Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-20, Page 4• • • _ �t a • Luc ii-Ovv Sentinel, ruc bounty, orf Y So it appears:- that the hyprocisy: of . htptchnow tutinell - CSL LIBERTY TO UTTER AND:TO: ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE -DICTATES 1:11? CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE:ABO'E ALL OTHER rIBERTIE3 Lu olia ow, Q ot. 2 0ths. 1303. WE WANT LOWER- RATES _The Toronto: Globe asks. the Domin i4n •Government 'to throw the duty off the cost of order' to cheapen r- in con. - - f - _g . Canadian cattle and: -thus tatten�nb;. Enable our people to #--:meet American coth. �-etition- in the live stock trade in P England: The. suggestion is a -good • one - but-- . the Government -- should do somethlng nnorethan this:- ought to force the railway and ' steamship - Cat paries to _give lower figures =for stamping "In God We Trust" on 60 cents worth of` silver and . passing , it off for a dollar has no warrant in the United States statutes, the Act of 1887 ,restoring: the coinage of. the .sil- ver dollar providing that the devices and subscription should be according to the: Miniting Act of 18374which made no provision for the motto:: s . the lawsmith but Piro - gents relieves � P _ e silver dollar ` as.: a reater sents - the g fraud than . ever. -Dig' action of • Lord and Lady Aber: landm in to_ the:Steamship landing �e-n�'in .-going d e b ..P welcome at 'Quebec, the other- day: to welcomer the. _ p Euro can-: immY rants . w:ho arrived, . g � by the- Parsian was thoughtful characteristic.: Their excellencies have- .� never lost- an opportunity of - showin their sincere sympathy with struggling nd the cheering words. ad- dressed humanity, .a. ds b..., dressed -: by Lord,. Aberdeen t� - the mewl arr g transportation., Railroad rat from y and to ived=immi rants will -serve to es let them knave -- here to illontreal.on a car of cattle are Ilial tlrey:are::.not without:friends, in- here double the' charge from to g ChicagoCanada -Ne�� York. and- ocean - freights from Montreal are a 25 per' cent. greater than_ .from New York or Boston. - 'This is a shoat unfair state` of - affair s_ and. should -mall for -instant _remedy. Put out skippers on an equality With. t 1-€4 Anrrflrr' -1,n rivals in the matter. of Lte:� and? they can hold th,-ir own with them Give our farmers iii ad- -dition to' this, corn_ duty free for feed- ing purposes ' and - the interests: repre- sented = in _ the ocean cattle trade of the Donfinion will . haave 411 -advantage over like interests: pn the' other side of : the, line: The combined Y• Er1t� of these Qnco'urage, them changes will he that a .great -.Canadian industry will again prosper even if. the prohibition against sending our cattle _to inland British towns on: the hoof re- -- mains .in full -force.. • ,PATRIOTlsM = finds ..queer ways of ag itself. - Some - patriotic dames in California are. having " ca1s-; of earth taken- . from the _grave of:. Benjamin Franklin, =Betsy Ross' back yard,•.Inclependerce-. Square, Philadel phia; acid a few .other points :and ship- ped to San Francisco where they will plant.trees in it to commemorate revol- utionary days. If:. these Colonial: dames :could-. focus' th jr.minds on the. present they would find plenty,of work - cut out for :their patriOtism�b a t., ter work than -:canning New England mud.•: ONTARIO has done magnificently a the World's Fair. Herdisplay of ag- ricultural and pastoral, products ha been by ; far the mostsuccessful of all. the --displays by states or provincep of this -Continent. Canada as a .wh.rl? - i has done well, but it . is just begin1ing to draw on her people how much better. they might . have done. Had the` farmers in some of the other: provinces received the sameencouragement and advantages as -those of Ontario, no doubt, ' Canada would . have made 'a much better showing in Chicago-, 'It is pretty clear that Canada has taken - first: Tank as a producer of all agriLui-tlreal add pastoral produCts. .: TwE TY --seven Canadian bred her--. ses sold in =New- York on. Thursday • - -average. . of over $325 a for t8 fi8v,. an_ head, and the :New York papers:re ported_ the sale as 'being one of :-the best of the _ season. - ..Items like this are pregnant with ,interestfor _ the Canadian farmer. • They - teach. -the wholesome -lesson that a good market eF'n.be found for good-horses=poor horses are -not- -wanted anywhere. - Thereisno reason why the raising of" the '. F r - rht kiri�'l, �}f horses in. Ontario should riot be-indc firiif eI :_increased, ,and the _ Y - -larger the. ,increa`e: