Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-01, Page 7• Ao• •••••••• tNatatiolls os to Leo hill Succeed ((WAGE OF CARDINALS. ••••••••,•11•••• Slow. it .- is:- i eetvedede • as . to seta.tioneeitv, • - Etes.,4,-.Ciiabers- 7.- of V' ar liat,ore4ting .. . •• ereeeederee ite • heteesteeta -e- vtliti - Alm- ' Elliiiir' - ---::: ' - - •- --. . , ,.. a,. ..-ng. feehre_healeli.eit 140- ,X1Ite., - -. tbe ' . reeeist - ei;aikoti9 -in the-..-Cellege- --44. eardiiaal* - and:: the- r7l.nted perribte:-....01.the- Ge4,Tnin - arid .Atistelen ..etiperertsti - to", . Iiiepare--.. f !:it-i$,Itt-le. .the....etedtien; of -ea, ..-Gilli)sa. fiO -the; ' iii4t. - sAceetker -,,o1::;-lab. -Potei beiviereyiye&-dieeateien -, etithe ptotbie`p rsonacity and-,natieii4lit,y er).f:- the ettitlure- :tzeatzbeth', :-.4 - the- •-.Papa4- Thterte-..-. .-'Tte-Poparilitasett i!,t repivied-to be: , Kiiiieus abeniyhis.an,-cess ir and, leften vpealts, .efiehe.de-ettia which be fe0t 07 be itie.*r;,.;:., The n),Vrix eree..,E4.cardfnals IneIntle- sei-. - oral prelate& of bti..ropt.uctug-alit.?,ti y-,-. meteblY_ Vresearyte -Log*); - -lc,,Opp,-- .. -.b.falagola. and .Guariele bite' thy d. !ti:FE, - t ji &Jr .0biel linport).- •. atice fiera he feat itteet their. creation .re-:. -sterif_B the Wziitec; bel*Ob. 00. feidito._ 8134 .itetlian 64ril-naiil wliich -tetmed at one. titee to' be envelatieti•e ei ... 7 _ • • If We. count Lupien_ ,Iletitiperte, horn set Rercii.e; ao' I, aliat%. lird .Teetaii •Ziglitt-ni, -.been in C ,ee-,,,e, aktrIrFeCrxichAi#44 -there aro. at: tTeirS n '. tee.........ie tittered' deirege - .... •- • :_-.35 letieeeeieeiee 28; FOREIGNERS, • . . • - - iseraisserp Air trui: 'iTririonsESa. , Which exist" between the •Qtairleel , and the •Vatitien.e Se, notwithstanding his great erudition,:_iihnity and -virtuee it Is adnetted. that the.' Archbishop :ifBolegus does toe enjoy; the Synipethieseife the .higher .hier- exchy, who are - eald te dislike r• eine-Pn Ate? Client of hie- Modetatiote. end -liberal . mind! etinetie, - • • . - : ; t -A third nromiteerite'caudidateie Cardinal Parrodte. President of tilieCollege �f Oar& Shill under 60, he le clear-headed,s erudite- and lifigeolette, and le -noted -fors_ an enterpriongeoptrit,--whicie :Might ,reisert, to vigorene inz1- even artotteidate-meesureeefer. the rehabilitation of the-PapailiiHe Welds no doubt,: obtain the -voice) ot, : the • ten -French Ordinal*, for ho maiiie :no secret et hes avneeethee -for• z Fience and -6f his, dislike for Gernitaey and Auseilie Thiel. Very feet, • however, *Veld be lit el et. tie-- array spit 0 hirnnob only the inOderatev,.bw),elso tre Weld and irresolute menibdre..of • the .Uitre - .mentette p_arty,_ who ethrizike from a et-01one sereggiet tbe .Q1211.1104, and ieottidrither .beer tee: Ills :.ihey hevesthen; fly to °there - that -thee:tree* reie of; .:W.hen.Arolibishett. of Bologna he had 'klehtepatatinia as etaina.• transtegont ; or and,opneillatibn *an thet). the. Golterninent reTued tq..iii7.e-bitn posses-, -slea • - of -the !irobiolitiedgal• -palace and tete :crig'49---of- 'the archdiocese. Ha .effett to 'teeing ..the. exequetiate :bole failed., Thee Peptereeogrdeieg ttie eitinetioe, trans- ferred bile to. Rothe. e He was made A .prirthe the Otitiretyfri. 1877, whoa.' ply :44_:.y eare 'old* - - • - - --• OTHERS WHO-, ABE _ELIGiBLE; • • • - . . 'IX thee eseitere bee Eeerich.-- fear + Seatilth .foureGerptaite tbeee Ansieo-lEtringerise, le o- . Portage:erste. two Peiisbe_ two litste- veer?. . 6 , North -444 the rieWil; one Beglish, and eine-..Beit •". plate, . _sOneeki . tee Poltee,.. Led.ttebri-eietk-leele :11- 7 German st...b-koti 4. ..the tiOkr.i.-. Dirreatiwskee an: Ansi-Aerie- .., The cis : dine:1n; . Aire': . ii e*rly-- all priegle, hub rex,-.311-;rdififit.s- ti's dew:melee. , • Tee. reeeecetefineit are toixe . of them vf_ry young.. ;Tee Archtishop .-of- tours is 75, :end_ Logtie tine- Mt.. legatee the tive:youngest, . were horn ill 1840: '-VT:oiLe: tie oii*-11bm;tto ._ tions have not iteee .ly ob.treeid ithe .cheye.6 tee ofithe Sew eil .. ollegi",. it: will -'yet _be .seen fetiei tbe : abate t hetet). ti it 7 atpitucle: torkerd Italy- t&trei haie be a :change during tt-e e past two •37.-r* -•-• At tbati tithe Fiance 7$630: :--in the esctiele.nise .,heeing ten'. -cardioale to. ii rep/ego/it-bee, tin.* ef -them. beleg: 1.;-.0,v-gerie lin4-.141f. rthelled• . Fri_.0011- _ hall:, . fetnce.:. then_ been, .e.te,s dey declevg in pit e.er. of iiittefUl; liege to her ailiette eed._G,retany; Rioteetant 2: and tepee -en tifenek, Ntiti bee heferisea'fa the 'wale,- ' Now Frat.-koehtsjyatseven ceid.irteii.s- ieeteod -Of teiit.,..- -• 7 • ' - _,..2, • • .. T'IL45-:CM, Ei, toss. eicemereires io-itett. . . Germeiey; M I W1416 «..itriiii-* at.:4 -s irlonr, _has elaie.ed.-vibee:Fcraetioteboe -.1i se.: ._ Gienittey.„ a ' -Pritteetan. I power_ - lei,. Prooeite. • la Cetholio owing, te Beeerie and ; , Seiropy,. seed.. ,whae,. . ever -her+ tell' glen may bea .ohe• ierfettnidable, tAtcl abeve .011 ehe pen ie. . eetiated„ upon" to : follow, one steedily one line of pollee.: She all alle e'veieb: heving, ..anit: the rlir.t.ticau , ioeciluteeibei.. . Bu*. while tbte 1,i1 erne, the' • ........••••••••••••kmmirmili••• * •••. • two °Ohio:ft; bar -bete,: eight Ter • ten porter.t and Minden: . of mistetegerie ::Bun one eaten:ice lecie .the building . alioeied reins* ePen, and:. that iit •charteeif pee-. *tie - unite? exercise' a strict stieveilleneeTatter 'everybody: Oleg in or out and prevent= thi-,\._e_ntranee -e mauler zad petsone: •::Tbeey Must exernMet the feed be:aught:Ur the eardinelo,:fot. thoptiipiete.of .preventingeoutside Communkfiation 'with thorn thieeCli this _Cliennel. • • Three deli after the otiMmenceinent Of the conolatei, if no result has been ebteicede theirteppiya:of hod: le, restrieted. - The rale -tiled to _pre -tell that if at .the ,end 4e ,diseis-ne deetion.- had been::=0(e:the _care diode ...wee,. ,tompelled--- subeiste epee - breed, wineandwater. But .during the: last:holt. eintury of tire --tuie bas . • • . • . been 'much. abated and. r-ittodified Beery moieiegead -evening the eardinde Meet_ in She chapel, end. eiseereteiteetteiny: by *eerie voting japers 18 iittibituted;_eteekt:to as. oe ft,h any eilididatee bee * Obtained the requirediniejority .of two-thirde. -70biter-iiamee often 'Ineettiened :; cennece e'en_ With the ths. pipet eucteleitin are these �f Cerdinals Eter.) Felipe and -Vane Theifiret.neixted it e venereble Man and. an Able Vielite. •:Being _Arcihbfebope of Turin, the :birthplace Of Viotti!' Eetanuelehe -10.0a tilendLy terreS members taf the Housa of Setoye an d license qtrentlY. *bite* ed to take liberal vie*: of -tbe ° ". Sardieist_ offenotis againet the Vett:mei; This ia• the one thingithat is apt,to--weaken hiez position 1C.dandidlati. Sea Felice-Ur:Arab litshop.Ot bTeplese.and lefatify witeehipped by :his:peo- ple, This Oen* eniliteiriely man turned oat tete he n- here when the -obolere ravaged IiiTeplee, : He went about ,fearletslei among the dying and dead,- Working night and day. - He exhausted his private 'fortune en- atone and sold hie jeweled crosier.- in: order . to help file poor. There-eye:two points- against Cie tilt:laid:Sip Feilice.-e e. e and hiss well known liberel • vtews• has recently :;developed . considerable titreteithe He tee. been Papal Nuncio to .Vienntiele. friendly eo. Anew d, moreeter, is e . • . • - - LEARNED AND. HIGHLY ESTEEMED • prolate: - Thos3 named -comprise the list de preliint _ prominea b,.dendidates. for the Papacet: • Bee iegniteptisoible that: .:weten tbe tenet for -44 otootion colOis ...wipe- of theta' will be eh -1)00e Repeteely- • street.' -oatididetes -''for.. the-:_hotiore-..of Stivereigli 'Pontiff betite-a otraegiebabit- of dtatippearieg ;as thee.- gees by, and the. Itellans: have .0 -• popular ',saying thee) the Mait who goat Rite : consietery teetia.pope.generally cremes:, egli a Ciar.. dinal.,_ The present Petite ffetitte :never ;dis need as •-•ti candidate ',before ' eltiotione Should a.tepettet. Eutopeap learelie; raging *hen. ithieneit Papal election :is Add' its' GREAT St M ENGLAND . t. - • 4 - not impossible- that an Ainerloiri ;prelate May be. oh cisea 'Pope the -Lite .:Oardinst Levigerie le .seid shortly tefore :his death • to bieve, ex -Pressed the itonvieetba that Oerdinel Geib-ons, :0:Bette:none weeld• suceeitel_, Lip on the Papal -throne. • . • • e DEATEI !NDED IIIS FA WIT:P.: . .$ ,00.D0 -CHRIS!.! "irittitteleetellon. In the New eternsalent; . 'lie • Tole s Reother-A -Vienne oi lte: e itaione Ia. • nite7-An Investigation. . . .-.1tONDouee Ni Iria.'Nev. , 4, --, ITHIN2 two . miles.i of . . he -pre'ity . village 1.1.'ie:,.. t:tir:;; rei t.'(;i5:, Pkgeniciai _ in . Mimi_ ,1.: Oakeil -township., fa .0 4" 03 little hatnleb known. 'as finyeere Rollo*. Its intiebitantt . in - days / er -gone' : by -1.ieete .ititileiY - ' ii bark :peels*" As ie. Ede :they . were- -tall, reined) 7 men, .who Were : '.giatets ;.- lie stirtingth . -as -- well As In adze,- Awe* the leading ifeedenti of the place e was. 'a...family named Kemp; emne•of •eti,e- • memitees Hof which' had :lived . in the vieintty for hell _a century. They were re - *larded- se . a- qieeer, ' religious est, and be- lenged teethe • 4 thentiog- Methodist ".olsese Ati rietivale and • prayer-meptings they were, alwees. in the lead, and the - Melo , 'table e ,hool hone : and -iiebete heielinge in . Which the limiting), wee held fel rly . eh ook when Ono Of the -Krum beothere itioie te relete his ateligionit experienoe.s, end. .c.).11 ' upon - the Lied. to.:coteedewn there and thenend blots ithern..- --- . - -- : - •,:_, ' s, . •." . seve:HE WAS eoep TO. FAST, i -. -030 of the mast) ardent .ef• One religious' fertatica -Woe . leatiO Krum, a .U3arried Men, .witili it'..X. pbteciren, _ • -His . Wife died a low ie. .yearii ..• ago. . Since. that time Krum- , 'hal i: been . growing - insane on religtone aid - with the last . few menthe clwime _tee have ; had. riterelations . from God.-- Inoneof these vision), he was told' that if he wealdfest forty days he would-be given power to walk -on weeer, He started elniselt-toid -died yettefit (ley, . having. refitted .:to. take i ny .1tittriebnierit or ke; attended by .aphysielen. : : , .-- - _ • - • e ktichard Krum, e brother ef the religious enblinsiest, liVei en the- side of a mountain, afreleit was. at hie, hetes).- thab: Iseec :died. Cortes er Faller), - Of this eity, Wee -wee sum - Meted .1 o e -hold -.en bisques% four d that i" *peetdiae stet .d. riefigicresiffeieseexistied in 1 Snyder Kell tv._ '.The exaniiniatien wee held at taiewidert king establielimeatin Phoenicia, , • se 4-fullY .206.persens, 'whoSe."cdriesitY had .heen arepsed, eteWded the email apartnient.' -*chit*, Who in.aleo an enthaOatti Bald. --. his beether boMe. to libel .in Angdet and -asked perniission to + ' stay at- his home, At the, -Same tiniet saeitigif he would net ..keep, him he. viopid go into the --mounteinie- He said his brother need- have no :fear that _bre 'Werildlie a burden..enhini, as the Lorateld him tceferit forty days, and he intended- to: •-do so. e Tbeehrotter -perniittiell:leth tie steer; and Webs -gen hie_ lepg fasie. • - ' • • • uch loss of Life. and Greit Dam- -4ge to Skippines MANY . BAD - HOMES - TO -NIGHT: - The scihooner Favorite,..- of Ilfrecombe was seen:last eight staggering 'long under short caretify al endrig -nee the • Beiteith Channel. . -Seen after ete. wee fine, tog -bled Abe dieskjeared4ren* Vilw. a•Wadit-Lqualk ledieeed the was .cpsieed spa filltdand seek; trartyipg eel en board down:With': her. -.. • This Meenitig the gale is blowing With .ute; &bated tiger' end. in shipping and 'insurance wales great feers are entertained for Tam- ed* off the - coasts. - Tug' boats:that Went out from the netts thisenerning.beve reaped a herveete • Melee :of them: hiaveieretareed„ hetleg eite.eow dism-tiitted7 arid rud-detrese craft of every description, . • Among- .ehe.. dieestere .alieady - re- ported ',ill! the • foundering of the Beibish etesnaer Baleen a vessel of 1 84iftene be- lensieg to Cerdiff: She:. bed. .a crew of. itt. persene.:: s.. The *apts.* and :16 et the -crow are belieeed to. have beenilost#.7 • Folir:inrY have bean saved. The -steamer is believed have beenesuelt eff-Lerdyes!..e. The . British . beeque- Leveeetoili- ;av.af; linec1404 itieth.e Tyne -ebbe' The 'crew, were .savtd: -by _the liffetteeing ore* arid . the beset •goter.dize ee•-••:- • • The citestieg toted .Jaz 6 Doaglan sehete at ilelpe:titetiCii, Her ()raw -Wits taken off. by- . reputed perptioe , of the . -Garman and r INTERESTING PRaC_BDITRE* Aziebrisin Propsrors to B sours be chides of al The precedtire attending :the °hetes of a Gormitit.Pepe elioulda be reeked 614 „Abet lhe-hi.rtst 04 p4**Ibilitit-e. :- The: next:. Pope „Way be arid doubtleSe. will .be fieteelly eiii: ilerrearie iretereste, levi. ye teall signs flol. he wilI,uot Claim a ' birthplace beyond:- -the:. _ . Ithine. , ' -- _. : The nexieP.ope„ like his - prede.ceitiora-f6e. • - Centuries past,••;*tli_ . -up dolthtsd 4, -, be Iteliate... end the• qUeetion of _greatest -*bit-. •-e3t_ ii,-- Whf.ob of -the It4lan cerie.iniile hoe teie.-.1e)- se proispece ? Aniati e wee -depend* largely upon the probe : poliircal 1 -tittle- - tin - of Iterope when tbe *next Pepel die- • tit* etionree :. e_ - -: _ , . . - IF wAIt . Dogs ig.oT. COME -. - _ --.,- . tlie.Rtimaii- elide.: *Ili .go en i-efeieleng and fondling." ifs, hope cif a restortatien. et tbe temporal power. ,- If ewer -. CREDO. and the Italians. are-deteaeed bhiese: hopee :Well-, be. steettige-bened:and emboldened -J. -end in eitheii : nese tee Feecred, Coltese wiit probably cheese one 'of- its- matt. eincem promi sip g members). ' In these iiendtetaris. - garde -nal .-Monfeco 21, ' Valetta, a .. eta. greet pleiv- and. the *oen • fidenelel. e eitieti lot 149-0 xm., :may be ch_esen.. Ile is a. Man of. apest-elicicii-taiact-e4i sitople :tad _loyat, *hem 7 tbe "-Realer* party . -Wouid . eceepee. probably,_ with. eery tittle_ . diffieuity,:becatieei. he -would .bnsit --.b.imleil priacipaly with spiriteat' Matters, leaving to theilt-Pin .na-aii mete -ere' relating: tO__:_the .. extern:4-gworinfient of: the- Church-. At .. . _ . -- any rate.;--tels is the ides -that finds- - exoteti- ilea in:. Rome; in- regard to him, - ..Cirdhial -"Mopieo ii Bishop.. 'el -0ittia• and • Velletele -edeacon-of !she Sacred College: andeeebretery . to -the Iteiy Office.. .; He .le 64'yearsi : old, and -ID the respeet of health bite ,the advan- tage of .all hie rie Ali.: He Is iniged for the .--pepeey_ by _those: 1,Jitramentanea who.' prefer • seto Meletain A21 itr-etitipet1031.13: _but passive and expectant -.attleirde .rather :: limo .:-. to actively_ seek eign Cetticee. 0- inti27.1).0141ilipn- °lettere° --for!. itte-r Prince Or. Ainstela•. ous Aeteeseieve - *Cardinal 110 a tee wes reirquete and -; hart - - farnies blood: be v.einte is 'a - hiatich of :elle • Fteie.ch- Val-tete/tea-whole ancestor Was the met -kalett -.who, as Greed Mester of tbei Order of 7tick, e-ceesfuliy:defended: Melte agelest the •!fietee 7 St118.it Splietneet - IL ; -The . -Catditial -12 a •powerful theteogiarta ,•and - expeet in. pab7 -onical Tio po.)itici, and used to boast: that.ho-tie*an r•4d newspapers:. There —ts; etioriger- figere in. the Catholic Church Otani. . - Ase other- .eoneptovoies - ciandidate Is Oar- dLnaI Battattline, the Arolibieltopef Bologna.- . -He is •-68 'ram old aUct '.sotnewhat of en but he is:Snorted by the i,•moder= moder- ates -whoide not *stet on the. restitution of the whole, petelteeny et _ 'Peter, but ...enighe content themselvee with the ceacteit d on of the Bp- Leonine City, together with e strip of territory .givieg--ib sweat to the-Looa. • -: - - •_. • Cerd.letat Batesglitil was horn In Sb. :Agate_ tino Pieee eeventy syeteret ego.... There -ie no otard teal. wheentere leseMhiett thft, present Pelle tenipsiaMent :and' ideate-. elite ileev Petee* le full of interest. e .Thecee.wasee tittle When the eleetion of • .tbeinipiemie head of the Church .was veatedin. the _Cardinal Bithop, •i! with -the .00e -remit of -Abe.other and eleigyeand people of ReMeetiev-! Jog also the honor due to the Kteg of the - &Matta PI Buis) this reciognitioir Of a kingly . • . . and imperial: tight' to interfere' With the Nips& .-eleetions :wee the. ea;inle of endless eeouhieee - -It .previ d to he a fertile source Of %sett Pepe and -oilier eexettenit and .fiaetly beciame so inteletable -thatMexander 111. - tookettVeyfrone the imperiallino the ?Zee* stwidi' to • Papal eteoietee. tied e 'geneial weal ilater o hel d at the!Leteriti, decreed t he electioe. ahonid -honed-14W 'rest. With ehe cerdinials.alone:" -.This Lateran eireeree. Was confirmed and - detelopedAt the .eiteniteil. • •Lyone,. presided ever tof Pepe. Gregory :X:, and en..alt eteistantiet features of--. the :eitscieline-theb leid down; etillebtaietela ell Papal .eleotions. •• - a. life-feetiiig crew.; * a • • Many mine; -- Casualties beim .te- -period.. Women• ...kee 44etting Tali. re • . • . • who inemedialee;liody. oreiteneentlea whiob eheceesithe heed of the Ceurche is Called- a conclave; Viet er ball which such:contention_ is held. Is -else designated- . by the genie itietieee. conclave:a: ' ° THE ELECTION OF A,- POPE • • .,niestibegin ten dayeafter the death of. --the 'lest incninbent -le is provided 'that • the el action either delayed nor .. pre, oipiteted ; fthsit the :electete. shall he in no -fear:for their perionalealety, and that they -nmet not be iseibjected-- to any ,e*ternal per- etuittion casting their 'Vete, iIminediately upon the death et, a Pepe -one, of the.eiecte-: tarifa- el. the Saered C liege neeifiee each- Cerdinafel the Pentiffe nclesnmi mens him to the cli*. whiCh:the Pope breathed -his last.; • - Tbe. must take place in - the seine- eity--. where Ahp;deathl occurs:, Shedd Lee.XIII. go teeMedrid.far an asylum, ei has beeieretienily ineeved, and die there, the.-ciencl%ve to elect his successor Would. therefore beheld In Madrid. Within ten dayee the eithcletie, must be.oenstenoted be the.Vetietta at Rome, .6r -some ether suit - Able building if it be heldinAnother - ' - telit voonOLAVni- _. . ‘have .A7ceinereitierees_eci forty-by/010We a,visaatife average • leegth. of , the Americati *Woman's skirb ; eove the aieseagels Jetty- five f Model -dterisee _Wade. in Pieta have to bielengtheaed -fee -ce stem rie. The French woman is pre. verhielly inhere), and tier Weaslee. -theorem's. With age. in - Nee/ York the: iinproiemeat of the sex -le remarkahliti. -.Whitler the mid die -seed ,women ..0.11evt ,incliriation tit grow • ::britedir iierose ;the hips and shoulders . titritegb," -the arm, fre- quently disfiguring . itiorpera- -tiope • through latielent eead itidnigFni isbito _We, 'the' graduate, the the. `iitiieessiey eteitnen,-,: :end 'the. debui antis. grows- 'Mogelikii- the .,Engliek- lady elegy leer; - Net- only le the - filen ,twoe o f our lychee Jonger from-1AI waist down, bee -tier .waist is getting lortger, her chest fuller arid her llinhe naFrOwer, . 'She is agile and _compadt, :and light - and. - grape:fel-4+ patitement/.. - Thte long Weide., skirt and _ rabbletie b.eletyle due to phytical exer- -ciefie-po rticelatly tenni4eyteg. quote an eheerter who has omittedetehlie- • to. do with theedieesing _ Of. the Be* genetatiftee. the:woman aline periodhits jumped int ciegeod condition, and .601de:bathe.- have IthiPt her go. TIN '-STORM,:.:, iptain Drisko's Bride Washed Over- eat But Saved. WEEK: OFTERROR AND HUNGER. -- Attired in a Snit Of thieneefitothes the Newly' - Wedded *tie sitared • eiiet; Suffering ni iheeitpwreeked-vrew--eteitenedehe :the .: Mexican. , New Yom, Nov. -- The United State,. otaiser :Sea Francisco .reeorsed :about a -- week ago; its .-dest,Infolon :thp iteriber-e. water -legged itibounerDrieke, - South Coest, by .tbe povel method -_ .14 raniming, :and teid but • the -eequeleof a: thrilling tele of hardship 171 which a woman, and a bride. At ,thet, bore . tbe eigere of a ,etorin and destitution. Ihiat -wavy proved feed to tible.bediedsiamen. - IewitiOn.-Oitobee 8:11 filet .Ceptein. R. . Di bike, Jenepport„ Mi. . takitg . cargo at ;Charleston, S. , .0., Iser jamaica„, planned -to take his newly' wedded wife on. - the voyage for a w.eddipg trip. They :Railed .. that deyiewith a scre.w • of ,tix men, in the - fee° of fair weather .indioetione, •but. when night _tame fiti, it brought rain E.quttlis which .dvveleped tr40 as:140M that.nmee -neeereery tateening down of the .hatchte- meet -reefing et suili`eseile efeweeie....ca,rried to 'steady :the . -ehip.. . _ • -TO sumo IONS MIRs.T.S CLOTHES, .At.midnight there was .ft hurricane,. an tbe .captain hole under tress -reefed spinnaker and:. mainsail. The wind Oen.. tinned te.lborease in :Violent°, and at -day- breek the ;high seas. threatened te aftwarcep the teasel. - She was put about With diffie :V.PehernMittiethdto scud underbare pelese csptaID want below, • and, - 'giving his 0110. -stilt- of hie own eclothes, :directed her to put them re); knowing that the -wieret was likely to •Aappen,. and that she .ivetil4 be tees hampered by-. wind and • water if hie feats were to - be .realized: tehe had 'hardly 'donned her -eitesnge costume when A wave - struck the •.hip and Whew her :sound broadside -to the :sea, Which .watbed ever ter dealt's' and into her .cebie. 'The., captain ..elintiNred out 'en Week, - ;dragging bie, Wife after there tying - a' ;kepi -.about her *Midi she 'matle tt fest to. an treit rail, which ran .ateaji the tep of the -deckhouse. .giant Wave at thee moment itbrew the teasel -on her beam wide,. ,.before ihivright ed the captain :disctiteeed that his :wile bad diertippeatede- He .had allowed too .rtueh. slat* rope,: _It-, was still Peet, • however, and he Wart able to drag her beak bruised end eiheusted, , e - ALL )1A11-136-14811...ED TO THE. PEOKTIOITS: The gaiter! 'teenaged 'toe climb- to the weether:. eel!, and, under directions of the otstitelo they .ontetway the Weather rigging.- Ae:000; tali; the Maite-snapped and went by the heeedeehe eebeenet at the lame :time . teealeirg hereqeilibrium. The were 'tRIED TO WALK oN-TE ette-eilie flood, • iitta eveter " and . all *hands lashed themeeivei to ehetop of the deckhouss, and tberelib.0-stAyed without food,and balloted. -abotio.by the sterol, which continued with -nnabv.tal fury until the fourth „del out, when ili.iinteted down. Then a ratline, who doeteliit o the dab*, . managedto nada can Of meat, and some bunting,. :secured in a - - sail beg. was ireprodsed :bite ;a distress isignal., Far seven ;deeteethey waited. On the, meinilig' '• of tbe 16th a bark was Ifightc41, brit roan les .* disappearing sails. showed . the castaways that they were net eeen. Hope was waning' When toward'. eight,: the lights of a steamship- Vzsre discovered. : Ib came; near enough,‘ -to seer theme eIt was .the Mexican, -Captain' ' AlexanderP. + frsein.• Ni-ve Orleans to , • • p00!..• ••• SAVED AFfER_sEyEN DAT% The shipwrecked people were taken .abeardeand were hardly More than made comfortable *hen another ittorm arose, Which Madethe ,siteanietis :pastage a telpPee- -taims one of Wee- _weeks: She orrtirtd at Ltverpoll eleget'en• day' overdue. : United States Consul JEND200 E. Neal took the Om:led In (large, and they returned to this oonntry. :en the .Etruria. Bsfer-e Ms- departure for his liSmes in Maine .toedeyt _ Captain Drink° was -seen -itt the South Ferry - -Hotel, and told ' _Story. His wife . set: aerie by and held her face very .oleata to o _ bear ,she was reading when her husbindtpld " .of her experience In man's attire, .7' Every few days Becherd itdv tied is bit' to -eele but het esitiVely reineed, oqiug-..bo teiftli4:44 odtdi -Chriet.". After Jesting . tette, days he ate a ieer meale, and then proceeded to a emaI etreene-pear the houree :end attempted to walk upon the- water, in acc.ordatiefe-with li-hee &Weed revelation. -Weak and emaciated front- the long last, :and drenched to the:Skin and.shivering from hieji#emptIhto. walk 'upon-. the 'water, .ho 'returned. tee brother's-.: house, -and looked --hinieelt in & keen: and. began' .teeprey- fev. .Vezielye: His exhortatiene.-ocnild bieheird- eotieidetablei -dititance, and Pereollo driving along the read- near the haeutie. stepped. to make inquiries as to the 'cam* ,,Th.OZ-'111/p0 '00"y- the :lapin° Maw tad his:.brother thae God had :638We:red eles prayer, : and had dieected him to fatie fifteen scleyeloegereend be granted. Waheenthe eleventh del, of ther.sidetid efiebe-When he meow - • — Anstenieare Sineeets'es... - Sine higimeggittiSofgold have:been' fouled ID Neit B134.th:.wAii. • _Among the principal were a ',tease.. :et .:gold Jotted on theTuemi- Riest kettli field8 In Jnlv, j.185'1,4nd.W.hich rieighed106jh, Or 1,272 -eine :In- Novein7 eziereitifite--eit. Berrandeng;",:_Oeit .0 iange, .aa.. °thee nueget was feindwetiehe when melted ab the'. Sydney in1ne; geve..1,1.82.ei 6.de/ie.:of vete tolde-of : thee. -vales-. if x4,389- 8s. 10&. A.:third ititiggete Called ennene V211._ Seid in 8,./dn.ey., *1.801 .fer .£1,156 In 1880- and--1882-e,iiiteIrel rnuggets .which -were -lune earthed etr--.Ti! mere -Weighed • frOnV-4,09- to 139 and iii ng,igete-- Were lennd..bl! sioki re in.everious partitote theseettnery, four of Whigh,:ieeeighine tenpiatiVeiY.;57..iitte 26.0, •fie ebtaltied-abe liatgretes ',atKt.--f0sObe4-,,AvOtglifitit 30 oz, at LimeiteetifeCteeitii....-:To weighing ioeiy-,:,4460vei.ed: that --Aar leTotiericl-.:130,-401 he. Mtidigee. d ititriote and --$0 Werth -abet -it *1236; • ' On tenth day salon* mise Is paid, at theyowled:onif which theemardinals forne ID proceasion arid -March te the conclave.. The:canclate le open to the public: during the whele Of the first day, and filendipt ths. deotera are parMitted -;teetleie then), At 9: eeleek theli ever:deg the elchnitd• everybody hi -turned pule •eicepe the •Oar4i- nals and s theirignmediato attendant • _ . and0io. visitere tire•:allowOd . to -.enter the _portals. -age* the elecitien If _a. Fopshas been declared. , The- cobelevfe 12 under, the eabeolutee -Charge . oftwe guardians. . .• Dee- of: these 10: a prelate, of . stand- ing previeuslt •sekettfcl. by the Sacred - College, and is oallad the gevernere ..• :The - ether Isa prominent- layman Whose offield apeellatien.-00. inershel.e. Etich . car - dinette allowed to heee two Mernbertief his eesiderili household 'in pereeed: attendance upon -.him. A number' of ether:attendants 'and irtiner ..effielale ate:alto there 'isst the Stateg,lionees:WEigianik • • DID_ NOT LOSE MS FAITH The °idyl person. at hie bedside was bill ---brother Richard, tO Whom hie dylug, word's Were - ' - o ' _ am'eteing..an I Will meet' -you • in.the New'iJeensaiem, Walking in the beau- tiful sere* of Cold." Auteagelte Wititeesesewern were a man named eCeep ell and (4.'11...Millhent, Who Iteleeged tie: the dente °Mardi were -iiitimete friends -6f the insane man. . men.. Hav.. heard of . ettange balIucIna tioli,:thOY went to -Rieharcri. -helm -,tO visib • Mw. : They '..edvieed bhp, :to take obato nont.islunent, but hardened to de .While engaged eonverseticiei :the chimney from etonitiaarin :teak fife:- :said to his iteMprinionee . • ee.- . • "Let it titre' : •If lt buena- traivii God will IrtiiirLee )enother. temple.".. Wet sifter inidnightltiet night when the jar" refiehed a verdiot 'Oust deatAtevie tensed a by Startationfregerelgions initenitye, Was burled " • • Netwithstandhig.the rietriber eat _Wiped.: ant. properties' that changed hands. the- 'eighteen,- it. nUy - 'Moly etei etiefirted Quit_ never • Were :there :Mere historic heneee- the market) than at. the..prepent time. leen, . Tlendingbani, Stedlev and Goodeich .Castrett, the • Ahheye. lof Co.mbermeri andi blettoni...liengrave=. Hall ande:Esher :Place are known to all students de history, *yet: they are :oily a few of the. aneiiiiVbreildingi ID -the betititty theCere. new -fee` 'sale. _By no Melina tbs.leat -*portent's' ift'the lateeb-_addltiOne‘.71.,Benwell '41theY, • limit VirOsten.8404/lari:- ';:•44easear-,-- Alfred the Gieat's .biographer,,Wal-Abbrit of ,Banweit. The Original etrtiOtiiiiiWas destOyed byrfire, ;but it was •-restered 'and :made a biehop'o palace in the: middle-.. of the 15th oentury, The Manor of Blinivell has -been.* the pea, email** .ef thi3:Biehess -• of 'Beth'eed Wolfe eines -the. time of 'Edwaid -the --Coinfessoe, With the exception- Of 'et, fete yew"- dieing: the *sign of -Edward = • -:!- - - ' The, Luoania had a very ate:my voyage, paineegere rarely venturing on deck, . .The.cifeen -returned -to': Windier 'Castle froin-Bainierat teday. •-• • at Landon have no ID for matiorfat- the -.proelahning :Of -1..)rince Pierre ti 'AltiatiteriVEnt pereirof Ward's Natural 'Stibnite- colleCtioii at the World's Fair:hail been sold tOtheColtimblan Mlieenni •fer $10(k000'emh• - - . an excesdingly:' 'affectionate nettage„, And is common service of the conclave,: including a. i'OhicagO said to be .0430f4000 behind ID •• - p • - . _ • • . greatly / • -saerist, A moniker i.frlar. to hear.Lsonfeeelonet- finsuicsi, _ • . • eVeiee-e-74-• . . ' TO Mahe- Casten Cloth Waterprititie L't "." d effeAtive prooeee for imparting a waterpt oef, qtteli y to eebtop'oloth:is; thus; .,dea.4.1be4'in. the Now •YOrk _ Dry the -11041cT their:A*14 in a dry beat god then .epread-: 'lightty. Over a smooth - Surface... Wks brush :tblais painted over with--aihin , coat of bolietli* pi; whiih, - after having be-. ceine..terfOotly dry,' le . treated .to a :Sabena coattetidi 'a: .eirird if necessary—plenty �f time -hetween each for • the. effeeei. of lbe-eopitration en .the fabric to 'beetitnetpetifeiite - After.' the last. -Coat has been applied, If tbe surface- eentehis-sticky, ixiiiettetelof :oniefitutth pound of shillio. to pint etWel et viably heated "n41,:nean the beillng peiriteedd Inc to this e _steal!, ettientite° efliettiti ammonia.. leipaintedettter facie; ter vi yellow ivaterp; oaf eibilettecihre is employed', and -lor a black- 6144 black.isiftierid tie/viewable. _''Theeceloeleg .niatter, it hi said; chii.be used There arieeteee few .ba,nicsfan the: peeifie •Wil4 the shellac. , • 'e. " Coati *hid' ..eonld pay A $25,000, °hook en hilace: They stick- ,:te gold. and aliver Out -7;..T*;,.,.1.2.a.016zia.d.eirs... • -. there,and !ship. tb:e paper • east, - - * ..71i.erektii be fre. •Caite a. new :Etiglitth The Geeek meat., owning the * pepereetelted the -BOWL etes • - va1u at 4311hr-1rd:in: rirt es - Le only $5a ton, iho :ere' .being rather poet. Weesrlic Storm at Seas • • Att electric: ;teem lat sea le one of the .darniing:experiencea to which a mariner: -10 expesed, babas a .thstter of _record itels Otre. WO is. hest:fruitful - in 'disastrous testate. As a "Stile,- ,procantions are -taker) -to Kneed- against atreitie of lightning, lope - daily ehe mei chant service. Ships of war are usually fitted With lightning cenducitiors, it -recitation Made neeeeitery by the rexeetie pivot:alit ored amity brtheig-magatines. Bob - thesksafegrear.ds &ie.:seldom eon on mer- chant teeitele and, judging hy. the extreMet . rarity wow' *here they have teen strtiole; -jack!8 claim that he Is Wet on the aboro during anleieotrical disturtaectmust be adretlited. *litre 'Emery was Retrebensibit, , The thief Magistrates of Athens.' weeo, chilled Methane. At firitt the. dace was longand'hereditary e afterward for len yenta, finally annual and elective. There -wfire .nine annual archout; and none were. eligikle linticitieens who -could prove three gen‘ilittiene:of free _amnia°, s. Every -candi- date must also:prove that he had nophydeal &leave:that he. had been' dutiful to hie parents, and served in the army and_pos- esieedepropeety to support - the dignity :of offifte. - 1$ribery wan punished by matt 'Mat the 'one bribed to dediceee to Oft• gods static) of gold eq eel In Weight to . .own body! , ta-tar'cwedb.yr'e,1.;,4,044)1.114.9PuPYllheindtlel'achearv? jthHast lives by Ms - • The-asi‘seed valuation of New York elty ID 1862 wk. $1,828,264,275: The city tax levy was $33,8215,80% - Big gold strike reported from Dena Ana • Coupty,)4exi043:, - ' Bevi''ed14;•.$*- 404.elthwii Xerk, le not frro _1 • • tit4 .•-• • • ••