HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-17, Page 2-
• I've.-
ablint it."
Wen: ve.
- Chanter
illexandria urne
NEW YORICi .:Nov..
,--41.t) the Offiees el the
New York & Cubit Mall
Stieeitealetp .gerapiner, in
this city,. - cablegrams
were 'received shortly
before noon announcing:
.thelose o theliteemehlo
City of Alexandriaeoff
Cuban co, beeween ltlatanzesand
• a. .The first des:peephole stated that-
te stem wee a betel lees. Later ernes
,aid. that the crew hirld tell en ,beard, - with
eibly the exception of the purser and I
towardesee had been tweed. No details jflf
r •-ard to the lese of the eteateer were re.
. ce ved,. -end the. egents,Weite _unable to- con-
firm r deny the report.that. ..the varietal lied-
' been b ieup. The. steamer had no. rise
eengers. on board, according to the New.
York agents.- She was to have _taken
paseengere on at :litavana fer. this etitye Her
eaptein vas K A. Roffman, an Abla. eand
oxpeeienced. officier. The : /glitter, who is
einipposeel to be Int, belle Bowen.. ,
. The City ..ef_Aleiandria Was, enis.of,, the
. faetest and laitest of ehe, American ships
eroployed,-; in the West eIndia . trade.
was . an iron screw steadier of 2480 :•-tene-
btirden. :She . Was 307 feet. lenge-3 feet 0-
inches'beam, and : 26 feet 3 b3chee depth.of
hold, She w euitt in 1879 by John Reach
& 'Sent, at Chester, pa.: Her engines were
-of the commemid toe; the cylinders measur-
ing. 42 , . - •
e78 end42 by-
_ .
The lifaritinie Exchange has received the
•following -from Ilevieee :
_ Early thia morning a emelt boa14 in
which. Were the - second officer and
-eleven other persens - from: the Ciby of
• _Alexandrie; entered the harbor here
and -eeported. the lose -of the . steamere
- They " _date -that an expleilon" .occurred.
•. an beard the steamer, field that shortly after
was burning fiercely; :The cane of' ehe
. explosion is unknown. The fire geined_euch
- heeadwey that Ceptain Hoffinen paw it
Weald be impossible to. gave the vessel, and:
ectedere were given te-abendon the ship:. The
etaamer had -400 hogsheads of rum on boird,
and this._ when _it...Caught fire, cmsed ,inth
mens&masses of flame to Wend from the
•- hatchways, the hatches having been blown
off. There Was great exedtement 'among the
-pissengers ind7 crew, but the officers soon
tillers Who pact ani Enthral
Men of MI Stations.
).vmuni LIES _THE- CHARM?.
Seduetivenese Above lteauty-Faseinations
ef .Fensaies-Griat Fiermes(s of IllittiorY
• -Dreis,.Voluituoussese and'Hentaut*.
ND what; are.. men's
They • ate of - feur
kinde T esfosuOu*,
the helploisly imprac-
tical, the sentimental,
hi poldly iand •Istrong-..
*Women I themselves
do net lIke semeione
,ee women; • they do, not.
.admlro* helpless -11y
• practical women ; they
laugh ,et lentimeneel
women. As for ,the:
coldly e crafty, they,
have eometirtees le
ber- ably bittliere. if :Ad* mwlcal - that
accomplishment; gives -a flexuous
enduleilliMete her Movements; endues her
With that penetrating femininity that Of.
-oceiteee-a'alvel adnibes se why, thosild he
Doti! Mary, Queen .e! Bootee:was of *hie
order of woman, and 'lied*, Hamilton
bewitched the great Nelson, PegWof-
_finglon end many..Othere. In fact, *hi is
uheeclessic type of- charmer, the - women
whomthe'. ancient in • imagined
and-embedied as the Venus, the ..abstraet.
:113erscinifidatien of womanly beauty and fee-
, .
. succeeded in teetering 'a semblance- of -eider.-
' As .50pn as the fire* alarm was sotended, On
..tbtO shin. the Crew went to their fire Stations,
and the itewerds -began be carry' provisions
to, the e boats-. The - more coed -heeded;
,IP.O1ODg - the pets -angers teniembered. -. the
• notice Which' wape--in everystate-00in of the
caeneof efire or
-c.elheion, te report ata eiarteitt,, lifeboat. 46,
.signated in the notice,. Those- p-aisen•gers- at.
- mute proceeded- be the -beate. and ',entered.
• them. . There was ..comperetively. 1ltbe sea
- runningeand but little difficulty- wee exp
_ , . • . • _
tames& in towering ,the, boats when -the deep7
_ • -toned-bell forwaid.Solled the sign.al.:". Ebben-
'don theehip." -The Beeneof the burning of
- the -stesenee was only -25 miles frott.ThiyanSi,
4-103 the, offiaerain command of the . severe'
boatee-the c ,•pteine firit-effieer, purser and
chief engineer -7 ha.d. Littlefeat of, net reach -
Ing -port,: or _some ether -place the
. coast.". • : -
.4.‘ in the aril). moment Of terror spine-. of
the peetengere are -Mild to have jumped into
- :the.. ' 'sea, preferring ..deownieg to
-blitzed to death. • Them- who _arriv•ed..h•ere
this morning stated .1 het sixty persons were
but this is -scarcely credited, as It
it now stated thit many of theecreev.timd.
peeseng; eta. have Bacurenetee .
Bean the news of -r.he disaster
reached here a. net:thew el,. tugs._were -sent 'to-
. the scene f the burning of he •sheitiner-- to
render whieeeeer-eeo4'ten. ethey. oould. - T 6
e-ef these'tneis _retetrned fhb' Morning,- 'brit
-7- ling nineteen- enevivorsefroM the vesiel."
The Officers of the ...City- ef--Alseeenaria.
everts A- Hoffman, ceptain ;
Becke. &et' -officer ; -Wine .; Field,. secend
. offieer; R. B.ewee; raiser.; C. A. Peolise-
aselefint river ;.. Te. Linden,. _ senior-
term/titer e-William-..119RentOADS,': .OEIBIS:ORt
y.a.re effectual, lent ineptiiiit , fade . that
egory of 111011'19 women ht, of the tonere the
'weakest. • " •
e :It is nob therefore _ extraordinary at all
that- other women never "con see what
jinn can p-essibly diseover in-e-ee":and then
• follows- the name of some psrtieular "! man's.
Woman," From the esurfatie• one Might say
that envy end: jealousy -had seinethieg teede
With this blindness; "But. •that does' not
covet all the retail Many staid married
women • by age and -circumstance beyond
question .of rivalry, have, wondered what:
men , "could t potsibly discover" and -.nit
succeeded. • The paint of view is toe differ-
ent : Woreen think that. beauty has more.
to de -with laieimatien than anything else.
But has trete sure, all
- BER temples seam'
rot approve of . her, = and gerbilles, in
-geney.-4,1, she is lesecierefortablein her every.-
deyeheuseholdethenthe inen's women efthe
Mat two categoeiel-e-the- helpleSSly un-
Pracitiosi and: the- sentimentel. The firsb.
ciail of men's Women have- the
reb of in.the-liveliestypoetic sense; they
will be the ideal of .artielve till the end :7 of
world; , but sometimes. they make tee -
Much ,:heeveie e quiet family 'circle. ,For
efainier .e.xperierice: the unprectioall,e_clinging
'vine 4 -ort of a.V.i111611 holds._ her 'Own with(
Undimieished tenacity-. as the -years go, On.
She is eepecie. iy:ehe"woneen:&f the " strong,
eonish., '_no-norepetitte-ah-eut•hini *On;
lowliness .• or prof,' esienal man - :Who e has
no • time for, ivhst. 'he wenid• ball .frills
:of .any sort, j-• For him and lilievasie0onfte-.
ternity the -helpiesely.; iniprachicsl • woman
,-warcrintited; • Her -coestient attitude of ap-
;flettere that instinct- if protection. that
-is the. very,baekbene othis.inenhood::- Men
of hiretamp will endure (fortiinately) until
the end of ell things, and though the droop-
blnieeyed :iceman, Who never knows
eleeet" Bile has 'done with her. pocketbook,.. is
Ilbtle In abey 'Mee just. now, fie* ths-
•fethionable. point of view, she will weer
di tee out, and Men -Will -hese muel her sieves
tillethelest truineese :they have always been
Bed Are to4lay-e-aeDobblis was of Amelia
:Nee.- •
Grand Duke Paid Russia lifter One of
were :celled heantiful by th:eir "contempe-
reties; Bub It is safe • enough to judge of
•human nature in the Peet by tinmete nature
in the -present. And- in the- preeent. it le.
amply demonstrated, by whet_We Bee about.
us- .:etrtiri '., day, :thait . the -most . regularly
handseme warned- belie no- -pewear. Of Cherm.
ever men at all, even- theugh,.feeen thia mite.
side, as it were, men may be quite willing
to grant the'heanty. :. . .,.. ••
Another woman,, leis. --haridiattee alto-.
gether,; aeoarding. to relies' and standard*,
may pewee the cheirm, en the • otherhand,
and - depture- the male victini tinder: the
very • - eyebrows ..-- of 'beauty.... Qf cOuree, ' a
wiiman having the -gift or feetilty of _itheitn
naturally. leeks beautiftileto - the nlem Who
coine ender her thrall: • They. don't sea .her
-objectively.-- it. all- but -quite- inbjectively ,
. t - . 4.
There is knit _ .•
. , Tete_r ieeeiezierss somOtiteig.
. , ,
quarterresetet-; W. Wed, beatewein •;
1. - -
O. Errieson, c erpe-ntee ; J. - A. Godine,-
cedet ; J. A. Porter, ""';:cedet e J. Lynch,
I -chief engineer • A. Murray :-- fleet
&Beldame eeg neer ; • McGee,: second
ez.--aseistant engieeer ; J._ B. Jetininge, third
;era Heceee. Ber - wererf-
ileiatent engineer -e_W„. Strohmeeer, stew -
Clerksoe,-Ohief coiek; r sectond
- creek M.. _tiered; beer; Mrs. Carter,
zetewerdesa. -
Alexandra- rendre' Her Allowance by
Staying kray lirom England Queens berry Raises Sheol in -.Conneetion iVith
' Sons Pe erage-tondoniti castellated
Prison and Some Intereiting Facts
About It-A:Dernon Pianoforte
--:the 'sentiment al women occupy A :position
midway -between the twee They are not as
'lively as the sensuous' wenttin, and to a great
number of men they appear less tainerthan
the .helpiese„sietere. Other *Omen may
-laugh - as they- cheek', but menlike tenti-
ment in a wenian., . In thbf connection it Is
Well to reineinber that & great, Rtissien
'novelist has tad that hitoWn essic hits Much
mereepower for sentiment than the softer
within. her which, : by a -color*
their iision of whet Elbe is exteriorly.. That
Is -why-ene: Man :may' quite ?safely imavie.
thab Many of. 'ithesee geed " Charmers. of
Watery .Were not really' enoh great beauties
aii- they. have been he ntled . down to posterity
se belegse The men Whei were 'beadle ated
by them. thought:theme-bete:1*in). • That"
was the point; in Short,. they Were. chernierii
first and .beautits :elecenciatily+4 beauties
et all. -goo peeple in seeing,_fer. the- first
time, an -authentic ',portrait •ef 'Ian), of the.
-celebrated 'beuhies have -been
consistent of • A • disappointment. - Mnie
'Recatnier'i 'portraite and tit+ are -Obi-
eppointing.. An authentic- ininiatere of Nell
Owe nnes :ph:pante isoe den not transport
one wible AdreiratiOn.: -:The
- The C tY Of Alexandria left: New -York
lac. 25, •ab , 3 p. M., for .Havee a -- and
. Idetanzeit', S -be ehad -edieelierged: .- at both
- poits, *616 -:%4 Ws returOirg foot ''Ketaratii;
to ',load 4.-• lievena,.-- fcir Sew.. York. . . She
- .wilei-s-che me d te sell from Heverie to;day.
Tout a In remise,
• - -
_ times° conditions are not the men's
women. Latighing at sentiment is a" gauze
.of_harshness, and no hard Woman .• is ever
a ..mien's mitten._ e Neither , is - any .celd'
woman, unless 'there be a spark . o1. flame
weelest,the- enoW eiame-where, or 'unless ehe
apper taiiis- to ths. fourth -the crafty -pate -
gory. .---Crafily 'women ef this kind, *he are
also strong in character; are frequently
men's women, _because of- a marvellous
tort -ef- intuition into reaeculine weak-
nesses; -• They flatter male vanity it'd
weave their. webs. •with quiet and spider -
like . stratagems. They . 'do- _net. ." take "
quite se much -at the firsteeperhaps,.but
theirs grief- ht -,is extraordinary pertinacity
',ACCORDING to present
arrangements, -Queen Vic-
toria Will -shed this light of
-her august .presence upon
Windsor iremewhere about
the17th inete The court
will reside in the old media-
tor between -bier and five
weeks, and then proceed to
Osborne for the .usual long winter stay. So
Jai as Londeners are concerned, they ere
netlike)), to‘catch a glimpse of _their 'love,
reign until well into the. epring of next
year, when thee may perhaps be per/media
to run up to the capilal and take a hand in
drawing-roem function. .
. The vadt of ,the Grand Duke Paul t� the
British Court is believed to be not totally
unconnected with matrimonial intentiens.
Kevin been blessed with ene• Model -Queen
grandmother -in-law Pail ie onedited with
new yearnngieor another, and has come fa
. 1 _
see whether there are any young princesses
shoat who might replace his lose Alexandra.
Qeeen -Victotia;though she has seen but:
little of the• er's two younger brothers,
in .an. .petinting Roth! Is e 'sup -
posed to reproduce, leatrtre for Paris,
plietiegnoniy• el. the fattens Plena -0 Polo-
" *he held away eeriear the -heeitte 0f-
- three kit ge . -milk..and-Water. [flat. - -One.
might se :Many hemdeoree;faceee ; end,•-. nee
dottbeedie, more -spirited prey, Ito the reOurt*
Of ORO af. teyeeeee.,-
- . The eipell eftheMeet's .Weititein has little to
do With -beat.tty. . 140,-, a :candid
man :who toed: his -powers Obeerva-
tione in..' .any.. Way., will -tell - teat
,.nothing. bee. the - 'whole" 'gement eof f
• nations: Is - •better than that- sof as
therOlighly plain -even an ugly
.0 elide lb haw:become established -on h. msri.'s
- -
fancy. for a pretty weimen.
he iney overeoine by becoming Itenameeed of
a Prettier one. once the.bond slaVe of
an gly: wenian case in belpletril h pit
less for.overmere. _Dating. the list' dye . of
the thiPrincees Metteritiob.
and the Princess hiatiiiide Were among the.
Most fitiontial Woniete idEntopean
They they -held, _ Toe
.FeinprestiEtigente had pantie '.tie be jeele.titi of
their -:.power. • and. presitige- as IWOmen-More
than once. Yet both were consvicuwuaty
plan e :Of heiroelf the Princess MetteirniCb
-rieed toetey that she wee. the:.„
'.13XST DRESSED 013RANG-blITA2.C44.-
deadly. held -
• -Exerdas far Woman. ,
AT celebrated physician on being asked.
Driimlansig to the Peerage over his hiker's
head.- The general opinion is that titteent.
berry has been very shabbily treated. There
hi an Inside stery to the whole *story which
has not yeti come out, but whieh the Mare
quis says he intend to make public direetly
the ink slingleg hai. come to an end. At
present he impeaches Gladstone- and ROSS-
bery for their psre in the affair and vows a
terrible vengeasee evilest all ooncertied un -
lees he is set riga and the Unmade. homers-
ble made be isim.
• LONDON'S BIG rms0x.
•'Holloway Castle, or, to give • it Its official
title, "Her Majesty's Prison, Holloway,"
is one of the few public buildings in London -
which succesefully cembines utility vvith
picturezquenese, and there are few more
Striking obkote than the castellatf.d• m -ass,
whose Celitiral.tower rears its150 feet boldly
on the northern sky line. Bent of "Kent-
ish rag ". and sop) West) of ERR -lin(' stone,
the exterior has rapidly desieteted in the
London atmosphere acquiringt in apparent
air of ,antlquity which is apt. to deceive the
iliMOibioal observer. At is best it should
be peen like -Melrose -16 in elle pele moon-
light." Then th.e mock Tudor official resie
denceseby. the gateway are buried in the
-shadows cast by the ktep, and the *Teri-.
ties of what ie, after all, a very modern ,
structure are softened by the berme.
.teehet.• ie the •exercise most con dtio:va to
• phYisics,l_beattbYl. to 'WoMen'?" replied -very
de chit dip,
Tennis he Ideal:tired to he_too violent, .end
too.iimitch- of it Is likely to lengthen the arms
•and Make the height Of the shoulders un -
OVOID. • - - •
Cifoling - renderiworeen-aickward• in, their
walk; theygraditally °erne to ineve. with a
-plungimg kincte'ed eye:don the reverse :of
greet:eine, And .fieceeiently _cultivate weakneee
elbeek-which.makes -thane held tlicenselees
hedly, • • -
Ming is oniesided, and Women who liave
- . • - -
habitually ridden .feey ears _ueuallyleave one
hip higher. then the other... •
Crcqiiet retailer:does not give' exercise, and
after. a eiiivey Of all the -Ways ho knew , in
whigie women take physical % (aerobe; he
centedered nonelei-cendiecive to:health and
&airy Of form as walking. •
It -ought to be persevered hi Arid -done in,
all but the wo_rat 'weather, elide particularly
in Winter. - • - _
the Oheapeet end _safest,. ,too. - A
woman may be heirt with_ es- beU at :tennis,
injured by horse or bicycle receive &blow,
en the head. fropi a club- at golf, Which. is
now beietie indulged in by.weinee.
"Tont 'ale Rosso " te the Mo•to in Peed
• - -stitteoe; tbe. lenteeieerd shops being . oteini,
. -Med With. emblerne _Oil kicauvolfn ef. eyerY
_ kind: 'in' honor'. of -Lt-rto MUSCov.ito giests.
.... i..f..1kliiaiis- wi'h the Orieti. sTmi • - t3.; -.the' tWici.
-iy.tio8 nod :affiot.io:t 4-e- itoriptiope, obeli!.
' .4.1en i7f French and Ru eiitt ..Coleits • neetiy
%tended,- hu - temli•eie lenge-tete of black .end
.yelloee r r. wee reereueriree,--' with --trieceler,
hesiehe and :veleeit iieltiA. Pe tale edged:- with
. ye hew, or epiteeitee 7;$71t0.- the 'ewer _ea -. .
wit h t he Beie,eien oegle -"end: thecitilifietitioote thorfOitr Plante i o elven ej.!0170.
- noper -red end-- white. :and blue • with the As to the :first, .the- facultlf-' for .feeling and
therefore elinfulating . Seresuclus .reneetienal--.
. Galli.). cock, e.tede in whi.t-,e-onatnel,engraved
with ,,he ewe Se.' Atetireee 'et -crest -Ot the sty women al geays. . grant • at once that, of
ined-ric.,iiInn. ,c,(3,-.ir,re ..1! - t,:xiop,'z are among
the intvet p--Ikale.t.'‘,4ttio tht de Peels." More
• eleberete. is e.1)rooeb, oomoeeed Of 'forget-ine!
. note .eoll!..nitift4 42 e n:--wrO.a.th --. with French
' - romee., enel. t e 4 14' it' id yer.ribbens -feicribed
itrienee., 7 Ati•eii.." •• The Rueeittee.• eagle
ivp,rol:f:rv 1--..rit, ptitoeq: oardectereee. iertd as
ttie h; a i. fr,f od,150.A., torkti .. ettep - Offi- :chilli -eon
ara.callAd. 141n. to ehoW theie petrlistisin . •".y
iiltieei ovig4 Yeench. and •IirtiOiiifIrtA *I ii -Ore
. - , -
'- lioiding flegete -.
, The hisbery of thealte Je ,curious. Daring
the first cholera epidomic of MI-, the cox- s
poration London, in cemeneen with 'other
public bedies, looked about lie find a site
tuffielently• remote from the _city which
mightbe used es a cemeetery *Mont -tio,ne
ger to the living. About twelve -elute of
what were at that time evil -fielde were ace
cordingly purchased at Holloway, then an
adjacent Suburb.. but ntiw part el the
rnetropolie, but the land wlit never ri centred
for -its intended purpose, afk.d remained um-
iscscupled for eixteen years. In 1840 the
46 mOdel prison " at Pentonvilite made the
indiscrithitiate astecistion of rioters in
yet tikes c.nsiderable intet emit in them, Newgate More patent and scandalous. Dur -
from tile fact that; atobildren'they were 1 Ing ten years plan ifter plan for its
great favorite:is with „her daughter; Princess i keOGOlitilictiOn VAS -Propelled '-fitid re -
Alice, and used to be playiniz. together in jeoted, - nutil at length ' the con-
te •Darinetedb -nursery while their low- . elusion • was forced- on the -corporation
spirited ;nether, the late Czarina, was *Mr- that nothing short of an entirelynew prison
ing out her serrews to' the "eyrepathetio would meet theirleequirements. The :came -
Gland Duchess of Baden: tory estate at Hollevray was -aticordingly
-Paul Is able. a grandson -in-law of the King I .chesen as the site, $500. 000 was i devoted to
and Queen of • Denmark, and heed to attend -I the buildinge, and let 1.840 the-,fiest etene
the Fradonsborg gait:hoeing in company i of the -new prison Wes- laid by. the Lord
With his brother the Czar, and the Imperial i Mayor. The architect took the facade eif
'string ef young- ,Dluscovite 11111ellitenell ;1 Warwick Castle as his model, and metwiths
but- since his wife's . deeth, witich he felt 1.stending numerone additions to thebuilding
very :deeply, he has attached lihneelf to his . its general ' external appearance. has been
1 equally -dismal brother Sergins and the little altered. .
------------ i lizbeth; and where thee
e • lens OF LIFE AND -013Sitlih
go he goes. Eifeebeth Feedorovna has ker. • s
the day the
the- programme asuhcell- Ej‘ol'It tat le rd'dbeks:i.ihif sertathk.ee: rf::11Duotdall-i41:9;:h:Leen::rreetatbte.:::treac,::::.
hands ititi with MOO outside the prison; is one of -constant
them:here and there with -exersiplaiy 'life. Attendants from the neighboring
tittle ; and their. visit to Balmoral is part al
thie autumn. •
In . El:tripe. But. the eutevg-entang had as
Many reen under he r-infineriee as, elie chose
to keep. : Piattng aside therefore;
anti Riso b though: brains help lo
the miXture; no one hes yett claimed. that
wonieii enehralied-min by their Jiitelli-c'ee,
-what is the :qualification -0i cembluation
I .-qualtficetiont • -that meilteletiTeree" melee_
women"?' What 'ere :-.tho erste .this
:charm- 'over male hearts se-" unanalyzable -to
other: women -that ;it re.akise them qnio
:angry to. have ilk alltided.te '• Jiist to fent
Queen Yleteria herself, :although she
likes Paul pertonelly, does not counte
hence his _Marrying any Eeglitile Princeett.
ith her
lawyers drive up in their cabs to interview
their - clients within; and morning and
-evening visitors to the remand prion -
ere throng the ;Taos in front) of the
gates. On Natalia deem iplain-clot heti police-
men attend to recognize old acquainranon
-The exporieuce of Befell,/ -oeien' W . - among the ;froth .areivalsewhile the 'We/tea
g-anddeeighter - hae .irt itself been quite.pasoirg ,,na repot:nips ilf the _peenee• va_ne,
tuffieient. to I twine(' Her Majesty _ to •cry
increasias the general beietle. 1 .Each day at
"bands: eff "- to any Remain Who -neeye
half:past eight the 41 time expired!' -.female
come:splaying -around her f, royel famlly 1 prisoners -:are discharged, - most -41 them
circle. -Aparb from this personal objectieni drunkards. and meet Of them destined to.
there_ Is another" which is .of far greater .-r return .aftee it ;lapse of days er :even betties to -
import, and that le of . congostion of the. the cinly "home - which they possess. For,
brain runniteg in the blood .of all the Rieman- 7
afber All, 'prisons are very different places
offs. ' hi -153 a welVk"wn *'811-811 PIO:a'''. from -thee .dena ' •ef Iniquity .ileeeribed by
t . -
atn).--nt; 'Granville, d1agn444 the sYinP' 'Howard .-aud Mrs; Fry. Few ere aerate .of.
tones 'of the then: Ceee's hereditary .nnelady 1 the
and warned 'll'Ard. Palm"st`i*' the Brt/46he phestaceld:uw°eillilebeetnreg 1)%alamotrrn- moral and
Premier, that His Majesty w u
- *ie la die in two iwu.i And its Wentil appear. to he an undoubted
fears; a prophecy vrioch-catne true. There 1.
fact that a .sentence .of imprison:mint entails
is no doubt "that Sergipe. in eimilarlyt
-. , a lete •ef .discomfort to teee average folenethen -
the matter ef that, all -the Grand Dakiaseine the Wag of .
&filleted, as also is , Peel biniee:f, " and, Air. i similar- term • puled 'ilthein
Tbe-Tigeolliol' kits Marbl.
- Nothingliwore smuelvg. then to watch
- ois p,' :Winter's-- day,- the inervelone
geeee with whieh the pigeons of St. Mark's,
in-Ventce, can discrimirate between - ;resi-
dents and visitors . in the grand 'square' of
that -city; the . Piazza of et: Mark. Th.e
moment a.fereigner. sheive his Lice in -the
Oasis, the pigeone.set -upon him in crowds,
hoping -to -he fed. They .do -not trouble the
native', -who maybe sunning themselves by
the hundred in:the equeree •
No; don't -know_ aherth- ..the
_ - • • _ . • .
poetry' of motion " eaid the itteraryee
4: but " tossing tee traro,s45: Into. the :waste.
fitter -
cololiOe*,this is evilet niepeele t tbe lower,
the material Male sex.- •
They. grant:it Sourly, avid add that "r€ -
fined women haven't ebeacee." There they
are wrong.. Refined women teVe ethe- bese
of chance, on the contrary._ But. seretkons-
n-eks-lik ittelt is net.' unrefined. Is it _not
eime that goo i W011/19fl. weirs tip tholb .• •
SOTOO-lbfreOftileo. do redo became Of
_tete thin exerotied. in an kx0S1s,.. brut these
Sro".001q 06.010. ; OFol cannot aolvo -the -
ato easily as that. A e-ertein proper
measure 4:plepeoeuetes erepitieelpslity. renders Ito
women charming Felten/it her Voice,
- A 1Light of 40,000,000' Candle -P
The -lighthouse which it is
-erect at _ Penmareh Point, . B
notitiin a **- flee
40,000,000 candlepower,
which can be seen In (leer weather- 63
miles away and in foggy weather 21. miles.
T'hie -is by far: the most pewerful,'.searbh-.
ing and penetrating light known.to seienew-•
bealiet, "loan give -.,yote aniillnetration 'of teefsepe - her eyerfer teasel- her. &sin
. _ . _ - • 7 • . '
• • 16 *Kilo Aid . • • rinsket
to, . _
.iherntitien -9f, pOetry.
reposed to:
stan y, will
" of.
sting beam
otitding the Czero-Wite, who, when he grows.
few yeers. (Mir; . Is bound to develop the
dreaded ii,ymptc.ins. IHence It is that Pent
rettimide,a poor chance ofcarryimgeff one of the
Weles'egerle in 'spite of Qieen"Viotoria_, not
to Mention. thole father ..and !mother' betng.
anxious. -to. -gat- them • coniartablY setitfed
. .
With. possible 'speed. .4' •
The _Princess or Wales' ling _retirement
haa. enabled her- to -wive mix& ef her pin-
tuoney-45 . a. y_ and bring it -up to 1.p.ongmeritteirtnopirleaa...
a comfortiibie amount.. .In:Ithe :past Alex- 1 littnitt,eu-trate:or:0•131-7ablliise';01111303ey
.andra. hie had plenty to =do With that allo*-
:agnacne4y,Willtehr ddrizeilintge.re evreireylf zuocoht sttl-ffereweiwy eatas. tvOietalrecitql'eutee -
sot_ and fleeing out him boys with .number7 i•garden in Which to ;veeptiet their- pleaeure. .
lees odds- and ;ends: - Times( hav.einootiolge. bAabootivbee•restil, tib•p:ir:hlseir::Tale:-oefd•iihtehoilo_trdvitd.tidtriee.
Her children have an annual
4180 000 to • divide- knioAg th.emselves, tied -d44ore-' littene. But is al "thee' "Queen's
-the- Princees has liVad iloofi from • London Priten l'ar 'first 'Oats inlitdOineenlents and
society ". ranee- the death-- of. her ;eideition, ..reseti:otIne?itet !fgezunerdt7esoreera:tut-te
thereby lnotirring - but little expense .for ; •
tepresentativ e 'these and steering ,olear -oen 1.Jeurnelisteo Aemlerei 'aileteett'te" 14134 not to •
geed many Oher.OeSta. sbeyieg Particularize ,ire .dowager--110bes$ bilkve- each
- • in. their turn contrition -tea to the popular in.
tercet in the ettallishment And the respone
many O po.r-house.
In -1854 Holloway became and hai einca.
remained, the- deiitoes7 Filson ;ler Lonien
and Ittliddlesei, untikely to rival the.
ferns of the Marshalsee -or Fieet ...prison in
this-respech, bewever, meet. of. the debtors
beleniging to -the "can pay -even'tepay
Olen "-a 'etatetnene is proved ty the
fact that a very leege per ventage pay
their debts within fele hours Of their oome
nese about $60,000. -Scientific
,•• e
A Modern
,-----7Thec.her-e-Who was 17)
. Pupil -My -papa. ,
Teschiir,e..What do -.you mean by aus7er-
.1pg in* like that? - :1 - - . 1 . . ' .
Pepli-I'm eight, sir,
r because- yesterday
My fethor diicharged-one of hitt clerks- and
oelledhim a donkey, /and as he went out of
the .room the olerk said --to my father,
"You're Ditto "' ' - - -
• • -
., . . 8. gellia 13- .ar- gal'. -:
e 64:Brit.:my d.ear,;T- protest14ed - r. Young,.
ettem Mrs. ',Young showed - him her pur,
hesee for the day/ "why have yen • boughb.
lenr dozen clothe
iv &toe at he le
' 1.1i te ' • ; ;gr. :911 :Ma; e 7gs eiP3r-s 1E eT) - tut":
the weather/man WO to announce. that
the Iedie erimmer.exhibib -willbe tempt-
erily-WithdraWn to ,:inalie -room for winter.
sample& 1 -- -
I - •
boy's ,parte' ‘,..Yes e he .-.always was
1 140.
de.? "
pins when all -the washing
diy -
how ORM yen be so horrid?'
g, tealfully. "Why,. they.
-Nay York World.
under hex father's. reef in Denmerk, and 1
she:Will teteirn this side of Chrlitmas or
whet her arrangements arknebody knows,.
and nobody IMMO to intenire. , Whether
there is a 44 bust up" in the Idotnestic 'circle
" SoagebY-iii ready to take every-
sibilities of the _officials. •
One of the greatest curses of mankind be
- whether the plea ef wilt be the modern piano. Etrery household In
again lint forward ie a matter. for oeelet-1.London_ has one; if . =not two, ewe the m"
tura. England has mot seen •muoli if her enext door, if of /At:Idiot:1e hithitee ihnoxt
this year, and frOrri all apoonnts is likely to driven to 'distraction by the .etrnneMing and •
see less, of her- next. . • .
k •
- - - ' 'thumping .ef ;hie ;ne ghbetile - 4/114-, now .
•NiRIE OF COBURG MEANS TO do IT. ... - . •another . man has .'iaiented 'is 4. 1.40-- a- Iva. -1310 '
, . .
' • '... is
WhiCh -Open's,. untold fageniee. - it
,Coburg leleoltieg forward . with.. deepin, i's .meide ue„.tbe.;:endii ve 7.not ..01. the vane,
toeor:rititi. t, itOn thedu- a" ma e. Tor :ffi 7 :7::::.,,.ff....atotei:sir,t,,,:irrt}.:,,,,_ai..tahreitfetz.,brbees,,,utittroealen:ftlube.e. i":;:ur4 ..,w7hrhiete4enti
the new Duchess then purpOies but the :player, and to add 'the levet straw to
'hofig.thit:einind ho:tigtaliptyr:s8:iyvlee,k'svi iorhis. oughtoonodllitle; • , work . and
,adminigitote,4 vary gentle
light the whole country side. :Ceremonial. .grodnaliy the ,gelvento ;"attsehme-nt gets to •
blank .iveries,..eold•t4 the "touch aeOroft, but-
eireeoted, With chamberlain P backing better° 1 of electricity, •govenned by a little- 'knob In
IbIcittiorigsii...oitaderfol .,'ilerpiailroaa!7 pe'unkde"°A"iftrtel*dr,;: I ftrheentporfe.vtheenttleinueoei •tTittitteareit,carttelinsiptneadn4attie
net, stihiletuteegbb to .130 :-Plea.'ee4 at. th°1 valuable ;remedy - . for nerveus 7cUseeees.
ehaelgelrom the -4eed'alivPestet9 of thlile '. There may .arrangeotetforh.iug. init.:0, Ilx
e if dooro
f tt;
which!pre*ailed ruder *tette late :ruler indl.atentees will
bisanOient, .tieceigh - estimable oepsert. eneighbor to have :centre' of that little knob .
.. - i
There is-- more i Mouey in the: field now,. much • snit then en the.. tun woe be tieee-reciey ,ie.b
higheritank.and every prospect Of alliely win. The- beastly things are to be told ab .-a
stite Merle bas fully medellibOr :rand to- low ledoeoted
nden - Will tilio"rtly 'be
-Make some. of Royal Alfred"rizetely-aequired..fbeded with -glinli14°
i .
-caileily,_ The novelty of retuning a court op - • • -
her own -.account has .awakened -.. nil the -Old': ' , tiehe sleferoem phonograph.-
- dRtiinahmiPect11161:ida t4 )3r2/11eY "6:11431. : ' q;int ta° r .7 itiPC al ° • 113 . thi40..oftotn;m4ii- .persons Who , tell of .Ibe
.wili break •Alfred'a heart t4 -have
-freely, iiiiiii.--what. Marie- Willa " Must
instinct :of - her birth and thietie wtoll.l.t. LI '. ,p. rTomheiteb; _dirje7ame:pegrithotieo,iengr::tp:o.h .11.i.vrehaie:11;w0Lartoo
to part 'brilliant things they t'iinii of At ;nighte-and
be '' - forget:before. the 'morniog.
or nov. ' . .
' . ..
and wirh.ave to be whether: Aiked,- likes it •I • .
-,,. .. II, . , . • e . .... • , . • • . .
`441JEENSBERItY.A141) BIS Shea 'PEERAGE. ,1 . '41/ It's awful quer , to me." ;laid at fey
viActer4rerithroewprisitigcsainogi on Wales,ew canad4atelte:en.., :nolhiteketriheo,u_ gliwthiattieveharv.en,"6 IacnaynrIt astre:3 have *k.v b t tie
Rotebe yr' and Queetisher , oorres- =ember while doge eel.' homes tiletheve Emir
pende 1 oand.anent the e vation of _young den16"
. •