HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-03, Page 8e Luck now ntinel ruce Count riday i*ern12. '3rd , • • • 10. •111111.....11111 an1111111 THE people pay_ the doctors or keeping. them in health, . rather than restoring them that 'perfect cond4i0n of NAT 7an-ci mind -which is. the of all. Wethink-,the Japanese method peculiar, but thereis not tiii? least_ doubt. abouk an . _ ..Street Rciw, to. A A couple of young men ..and their friends indUlged in a roW, near the corner of Campbell , and -Ross Streets - on Saturday. evening last, and they will answer to the charge of disturbing the public, peace before ths Reevek on -Friday. • ounce ofpreventionbeing bet- ter than a pound Of cure' every time that it _pays to use proper means to preserve the health, and that a- t this season of the year when the weather is rapidly beconling colder and. warm comfortab1E3q clothing is necessary, it -better to use the preve,ntative by supplying this want, rather than- run the risk of a period of sickness" and a doctor's bill. Now we have beenan- . ticipatiug these .wants of the Shot a Peer The Minting party which left Luck - now. - last week for Bruce peninsula, are• having a geed time. The. first day. after their arrival in. the. bush; Mr. Harry Days succeeded in bring- down a 'fine- dew, and no doubt by this time, the other members of the- party have secured one or more .of the 1,5,ig .game. Splendid Cheese - At the great World's Fair' A dood Paper . 'he Clinton News Record came out last week in a bran new dress of type .and looks well, The news- ReCordis a first . local` paper , and is. certainly a_ credit to its able editor and the town of Clinton. Winter Weather - The weather took a -decided change, . -. 4 en Saturday- and on Sunday morning- .. , _ . . the ground was .covered vath a couple, -A very fine assortment ladies' kid I FUCKNOW MARKETS. gloves,- extra value in black and color- Fall Wheat, per bushel.... 54 to .55 ed just opened at ilirs. Smith's. Spring Wheat, per bushel .. . 51 to 55 -Miss Lizzie Murdoch, a. this vit. 'Peas - " ... - .50 " .52- lage, while driving tO. 4.ihfield lately Oats • • " . _ . .27 .." had one of her hands badly hurt in •fe Barley ' . " • - - 4r • -• • ai runaway accident. Potatees . " , . .. .35 Butter, per up. . . rolls .17, tub .17 to 18 and Miss Curley, of Seaforth, spent aday Eggs, Per dozens • • - .9 . . 9 9 9 9 .15 Miss Potts, of California, u. s. last week in Rappid City, the guests Hay Per ton* • • - • ' ' • ' • • - " $6 to 7'00 3 $1 75 -to $2.25 of Miss M. Campbell. The re ular Aneetiug :of the - Women's Christian Temperance Union of inches .of. snow.-. .-It was co an , . will be .neld in the Oddfellows , Wednesdsy. Nov. 8th, at 3 o'clock sharp .• -Mrs. Alex. McDonald, of San Francisco, . California, and Miss Maggie McDonald, of Seattle,' -.Wash- ington; • are .the gUesta,ef their uncle, 'Mr. John BOyd. -• • ' blustery and had the appearance o a • . • _Oluine winter; but the hot tun and far weather of Tuesday *soon cleared *the ground Of the beautiful and we are again enjoying beautiful weather, . . Chicago, Ontario beat the World .- in cheege,' and we heartily congratulate Mr. Finlay MeInnes,•of the Lucknow factory, on his great'success in the big exhibitHe was. awarded one of. the premiums and his cheese_ tested' points out of .1. possible 100... people in this line and are :prepared- to: :sumil.y....-them at prices that will not fait to -suit- . the pocket. book of the most. 'careKbUyer., can with confidence then 4sk. you_to,See our stock '-of. YUnderclothing,. all pricesfrom456„ .4. suit: up, - Overcoats. - from $4.•50 'Mantles, perfect. ::fitting from 15:3-...60 up to $20. A full range of Ladies 'Undewear, alarge stock ,Ol--gl'Or:-ana_fanCy: Flan- nels, hosieryand WaterprOpfsseveral skinds, _7includirig*eifaLmou - Melissa "001- best the . Ootii. and Rubbers. Dre.ss-,Gt-oo4s great variety.. ifz kinds and: p. Thresp.cornered Affair The :Conservative'Convention for the of Bruce at Allenford on Tuesday nominated' John George to be their candidate for the Ontario Legislature. Three candidateare now in the field -Mr. -George for he , Conservatives,. Mr. Pearson for thfla Reformers and Mr. McNaughton for the Patrons of Industry. Stick Them in the- Stove - A large retail house in Toronto is sending -Catalogues _lout to parties.- Hof i °wee,' .. lit is. scarcely necessary to -tell - Or _ [- . readers of . the village .that . Tuesday ni ht last' was •IlollOwe'en. - 'Every section- of .- the; *village... received - due. -attention at the hands of :the boys and -if Ii:there are any gates,' out -houses,- or other movable articles that have not been ' removed ..it is -simply because their -existance was7. unknown to - the 1 . • . - - youngsters. The 'failure to give you a -ca'11,- rest assured, dear friend, was not intentional on the part of 'the boys.' . • townst and. villages, as an inducement for goods. Parties .should stick them in the stove, .for two reasons: first, -because thi prices asked. generally are no lower than can be procured at hotrie and secondly, because everyone who has -Money to spend should invest it in the • business ..houses of their own town. The BrOCkville Tit -rte.'s Of Oct. 2,:id A Fine Solo 'Mrs. Smith's stotk _ of fall and winter millinery is now. complete in all the leading styles and collorings. --Canadians have covered them- . • (selves with glory by Carrying off prizes for sheep, cattle, horses, poultry, fruit and manfactured goods_ at the. World's • Fail. Parlor. Social The Parlor Concert at the residence of l Mr. W. H. Holmes' under the auspices of the Church Worker's- S4ziety, on Friday evening _last, was Most successful in every respect. In spite 9f the showery weather the hOuse #WaS well filled, and: an ex- cellent programme; was render by our local talent, both tri vocal and instru- mental_music. All who were present 1-1,d an enjcya,ble time.. The financial proceeds of the freewill offerings were 'liberal. says "The band connected with Guy Bros. Minstrels paraded the principal streets between 12 and.1 o'clock to -day. A halt was made on Ring street oppo- site Court -House avenue where one 'ofthemembers of the band played - a bass. solo entitled "Rocked in the cradle of the deep" with variations which was simply immense. The per- former received well merited applause from the large crowd assembled. gopds and. hosts of other lines. All of which we take pleasure in showing not only to or old customers, but is many new ones as will favor us with a call, CAM/ROI, Mtitlii0Cil .LUCKKOW. POST -OFFICE. Hours .f; a. rn.to-7 'MAILS ARRIVE. 6:13 a, in, 30 p. 111, 230 p. m, 3:48 p. W. -G. (ft D. South L. & B. Noyth Hblyraod -Kialough. Kinloss W. G. d; B„ North • . . Orange Blossoms A very pleasing event took place 34 the residence of Mrs. Jas. Webster, A.shfield; the.1.8th ult., 'when Mary .A. was ileit.e(-I in the lioly • bends of • - - "Go eric 1 LOCAL itICED GENERAL Condensed for Sentinel Readers A nice trimmed hat for $1 at - • Mrs. Smith's. • Master John Tennant is visiting friendi in Alymer. -Call at Mrs. ,Smith's on Saturday for bargains in millinery.- wed4oek to • of West. - vv a IN 1111t)31.1. The Rev. John Mills. perfermed the. ceremony in the pre..f•nec 41 nuinber of invited friends aftet: which all sat down to, a Ellimptuous dinner. The. largenumber of Useful presents _speak of -the high esteem in which the bride was held by her ' friends and acquaintances. The SENTINEL -wishes them- a pleasant journey ‘on- the Matrimonial sea of . ---intermediaAe po11 ints c. 9 00.p. m,. _ " - - Ia.' a; Sz, Bi North • - 10.30 p. m, - "..-. • . . . . - - - . • • - - Tuesdays and- Loarigside 1 ' - La H. & B., South 9'39P" in a H. &B. South 10.00 a.m. W. G.& B .North 3 .20 p. ra • lialyrood - - 4.30p.m... } ialough .. - Kialose - - • • -Mr. Al.. Murdoch of. Pine River is visiting- friende in Lticknow.. .. • -There were three runaways in the -village on -Saturday, but none serious. Mr.'arid Mrs.. A. B. - Davison; •of is gratify in g to know that during the rush at the World's Fair pasianger business on the G. T. R. not one pas- senger has been killed or injured! on the lines under its control. -It is said there are counterfeit five dollar gold- pieces in circulation. It don't trouble us, however, for those fellows who owe us five dollars seem to think we can. get along wit4out money. • Flour per cwt. Dried apples"" Tallow* 7 Lard "... Pork per cwt. - Wool per Chickens; per lb. :. - , . Turkeys, per Ducks-, per lb ...„. , Geese, per To • ••• 4to 4- .04 .12 ;s • ;18 • .;05 ,Goderich were in-- Lucknow on„ -Tues- . - Tract Society At the amnia' meeting of the Tract_ . • . Dalton -McCarthy . has announced his intention of visit- ing Tara early this winter. /He will be accompanied by Coll. O'Brien and E. Douglas Armour. It is said he will also visit Southampton. - At -the next session eit, the. Local House the Government should pass a measure placing all officials on straight salaries., No matter what difficulties are in the way, it Should be done, as public sentiment is decidedly against a continuance of the present system. - Clinton New Nra. and Mrs. john Boyd returned- home from their visit to Chicago last week. _Puy _Bros. Minstrelsi The Guy Bros. raintitrel. troupe will _ - . s appear at the TownlIalli-Lucknow; on Saturdays next, NOvember. 4th._ Don't miss it zThey are the best company. that ever visited. Luckuow, and this . • _ year are 27 Strong.. GOvernrneritiVloney Society held _last Tuesday evening in The reeves of the Bruce Peninsula will be,. in good humor for a _Month hereafter., The good news has been received_ that the loss sustainild through- the rPsuniption of lands by the -Dominion Glovernment is to be made-geod to the various townships by a. grant of over -8-01000.-- This Money is to be kid out in toad improvements, - and Will be a boom to_thesettlers,.wha :have long - been hampered by the roughest, roekest roads in the Province of -Ontario: The township of Keppel the 'Methodist church, • the follovring; were elected for the ensuing o • year:: President, Rev. Mr. Mills'; Pre ideas,. Rev. Messrs. Miles, Kay; McNabb and McLennan Vice Me -t See Treas., H. C. Archibald. Commtee Ch.-, of- England, . Messrs. W. H Holmes, • 1.1, Days;- -Methodist- Ch", Messts.: D. .C. Taylor, .(4reer ; Bap •tiSt,t. Mr. J. Memery, Preabytetian.. Ch.; - Messrs. McDonald, . T. 'Baird, D. -McDonald and F. , Those . -. • . -present. at the meeting' listened _ with much interest to'. the ;ad, dregs of Dr. Moffat. ‚as, he totiched. the„ '-different phases of the Society's ir•Tor*; giving only fresh .infermation, gleane'cl from the' report .of_ the -past yearsis -work. - -1- . e next uniform promotion for the county of Bruce will be held on Nov. 6th awl 7th. Mrs. Smith has still a few of those fine ladies jackets which she will • sell at reduced prices. . -Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. Polly, of. Goderich, are the guests of their sister, Mrs, Thos. McLean of this village. - --The Kingston News has the follow- ing flattering notice :-"It was a fairly large and much pleased audience which attended the performance of Guy Bros. minstrels at Martin's Opera house last evening.. The performance war good.-funriy,. intensely funny in parts -Land one good feature of it was that the jokes did not have an aged oder, most of theni being fresh and original. In the spectacular part of the show the performance of McDonald the flexible ,statue," and Evereit e club swinger, 'were especially'meritprious. The "Robin Hood" scene* and _several of the specialties introduced kilt *ere quite 'pleasing, as was also the stick drill by the Guy brothers,. The cos- tumes were handsome." • This company will appear in the Town HAILLuck- now, on Saturday, Nov. 4th. 08 •• • • • • • Li. " 'TORONTO IVIAR.KETS Wheat. '-re-d; 57c. white,58c Flour- $2.50 to $3...20,. Barley 37c. to 38e; Oats ..29.3, • PeaS.:. 52c. . Dressed He.gS $7,..50- to 7,75 •. Potatoes steady at 40c to 4-56.• Butter 20e.. to 230.. • Eggs * 22c.. • RRST CUSS RM OR SAl 'tkes. fRom :Imlay._ • The Sacreraent of the Lord's supper will be , administered at Zion church at 10:30 on Sunday morning • next. The legs of a chair never stick out have so far behind at any time as when a man is prowling around in the dark barefooted. - • The Rev. Dr. Browning . will commence a _series of revival- services in the Methodist church here on Sunday next.. -If s you want American rubbers 1.40T 21, cOn. 4, and lot 21, con. 5; Huron township, having the follpw- inproVements thereon : Frame house 18)&8; ftame kitchen 18x28, frame • bank barn, stone foundation 30x90 and frame stable 30x40, good orchard; 2 wells and 2- pumps, and a" creek crossing lot 21, con. 5. The farm is well fenced. The whole two hundred acres are cleared and fit for cultivation. Will he sold at a bargain. Apply to 'GEO • MA. & CO., •Bankers, Luckno47. STRAY E D cheap, call at W. J. Little's. A huge Died in Buffalo.. - The sad Intelligente _ was, -received by the many friends_ in. the village, that Maudie ,Davison, had died* n. Buffalo., - on Mrs. Davison and: her two daughters left here for Buffalo last Spring. ..Deceased - who was: in -her_ sixteenth year, -had been -aping for nearly a year past with. - Consumption,' _ and : which was the _•eanse... Of her .diath;-• The- remaiiis,. accompanied ..by -Mrs. Davison and -daughter, arrived in -the village pn Menday, - and weie Conveyed:: to- the .residence of Mr. Davison; from whence the funeral took place.on•Tues- ,day afternoon. The-remainS-4r1. -in- terred in the :Dungannon cemetery,. --beside -those Of _her _father, .the late Robert - .Davison,.._whepa$A4ed away -about two. years :ago, *. Mrs.. ,.Davison and-family ,have the sympathy lof.- the whole community in their isad:bereaYe-- Mont.- I: - will also share;in the benefit s • stock of 'all kinds.of boots and W. J.. Little. 0- -Mr. John..,Armstrong, of London township stopped in the village on Wednesday. :He was on his way to Wiarton with four horses. _ -Mr. J. B. Hunter has again secur- ed the large Agricultural Hall for a skating rink, and will make it better than ever this winter. James Young shipped on Thursday a car -load of lambs to Buffalo, that weighed 101 pounds each. They were A choice, for this year. -The Dominion Government have selected Thursday, 23rd of November •• • . as a national Thalcsgiving day. It is the same date as the United States Thanksgiving.' •••••••.' • - BELFAST - - AME to the premises of the undersigned on Lot 7, Con, 1.3; .01i or about the 10th of October, 1893. one white Ram. The owner can, have the same by paying dam- ages ancl -proving property. . (ToOlate-for last 'eek.) The revival services at Haekett's Church are favored with go0 roads , .and Moonlight. Mr. Ruttle, of Ripley, is -assisting, the pastor, Rev: J. Ken- ner,' and- together they render the meetings- Most .impressive. McCroStie; Esq. sailed from- - Montreal' on Saturday last on the Allan Line S.- S.- .Miradian for Edin- THOS.. WEBSTER, 1030 3m.- • Lucknow„. ES Mitowskwi. I ; -There was a rumor that . Mr. JUST OPENED OUT • In the Cami2obell- . Block, .aext, door to G. W. Berry's furni- ture ware_rooms. borough, Scotland via. Liverpool. He purposes visiting the* Highlands * be - 'fore returning to Canada. Mr. John, E. Thom, P. S. Il• for West Huron ,visited the Public School on Tuesday p.m. and declared the school In good standing. Mr. R. E. Brown, teacher of S. S. No. 5, Ashfield, accompanied Inspec- tor Thom. Mrs. Samuel Cox, of Goderich, is the guest Mrs. S. Boyd. Mr. T. Somerville is able t� be around again. A serious runaway accident took place on Monday evening half a in* South of here. A son of Mr. Hussit3, Ashfield, was' proceeding home from Lucknow' about dusk when his horses became frightened by a deg. They started at a furious pace southwar01 Patrick Moore had opened out a "real estate" office in the _building a'lately" erected on the bridge in the centre -of the village. It was conveniently situ- ated, andsieven if no ornament i- would be very handy to depositors. . . - , • -The -Montreal Caledonian Society sent to Scotland for some heather, which they simply intended to distri- bute to guests on the occasion of a concert to Lord Aberdeen. ' They were thunder -struck .when the Mon. treat Customs Collector demanded a [duty of 20 per Cent Quit., throwing the boy from the waggon and cutting his head severely. A little further' on they encountered Mrs. J. Alton and her. grand -daughter Nellie White, who were walking home-. wat d. Hearing'thevehicle approach- ing they turned into "the- ditch and when the startled - animals. reached that point they, shied; both females were kncked• flown. Mrs. Alton sus- tained most severe injuries about the head and. arm.The girl's leg was badly bruised by the wheel ,passing over it. Dr. Elliot was called in and dressed • the -wounds. They are yet in a very precarious condition. FRESH_ STOCI( r. Of Staple and Fancy Grogeries, all new and carefully s,elected which wewill sell . at close prices 4.4 cash. to and Inspect our Stock 110E3OTTONC CATTLE ESTRAY HEIFERS, 2 RED, AND ONE WHITS With red on the -neck and head, .and one light roan steer, all rising two years old, Any person giving such information as -will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewar- _ ded. ALEX, REID., Langside P. 0. 'PUBLIC 1OTIC.E.. i.025-4 N OR ABOUT THE FIRST OF. August a large white- sow came to lot 14, coil, 1.4 -west Wawanosh. The owner is requested to prove property, pay all damages. and take the same away. JAMES LYONS Lucknow P, O. IIE HOUSE IS' SITUATED ON BOB .Street, Lucknow, is two story high,and contains seven rooms, Kitchen etc., and is' in good repair. The lot contains four and a half acres,with small orchard of appd?, plumm and cherry, trees, small fruits etc. First -class well and pump, withlarge barn, drive shed and other outbuildings. ...The place will be sold cheap, and anyone desiring a comfortabletome - would do well to see this place. For further paTticula. ap ly to : THOS, BURNS A Lucknow •-• 1 • • ••. .t , • A