HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-12-01, Page 3ho.
. ••••
Initiation ef a Freshman Into a flysterious Greek Fraternity.
- •
• _
Nerve -Trying • Testse-Thriee. "jellied" sea
elinided-: into..the eleetelietiees. Written_
in• titeed—ittetted Lead: mid-. lies- iron -
must be exercised so that none of the fresh-
men should suffer any real ineuryethe herald
blew &deafening -blast- :on hip horn and the,
field) viotim was beetight in.. - f
eBeferethis entireties he had .been arrayed
-IN 1118 " atties-nz - I
and then, under the guidance of the *weeder,:
he is brought into the inideli of themasked
estiemblege and . trade to swear to three
:beiiigs=firite that he is not a member ,Of any
other .tellege fraternity ; second, thaii his
motives in eeeldng -Membership are when*
-just ;--and third, that .i2 .he .tiAds hiniielf
.nriable to.. iteuiply.. with _the eeremeniee of
his tiation he will qatetlY withdiawland
never ezeveel elithe that 'he heti "leen et
_ heard. t • . . _ •
---H6 Ls next told in .sepulehral voice to -
follow -his guide and .on no. account *Jess
him," or. seme evil thing:. will --befall-
1.1pttairtt and through the entptY reonei
they go, ited then ciewn _agent,: the ewe.
&Amok _ `‘ freshie" .keeetng tight - hold ef his
warder ;until:at ta 'turn -7-6n the lower. floor
. the place el eloth he do- holding mid ettlie
tlipe from Ms- hand, and the initiate 'finds
himself alone. • ..
.For a moment. there 'is- 'silence snob es
proverbially belezigi to the.graidteand 4 then
iefreshie"" hears a Low and terrible voieet-
" Give the password l"' et.
litt+ing been glean no sticli. Weed . the he-
wildered•lad can only murmersonietbing-to
this effdeb, but -betake thee Werda have left
his lips there is a chorticef fiendieh'yelle.,
beebaritin. among ue, What .does. :he
here?": ,-• _ - •
Then the helpless yenth feels himself-.
tested hitherend.yenfrom -Mtn bo natin..e• _
Fhielly --there is -silence, and the 'tiewfel
voice again spett
' "0, -freshman, We must learn if you post
seta the courage tiefficient to 'becoine a• noble
Greek, and so We have •
•- . FEW TESTS '
• HE -college fraternity
is an. institution _pecu-
liar to • the ,Amerlean
college. J N owhere
abreed, - evert- in Ger-
-. - ntarty; Itther.a the uni-
vereity system Is go
develened, mit
we dticover an. inter-
7nuiver eity organiz4tion
which so unites- under-
. -graduates of _different
cellegt.O tuTratt---rr..al tie, wnose influences
are fIt lo -ng alter the college days them
2. selves htive heOetne hub mend:its ef the
. • _
pest. - . - - •-•
When _the - kieahnlori, than - whom • .
. mortal; unless It is: the college:. sephomete,.
.hes more of hayseed wiscLim eaters - his
-college; he finds inanyeot the upper class-
- _ Wen are extremely e.ttentien te hint, and if
he beef an obtervirig earn of mindeette "sees
ditplayed upon their vete cart/tin -inysterie
- ous little \jewelledpine ef vedette. -seapes
.an -d= Blass. _ • • e - - •
- is -ell -a deep mystery to.. -.him--
Al scene one kindly Informs"- Iiirn
that ee urbane upper classaien are mem-
bers of Greekleteer sectetiese the . phis are
- their.- -insignia, • and . thee purpeee et their
being so coiirteeite to the freshmen is ta
. get tube Ma good greciese and, if so be he
prove -eligible, -invite Min tit becteme one of
the mystic Geteks. -
We .wilt. sitppose,- then, that some day ene
freseman-will recetvean invitation to Join
ene—ef these someties,. and; elated with -the
ehought thttt he is net te be of the " bar-
-berienthest, he sendra hest* 'Acceptance
. -
Time pekoes, - perheps._ two week, et. even
= three, he vaticus rimers " ebonta.
alguat -wad ether itra-age,
thing, Wee ooKtvaxed to him by his future
bo -hers in "suot"a way all to MOO. the. 9-0!(1
chills-dnce af:tendance to one another up
and -down hie spine; .
. . THE DREAD DAY- 6-g -
le at hand So, not not Melly years ago, in a
Meetieehusetts -college town net a the -reseed
mile4 from tett hube. al the untveerace the
rebel -time; whee, in. 'college i:Ialrl_anbei had
pledged te. Oteteitt freternity tveos.e
teisettreich from 'ecaan to eceen, received
the following- notice one morning; -
,Copy Of resolution -S athipted- by the Delta.:
Chapter of (klieg& Sigma Tait. - 4-
Whereas, the proeess of- time it has come
to pass that the_ enerny'hafe been put flight;
and victory has perched on the. banners Of the
-just, thelefore be it resolved,- ' -
Firstly—fhat we do hold our. annual 'tear -
Out,' otherwise initiation, on Vriday> evening
next, beginning at 7 o'clock and;contin.u.ing
definitely. ,
SegonalY—That we de ,•our annual ban-
quet • on. Friclay. evening, beginning at Sikh_
tithe. as shall -please the „beys and continued as-
and a dull psin in ,a bared arm. s This time
a piece -of beefsteak suffers; and the only
ire•n applied te huinan -flesh, is another Unit)
Of .bie. -
And, by the way ; if itertatn local 'College
soigne* ihould adopt -*lett* of brandhig
iron. in :piece- of the muehtalked -of- smoulder-
hignigalbutt, there :Would:he fewer men in
our jcolleges marked fee life., -1 . • :
1 Bitt te return to the itioPitytti.
the barbarian take the -kat,
.and we wIU prepennd- suoh questions -is they
knowledge," . • : • . •
Sent blindfolded, he le ledtto the chair;
wittitb.1 on. firat acme— tete. tante,. shows no un -
Mend prepeetieet - • •
"j0.fresletiten," siert- the •Voiati; •gesepeak
andonlithe tenth:Pass:01y lips. ." - Haw.
old:are:then:1" :
wonders What drawno. engine it may
den y it
tieeme as if' all the-- thunderbolts '.of
be, at is not lef long in doubt, , -for
the heavens were colleetedbeneeth hini,and
he makes a Wild leteetfor freedom from the
volletneet crater en While& he haebeenseated,.
while the. snip. Of eh° festive eanneeteraaker
eiteras to meek ab .hli discontinue° from -
within the -box. "
Next hale. led into ti „Otani) ieem tand-
egitin allowed telook -about him.
finds • -himself in- the - Middle -of an
atiftetlent.htieg Allan black and lighted by
fonr hideoen- skulls plebed in the :corners,
.W1i01113.eyea of light •.tippeartee leer -ab him in
the temiderlinesie
. .
intialinitio signs on the badge ,are
him, andother masts known onl
-Greeks, and ..theit, eager for the
given amMk and gown and mints
the fait while his tine eolleagttes
were putehrengit the inilL
• ib Wits Wits bread,. morning before the
fienhman had gone to • "find the
gulls," and it was attired lob of •collegians
who drove -hack to the college town --late
en Saturday .afternoen. Moro thin ene
undergraduate: was- tardy at chapel - on.
Sunday morning, and ettepielonnly "neddy"
during the dooter's .worde of wisdom, but
"All's well that endWeil," and it is
inteh bellage prinks as -these; . and not
the Greek:. end Latin, that they • learned,
which We her wee gray-haired "olden*
talking- about over a. pipe of .a wintet's
• .
Which yon must undergo; fleet; the sword
of leeineeles. Let the .freshman's eye be
unbatedaged, and :lee . shit* behold the
Ordea1.4' • . - - :
In the centre- ef .the figitree 'shout
him he Bees ewe 'chairs; and tied to the very
top: of, their beaks, ": with its- betted :blade
gieeniing in the - blaze Of red . light; le..tt
fiendise Chineitteswerdet Over this the voice"
-toile him he - Muetej neap:: His eyes. areagain
-covered. With .ehOughtite bettet imagined
than _ -written, the .eaplese • youth diem', a.
iteig breath, toilet:mins all courage, and, with
ieshort etep:and preeligLetisteep,. hecleere : .1
hothing,. fee the -weed and.. Chair, were re-
inevideislie 'Wes blindfolded.
The _velae.4118 -him. that he has done Well,
end • thee no.* _the -Tell ordeal Must' under-
gone. _ . •
RC; is ledthetside. -24he mein. and
all ibene him tweed' as 11gravenfront Meek
. . .
blot- One -meted, on , a . ieleed pleefoent
is regarding hit*. intenbly.ehrough. the eye-
holes in the:lento-41i to feat -eke gezte -teem
thine eyes seems: .plereing very
soul. Behind thitifigare the- fresittein • dts
thiguithet the *fel . outline; Of a gallevole
a: gain° tine and'a;eheite with: carious wire
ehent ib. .11e. wonders *hate new..tereure
Able 'can be. - • •• . . .
. Woe be tante the hepleei yeuth, if, ab elite
itinctureeees Was the ceee-ethe indulges he a
eittle levity,., and replteetttSeventy-finie"
for then ieseeine to hint es if for eiteh -�f
hta 74. 'win:tuned yeare. e -septa-ate pin was
rising protest -through ithe. Seat of the
OW, and the ." mantel -piece'. need" again
coulee to his with.raneeved: force. -•
The 'Wei hetteire :if the studsitidt:
-With Vickedlittle.pine,- 'has' anewered to a
gentle hint from the foot of the warder, and
liatt.prompityt wield work. ' -
It, however, tie sometimes happens, -the
inoklesti youtleis-Ceneleter and"..entiwe.ett ehe
arab few queitiettette te Agee wealth; • amid,
ideate, etteticOrreatly, hie mettle -delayed,
-tit- the . questioner- .00mes.:ta and.
Ilion 'be- asturad there-W.0'mile Orte'i t118
cti.W.TtON. •
seme Facts *Greta Remembering.
Di. Williams' Pink Pills for Pala •People
are never seld -in-bulk, or. in any manner
except in the'. conihinfe spot:dal boxes, th.e
wrapper around Wei& beareehe firiestrede
mara printed in red bik on white paper. •
Anyone . offering a Pill purporting to be
our Di. Pint - Pals for Pile
People, which deee not bear our trade meek
and wrapper, ie guilty. of fraud end sliotdd
be aveldecit
Remember -that the formula of _Pink _Pills
isiknown Only to eureelves and any one who
claims he Oen .supply you with pleb
as good" at Pink pato because he knows the
fermela,:is an untruth, intending to•
dodder° becaniethe mekee a littleMeee profit
on the beg-xis...pine_
:ftR Jhoda, -
. Sops '
Tea Mavttde- Spice'
s •
i Starch
- Strawberries, canne
Sulpfiers .*
'Tffl Tapioca
.. • Tomatoes cAnned
. Teas .
Tobaccoes •
Washing Crysta
Dinner Sets -
Yeast Cakes
Dinner Sets
Tea Sets •
Water Sets
Cream Sets
Berry Sets
Toilet Sets.
'Theta- hae _nee yeiebeen discovered any
other - remedy :"jeat as geed"- as. Dr.
:WilliamsePink Pate.' This is amply proved
by the -thousands •of remarkable cures
_wrought bythetr. tine in alt puts of _the
Dominion.-- When dealer euggeses that
'yen take s'emething elsa. which he tells you
18 kis t geed, he does so hecatisa he makes
n.tote Moiety onthe imitation ho is trying- t�
-induce,you be take.- - . • - •
Espeetany beware • of all •ether se -called
bitittil builders and -nerve *nice pat up in a
sbyle ieseinbling the gentiino Pink Pills.
Toes, itre -these', -• worthless, and perimps
datigereus intitatecnite whose makers hope to
reap pecaniery ed.vetiletge from the -greet
repetition enjoyed Williamo' Pink
"Pelee 'Some ef thefts iaittations ere put up
'his:style as clossW. reseMbling the genuine
PiniePillpitakage at the imitators dare go
viithotit:teoletingethe 'Ittese and the pnbile
:should_ etweye be an •their gilded .against
theie. 'When- you for 1)4; .V6tillianite
Peek - Pith( fertPale People, "see that our
registered tee& meek is on the _peckeget
end wader ne ..eircaMatenees aeoepe any..
thing "eltie, • " •
Acit_petrenize any dealer whe does not
einhesitatingly gore your exactly what you
ask for. Teere are ether-deelees mihe
-You-_ °Minot Dr. Williams' Pink
•Pille.-from.yetir dealer, they will litigant by
-men, poet- paid and securely packed,- on
-reteipeof 50e a box, or $2,50 forsix boxes,
by. addreeting. the De. Williams' hied
placed with his head ageinsii a board nailed lerowd about wee win Lr.- enough from
to .ehe wall, and again. the .bandage is re-, the " freabit?' to tenth the lever With -clear
moved. . This time he sees. e.hotrid figure confidence. : . • • •-; - - -
which might -well poise for the. spirit! rof -evil e " Ho,twithout there," says the voice; g.t
embodied, standing ale theteppesite side of the lead _melted t •• - •• , •.
the room, brandishing _aloft an appekene ": Aye; - re:Meth :like milk," the
temehawk.•eetei lttite glimpee when _antiwar.: .
hi e eA are -agiiin oevered, - and 'in * a tt‘ 7no *ell:. brotighte -0 fresite
moment he feels a little wind Millis cheek
and • •
• -
into the board beside hite-e,eee Three; gDiell
he feelit this breath on hie oheek ; and:hears
the hatchet cleave into the -wood, _end it it
safe to say et•thiehirdeteeke hisnervee are
rather highly ittnng. - -
. .
intuit your mike tese is lie
fee -the 'spate et five seconds et falling In
and tneinded fie •
in the neighboril
the beet repreeenit Part of the -town.
done to the orete '
by ' the clergymit
Yendie ! Renievethe:bllnefold
Theistartled °Yee ef-the freshens/1 see a
plumberei pot, fell, apparently, of .nielted.
Lead, betake hinit Hieright bend isseized,
ittikeed open, mita the running fluid is elettred
The hatchetilt 18 needlees *say; is used from midi& mile hit palm. .
t e C rres din lby a Guth who 'Amide beside him and the
Thir y th o pc% gSecretary•
be instructed LO inform each, Member-elect_oZ
_ aforesaid:chapter of aforesaid _fraternity' of
his impending doom, to *ant him of the error
of hi, ways, and forthwith to Make_ such pre--
parations . as will insure- a swift and speedy-_
burial of each corpse after the afore'Sairl night.
Fearthly----frItat the Corresponding -Secretary
be_further instructd to send downtoGehenna
for a eiteciae. ieed of sulphur and pktchforks.
,FifthIT--That the goat' of aforesaid chapter
- of aforesaid fraternity befed.on blood and. :to-;
mato cans ;until within three days of th&aforo-
said night, • and, further, that :his horns' be -
- sharpened by:a file specially made for the occa-
sion',- - •
Sixthly—That a*Copy of thee resolutions be
sent to each of the aforesaid members -elect,
and also spread on the reeords..
, •
- - KETC1103.1 AND „lakILLE'lli
' ' •
None ef the smile* Which. (tee may faitcy
:stealing over the tepee of e hay reedete Oates
. to _theae "-fresh* as they puttied- tabs
. . . . .
- -
' I6 till had a terrible meaning to - them,
vzhicki Made the gloein elude hearts
deepen and. geett term est .the nemeleit-
dreed _that hiclheen growing in their -hearts-
. - • -. -
aleteee .7. • . • •
Wee the_meeniag of those ear -
dodo smiles end evil glenteiethey had .seen:
bestowed upon theme
. They . **Atte*: meet their fate, but like:
tine- apertima,they registered many' mente1.
resole el3 to die pane, it it cams to -thee, as
: their disttirbed imaginetionsewenldtalinese
havethem believe.
Oa the: fatel day.they received:44011er
. .
h.reath: et wind: on his cheek . comes from a.
fanin the hands of another..
New- says the -Voice 'tee ,ill omegas
. _ •
must be gif bed . with Wisdom . - its
Courslige, It is -necessary thole. yOtteshould
clirah the Oniple of knowledge tio.levhiph We:
have' attained. - Let hiin betled ult."- •
_ . . •
Up he,
clinibe to theatthe and then a rep°
is. put inen.hie heads, Which icienti to pone&
font' above. ' . -."
"This rope, 0- iteePhyte," the leipicce.Cen-
-titetitite "Lathe only way to this 4templii of
knOw4dge... -Lottie nob - thy.- grip :lege- thy,
betted be deshed ect pieces ...One ithe teritet,
t r •- r.. : •
- Uphe gees.; . • overtthend, uetit it
.as if tie -mteit" let :gee and eltehe -elm°
he heara the voieett theleW farther
and farther away. -He must be at aerhil.
he: imagines, - andeeniltie. tclimbs
deeperetelY„ but apparently no :nearer . that
beets- e . creek-- Of . breaking ad, a•sliont
-hated-temple; he thinksi when. flddettillY he
Irani the 'diettenee :"" "Catch .hiin - the settY
. is -breaking." The • rope: 110.:Makes :a
frantic tclutohetipWeed,' and -.fells•e--about
three, inches, landing - hie 'feet, - .
t•The tape was. endless," and _ Aliening
through pulley hitched to :the 'reef --of the
_ttetio." -- The- heyieslovily crept the
.corrieri:of the teenie-.eelkittg j:40: twhisp.eq3,
which- .1gave. the iimpreasiOnlhati. he .,w40
leaving the e ground,. _while.' two strong
filloWe; not five feet from him, paid eut the
rope whenever he got near the:1040y.-
Another -et-ending: neae, bioke, thiecle
over Me knee, and that was the 00ignal "foe
these Paying 90 ehe rope to. lee go. - - .17.41la
"The innete..teetleede",conees
. . .
again the himbe led. below
- -
• .and-pitielvaely deberatter --With eltuliseotc,i
eumnioning them to be.: on Mind pet:ineptly• '
et.7•Velosik p. in a certain. dark corner
of the college. yard, armed with dear Con.
eietences and .thtirtutglit shireet t • -
There they assernbled 10 the. peeper time
• eed- were - met by an array of =eked and
hicleoutly 'gowned figures, who prentptlY
decl and btindled thini,inte an exe
' eountr
ie. no
hapless fres d here, (tor, arz
hne-n. m h
on and hustled .• them off.. into the,
to the -tune of such Bengt as were
calculated to diepel the ctietid ef
en settling &et' the heath et the
One verse is_ quote
-tug Thra?- C4-eorgia.") :
$wing out the grinning skeleton,
Take oil the coffin lid: • -
- And -screw the Freshman in it
'Til his infant form is hid,
For he must know that he mut do
Exactly - he's _
• For - Phai in her ancient glory.
• '
An it fitittOtelies his hand he struggle's
_ .
frentieelly.te- cape. but invent, and before
he- realizes that:Ooid ineroury;
or qtiolteilver,- is harinleat:_ When . taken:: -ex
temente- andbreathesagain;
Lee the neophyte eleagetnenty brothers,
for be is fain to reale!' he hears, and this
time he. Is planted on a entail boXt
e -Bat theeppreaslvo silence te broken, the
judge opeakere •
• - et: e
"0 neophyte,- well and 'bravely beet then
thee far- steodotie tenet. Antever, me this -
one: clueetien,:and if thy l• reply - .be • geeing,-
thOti alien , speedily :be. tnede One; of Int
mystie-hende, • Tell Mei .haiit thou ever told'
anunernthrt. •.'; - -
The honefr.eshiets heart is In his mouth,
but he manages to let a faint a_ityee".idip
: He "hears eedeee( 'gide* from the
figures aboub him. Had Me answer been
"..-stuik. a lie Wont& have only histened
hie fate
."" Brieelieetiensays -the-judge " •not
fleeing- that -eneht an itheuld be of me,
andyet:. be knows too "much of One "- evayet to
be illoWed to. -go hem*: He muse die 'th-e
trlplo death. . Is not my deciaitin .
Titer° . is a levetninineur 'eft-itetenb, end'
ready handa 'teed • the '..trembling youth - to
the efelloevsf.: The bla0Voap it palled over
his..eyette He feels the cod tightened ebtine-
libienetiL „Thai* is a moment of aWftilititute
:Pentieiese drops feline -eat& 00 dolutthe
freshnianibent 10 lieheiL
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah'for old Phai
-Hurrah, hurrah, andmayshenever the, :-
While luck beats pluck and " Preiie's
1' And the "profs' are high and dry;
We will tone* her to glory.
En trent ef an Old deserted house far aiay
from the .city where the committee in charge
had. been at work for the last week en "off'
hours arranging infernal machines,ette, the
waggon- stopp-eci, and the blintiftldecl ;vice
time were ennebled . put and -.placed on the
shelves of empty dosses all abate theheine
_ -
They were. toid that they were tinting on its
eaves, and a move imeant certain .dinteli, and
werejefestothe pleasant :company: ef their-
. _thoughts, -
Then -the array of black -robed figures niet
In one of the empty' reams- and reheereed
the 'Cakes _parts in the ereenintes -tragic
cedy, and lifter a final - word cif eau.tien
from theleading spirit- as to the care Which itt. Therein the eiekly -Bound
=sup ON THE picON:OASKET:!?
'Down .- stairs • . he Is led; Wondering::the
whje Whee . neWsMachintitien- awaiting.
him. He reaCheitlie Diem -which :heliziewe
in the .,ki.tchen,,.for ..he feels"- the heat Of the
• . . .1,
stove; - •-
.tt Reid cin" some 4t4ejihOitt4' ig. you :have
made a mistake? 2 IThiet'e ;nab the ecasket,
We the ettere: r . -
Bat before the victim has . to
_stet:mg% be is solied -in. 'strong hands, . raiied
stove graving :Mitre evjdont in the Mtiati
'time and placednpona cake of .
- ledoesret take much- of -"a.itretch- of the
-Integtnitehin to make .7 One who has this-ex-
pitibizianthink "'lie he will bo Obliged'to
eat his: dinner 'Off the Mantelpiece for -Weeleel
tee .come... -:
"Verily :: the heed :of the barbarian
sithiWiehitt him. Lse him be .refreshe
h!sseivn blood," 10 the try. - 1
He -is stretchedett a table. Hia arm.:ifi
;Wind. There la ai-sharp 00nOst1on, ait ef.a.
knife on 'hit :bleep,- and. something warm
trickles down Ms arm. •
The "knife 7.-leeittlY it' piece Ofise, an&
the :Witeni field le only: heated water,1;0_
g frethie !!. times lisle; att. the gamete
' the irete:beeted-red hotirtheheerie.
"Yea,to white -nets," cOnien ehteteply.i•-". Let-
htretthen he branded with the itisetred:ileal.,of
Omega SiternitTen."..: • . _ . .
•,..A mcintent of finspenee,,,thOn. the initiate
:Ctin feel the heat et the lien .being 'hiretight
levee of the I
was geode The .
some cif the nttais,
quite clearlyth
as the sohocil
country. • TUs them all . for
the/ erigtnel,
h .mor
e at the vett
rare -orate-tereet-AND
:The Ohelreie, Lee t--
iat u
14.r. Ltghthweig
evening. :We
-reeve for ...Met
.the oi
beeb of
mre°11,1 1.§.111(.1.8 it Season.
04ndfliuit w
then ereehatim, aeLQ
shetkling humor""° •
out vim/ere-mut f
and peeketion of
can bring . theme
any body or perm.: •
- Me, Lightiveigte;•A ,
f- Stoek,
and friends, I an
I, spay; I am glad _to e,
meetings,. They presto &cods,
among the diffeyei, '
these meetings,. the t :
teditts an4 Baptietje B.CS./ Pim '
ptelreeitf.oini.amYgeis.iidIezt•a:tdr;:iicALio. ' .. w.
me:atingle Why. shone::
in hientionytw:
for one etenineon end: -,i Les
it'en Milady -Sleeps. .
Never use anything but light blankets for
the -iteds of babies, ..children tqc delicate
adults. Bete etrong people can . deep on
fitut, but ib leAtiedom. -tO keep .= the ;body.
deemed night and day in lame :materiel, se
11 ettitinenre 08 perfect respiration for, the
akin as the lunge. The:poeee are breathing
ergateit : :There .decided Wait** -in quilts
I a,.
I atirglad tote- hem., -
have always been•goei-77-- -
your tea very much. - 1 n s
(Applause.) - Yeti are tw w
please.) These meet. 1-
Wife when I was leaVitV. ELOVaIor
have a good time to-ni -. ' a
and I ant having lb. (r—: L.
. . .
I always like to come tea remedies
And tut reamina ardee*finme A.. N, TIDOTE
planate), Y
• heard about an rriehnit .
to - go. to the fate Nnpoveris'hed Blood,
alwayi likete gti• to fids . Palpitation of the
The tipeaketythen wen; 'Neuralgia, - Loss of .
in the singularly Wit *Consumption, Gall _
hi whieh he began. .ley and Urinary Pit:.
and comfortables„ felt, akin • rugs, leather, lefby peroration were, Jfemalc lrregularities
e. .
atleiniPte that Woe - GODERIC, ONT.
the chairinininteodel „ M. McL_EOD
.10134 *leo Ailii.iloltietor and Manufacturer.i
touched f
opening menienigays and A. B. Congnain -
oppreseed by the! -weight of unsennary bod- be here." • He titer
' •
--rabbet' end WaterPreefe- bub. enentdrepeties Inge. •- "I am gled to . •
are had, ,for the.reesort that,. baing
Viotti, they:keep in .the .emanations frost-
. the _body ;I: blenkete. ,on -the ether hand, are
woven, and beteg "perforated' allow
theekeidatiene te 7.pesit through. -Delicate
piople, -light.sleepere and siok persons are
• . • .
conies theeverd.. . • .
t He is placed in the outlet:ie. chair. -A queer
cap 18 put on his head and keine tin shoe" on
his -feet; thin he iestrapped itt. ..
Firab he feels 'airlines: priottly. einitatioes
:running over -him; growing. -,mere feeetnene
and &terming.: untll the full:power of the
doctee's ,galvanicr battery used 10 reaehedt;
Ib stove and heti *Abound, .
"Thy body it very tenacious. Otis -Soule
oentinuee the judge.":111tou 'mint losethy
head."' • : , . .
He is !aid On the guillotine: :rack." and
sicittelet tied there, -hand, beed.entl•fetolt. • :
- Above) • him he seen. tee tin .blade- of the
dreadful knife : which, -t� tiff Ievered'imagt--
natioli;!: has alt appeeranee of bhe finest
steel lie theditneeepuichral ILgnt.--"
Titete hi: one.' squisanink Moment; then
eke:knife:Mei. and: stoke': one -Inch , from hisneck. --
. Hein :brought again before: the judge.
We eininit kill him," tsays hji guard;
tewhit Shell We do -.With him • :
"Lee hint be bound• to a beard- end -east
from yonder wind�w into the-. Whirling:flood-
below, and, ontlie broad bosom .of. the teee
gulleand".klitiWalien May make e feast Of
his: nosiest- circa:04'2 ::"Oeirtes the.reply.• -.go
feauliime-of -again - •
• • • • • • . . • . - • . • .. • - •
Atter several setter per p n o
clothes, -which often peevenb. them from get-
ting any refreshing -Bleat), -
it beetle women who- get up in the morn-
ing feeling exhanseed and tired will-dlepensee
and .dedared that s
latlest As the if ttentlou
-creased, he math t
"Where weiddst--e.---
wish _1 gents and comforeers :end shoddy When the .. op
blanketr; substituting an all -wool blanket .splendidrand -trigbest prices for
. •
and -Sheeb, :and leaving';the window epen i hed.ettbsided, tt your --
-top and beetomethey will soon gebrest and ' the supper tab
jecuperation from sleep; ' ,. ' - - ' . full -tot he yak fr.B.ji IR,
: 1
mastem-stroke -
Beebe, -.Edmee4 de . Rothschild, whose IrFathugeril'ibedvoewniirre,:' a:clvantage tcc use
th.gebiltricoonies in-ridestine.
latig4 butrVERPOOL SALT
premixes; at Constantinople has been of e
keri 3
en; j'gr ieto market -in rons•
tra from 2 lb, to S lb, or
al . Crocks or pails at
ena,,asoia do not bring a
mitertal advantage to hie t:olonists- in a -, , -The a
°seine,' hes_beaght a large trace ef peatiare 'lent
.land,the•persottel property •Eif the :Sateen, elle
itearthe Jordene He . intends to found
there a large Jewish itelonyee Life and Iles
property .t.n . that region • havebeen, nen& je
moreeciare - within the- lest fifteen yearse-
then fermar-ly owing to - the important It,
military station established there by the aid- to
Getierninene, -which has also- constrained a. teVer
bridge ever the Jordan to feeilitete ;commie- i -The cle _
nicotion between Jerusalem and the valieys.:_soeri
on the Other side of that river, whence the'it bt
Holy City obtalns Most of ito cereals. , An 1- he
iron bridge is now ;:being built neartSitiona,ke
tin the mad liebween the 'ferniertown and I to
Jerusalem road from Jaffa to Shoehorn, and t
the road.has been iniprove&
•• kennythittheatilet"Gas ltirtift
‘ A Liverpool hotel , . has. -. pub - in 8011-"
petiny-ixethesslot gas fireei Thie 'setiliete
applied to the gee nupply, so thet'01. # I
tile grate canthe twined onwhen et.' . ..
The expedinehe has been tried : in
. Omni foe tweitte months, and,: the OS :TO ,
the hotel.
aete-liew-to be put • into -every big li,eela for
' ' sb'i..eld°:i CkEiel)stillr
. et. .
-Ti:kfnsfi:uaii::n°.)- relation
the tarty settlers. _ 3:AelvthieErs pAarLtTi oul:rs,
-. tA. pareY of '2.i exiiirjo • . . ' •
miners ere about to he.
etch to got to -Africa,. . -Belfest P0
matte lots of moneyt ; -. , - • • --
Daring an: raverage ':$47,
lettere on which the .pint
'paid. or • inetiffieientty so, t
ittendent an4 they are taxiamorr. : FOR,
of03one:• 17,000. •. •"•! stock 08i0alnit-...
. - . .
..The sermon_ Which. ippears 'm
thWialliTeip'flint:fws.-0Lhgrokithaitte,sointe.,684.1,1;...v7:0te: .a.t.
.110:6Onetifste. teittetit t.t. ,.thti4enth. er jcbeo!e N. y.
. . . .
and abiest•before he knows it, is Whirling
through the air ab a. rapid; rate teemed bit
".diconi, he thinks, but in twilit, oily :takitig.
a Whirl" or two on the pivoted. beard *Mob
Makes- np the prineipal• feature . of . the
attrilie 'ymichine.,_•
"t•Thie is the Iseb aet tn-- theetioMedr. ,which
end aspirentethenght eo-many tiinetieviotild
. rove a tragedy to hint.- • •
-rrlareleased and led te. another-roomt
A, good -old -.lady tieid. ht
. •
poor.. preacher.--" Tames, --
-tinter the ministry ? '44 •
palled;",he aellevered.': tt Jae,
,Old lay anxiously, as .etto lo
Where the eacred of -the featernieY,•Iwipieg her speetscles, -It ar."
the grip, the pse0word-, _the meaning ,ef the. •-svasn't sem other noise yeil
• • I • •'• ' • - • •
v1eu to Work :for 'us W0 desire: to make
1110 fair winterduriner Aft&
times.' 'Excellent 1 chAnce. Liberal
"pair. If you have spare. time. %it of
. work,. or looking- for pa,3,ing buguess,.
write *Die At -mice.
'FFIFP • YO1.41KCVL,N1 u rypi
TS 21, 22. AND `..r.3 IN Ti-IE
1st- con. of the township of KinloSg, 'con-
taining 1:50 -Acres rilore or less. There is on the
farm 23, good new frame house 26x.:30 -feet With.
,kitchen 20x18•feet ; also large baths, stables
• etc, There is 100 acres &eared; the balance
in bush, and IS all -fairly well feneed. The
place is wetrwatere0... T1,1e- centre part of the .
:north half of lots 60 and (51, containg 20 Acres
MOze,or less, is 'oho offered for sale; •On. thi6 ,
land there is A good house and large hart"
and stablest all in good repair. -ti •
For further par6ulars, apply to,
.•Lucknolv. T.