noovollocktwovaorroovoci0000000000000000000000g00000p000t;b00000.___Ho.9-011. -Th:e.I.OntUrin -GC) varnniextf. -odd -licensed. .This will .iiffect 4, clean -sWeep cinz only be with'. a.- Bissell' ;carpet' swee,per nothins -is nicer for a Christina. -sent If you.- would save BiSsell: carpet :weeper at -.Lay, bus:. to- .the 'and -meat. you. • e on the ,Main street -and will • nade ail)d any take you: any Orlace in town- -Skating for -10 cents. -7-Auction, sale 'of. farm -stu'u impleipents;_the Trop_iirty.,of Joha4tia Culross, on - Monday, Dee. 11 .-7---Arrangements .are after A.n3ther ;is -that red -.tariff - reform a-Crss -the line rnake it all 'the more for the.. establishroent, -of Degree lodgii.in. Connection -*I Wing. hanti:-.. The probability -is • lodge will be.institute e and_daughtere Of many Of the fellows in town are:- bocooliiig th en .4.44.044144.41 iner 00 • ress Goods, osephine, Ad. - 7' :tune and Albain arge -Stock leaxed at "some WATCHMAKER the.ali'dve Must and JEWEI1E11. pared to do- all kinds of Witch and. Clock cleaning and repairing. WANTED, 00,00 et .Fall Whoa 'Spring 'W Teas Barley, . Eggs; per dozen?. \ , :Pork per. cwt. Chickees per lb Turkeys, per lb wow liIIIRRET.S! eat, per bushel 50 to 52 .28 " .29 .33 40 1 • for Which - we will :-pav from $8.00 to $19.00. per thousand, The usual price for blocks will beIpaid. - MITCHELL B' ROS. REIM; CAME TO .TIIE PREMISES . of thii undersigned; lot 8,- cou. I, Kinloss on or 'about tlielst of August, a yearling .red _steer. The oWner is requested to prove, .pro- erty, puy. expenses nd take him away, of the bride's father A.shfiield, Dec, 6th; by Rev J Ke ner, garnuel Leach to Miss "Catherine, d ter of John Piekering._ --theiper thin the cheapest, • .111 6 75 .08 .06 BHoraiatdnme;sia.1.8`,:ri. p. 0::u.nd...1.41.1........'.80 to $1.00 Ila tterOnt LUCKNOW • OTT- rv Co. will be held - W4hitic..7.rch.C.retamr.x urdav,' Dec. 16th, at one - in file VOrester's" Hall. W)1, ather =portrait , dividen s -will be paia ana- 7ati,u1s, sha ii:e: business transacted. ,All 4 pasroeN.c7clially holders and othe.irs._in_tere_s_td Virbi echurch, Novi 25, 189B. 141-18 onl; 5' cents ea( $60 and . !11.050 bills10.10sacedi'i‘t$1:2°elach'ge,•n2u5in:j:°nfederate shin plaste:s10 cents each ; $1 a 25 opts each, Sent securely sear and SOc• S. Fdrsyth $t, Atlanta, Ga. 1.4tosnjittleiP9ot •