HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-27, Page 1,••7; -*--4 .4. ^ 4 1 1 ' Den% _Aptly yonr Islay -fork rime, or any kind- of Harvest Tool.* ' . _ . . tai you se.e *hat - _ Good Xdviee To Faiiisers, Di 0 T14,17.110.131 Can do for -you •VOL XX. • 'f•`.; • ' MIK CF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Oipi paid up Rese. 4e Fund Total Assets SI 25°,o oo $65o,009 $7,979;646 President -JOHN STUART. ' Vi. e President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: J.lto PaocTon,W31. GIBM. P, GEO:ROACH - A. T. WOOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). • 0-ashier—T, TURN131311,L.* - SAVIBOS- BA.Wr,--4rotirs 10 to 31.. •Satur! day's: 10 to 1. Deposits of Si and upwards received and interest allowed. SrEOLICL- DEPOSITS also: received at Our.; rent rates of interest. - • - DRAFTS on G-reat Britain and the United States bought and sold. * :••.. C BlIOW S A 1ST _ UB-___GRNT. rts., wool pi-Oitiaritz *arta 4000 lbs. mixed • rigs• wanted. . HIGHEST. PRICE PAIR FOR AU KINDS IN TRADE AT • D. "C; TAYLOR* ABB, I' :71::00TOUg:27th 1893.. BANKERS, OrLuoktow Ban n Comp'y. I•jucEttow, .Jt LY 132H, 1893 - ' TO THE. FARMERS: ' We have -generally one 'Cr more farms in . ,. Kinloss.- ' Huron,.. Ashfield - and Wawanok3h, townships foi. sale..-.:. Parties desiring :to -buy will ognsult their Own 'interest by .taiiine on ns as ive sell cheap," and on easy-terme to suit the 'purchaser, We have Ar5;000 to lend: on first . Mortgage . . on good tarra Or 'village property' ;at from n to 7 per - cent-, -inter* rate. according _ to *OA loan and security offered, • . We also lend small -amounts miStitetma moils- . . . gage - on -farnis and first chattel mortgage. - • - We do*a: general banking business.. 'ague ...drafts _payable throughout Canada: and ' the -United States and make -.collections . on r all - • points, including Western -States. Manitoba, and IsTortii, West. • - • • _ -- • • • . • .. • . . '-: The: collection of *notesand *accounts will receive specia • attention.. Lendingnionexon fariner's. notes _tti speciality; In our savings departinent wa allow 5 . per .cent interest on small deposits. ..- . :• • -. - ,- • - ' • , • • , .• . • WeeffectInshrance on all classes -4ot build- ings, either in .Stock Or Mutual ' Companies as desired. -None bit first -class Companies rep- resented,: AgoismIwW11111.111111171111.1.. ..DENTAL J. g. JEROME;. L. D. B. NVinghini, will Lucknow on tb.e second -and. fourth Fri- . llAy and Saturday of each-niimth. Good Sets - for 810. Filling and extracting a specialty . Offiee at Cain's Hotel. • - ' LOCAL ITEMS. -:.,. 46st week.froMB lo. 1 —Mr.. John Savage -.arriyel; home \ - —Miss Lilly Gordon iSSpe.iikting :a few weeks with her sister in Brussels., ,--4-Miss Lally Berry arrived home last . *eek. from her TViSit. tofriends-in- . . Buffalo. . 1 =The only: way: some -people : everrepare .for. -a rainy ;day- is by -stealing an,umbrella. - The faanous thy Bros.'. Minstrels gl be in the.T.oWiii gill -:ort.sat.4i.d.ay• . wco,r6iribe 4th,-,. , ..,--It - isn't • the things a man -eau do- .. r b 0114. be is proudest of; ,it is the-CAI:4s'. he thinkt-he.can &D.j.- 7 •*- ' . - - ' '. 7 . Tri another coltinin )vill be found the-announcenaenea- Mr. Frank Shoe, bOttans new :grocery Store. • • .- -' .- h* 4 ' - . . ' .. '' - ; 4 pro ibitio -convention will • be ii held - at . Paisley' on -Tuesday, Noveni)mi - - LEGAL- - A. MA.LCOMSON-, BARRISTER,• - Solicitor, - Conveyancer..- etc., (late of - Cameron, Holt& Cameren„-Goderich). Office - at Traver's old stand. . ' MORRISON' • ATTORNEY AT e- law, Solicitor in Cancery,. Conirey- . ancer , poramisioner, etc. Office.- over. the barber shop. •e ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- - ters, etc-.I_Goderich, (int. T. GARROW, QC, -Wm.:PROUD-FOOT. - . . DiCAL• R,,; ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND -RESI-- dence, Outram etreet, second deer north _ _1.4ittle's shoe store, • " R. TENN_ANT, PHYSI.GiAN; _ . Surgeon and•Aoceucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's* hotel. Office hours from a to 12 m., and from 2 to 4 p. ' McD. GORDON, M.D., .C.M..; F.T. •M.C.P.S.O' . Physician, Suv geon. and Adcoubheur. Office next door to W. Allin's hi-Li:dement shop. Residence Ross Street, south of D. R. McIntosh's store, • • - GEO:..A..-SIDDALL, Manager - R. D. GEDDES, V. - 8., - CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. Residence, 'Outram street, opposite Dr. Elliott's and second door north of SENTINEL office. rimetwommamise. mystp, LassoNs„. • ROBERT - CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE • - FIRE AND MARINE, . -GUELPH. TeleplOne No. S95. - CHURCH 'DIRECTORY •1••••1. NGIISH .CHURCH —SERVICES 11 m. and 6:30 Sunday School, 2:30p. m., SuPerintenclent, Wm: S. Mimes. :Adult class every Wednesday evening at '8 o'clock, Bibleandprayer book lesson's. All are .welcome. REY. 0; MILES, Pastor. - L - .UCICNOW -MECHANICS.'IisTSTD. - tute.' Reading rodm open every evening. _trona 7 to 10 t).111., exCepting•Satiirdays ;when the hours will be from 2 to 6 pi to,. The librarian will be in attendance clurieg these thours. J, MusEcinioN, 'erettilrti, I S Or: IIIPIADOcR:Secisetaria • - -14tlat commencing at 10:-a,m. you -owe the; SErrusti. office for. lob work Or subscription, - ;please -call r.,nd settle the same, as we need the - , A. city edito whytramps_are- rid:: wretched .is Advertise-.' !--!Mrs. Nichol who has been visit - ink 'friends in D tigannon. for a couple Of weeks," has returned ;taller home in Lucknow. are naw busy 'making out ac- . 0.unts- and will - ei- On the War path A4.3011,. So be 1 s4rprized if yo!..i.-geta . la call from us - I _ , The brick Ibiock owned by Mrs. Murray is now pearly completed and adds -very much to the appearance of- . . the front street. . . WHOLE tffl1 1030 • THE _ In a world of work and worry, ]Financial fret and:flurry, . ere heads and hand.s may hurry All the*can _ You MaYtra,vefu.p and awn, Search the country.Or the town, For the farmer Is the most contented man. - • • • Takethe thresher with ins tank, Or the 'banker in the -bank, .° With his sinile so sweetly blank, Worn and won; Or the Editor -PA -chief - Giving 4110 •news in brief, - Still the fanner is the most .contented min. Let the barber shave and clip. And the tourist take a trip, Let the miller try to strip Shorts bran; Yet yotell fend as I have : stated; . Both as single and as mated . That the firmer' is the Most contebted mane TO professions you may soar Count the preachers -o'er and o'er, Place the men oflegal love • UPOIL the plan; Give the &dor every chance, By the aid Of pills and tante . Still the farmer is the most.conttnted man: - There is pork and beef for meat There is flour from the wheat, And the milk so rich and sweet • In tbe c,an ; With potatoes large and rar • Why he had them at the fai So in truth the farmer is the mo; believes the reason man, so poverty stricken becausb' they don't RS, A. M. ARMSTRONG IS PRE•f- . pared to give lessons•in vocaland in- strumental-M11/e ReddeRCe--CaMpbeil St., Lucknow. SOCIETIES' .1 -ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any time, at thel_liAvest' "rate of intermit. Theprincipal may be Paid :* atthe rend of the time, o.r a:part of-th4 princi- pal may be paid each year, interest dean**on: the araount paid, * -For further . particulars,' -etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART, LIICknOW., • - • OYAN_L ORANGt:LODGE No 428. hria; its regular monthly meetings in the Orange MAILCam-pbell Street; Lucknow, on Tuesday evenings, on or before the full moon; Degree night second Tuesday evening follow- ing full moon. All visitingbrethren cordially • invited to the meetings. ANGUS •T DAvmsoN, _ - Secreta• ry. W. M. - O. G. T. SEPOY LODGE, NO. 384. naeets in the south end Lodge ROO1D. in the Temperance Hall, Lucknow, every Tueaday evening at 8 o'clock, D. K. Wgs- KEE; 0: T., S. MATHERS. Sec. 1 7. S. ex -Warden Of B 1 CDonald,/ of Ripley, uce, gave is a pleasant 'visit on WednesFlay. Mrs. McDonald was. also in the Village. " How girlsshould be courted," is the, title.of an, article in An exchange. Very Much the -Isame as short girls,' we: should judge. • —Wanted—A good steady boy, -_aged fifteen or sixteen or over, to Work. in a livery. stable. - Apply to Adam Thompson, blacksmith, Lucknow, —Mr.- J. K. oLeod intends build- ing A new house - On the: lot adjoining Allan McLeod's-1' which is going to make a great improvement to that street. ... • -C.T.R.. TIME TAOLEs: . Trains leave Lucknow for south at 5:58 a m,-. 10:48 it*,,: -.333, and.615 p..M.- - ---*North at 1.2:35..p.:M-,,;4:02 p. in; and -1.0:281 • - I • - • - - ' T. The regular monthly _ e the. Wemen's ChnistiaIi Temperance Union will be held every second :• Wednesday of each month in.the Odd Fell.ovi • Hall, .L.o.c;loiovi, at 3 p. m., Mits.. W. H. SMITH, PiEikicl.ent ; MRS. HORNELL; Secretary. . - - • u-c.k_N w Lodoe No.112 _ - • in their hall', Campbell cordially invited- J, W. -WILSON, Recorder. in'eeta every -Friday 'ey-ening•at 8 o'clock street. Allbrethren. tLLIOT,:. N,. qiap.d;_ Then those brisk and eager fowl Close behind him, see them prowl At their clthrades her tbem growl - • In the van ; • - T511 he f„.eatifies their wish . From the grain within the dish Then you'er sure he is a most contented Maas THE;BOOK, If you find the Book referred to is - the Bible do not turn aside from • the reading:- and think you know every- thing that is worth knowing concern- ing it. . The annual "meeting of the Upper C. B. Society has been held and several meetings outside • the village also with a view of imparting infor-' raation and arousing sympathy with the effort being. made to circulate the Scriptures and now when the collec- tors. are about to execute their cora- ...mission I would' address a few words of appeal to the community. Let me ask that they be treated kindly and responded to liberally. You did bet- ter it issaidlast year than any pre- ceding one in furnishing funds to . carry on the work. Do better this. You admit by your gifts that men should be furnished viith the- word. of God. •It will exhaust -a thousand years at the present rate of circulation to furnish every one with -a. copy. • I will `leave out -of -consideration at present- the highest reason for circulat- .ing the Scriptures'viz., that it leads s. men to Christ, Salvation and Heaven, and askattention to a few facts affec- ting. the interest of community. The free circulation of the Bible affects the public conscience and limits crimp. In England where the Bible is fully circu- lated and taught there are four murders -annually to the million of• population.- In France where the Bible is but sparcely. circulated:there are thirty, murder s annually to the million of population. In 45, in Naplesand Sicily 10,0 the same ratio as nations the Bibleand shroudedini tbey excel in crime. The friend of education. In Isiew.York per cent of .the pqpulation wholly ignorant of letters commit! 37 per cent ofthe crime, Itt Englan { the seven per cent ofthe wholly ig orant tom. - mit 80 per. centof the crim as desiring an honest comuiunity and anxious' for the security of, life, libe4y and pro- perty we should seek to fr the -Rook. The Bible lies at the''' f the best education and e motes the welfare*- of t ancially. M en speak n education but rarely ref contented. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the -building -east of tbe SzransTEL Printing Offide AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, :DEEDS; MORTGAGES AND 'WILLS . • . --CAREFULLY PREPARED. -.7 . - Plans„spedihcatioos and estimates for buil • ings, mills,"bridgeef ete....-furnished on short notiCe. JAS.-.SOMERVILL _ Luckhow, Jan .1891: . C0. ri,odorer_ o Sherwood, No. .,50; Lucknow. Meet - every first and third = Monday • in eV ery .-Month, in the . Or- ange Visit- ing -brethren are colially invited. F G MCINNES; D. D. Y•cr,E1 SEC. • . Bella McIntosh, of Toronto, formerly of .Chtcago, -.intends opening outa fashionable dress -making ,shop 'one door West f W. J Little's shoe.- . shop. t Thos; Burns who has spent two weeks in Michigan, retained hoe on Tuesday„. -Tom thinks there- is no . place -like Lucknow and the county of Bruce,. Oh ! ye sailera of the sea, Stand a witness with me, While the wind so fairly free Doth ye fan ; That the tiller of the ground, If you search theyrorld around. Will be found to be the meet contented man. CALL ACCEPTED., .• • PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND. pro -re nate -meeting of this Pres- bytery' wae'held.at- Lucknow on -17th Oct. to:Consider a call to Farmers look to your own interest and - insure your farm buildings and private dwellings_ in the LONDON MUTUAL No large ,Premium Notes required • • „SYSTEM t 50 cents to 90 cents per 8100 for three. yee,i.s. • JOHN- LANE . ACEtIT.• • . .—Twenty-seven people - were killed and a .numberSeriously injured in a railway accident at -:Battle -Creek, Michigan; last. 'Week. j' Many of *them 11.,Tere canadiani.i - • I cow on Sunday night last. 'de- stroyed M.ri. • Thos. - Shciebottom's cabbage gardelii.eurid the owner had to put up.th.e Tice of' the stuff destroyed •befot.e the animal was liberated - from the • - • •. • . Geddes from Haynes' Avenue St. Catharines and St David. ReV. G. McKay -moderator. The action of the - ,•• - moderator in calling the meeting: was sustained. The guarantee of stipend promised is .$900.-00. Reasons for transectien. were read. Rev.- T. H. Radeliffirepr6senting the congregations Of Haynes''Avenue, St Catharines and St Davidi-and the Presbytery of Hamilton was: heard in suppoit of the call. . • Commissioners from Calvin phurch east Wawanosh and Wiiitechurgh were heard, allof whom expressed the warm attachment of the 'Congregations to. Mr. Geddes and their unanimous desire that he 'should remain in his present field, Also agentfor the Phoenix,. of 'London I England. d.u.w.LUGKNOWIODGEQF L.the Ancient Order United Vtrokmen, meet in the Oddfellows hail, -on the -last and second Monday evenings of each. month a ight o'clock. • Visiting brethren cordially, -invited. - A McFilEasoN; MasterlWorkman, • -gSD.0AMEBO, Recorder. - '• • • - • :MakeFrom .!.$1.5 to per -week EriLING- OTTR HARtiY CANADIAN igrown -Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid wiJekly.. . COMPLETE OUTFIT - FREE..Special ' instructiens .to beginners.- _Write this week for terms ta; - 1 • E 0 GRAHAMYNURSERYMAN, _ TOronto." Ont. _ . emergency meetingof the Womins •Qh4stian.Temperance Union will be held at.. the residence of the. President, ..Mrs.. W. -11. Sinith- on Monday evening the 30th ip.st., • at 7 6"elack sharpl. etiquette is a theme, but • gives, the following stig- geSi.-ions concerning church manners and; by the 'Way, they are good.: "Hay ing entered -a pew; move ; do not block- up the end of the pew as if you -did not intend to have any one else Lo dinar y So just iti -re without - norane do Bible is the eXchange . . Mr. Radcliffe was heard in reply. The call was placed in, Mr. Geddes'. hands. Members of Presbytery ex- pressed kindff words towards Mr. Geddes as a,. Christian minister and Co. Presbytery. Mr. Geddes was asked to state his mindonthe subject. While expressing very warm attach- nfent to his present. congregations, he felt the call of duty tobe to accopt the call which he accutdingly did. On motion it was agreed that while putting on record their appreciation of Mr. Geddes' services among us, of his unvariable kindly_Christian fellowship of their desire that he should continue with them yet seeing that the Lord seems to call hinf to this new sphere the Presbytery of Maitland agree to the *translation .,:and pray _ that all divine blessing may go with him and rest upon him. Mr, Geddes was instructed to wait the orderis- of the Presbytery of Hamilton. - miter it, or 4s if you. were- liOlding it sot. SO-ine:speial friend5. ' ‘:Do not rise . to l et. otherd,, but nrieVe along tiod1:-..!as:r.. - 1will know that they are welcome. If the pew invitingly open so - that .. they ;a pew ho-ldT.g four has already three •in it, do nut file out in formal procP-S- siOn: to -let- d poor seared . women go. - to . - the .other end). but -move along p..n e . — . , her sit to the end ritpct to 'the "aisle. rIt isnot aceSsary now for a stalwart 1 1 .• ' man to sit t the end ready. to .Smash Out and kill 'Indians, as posSibly it was, - ely circulate - -. Undation of umtion pro-_ e state fin - the Cost Of . t to' the zost Of ignorance. Education 1 decreases the cost . of court 'houses an prisons. Iii France PO per cent of the ignorant Commit. 95 . Per cent of he crime SO . that 9/10 .---4)f the -cost of crime is chargeable to ignorance and might be • much - better imployed in circulating the Bible and improving the mind. A general ' inculcation of Bible truths -1.- would make it impossible for a ,few made leaders to excite* the rege and icupidity of .a'rabble• mob of Fenians and lead them on a fools errand to in- vade -a; neighbouring countri, or for an edueated, scoundrel . like Louis Riel, to • -lea& his misguided followOrs into the maw of death, and :-put. the. Canadian davernment to &cost. of eight 'millions of :dollars to suppress the rebellion. It is reported that aa ignorant un- principalled. old Worain .and her family in New York 5 tate has cost in forty five years . -no less than $1,250,000 That . sum . would jave • supplied ;Ave million families With Copies of the Book or sent out . 12(40 college trained ministers to do:battle with giant'forms of evil and preach- the Gospel- -of Sal- - vation to . im.en..- The. Bible gives Stability to -the • StatI. France --With little' of the Bible has I ad 15 different governments mostly of .a revolutionary character itt the'space of 83 year -S. Prussia 1,:v*ith a free *Circulation of the . Bible amongst her subjects has aVoided the desrerate remedy of bloody revo- hition, and -matitainedherself strong, stabe and prosperous. .Mexico which -has repudiated the Bible has had near lysixty revolutions Since the year 1521, but Englandwith a monarclk and peo-- - pie" swearing -upon the Bible has stood firm for constitutional government for L000 veaislind was Inever Stronger in the intelligent affection of ler mighty, , was agreed- that the charge be declared Vacant on the third Sabbath Novemberrn and 4hat Mr. McNabb • be .appointed moderwtor of the sessions JOHN 11icNIBB, Clerk. 1 • „ • • BELFAST • • Miss., Basso, of Kinlough, is visiting at M r. McAllister's, , - - LaspeCtor"ThoMs visited, our school on Tuesday,. ,• . • Miss -Florance .Cesar spent at .the.hOme of Mr. Wilson Irw Mr. Wm J .Johnstone is reCovering. Sunday in's. slowly peeple than to -day. Our own interest, the claims of the Seate, the welfare of humanity and the • glory- of our com- mon Master domand a liberal response to circulate the Book Friends you did well last year, .do better this.