HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-03, Page 647. "TA1711111Ifti 1-1111TAIll - hlrfrsuir% • •••••••••••'-'...•••••••••••••!""'"," "7"""4••••••.'" ''''''!*"."17•^!"••••'9." The Missinglitorl Suspense is worse than bitter grief - The lad will come no more; Why should we longer watch and wait • . Turn the key in the door. From weary daysandlonely nights The light of hope has fled; -isay the shifis lost, good wife, , And our bairn is dead. Husband, theIast words that I spoke; - Just as he left the shore, _ Wore" Come -thou early, come thou late," Thoult find an open door: Open thy mother's heart and hand, - Whatever else betide,'- : And's° I cannot tii•-•,•0>,,Y And my bairn -0" Sevenyearsi cer levee; ; - A it:littler lec Oa earth or _es heaven. l'Ii• watch- for him, I'll pray for hitt- •--Trayer as -the world is wide - But, oh! I cannot turn the key• And my bairn outside. . white, - And storm -clouds drifted black, I've heard his step -for -hearts can hear;- - I know hes coming back. What if he came this very night, - And he the house doer tried, = _And found that we had turned the 'cep And my bairn puteide !. - THE' • • ' „ .iAlltemsrkable ?lice tit., Machinery. Is the . Human Bleed Pump. - - The human heart is a hollow atrole: of a cniole farm placed between- the two lunge st44 lne1oeed in till pericardium- et heart - • e6C. Toe ordinary sIze of trie'ne•set in the: adult s aboas 5 iechee:Lin lengta. 3 Ino bee breadth - .at the 'broad:stap9,r1 and 21 inches in -Ulm:knees, andlbswei4hb 1S:from 10 to 12 otiOdes .vo" men and from 4lb-10 o4s la women _ Bene0e, of Mar-: . • bUrg, hall male kaowrk als e-bservations on de growth of the human heart ' fact . - - 4 _ EiPpearinA that tm;e iflC'e8 i jeatesband 1. Most rap.'.dduring the:, first. and aecond .,. yea= of :ie, its hula al the :ead of the sac - o#4 year beieg exactly .44nble: What it origi- nUy was. Betwe ;ix the eecond-andseitesith- yeiare. it it agaln aimoa4. double- in Sze. r A rate: of .growth I hen_ ad in' and continues during7 :the period of maturity of • other • ort tahitenufil, • teenth. ar u-) t al • growth e Ve heart is tic b.61.iti,061.--ot a °rabic - i[ Inqh, the i -ete;se m.labing abouto,ne fiftieth- ' year. Lie earl?, eltheuikaeamall, _is a-wonder- fu pLece of mechanisms and of- great. •power. With very stroke or btat_ls projecAs some- - thing like 2:15- ounces of blood- into the - 00.p aits tizehannele•ef the :body, -throwing ,it -lir fora d-Ssaeee of nine feat. -Tnis'is-dene. 60, 11,6t7.0- times -a nailltite. •The, -number of its , Pals*Oeee.varies in th.e sexes and aceordieg to posture - •di 71 when sitting tne. male- - it! beats 41. tiitied minute- wheri-sten ng„ and 66when lying., In females. it is 91, .$4, • 80 in similar petitions- respectively. • ?.• At the Cinb.- ;F‘ Colonel„ can'yoti lend me.r--"g'. NI); sir, ca0: And if I could, _I - would t. :I have been lending you money feta year, and you Make no effart be return 1. • 46-StitI wanted be know if you wouldn't lend me--" • - And. I tell you, beforehand that I " 1 W63 3, 1. 11 Well, tien, doti'b I Wanted to borrow .yordr pen' to make ont:a -check for what .f ovie you; but if: you're in no harry; • ' -luyeting from St. Petersburg-to:Paris. I} Torrent, the- wheelm.in, . who went by [train last -week froMParit7to.St..,Peteraburg ,[et4tekookSap ember 27h, at 22 minutes f,[past .8„` from the- 11,, Is Jan capital on his • bicycle.- Hi intends r.0 reach' Parla soon , , • as but it*.is -reported that', -he will lhaVe. a rough -task before him,, as the 4as.- roads are. thickly _Coated with -slush, t'e; weather le' abominable. Tertent is- aceerapanied by two Freneh and one Ras-. . 'Sian trainer.- - Westminster Gazette. •:• ' :Appropriate 'Ejaculations.. I'er the banister -Dash My wig! For the eetakter-Bast 161 - Per the dantist-By gum! For the gtozer-You be sugared - For tha carnet -player -That be, blewed li'or the card.-playi-r -Deur e -take it ! For Vie oculist -7-- gy eye-,! For the baker -Ob crumbi eor the .tlea•rldderi-7,-Blank it' A corm,orant on is Church vo a recent afternoon a cormorant arrived 4ewark- and teak up a pasitiou _Arc the !Nate of the pirieh church, the spire of which - Tiekti to v.• he ght ef nearly. 300 feet. - reMained tlyere durt.ng-,the rest Of the day, lali:3undey (wr..h an eccasiiinat* dleappear- ?A1141. probably in search - of food), and is Still on its lofty 'and 10- ely porch.. . - • • Nirreity in Silks. novelty whieh: -f4llews-- the Hass laid doN!'-in by the - favorite: style Of lelaCk and white stripes is found ingros grain: Thewhite tri.pes altereate wiih :he black, all being • 41 • narfow andfif the tame width; there'belng 64 10 to-_ti.e inch. Tap iiiiripes being small, the e7ee.t they preditoe is rather t waaied•the -Law 013: -MS Old% _ c(!. Well.," saki th -lawyer _A° the rural- ustice, " yiu teat for me." • "Yeti' said the j • stice. • I want advice, . - - abeht this here pr son -.r. He's been ketchfd '0'1%4' h4ka, I hain't got no law -book I db.a't know of I'm- entitled to lynch him or not - - i, • . - 0,gia - . . _ _ . - os and girls wh• *make snoops's. of life to. take a conmed. elstudy.at the Gait ja3ai3-intss °wisp- a -id -Shorthand- Institute; • Gal; Out No classes formed •Each .4• . • istiaenta taught•-seprately.- Write for- 14.4tVeEtt. ifett4r, , An lin-ekpecteft Answer! . . . lc-.- 0 :t d- a „ >r, it . Ii ep awiully hot. I y. ntitv I loqk j ant like '-ei. boiled lobster,- . 1, .,- , . . . , * ti:dor;t I ! . - _ . '1' & e..- rii - II b ' Yea- . ioe:Y-ou.: hor7Ici, titian old- D_....thing.. - _ The Co Ginte41-Pf 111 -4 -yo has a. soreencev-. 1'11744 with oho - of' all the distin- 1101,i-hed PP' -t she knosy,Y.. 5. soar doishter of Mrs. Glaorge. of ,Cobt1-4-,. near Rhage11,-. W1311: ,ct to d:eith while playing with fire oi fr1"3 RATNER TOO MUCH POP IT& --the ordinary, avilky • pill. Too big take, and too much disturl. ance for your poor sys- tem. ' The smallest, easiest to take, and best • are Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Pellets. They leave 'out all the disturbance, but ,yet do you more good. Their help lasts. , Constipation,Indiges- tion, Bilious - Attacks, p. -Sick or Bilious Head- aches, and all derange- _ month :of the., liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're guaran- 'teed to give satisfaction, or your poney is teturned. 4 . _ • _ •-• If you're suffering from Catarrh, the lircprietors . Doctor Sage",s- Iletnedy ask you - to try their medicine. , -Then; if you can't be cured, - they'll • pay you $500 in eas.h. TNEit4 ELEcTRIC teeemotirivE. - It Can - Make. Over .Thirty MilesanDour Passengers. , The first electric locomotive of. any!con- siderable size in the -United • States. an Ithe ,.- . • • -- first 'Practioally -high speed electric' boo - motive in theworld, adapted to .-the steam railroad, :gays- Iron , Age,r- has recently:been completed at the-Iaynn-Worke of the General Electric Ce_Mparry, and: will .8110;121y be et! • :Orbited 06 the World's Fair. its 'completion marks a '.distinct advance in electrical .• velorinenfL -It is a thirty -ton lecemetiveciesigned for lioriAtd apeed. Of thirty Miles an hong.; printarily;; intended for operatien.ori•elevated eatlWayi and for -passenger and light freight traffic on lees important steam roads... 40'10 a •cortiiact.constructien, solidly and enlisters - &tall maim, and rime on tow 44 -inch wheels. Its ditnensionoare are: 16 feet .8: iiiehea- long, .11: f-,;01; 6 :inches high„- 6 feet 4•Inohes broia,. having its draw bars 2 feet -6 inches.. from sop: ot raIl, te Manhattan .EiPlrated: Rail- road S andard h.eight. -The draw4a.r:poll e *lariat( d at 12,000 pounds. The propeiled: power tit • famished by. _. two •• electric mown ..special design and Lona true don, each :Atte • being pre., :v...ded-- With -one Meter; ,• The 'MOOare gear.lesa- and- : are supported on. -spiral epriegt .reeting on . khe .side. frames of the locomotive" tatiek This -Method of -Suakin- stmt. leaves the wheels free to:tidiest them- selyea to thelirrigniarity -ofthe roadbed, nd conieqtnintly, the'wearto both tracks and -motive • isitAiMinitihed._ The mo;.ors are contr. Oiled by - means of a • series parai261 -- controller, Sit up in terior.bt the gab. This device embodies all the leies.t linproveinente 'made_ by the. General -Elecir4C Ompny. Vader test it is foundthat the 'ieerLes- parallel - .coatreller allow e ot,a 111Ore gradual and earierattirting di. the illeotitie -motor, .. and the speed can bemoredelicately and instith aneously con- troded than be '.case of the steam loco- motive. - , - Iher. truck, eus-peade&from :the journal, boles, is 0-Onattuoted.of hiavy I -beams, and terms the foundation fertile locomotive cab of sheet iron,ofsymmetrical desigo, and ae carved off as to Aliniiiiish':'the atmospheric 'resistance as 1ar•,.../ts_ possible: Teelauerier. is finished in. hard_ wood. -• The oiiding:dOors are pieced at each side of the Ce.b,i, 001141 the. • windows are so arranged as' to -permit of an unobstructed iview :in all directions. -Thera Is ample. space in the cab for thejnotrnian'a: ino-vertionts, .and it affords .him considerably better prevectien.,than that Usually 'vouch-. sated -tae steam leLichnotive'engineerf • The loco axe tive has been .n011;1-1641 T for a normal • peed: .:exCeding -.thirty mites per :hear. -T; Thu:118e. Of these - over vary long distances is ;treated .only by the boatof long lines if electi10 feiders; azio, until . the 'problem _-eff,rkd - 'by :this - cendi;. tion. Is - soived rea triatlen , ot ire einpley; • meat mta3 neceSsarily exist. - .Bat for 'plados 'comparatively,, near- each Other and -where traffic..., 10 dense: (the --denier the 'better); the: • electric locomotive is peculiarly • adapted, ter_ all the advantages . of: electric: proptilaiien: are 'available,- unhamp--2,red. by. toe eitreme:4penee involved In leng feeder lines.. The.eveln' inn of the use of the._:e-1,-atrie.. • • - . Weenie:aye-wil piebabty' f-4liow eking the limes 'dibta-ted iby.. exped(eney and -favoring: conditions. -, At, firlit AV" Will probably b. aged in elevated -railio*".d s6rvie, and in-. Neii.York .1340-Jklyn and Onioego aide ad-.• . . • . . . • vent will be hi ed with- a --.feeliagi3Of - gratitude. • Tptiy -then p.dhably be adopted' as fee!der,e1 to the- trunk lines, both ter 'freight).- and pa.seenger ,opera,te.atorii Saburba.i Hoese • vehese -a rapid, N efficient• service is requisite. • • t+e: Hive .- round That no reme in the market affoide_ such . . . prOolit 'relief in teethacke, neuralgia; rheu: ;retie as .Neryiiies; and its actioninease* ea of or inps, colic', etc:, Is .simply _mar vellone. Relli rking inaO• 40 a physician of experience he stated Dhabi -from . his, knowledge. of the- coMpoSibion of Nerviline _no remedy could .surpiss it at al family remedy, titithaola :livery household EC. bo Ale of Nerviline should be available for eni • rgant demands.. Readers .. of thia paper should ry- Nei Aline. - ' g - - • •, Miadirected;, _ _ . - .. .A. , rim*" g ntleokate who is pardon:lac aboUt. this getting..up of his linen *rot.: 4 dOte 10 Mei 1.0111dr*se, anci-,at the same- time, cue AO - :14e . eh -. 1st . of hie affauelo ea. .1:In .:1fortunately,' h- put the, wrong adeIreasie .oa the envelOp40„-: and. posted :them, -The wOtnan...was. puzzled, baj. not- Intheleast offendecl';-7. but when the you g lady read; gi .11f you irample 'tip ,lity shirt bow) ocg(*nd drag the lenttans off the collars any more, as youdid last time, I shall have to . go: ltiome,.• *here else," she cried all 7 Oe. evening, and declared bhat rd): e , wouldnever speak to Min again, - - - - , DR.- HOWARD'S' ELECTRIC The latest and great.' est discovery - by • the inventor of Pink Pine - for Pale people.- • . . FOR MEN, :WOMEN AND CHILDREN. . ,, - Cure an Weakness of Brmni Hedy, NeirVes.. and System, ASenilay St. Vitus' Dance, Paraly sis, Ataxy, Rheumatism,- Sciatica,- Neuralgia Early. Decay, Female Irregularity and Weak ness. Large. boxes, 50c.. six for $2.50. HOWARD MEDICINE CO.”°13fOckVille Out - NOT EVEN TIM -Ws the ititternead- of the Strife et- Chris-- • *Ion Secni: - - - -t •. -Thi old Ptirltann had:4 custom of burying the 'dead who were net members of the church In a separate portion Of the grave- yard known by the brief though unpleasant name of "the damned coiner." In old. Cepp's Hill Cemetery- at Boston are two - tombs rand .sis a general receptacle for the remains of early Bostonians net in sym- pathy with the dominant Lamb. The Jean -- once of the same old mister* Can be traced in the. practice Of ocoanionally alio*iog stranger interment in -a. corner of a family bury ingl These family graveyards. are-ustially. found in localities far. from vii. - lages aid•frequently .present a- melancholy asPect. of neglect. . one of . them, away ‘. iback among the hills -of Western New York; .he writer WAS once:Tinted oat .the .spot where an. infant, beim of a family of another faith, had -been latd.- Far _from the grays_ of. its ancestors ibis little one was given burial in a place [set orb for men and woinen:of different or and :Country.- Ib was only a corner that b reCeiveds: With slight' cere- mo !tome forty years ago.. Bat in the yra that have passed since- that time the word ban. learned more about. the universal brotherhood, and has come-. to realize that immortal soils are not created for nothing., - even.iirhen the time .of the. earthly pitgrimr age is start, and a forgotten- grave in,a cor- ner or e in he potter's field in the end. No doubt the common- tombs In Oopp's Hill Opmetor* hold Seine as well worthy of pnblic. honor; If. the stories of !their trials and sor- rows were known, as any ,the stern - visaged i Fertile& Governors. . Every man, wenran and child is worthy of a placeto live midi place to be buried in... ' - --TheRise Of -Yeast. Thelastest. kteent of Ararat. - • Mr. Lynch *telegraphs . to the Royal- Geographical Society that :he has succeeded In amending to: the Summit of Arafat He and hie part* (hie minds; Captain Lynch, and the Swine guide,. Tang- waider) "lipie travelling • in Armenia. The telegram is seat from • Erivans. and abates :that en Sept. 18th they: encamped under the summit at -the in:10W_' and ascended cm the 194h, - reaching, the *Uinta; 'after seven and one-half boars' amb. • Seine Suct4 easeful mountain photography were taken.; -London Timis. • Dame Experience Has conirinced-niveiy - that to use any of the inbetitatel Offered for the only lure -pep and painless corn cute Is attenxied With danger:1 Get always and use none Other - than Patnam's _Painless Cern Extractor,. -a druggiet* A Logical 'Deduction. Mr. Murray MU -There loons -virtu° no- body can boast of haying. -• -" -Mrs. Murray..Htli-What Is ? Mr. Murray Hill -Modesty, for as seen as a ppittion• brags of having it he hasn't 'got it any more.- -16 doesn't inake lunch differentia how hard thries may be, there is always a boom in ., • yachtn.-: - In Nurenibuirg they have Piet discovered 900 songs of .tho. Meieterelragers, including .eieme by Hens 'Sachs. - • -7774.7-77- NIUE NO 44 len. -11n refiring to saki of Ikea* taitaiirt. ROM please nsoatlsn 1900 atapor. Indeed is he whose blood is poor, , whoAlas lost his Appetite and, his flesh and seems to be in a.rapid rig- IcUne;but. Of Pure Norwegian Cott Liver OH\ •Hypophosphitei . can.' make it rich -again by restoring appetite, flesh and _rich blood, and so giving him one* and perfect physical life, ogres Cougho, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis:. MIS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK: - Prepared only by Scott 4!‘ Bowne, Belleville. BOd.hirittot %Todd! let the Beittiirie! -Yeaniri et -brood making was -first. _Menu- - facturodi n 16$4.' It i. coin:Pa-tad that over _ Cold 2,000300(tiperindi :enter int°, the daily bread I Everyiiiherel et the pe Fple of, the States, while- treble; this amorint is used in .raaropO.. •-. • . r - AgENTI , 'H LLLJLW I liii • - 14H I"Samantha IC It - • • . 'I II.Temperance at the World's Fair," by-. - Josiah . • Alleree Wife. Over 100 illustrations nearly. 003 pages. INio: tete tory assigned. Send 1$1 fox prospeotus, and -push . the canVga if you want to Make money.- I __ - - • ' WILLIAM BRIGGS, :street- . , .. Toronto .iaciii,. "SUGAR A certain FEMALE Ativrigi original COMPLAIN ..%:„& home Every: womancan ; Sample [ . Large box, Valuable' Package of stand a ease it questions Cure_ guaranteed. • - - - -- i • - - use THE 'FAMOUS. - SVECIFIC FERN." - - - 1 - - • and complete cure for all -forms el WEAKNESS. 1-. • ,. • tried- treatment for FEMALE TS. . . 1.--'! ' treatment for ladies.._. . positive* cure h.erself. -- ox, fa. • - . $5• .. .i . - question sheet planed Vvith each Sugar Fern, enabling Me to under- as well as if I were in your __town, are properly answered. - • - , . - DR. II, M.,C. MORRISON; 87 King street east,. . . • : •-• • Toronto.,- . MICHIGAN -•. FARM , LANDS. - , T ItI urnv Yt n . LOW !PRICES) '- • • . • ' • I . .it M. Pierce, of WEST.BAY CITY, MICH., is agent for- the celebrated KEYSTONE LANDS, in OGEMAW and ALPE-KA COUNTIES. OVER .12,000 ACRES of the veil . best Fond in the States can: be at low prices and on, very reasonable , terms..- . • • . , - - - - i .Fare One way paid on the purchase of 40 acres; • . ' - - 1 - Now is the time to get a home of your own. -Write - : . - R. M. PIERCE - --- • , - West Bay.City, - : . Mich-. .2 Agents Newly patented, orrd secure- DOMESTIC - I- wanted to -,sell Household Artiaes. sells ; at- sight. 1 Write quick: territory.: Addl.= as .. - ' MACHINE dr, SPECIALTY CO., -Hunter street, .'HamiltOn, Ont. - .,4.4111111v . AGENTS- .ClearIe. Dread.palto lilbarTerer. Entirely and Paring No capital CLAUSE - - -- __:.•_-_ ..........: _ _ ...„ WANTED maleandfemale; 1- To sell- our new Kettle new- a ellB: to every kouieteeper. Also our 'Knives, Carver, apd Knife and &Wore require& Easy sellers, big profits. . EILEAR CO.. Look Box '324. Toronto. Out. - - _ POCKET seimnkri, Zdarkeinericardtytec., Thalman rsS84.PE.Nc1i ? -STAMP, WITH -NAME,' M1).021,411, a P.Stainpe, ;.;.„.., postpaid for $1..eo Bin,. iv -TA NswAgts.big money.Terais Company-. --: -350 Balt Street ' . , 1. ' Balto., Md. free. U. p _ . Us : i • ; . - S. -A - • 20e.tr. 1 • Manufacturing I ` - SAUSAGE CASINGS. I- -Best Imported: EnglishSheep's ;Casings. 5180 Prime, American Ijogs'. Casings, . Full lines Hams, Baden, Lard; etc. Lowest prices to the trade.- -Park, Black well & CO: (Ltd.); .Toronto, Ont.- -1' ove 17 ea 1V1 isa giattlargL, We eud the marveloneiericb Remedy CA OW QS free, in d legal guarantee that CALTHOO STOP Discharges dr Ennisaleak ' 0131M Sperrnatorrhis, V arieeeade and RESTORE Lost -Vie, AUsddreesist, aVig:1415az PVii; 011isaLtleadc: Anierliain genta;Chielaniastii • LADIES DR, SLOCUM:4 COMPOUND PENNY- ROYAL TEA never fails Price 25cby nal SAMPLE, TREE. 44y Agents Wanted.. - -T. A. SLOCUM fit. CO., ToronO, Ontario4 Valnable treatjke and two bottles of medicine sent :Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post oinc* address. T. sLOCIJM & CO., 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Ont. .NIRS.- WINSLOW'S soijaAsi, .FOR CHILDREN TEETHING • ;For sale by all Druggists. 25 (lents &bottle. FIONT Buy a _Watch. mory 3.ewelri New Catalogue. IT.S FREE Write fol:* one B. B. MOWRY eic Co-. TORONTO CAN FOR SALE. 8,000 *Ores of Larming 1451148, W • --ftln O niUrtl, ofna*.(pep. 40,-000), and within y2 to .6 mitiev.: Of railroad; Terms 115 to 415 Per acre, dowe 425.a year, sit per cent :interest -Schools trat-:: :churches neer.- Well timbered. . Send, to maps and circulars.' . • FTHE1- LE•AYITT .DEHORNING :CLIPPER. • Wld, M. TENNANT, - " 'Eketlyenrigh- Block, • Saginaw,- E. BT, -7kfteht • , Clips anY horn in one-tenth; the time a saw will do it _ Can • be used -'r anyone. Recom- mended by -all -V. 1Liall V. S. as the -most humane.' Write for circuits giving testimonials, prices, etc. S. S. IiIMBA.14i, 577 erea:g. street, P.O. Box .915. Montreal, P. "LIOR SALE, FLORIDA LAND, 12) ACRES; 1! strictly first-class fok farming and garden- ing.: - SLOAN BROS., • Greenville 8 C U S 'A WANTED. A good, live, active agent in every town in Canada to handle a household article used in every home. 50X profit. Good money can be made easily. Write for full particulars to DOMINION SPECIALTY CO., 310 King Street East. Hamilton Ont. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. 11:7349 ' in time. Sold by clniggists. STOVES:.01111: So from :.0:11IMAI4 :OW& and PATTERNS. hey are Superb in Finish, and Superior Quality of '.Material tnd:Workmanshigi hey Excel :in Baking .9p:01- tiei-an4..in Economy. .of • 'Fuel, and Convenience. • They are made to burn wood exclusively - or coal and weed, and in a ,great variety sizes, and are therefore adapted to the require; • • inents of large or small families, in any part of the Dominion. lilvery stove warranted. If you are in want .of • a cook stove or base burner, -don't buy until you have seen this elegant line.. Sold by leading stove dealers everywhere.;' • Manufacture* by -TILDEN CO. (lona rize).0 . HAMILTON, • SHURE IMAM - IT BATES TIIIMALLu '41 h4•1411Tri. 4.1"4T1 itA,IC_ 1.4\ TEES,:lit, it4•40)..414 4 4. B1744.14VllllI naal:Egilfx ).•;,410, • Manufactured only by ID 21119 TON ig SONS MILT 'CS cuttRiss AsticyouR SEWING -MACHIN FOR IT, OR Mak 3CENT MR PARTICULAR% num +.044, SAM PUS, ©arras Y &CU.. ;.• Am, EELMp , EORG,f7. Please mention: this. paper when replying to this-advertisnient. _ - The High- Speed -Family Knittet _ • • • _ _ • • 'Will knit .10 :peirm *oda! Mir • day. Will do all work amp plain Circular knitting machine - will do, from - honiespini, or tic, tory yarn. The most . practical. family knitter on the market. *. child ,ean-operate-It. -Stroaft. Darable, •Simple, Rapid. We - guarantee every machine to Oat good work; Beware of imitations,. .1:i. Agents wanted,. 'Write. for ,par, - • ':.Dgetd as Knitting Machias co,, :DundasOI WHAT : THE .Peopak..f, .0AY OFCT • -Arith oteasurei •!itva tOr--DeistinfonT an wit • commend Eby's Electric allire to all so Mown- -trom Retle111% or .Salt wittentn„ titWItrit4 Were • Very bad Utst4 year. Your sweet, rea.fed and - --bought a ibex of the Rah.* and aftifr. hot water as -but. AR could be home, Used it ant -found instant relief. After two or Itliree yespril- cations .my hands became Quit*. firrioubit-, hayeadvised lithos to use it fur Sore arm, RunAroands, etc„ and they have,ezn-erienoott beneficial reptata. Southampton. Oat. '11011t8. K. j ,ACKEION., mssFussaselesssksim•sesssissonwomssissi,svagsswissisnss -1•Wka saereoplit'14*.r. This is 4oemtity that 'attar ueina ectuOs boxes:of:I-Ebro Electric Salvo • it oninvietekli cured a frOstbite with which 1 had ,beeti *n. bled for about two years. Mount flOpe. Ont. • WTL"-F_IWfNIEtU)TD:, •I have,usedEby's fienthilolvei stud t000rthuontl It as -ohe of the best 'healing salevez that can be had. - • 'It cured* sore on my -seta leg. It Robed like a charm.; • - Queenff111. Oat, . DONALD !MON'. ... • I CURE Valuable treatipe and battle of medicine _sent Free to any Sufferer. Give -Express - and Post Office address. -ItOOT• ii.F..186 West Adelaide Street; Tegaste, Oat •I - - • 1I '-