HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-27, Page 2_ - - .1 likggumsoD.DAumga: Their Positions in Modern Lite *tire Sometimes Rev orsed. GffiLS OFTEN TOO FAST. Thellire Exception shield Be -the _Rule— . Risks Girls Take=7-weake rued.tiothere —The Old Religion of ttio • ERT 11.N. awing _ look irokd'- with - oath f &CIAO the time when • the- - • Ion • of - the faintly -I. when tl -the -tender poetry of the home_ Shall be -Ofno Mere vtielue than a -Grub .tr.f. et- ballad,' :says. ,M.113: Lynn Linteii: in -01 the Qite_en; sLiket pa-, trio;` Ism; like -the Banc:7 tity of marriage, like obedience -to -the law as law:, like rasped for superior attainments, like respect- for one- • self-,--ana one's own dignity, like -many- other time- nonored-and venerable fiii-tbs,the?tre• ligion of the -family " is _aaiS o.1alf- doomed, • and a- more unfettered - in;liv:.duality' is' to.: take VA place, genceferwartil mothers -will gradnally. became:More a d .re - • • - -LIKE ils.sxers, BIRDS AND- LS. , . They:1=411,1)ring their yow,g into the World, protect them in. theireadiee: clays of weak- nes- t and incapacity, f 104.i he fer-io. long as: they need -te be. -.feo., and.. ilee thi‘tiihey do. not commit .untiltety staid& oy•f-1..11ing into the fire' or straying in,-o",..the water: k:And then, by the time they ciln take care ..of- therweives,.. the fie is. to be dissolved, . and the child hi to be freed- from -fl oblititiOn to the mother—the frlo•-;ber is . to he freed from daty to hOr hiid. • • -Already we see forestre,dowed the betimes Of .that future. domosttedisruptiSit and. save-- in.a few hentlrable exceAtentiand how beautiful they are 1... ---;•the ogee. close tie between pkrenis and -children,- especledly be -- 'tweet' mothers and daughters, is undeniably loosened.. . And :even_ where ATIundoubted friendship still 'lazier, how 'Often We Acid -the tables turned, and those thing - which mid- to.be'exclusively the: tune 'lions Of the mother _ now -.taken : U b f. the elo,u..Ati-x.wee- when the -tn.other Was-- canbidered the best . guide arid . - • - .• ..S.OES.V.COSTPANI6T- FOR HER DAUG1ITEI1 • - - . • -.;.the one who,by- ago, eipert;-,nce, relative _ -position, had the power to• adv se. and the right tele obeyed. Time is-- tilhon the ;101 holds her self: as the more. eX p.irienced etivi two, the one who is up- to. dates .. while the is arrestedigold fashioned,behindthe• : times. With the sentithent of the- religion of.the family has -gene thicr, other, which Was its legicai Out corite72the honor of the family. If the home-ets,yini girls who stilt theoldway are held.esiored-by their OM, to be defended. agninst meta or 4131-. - pertinenbe, the glebe,trottors and the . col- legian, the professional living' alone in • -Lsnclenlodgings, and the 7;0„-;afete. workers ..of any profensi:oni- are r aturaltylbeyer-d the of faintly prAtection, -: They -no longer . - -belong to their father or Wolters, as Crea- tures- to be sheltered -and .lptuglit for - if need. be. They have- prefeaed the independence -ofthe streets to the safety.ef the home; e and _ • they tiemselves must be withouta struggle. She gives her young CurylWig her heed, and letsher, at her ownpace -Where and how She will. NO Maternal remocstrandef rouses- thelgirl's teinpar„ or oheoks,the nndeetrable IMPETUS TO .Rint TIAs' fri RESOLVES. No exercise of natural anther* puts. an. end to things which ought-. never to have been begun,: or bring. be the mind...of that - wilful maid the -bitter truth of hew the world. judges, and, judging, how it pip - Bouncer.. Supine and indolent, perhaps too cowardly to brave Its pain,- the mother give,' up both her dutiee and responsibilities, and the daughter sits, tight and ..rides ov,er her. , It is net always that the daughter sets aside the mother as an effete old_ goody,' for whom the light of life and the sun .1 of knowledge went out when Carlywig came to her premature majority. - Sometimes it all the Other way, when - the still pretty, - still flirtations trOthertt of great GROWN .GIRLS - oF: EramERT affect to- consider then' toe young to be introdiced-,_ act( so keep them in the soheil- room with belef *Ha° and flowing -mane!, and paskiotiare desires to•participateln the pleasures ovideatly -so dear to- mother. There are such, awl, we alt know them. - -Aud-Where the millers are faulty it is tiro much to expect the daughters to lbe perfect., If ••-cet•il communications corrupt good minters " as between mere' acquaint- SEICie, what may riot' be done for harm when the Twitter' is between two people lined together by one -of-.the closest tie•d Knew- n to men? Tarn frOm. these mistaken mothers— these rant- or subdued or haply ne- glected daughters.. --to those homes where " the. religion of the family-" stiltexhitg, those harries wh!ch the world's-. resell make fragrant and the gentle- lilies of.- life adorn. _ Such daughttra as we are thinking of now are. the - TRUE FRIENDS AND COMPANIONS 1' - , THEIR =OWN -FROTECTORSI • and their OW1). Olaperons: and „mid -4s.. When: they corne.to grief: set -.Many of 'them .40," who can right the wrong'?:Surely nob the mother,, whose advice they 44-o . net, Sisk and _ would 'nob take 'should be given; ...Barely- _ nob the father, 'Whose atithotitiv. .they have discarded, . nor , the brothers 1-ivhose-- -lives they:have capied„-thus- mal‘iog _theniselVes a manner equal, and cer-ainly outaide -the: area of - protection.- ": Wveni they find. -themselves face to face . and hand to bahd. with the rapacity, - disbqUer, . the. :-treachery, the tyranny,the Inthiorality' of- , . _- . the world -7T -while all their -6*.n armor Is eImrly the *old lessons of TunWorldly.- Mind-Anew taught 41 their --yomiger• days -- they have to learn -by cruel 'experienne-hoW to became 'as astute, „perhaps as base ;at their 'opponents. _-.-. ,Thoy, h.,-ve first. to suffer, 'and then—either. to. retaining highimindednetic-- )r... .14 -defend them - swivel* and. coma' Out tri,3-.1lipliant by meeting assailants With •thei . lawn: -weapcoiC . - • - . • . _ . . 'MOTHER! :MIGHT,. IIAVE SANER s?EtErti from much, if nob all, of this, -.bo;c1 they in- :.'410ired of her But --the*:;:diri not; arc" • on • themselves Alone hangs the - . The :complaint made by. tirrdern: daughter against Iter rnolhf.r .does net know."' All p•Givii 33 bA-ady. and. -apt to flout the wiser age Eli elfete and beside the mark-. never has • the world seen a time: nen 64nptuens of the past or -.this—so tat-le9ed the present, so..sure-Of the ftitnre. We: are apt • tohavea brand -new human nature, -and' the .daughters. of :the- day are' -its- heralding,. angels. Mothers know nothitig. - The. ele--., mentalprinalpler of modesty and - propriety .are AS dead and done with OS .the - dodo and .the Mammoth.: A young• man thinks it is no, breach of manners .to aik 'a.yeung girl- " tea' in ioemiat- his ; and a- -young _ . thinks . • no infractionofthe time-honored.. paditiciplet of aske . .4-. in the way- and 4nodesty awl '101. script:the Invita- tion thirinother net ntiisance ;,:.'and when she,' remonstrate!— that iN If she knows what is z being -done, . which,: nine times out of ten, she:does net, her daughter inubs.her wltn- " YOU ARE, OWE OF IT, 1140THER: , ZP- IS wArrirD by the Women Who are ailing and tuf--. feting, or weak and 'exhaustldrAnd, .every -such Vivra ,help. is- guisra - by. .3:hictor Fierce's FavOrite Frescrip., • .tion: For young :girls• just entering • womanhood; woi _linen at the critical - Change Of lifew ; (Women approaching confinement; nursing mothers-, and evl err woman, who is :fcrun-down."." or over,i worked, it is a medicine that builds strengthens, :and • iegulates, -no matter - what the touditiori of the system.. L. ,44 _ an. Invigoiating, restorative tonic, a sOdthing and bracing n.ervine, and 'the only -guattnteed. memedy. for ." female complaint" and-weakness(c ein- bear. int-dowA Jensations, . periodical pail* tilceratiOn, inflammation, and every -kin- dred ailment, if it ever failsvt4-benefit or t • cure, you have your money back, - AN EXTRAORIDINARY HORS& ;As Described. in ''CiiriOns Advertisement of. their not:here, .-Oh, &int. while perhaps prate° tang them; - While perhaps ciemeging --Weal weak health inoa- toditates chO ',pother 'from I:Pa/forming the reiosrier -duties �t eoesietiy and the home, the - &tighter take!, the ploce of prisotio0 hea leaving the mother al wayS that of titular commander... She wakes parade of authority,- -like those other - fin=de- ideals," "-np-to-date %stilt Boonk.s. in um- brella skirts and -empire Cleeves,. Who main- tain that mother -knows ri4thing, is out of fashion. altogether,, and cannot even tie her own, bonnetstribgs. ;She. -doe!. her wOrk With 2 gentleness - and . energy combined,: and • With diligence and sefeet ' tern - per, devetion and :_tenderigesg. To her the mother is always a dear •one of :the earth, and nob the finest .marriag.4 that cm* be effered cou'd tempt her away . keit thie her primal and her holiest duty-. Mother. .vga-its her,:andjko One else. shall :take her. 'Mori than 046:it rong- -11-fart falls immense of her decielOn.; -per.hape, too, her own may ftcbe in -Se *et: but 's he hae traced out the path of her, dny as she, conceives it ought tI ke, and she to it without When -wonder. how: She can, and ape.* - her life: SS- 10118: - IOW and '7 w.ithint color, perhaps Without beauty,- she whispers softly that heartening - stave : ' Straight is thline of Duty,- curved. is the; line -of Beauty';. • • . Folio* the -first and ;thou, shalt- see the -latter 'ever follevdng _thee. With i4iti thejs conttni.' .-Who would not be who hadia.scul vvoilied clean -0_ self, and a conecience-imstained by Worldly sins "f • , - of the Olden Times. I - The following Isa, copy of . an advertise- -tient which :appear In a sporting mage eine. eighty. years age: • • - " On - Saturday, the :16.th Of- 'September next, *labs sold alifSkibbertonathe-strong, staunch; steady,: stonii Sound; safe sinewy servicable, strapping, supple, sWift,, smart, sightly, sprightly, siiiited, sturdy, shining, enrefOoted, sleek, well,shspEd; Sorrel steed; of superlative - symmetry, etyled. ": Spanker, with - star and. snip,- square4ided,, . .slender, .shOuldered, : •sharpreightedr and --. stately, • -free . - from strain, swig,' spasm; itringhilt,' 2staiiguary; Wades, staggers,1.-: .sconring„ • strangles, solietders, anode* surefelts, • telims, stinmeme ..swellinks, °scratches, splint, squint, Scabs,: scars, . sores, . scattering, 'shuffling, shambling -gait, or symptoms :ef sickness- of valy- so& Re- is _neither stiff-nionthed, shabby coated, sinew -shrank, 'spar -galled; saddle -gilled, shell -toothed, sling -gutted, surbated, skin -scabbed, • shOrt-windek • splay -footed, or shoulder -slipped and is sound in sword -point and atifiejointi:. has: `neither nick; spleen . sitfasti waggle teeth, -sad& crack; -.starrting,colib, swelled sheitb,. nor, 'shattered - 'hod, IS -he sour! sulky, surly; etiibborn or millets in temper ; neither shy nor skittle;b, .14ow, sluggish, or Stupid ; he never slip, drips, strays, .stalke, ataFts, stops, sirakeikshari,: snuffles, stumbles, nor • itaiki fin the. stable --and scarcely. or. seldoin sweats.. has a showy, stylish switch - and,a safe strong Bet of shoes on can feed. VOR SALE, FLORIDA LAND, ACRES, on Aubble, sanfoin, sheaf..batek-iteiY • etletlY atStranos1L9Ii3fAronAinF and..dardell- 11IINGS FirdlUXUarki • - - Which Are the Envy of AU Sister, an* • Cousins and Amato. widied- to •envy other people,.but what girl doesn't look with envious eyes at that other girl— - Who lies a fascinating dimple in slither cheek?-• , Who. has cunning little feet thaii eke doesn't.,have to keep constantly covered with thy hem of her skirts? • Who- 'can say childish things and not _ appear 7 . ' - The Fools -Not all Dead Yet. Even a blind man can see that more clearly than daylighn, or else why should so many continue to use ill .smelling, oily and often useless, preparations for the relief of pain, when -a_ preparatiett jest as cheap, elegant, more powerful, and -.penetrating' ag. Navahos -is can ...be iptirohasedk from anY _dealer in 'medicine.? , -Nerviline mires instantly aches and palm Nerviline is the most-effioacione remedy. far internal pains:. IsTerviline :applied externally .subdues the niost intense paintalinost at once.- . - ,Medicine in, Washington.. A phypician in Bticoda (Washington) ap- pears -to have been seriously affeatecl by the recent financtil -money stringency. - In the Jett number:. of the Buceda Enterprise be relieves his -melancholy by this touching utterance: Three errfetir years is net a lifetime, -.bub ibis a long..tiMe -for a doctor to wait fez. his fee when his wife and habit- - are crying for bread and sorghum, will take _anything on account from :a Spring chicken to hillsile feral, b4t a settlement 'of Nome kind I Must have. In future, a die - Count of LO. per cent.. Will .be given on all bills Paid Monthly. If you' pay your. physi- cian promptly he attend you promptly, night' or clay, . Fain or shine, while - your slew neighbor eiffere -and waits as he Made the &titer Watt; . and "while he is waiting the angels gather him in.". -I • . • Who is always well informed on current Who knows how to receive a oonipliMeit without in embarrassing blush and painful smile.? . - Whoet hands. -are .iPlump..and' rivhit*iland , whose -nils are always pink and even 11 Who has the knack of -saying the right thing obi the right Vine? Who idoesn't are a cent how. she leek or how old her gowitls? - • 'Whose nose doesn't get all ehlni and need -peirderbag every half hour Who has :enough. will power to ON a soda •- water fountain or a bargain counter without making a Tay face over the liatnees of her pocketbook! It rays •.: Boys and girls who wish to make a - Success of life to take -a-course of study.' at the - Galt Regina's College and Shorthand Insbitnte, Galt, Ont.' classes fanned. •Hach student taught separately. :Write for oir- ()Wars. Lowest rater. - - Those Wide Brims. Willie—Say, can I have that straw hat of - yours when you gat, through with It? Featherstone—Yes, Willie. What dio you Want it for? - Willie --I'm going to cut off the crown and use the 'Aim for a circus ring. . • .•••••••••••..0.111.111M*161.116.. Ninety-two cardinals have been - created sipce the -advent ofLto XEIL to the puibifi- cal throne, that inimber having died ditring the sams ti. The College of C. rlinalo numberS Eixorthret —of 'Whom twenty. 'nine' are foreigners and- thlrby-for' .are ; 1 So vast are the ruins of.Pompeii that they cannot all -be excavated', at the ordinary rate progreis, . before the 'middle of the neab century. : ' .Tne politicau-spends "a lot of money for , . ....rieensmealissome. licitads. order .to make himself ----1----"" CHAMPION STOMP AND STONE EXTRACTOR. Over 4,000 in use in the Dominion. Will do the work of 8 men and. 4 horses. If you l have stumps or stones to get out you cannot affo do it in the old wn- & Cir- cular giving testiMon- ials, price etc. S. S. KIMBALL, • % Craig street P.0, Box 94S Montreal, P. Q,. ISSUE NO dill 10393. mai sa retaillat Ii sal a aniinefigiame ingamonais 'pryer. ° 1 • ng. sedge, or snatch gross ; carries sixteen stone Greenville, 8.C., U. A. with stirpriging spee, d in his stroke over a iii -feet -sod or' stone wail - His sire Was. sly Sebersides, a sporting son Of. Sparkler, Who woh the sweepstake,s and subscription plate. last 1381113011 at Sligo "—London.111ilizon. . r - . - - • - oDisapointment- • . Can arisielkom tbeluse of the great sure -pop corn. cure ,--'7Patzi mie - Painless Corn. -Ex- tractor. 'Putnam's.. Extractor -removes Corns, painlessly - in'.a -few ave. Take no gulAttitittei At druggists. - Alve-Toad.in HailBtone.- 2A hailstorm • -visited - Powtuoket .e out 10 -o'clock -Saturday evening such. :as has° nob: visited-- this vicinity lot years; if, in the memory of man. . '04e woman pinked up a large hailstone and allowed it to Melt in her lion& She thought something was Wilde the little piece of • frozen' rain, but was surprised to tind, When all bad melted; a little live bead -or -frog in herhand. There Is a quite general belief that. a great Many pebbles- came down with the hail., --;Post! dance Journia. • You do .not know thing, E .ety r.me does . It, and why sheuld net I :Wheat) h :ern is 1 there in it ?" .Not hrm exibeei v. • 040.1 'does net say that ; :hub crooked alp .aravoss lire in themselves harmful, .and for .the Meat innocent girl In thil World. - to be . seentoo.: much about- with young - or t� ge to-,thelr rooms.- etc.; unchaperoned;] _ Is by the very farett 'of -appearances an evil thing,- and the world it justified in condeton- it. - _SomebinieS-the.niother, weak in 'will and indolent in mind; gives in to her daughter. • • • Don't sit in a draught. If you do,1 the doctor will in all probability --be, the one to cash it. r•-• . Deaths From Anaesthetics.. - Garb reported to the: last Stagiest Con- gress at Berlin the -following statistics ef deaths under anesthetics. Tnev are made up from the obserVations of 02 operator!, who armsthetized 1'109,196 persons, with 39 fatal results,- showing one death to .2 800 narcoses. The fo awing were the aumsthe- tics need : . Narcoees, Deaths Chloroform.:....... ,..... ..... —94,123 . Ether......- ...; .... 4.. - 9.431 Ether and ............ .........,-..2,891 Ether and Alcohol. 1 .,,,-....;:.,:. 1,381 -Bromoform with ethyl bromide- 2,131 • Penthal-.....; .. ..... i .-.. ... ... . ......, -210 in 2.913 casestie narcosis laitectoVer an hone; in an - optiration . for - uterovaginal fistula, four and one-half- hours in a case Of tetanus, nine hours. In 25 calla, of. . which pest ,mortem . examinations were - . made,- cardiac diseases were found. The .author urges. careful ..eitonhtationof the - heart before ad ihisterbig chloroform.—, (lotici...Extrcicts. Lacking in the First .PrixiciPles÷-Peicivel —Father, I don't icallt to $(0 to that College. It's a _poor 'eencerri.. His Fiat:4e-- Peer, my j son ? It is SR MI? Wealthy and famous ie.% stitution that numbers among its graduates some of the meat. 'rioted men in.,the land, What- possible eNeition; can you have 1 against it? -Perciyal—I don't like its -.,. yell: A When a -publiti Man has lost -hie -grip he i ti Will not :de - nitic hand-ehtikiog With con- , st blinds. . - -36 0. - 1 Aactive nn town in 7live, Canada to handle a household article ueed in -every home. 50%, profit. -Good money Can be made easily. Writh for full Particulars to DOMINION SPECIALTY COI, 3l0 King -Street East Hamilton Ont. *_• ' - ASENTS To sell our pew Ecr!, cn male and ffernate., Citaner. Eptirely USW' sells to every .1cousekeeper. 4; •Also Piled. Cake and Paring'Euivei, Carver, And Mitre .aiid .S4oher1 gharpeper. No capital *aired. Easy sellers, hig.priAlt.1. . - CL4USS g/lEAR. CO.. Lock Box 324.,T4rer.te.:Ont. , ft ACRES OF LAND ti 7 t...5 LP ';‘,49. ,t1.0- for saleby the SairirPe tr. • - •& -DULUTH 'RAILROAD • ':..,03t1hr :n Isfinnesota; . Send for.Mps and Circa. Lars.. They will -be sent to you- - HOWARD'S . ELECTRIC !I.!!! - The latest .and treat - est discovery, by the inventor of Pink Pills for Pale People.J--------' . FOR TON, WOMEN AND OHILDBEN. Cure all W-eakness of Brain, Body, Nerves and System. AnEemia, St. Vitus' Dance, Porgy sis, Ataxy, Rheumatism, Sciat;ica, Neuralgia •Early Decay, Female Irregularity and Weak ness. Large boxes, 50c,• six for $2.50. DE. HOWARD MEDICINE CO., 'Brookville, Ont. - 7 A dress -.HOPEWELL CLARKE, , Land Commissioner, St. • Vat' able treatise and. two bottles oftnedicine sent F.ree tin any f; Gi-. e Express and Post Office-addre.s& 'a -0C ler—CO., 186 West Adelaide Strect.7orontUi Out. 0 S oftentimes -absol#tely .cured in itsearliestSages by the. use of that won— .1 I ood Medicine, iwhiChis now in high Teptite the world over. • •isci...utrrolv,--lieinre of sub:dant-4S Genwine prepared by Scott BoWnet, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 5de. and -V.0(1'. Best in the Wed& Get tha Genuine! $aid Everywhere! \o Betirl the marvelone rrotack Remedy CALT HOS free, and legal guarantee that 0AnTROli will STOP DIsphsarges Eridsideour, ,CUBE Saermatorrhea,Viadeosebs and RESTORE .X.ost Vigor. Address,aVilOdifliaiiiii-0144aL,tfsefie400 Solo' American Agests, aseisisti„ 1111111111111111114. 1, <i BY Eby'4German ASreast 'Masson You cough easy- and soon are mired of cough. • - • .W.RAT PEOPLE SAT -OF i . Mr. J. 'Rowe, Port Elgin, safe: Ewe •German Breast ;Balsam is ,the best - Cough medicine he has ever used. H Mr. D. 14'. smith,Organizer Patrons of' industry, has no hesitation in recommend - g- Eby's German' BrCliSt BiliiSSIM, -the best mtdicine-in existence for cousgis -and Olds, Mr. Chas. -Cameron, Und4r*Ood, SaYS lieleIC splendid results from using owes German Breast. Balsam and re-- Commends it highly. • • Mr,' John_ Hepner, Manager Port, Elgin Brusly Co.; sa4s : Ebfa German. Itreast stabarn an indispensable necessity' Ins household and reconiniends it as a iraluabie remed.y for Coughs and Colds. Put up ,in 25c. and 500. bottles. Ask Your druggists for it. sellettatitieminEatzwomigsmcgazzarsuutatka Samantha at the World's AGENT. Wife. Overiic illustration% Josiah. Allem; - neatly it()) pages. No terri tory assigned,Send Si for prospectus, end push the dadVe s if you want to malre money. • WILLIAM BRIGGS;," -Temperance street, . 'Toronto IiEllE ARE. -• • 9 OT SO14 MRS. WINSLOW S SY FOR CHILDREN TEETH.INO ' For sale by all Druggist. 20 Oat& *bent*. • ,FOIRs • 8000 114%-reS of arming Lanets,:w 120. miles ot-t=for 1.(pop. 143,000).,end within -2 lie 4-milet -of' d. Terms 1-1.5 to $15 per aCre,daWn V25:a year, six:per cent. interest. • Schools : and, ahlu.ches near. Welltimbered. Send. for maps and cironlars. - 1 - WM. M. 'TENNANT. HeavenriCh nook, ElagInba*,10. litaolag • Please Mention this paper when re o this adv..-Irtistrient. - P. .es . I. -‘---:---_:---- _ / ••••••••••• Manufactured only by ORTON & SONS TOO1KE1' :PEN k7PENCIL . CluY tion4.Ti,P.Stamps, NAME, 1 20,..ar postpaid f.tr $1.00 Bill. try lilorinslinen,eardsote. DlewAvagnaopey,Tertuifree. -Thalman..itanufacturing Company • 350 Balt Street ..Baltn., Md. U.S. A. AILTS.44%.GE CASINiGS. Best -Imparted English Sheep's Casing. -oho Prime American Hogs' Casings. 11lines Hams; Bacon, Lard, etc. Loweizt prices to the trade. Park, Blackwell & Co. (Ltd.). Toronto, tint.. LikD I ES DR. SLOCUM'S COMPOUND PEIM• ROYAL TEA never fads. Price 1:-.4e. by magi 'SAMPLI FREE.. Lady Agents Wanted. • pLocum & CO., Toronto, Ontario*/ 12,000 acres inbHet see-. tion of Michigan, on line S Fare paid one way on purchase of 40 acres. -- Write to R. . • West Bay -City, Mich, BE Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to any Stifferer. Give Express and Post Office addreSs.G. _ ROOT. M. C..186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, 014 - els095i Remedy tor ils,orth ilaY.D Best, Easiest to Use, :sad Cheap Boldl by &mega or seat Iny ma, Irr Mugge& whew& If& • s-