HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-06, Page 8Iniasietratimral - ' 04i. Stock of Ready made Clot*ing in now complete for Fall--; Trade, you will find, it _ larg4 aud varied and values .1..1.ne)f_ce e -have also a -full range of e 4 -oted AlelissaWaterproofs = the !best in the market, and • • _ e coat- to keep yon 4ry, duri and comfortable g fall Mad winter weather. The Fall_waS yearcof age Med . As we go to press the annUal fall Glassay, who hacteatentgram, sesds show of the KinlOss Branch Agri- and all, the Seeds lodging iu the a -cultural Society -is -being -held in the. pendicites causing inflamation. The village; and in every respect we think operatom was successfully performed, It surpasses anything of the kind ever and the lad is recovering nicely: held. in I.Aucknow. The. weather is delightful. The entries in. all the classes are _large, and an. inaMense crowd of spectators is in attendance. We will give 'a full desdription and list of prizes awarded, in c'o.nr next issue. Grand -Concert - A grand Concert will be criv"en'in s, Dungannon- - on. -Friday evening the last day of the fall show, at which • will appearAhe .wonderful Mowliawk Indian poetess. -reciter, Miss' PaUline Johnson, of Brantford ;-13rOf. OW -en: A. ..Spaily; of TorOnto ; the .Misses McLaren, of ; GOderich-,.. • and other noted talent. It promisessqo be Ithe - best entertaininent -ever held in :Dun- gannon and everybody 'should Wait for it. Ottr f Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds And Beavers - for ordered suits and Over - wit contains many pieces of ex.cOlent values and if you , stock are m need of a suit, overcoat . . or_ waterproof we Will be - • • • • Ale4sed..7to- our. goods 1-.• • MU-1100E1i & CO LICKNOW riQST-OFFICE•_ Hours $-a,tr4to- 7 pan:. XtAiLs - a:T.:South - 613 EL. -int - f. H.,r& 11. --North-- 12-30p. Kinleipgh- 2;30 p- . p..r W„ t G. f B, North . tn. qodetwh -. • edietepOints 9 00 ID. --L. IL11& B -,,North 10:30 p. m. - • - Tuesdays.and LangAde a 00 p, m, Fridays .1. • taH&B;SOuthJ r 1=14 B.Scutth 10:00 a. . 'W. GI& 13-.Nortb 170 P 4:30 you, Workmen Services The members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of the village, wjlli celebrate the aniiiverkary of the Order. -by attending divine _services in the English church in a body on Sunday, October 15th, When the rector,-- the Rev. Mr. Miles, will preach to them. Thek, brethren . will assemble, in the lodge room at half past ten and niarch in procession .to the church. All Workmen are cordially invited to meet in -the lodge room and take! part • lig echa n ci s'I nstittition• . . - -.The..inempership year of the ...tuck:. 31st of Oct.- The -,naernbersbi'p; for the I ' year was -large; but :inT•orfler to in -A crease the usefulness • Of' and -I interest l in the library the Directors .have . .cidecl ite issuHe.Membershifi. tickets good from. date to 1st :Nov.; 1894 for $1. L . Make. plication_ at. one: to an Director. • in the serviies. 4 1. now Mechanics' Institute Closes on • - Left the Village •. ..Isickno# lost_ one of . her oldest residents onTuesday last; in the person of Dunca McArthur, -• who . . _early- moriiing train to spe of his daywith his nephe pie poor old. man has been land nearly -blind for Sonie District IVIeetins -A Meeting of the. delegates from the different Courts -of the Canadian Order of Foresters in .District No .31 was caned to - be. held in -Wingelaani.oia: John McLean, Convener, • At. ,the: appointed :' time. there Wis.. fair..:representation pro, sent—the:ColirtS Winghapii. Luck - now, Wroxeter, Brneyale„ . _White-. church, -etc.„._ being. represented. r Bre; _S-ohii".i-Burgess, of Court -Douglass,- .-Bluevale,: was eleeted,-Sectetark of the : district . On motion, Bro. John-. A. Barnard, . of -- Court .Wroxeter, was unanimoUily chosen as. -District . De- puty -'.for the 'current- year. After. several' matters private nature had been -dealt with, the meetrig lad7 Candidates -Nominated Liberal convention.-- was held- at Clinton On - Monday last. - for - West: Huron. _. The Officers, were „elected animoUsly.:--President, A".=Honanning Clinton.; 1st -Vice-President, D. -.A..: Fori Clinton ; 2nd -.--Vice-Presid-, ent - A:: Morton Winghana.• -.3rd: left on the 4 the- :rest •ip. Dutton.: very 'feeble tithe, and - the Reeviii sent Mr.- Wm, Hood! with hiM, as fa as London to se. e•himisafelY. on the '-.tralia: WhiCh leaves' :Ole !latte,r , , place for Dutton, Where he: Iwou)d be -met by his friends. Bible Society ....The annual Meeting .o ithe.:• Bible . Society, was held . in the -11‘,Tehodilt -Church_ .Tuesday evenink. . Interest ing and - instructive. addresses were . delivered by the _RoV.: Mr.! Miles:. and Rev- Mr,' Walker on the aims, Objects and work accomplished by the l -Bible, SOcisty,-. Excellent Music furnish- ed by the -union choir. - 'The reports of the past year show that increased- in- terest has:beeri taken.. in - the .society, the treasurer's report showing: Collections $-60;09 ;-. -sale of books 88.491 The dile of. book " case.' $1.2t? ;. *Balance. to: oni-eredit of books - returned - The_ folloWing were lelecteill offieers' -tor the ensuing year: -President, Rev..Mr. McLennan'; -§ec'y„ . R. - Treasurer, . W. Connell; flolineS, Fred McDonald, D. , MO. .[ Park° r Meeting -A. par or meeting -under the a 1 - pice4 of the Women's Christian Tem erail,,,be Union will be -held at t „restclence Of 'Mrs. Jas. -Bryan, on M day !lafternoon next at three p. . All temperance workers welcome. •Get. out Name On Vice Preliident, Joseph Griffin,. Ash-: field; Treasurer, W. Coats. The ex- ecutive comMittee was organized after'" -which candidates were -nominated. Mr: J. _T. .Garrow was unanimously, _ choSen for the, Local- Legislature, and Mr. M. C. Cameron, of .Goderich, was the choise for the Dominion . House. US - A resolution of confiden.ce in Mr. P- Laurier and endorsing his policy •of . he tariff 'reform • also a resolution in- ce- • clorsing- Hon. iVIr. Mowat were carried • 1 unaninfously. Orange Blossoms The great -Social event of the season- . T e Yoters' Lists f•or the village of in Kinloss, occurred on the evening of Luclknow are now out and -, little less Wednesday 27th, when - Mr.- Samuel tw° weeks remain in which McDonald gave -his daughter Flora in nott:t.e can be given. to have names -marriage. to. mr R-obftritton meponald, adOsi that. have .heert omitted. -Every of Huron, miss Mary -McDonald was elecor-in-the: village: _should gee that ..brideemaid and .Mr. mepdnald 'Oanie isozthe liSti and especudly groorcisman. •There were about..:..one he '°11i1g men., as the election for - the hundred and forty guests assembled Assembly will take .place and after doing justice to. a .aupberb on the lists about being;completed: dinner, spent - the evening in social Outrrhis Out . 4 , , 44- . — .• conversation while the younger guests Sr. Jas. Sutherland, a well known loOked sPlendid,- and the numerous 3 Varts oil, I oz. barbOlic° acid ;, mixed • ndnbed in dancing until the. Sthall. hours:of reOrning.;'....71The- -1!IiidaI party • creE0ery man, suggests the following.;' and. swabbed on on- the -.- afflicted parts .- elegant and coStly...presents-: displayed,will , prevent • _. thehorn_ fly :. : . , test fed to -:the':esteern; ::,which the - from . . tOrt$ring- cattle and. give relief. No - bride' isbeld.The Rev. A. ':34CKaY farti-ker should.. neg1ect7.thia. preventivetied . the .n.uptitl.'knOt.. .Your.:cdrres- Ostijcure as, the • _suffering -Which_ these pOndent unites - with all in Wiihing. the . pest cadge Will :naturally Affect the UaPPY Cc4tPle: long and prosperity. to depository ljanieron W. . Taylor 1: J. - - . 1 - ) A. B. JanieS Bryan, James Memory A Congram,- Smith McLean. and John 0. -Murdoch. I serious accident _happOecl a :Port Elgin last week -at-14 he ..'"Ficick Mr. teamster. .ois Alexander's- tannery. . • While: • - - Busch -was in the act of getting up on a load of barka, small Piece struckone Of - the }horses, frightening it and the team -started off, throwing 714.Buich infront of.,the wheels, which passed over his fracturing the skull, : breaking :the. collar :.0,oue and arm and bruising.his body seriouSly. Medicalaid• was quickly!summoned, and good holies .of his redoyerY are en.tertained.- -- feeding and milk. The above receipt , . .. . Don't Swallow Seeds _ hisibeen tried - and i -found to be the • 'St Thomas Journal : Many people - 2n°14 effe°thre discovery "up- te- the in- eatii4 grapes- and other small fruits pr+nt... Cut this out and try theare in 'the habit of swallowing the mixture on yourcattlenext' -summer. -seeds. -. -, These. _lodge - in - the -append., ii.. -.140yrood-ROW eeitis, ,s sack- with. .a Small _opening - 4. row took place -- -at.' the -..usually, attached. to the bowls and Which- So . orderly village -of Iiolyrood , one even- far at. medical -scientists . kilo*: has .: no - inf.'. lately - and the.... services of. the (function.. -- The lodgment .of a;seed • in Lu -know._ :Magistrate's were -called - the opening of _thesackis the : usual .. iipm. to •.-Stiaighteri__- up ° the - affair - On -cause of peritonitis.. Indeed .some Thl,irsday_ last ,...:As all the parties, :physicians -to-day say. that it is _ the . imt4licated--..in -. the : unseemly ';affair only: cause of inilamation of the Nv-e-e men -of goOd "and.: peaceful- bowels.. - Medical men- aij.e no w -„for : the ' • • –acter we are glad the parties settled ciirei.of ...the disease performing a new 1 • II. it ciimong themselves. Had it gone to surgical operation removing the sack tri0 it, would- undoubtedly have re- oii appendiecitisrhe first operation suited in one or more, being sent to of this kind which has _ ever -taken Witilkerton for trial before the judge.- place in this city was _perfomed at aS ! the complainant, -through his Amasa Wood-. Hospital_ yesterday by Solicitor, Mr. Morrison; refined to i Dr. Meek-, of London . assisted by Drs ' hac'e the cases -disposed of :sumniarly I Fulton and Duueon;be - The patient —The leading feature i flarmon.y Hall was the singing of Miss Emma - , i Wells, who is gifted .witia great per- sonel attractions possesess phnOmo nal voice passing frorci Baritonetd Ten -or, ,- . from Tenor to Alto and Alto , to So- prano with astonishing facility. - The large audience Was charmed with - her vocalization and derdanded encore to all the pieces. Miss .Wells is an ek- cellent performer on 'the! piro. She is a 'musical B,ara Avis and needs only to .be heard to be intensely appreciated- . . Ottawa Free Press. i , . • -A- Fakir is - goin round the country and getting ,way with a good many dollars *of tlite unsuspect- ing youths in - the following manner ; On arriving at a town he gets all the boys he can to sell : pictures Of the World's 'Fair, and requires each a them to put =up a dollar as a guaranteei of ' gockl faith. He gives them a few pictures worth a cent a _piece and while they are trying to' sell them the fakir disappears 'with the dollars. f —An?. exchangetells of sii.J woman Who brought a new-fangled coffee 'pot - ; from a-- pdlar, • In the ,.evennig.,. she showed it to her husband, hardware- dealer,1who told her he kept the _ same thing in his store- for half the price she paid. she said, vihy• don't' you- ,adVertise sTObticly ever. knows what you have. fnesale.'" ' --Until further notice the Canadian' Express CO. Will not ?issue 'Orders for amounts in$1. .- Of lite.. 0.: rOan'" who lives by-his:Wits had. been victimizing the. ..company : by getting :money orders for 50 Cents . and raisintithein- to $50, and. for, this reason the company Will issue -..no •more orders ;Under 41 for a while. - a.t40-opciit.-to:bqy t111 of •an•Overcoal - ,,C11 fr't 4..)0 Cheap. ,,,....„..... .......,.....;,,,,e7:-...,:„..7.,:..,:-.:, ff.4,;----.r,,;.-,.c-=:..:.',:,,.:-:j:,-f<,,,.,,!/,f,4. 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He: begins_ life at the Cradle,-"learni to handle- the h -- fork; often as rakish ways an sows wild oats, thrashes._ his :way through the WOrld, and 'when he -arrives atthe sere. and yellow leaf, time mows him down and his remains ars- plante crin - the hillside, • i" s: Pio • We .have. confidence in this department that means good and prices are right, and business good. °The New Stock is ready • in, Styles: and Materials thoroughly adapted for Fall Wear. School Suits, - Double &Elated Suithi Overcoats and Knee Pants. - ITICYNER STCR -ILITOKNOW, N, STORE TO RENT. r1IHE -BUILDING AT PRESENT ...-„occUpied by Mr. Wm,Connell as dry a . gooand se -i, era mi erchant, s for rent. after the first of.March,- 1894. - This is One of the best business -stands in the -trillase. For further Particulars Apply to .. AIRS A MURRAY. • Lucknow PUI31.1C Ni OR ABOUT THE FIRST' Augusta large white sowcame to lot 14, cop, , 1.4 Weat, WayrinoSh. ,The owner is requested to prove property. Pay all dap -ages and take the same away. • - JAMES- LYONS LuCknow P • 0. :FARM: FOR SALE AS..k • 1140T-: • 16, CON. 4,WEST -WawanOsh; •containing -1:00 urea, fah buildings, 35 acres - Of growing ,timothy lag anabalanceitinder. grass Will be -8614 et 41' IApply to 6E01 M.AIR & CO I Bankers, Lucknow . • . - • - • -..:,..Rebecca-WilkinsOn, of Browns valley, Ind, Says: :!!I had been in al. distressed - condition : for -three years* froin NervO4snesai:. Weakness _ of. the Stomach„:- Dyspepsia :and: Indigestion Until. ray health :Was. gone., 1 bought • Onabottle.,of South American Nervine,: Niihri4 done Me .inore: good than any: .$50- -Worth of - doctoring. I. ever thd advise any Weakly person to. use this valuable and - lovely I - • • remedy. I consider it the grandest i medicine :in •.the .- A trial' bottle will convince ;you. Warranted. by14,-B. Oongram.- • LOST H.ERt • STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undersigned, rot 1, con. Kinloss, on or .about the 18th of June a ewe and two lambs. The eweis marked by a split in the left ear and a spot of paint on the hind quarter.- The lambs have no mark only. the tail cut off. Anyone giving such infor- mation- as will lead to their recovery will be - rewarded $3. ANGUS '101C.DONLII.Afte. kn:rw,4vi: 0. 'CATTL, ESTRAY. CA.ffit TO THE PREMISES OF THE • • undersigned. • lot 18, con. 5, West Wawanosh, -Ou .or about the 1st of August, a pair of yearling steers, all red, There- &W.:came to. the same place 'about the first of June -a white lamb The owners are . Oquestedto proye property, Pay expenses and take them away. ' • • JOHN SMITH; 1021-3 • / Dungannon P 0 CATTLE ESTRAY • 3HEIFERS, 2 RED, AND ONE WHIt111. with red on the neck and head, *4one light roan steer, alt "rising two *Ars olcl. Any person dying such informafion as wig Tad to their recovery will be suitably rewar- ALEX, REID, La,ngside P. 0, .1025-4 HORSE ESTRAY. HERE. .0AME TO THE. PREMISES - of the undersigned at the Holyrood hotel on Saturday night, tbe 26th • of August, one aged bay horse..with Tie white hind foot. The csivner is requested th prove. property, pay ex.; penses and take hinilkway. • •- JAMES D. BASER Holyrood 0, —Mrs. Murray, of Detroit, is •crisit- ing her sister, Mrs. Harry Days, of his village. 6 • •