HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-27, Page 7, _ - 7 A • • miumminommilEIM. - ••••• pa3i7 0'16 dOctors ;fol. keeping them ,health, tathafthaWrestoringt4eM tO that perfect .Condition body, and. mind-w.hic13..i4 the .-cle-sife of all, Wethink the Japanese method- peculf#,.::bUt. there is not the Ieist,..dOubt: aboutan ounce of pre*.ention being 1307. ter than.. . pound Of-. cure . ,every .tiine-.;Ahat , 3r4 - to .-us0.- proper ::MeaAs .epreserve the-_ _health, ' that:: at this season of the year:. wheit.',-the ---wea0;er, zoider and: warm comfortable clothing isnecessary, it is - better. to use - the prO9ntative .by m40,3414 this. ivrant;_ rather than run the Of 4,:period of sickueSs and a doctor's NoNv:*e.- have beenan "tieipating_ 'these: vg'autS:.. of the - peoljle. - and are prepared. to supply them at prices tl-Aat not fail uit the pocket bock of -the inost careful buyer.-- _ can with confidence then ask tosee our stock of Underclothing, all prjees- from450; : suit-Ovetcoati .- $4.0 1,10tles; perfect fitting from $3.60 up - A full range Of -.Ladies Underwear large stock of grey .fancy !'1047nels, Hosiery .- arid. r.Gloves, _WateivroOfs-.7--Seyerat including:-.016.fatiouS HATelissa "-the best -:.world."' Boots, and Rubbers. Dress Goods igte4 -variety of kinds and prices, Mantle -goods:: and hOstspf-biliOlineS. ,LAll .6f -which *e. take pleasure -in _Showing not only our old eust'omerS,:::. butas new ones: raY9r.:-Usivirith COL. A•-• , . • • tinel Bruce Oounty, Friday-00.9b071.27th _ook Many Prizes_ want to part with such popular and . _ • . The weather' for the past month hais the recent Blyth fall shoit,. Miss useful menibers Of society. -Mt. For - Beautiful. Weather • been delightful and with the ex.cep- Lane, daughter of Mr. - Jas. Lane, of est Re- Qvserttative, 1 - , - tion of, the.. heavy rain. storm oflast Ashfield. ca,rritol in six first prizes in - -J• week; the- whole month hai been Warm. writings in oil, water -colors -and 31V1r. 'John Si McDonald, - county, Patrons of industrY _ and woods so - gorgeous in color South Bruce to be held in Formosa, on president, has called a 'convention for Oct)ber as•during - the• riast three and pleasant. -Never were the -trees - - crayon- drawings!, bisgraceful Conduct On Sanday- evening .1aat as .the people_ were coming from the churchs two young Men -were drunk and acting in a disorderly manner on the main street. 'Their foul language Was disgraceful, and: an insult to decent people... Now the question - is where did they get the liquor ? They certain- ly must have got it at Some of the hotels in the village, -and the -village constable should in future see that.there is no Uglier sold fl: the- village. on Sunday: Tuesday, October 31st, and for Centre liant as:. a panO-ranla,'-and -Could not 1-,m Bruce, GlaraiS, () 'Wednesday, • •weeks. 'The. whole country was bri-• excelled: • for beauty in any part of the world. - November 1st. Meetinorommence at. one 'O'clock *p.m. .1 The. °Me' sely; Entorprize says that it is tai open secret . . • Mr. .Dtincan C. 'McKenzie; of Na- Donald .of Huron township, and friends in the village for the .past few be the Patron of .Indulstri. candidate :general' elections •for tihe Legislative Assembly. - • . Furniture for British Columbia.- 1 in Patron circles that John! S. Mc- naimo B. 0., who has. ; been visiting warden of the county of Bruce, is to .Weeka leaves for his,- home . on „Friday. in Centre Bruce- at the- forthcoming in- furniture in the, West; and while A Mr. -McKenzieis . an' extensiVe dealer here 'prnrchased a- car -load of choice furniture from Messrs. Cliff &, Forster, of this village, Whose furniture has now gained a world-wide ,reputation. We wish Duncan continued success in his far away -home 134•Murphys.. . . Mr: J. Paterson brought to the SpsTisicr, office last week twelvei•of the largest -potatoes we have seen - this - season. . The. &Zen -potatoes ',together_ Weighed 21 pounds, aila the.: largest one -Weighed 2 'pounds,. They are of, the Carnie.variety and. were -:grown by Mr. Wilson Eagleson, ;of the 12th °ph. of Ashfield. Mr. Eagleson- three acres of these :potatoes pia' nterl.„.and expects to have about- --aye hundred bushels. Peohibitio.n. Ocinventlon A. convention of teMperance workers .to.organize-the West Riding of Huron for 'the:corning plebiscite .on the liquor traffic, on January .1st,..4894,, wili be held in the 'Village of .Mancliestit,..On _Wednesday, November 1st, -..cOrkrnenc- intat 1 -o'clock pm. • Font _delegates are requested from every ChurCh. con- gregation,- , temperance' 'organizatiOn_s- . . :and- •all- young .people's societies! :in: _ • - - WeSt Huron, as constituted for Local Legislature eleatians.:-. Every minister •-ivhdse work is in the Riding is -special- ty invited- to be present. - ERO MUM LUCKNOW. P 'Hoc..iri a;.. .W. G. 45 IL -South - L. Et, & B. North - - Rolyrood • TKinlo_ugh • Kinloss OST4CWFICE: to 7 p4zo, ARRIVE. 6:13 a. rn, 12-30.p. m. Intermediate points 14. a B. North. - - • Laiigside_ - • , - 2:30 p. m. 3:48 p. .9 00 p. m, .10.30 p. m, Tuesdays an 300 prn, Friclays a Our Grain Market As usual our grain market is being, liberally patronized-by.the farmers of the surrounding townships; and large quantities of grain are coming in daily. Our buyers pay the -highest possible prices for all kinds of farm produce, and -the fanners are nbt slow to recog- nize the fact that it is to -their financial advantage to deg in Lucknow. Our merchants and business .men; too, are • alike pushing and -energetic and - are preparedtojgite the farmers the cheap: est and ht value in goods to be had in any place in the province. Bring, your grain to Lucknow where the prices are the best, the weight 'right, and square dealing all through is as- sured. A .1-leavY Penalty _ Nearly everyone is aware that it is • wrong to carry concealed weapons in Canada, but it is not generally known that you must not conk- armed within twoi miles of a _public meeting without incurring a.penalty of $100 upon con- viction, and if yov-molest any person returning from t public meeting ,desi- gnedly, either by personal violence - or by using oppro;brious epithets, you can be fined $200 'or go to jail for, six months. -How to Weigh a Hay Stack • Measure the length : and 0.0 .hieadth. -of: •he stack; take height' from- the groimd-to the eaves.; add- to this last ongialf of the height from the eaves tothetop ; multiplyi.lengtlybY breadth and the product by :the -height, all expressed in ,feet;. -divide the -amount by'7 to 4nd the cubic yards, which ' 1)aily*: " OA • - 11 W,G.&B South. -9 30..,. L H. &B ' . South',r & B.South- 10.00 a. M. W G.tt B.North 3-20p. m • flolyrood: _ inlough g.inlosE 4.39p.m. Aa..••=1., Village and Virinitm Parlor. Social • A parlor -social. will be held- at the residence of Mir. W. SHolmes this (Friday)-eve-ning under 'the auspices of the yotaig people of the Church - England. A --good time way 'be_;..ex- • petted for all .vrh-6 admission fee will be charged, but !a -free •will offering will be taken up. All are_wel-- • Milt Provide. Stationery . It is understood that the Ontario Goverment have- resolved, -tor the pur pose- of securing -uniformity, to issue stationery for --the forms etc., to be used in taking the yote.in the prohi- bition 'plebiscite-' on .1st - January next. Ballot papers and poll books -.must, itt compliance with the act, be procured by the .101erkof each Municipality, but the ordinary-. poll book - will be used, with the addition of a ruled column, headed, ".prOhibition. " . The -variousforms- wilt be supplied Without .charge, and will be forwarded, With copies of the . plebiscite - act, ,..'far • the use by the Deputy Returning Qfp.cets,- in ample time for the - coming muni, .cidal- elections. - Criminal Statistics• . . • During- the year 'ending, §opt. 30th; .25 .cases were tried in the . County . tiudge'g- '.. Court, -for the ' -06.0nty. of - Brute. . Only one .ease _ was tried - at the Court cif Assize; ,and hone ...at: the General Sessions-. . ;This it an - eiceed- -ingly :satisfactory showing - or so:large --a County as Bruce, and yet it costs the people .. of this -County, about* $7000 . annually to pay our County Judges, . , - both active and•superannuatel ._ multiply . by the-1140213er of pounds sup posed to be in a cubic yard, viz: - in a sta0 of new hay, 164 pounds avoirdu- pois each ; of old hay lap pounds each. Jealous °fa dog A Orirne to be Poor - c Robert Mcfntosh, with no charge against him other than being poor and unable to support himself, appeared before the Reeve and Magistrate Thos. - 1 • Lawrence on Saturday last, and at his own request. was Committed to the 'county jail . at Walkerton for two months.. 'McIntosh has been a resi- dent of the count of Bruce for over thir.ty years but several years ago met , , with an accident t� one of his legs, which caused a running sore and of 1 late he has been unable .to wprk. and had - to get a liiiiiig as best he could from c-haritable friends. .When we consider that $1. per year or'eve less, from. each property owner in ! couty, would provide a suitable_, -comfortable home for all - such u- for- I-_ tun.ates In the county,- it seems t us a terrible disgrace that the peqp-le bf a rich and prosperous county likeBruce and Huron should be so uncl . It. is a, sin and a shame to col man to jail, to Associate with criminals :There are several degrees of -jealousy and jealousy Of different kinds, but the green-eyed monster = shoWed. :himself under very peculiar circumstances yesterday. There it a colored man in this city. wlio Owns- a very white' dog. A Minute- description Of.thiadogithot. necessary -to. the story, and • Might reflect 'somewhat: Unnecessarily-, on thel :Owner., The. colored man in question w4s in an alleway off inoindstreet yesterday. - So: was the The dog found a. remnant of a cooked Chicken, and when -.his master caughtsightof 'the•dOg'sgood lila, he SoliloqUisect. thusly.•:•i for de 1.41wcPS-•Sake. If -that there.- oenery,- pup ain't feedin' On chicken, and : I. catet:.get eben, libber ,mOr'ii twice.- a_ •iweek,”,_• There -. are, different, kinds' of jealousy. -London Adtertifer. *- ••••*•":.•:•-•-• " Steal a- chicken, says an change and you are a .thid ; :stea1 $LOP frorn your employer, and you are an .einbezzler, ; steal $5;000 froth the Government, . and you are de- - defaiilter,_ and liable to be sent to the Setiate‘; yob. your competitor on the Stock Exchange of $10,000. :and you are financier;, rob him of from $100-,' 000 to 500,000 and, you .are a wizard . or a Napoleon of finance, • wreck a railroad and gather it in, and you are° " Magnate ; ' wreck a great railroad system and you are a -!` railroad king. " -WCXKNOVii MARKETS.Fall Wheat, Per bushel. , -64 to .55 or bushel • 1•11 ail Spring- Wheat Peas - ..10ats Barley ; Potatoes - Butter, per lb.... Eggs; per dozen.' .flay- per ton. „.. Flour per cwt. Dried apples !` " Tallow- " Lard '" Pork.per- cwt. Wool per lb.-. „ „ Chickens, per lb . „ Turkeys,: per . Ducks, perlb.. „ • •Geese; per LOCAL AND GENERAL - - - „Condensed for Sentt#ei Readers and Ilrs..Fraik -Greer were in- Paisley this *ea. - -Mr. J. Matheson,i, of London,is visiting friends in the Village, (Rey.) --,A McKay.1 and children are visiting.ini Toronto. -Mr., Robert Murray, of Detroit, is visiting friends in; this vicinity! -Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohns are the guests of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kenner. und: :Mrs; C. A. Shepherd arrived home from -their • visit last week: - 'M Mrs W. artin, of Dungannon, was visiting friends in, -Lucknow, this week. A large quantity of -fipples were • shipped from this station during the week. Mr. Wrn.G. King, of Cineinnatta, Wedtli nt Bells at St Pail l's Church, St -Paul's church, this town was . . crowded on -Monday. afternoon with the usual expectant throng :,when the- . programme of entertainment con- sist5 .c.f a Wedding. The contracting parties on ths--.occanon . were IY.fiss Henrietta R. Hornell, .eldeit. daughter , - ; of• Mr. Divid. *Hornell, of Lucknow, who for a number of years has taught i*wie -.here _ and been. organist in -St:. is spending a few days with his father, Mr. Bruce King, teac er. ritableS llnit• and lawbreakeri.3- Merely because he --is - • poor,- and yet,- rio-iother course. iipen to the Magistrates. -It is a, heatitless case and one tha:: alone:should :a13peal to all Tight thinking, christian: to use their intifience and -suppor the erection and=maintenance of a , . per home 'for the poor and _ amongst Us. Paul's church; and Mr. Arch 1÷ Me- Kechnie,:icommercial traveller, former- ly . merchant_ of this_ , place. - Shortly. after five- o'clock the matrimonial - knot was tied by Rev. Rural -Dean Bevan I - - - 7 - -- r • .- - • ' the bride. kooing' given .away by Mr: W-.-.0:.Perry at whose -.)fionle. she, has r 'cle,d sincecorning to Mt.. Terest. he looked:'eharming • in -a -beautiful , . ,..... .. . . . . . ress of dearn• henrietta_..-with -.silk - lade and --43earl tripiiiiing veil and 1 - - - , -.: _ , _ I. - .0 ange. blostonas ,_ while in, her.: hand w ' s _a boquet of splendid white roses. pi bridesmaids Were Miss Williams nid•Miss. Wood, who wore cream cashi.. mIre dresSei and Carried boquets: of .The carpenters a, bricklayers are pushing the work rapidly op Mr. Wm. Allin s new block. ; • -Dr.'Tennant has removed his - office to his :new premises over Mr, John Elliett's. grocery' store. • • pink foset ;- they also were. .. a costly :bracelet -each, the . gift of the bride- - groom. :The _grOomsinen were Messrs. A. Lamont and T. __,._Bateman. After the cerenqiny,:. the newly .niar- -lied and happy: couple !held a .17eCeP- .i. .7.- • . .at .Gchilbrae, Mr. Perry's resid- ence •and -tat doWn with a number of _1- , • invited ,guess to a _::-tercipting wedding feat. - The -.presents. received Were humerons and beautiful;-`and-inclUded a. richly upholstered platform robkor- • - • •.44. • 4.4 14 * • *• * rolls .16, tub .17 to 18 • • ••-• • • • • • • 1 • 7' . . . . $6 to 7.00 . $1,75 to $2.25 „4to .03 .12 .18 • .05 .18 .06 * * • ..TEACH -ER TED EACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL section No 7, Ashfield, either male or ' female, holding second or third class certificate Duties to commence after the Christmas holidays For further particulars apply to T A Mc1C..EITII, Secretary • Box OA, Lucknow and Mrs. Ale*. Ross spent . - a coupe of dsys last week with friends in Paisley and Port Elgin. ' Tonic quantities of dry wood is being brought into the village,and the price are. from v.:5-0 to $1.7.5 per short- eOrd. Conley, who has.. been visit- ing --her -parents, -Mr. and Wt.: JOS:, Little, left for her home in West Supbrior,.on Saturday last. . The new brick block being erect- ed for .Mrs. A. Murray. is now , closed in and the:carpenters are laying the flooring and other work inside. - I Mr. S. Malcomson Master in . / Chancery, Mrs. Malcomion, Miss May • Malcomson, and Miss Slack, of Gode- rich, spent _a few day :in Lu.cknow this week. ' 4 -Messrs. . Harry Days, P. A. Mal- comsOn and Henry and, Joe gathers left -on-.Monday last for a ten days deer looting trip inithe Bruce Penin- sula. . --Miss Agnes - Hornell and her brother, Wm. both of Durham, were in attendance at their sister's wedding here- on Monday. -Mt. Forest! Repie: senfative. i I -The- Rev. A. Browning, of the Bay of Qiiinty Conference,' will •- , • . . com- mence a setup of revival services in the i Lucknow Methodist Church on 1029 4 Sunday next. In. the single driving parriage RAM ESTRAY. AME to the -premises of the Undersigned Lot aeon: 7, Ashfield, Eastern Division; a -White Ram, The owner. is requested to. prove property, pay- expenses, ad take him away. W. McGRORY -Crewe,-P.O.. -STRAYED. AME to the premises of the undersigned -1 on Lot 7, Con. 13, Ashfield, On or about tlie-19th of October, "1893. one whitik• Ram. The owner can have the same by paying dam- ages and proving _property. • -Taos. WEBSTER, 1930.3in: - Lucknow, .horse s _shown' ',at the Illucknow Fall Show, Mr. Peter Pori -4m' was.: -.awarded third prize. There wereten: * euteries .in . the Class, all fist dais animals. Mr. McKeclinie s friends of the. esby :_church, and ' an oak with ru&pholstezing -from the e choir of-tifiseine,church, of which 11/11-. 111a,...xias for many yeats.lead,er. Individual presents were-beitowed. hy the choir Afia- .congregation of Paul's church, the * rector, Rev. Mr. • I.31,kan, -headed. the . list with a' hand- some family ' bible. -Mr.. McKechnie. and hi sl bride. started .by the 7:35 G.- , T. R. 'train for their -.h.oneymoon.- trip -to the, World's Fair- and -received a hearty parting_yolley o( rice and good ople wishes. On - their' rettirn they wili for. ta'ke' up their_ residence in Wingham, pro-• iv,hich is the, only. thing 'about their neec.lyi union regretted by their many Mt. .Forest .friends who feel they do. not The Dominion DepartMent of :Agriculture has issued bulletin No. 19, on grasses,_ and -composition. Most people will be surprised to learn that there are 300 kinds' of grasses, either native to or naturalized in Canada. -Every autumn brings its lake disaSters with their appauling loss of life and property. Reports from the great' storms whichl swept the lakes last week, show that forty-one people lost their lives; ten vessels became total iffrecksi and twenty-nipo otheii are beached or waterlogged ip::nd some of -them will becomg total loses. 4 • GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES! JUST OPENED' •OUT n the Campbell Block, next door to G. W. Berry's furni- ture ware rooms. A fil Mr. Christopher Columbus Crabb, merchant, of Goderich, died Friday night at the advanced age of 81 years. Crabb was the Oldest citizen of the town of Goderiph, and tfr oldest Merchant in the Huron' tract: He was one the pioneers of .-Goderich. Mr. Crabb was Mayor of ;Goderich and represented the School Board for years. He was a Conservatiirein poli- ties, and once Was a candidate for West Huron, Mi.. Crabb led a yery exemplary :life, and WAS One of the landmarks .of the olden times in the early history0!GoderIch. SH STOCK Of Staple and - Fancy Groceries, all new and carefully selected. which we will sell at. close prices for c and: inspect our Stock, SI -10E13 CATTLE EST -RAY - 3HEIFERS, 2 'RED, AND ONE WHITE with red on the neck and head, and one light roan steer, all riling two years old. Any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be mita* rewar- ded. • . ALEX, -REID, Langside 1025-.7-4 PUBLIC NOT N OR ABOUT THE FIRST OF August a large white sow ,came to _lot 14.; con, 14 west •Wawanosh.. The owner is requested to prove property, pay . 11 damages - and take the same away. - JAMES- LYONS ow R,.0„, A - ard•m••••.• . - rIIHE HOUSE IS SITUATED ON BOB Street, Lucknow, is two story high,and i 4 contains seven rooms, Kitchen etc., and s in. good repair.The lot contains four nnd a half acres, with small orchard of apple, plum .and cherry trees, small fruits ete. nit class well and pump, with large barn drive shed and other outbuildings. The Place will be... sold cheap, and anyone desiring a Comfortable home would do well to see this place. For further particulars apbly to •MRS, THOS. BURNS Iducknoi9 -00,13