HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-17, Page 5= of z I Bruce:younty,-.November-17th' L�Clcn�wSentinel,:..:. t SHFIELD, COUNCIL. .Ashfield _ Council met -on Thursday, - r . ail present Nov. -2nd.. _ Members - checks`were issued-. for. the-- following amounts : Jos. Griffin, . Dennis Sul livai. and .-W. -Stothers for _ selectiig .jurrors, each 4.,•: W. J.. Irwin: :ditch . F .' tin. E,; B., $1-, John Andrew, for :.ravel,, $3.28 ; A• Bennet,' gravelling . on Sit B., $36.1-5-; Wm. McWhinney, - M ne; work and timber and- work at -• Dungannon t . . bridge„$31 .Geo. - West _ gook,. timber . ail_ d .--work at- Dungan 'lion hill, $5.40 ATaylor,; rep. bridge _ber, $3.60 - t his Mill $15 _ A. Chao: -Robinson, .for -timber, .} Wm? • .McK,ni ght, rep. _ • � _ � can; culvert, $1 S. Pen4tland,. rep. •- .1 {1.50 -: Thos: Young, ,for Amber, .$12 ;'_ - . � � .- '� lin . S. R. 9. -Sr,: • _Jas. Y. cKnlght, grave 10,, E ..98 ; S - B. Saunby, for work,. of dei=iation:: road, $15 ani .e John : urdoch. for: 'gravel, $1.04 ; •- filler = _ cutting'--- hill an S. RJacob. lV , � LUOIKNOW 1VIA RKETS. Fall Wheat per bushel.:• • .: 56 to -1:5+ Oats Barley 4( Potatoes per� -bushel 56 to Spring - Wheat, 58 Peas ••• • w- tub 1 to 18 B1}tter, per 1b : dolls .17, - :15 Eggs, per_dozen.. •, . • .. • Hoy- per ,ton • .. y . `: , .... $6 to --7,00 $1.75: to $2 25: Flour per 'cwt . • •-�.:.:; - Dried apples- ..: Tallow . • . • • •- • Lard- Pork,per :cwt Wool per4b, . •`. Chickens, .per Ib • Turkeys, per lb Ducks;'-. -per ib f 9 ST, 10 con B, -D:, $78 • W. Misner stone at . bridge _at . his Mill, $7.32 `= (r $1.64 Jas. Thos. Cannan, for ravel, - Pierce, insp. job,i. con 6,- $1,87 ; S. -Burke, gravelling. -and grading con. 6, $14.71 ; jas.. Bell, work, on' Misner's insp, - Bill, 0,22 ; D. K. 1 lton, Insp: g. gavel, S. R:.6 & 7,. $3 751; Patrick*'.Wallace, rep. culvert; c' n.10, 1 ; Jacob }'Lille,', p 50 -•D. _Camp' grav--elling• oil N �, $7. • • • •- • • i •. • ! • ✓ r 4rto5 12 $10':_ 05}: .08 . .06 04 :Geese, per $2 to $2 5t0 ' les er barrel •: ..... . -to Sheepskins . • Shorts,.. . _P •, • • . • • • • • • . 50 • � orts, er cwt ..... r 41.00 to $1.1 0 ,OQ to $1�00 tc at •. Bram - - Oatmeal, `:`- Iriv inn piles,, D. L. bridge, : 70 ; bIl is N cerego =: - for stonicln' and. : repairs • ,s bridge?,- �, ; 11.- McLeod,` �.. to . Garr�ek � ut irl� , >r g • v lling con:;: 17; lot 4, $14 95 , I - nt a e � � �.1 Q. 1 cL . rep.• culirert; S. it. 9 & . 2 .156 -Nis ::_.r:ep. two. cul�'etts, S.-4) .. , � +` j & 10,. $11 ; rep_ culvert L_ . d for- stones abdue s lver� : creek, $15 n - rep. culvert con. x,1-5 J..D.. Rutherford,. p $4.75 ,D o a l d- McLennan,. . for: _ three culverts, two : on S. T•, ,0 : con. 14,arid nN. B.; Jacob . -� 1 i j moi• : for- 'stone • and- repairs to -Cul- -Vert Qn_ N. B. . $4 ; -Jas en -Drnan, - for N. -�• •. culvert, - con. -..12o , lot T0 , -.$14 ; -ifeclieft, 'insp.. gravel_ and stone, at.: S•ilver:- Creek, $3:10 ;. D. McLeod, for .�I � .�3Q.15`•• gravelling at Silver creek,, 1 . 1 eInsp. Mcli.. • Donald- isp.: ravel oil $i.25. ;; -Duncan, •McRae, . TT��{{ - - B., w`'} . � a. , _fir ' A.,:.;1,'iC- 1 6 & "_ L2 9. feta\�:� :1'�.. Derinot gravelling- con. 12,- $30..56 3 ; J€5. Drennan, -spikes, :-arid � _ - B. - insp. $3 �- D. Stroud; i sp �on N• ; ., Sas Francis Scott, 'for culvert,: con,. 10,- $1.50 ;_ Chas Sa�v. -- s- foods to the Currie .family. county.= �, ; Geo. TlhuiloW,= stones aid Ge lbert, $8 ;. Jas. - :Scott, rep. a � Pori Albert, IL. insP.. D. L.' _bridge; .$3.; . ` Drennan, p bridge g 8 6 4- 1,.$2.. . to u Dile S • John Ki ia,trick, ove» , bride, con. ,_ •.6Q . and cutting :troller . S. R. E D:; $3 ; Chas.- Stewart, l.a v eilin �-. on S. R, 12 & 13, •_ �ra�'ellrig-_ $1`1.10 .:John: Kilp-atri-ck, -g hill - work ' i�; J.:4 1,-1,1•: �,°T�l ,-• t . lila •Karris• _ 1 '> Lt � - f o P.2250 .Joh11 1 t �� it., $2:50 to $300 TORONTO 1$111,RKETS2 • y�ih t red 56c • white, 57c: - Flour $2.50 to $3.20. Barley 35c• _ to- 36c. -Oats 29<,• Peas • 52c.,, Dressed-I-16'gs $7.00 to 7.25 _Potatoes steady at 40c. to 4' ' . Butter' -20c: to 23c_ Eggs 22c• , c:- PLJ LIC NOTICE IS, the place to make 3rour e.selections in CIASSWA:RE, .CROCERIE. :CROCKERY:, G Apples - Blacking - .Black Lead Blue. Baking Powders `. . Barley, pet - Bath Brick Beanns -Brooms :Baskets Brushes - Biscuilc Coffer Confrctiofiery ., (fanned Goods - - Cocoa ` ._ Chocolate_ Corn, canned Corn meal: . ' Currants - Currie Powder • Cream- Tarter_ Cocoanut... Dates. : your health =to �—pQK toy rotect �our- life itself, and p - Y.. .. . r -_ he � cold .nd lois:' feet fron. i.-.• • ' - t which will be. the. principle we.a=bier. frazn, this ate' • _ . :just . the-.thing- headsipois:J. .. ear f@r this season: of the .y a • .• • - - y a -stock too hea y = -season :and the times, for ��the se - . . 11.: Reduce .it L aha OST ON TUESDAY oT L SOME. where between Dungannon. white enevelope •eontaining`$25 id bills a largawh . . e; promissory mate for $13 , -and "an insurance` ' of :.the � West �V.tawa,noslx Insurance carde-ov -- ab he. t C`onipaa3;, Anyone = returnm�, ro p erty. , to the SENTINEL office. or r -to .the P... P ..'f•. •t o eive:a reward . � undersigned Will rec .r;�4 : MURDOGH MURCHISON Riversdale P O ESTRY• method is as simple: as it_ is me f ective ere are. examples effective. of the -_rices that will make them go. LADIES -ala X1.20 - AD IES °whole Mock B L et 1 00 _, 'PREMISES :oF THE- . TO THE PR - St elei�s undersigned, lot 18, con..171 V _ ' � r : art a. . be le 0 f S e t em i dd p m .' he �-.. on -or about,t two year old. redsteer. The owner i c take ed•-to.prove property, pay.' expenses a hien away, •1 THOS.-10. fns:P St He a, an Lon chits. llill -I3.-� x ; ;°��« y,_ to CIZ car C< < .-.,. _ ; • $2. f J-'} Finagani, 'repairs to briCr-P- ;acs: Llnin , - Lal.r-t,.•z.eon, 8, 50C:, .� CY F eon. 12, rh i�. 6Leod-, : v'ell�th,,. i , on. Ot • $1 ? Donald Pinity , It ♦ ^� tyre,. Ii -gravel, _ : r r .ilia eon. 12,.'S2. ldllelnt ie, � z? a y R ►_A EST -R.' ED 't'O'�ITILE PREMISES,OF. TRAY or about Oct, 25th, a, white Cotswool rani with board on:. Anyone giving such iinforw�ation -as to lead to his recovery will be . suitably • . rewarded, • J OIIN GRAHAM �y; 1. the.'uindersijned let-!, coon• 4, Kinloss, qn tth ' ^Irl- lot 1 ;.•12•. 1 •'.l�Ir., frravel . S..lti.-:l - 13, ` ' hs -p �, 1033 2 TEACHER WA T: D:. UNION TIE w 1NTTFD- FOR i. U ION C ar 1. u n , f 7 y duties- to eommeicfirst ° Fx �eeted, exper- ience! stating salary'.. t will be received ien.cE' .- and certificate,, y _ . : October LOth 1 t)3 by .the secretar TIER Box 170,; :` • Luekno• w P O- 1' cc S. 1ViISS E �c OHILDRENS ” - . 65 1. MENS Long_Boots• $o le Stock do.: 2.45 mho NO. 1 Grane-Boot 2.95 _- BOYS $1.25 rip, _. Bf�YS Long: Boots sns eet Stoc , . YOURS TRULY, I have in 'Dried Apple Extracts Fies Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey • Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice - ns Lento Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal.- Macaroni !Mustard ;Meats, cantle !Magnesia 'Nuts . - stock the following No. 1 Flour always on-hancl. Nutmeg Oil, olive - - Oil, sweet Oil, castor • Oranges • Oat Meal. Pails - - Peels - .,es- P.1p Pickles Pearliue ' • - Peas, .canned Pepper Raisins Rice . Rice: Flour Sago Salt Salmon Sardines - 'a\ Soda - Soaps -- Spices - Starch Strawberries - Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes, canned Teas - - Tobaccoes Vermicelli : Vinegars - - -. Washboards . - Washing Gusts Woodenware - Whiting Dinner Sets teast Cakes - - Dinner Sets - Tea Sets - Water Sets - . Cream Sets Berry Seta Toilet Sets Seed` snag g Syrups: . Goods delivered to any part;of the town.: cl:� y .: : � inod. ..nieet Cz,tt�It,II �ttllou .: .to,�,. atvord i t(1. stattt: , Dee ioi' Ia its, Glt_'•rk — . ne talented: 1 111 ;, puts' iL- - 1t , _ 17 Doi '.t .Gtitternpt toe* chomt ..the. l_fyt _ • a y xal'S - dills ription . to l�• g ( ( itit �f „ year's . • til leer, €): a..ly. ot1'er 't1lh: Chet t,l.aster or- doctor, .cheat. anybody T but, if you liav e any a11a QAT:I- T- oily ,. but. , trr=�itril..foi . future Co nseciitenc?s don't If' ,`- f(� ik t,11:t' Qui`tor. r 1Township, L11. �n Ch )()1Jtii Ct1E)11 (t-1 891. = - 1 ost `office clep! rtinent ' Wille p �=t - r-rn e)f a :stewalight cent: ti - registration.- letter -Stamp:. FOl'Liiei'ly. .1iiblir_ �ti (_t i _' i t:lr( stula li (,ti : nr s. 1111t, (t-fi4 ('(:lit :z ..h'1 p canmot s 1125±4 ,_ _ DAVID AO -NEW- - L ucknow :P, :._ RAM- 77�� T AYED T-,, FROM THE•PR -; 1r1��ilL.I� .?� :. - i es of .the undersigned, lot: i45-. and 40. s around his neck. con, y; a ram «;th strap'. �.rovin�' r 'phe ods ner can have-. the same by 1 g o- p - aiicl paying expenses :-•. SALE ONE -WAV. rid*. Oolim13ia, ashington, OTogOfl, California 3E dersigned has a ntmberr- of pure bred LR ec stet amb -La at moderate prices. They are'-' I1 first-class. lambs; all will.be sold cheap. . BOARS TOR SERVICE:. Pure re 1 .e u c vi. ' for *Service r 1 'keep Ile will . also. k P- : �oar�,- 'and a Sof_ d ire White.Inlirov.�d :Yorkshire Eastern Divisi(in, 0 folk Boar, at I::ot 8, C` 7, oi. of.Ashfield. Terms,' $1 at tune of service, 1.0•cents extra per month if not so paid. ROBT -7J`. FINNIGA •:Dungannon -1.0. MGLE stems A:nd other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND . ANTIDOTE, Impure, . Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the e Liver Compi lint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchi; Heart, Gall- ; .s, Stones, .Jaundice, KiConsumption dney and Urinary Dis - . asees, St; Vitus' D. -ice, Female Irregularities and General $1 per half pint a‘ 1 $2 per pint Bottle. LABORATORY. r GODERIC}I, ON T. • IMM. McLEOD Proprietor and Manufacturer. and A. B. :Congram Sold by � Harry ]Jays . Druggists, Lucknow. DONALD G1tAH AII,p.. LuCknow P O S'C'ORE TO REN `11E`' •13UITrl)I4G. AT; : - - its-.Llr Lied .by Mr.- \ m, Connell . s �,y of el is , after 1`t oods and general'irierchant, is for rent the t . - ' r cli 1891.- this is one of thefrstcf -NIar , ands in the village. For further ties, business stands . Particulars apply _-to - MRS. - A. MURRAY• - Lucknow . P. O. ;IN PING OARS Toronto �. change, t --leaving • wattle Without O EVERY,FRIDAY TORO,N ; At10..15p.: • Until -f'urtherw;notice. o3nmenci�.g October 6th' 93 MURCH1SOt T'• -•t ,i T -LL LK Obi Farmers ttotiO2. est prices for To obtain the 1 • p your your13 CT _FIEHT advantage to use it is to � OL SALT FINE -, LI�TBR— 0 . ng it to market in rolls -and bring •2 lb. to 3 1b . or weighing from in tubs• Crocks or pails at this season do lot bring as csoo:d, prices. p IMPROVED � e ire Boar For Service AT CON 11, ASHFIELD, LOT HE -UNDERSIGNED HAVING i"111{ - chased a first-class Yorkshire _ boar, -keep him for service to - a limited number of NEW -12TH IO ')I=. ASIhhtI1ll.L :THE-HIGHESTP -OE t TUpS n�. at , c,rst€�r `��'ill he paid for all kinds of log . 1: 0, . t 1..1,4:11.5....1, ..1 _' 1. :nil: - t o e, t + p t I.t'x ` t:Il<1- ' uhf; \ -q.:117; Xant the fut•p1' -S of the! t t..c s -will ter tl�r(..- t;c� ,1-1' tale at)o e 1 t/ 1 l ' :(. c � h'lti r=,fir :g t o" �i -•,:_ipa -shonl(- . take • t'tin-'7.1.• ' -•:-:-Y. f•)i' 1 a-ut'it1Lnco,1t ._ t�i14'. ` `'`` 1 � «'E°jt11Pl' ziiCl L'c'sP j v(�variti.).tw . Uf 1 f • ne Ill' • • (. .t > ,= =:;T t:, _taw- • bring, Out all illii.:1 tI`1 .. n ;s' € ,'3nc)31 �xs 1:04this �, f= .r a /owlat tt Vit( -23,;y1-4 Posst'olt . - F ti t ‘,'),°35 01as� last -par. ata 1 •. int i iii F i 11'T: t i,.}tt1 D i i the lftte1;, . IAA t114,- ( , Jt1i1 4f f(il t! * - .lt�'ct 1�:c,v (.r. 'i`l .t lt1 al.<t., 1tt .t ilia 1 r , t,1lh 1'l` - 3 ,: r ,_-� , ,:1),ttt -t---1.-,..:..-- t (' l)t'll('�• e f he . cllr,111Y1in t \ fi . fir.,: (ill .! a iIlo• t()- l)( a `Ta-aE 74 Has , l t* � and \frith- 1{as been tho-'. e.fhly u\ T'i Loll:( < ('1(�,. :•ew. l tv,i<ii, and other lm ill(.. sl)lez,, �, h(,hiew i I ani nn(1w prepared to 17rtivt:(1 � turn out V )rk ' )r.- the rho„ t ` tb note -c; • C = 11t1� ltiit !(`hint es 1, i t j 1 €�cll€;uist-€l 1unip and �tt1C . 11-:�• T, 3 , - R t (' ) 11(11 �..('-, ()d • .l)lf'111I :11 `-f s <, -1f()I1C', -€.'�'3 t:111�tI�, iilkt�� ' - • 't;ttiollei tl3_r(iat,.: r 4� 1tt..t � one ' iV-a : (1hhy UC €)n .. - holtle:-Warrant ed by A. 1,..Con gram Itch -(,1i !!.Bison, and : x3.1 c liinhttils • BEs aillitatinc Le = . To the Bill can have the 1 iu-lberor. shingles hr,'u(With. t110111 in feet hours, WI'-BSTER-BRO--- a,ving o enecl a Butcher 'Shop- in the nil mm --oil Lifll iiel_l Strcet g s -gym,• _-F. •-•" - r • -eel). . sows- during the season. This anima was T , secon(1prize at the Lucknow: ,show:, a\\ ai do d I • T point and is a really first-class.animal in e\ ery poi for the season, Positively cash at Terms, o,' 1terms will he strictly tiui(='of service. , These ., adhered t' this season. • R, E. Lane Galilesv lk , --TEACHER WANTED. ,ACII.i R . WANTED FOR SCHOO}L. section No• ,7, Ashfield, either :wale or female holding second or hirci class certificate Duties to c untie ee after , the • ivllyisttnas { holidays . For further i.�art1c'.lar5 a > )i� to Ea tg • PPOSTTE- • T • ei We are_ ipiepared .t6-: supply ihe N trial solicited and' iatisfaction guaranteed, ReMetnember -the place 1666.=••••. 102('j_d_• . .. T `A McKEIT:H, Secretary s w� A� YN- til ifiGn The through Colonist Sleeper will l ea at- tached -to train leaving Lueknow •at 10:48 , m. on •FEB Boy _ SU, Lucknow P O Pitilitt. . ' : the through Colonist train, via, North Bay and C.P.R, There will also. be an E C libt .' • Every Tut_sda y during' March ;Ina April. Baggage checked through to destination, ' also through tickets F61d. No' Change ''Of cars; •Cousidering all •tlse advantages -we ex. pect to secure the tratfie this season. For:any info/illation apply to D W. HAVE 28 6.4 of the Villa:co and. 1 armors of the - - ONABLE ' ,A trial: Sohliardeed. Tx-t-incste-r Eam Lambs rfiRO`AI (WIZ, PRIZE WINNING FI.00K ist.:!•;,,.,:.:..1,;„::.,tsft.;:,zeli:c!..ers' prices fo; nqzt t..wo C.1.01 Solicited, bit 17. eon. 1.2; Wawairesh. who con read and .krite, and vs -ho, how to en.rtt Timed TlAUsand Dollars a Year in tboir,iwn 1 walities,wit v r they will also furnish the situation c.r -ymi.nt"..a t..w-Ilith you era corn -that amount. 174.) money 1,:s -,1 -,-:-sqfnl as a boy.: Ea-si ly anti quickly learned. i O.( lir bun 1:e or'4,-r from elicit district or county. • Ara sleA • beil SFr/ 0. ne-Lizrgest .5/ode 77te Choicest ()roods, obtainable tudknow. TY