HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-01, Page 5a PRES-BYTERY OF MAITLA14I1. Met -at Win bam .NO -r. 21st, Rev. McNay., mo erator. The _ Rev..- A.: 4indlsy, Super tendant . of Missions s ; in Muskoka r Atgonla addressed• the Presbytery- on Mission' work in.the. • territory which he .:superintends :And ,the needs of the field- at some points •,o • . churches and manses- erected ss•�� QQ hW�l7 .- 'With' t _ els . as, risible.. The s,s lit- led y p _ Presb: ter of AI _.:oma -a eals for aid •' ' g. Pp = ur thins behalf: This Presbytery con'_ mends' to the- congregations in its: `. bounds -the cause advocated by Mr. Finl y A .PP lications . the distr pp y = Lucknow Sent ne r ce eoujity?Doom t: the:commit. probationers uron congregations - next .q:uarrer of Galic supply can be secured and if. not no tiupply is - asked` for Huron. For : Moles worth one-. €ourt i supply ly is asked,: and; for White - Church � _ - � n church three Sabbaths supplext n_ quarter. Rev. Dr, G. _L..I1McKay, -of Formosa, China,: *as nominated Moderator :of •next General -Assembly. ionrammmems en You: Come A "report onn,Young :'eoples' :Societies in_ the : Presby tery • was- read. There are ten.Chri`fran; 'Endeavor societies -others in : the Presby, terj. ' and. three othr Y The ' Presbytery_:. expresses : sympat ah with- the: working-. of; ` Christian . Endes-- b _ . 6vor societies in -the-. bounds. • . Itci viAtb. resolved to ask Rev. Dr.t 0. -L: Me .*o visit:.congregationl' in - the .ter -for : t4vo weeks. . Mr. the .P._� p F.-.. Miirray was appointed -to communicate with .him: Those -desiring a Visit will apply to, Mr. -Murray. - The- .remit on representation 'of: Mission stations:in church courts was; ' approved of. F . . _ A committee -consisting_ :of,.11►i-eser *McLennan, Sutherland and Murray was appointed to draft a deliverance. on the • remit on .:the relations- at. colleges to the churches and report at. next Meeting is ittee-consistin : of Messrs. A eomm� $ , - : Anderson, -Harrison and: � .Fairbairn,. _ Quaid was appointed;to:draft a. deliver-. ante on the -remit on. recommendations of-Hym.al committee and report next : uieetng.. To . think of • it' the holiday. season- is uponon us. _ We now have : .��.._: .P. .:.: �:-new �� -oods: Special lines. in . g .for this :season's trade... ` Novel Ink Stands ties in Silverware,, , -- `Jewel.'Cases, Pie Knives, Child=: ren' s Cups;Flower Paskets. -peII Handles;._ Sugary,*Sifter; _ -etc..:•at re -markable ;low. -prices.: 00 •}+ ++ ++++ ++.++ +t = Handsomely dsomel bound velum Tennison, Burns Shakespeare, Scott; Longfellow, etc. for - re sentation. Cheap =presenia ion': picture books : for ,children., . Staple Lines . Of • " Jewelry, and. Silverware Pa y and Annie- Swan:. Books, Ladies'". Gents - gala -and =and Gold gilled and � � . ,. Wa aches Fancy_ Bibles: at -Prices- , • ta.-bring: them within: :reach` for marriage gifts. The Canadian Almanac : on hand, 25c. p r-priceSubscriptions taken for; all news .papers and : periodi calsi drt The Presbytery expresses its grati- fication at -the step. taken by: the : On- tario Government, ent in askingan, expres sion .of the public -mind on the question - of prohititioli of the ,liquor traffic and . would ur upon.. our people- to : use -their nfluence:'and record -their votes _ in favor of prohibition A conference a to :whether the -Presbyterians in our ° bounds aro supplied with the means of :.race will:" be held next :meeting. Next meeting will be held at Vin ham- . an third. _Tuesday in January:: at .11:30 a.m. . ROlil este ,ate Boar. IRM -SERVICE • ,. HE ; UIDERSIGNED: WILL KEEP for service at -lots 14, con. 1S, West Vawanosh, a pure bred Chester- White. Boar. This, boar was awarded first prize at the Luck- -now fall uck=:now-Fall Show. , TERMS -One dollar for` the ,se. son,•. strictly cash. Jon- •MCNABB, -Clerk. n uckow, Nov. 27th, -:=1893: 8v f a_ atEllEtERS CONVENTION 1 T &ODE:HIC] Mr: HHouston, .clirectoi o-f'Institute-s_ a s -e. ate' ° aClT m able lecture on the subject, ` 1temaniscences _ of .eminent Canadiansthe Asseubly•::Ha1I of the .Collegiate Institute' 011 . Friday nighf. - 'Latta; e P esideut; retired • 1034-74 .-• SMITH :BEDS. Lucknlw P. O. • 4 ter 1st- F: -In- the. Shoe Lille w.e are at:the top:, You will :find :nothing bitter any there, and=.we a able to offer them.. at right rices. We are .trying: _al-: ch the.topin. the wa�B to res "way of shoe enterpr--ise • This the :. - ear - that season ofy .:. everyone:- wants • warm as- Ns TRESPASSER - tJNDERSIG vEDHEREBY gives public notice that anyone -found hunting: or otherwise trespassing upon lot. 13 on the 13rd_ con, .and lot 17 on= --.the. 4th cop.., of .Kinloss, ;will be,':prosecuted :according . to law after this notice. . -. S• • d A. McKINNOW, MCKIN•NON Nov.. 24th:::1893• :. u fa ::car of Mr: \ter- of Ilens.a1. .:.- Bre n: - sustained :the. !valor : _f the north --end by:a -choice ya �t �=wl�tt.1�� � • lMis Puy i o s of Colboi p, is.vice-.: Presider for 1. A. resolutian was passed - that the- LeavirJr and. Entrance be re= ANCE:- kPr�m$l5to : Is to place to :make yon :selections in - 4 CROOKE RY, .G 11 ARE, ROGER ES PR0 ` -shave in stock the. following : Apples' Blacking, Black -Lead Blue 1 Baking ;Powders • Barley;, -pot - - 'Bath Irick -Beans_, .:: Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit - _(Coffee; Confectionery (fanned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, loaned " Cern-meal Currants Cnrrie-Powder } Cream Tarter Cocoanut Datee - 0..1 Flour •- Dried. Apple Extracts Fins - Fish, canned Fish, 'dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey . Ink'. Indigo- Licorice Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Lard - Matche . Mince. Meat Meal - Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia :• Nuts alwayibn hand. Nutmeg . ' Oil..olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat7Meal= Pails ' Peels Pipes' Pickles Pearline Peas, canned Pepper =. Raisins Rice. Rice Flout. Sago Salt Salmon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar Syrups Soda Soaps ' Spices Starch Strawberries, canoe Suiphers _ Tapioca Tomatoes, canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermnice]li Vinegars. Washboards' Washing Crysta Woodenware Whitin Dinnerg Sets • Yeast Cakes -. Dinner'Sets Tea Sets Water Sets Cream Sets ' Berry Sets Toilet Sets Goods delivered to. any _part of the town. HUGHES :"`IS: THE PLACE TO OBTAIN .THEM.;. Button f Buckle Overshoes, Shoes, Felt.. S ardl an Overshoes and `Ladies 0verstockings.:for :the -__ ,. Lurobermen's Rubbers, Felt Boots,. ArrADIAN ''PACIFIC :per Week ELLING OUR. HARDY- CANADIAN: grown "Nursery Stock. _:Highest salaries or Commission . paid weekly. ',COMPLETE -OUTFIT FREE..' Special inst etions to beginners Write: this week forte ms ta -. - E 0 GRAHAM, NURSERYMAN, z -' Toronto, Ont. t. vershoes and Boys + Overshoes and Lumber. Rubbers. PRICES GUAR_ANTEEL: o . THE. LOWEST;. _STEE-R ,ESTRAY • A. CALL.:SOLICITED. •urs Truly; Special tut on Mans' 'and Boys' --Long Boots-, undersigned, ldt 18._ 114. St: glens on. -or abOnt 'Of -September :IaSti • teprovepreperty, pay experis -and: take: ESTRA TRAYED THE PREMI ES OF as tO lead to his recovery be st.iitablv reward ed. 103372 --ztlY"...3-ifioaeilles. in training, • _arid cOnfederate • • lit r'Columbia, as011, regazt, a1ifonia IN. 19URIST SLEEPING OARSToronto seattle Without change, leavin TORONTO. EVERY FRIDAY DAY OWER Will be paid for all kinds oflogs at the above Mill and the farmers of -the surrounding townships Should take. advantage ...of the fine weather and bring out. all their idgs ae-7-Soon :as undersig. ned has a. InImber of pure -bred Lecister Ramb Lambs fOr sale .at moderate prices. They are all fiist-clsss lambs, all will be sold cheap. RCPARS FOR SER White Iinprov6d Yorkshire 13, ar, and a Suf- folk Boar, at Lot 8, Con. 7, Eastern Division, of Ashfield.. Terms, $1 at time of service, or 10 -cents extra per month if not so paid.' Dungannon P. • proved machinery. Larn--,-now- prepared 4o 'turn oat work -on the -shortest notice: • Until further notice. BENISON AGENT Leads theln{ all for. • Groberne 1 AND-.. NNED 00006. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SwPFCIv�..LTY „Largest Stock, The Best,Vaue tapiable m Lucknow. • - t3 IMPROVED orkshire Boar For Service AT T CON 11, ASHFIELD. filHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- I.. chased a first-elass- Yorksbirp boar, will keep him for service to a liraited number of sows during the season. This anirdal was awarded second Prize at the Lucknow show, and is a really first-class animal in every point Terms; $1 for the season, Positively cash at time of service. These termi will be. strictly adhered to this season. E. Lane PARTIES EtRiNciNcLocs,-- To the mill can have the lumber or shingles. home -with- thena in ,a few hours, trial° solicited. and satiSfactioti guaranteed.. ReinemeMber place -.the bid stand at the 12th con. • BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE TICE Trespassers -and Hunters giveS 'public notice. that one found :mot.E.;:90:8 stern- '0#0•74tot.: And other tested remedies SIPiCIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Impure, Weak and .Inipoverished Blood, DYspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, 1sTeuralgia, • Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaunaice;-----Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per -pint bottle. ProprijeteolVir ae-nUld McLanE3aDdtgurer. Sold by Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. shooting; hunting, or otherwise trespassing, upon lots 22 and 23 opi the 13th emi., and lots 22 and 23 on the •11th con., and the mirth half of 1(421 -on the 1:3th con. of West Wawanosh, willl)e:pr3isectAted aceoidiiig to law, after this CHARLES THOMS, DAVID PATERSON, -No,venaber. 9th., 1893, FOR SERVICE armors Attention o_obtain the best prices for it is to your advantage .to use FINE LIVERPOOL.' SALT, and bring.it to -market in rolls. in .tubs. Crocks or pails at this season do not. brince RS glood prices. _ inform the farmeri that he. will keep.for service this 1-eagon at lot 12, Con. 10, D.) White Boar, This animal is no relation to his former stock. TERMS —81 .cash. but if not paid at time service, Zif.25_ For- further particulars, pedigree etc apply to HE UNDEIRSIGNED WILL KEEP 1 field,a pure bred Berkshire boar. This boat was awarded first prize at Ripley ind Lucknow 2nd at both shows. TermsIr$1 fot the season., Strictly cash. ItS A TEils a choice line of nursery stock. Com- plete -outfit free., GoOd pay from the 'start. Previoui 'expe'rience net necessary. -Write at Once and. secure territory . • Alen to work for us .‘vilQ -desire to Liiak.e, ..tinies, Excellent chance. Liberal pay: you have spard tinie. nut of sessmaszszemcvmstma..-F RFD E. Y0.17, ROCirKSTEm., y. FARM F R SAL. • • EING 40TS 21, 22 -AND 23 IN TIfE 1st con. of the towpship Kinloss,, con- taining 150 acres more o.r les.s. There is on the farm a good: new frame house 26x30 feet with kitchen 2048 feet ; also la-fge siables etc. There is 100 acres' Clearecji fhe in bush, and is all kirly oielf fenced. The place -is well watered.- . The centre part of the north half of lets GO- and 61. containg 20 acres More -or less, is also offered. foi -sale. On this laid there is a good - house and laTge barn • -:and• stables, all in good repair. For further particulars -apply to 1 •