HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-03, Page 71 „ !' - . • • . - .• •••!•••••• t DON'S •41•••.-4,4,•• niri; _ • • VaionimmuimpOir altifit.1140.-.L.Giy: -ON Tinie.. No fiUtter Row Trade Goes. mulmun--AND fag • :Auxin. hoist the Beeensat natherber-eitrieen - 'tortes etuneing Hoinatn-eQueer Preules solved -lit.ihe'etrittish Posvonice--,--eona, solicatiosia of a reerage-lifunstrig for the stIghtria. netr. . . ..._ . LONDON-,. - HE sqinelching - ot the Horde_ - :Rale -.Bill -• for IrelandbroughtlietWeett 400 and 500 peers: into -Louden for a brief gide of te.velve houbie , Int,. mediately the deed :was' done they 'betook thein - wives.. away - to their -,verioes.. -cop:lb.-y:40as , - awl -left the - niiiteepelis - as heretofore; to. -frizzle 1,- itsabjece otate ef linpecenloiley and in-. a'.4,Ition., ,.. Noimprovement in. the state of t, iaalie has to be. recorded.. on - that - of leet'-• Week. The Royale e,re disporting= theme • 1_,I. sdives:'..in *arietis- pees of -the -country and Ili ci•4'• the contieeree, ' -Queen Vw.oeialseeking •lit oitt -het hum -drum • excitenee :at Belmerel-,- '' where the Conre: ie 'ptactica ly dying of efinui. Titc--• only -fillip.ip. to r -the „proceed- ineein t!hal.), -roxi.0b9 regi .n is _the t.deerstalk- i0g. - in ebe,. royal- forests bluk b4;.gian,-, .and • i--1: Cenneught..and his: nephew york. -ism -beta. at - Work.eiayivg-the Aetiocelebef: • : - = TIM -ROYAL: .HUNTING DOMAIN: . . 1212(032,i ViaOria his four. -- terestee'-- Bit. merai,:-Whie'tefat-Mit septet...of the original , eitata:-whicielt,was purchasod by , the -late . P Peince. Aibett. from - .the ' Fife trusteet in e. ._: .- - ; - .41.1.g.52- exeentie •-o 10e 000 -eieiee Pi BkneehbUte; qiiWeik-wsiii_boUght by Her Mei:silly-7in 1878 •-Iftai:n. • the -late._ Ooiopei - Ferqnbatson; , of e•fkizerceulde coverie. 10c00 acresand IS - flfia4hou.s. for its ancient woods et Scotch . fir; ft*ti;ergeleie and., Weieen.-on-the: _Which , 'ate leeeed, extend -to. about . 9,000 acre, i and. • lieheytorite•he thefinest cerriee in the whele • il-iiittali.--- '..11 -be ette.nsive woode in -timed coer foresee, and the abundant -. and-texeop• ANNUAL REOIcT. "O'Y - TEE.. BEITIfili.POST- ..._ itemily fine pesturee in the eorriet, - render . 110,_ eem. & favori .6 haunt for. th•-; deer.. The- ... . _ - . - .. . . . . OFFICE,:. 0:(1011Diain- Of_ Leohneger .:(3: 250 &eq. is in- • The:anneal report :of the British Poste' *hided. in. the Reyal. foreat, arid the scenery Offices hes: jteit -been- iseued4ftore :Which iti • if the Whole domain 1..1 Very grand. I -- There appears' the -0;785i 270,° Is is network' eft. beidie -path, se' tat all handled during the, last°-°evi011eirtteettnetthqs".!Tehree -- - ,Otiets. of_ the forteeears ee' Tesily • _reached- :revenue in zoned nun:there was -X10.244,000. Orn - ei : hee Balmoral or -Abergeiclie,'.. and Sine -curiott :Incident:I . occur in this:report. • lreee rifles -pen be: out at the sameiime: on - Among theesrticies foiled: looSe. irrthe post ,Setesra.te beetle - About - -eighty - ategs are Wats a bar ef-..unWreught silVer described as ltiaed.-each -season,- With a- proportionate "-a-pleoe of white : metai,"'Which.licd been itiaiberof hiudee: . • . *sent by- parcel i pist .feem--one of the Austra- . N.A.,TIES IN THEIR. GLORy.. • . 11 an Cellulite to be us.ed.in. Making -the.key - - - •With- Which Her M.ejesty, opened the Ime •. ti .- /, - ne triPetiog'of the cline„*bich has juit, periai Institute.- . le Was promclaimed claime. . :- _ , . - . . .,, . . onae off,: proved as` was .enticiPatede the and - handed over te -- the - Colonial Agette •etit. dire fiZzle on record. - Quent Victoria's :General. , AmOng the lettere rettireed-from eebience Item the gathering 'tithed it.' - f.i'le, .abroad:wiii One addressed to Jaeob, Stainer,' Waie when -Het Mejeare;,- kit se.scepillble to Efq.;- violin -make, Abeam, Germany. The -14-Mili le firiences, would. stand:asA Stuart Writer who asked -to:. see -ore of. that dile- eitOceitil. -gaebed in slab ReYal.' &Inert -plaid, brated yieliti-thek.eel•price liits -received' his. -tee her Hieland men step, by. First, game letter back- 'with - . endersethent in Ger thee,Frasers: - as' --befittitd their:positint.. all Man and Reglish,. : t - the- effielti •.. that the . . -0-aeted; -the only -01 - that need ririli doff- gantiothe re ha beef", de' d : 200 years. 7 . . he Qeeen-ef Beetle d : then fellew. a in e - • • TORY AND RECOVERY OF STOLEN. BONDS., - - -efoidet the MoIntosbes -. hie AlePh4rsons, the - . - --- ; . . ...- - .. -: . e . - . vi :. . .. . - - _. .,.. - . • • le 4,eD4naide, the, Grahaine, the Bedenoobe • The following tory of the ,reeeveryi . ef. e- . . the: Cemerobe*: the,- MeTevielfe and. otheye parcel of -long -lest betide _is.- intereeting:'...In . nier.- or _leo: teriewned„.- the Qeeee bowing December, 1889, e parcel" of - forri -bonds ' leWite ooh -•eht4 as he lifted 'high his clay. *allied ab over 41,900, Sent -to FrOdburg, in , -140-fn.. themarch pest to the shrill pibroch Germany,. by - -a London • banker, was - re-. otithe elen pipet'. - Bat .ell thio hes. (40en- ported. mil -Sing. .. it qUiry, was Made --itrid' altekett.sionolhe Ddke of Fife hvi had' the .ohoWed- that the parcel lift :London -in due hindthae of elle- Allow. ..- Whether it he from course -end was drify- reeeleed-.. in -the ei-vj, haitTedonalloo or 'ssItat.nell he has sue, °Mee at. Cologne, -.but beyond that . point- aft cc, Sed in reducing a. oece.nationettnsteee, trace-Waii feet.- The German postaltattheri• thin.: ito the levet - el 4 meetine. ef -family ties made tilligent but fruitless Anquiriee, -gitnee.: in Which tho Dutra andthe Duffs only and finallY: abandoned ' the:: fiSarch,. T Two .plitytho loaning: perk •-• • - - - • i •years afterwards a letter wes.teceiyed -from i • 9. ZOMM100 of myebery.• Then there was a In thei.Waterlee ape* Windier. 0 a Ourlone.tzlaste.to :find the granddigght George slanehg .with :the nephe Bet ..seiriething stranger Wes in etere, for in the early morning h before the'.balt was over, telegram received at Windier announcing the: d of the French Miniete Marine, the man Who, ..• With. Ge Changarnier, was the anther of a plen piretioal descent On the Isle of Wight for seiZingl.the $4tieesee:perron at °about*, • .-sentatiVerd. the second lerds eldest kit*, aside, Holaimed the title.. er. of w. of Bitit, awarding Scobtiah law, the id should. have devolved on the Wino of t owe, -youngesb-branoh, and accordingly,- in 179 west; 0 the iHonse of Ler& decided that 'Willis of Hamilton, of " Widow, was the'riglitf neral pe4 son, the sixth -lord, died -withou for -a Mime in 1868, and-: the 'honors were the . and .dieputed betWein james HoMilben repr ;0HeNeh Fon eireit *HT ateneToN. tie he 01 ul • e- venting- the -next brother to the one.9through whothe-seventh lard had claimt' d and Lientenent-Oelenel Robert William • Hamil!. tev,-deicendait of a. yeunger sin,- Eight -yeare ago Mr. Jamee Ifaimilton eia; recog- nized as Lord •Belhaven; He is now 'dead !leaviing six- da.ughters, end .in all probability attention or the kuotiy point of disceietireg ieccessor whirs:quip More engage the- Upp.'er House. • - DEMISE OF THE itoyae PRIVATE 13:10.1DieTASTER“- . _ - The: Master of. maid*" to the British Court, Ceuelnit, hae•just'died... He Was a.bern ceurt, lei,: and Was annoist nurtured in - pdacea,:tor his eabis Musical training was ab the Chapel•IteyakWhere'he - began when he was net quite .10 'years old. At 16 he ' was appointed ' Queen . Victoria', private -chapel, and sucosedeil.-....18terndale- Bennett. For sixteen:yeare he wielded the baton of the Philharnionio Socielly,'`but _keg previouslyeee doing this_ he had . been Ap- pointed -.,:."•Manter; ••.5f r the .Mnale- . ter the Queen," which, • after twenty-three' yeare seryicethe gave up volunterilYln May laet, though be was net made a knight for quite two peonthelafter. e .CIITYVIgi TO DEATH BY DAT-FEINBERG. • Theteasoe of hiaeetignatien .. of the -pest he had lie. Niigata so honorably - held - that he"WoUld not i_itipclilOry, of Batten - berg. • TItielbetnptiorts yenneuGerman Sous, Lieurenent,ho, accerding_ to Kaiser:. Wi.17: 'knee is -net -eVen profesed• to .knOW. Mare !abontiinnsio than Sir Williani. Coulee, an'd -tookevery:- epportetsity'..of, bullying. and snubbing hizn thgo offdrod:::Te sudh.an -extent did this go:that Battenberg, upon mors than one occasion,:--werib up: to the bandmaeter whilet be was .condacting. And. infornied him, loud enough' .for 'ail his band to heat, that he was net giving hie men theright tiMe.: It. is Well linicksen in the -Royal household that. eub of Self -regret Sir Milani hadle:resign. That thisfact preyed upon his mind, and in a.- measure ovate -Ed heeiliatin3ely demise?, is now appar- ent. • The Queen is -very - orosS • that:- these facts have to Come 130- light She fire!) learnt . Of them thretigh.teeding,paragripbe in, the' impiety papere. Battenberg is now eWey yaditting; and When he ratline it la exeected . thab. be•Wiil get A geed- dose' ef - irate. Royal ••mitulff.••• . DETAILS OF THE FUNCTION. - miorhing broke. cloudy and grey :and -ltiv-contentil- intact. The British poet, °Sae the- Gerinan. poet office .Stating'..that the bank . -,. in London.' - had regov.ered the parcel: with TLs , eriii:CoUld •-hear the evelleh etanteimn'a-btoein: -naturally- wlehed: to kite* hese the recovery . pe4efeee* in .the Wind's whisper: .All found- had beep effieted., and it was infermed:..thet ab iltre Braemar' .1.1e mei:I.:were astit.early.a144 a ;- reinistet-vf. religion ..bed delivered- . the: •-.04.'t throuitii a sort of -drill.. The. Dake Of :parcel to the -hank, sittating that it -been hojy-i.badee in their bonnets,. the Behnoral Germany by a ellieg_ 'Men who desi4d. to:. Fi .,e",s.1 men,- in D. uff taepan,. ,kilbs--with. the entreated teateinl.ater of.- the'eame fettle in. nieit;';ewith RoyaliStuarb tartan and the oak restore -the -property to its- OWner;',..- Beyond: •- 146 and thistle badge, and the Inveraiiild :. -this , he :declined to give. eny.infer.mations'- .- meh,i. iiewise• in their 'tartans_ Were -all ezi - - _'*-:- - , **-• - -, :. .,: - - - - SHE . WANTED To. FIND .H.EIR RELATIVES. th," gthliDd etarlY. . The'-kiltiesP• stripped Of . ' , - ! - , • . - • -i - trie•iit_ ef t.nf.ji. garnientke tried ' to teas the.: .;--The fellov4ne letter: was reoefied frame - cab r. and throw.e.hardiner.- Thel.ancing-' Women in Nee -reeks.- : _ , . W. liold in re:LA.-1J tn • 438/18 'Mr .Malesty - For the .London -Ge-enerel .PostMaster - City. of . , -„sh u.'111 t4tnk -1%144.: ef it ad - .alifew-her • : .• . L . d -Ord.. England: . - . - -- . - - - - . . - • ---• - • con04rience to/41114e- • on the 'scene,- A. : wee berated; and the Chief-ConPot DEAR' SIR.,' --4I 'am 'living in 'Mirth 'America ito 0.-!,:. hr .Or wali ctrfs-vyn. up. ab. the4ide 1 8,-n have Lest all track Ofnly•Parents.I.eneloae- #, "-, 7 onsao7crIgraf:ot e .yoilpg man -that is - in, he vs1two fl .under your charge who was going - stAble if Ale-M.:cep; prenced Sep. -and de** on: to ma.rrie eiy-youn. gi;st Oster by: name •:- his i ViA nit &larger in the tear. ''. . _. : - About three years aka if you will • kindly - hun t - - - - - r : --- • - . . :: the Original of thepieinre out & Let him Write o:ssoLA.Tickir FOND MOUNTAIN .ISEW: , '. me. if he knows the We -sr About's: of ,.my Sisters • • -- -- - ,or.-BtotherkMother_ec Father --Mrs. - • 14eaati_en.-Watt 'at; its- heikitt When .up t was Heine 10 . Aesturry -Bucks -' England. :3 - the, feeed.' that leads .- front- •Belineral- and : Years, ogo. Dear -Sir, if you will kindly. Do this' - Inverc-Auld -cam. fitti. car. gage and -a Pair., and :' remain yours very respb - " • - ' favor•Iseviil think you:are. very. kind in Deed.. -4. "40" i8`°It°' - ' The Bun shone - agdn'' : ' The • _reiatisinii- were.: discovered . and. cern- -1 w oe., . age end- grey horses and postillion in ' _ ., • . •'. ---. . --- - ,- • J -- - B Rosleity wee really Coming. Hata. began to -1 - *aiii And ladies, to .held their breath . 4 ^ . . , . .., -.but• - • -1 MUniCatilitt was reetered. - - - . , . ..-. when the beak becaMe atfperenteheers and • ' .T/110 etepies.z.pAize even,* -0N izoaR0. haf4.ileek itowe, 1114 .thii. e conPant.s. of the : - Tee; geeeteie •erlz-e puzzle, however, that • • - • • - - -- • earrpileietp-eriencid a chill. • . The-denahog- ociM*eneca, and: ' -:-he - games went- -cm ih a.i eti:90.1103ireletiseth--aPe laa_t-ev'ef6:tetee-.7reacalev€61...aaeLitl;;ePe°42-. to l'‘ . ---*e- ii,t 4 141 k, and the greund- wad -•.: sroulftide-0,.L11,440i0,. Ib *Gk. the united el .,.,,,,..,,7retturttid . shion. - The people•begam • Bee - froire - . ItelY, , -..hilefly - Aupertioribed .left'lkrthe kitties 'ilia thek Inveeth"rtseand '.'`efforts. of . the Whole .elerioal* ilea to worry •- theiraisv which begen lb'. fall heavily:: They saefee. who,* : it .iikam into/weal :but at hist ! - 112%0#:dirtier,. find in the everlirg 'e ball; and i they bit uPori-r and took it to the right Matti- • whn,Ahe' irel darieiree w4.15' over, tlia-Oaral Whi-Wat neitse.e,personage than -Ste- Emit- . le0102 dowti on a'AaVY or therm near -4130m 'i-phieeepeey„ ' After ,eueh an example as this, t° „ titect; .....- - - --- ---- • -.the -Euglith -Post.....office May - -be - Medited, ' ' - '-'-"45.111A Alla KuGENIsr ' . . - - with- the pesseesionot,an'emetint of -e0Oiliell ... _- _.. Q,43sii Victoria's affectionate 'regard' -far 1 hot -_-serpaered by -that of any other: nOlf.0..' •the let-Ncepress - tiaenie: 'rather . inereaseel ' . -- - - - COMPLICATIONS •ON A PEERAGE.. : ' tAsees.41ininhabee., auditor Majesty, is -never e - 7 - - - -- - - -r • - •• - • -' ''' ' . • .- happier.. than ' When the lone *MOW le -with '.•'• -The death:- . of bird .BelhaVen,...whieh'. has he4,,,1 Irk. the genres of .0., . week, or so - Heti_ just occurred, will . probably: revive- One -Of - Mtijii4- will. have her friend. 'ete4ing with,i the'AnoiA. '.00041110ated---'questiesis. as the :her 4iJ_Bahrieral. - .- In: .correspondenco. Her ' 'law. of saccevion thelebajaVerZtroubledl' the Majettet ad4reesee the ex -Imperial one ali:i.1.0.10fal. wilidein of the. }Tense 01L91*.da- .- In (!-•Mtt-Dearetit. Ernpresswhich she, .. - . has done . 1647 Sir John s.HereiPeri, of . T.:BrointhIll, . a evertis4tico the dead Emperor-. wa.• 0..,. into& .a I. descendant ef Jehn , Hainilton-the- natural Keielee of tee Gaiters, when Napoleen.III. .1:brether- Of . the firitt Earl -:oLArriani was ' -kiss&t,the Queen's -hand" and Her _majesty I created 1.4toid Belhaven and '134 -triter) in the • - saittl WMonce on -either cheek, and thenl Scettleh- Pe"g!' as a • "warVfor his ser. embiii'',-ied ' werroly.- the: Very- gentle - *ery.. ViceS..to Charles :I:* *: He had no Male 'issue - grace,a end very nervous Empr.eistre. - •- '''' , 1 • - - - so a ,patent: yeas granted, with remainder to • . . ... ... .• , .._ .._ . .. • . STRANGE: IRONY OP PATE. _ his -- granddetighter's 1 bushiltet,L- -also. .Jahn Ifinalitoz,- 'ceilidh- And a--distinguishe.d but - Ti#ki:;,,* earco",night at din*-‘,.iliter Mej54 unfortunate-, politician In the. --dale- of the was t tut quite.- at her. east; by the FrEv •. , ., . . 1 .: ..n On' : :ThLa line came- to an end in -1-717- . Emperor,: whe assumed, the sob, low "%Adel With the death of the. fifth lord, And there- anditalanchely menn.er of .the here of iome -Upon-Capt.-William -Hamilton the" repre4: ... p. ...... - . . . . . . .. . _ _ .. . - _. • .. . _ - • . ,.. _ . - . e.. . . . - .__ ... , .•01417 ' • A 'ensiles's lietwsustin France. _AL Triballac, in Docemil,er last, he being then a law - student -et_ 13orde2 aux and A/. Auzieelee forinerly:a -workman eat the playingcardvorks of Al. •Grissaud, formed a part- -nerehip to We* a proceed for:. turning old playing dards into gb new" Two establish- ments, seys .the London Stcoulard Corres- pondent, Were - inceessfully started at Bordeaui and 'Toulouse, tind the partners opened a factory in Paris shortly afterward, and did . a very: geed trial, as may be -guessied from the :fact thob cafe and wine shop keepers. (-'ubs ' are .nob mentioned) were charged only ,four penes for cleaning and renovating a. pack three.timeit. The Excdie has, however, stepped: 'and im- pounded the plant Of. all three factories pending further proceedings.' The -indirect lose already entailed en- the treasury through this new . Indere-4.y' amounts, ib it reported, to some £120;000. JI A Lack'of Thoroughness. fe.r trvelpr hat are :lett titrehtg the pie out said the'belated an d pe s sibly convivial - - -66 IYau'll. have to get home by moonlight, replied the man with the ladder. After a few atepsin thsk.denee eked° the firstspeaker called out "Say, -my friend. l" "What is it - . Don't. yoilt think You'd better finish yer jekond tarn. on, the -moan ?" - • • _ . - Higher Than she Ellrell Tower. , - , . . . Al patty- of -gentlethen are in negotiation for thfibuilding ief a- tower on the Devil's Dyke, , neer. _Brighton, Eogianda spot known to manyas affording fete of the finestviewe in *the country, standing 800 feet above , ths. sea level, zfroin .Whence seven ceinities . can be.imen,..• as well as sing:abate Il -vie*e of the Channel. *The prepoied tower._ Will be: about 250 feet • in - - height, -Which will make. the total in exosse.of that of the Eiffel To wet. An Actress' sesuismiried Hand. - Deck* Jeandet haying effered 16 the Museutri of the: Corneille Friecabia a frag- m*nte of the heart of Talmo, M. Tallon, leading legal official at Lyon, has blues! ed M. 4ules.Chiretic to accept the -mninimified hand of Madernoleelie. Duchesnoie. This ladYiWas the actrese who shared in Talmo's: stage* triumplit.. .1**e• She Sues for " . . The latent-eat:tie celelaiie in the I.Jonden coutts hurler the plaintiff* young .woman who had the misfortune to fall and break a leg whiledanoing at a hall. She hag Med .her partner for damages. She . alleges that . the fall Was duetohis clumsiness..; - -:1 Fearing His Fate. ' Frank -Wish me luck! I am gding into the censer7atory to propose to Miss Dar- lington. Harry -Well, bract up, old man. You look frightfully depreseed. Frank -Ab, yes! I fear I am going into a deCline. -11Tot Flatterbg toEgotilAts._ The patents of the 150 babies lost at the World's Feb -grounds On Monday are now able to ph e a -succinct and prephie: dose-Op- tima:6f the ,00mparetive size • and Import.iirceof (tie bruzarebeing :in a oreWd ef.oVer 150,000. . - .A Little .IF,*syseititeda• Tommy -My mamma gives mo a birthday party nsxli week. Did your mamma ever give you one? -Lucy (centenaptuously):.--Oh,-- yes; more than 50: • Dry Thnet. Mr.sWieksvireWhy • don't you try to lay 'Vitt something for a rainy. dely 7" • Hungry 1144p -it's SO drynowadaysthat I am afraid I might die 'fore it ever raki, A Queer, Coridetion.. Soniehody cheihnged jonetie fight elluel Oinking' to ecare.hint. -- • • "Vell, it's go," replied the cheerful: , ' in the Bud. "Ithink " he was saying when she inter- • rupted him severely.: .'"-Bat. ten .:don't think;. you only think you think,"iand he never finished - what .he was -going to -say. • • '4 ' I Aeleptitailen of hiflueetial Mentreal bui- nese 'Melt ; Welted on the Qiebee•Govern-; Ment en Saturday to -Urge the .ebolitien of -tate* exeMptions, and the adeptiriii Of the alngle tax en land. " • . - efeIrs. jarnee Gooderham, - Torent0,e and .Afts. (De.). german, Belleville- have been again 4.6.elected Provident . and Vico-Pipit: dent respeotiVely di the: Womanli Motho. diet A/ ileionaty -Boerd:. • The 'clatighnewagw; Indiana have elected representatives- t� .atiehd.a me�ting of the whOle-Ireqapifttribe to proteet agaainet$ the Enfranchiteemtit.Aot. The txte.etingwill be bald at Ste Regis next Wedneeday, The:condition ef Prince BleMarele I bits -So MUckiniptiiied thatTrineess Blentarck has 'been able to Vieft her ding4ter•-iii-lasy,- Counteso-HeOerb Blainarci4 who le expeet7. . . • . , . . fog ecinfinement•at An early date. . . Within.years thereliave been -five different Minieters ab • tite.heed of the War DepartMent in Gerinanys and it hi suggested that thole frequent changes argue some de - feet in the Emperor's knoWledge of men. . . _ . The. Boit of General MosoMehen received: telegraphic dagate:b.'itterit ex -Empress -Eu- gene, ;eying : "1 Slate. your OW. Clen, veg. mysientimenbetio Madame-Medi:Ashen." The. lige General tree Varied On Sathidisy." • . 4....•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••." .d....d..."••••••••••••• • • kW, there is a .deubletraoh. • -DISAST JUL. • • THE ORDER 10 11- T. 1 Express Trains Wrecked at Battle Creek, Mich. TWENTY-FIVE PERSONS ` KILLED. Trainmen :Inlayed and Eseaped-linghtes Driven Into Each othereeteniebody pia- - Obeyed Orders--Coackcs Burned -Dont . • ' • N. tventy-eix heaps charred, .blackened flesh lie all thet-re- ,neins whab .1*sa than twenty. -four hours age were men, *omen and ehildrenin 0: the epjaymeno .ef ee health and 'happinesr, upon the &or of an improvised.morgne -itn- the basement of •a' " furniture store of this eity. A nine awaf in the City lifoopital are a seer° or mere of human beings' with 0, gashed bodies and breken - limbs. Add to this'an engineer in joil and- a conductor a fugitivefrom the law, ard the stery is toll In. brief of he latest of railro4.d boors, and one of the most appalling, in character ef thie-Cir recefi) years. This is the lietof Dead and Unidentified.' E. T. Magoon, Providence, 1. 1 , identified by his papers in a pocketbook; other articles found in what -remains of his clothing were a pair of sp:fctacle, railroad. tickettwo blank books, pocketbook "containing $61 in money, silver open-faced watch,. pocket-knife, ,and bottle of pills. - Woman burned to . crisp; 'nO clothing Bee', apparently about 12 years old.Faceand upper portion of head as well as feet burned to a crisp. Few red hairs remaining on back of neck. In pocket of.coat handkerchief with red border ; chatelin watch. W. W. Henry, of Woonsocket, R. I., lumberddealer. identified by business cards. . Male, PaPer in vest pocket With statement from Jelin Monro, banker, New York, to Chas. Wenzel; also a note written in German from Chas. E. Wenzel to Dr. Howard E. Vance. - Male, apparently about 35 years old, heavy build; in pocket of trouFers several English gold sovereigns, jack-knife with horn handle; in vest, silver watch, handkerchief with the IL G." in old English letters • trous- ers were brown, made on the old English fr flap style. 'Male, apparently weighed about 180 pounds; clothing destroyed ; burned beyond ,possibility of identification. A woman, burned; hands clen qined and hor- rible expression of anguish On face; had in pocket of skirt letters addressed to F.R. Mc- Kenzie and signed by Mrs. M. Parker; envel- one marked ttratford, Conn., together with $25 in money. In another pocket was a hand- kerchief with name of F. R. McKenzie. In red plush coat taken -out of the debris with the re- , mains was a gold watch in leather casa and a pair of rubbers in paper marked "Middletown, Conn." When the Whitoomb special oame to full step inthe depot) the night operates handed t� Conductor Scott two copies of an order for tbe train to.precoed to the double break out of Mein street, :about half a mile distant, and there await the passing ef the west 'bound Pacific' express, known as No. 9. This train, ithioh was nearly three bourn late was composed of thirteen day • _ cosohei and two baggage care.- Meet ef the day °Cachets had seen many years' servide• and were in Door 'condition to 'with- stand a colltsicet. Beery one of the fated number was peek( d with eastern people, the majority of whom, taking .8 -throning° of the low ni'ess, *ere en their way to take in the last week ofthe exposition. The Facifie express,eviss in charge of Conductor John Bird and Engineer Gil, :Crenshaw, both of whom •-had••received orders at Lasing to looz ont for the • westboand trafn on the: tert.p ble,efackland were. seeer(!in. gly en 'the , pre FATAL ERROR, After:receiving orders'at the*Battle Creek etamen Engineer Weeley proceeded up- the double track, 'bat inetead of stopping, in eticotdance with his instructions, until the weet-bound .express had passed, he eon, •tinned en, and entered again on -the single track. He had hardly gone an eighth of mile when thepheeditght of the Pacific) ex- press was been coining -areuDd the- elight curve ,behind the belegreph _Office of the yards. It Was speeding Westward at a rate of forty flailits an hour. There was no -time to -apply .air brake!' or reverse levers. The engineers and firemen of both train$ jiitnped for their livere•sed A second liter the :giant) locomotives cable together with a crash that could be heard a half -mile _away. • 60NDUCJ0R SCOTT SURRENDERED to the policeto-night. - He made a brief statement to the effect- that he gave the engineer a duplicate of the order he Ze-. ceived thab he supposed he Understood it that he afterwards went Into the .baggage car and did not know that the engineer had got over. the 'siding and taken the. sin- gle track nntil. the collision occurred. At 10 40 p. ,m. it is reported that Frank • H. Smith cannot live more than an hour. • This, will 'bring the death list to 27. Frank Rogers, of Woodstock', Oat., WAS in the aecond coach,- the one next the smoker. He escaped through the window, and helped a woman out. • ..Every teat in the car was 000Upied by two persons, except two with .one occupant each. There were only seven ont that escaped alive from 'this ear. .; Superstitious citizens are commenting on the fact that there were thirteen coaches en • the fated train, And that the car from which the fire started' Was numbered- till's - :teen. had been in previoue ;wrecks. Woman, bu• rned beyond recognition; no -clothing remaining. • Man, supposed to be T. A. McGarvey, of On- tario, gold open-faced watch in vest pocket Mrs. Charles Vandusen, of Sproutbrook, N. Y.; burned to a crisp. Chailes Vandusen, hubband.of above, diedot injuries this afternoon. - Baby burned beyondrecognition. Ma e too badly burned for identification.. ' Male, weight about180 pounds; silk handker- chief in hand; clothing destroyed, no identift, cation. - - Woman burnt to a crisp, no identification. Man, about 145 _pounds; no papers, silver watch,- with engraved initials, W. A." - Woman, weight about 140 pounds; chain bracelet,with key lock, on right wrist, burnt to 1. crisp.- - Woman, weightabut 1.00 pounds, no id.enti- ficatlon. •Woman, burnt beyond recognition ; portion of black Silk dress and blue striped underskirt, remaining, also chain bracelet on right wrist. Wonian, burnt to a crisp. - Male; supposed from . papers to be G. W. Beaidsley, of Watkins, N. Y.; in pockets .$30 in Currency and tWo cheques, one V00, the other for $100. Charred trunk; and head missing ; medical examination necessary to determine sex. • . The same. The same. , Male, apparently. about 150 pounds ; op‘n- facoivateh of Illinois make, no means of iden- tification: One of the female bodies is believed to, be that of Mrs: W. W. Henry, of Woontocket, R. Island. One of the, male victims is believedto be Wm. Lewis Wilson, of 832 Sheridan road. Evanston, Ill. A valise with his visiting cards and other .pieces was found in the wreck. . Corrected List of 'Oared. The injured are : 'Ezekiel Davidson, . ex -President, of Fairport Village, N. Y. • . Miss 13611e Williams, Lockport; Y., ankle broken. -- • Mrs. Henry Bushnell, Brockport, N. Y., hind ojured.- Wm. -Thompson, Woodstock, - Ont., hes. injured. • - Frank Rogers, Woodstock, Ont., han bruised. Fred. Wurtz, Robliester, N., Y„ left sid bruised. Evelyn Wurtz,-daughter of above; left arm broken and right collar bone broken . Harvey Smith, Fort Plain, N. Y., left side bruised one rib broken. . • Mrs., Harvey Smith, right leg broken. Frank II. Smith, both -Limbs crushed ampu- , 1 Torontoniane Killed or Hutt. . , . AMOng' •611,e mon Odd Yidilne" of the wreok arel,gr. Albert ' Bradley and. -wife, of Terente. ' Mr. Bradley, who is now in the leg psi:pi:tat tBead,ttbleuCt Creek, No Wino had been bend -up te. .midnight M-Iiriecbtiallybasrehoollera. ,ofMrs. Brain y, who, undoebtedlyeis among the vietima of the -unidentified dead. Mr. Bradley, Manager of the Quen street . .east (tiorner.Briiedview) branch ea/ the Gene. dian Bank ef Commerce, left his home, No. 73-Vietar avf-nue,_ Toronto, on .Thureday Tat 2 50 by the Pacific express, via Hamilton, 'for -the Chicago Fair. He was accompanied by his wikand their three little 'children, an une.er 4.years. Aelbey puled through Smite the three little , owe was • left with their grand punts. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley proceeded'on tha ill-fated train. . . The strange thing is that Mt. Bradley _ had arranged with he head e-ffioe of the bank to ieeve yesterday, and when he was Up lioeing -Mr. Aird about At the latter , urged him to wait'ever another day, as he, woutd then be better able to , anew a" reneging manager to take his place while - absent. Mie Bradley, however, WAN .0.W anxitAis te:geti away and had completed AU : his arrangrments, -especially those' eon!. corning Mis, Brodiey And the children, that it was decided to let him go. Had he waitid. ever - uet113 yesterdayle and Alii, 'Bradley would have . escaped, But fate - ordered otherwise. • Mr..Bradleywa$ at One time accoentant . at Sinew., iand had been in 'the service of he. bank f4r twenty yearn. ' Twoeyeirs ago Whei the branch in King street eaete.To- ronto, was iopened, he was appointed man- ager. - He was about 38 year's ofage, of cettieb menders and ellghtly deaf. He wee much wrappd pp in his Wife and his family. • . - MRS. BRADLEY'S eon UNKNOWN. ' , - Mt*. Bradley, -when fate is 'still uncer- tain, is a daughter of Mr.. W. B. Clarke a , . d peon:111mM dry goode nietchant of Sarnia, 1 Who is conneeted.by marriage with the fam- d.ily of bbs lateRon. Akx. Mackenzie. e •Bradley is I:beet 38 years of age. The tsr- 'ribie event has produced. A meS6 'depressing :effect upottehe -bank eta& MrseBeedley's body ,wes- almeet burned to aoriap, and the casket Wilinot be Opened. The'griet of -the family is Moot -intense, .and they /lave I the, -sympathy of the 'whdlee community in eheir. affilotlon... • Ameag .other$ who left) Toronto on the Piaci& es prase were Ri-V. R. jOhnsten,.B. . - • ef Liedeay, and hi 'wife and his tinter, tated. • -Nellie E. Smith,.rightfoot crushed. . . Albert Bradley,- Toronto, Ont.-, left leg broken ; amputated below knee. : - Frank Turner, Middlesmitliville, Pa., injured in his back. - • - -. - John - C. :Stewart, Dalton, shoulder, bruised. - - Jennie, daughter of above, aged 11 years, left arm broken. - : - Mrs. Vance, Slineoe, Ont., both limbs broken. Geoige, Vence, : see , of above, aged - 14, bruised; - - • : Joseph S. ,Archell, Evanston, ankle amitsr,ed._ • - George " Shackleton,-. Auburn,: N. Ye right band and head injured, . • , Thomas J. Munroe, Auburn, N.Y., injured. • birS.-Beardslee. itiptingileld, ankle. hurt. . H - R. -:.Toronto, .Ont.. back • in- jured, and -was taken to the residence of Mr. Bronner, - , Maggie :01.13rady, Oswego, N. Ye right leg broken, - . - • = C. V. Adams, Buffalo, N. Y., left- 'heed in- jured. - *How It Happened. Direct disobt de3nce of Oradea on the .parb of the Chicago & Grand Trunk .erigineer and oondnoter„ both of whom had seen long sera vies with the Oenipany_and were regarded as model eitiPlOyees, was the denser of the tragedy. IA Helmond and -Whitoomb. special train of .eight palace cars filled with eastern -folk; who.- had been taking. in the . sights.'of the World's Fair., .left the. 60th - street depot of the road at Chielgo at 8.15 as the:Obit 'section Of the night exprees_ known 'as•Ne..- 6. .- The train was in .charge of :Conductor Bunt N...Scitt and Engineer Harry Woadley, . both residents of . this place.. - All went well -until the-.Batble Creek , 'depot) Was 'reached. This was at 3.35. '4 . From here to the. --railroad yards; distance ) Mrs. Hodgkin, of Deer Park. 1 . The newel of the wreck created the -Most intenseexcitement in Toronto, ib being I - - I known thatjebere were Many Torentodane - on board the train, and :their relatives were naturally anxious for newe. . . _ . - - A14110TIOR .TORONT014Ia - "HURT. - The etateinent in the -report of the act* dent yesterday that:a body had been token froth the wreck . en which were handsome hastiness .cards of Messrs.- A. A. Allan -& Coss : of•Torontoniurne out truer than at -Obit re- aitz'rct with 'the exception that -the man was ' not -dead, although he may have been un, conscious: ,IThe injured men is Mr. a. H. wailamp, ofiToronto, who travels for A. A. Allan 4 lie. it'and lives on 'Motet Ansi) in .i. this oity. It Is surmised by the -firm that, • having finishedhis badness in Sarnia on Thureday, he decided to take a run Over to Chicago delete returning home, and -warn l mi- fornunate work to get on the fetal 'train. *M At 1 od - yesterday his wife received 'a telegram from : MM. from Battle Creek; which said 13- 'Am hurt but net badly; come at on e."- Mre. Thine...ire lefts for . Battle Creeklen the. 2 50 train, and 'will bring her huibmid home. Mr. Williams -is a young man of .02 yelar0 of age, and ie esteemed veri. :highly by -the • firm,' with Whielike has been .cmgaged for about tix years. He came originally:from uearNapanee, He has no altildren. _ - !„ 3