HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-27, Page 4t' w. • -t 't �f I• 1 :It • -is' far better that _ these -smaller parties should: have the ^fullest a'ppor, kt tunity of working— :i, their principles to legitimate co :'cylus o.- i t,st,: < ' - beingY. forc`ed i-pito:� . -(1 r.Yrsl )1t<r_ufi',1. method Fol. . one rez --'• . 1n 4t ti' ...cu . 'the'se .n€lepenclt nt ; 4 . .. fish a great -dml.. of gobtl. They will -Lift -the .trade ti=.t=Ftif {: • :nd -00 ler ni cd ed reforms, outside t; e : heat- of party discussion, and'hav-e -them talked. anter. :and ,d-� purely on their own merits. • The..Lucknov Sen ins aTglituni,TY PO UTTE t AND TO: ARGUE: V$EEI F ACCOEDIEGF TO:_ THE DICTATES t?l CONSC EXCK WE PRIZE ADO -VE ALL OTHER: LIE.ERTIES • 0 t. 27th , 1893.:• TJJ1 J).• PA R TIES. ' The I present: = aspect: of Canadian kehieLaT - poi -Wes differs greatly :from tnat of I .the old days'o f George -Brown anl teteat: immedie:tely succeeding. Thhen, t1i rc were 'but tli:e two main: pcilitical parties; fiercely opposed, with:. Ilines drawn hard ;and fast. Now, 'be- sides'the two regular parties, we -.have. p:. � t "third parties- each arat es " - 1 outside ' Fit ties' +�_ each Of I 'ci. ;t, :- t= -i to e11ect �.- II �� � ez�(�c. v �..ng i lI1£' 11 i.-rs- -to 2.t_prese it . its particnlar • h idea. in Pariia;theht= and the :'Legis- ty. t'attires.' -• The. Most prominent of these 01. :PCEmus cif Industry,..and the 11 ' (1`'I . c +'- C`onser 'atives and Re. Mr. McCartliy., To Cheese may be added the:.Prohibitio=_fists, K ore nunut.ilins :trail -either of the other two- and:tending -stron ly in it dependent political . par tics" :are with i t d facts, -of ft. .Ba n pat rtes gain I :.� I y !,e :? tl t z„or. s eering, at, THE 7:RUE REFR.ESET.:-TINE. Mr. Carrow, I�I.P.P;,, for West ` • •Hut°or4, in his �'eddre-�.s t.o the '::conven- F, i ,ion,: whit;: ren€i.nina ted him last'wee made. the following statements = - - : j� ill,: if nominated;give a genera _ support to the present Governmen so long as it. will _introduce and -favo liberal- Measures, hilt 1 also with to b at liberty to favor measures which - consi€ler liberal -hether.the eminat Y from. the -€Tov ei•nmen:`t side or from-th Opposition! is have,. 1 'ma s:.: • serious fault to complain ori with th present 2%411lis o y, but it is the tendency of Ministers, to think;. after they -hav been in . power -some: P time, tha instead_ t bey are the masters,; of th _ servant of the arta, and to occasi n ally undertake the pr=ocess. of ":whip ping into -line-" when they themselves -should-he w�hipp c : into line, _ -and 1 'therefore; while promising; as I do} a general adherence-£& the present Loci Govenerit, desire to reserve to my self some -measure 'of independence which. 1 believe . would be,iri ,the inter - estsoft:-e c=u � o Iltralthough not . in trod. uced by: "the. Govcrnmeut, or ,et: en favored by it Thiss the- - true and. ro ei� �siti p p -p�o . on for any representatsve to take and - it is just such: a .onee as should expcet a. .gentleman of :Mr. _Gari•ow's 'in lepend- once, intelligence- a,n:d" intr-egity wou14 fif'�1 rap ; x oot,trp u::: A representative vh v,—jll .i€�Flc=_;: ->ut the course -thus u}utlirzed' t}y =I1 r...Gar row is -w ortii mu 4,1-4 .l_is constituents, than a" dozen: .who will -allow- - their party leader. s to- do- their thinking .for: --thein .and who . will stand- up or sit downjust-as-the p leder nada his' =head: It Would be v-astly:brtt€;r for the country; :and .th-e 0vernm.-qt t _�:u' if.- representatives oil::. both sides of politics. -would adopt -.and follow out :an _equally -:independent platform - - iii are also. glad'..to note that : the : Li3:erals of :west Huron . •zheerf ully granted them candidate -the- liberty -he - asked for.-==Seaforth , ; -- pQsitor _ s 1 1t : went business- from itwhat-1.t;LS wh-` i ; :ror'ds- and Eh ggE ri .pI`:yed,r<r a prominent part in -the =bloody struggle's of.our ancestors:_- It is- becoming the. science- of -slaughter; nide z u der announces that he is per fecting' an engine osdeath to be operat ana ging it_ may be discharged ' four times in fifteen minutes, throwing at: ' each discharge 25,000 bullets over a space of 22,000. feet: DI -STRICT MEETING I.:0. The quarterly . meeting of ?District! Lodge No. 21, . . G. G: T, . Was -helcl in the temper ance Hall, Winghatn, onf Tuesday _last. At the time of openin there . were Upwards of 100 '-delegates present, -: representing *lodge's in ail- - parts of the 'strict,whichcomprise . the whole -County of Huron and th- townships of Kinloss and :Culross and - the village: of • Commit . on crr l edentia s and �the d � St State of t Order. were appointed th e Dist by Chief 'Templar, _Mr. W. F.' Broc shire..' The--nernbers .: of Anchor_ Hope Lodehad secured billets for visiting delegates•'among the friend the-- tem ��-.erance - -cause - in :town-. before the adjournment for din took. lace the� Billeting- Ietiri `::Cornni had the -billits..distributed and atiya - me3n:t5 inire to conduct t'&i str :na t their respective homes for the d The -lodge suet promptly at`2 p. a d . proceeded to_ busiz-tess- .at : once. R eports " from the'delegates Was- , first order of business. = Most of reports were- of a most encouraging ua,t�urex' and showed-. that : good rest may ; b1e looked for from the .efforts being put -forth in the different lode, Th credential committee reported r the report Was adopted, on_ motion— The report of the- committee on state -at ,_fare:. Order was �•c�refu prepared and exhaustive. one and considered clause: by -clause.t sh ed' -that he `Membership in the clistc was' ,abcut:-1000 , recomu ended tl ro alt :t r��? efficient efforts. _--be m a t c, I'FE ,us^lt`iLL� 11 dormant lodges_ that - weak; lodges. tees fhe District ken the friends tnci E 12�3if ties j�gE_.. t HerEs f. ay. ice. the the Ir];g alts res: and the. l�y- ict xat Made 1� E n, be �V rj1 the n cessary assistance: to pla, e on;oorl solid .basis, • and :that. the district da all .in its : power #to further the coming plebiscite- on .. th liquo �trathe. The report was adoped A discussion off. -the coming, plebisciito =was_ opened by.` 'Mr. I+: Metcalf, of Blyth, who,; . in a well :: considered address, pointed :out the : necessity of the- Temperance people being ` united ins the _ matter - and rolling - 'up. frn immensemajority for .prohibition .zr the first of January next: He also went into details as to the . taking { of the vote, etc. The' discussion was taken part in :by Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of Lucknow, Rei.- 3`. (1 Madill, Grand Chief -Templar, - and - others. A com- munication was -read from Mr J. E. - Thom, of Goderich,who had been appointed convener for the West Rid ing -of Huron. • at the great Temperance Convention - in Toronto, on the 3rd and 4th instants, asking the I. 0: G. T. as being -the largest temperance organiza-- tion in the Riding,'to -take -:.the initia- tive in the matter,- and call a . conven' :tion. On motion, it .was decided' that • the .District. e assume the res _an-- sibilit and ': that _ y, . a eQnvention.:, be called ed meet _ at Manchester, 'on Wednesday,November lst next 1 at 1 o'clock pi m.- -Mr. 3. G. Murdoch, delegate to . last meeting of Grand Lodge, gave a splendid- report of Otho proceedings of: that :body, and received ,a hearty vote of thanks for k same. -°A vote of `blanks was unanimously;ss- ed to -the W ngham friends _whoi-- go - hospitably entertained- the delegates s during:.their stay -in tow:n, - 'On motion. it was 'decided that the next .district Meeting :be .held in Manchester on the-- 4th Monday - iri - January - next, I A.. most harmonious and enjoyable :meet- ing vas then .brought.to a -close. BORN.. KI I3OPNE, In. Lucknow, on Monday,-, October_ 2&rd,- 1893; . the wife of Mr. A -Kilborne::of a.daughter: .FAR# t=O.R AS?` LO'[` 16 CON.- 4,:WE.. •W w n ..�J. a an sh containing 1.00 acres, fair buildings, 35 acres .of growing.- tin Lhy 1:t. , id balance under grass.; - .r. be sold tit { • low' figure . Apply to p : • GEO-. MAIR '& CO- Bankers, Lucknow. RS "ESTRAY.TL HERE. CAME. TO THE• . T'I'LZ_`LI'S of '.tile' undersigned at the 'fol rand hotel. . , a y• cri Saturday t; the 26th of August, ,,one a7ed"bay horse. with one white hind foo_ t. ;The o* er-'is requested top prove -property, ,)ay ex,: pease$ and- take him_ away. JAMES D. BAKER. : - Holyrood ..0, j SALESMEN TO SOLICIT- FOR ::' a - choice' lute of nursery stock. Oom- nl.ete` -outfit - • "" • --TEtrifiltICE NURSERY CO, Rochester i • --TO - Tv Winer epar1tmcnt. Where -�fieywill find all -kinds and kinds of bead wear fir fsi[ w��er.:� Vere is large stock of .MADE in the we ask low rices READY• MA3�E .��i�KFT� the 'IS �ty�e� w��c�:� prices 1 R THE :OL)-I'WEATHE �e have the -best line of FJR��ever�o�eredb�VisThe �reenland Seal -1 is very'fa s11- h - ' . ionabe. inGa es..and-Jackets also � �u��. The�torn� Cfl�Iar stillheeds �t� own in l• dsof Fur. Muff. 5;. o.Want.--an- �V�RC4AT .w e. xaVe s ee�7 i rov�ded Fur Coats ITIsi rs Waxteds, :.;Beaves - and Tweeds are am n• the variety Velave stock. Ladies. an•Conte- en give us a • ;Y Eilit PIT Loo s1 Hinges, Paints, Paints. Oils and Glass BUILDING PAPER, SCREEN`DOORS r•• °AVV' FEL' TA • RED FELT., . - 0 K. FELT SCREEN WINDOWS . . . .14 liiS des ara,ntee our ireead to be Ohemically ure LA GSI—DE, Miss Maggie - Ross` returned home last week. ' Mr. Clayton has organized a Fores- ters lod a in this vicinity. Miss�MaggeMcKenzie' i re_ eei� ed a :very bad kick in :the face from a colt. Mrs.. D. Ross arrived home from. 'Dakota a short time ago. Fine weather again despite Satur- day's aturda{y''s and Sunday's storm:. ATCHMAK:ER and 1 fllER HAVE - NOW OPENED A STORE AT myResidence on Stafford St. I am,pre- pared kinds to do all kinds of 'Watch and Clock cleaning and repairing. {• « _ ,. Speietaele Eittirig a pecial ity, -Slim McLean' Of =Lucknow is visit • ing in "our burg. • TEACHER WANTED f�_EA.CHER : WANTED' FOR - IJNION -. `L school section No.. 14..-Huron-Townsbin; duties to . commence first of 'January, :18.94. . .A= .plications, stating salary .expected, exper- ienco:` and certificate, will be received _till. - October 110th_ ,1893, by the secretary 1125- 4 DAVID AGNEW - -- - :: Lucknow P. 0 Every one that : see's them says they are lover: y a, perfect fit ' and EMIT WANTED. .8000,00fed.. 34:44,T);L..m::ziO,Ors 300,000 -feet of .-maple los wanted for . which we will pay from 8.P0 to _ $10.00 per thousand. The usual ,pri e for- blocks - will be paid . . -1>11ITCHELL BRCS; " • Safi:mills, Lucknow.. t �. FA'R - F �wlip11.1ND LOTS 21, 22- AND 23 IN THE lstnto. s ., - con. of -.the township i- of info K �,c�n.' tainin» 154 acres more of less. There is°onthe farm a good .new frame house 26x30 feet with kitchen 20x18 feet ; also large barns, stables etc. There is 100 acres cleared, the balance ill bush, and is all fairly : well fenced.. The place is well watered. The centre part of the north half of lots 60 and 01. containg 20 acres more or less, is also offered; : for sale. n this land there is a - good • house and - Ione barn and stables, all in gond repair. For further particulars, apply to, MALCOLIII MoDONAL• D 1.028-5 ' `:[ Luckno r,P. 0. H ;IF R ETR¥ CAE TO. THE 11h'REMISES OTHE undersigned east half of lot 4 con. - 0110i• about the 4th ; day of September,last, a red two - year old; heifer, The ower is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take. her away. - - JA.M1 SPRE 3.aNNnes- Pa`D fF � $tn'oa 4•AND IioT!2A:LE9 - :�O.t�' 5 au P s,%nyr -mu00 Wig, with yrst-c 8 build nga, for side a� a APP2p,tu bora - CiT(1MAIB - •- - . : eat, 1126-T3 AR A large consignment of cocks roc ved ust d ;(loops in waillu n .o, _ da--... Clocks. h1f 'hou $ da � Cio wire Oral gong 8-. -day Clocks at . day price 8:day ��ook� i�t alarm in. t -a :d walOut :i cath - 3. Every Clock warranted. • If you want a first -ansa set'of teeth- cheaper eeth cheaper than the cheapest; call on rj r9J1nlLnes Df 3e, Lora 3. NT 4 1. • • a