HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-06, Page 6• 1 f•-!, •-•,,,•••• ,•!"-'.••••••:• 4.• •-•-••••••• . . • Iteeka lekiw via fieitid - Kobletlgood _fur within' is inY old mim•Sakei • Oif agm a-lishin' 4:19er to thelake . Corn it needs-a-hoein', hayin' time is nigh, • Reckon how- scold, itiin when he onms •. - loinieby. - • , '- Men are a:116N shifleas---41igh as bad as ducks - Not to be disputed, never. 'mount to shucks; -Garden sass needs Weedin'...rorter cut the rye, . Grachus, won't -I scold him when he -elms bimeby . House is allersieakin'-every time it vans, aIl about it, labor for my pains, ; - ' Never 'mounts to nu.thin'-never „seems to try - Won't he catch a scoldie when he aims bime- by - . _ . Children: iookial Shabby, can't pirvide 'em cloes, - Patch and patch 'em, that's the way 1r4,--b-c-ti.it goes. • _ Wish Tse born an angel, had the wings to Won't the Old inan _catch. it when he cuins • -bimetei ! • . - • Itark ! that's him comin', hear him atthe gate! _ 'Won't I give him, Jesse/well I calculate! . • - Lordy, see them fishes!. 'Naffagin to fry.; . 'Dassent scold him hardly, but I will bim,eity. • law the ptit. sent -gait - -•iiff -hie .feet, tlibikiii! -reveille -game to het him after a! I, thooht I *EMU gie ;hint'lle wee- inlet. - So 7yei nieunita. .ttibtk -it's- Mee .weintlo2. to leave yotir eteviceet deo-titer. - lre'.$ been e gado -midi* tointe,.1"11,0ay that tebuttt-ej fist* Ittarget applied . her -atiron: to her .e9all ter' Meotent, intd then With :twitoltle lag:lips -teen:tied :" yonr al'ni your eta, ye ken.; se rthengh teirt•-.hint: as mitekt‘ :he's - the enlyman I weer fel. a' in ee days," - . • • This .dootier was net ungenerous. Re tsok -eta frtein•Itil -peeketbeek e*fitia4sulid.. note and handing Ib to, itergetetisid , • _ .Thme, take theirtand ": buy -2 ionte ,wed, dint present for • yourselfe-yett. kap* aboFit these things better than I - do: ()AV,' get Seinehody in Yourplace Were. you 'go.. -;I realty. be bothered--" • • • 'Von -wouldna" -care for.. a ...yoong *nee wouldye,-sir? .Beeauee • my :sister has a lassie-- they. Toe' ••••• Ktriity•Iiirsty, ;el ha.ent -seep. her -.this seven- -Yore- Ebat my :eider limixtoto ..for - to 'get her habit a gude place. Maybe if Elie was tis: colne.an be in the..kitchen.W1' me' Mit% - the teriri She. nhieht`getinto oor wive here ?" ' _ • . . The- very, thiog; • Mittget, end -nevi. -don't lap aziOther. Word -090 •it. . Get the girl.: I :daresay, be -right enough' ; he, whi:a1.3 she:flown': -That-Was -how Kirety :Cable '.4x4 -a _ . intailed as housekeeper :to • the tleetere It was, however, the :old' s.tOrY of.Man prot posing and God di:spitting,. for, &eel tilerget was euminetted to the bedidde . el het tended husband, who hed•met t.vith aoctdent.-. • - • 1- • . lidargat'e.mindi was - distrinted betireen, .donble,duty*:to master,Said ' • - to Ye- see, doistorerin..inse. gime- to leave. it to fen te say ethotherrm. to no'. T.iestyte. strong and ridd,itended itte ;. but, ye Bee, she never wets. Oet: etithe-frerom.d afore, an'. she's an awfut lot to "earn: But if-yelhooht she wenld_..ditelOr...9... wee While :tilt tee - • Fai answer the doctor .ietek' Merget by the shoniders -.and: pnihed: her -out ot the .sargf..cy. - K1RSTY'S ^CAVR,_ She Played on Dr.' 'Mitt an - • the Outoote.e. Leekson, forreerly of Hamilton.) The Trick 'Mrs., J. K.• • :f -doeter. Was a bit of e ., onto _ in way. At 'oast he had neEn so ter 4erne four or five peers.- beck.- ever stnce the • breaking. off .of his en- • garment with _ the woman he had .expeated to marry. What had polite between them no • ooppier kne.w. - Thp haase. had been furnished, the servant who had kept -house felt : him and Looked after Mtn generally, had been:. - told to.exoect'a iniatifesa Everybedy was on 0.se._ aieri- for marriage bell,' whea, -presto' it • was .; Why?. -that was the priyiroking., iag about it ; one -could-tett. Th -e lady was, stien% the doctor_ kept behind ea dtgeiftEld 01•!izetthi.when any .ef his. nearix..friende expm-seed surprlse'; in fact, Me Ilistinga,ishinttrait- grew mere and - more to be that same reticent:dig-fifty! He was so naturally, but itgreW hisTyearse albeit Dr. Nutt- was, yea .a • young . inan of thirty-two.. . • • - . yont.h., bed beea aitndiottet botreeeie '- • - I thane -lay them &We; i,. litt! her,'..• am I to ken wheur ye keep yetherke: -Ye Meta be-oire fie__;•ibieli Berke mike:see °MY gotten." " e The: doe* gazed . helplessly: at the shin -- 44 Ibieti,.: avA the 'hienor. of the iituetion. flailhing ton bin, he tank IMO, the esey ohair 0111411r bed:beenv4heeled intOthe."-eittritore peal: !the_ • pe .. ! Oflanghber t breakbig frem.htiti.- -Ah me .i. The teers of mer- riment rein doirei hie cheeks- ailthey had -not. done einoe his college ,deyeto _ "� noun he iii aft • for Beinething to litioh, at,".. geode /Melt, hotly, at she be- an i to - sweep the . room. • ." lily .Auntie Mg's a ,bonnipazip to Wing . me here to be: lenoseed 'at. •• A.try el; it's no'7. my eiwytivif thogeeet stoat." le ° • • " I. .,.. - - . ..."-Widie sbe - et ept fiereitlie ' the., • doctor' getheired hbnself-up limply and returned to the antgety, whi+-, te heel a violent relapse. SO ideation* was his lanOter. thet the muse-leeof Ktrety'a•-fece begen to relex, toe, and,.smiling, she oevered..the: tablet , with a bowel end sit : down to -ineditatetover the Metter.' . e . i . ... • . . 46 Whet the men -wants Is a Wife to ' look .after his- aorta aie thhiga. Never you mind, my billies- ! . . Tire Was - never -onybOdy. Li he at me- yet. hut I eye -got upsidei wi dbinse get '•upsides wi' :you •V•4 untaMed be/fled speed: • audit Wali isiraty 'lent:otter the dociteettmarrieget agate she Wan ebbe* furnish the, •trate eitplikaitiont Kirstry *teemed to bettlsat she had set :key Mind en. bibiging. these two periled. lovers tegethete-ever *ince the next door glil bail told. her the story; What had partlidthem she knoisenot. -All she did knew welt -that they wete.perised, and -she was going lee Make It, her business te bring them -together agitinsoitiehave. It was When Andel mb the.dectier laughing et her 'that the idea of playing :peat:tied . joke, and. :so -.getting uptides With the deotok, had -ocinerred. - to here. bitsehe did net dare to obey and lice -.the -consequenceit .Be%ides, she was tired t of 'being cooped up: in el house - all -day . elope, end • there - Was- no .aaying how that 'Impudent Effie Hutt might - stet round Jamie Ferell ehtii -atm was away. So she:packed her elethee, played het. tile*, - end: . Went...grinning all the Witty home, . thonghnot withOut a spice -- of •f ear tabigled. With her.triumph.... , 46- Aweel."-she protested, in •ensivet'tOher- enisite Solemn remonstrance, "lb was a' your wyte ; ye bad nae•bueinese send*' i'ifor met An''What :wee the man laughin' at e..vehen I belee hinito take his Bettis oot o" the stoor ?: My faige, I 'garb lituoh wi' the litter -aide o' hia mole afore the day was dune.'" • arid he tipened early. dont e. size if &fere Wig.' s Kirsty got up the week. . One daya cab, drove -hastily up to. r. Nut's- doer, and -44 lady- denied eut and ten np_tee ettept; Where 'she. was admitted by Kirety, Who aleted the door and with her' fetefinger uplifted breathed" the word -it he ten" sv?-"--•whis.iered. -the Husli.t '•• who evidently had been Weeping.• - "Husht".• itreethed. Kirity, pausing a inement before opening the door. "Is the doe* and IMO° With whitipered the lady, her Wan, tweet. faoe • - stiretneid and. anxiotni. t • - His housekeeper, Merget- WR -s • • o epo eneo - and to . - with the highest reveal). Never on thit M011t ordinary ocOasionz( Sive fore: to i -46 sir" him ; at extraordinery_.einiele. she 'had added it---cert$ey. e"The severe year s she :bed- sitiel the. dooter had goae by withoot '• the stigh.tast ripple:or ier. .-, Marge's domes, 'tie - mitehinery -. 'Tam- 11..1,3ta - so ,--e /coolie atlY wail labriceted by method end goodirienagei oald poesibly threw it out •ef- kelte.r. The -ltu.b theevety :Simplest comyeationel trammel's, . .!‘ Yes t petit; Bervent, :throat -me tint and deicto-r atilt-tended:to hieprieeiselen, entertaMed and these related mere. -strictly bi- mike_iity. °eked' tt," 111.8t4_ Aana, tailtr. his. friends hospitably, and:•---lsome,itiw- Iound- . than to niennere. ' - - " Kirety! The t.neve girl? . :-Goett hee- - eyerythin.g ceanetted. with his .weerittg: ap-.- te rel always at ha nd and. in. order. - . If there. Were- menisziu afterrhie_friondi had ail •-de, .would it lii, his 0 asY,chair gazing - vacantly:twOnid• gang to -fifty. 'pieces. 'afore ye Weald i Thehlie hammered mei iv -kettle -a With the into the dyiieg, fire. until the.. great bell An 1 kee'a intietier like Dr. -Nate; - : Noo.•yell -.do t door tie vein. . . - . - - • 1 . .- -... • :We tot -ear ..siziettt eee , that we - tot - tie eget tiny bid-iiii", ita' _Wad t ,do feet as --.14air, set 1 .: !..4.4. pretty keteleeof . fish- thi I- :knit Fiint's-fteile, . She tail as uitial.-- done her.1 lf yeiblhave 'varlet': ani-dis . YatIr del *Ocell !saY.,• .I.can tirity...aey thtt I end .more tbiive • duty and was: -snag in- bed sleep lug tile and you've - been e a - year ,. feet the day.. ye .80 trythat .yott:iiho all ha -ctitutied.- the -slight- ! soug. NO 40 • _ t lba rimpiltin le imp el Masa imlivoett snasis pleas* onesitton this ofifer• * idea with the doctor within . Mazi at oncse,_ Margit, Kirsby Sri keep' .the heasii Inorder. -tette b, and for it. week or sol loin 'Elide in the pity. Just you gore- her a few. lnitractlons on -.things In geuetel.". . literget est diewit•in the- kliehen and. Yeep.t with gratitudele: •. •• • . -7!‘ K.irety,',- she Sid,. drying her ekes' and looking appealingly --at her nieee.e-"inoo-. Ictrity, my; Woman, ye'lle gang to .fifty. places • • . t • ig No' Ms l'-intereatetedlcitiity,..in great alatin. . "rife •come hire-- I'cn- own to eeelteemeesitgryetraititnItihnietalt Kirsty was e de etdedly goed4oOking". 'Jerome 'hatirttlertetit hro con eyes, bright- _ . • I 0. Bate Kirsty breathed _ "-Hush . again, opened the door, end -leashing the lady in, closed:lt .cleverly turned the hey, which she Waved over her head, .exe- cutbiit st-paiiteilalente jig on the soft carpet. "Writes noe?" She 'whilpared, triumphantly, land speeding down the stair' she snatched up the tjn- Vox containing- her belongings and made off dewa _the street in the directioa iif the station!. - The doubter. had been Ont. all nighit end trai:no iv steeling forty winks after lunch before gotug Ott -ete hie afteraoon -.rounds. The:Window wall .darkened,. hitt- the . doctor was a light sleeper' and:the 'sound •ef. the door shutting sh2ittply behind: •the • lady awoke inttentlyt '0' Anna ! What is .this,1, • Anil dreamt 64 There can ite no doibt about it; Kirsty. is e rare wpm:amen. I like her," the. doe* reverted complacently. - - • 66 Well,. I ought to, laughed hbewife. - Perfecting Seeds. The eihibit of jetin S. Pearce & Co. at the Western Fair %fan undoubtedlY one of the inosb prominent and • attrs.otive on the' grounds.' In- the Agricultural Hell they had an irnmenies display eonsisting of wheat,. harleee esti, peas and beans in •the straw as well as in glass • glebes and an infinite variety of seedi and vegetablei. They also showed everything in tile Way of gardenere' and florists'implements and a full line of Ho I • land _bulbs for fall planting. Everything in the -seed line wits represented, blab -perhaps 't! Wriesit litie, mernhig-Tottiliiireave 7tiiii made some _mistakes?'wiWi . ,•1'' ., `.... - . -: "Von ought to be able. to explain that red cheekcin a„pure milktwhit 3 tiompletion,. bttter than I,, Henry Nutt,- I did ..nob think het. '. . chief- - brail) . l'aitig: a :ceetetti You-caPable of -playing such& trick on ma." I • • • earnest energy,- a absPrarb'' uneoeitelens - Melt hst.Oriek.? I sad as inuct..-at. ladetiesdenee of apirit, and an heneet out- a•lose to ecietanit for you; +bib at you saeni- apekeaneao which tioreided her:eircuotap'ecte to -be," -he toil; 'filiehieg red, and weenehing and predise Anot-Merge.1„ - Kiesty had -been: etthe &rat handle: " What -the deuce-abl allowed - "to rang as eh.s:grew "--- at home; • ----Who the --4 1. Why, the door .is looked -' ment that nothing -shore of 141 earthqaake the free fisher•life had hoen •deveicl . of ell on the oe.tside tr 1 • • " very el:bike:nisi'," Kiretyefor.iou..to venal'. :and pruning to the bell hi.t•erked: interrupt 'yotir.auntie -like that:: ye .winita nag' . they ' &mid beer the • iiaminene sae int!ali• _is -Os me time to finish. whet I I echoing loudly from the empty .:kitchen pared after a sociat - when he mai gam* to say. • wa * • sleep of tile test. - • " . - bete." - uneasineisl, Oil air at3co nt. Lasenre.you, doeiti and Kies:4y lie ieeed -eagerly, in'tti. peato lileteelfrom-- - Natt raaher: Fidel himself oe that- Margatet went ousr.ail tileetdahlot bee yon Were thelast person in the -world I ex- daterminetto he at gned, a Sot na tit 0.nd a. • "Wei" y _cod) tinly, Bet youreatvant fee better Worker th lee Aaatie Mee tics/tee be rne'and represented *et you had When she was :thew: to-depert eh married -been taken indite:11r 111 --that you ,Ware nly to say ode wO:d dying Ind bed spent for MB. 014 -eueh a oruelsnoh e wicked trick:" . Fni awe _an' there's sae ▪ Stich was the lady'S mori3Ificition that the orge.s.' Yle're to nay 6 Yee, tetra filled her eyes, her twittlied. de, . . digaifted maener of hist. but for once he -forget himow ielf aad allowed it te drop Lone him like a looeined . It was . when - Mgt gave notio.e leavingt 66 IMPOSii616,- Margot! - intisn't thia k of srali a thing,- I ain't let yew go. What -is. Wrong - De you went neore °lithe. doorstep Belem more-, -• Nee; larst • thing ye insnn waget-1" • sir ; no; gr.! I- c tuldnat hae ter.' an Ne, eir, wh.ee, ye re epokea toosn' spite her effects, to appear: catifl. iiae the. coosoiende to seek °ley mair wages. It's.' not"get the men- come free the per* himself b Caine -agitated. uu no' hat".t. - - : ' .- - -.,- : - •:. • .. ...- .... • • I Wile. ..: .34,iiir nor bliete, when . Ye. dineitektittei - , • tt.Will Yciti htliteett 'whet I am .abeat to - et Here Merget„ with -e, heightens I -cote:relict I hear -witebhe'o feayin' t4. -ye,: ye're lUo, to 13811 -Yea 1.," . lie ! asked. 4.'0. Qa -my-, honor I a _ -itt.• naiislitiiy -i liielien expreoiloo . .efetnin.:rtiencl an' • Ivey - • Wi ?' Itke a -initekle ; know no met; then you do whet - trick... this conit erethe.e, pito :per finger idto-i to .her 71i0s.t..bleholc- iheep-hleibite,t - Ire ; relinft•-,je44 '4 Sir 1' 'diet of, a _giti has beenii,p: to. . Bat were ib E‘niill“le a Ilit.de cough.- - - . .-. .' - - : . Ian' tW•T ,.10.-neatthis.-.* Way, . 4 Sir .?!.... Nooe net foe the - ittineyeriee. ib bas : canoed; yea. "I '. •44Wh ails it,- thea ?" 'dediandatthe doctor -, gude-day, '• Ic.fr ittt; -ea"- *se: an ''leetle heel -a. aboald. be - glad :for : ons -thing.--!:yen- Oamo With ea-a•:a :Collie* of haatenr. : .. .,-' ._. '. :.- _-.., gade repora to' ye."...• .•', : • .•.- .-.- - - 1 when yon. thought I. sent for yen," .-:• _ • -. - -- - - ' • ' • • "‘ towered, 1 ' "-Gale-da- rasps:Hi-del: -. Kirety,f _' ' gra )-,'_ - 4.4iShe said -you were.d.Ying ..; ihe ...-acbgallY. the firma' specialty ts Rosedele Detail -86D4 itieonioes, A feature of their biailliiaa i8. that they teal .all varieties at their trr.ial .iion-nds„-koi-di 6mo:wilder(' able to ebsolutely entreated seed sold.. Between 600 and : 700:Vaeleties were :tested this year,andthe: tin* will have many new novelties to offer :next seiteen. Thetr customers took shout two-thitde tif alt eke prose ine the .a0cul- turd department -a *et Sp -sailing more . • favorably than any comment. lathe deity depertanent they had -also the lergesiefdie- play in dairy supple's. Their A.teurittider. cream .separator a -spediaLtY :With the firm, Mould and printer is perfection in Itselft.and• 441-e• lever buttet wother has only i to- be seen to be appreciated as -a 'saver. of labor. .Seed and deity .titensit cataiegnee•sentl on ...appli- cation. to John S Pettetiekeet; 119 pandas. abreeteand ttletketecias.re, • s' apelogizsd the.lady, in. evi- . , -. ".7 - - . • . . i -door ha e to be epenet in the,: - ' 1 - •-• , -... -': first , pleeei. ; iteid -the doctor, deoleively ; Sir!: here an' and,. tatting to open, it- by tether. Meene, -. he • ., _ .. . • Inent: - ' - - • '. - • ' • - ' Sir ' ' Mitre ?' - T. to: et A y .5 Yee,' sire'. an"- drove his fost tihreugh- the penel, shattering , . _ . A -vere -warm-hearted 'and blmentel ' thratigh --thel- - eparture; end, telling hie the dectot an ehowect iv. • - , '-t-• she had midi fast ..-feien.deWitte the iseveett naiseular ehot4thir ...ifetthell hie. force to the Merget. simply, bat red .a p3ouy e and :eldest* paling bat the- oi.Omont the door 'oriel herssif 4' I at- gaua a _ then the (1qt...tor Witt:Sk 'like otisp :,cloted i. her .ftaut . Went stisep Mule - deals dietre sl cebbegseleti in the ann. He s bb down- iii :nose in the Air, and- up- 9rent her .plump - ".Weileth _his eutgare; cheit enCtelearltd ab Marget as -arch*. ehiMbo. • ood in the threshOld.it the epartet - "-Ay,- at. 1 rin say " Marriid PI he main:gad to sky, at. lett. 'No, sir;'• every time he speaks, am' 11 ft lie Splinter • . . . . • . ? • - ' • • trget, pan are -ferby if- you are a Ara' it'llno' be the day , : -Witte the gteatesb difficulty he orawled 1_, • • ' - For the .first •tinie Mergeb was -angry with • lase wee -1(iraty,- and before the day Was etib visitor to, stand Well bitoie he appliedthis " A v-aei str- if I am !Eddy, there's thein telextedoor, end frem her, had.. received the: door, and in another minute- it flew back I • . thee; thiatt ,me as. maokle Werth eel' Wis i whole of - the dootor a uatertutit?0. ..love with a crash. • ; - - . _. • - .„. - 2 . , .II, . 0 *et sir, an' i.--18 III your -pare to cuilit..tp My 1 • --ir. rem.thet moment:Kir:eV took. the.-- deo- She deserves ; penal servitude for this," et t-weeity, - I've been es. talibfat'Seryant to 1‘,hisitteyt. - .- - t •..., . . .. -• I " • e•: . . I ":•Waib till , I_ get my .batide on that girl. age b-sdatzie I'm g.ausi- to be it gude'-man's , tee tinder her pitying wing. - ' He all.u.lic en, be . said, -..p atinv- . -And; then the - two - viife,I.i. ' •, , _- - -- _ __'• ' " . .: - • i - ,- -'9.1 ' I, sOioue wondered what made the ;girl's 'eyes looked •into eekothePe eyeettand-it. Was es: - -"•Oht - Inettaie• Merget ! Devil; take -it r: thine witii. Reek' frit 1 ..tpity . when. it „ wits of hit.. .. .• . ..; - -: --. e ' -•• :11. yen, know I :cton't mean,' that.: -I'm. selfieh : r.iteeesary to speak- to '.1iici. • He. haditheatyed-. . ".Aune 1 e My God. hitte.long. it thie .art .... -enough, 4 46,134On -se% jhad. wa st -:rrii to ..de -that.she was notso doforential In he man' Of thing:to:I- be kept- nit -1"i be ' exclaimed, _ - without you -I .dOn't. itriewt.--..-- Heves you.: no • nee as her !tenet -0.4 been; • but he rathet-. With enddee --passion, as she stepped. Oat rigati.-voo youcow& recontai.4nd8omebecty liked the plain "Yea" : and '''.-11-01,'' when into the OOrridot,; .4.1- why shotil4 we•epend 7.• iike,yonielelf,. you .new. • R Alit, -Merge; given with -that.. straightforward, --earnest- :04r lives mlnerably: apart, -all 'beCause we. . / Wish you -al' jay, aiiii I hope. you will be: tone -ef *sic ,- . , .. ., , -2 , • .- .- •. ..4.06k on at very email matter 'Of OpintOb. Itai happy ;tint Y01 ;Miter, •PrevZ) ill,., Kleata.BOi 1 ':'. Die change Wee brought home to hini_ - You: 'inalzit 0 that . every :501d 'In -the . to 5 wirpsit befote. •you -g% .11Loroloti:IK-Dosva, - verv:fOrenbly Onia-cley; 'however, when .p -on- Bible be literally true;-IL-Oeythnitte,:.t-e'edmephwItithi- --thee-ee-your infented king. ?'' -... - -- dering deeply Oil ' SOltte . 0440 : iti . WM.* . Call4 ' nol - - Bab -irlieb• lint •• • •. • _ ii Ay, .a :Wee- whiff,"_ said aargeti. qiitte . -cornpitcatioos had. ariten, -,be. heard -Or eyeur hapPlneetand mine?. , Ceanot,we agree . . . . . . . . . mollified " -a maiiiter a' twenty yeer or sae." thought he hearda : voice . near - saying- . to .differ -t • . - . if .Twerity yiars. ! - Good- graCtotis .!" ' '1'66' Roy -17 • . - •- - -- - ' • I :- '• - -'.-- t6 No " eiehed the lid biting- her lips. - ., . op Treatment alike Wrists. - . Very few p4ople• kiiow the inePorbisnoe Of keeping the wings coot in warm weather. Actors and aotrasses tell yori that if tine of their •nuniber faints they pour cold water on their wrists.- -Athietee engaged in the per- formenee of teeth of endurance know that - In winter the wrists newit be kept' warni and . hi summeretool, bat the generat!pablic still continues to wear tight gloves. ead heavy Offs in the, dog days,: acid then Wonder why le is hot. 1 • Taking • off- one's gleves teseecielly In ,41•12.1.1101111.1111.1101110101,111 The Cold. 1011 it by feeding it with Scott's Etnubion, It remark- able bow • t 1)11, t •cleh • ichooi lre, ". Of Pure Norweggiart Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites • cwhiel ickstcoopn sau Cough, cure ionu riets-earlier olfi stages as well as forms of Wasting Diseases, Seiefua and Bronchitis.. almeet cr,sptdatable as milk. Prepared only byScott Beivne,-Belleville. • BE -47" 'We scud the roar/miens FiroisOk Remedy CAL -TIROS free, a,nd a legal guarart tee tbitcAvr.floa wifl STOP DisQlturges Eillt$1111011182 OMB Spertneiorrhes.Vortoyea. .and H.ESTORF. Lest. Vigor, - Use it and ;Owl satisfied. Address. vo-N 0 itCO, Bole A-morteats Airentla, (National., OM& Best in the World! Bet the Genuine! Sold Everywhere an .Flinmenee itesertment o.if • ... • INCLUDING- Hyacintiis, Crocut Snowdrops, 4onquiiis„ And a boat of other vedette*: for frill plant- ing. - - • te If you want to know ho* to get them and hew to tette care of -ehem. send for our- beau.tiful Bato C .ta'ogue. Free to all who HN 8. PEARCE &CO London, Ontario. • 0 FREE. 5o0 ladies aaa, gents Want eorrespondem*. church) often makes quite an 'amazing dif- MARRIAGE 1)A .terence temperattire:. Tighb, sleeves, GUNNELS' imoliviTAG0LEDcp, ome.„ above .all things nuke the wooer het in oppressive weatiitr ; delicate girie heve been knewn be faint from, this eau*: edam. - EXchahge: -Bsterowi -; Stewart & 9111n43 - the IndiStrial• Aiming the exhihtts in the above dope* meat ate the Teroute tIaolustriel Veit this year -there were none. More Worthy of special raentioe then - that :Of Burrow, tewatt & of Heoniten;ithe menu-. the !Byer pointer " Jewel line • ranges, furnahes, ecaleis, etc. NO asiaess Canada has made 'such- ocesi duriog thejast• few ye -ars. •fnictarer eilOV r epid Tao great increase in the: demand for their. geode made it nedessary to add this slimmer •a large new ad "Won to -their already etben.. ;live works, ea that • th-ly now 'sheve.aboat 250,000 scesere feet of floor surface, mocifig their '. foaddrys -oae et the 'largest in the Dominion. S 4 ale -people are aniazed at suchmarveloua gra itriih incomparativelydull. tiniest bat the eecreb is in the clan and style of goods they turn eat, and Id the feet that' alt three membera of the firm are practical •workm.en and inventora each-. personally suparinbending a .deptiAmenti.- Itlasafe to Bey there 14 no!ine of goods on.tife inarkee be -day equal to thet Of the 4' Jewel "- stoves, ranee . and furnaces; - sold by all encerprial.ng .and first olase dealers Halifax Vancouver. " Ay.; -he was -twenty an. I was -nineteen lifk paid ngi attention tic; hoivei er, ttn. whyl" the last time we . t ma!rit ,ta seoend 6,- Hoy !".1 cansid him 45Because I have coins round to.your way he lessed so much more wbi. spe. red . mei: thottght you were dying, rei:her- said We' &dents:Ina -inarry aye if we : Bo -yellbet3ter c'Wa ate tak. thin- serks o'. land came to ask yotuto-fOrget My stubbOrn- , Ewa' to Attache% OW I tnk apiece, an -When . " What's that .?"- demanded •theedectet, *-• - The, dagtoe held :her a 4049i : he .ctba,' rasme-1;e pera'.' to at, .me wttbi More thaOhisTustialtdignitye embreiek-she dead say no more. • • - had come to the eonotution _that' a&thte kirk I an' lisk Vent Barite oat' ot the "DE, dear 1-w.hat Will people toy ?".t.._ . . . „ • nottorta, an' bap}peoin7 •ower .again, pitting stoor " repeated -Kite* : ..• -- • . -"Never mind; It .what we say. HArsty dispeaee'mrfon friends, *In havers, -san' No913 tindeistending what ! ehe meant, he. it forgiven ebtit where -Is . the gir11-!, - 'at t e ' e anither:"-- knit his 'brows: with' slight ratineyence and -* rang again, litObe boll ebhoed - • -`` Bansi'em Osid.thid•dotster. • f011oWed vo4eri she led hint into hs own iii,the emptybowie: - !! si ye rnitunna.thliaki lat hiM --rso.m, thelarntkitriof waellifmcl tato "'She's ft• -.-the tedct Well,leti tee tny Berehe c--,,aic!..throvi !rift doci.a tia4' pick me up the corridor prepatratoey. - • • plight. T ke-pity ea nie' and .let me come again. whehever. he ilhet. - leeeeeei Ale -4‘ Letik,"-•-kaid tothe bed, 'for yen ne t-Weelt. ' I . rhavene.- eeepit him in tig-:oer this twelve on-whioh. lay- ieine beautifully Liauittried • *- • moo. - peety... Bat when 1: 'Mon shirts, r! Or. tar steer if ye Margetre lierrer a but he's e Btptist, an' a,' Ms felts are Strong to 'look -tip, -Nihon be beheld' his rosy young -•of :thinkinirj" sae Bata,' ' there Was that Baptiste, .ate- me ban' a -1'.'eesttyberian :they ;.housekeeper, With- a' diiitieit one. hand and in. her _.fao which exp would-ihao me „-dtppit :Bat y blither a carpet hrocm in the other, the aet. of .to him that once again :weuldna tell- 6' me be -in' dipt)it, an! I addreiniing " Anna!" ' didna care aboob' belretd ppit Zuysel', an' his t : 'game to iso.op oot that -them yearaf, t- Forgiv „ • mairy, lo the L *T4. be he geed yours coot o' the stoor. , „ _ noes •. . * e -temerity 'of The eleotrie light ha i been introduced into a flour - mill near be rile supposed site of et.lvary, and - close to tke- DST041101161 Gate at Jerusalem. • e I • - A cadet:Br in the cutlery line hite been mai% in - Meriden, 'Conn.: feobery. *It -fs p4riecil pbeket knife, with thirty blades; shoats, 11 .a, pteretre, aw'tB and other it weighs wee -eighth .ef au _ LADIEi who ns e Dr. Little's Female Grans . ulos monthly.,.positively avoid undesirable. trouble and pain. Safe, sure and. reliable. sent oealei 43lain wrapper .for 51)0.• DomNsTia. REKED Adam"; N. Y. •me ORM e BOOTHISifek angle, ilietoR.zu 6-171A.U.P 113 FOR CHEILDREXVII NexCeatett RPfruw_ffets5: Nal•Ticliaikiy_shiftb7aRk, LADIES DR. 'SLOCUM'S COMPOUND PENNY- ROYAL TEA -never fele "rrice rie.byruak. SAMPLE FREE, teteeteettweitZe. • IS As SLOCUM & Toronto, Ont3rio:4 FOR SALE. C HEAP - 12 001k-abres In' best see- ; ' tiOQ of Miehlean. of Fare Paid 1 one 'VA an VarehiliS. of 40 acre.a. 4t6 to R. •M. WPI:tRBCf1B; City. Mich.' Th;ii melt see that once covered the Yuma deeert contained eyetets twenty inches in. - diameter, s • ....oper.---.0.4;....w..MOWOKIPONIIMAN11110#9;!•!.74-••••••••••• • C NSU ME • Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free amp Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address, I...crkr ROOT, M. C.,186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont, • The High Spied Family .Knitter k t 10 paira socks per day. W111 do -au work :anur, plain :circuity knitting -machine will do, from homespun or tae=, - tory yarn. The most practicai. family knitter on the market, * child can operate it. -Strom", Dnrable,. Simple. Rapid.. Wet guarantee every machine to to. good work. Beware of imitation‘ Agents wanted. write for par, • Valuable treatise and two bottles ofmedlcine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. T..4; SLOCUM & CO., 186 West Adelaide Strad?. Toroatoo OA& •. FOR; SALE. • 8.000 Wee of terming :Ana% nin 20 mike of Bettina* (pop. 60,000), and within 9 tol Dana of railroad. Terms $5 to $15 per acre, $25 down!, $25a year, six per cent. interest.Schools ext churches- near. :Wall timbered. Bend -fel) Maps and Circulars. - • 'WM. M. TENT4TANT, • Heavenrich'Illook. SnifinaTf, E. 8, ligint Minds: Knitting Machina Co. Dundas, Ontario, • CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best' cough Syrup: Tastes Good. use • in time. Sold by druggists. ASKYOUR SEWING MACHINEAVX EOM% OR SENDA,3CENT srAir FOR PARTICLIEARWPRiCE SAMPLES,001TON¥ARN.,See. trrHit 1.4 -GOOD FOR;*: E,LMANt. ROS • ir CsaGETOW WONT • Please mention this paper when replying, to this advertisment. • t • 4 .