Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-03, Page 4`l • I'. 1: • r.+ • I iF • • • w4nro'� IHUW tA aA:Rarli .di"4�k The Lucknc w S'entinpl, Bruce County GRAIN WILL s':RI 11Y E. CME -LIBERTY TO- .v.rrEJ , 4R 3,ay.. i.BGUE F'REEL t" ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CO:KSCIENCE '�1� i '# r ALL OTHER: ,LIBERTIES.: *G wo , -1 v. 2a,:1893.. FE4R .TO- T11,8 :COURT. When - certain ::prohibitionists de= - Landed that the .Ontario Legis:Iature shouldpass an Act forbidding the sate, of uglier by tetr=il} Sir'Oli' er Mowat re 1p}led -t It there was -'room for doubt - as- to the constitutional : ower of the Legislature'. to enforces such- . an. -Act. He pk•omised-to have the question of prohibition sub-mitted, to a -popular vote- or plebiscite, to find out:wN ether the majority it y wanted . prohibition' or •:lint, - and' he promised also to submit a case -to the Court of Appoal to have :the power{s Of the Legislature- defined •i> T •e4.•Sir .John Thompson, • ori i f - 'pill illi^ meetings, s, declared -his 9w."6. belief that the pos=er to pro`- hibit resided in t:tki' Dolairiion Parlia men, but lie expressed:a villin ness : tc co-operate with._Sir Oliver Mowat`; ob�tai i i �_ a j uclicial decisioni" on the ::�i�jc;}_ so that all doubt could: be re- . awed. e-.oed. An: Ottawa correspondent . nrounce' that `."„ the important dem - vision has• ben reachedDon- - minion Government to refer to the Supreme: Court of Canada a .series of - questions - relating to _ the :lower -of provincial _legislatures to pass: _ laws relating to prohibition: It will be -1;emembered -than .,sore than two months 'ago the Ontario -Government referred a number of questions on the - subject to the Ontario Court of Ap- peal, • While the views of :this - au ust body would-be of interest, still there. would not -be that finality about. it « hich at6aohes to a • decision of -. the Supreme Court of Canada, and, _there- fore,- therefore, it is that: the: Federal authorities ha -e • decided. to ' -ask the iews - of : the`. Supreme Court on the following ques- tions : uesttions,.: •. • ;Las a Provincial - -Legislature jurisdiction t prohibit. the sale, within. the Province,- of spirituous, fer nested or other intoxicating liquors 2 :1_:Ls ti -.e Le risiat:ure"such jusis-- li:^� �'.:ling such portions, of the 'Province as ''to: which the Canada Tempernnee - Act is not in operation ? 3• Has a - Provincial • Le jurisdiction, to prohibit the manufact- ure of such liquors - within the: Pro ' 'ince ? Fanciers rarely gain., by keepiu y their grain after it -is fit for mtarket, when - the: shrinkage is taken* into. account. Wheat, from -the time it • is- -....,thrshed, v ill, shrink_ two quarts to the 'bushel : or six per -cent: - in six months, in the most favorable : circum- stances. Hence, it follows that fifty-four cents- a .bushel for wheat when .first threshed : in August is'_ as goad, taking into accoun_ t the Shrink - age alone, as sixty ceps in the -follow- ing. f oallowing February.. Corn shrinks n uch—more from: the is first husked. :. One time it - hundred �' they -_ m bushels of ears, as co from the field:in;Septeni er, will be reduced to not far from eighty. `So • that tarty cents -a bushel. for' corn :in the ear as it - comes from the field is as- good as- fifty in:March,.fshrinkage-only- being - taken into account. • Ill the case' of -potato—taking •`those that `rot and-are--otherwis_ e- lost-= tegether with- the shrinkage, , there is but .lit- le doubt that be oween ` October and .January -the loss to the: owner •' ho holds.-tl em is hot Jess than thirty- ` three per cent. [Ibis estivate : is taken on the • basis of -interest at 7- .per:�ce�it.:, and , .takes no aecouittof _loss by vermin. i MAYOR HARRISON, of Chicago, :wh was fire times elected to .that. unpor lr tant office, was deliberately shot dea' at his.- residence on Saturday last by i crank , who claimed- that M r. `Harriso I; had failed - to give him_ a eorporatio p job.Hanging is too goDd for such wretch : There should be t o close season either for burglars or insanity: ° crankif ' p like this fellow who developed mania for killing. The former ought to be shot wherever and.whenever he di - lays:his character by::overt adt and th p T latter Ian ed j ust as :soon as a: judge and jury can be fund, to hand: him over to the sheriff SIR JOHN ABBOTT, ex premier of the Dominion, died at his:residence :=in Monteral shortly- before nine o'clock y Monday evening: He had been is goon health.. f rr some _ months. ,:lie - patient was suffering. from a species of cancer_ of -the. bowel,, and. hz medical attendants decided that' an . operation _ was imperative: This operation was gislature performed a few - weeks - z go, . but, ; Has :" Provincial -Legislature jurisdiction. • to prohibit - the nupo�t - tation into: the Pro- vince, •5. If a Provincial, Legislator e. has not. jurisdiction to prohibit sales =-of sueli liquors, irrespective of quantity, - -leas such legislature p Jurisdiction to ro- 1� - .hibi.t thesale, by =retail, . according to the definition of asale by r-etarl, either in statutes in force in the Province* at the time of Conlederation or any other defznation thereof f. If a .Provincial Legislature has a limited jurisdiction -only- as -regards the rohibition of sales,- prohibition s}- has the : -Legis- lature jurisdiction : to :prohibit Sales,. � p subject to the limits provided bythe several sub -sections ub-sections of the- he 99th Sec- tion of the--- Canada Temperance ` Act - . - or any of them ? (R: S: C. Chap, 106, section 99 ;dad - the ..Ontario Legislature jurisdiction, to enact : the 1 8.th section: of the . Act,. & 3rd .Vic., - entitle_ d " ;fin !pct to improve` the Liquor 'License €*fs, _ as the said section is ex -the E_ � ct pass(sd = by - the said= • Legisle e t e, ie ,and entitled " An Act t•epr`esentiug Local 'O -tion i. the p n. matter of -Liquor Selling " ? The fore ging questions are : some- ' what , s, - til..iai • itto, if not identital with. those : which; Were submitted: - to the On_ta,rio Cf :art ' c f ' Appeal, and it is F.pected- as, a;; the: D:orinion-authorit les have ode this `reference -CO the. highest _ court: in the land, the Ontario: Government will withdraw its refer• - enre to the court- of. Toronto • AT the -Northville, Midi., . meeting, 'Of the. -:0. T U. Mrs.-: -- Sarah J: La- 'Tour c f J F r3it: crave some 7i TAR; illflustry. She exhi- hired a nfj-wspapc:t• - record of these c,rinies for the past .two. years, 2- feet long, 5 columns wide coveri• ng. 1,120 :seperate offences, each Murder, f she- . :olainied, "being caused -by- drink.. The: : report is not to whe_tIher the clippings were: all of:. -United States crimes or took in other te..rritor .Ysl'iut. the list is- a Sorrowful one ow,ever- pinch . territory-- it- Covers: - though it . afforded relief it brouget p about no ermanent' cure and Sir John gradually grew weeder -day . by day .El until death -ended his suffering: is: end w. peaceful u . d as - and he was sur- rounded in his - last: moments byy all the members --of .his; family PROF. SIIAw, late of the.- 'Ontario - A riEultural College, writing-- to the g g Globe says-. " v -I never had -a. desire to leave • Ontario, =. the land ' of sun skies -and fruitful -seasons: No la` on all this continent has been so hi h- ly favored': by •a .: k. ind Providence; I :1 ani safe in saying :that no . province or state on all this :continent can:grow so great a variety of cereals, -fruits,.l Tas ses, 'forest trees apd field prod els generally - -.no ` -c u tr A e ▪ ca " ha so man) breeds of livst ck or, excellent .noland in all this- western world- :hs;s so- advanced - in .:a_ agriculture,. - .� • e, and no country has farmers : mote su-o cessful orr'iOre intelligent- Why should not any man lie= vloth to.Dave tu- ch-tl country- I - Long. ma.- Ontario ' g "may y - continue to hold -. a foremost lace amens the nations of the world for ead a ilealta„: 'rcf. hs right. Ontario is -the. finest coif tr. thst sun shines Orn.. - The people are individual ly .the- richest,_ .l ealthieat' and most: contented. ARM FoR -SALE.- AST -_ LOT:16, CON - 4, WES''l' Wa,wanosh, containing 100 "itereic- ,fait buildings.3.5 acres Qf growin tiunoth -and balance ander grass. Wil be -sohl low figure. Apply to I --GEo..MAIR & CO- . f :Bankers;: Lucknow. HORSE HiERE CAME -TO THE PEEM¢SES:' •� of the unders2 .the sed::� b. at Holyroodhotel on Saturday night, the 26th of August, one aged bay' horse. with one white hind foot ; The -- owner is requested to prove- property, iiay ex- - ponses and take him : away. - JAMES: D::BAKE I1o?yrood F.:0, 1 nosy,. THE 'epartmen Wher they: alsoa lar e. stock . e - will find all .kinds of . -head head wear •for: fall and winter. There �s . �, _ � . of READY. M � JAC�� in the latest. stes hath we.ask w prices: s l!'. a-. F d We have the v: r. • fash- ionable - . e lest hne of FURSThe - ��� �� � ever offered by .us. T e � ionable - in Capes and �Ta k -Muffs. � : �� holds its own in all: :... e, - ets - also in -1V�ufi'�, The Worm Collar still o kinds of Fur, z r LD WE R T a Who want an OVERCOAT we have sec�al! provided Fur.Coats, s rs. orste� Beavers a d Tweeds are amongthe variety _we have in stock. Ladies and Pentle, • men give us a . call. ' s, PURE PREPARED PAINTS Nails, Looks, Hinges,Pints Paints. Oils ;and- Glass l _ BUILDING PAPER SCREE±DOORS R: STRAW FELT, f TARRED FELT, - onri .: SCREEN ZINE OW ENGLISH PARIS REEN Azarati.ee our hits Leadto beQ.11emcall. - ` LA1itGSIDE, Miss Maggie Ross. returned' home last week. [' Mr.: Clayton :has organized a Pores; tern lodge in -this vieinity. Miss Maggie bfcKei zie received a very bad kick in the face from: a colt. Mrs.: D. ' Ross arrived home from Dakota a`short time agog` t again S Fine weather star - da 's and Sunday's storm. Miss McLean, of Lucknow, is visit, ing in our burg. ; TEACHER WANTED. EACHER WANTED . FOR UNION _t school section No. 14. Huron Townsbin, duties to commence first of January, .1894. Applications, stating salai7 expected, -:exper- iencs• and :certificate,. will be received till Uc oger r. - t13 the cr t 1125-4 . DAVID AG -NEW: Lizcknow -P - 0 ATCHMAI(Eli ant, JEWELLER, HAVE _ NOW OPENED A TORE :AT -' l nay. Residence on.SiEafford f;t. I tem. pre- -,pared to = do all kinds sof Watch and Clock cleaning and repairing.- • Spectacle Fitting a S� • eciali_ WANTED. 3000,00 feet • 300;000 00 feet of maple logs ;=wanted for which we wili pay „ay from 8.00 to � • $10.00 per thousand. ` The usual price. for blocks will be paid. MITCHELL BIOS.: S.awnallls, Lucknow. A la_rge .consignmentof .clocks just 4iv reced; dayOloc ks.3�. tvI a_nut and oa- 8 day locks • st ik ever.: h'aif.houur C +ocks pelf cath edraf gong - •-. da looks ate. FA.-fR SALE BE' G.LOTS 21, 22 AND 23 1 IV" THE 1st con. of the township of Kinloss, ' con- taining on-taining 150: acres more or less. There is on the farm a good new frame house 26x30; feet, with kitchen 20x18 feet , :also: large barns, stables etc. There is 100 acres cleared, the balance in bush, and is all fairly well fenced. "The I place is well watered: The centre part of the north half :of lots 60 and 6L contang 20 acres more or less, is also offered for sale; On this land there is a; -.good house and Marge barn and stables, all in good repair. , tor further particulars, apply toy MALCOLM MCDONALD � _ �14Z8-$ - � . Lucknow 3'..O, Eve , one : that sees Every, them says they arelovely a perfect fit : and 8 day Clocks with ala . oak . - wainut ����t Ever'y Clock warranted. URCHISON, OT 21. CON. :4 AND .LOT".21. CON. 5. U - ' Huron township containing .200' acres, with.firstass buildings, for sale at, a bargain Apply too j 'GEO. &CO. • ' hikers, LuoknOw. NIEB. •tALESMEN . ` TO SOLICIT FOR a choice line of nursery stock. J Com- plete outfit free. :Go p Good pay from the start. Previous experience net necessary, Writeat once and secure territory • THE HAWKE NURSERY'CO. • Rochester N. Y. 1 ` yon. want a first-class set of teeth cher per than the cheapest, call on - 0 ant renngn.a lee, p -I LLr-CO, DICE