HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-06, Page 4it( now Mind #i IBS: LIBTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE l.r• FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OP CONSCIENCE WE .PRIZE ABOVE ALL --OTHER i'HER - LIBERTIES r.: • Luaknoirs Octeth, " 1803.•. Iff The t.O.E0c00111v: ent, ne1G H EWER ET$ RY jAME TO THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned east half of Jot .4 19th:. con. -Ashfield; (W.. D.) on or about the 4th day of 'September last, a _ red- two. year old. heifer. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses and take her. away.--: ` JAWS DI ENNAN . Lanes P. ACCORDING to- a World's Fair Sun- day School leaflet $70,000,000 annual is spent in the saloons: of Chicago. If we : allow Chicago a population of 1,500,000 that' would leave :the per capital expenditure_ . for drink about $47. This wouldfurnish every- man,. woman and child . it _ Chicago'_ with nearly 6 barrels of beer each, at $8 a barrel. ` Chicagoans must be great. -drinkers or the figures must be at fault. - TUR . Boston - ald :. is - contdueting x campaign against _ inadequate sent- ence: :for brutal cases of personal assault.: - It is too often the . case- in this country also that- slight offences .saint .property, are treated with the utmost:- severity.- while . perpetrators of. brutal : assaults., _ wife beaters and kYrimina,l_s Of ghat ilk escape with a nominal fine. • The .' person should be protected- before property and :the• punishment should -be made to lit --the crane. TB's past season. has: not been a sac fril:one for- the dairying' -interests. `he-- dry,weather seriously affected -the . r&ults and cheese factories fell below- their usual records. - _Stillit. would .he tory.-unwise- to-:: toes..;'a; `- L11.1.11 getitscm. a. results --and jump to the conclusion that dairying did uot: pay. - .The Agri,- 1126— • : yrs.. . 1S HEREBY. GIVEN THAT A, COURT ; :will be held pursuant to the Vdters' L•' Act by- his Honor. Judge of the county Court. of the County of Huron at Dungannon on the z8th DA Y OF OCT. a&� At JO- "o'clocit,'tohear and determine the several. :complaints of errors and :omissions: in the Voters' I.isb of the Municipalit7 of Ashfield for., 1893.: All persons having busineus at (court are re quired to attend at the 'said- time and place - WM. STOTBERS, .. . Clerk of Ashfield to - cultural editor -is not goingact Horace Greely and till whet he ; knows about :farming: btb there is no money: in grain raising now, there should be in stock and :: dairying to ,,the- farmer who adopts: the best methods. A STORY of it compromise: on the -Dated Sept /1st, 1893. SURROGATE CO COUNTY OF HURON -in the matter of the Estate of William Pagans= decesed LL PERSONS HAVING ANY :claims :: Against the estate of William Pagan, late' -of the Township of Ashfield, yeoman. deceased, who died or about the 16th day of August, 1893, -are required on or before the. :. IOTH- DAY OF OCTOBER: 1893. to send -' to Geo. S. : Roberston, Lucknow _ - P. 04 Ont.. one of = the ll executors -of the said estate, full particulars of their claims and the securities, (if any) held by them: duly, verified by affidavit. After • the ; said, . date the . executors will proceed to distribute the said estate. _among the persons entitled, having"reference onlyclaims to the of which " they shall have . rec ved.'notice, ,and - after such destribution : they -will not be re- sponsible for re-sponsible::for" any part of the estate to any creditor of whose. "claim they shall not have_ �e at the time of :ouch destribution. Th13' IIC�tiCe o :.!'� ••.....w♦ ♦w - "P that Behalf, _ . . " . 1024-3 P. A. MALCOMS0N,: Solicitor for -Executors. Lncknow, Sept. 3rd, 1893. silver :auestion`cotues from. Washing 'too. Oiie version.. is that the silver bullion no* in ` the treasury , will be of West . Wawa- Years about Woods, late` of the Township on or about .sufficient amount of nosh, yeoman,. deceased, who diedabout ;ears" • that- - a . su - - � � • of Jul 1893,'are required p the 1st day- . July, itiver- will tl:isii be - purchased from_ -.before-the r - _ l time. - to time. to"b:•ing the.: total silver to$800,000,000'; the circulation up_ E _ _ s• �issued "sufficient- to bring bonds will be . serve. upto $200,000,.00.0, the_ old. re - - lation is to be and that the bankcirca _ urin gperiod = f ufour o coined d. g p Fir. qday, O -oto ber:qt. • •« moot tbo Gro cave placed in stock t jnthls line of goods. ies when requr-ing eme are.. no .�. e�ia some � very rices. clem,aas our firs We a antles t position rice stile YQ IN THE SURROC pR�DtlRFtl INT3 :Hinges, :Paints, ails, Locks s_.Oils and Orlass ` . Paints. • REEtI DOORS SCREEI WINDOWS e BISI- EIICLISII H --OF TSS^ OOUNTY OF EURO: In the matter : of the ' Estate . o' 1eza!L6 er.Woo&S,:deceased . A: LL PERSONS HAVING : ANY claim =against the estate of Alexander - emended„ The plan would make -the coin issue $1,000,000, or about $15 per head: of population. 'Tits -figures of -attendance --at :the World's Fair are not without interest Up to the 21st inst. 12;232,012 paid. admissions were registered. The fair opened with 128,965. - The' biggest _.day -v, as July :4th when the attendance reached.. 283;:000, The figures for -i May. June, July . and August Were tesppectf ulYl • i1,060,0374 .2,676,113 •, 2,760,26 and 3,515,4 3: The great- ai eco On any one day at =the els d -ila _- - .. Ph in i .` 1�it Q �`•�j tinental ;Exhi - � .This his. . been een ex ' - Cw.0".tdictn Contract Record -re- ports a couple af' decisions of the Sup- .rei- :t� :17: ��t iriesota which arePof interest to the" general -public as show- -_Ong the tendency to .relax -the- string-. .envy of +he::Iain with regard: to muni 'd os l rQspOr ii-i-i'.`i'ty for damages One is to. the effect -tliat wen a: *_,person •r - voiuntnrti..r,;uns the risk. of travel on :a sid;t1k the defects of which £._E,,, � r !:ern, he" cannot recover •da ';, c:a tiic(.. rceiden°t result : The .iter is thatf:he: owner of a cellarway,: scuttle, trapdoor" or 'convent ience put in -the public sidewalks is' re= .e :onsib e for. -ke ' . in. P- ,� spins it ...repair :and P cannot `escape such responsibility by '1 .a . merely abandoning its use.'..:The court further. holds that the city may -.have"' rec ourse _against they: property owner -. -evento_paying damages without suit . tCi ber, .1893. t�.�Da of Oc" to send to Mrs 11+I J. Woods,. box 190, Luck - now P. 0.. Ont., administratrix ofsaid estate - 'particulars of their .claims_ and the fell securities. (if any) held by them, duly :verified. by affidavid. After the said: datethe said adtninistratrix -.will` proceed -to distribute. the - estate among parties entitled, having reference onlyto the claim of which she shall. have re- ceived notice andafter such distribution she will not be responsible for any part of the es- tate=to any creditor of whose claim she shall not have received notice of the time of such distribution. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. • 124_.--3 P. A. MALCOMSON Solicitor for Administratrix.; Lucknow' Sept.:30 ;1893.1 . TEACHER WAN1E 1_ p UNION ER WAI TTD, F �� i � DACH 14. Huron Townsh , school section No. ,. ��, , 1894. duties to -commence first q Ai a ted, ' e1894 6a 1.. p�j tin YA Applications, stating " ill, be _ received till exper- ience* and certifies - •. - • . o etober 10th, 1893, by the georetary DAVID ANEW - -1125-4--know . 0 • : Luc P • WEBSTER BROS• avin r se • ed a Butchrr Shop in the Building on Campbell Street ••••• •111. on BOOK STORE We are- prepared to supply the citizens .of. the Village and Farmers of the surrounding townships with all kinds of. ES 1 REASaONABLE: PRICES. Meat promptly.: delivered :to any. part • . of the village. A: trial -Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed: 8R LUOKN-Q-W. 1 F T one that` see's ,�, dry � - e arlovel. then :says th they 3� , -• and perfect t 1893._VQThRS :- ST --1893• LI sivaieipaltYY of the nsbip of Wes Wawanosh, County of $nrOn OTICE IS :HEREBY GIVEN THAT e transmitted or delivered to I have . rd and fourth persons : mentioned in the third t„ the copies e ctions of the Voters Liet Ac Remitted required by said section to be so tra the q ursuant tosaidd or delivered. of the list, p ,. - last revised Act- of all persons appeg by the, • _ 'ssessment Roll of the said municipality at elections elections for- -members to th electLeo$ne and the As- sembly. and the municipal- - y office, St said hat was first; posted. up its m West Wawanoeh, t 1st day of Helens P. O:. - ect�oa. Sept. 1893 and remaina:there ��ne the Electors are called upon`:othee ;fid list and.if any. . omission or any I errors are .found therein to take immediate din to have the same errors corrected proceedin - according to rp Sept.of Dated at St Reims t day 1893. R. K. MILLER, - - Clerk of the - said municipality. St Helena P. O. T 189. . :3yOTERS' -LIST--189:3 ., - _ TC JEWELLER ir HAVE - NOW OPENED A STORE AT my Residence on -Stafford St. I am pre- pared .to do -all kinds of. Watch and Clock cleaning and'repairing. spectacle Fitting a-Speeiafltt- clocks -just A large ' ,consignment of 1 revived . Mfinteipatity of the •Til age of Lncknow, • County of brass • fYrICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have -transmitted or delivered to the -persons mentioned :n the third and � fourth sections of the "Voters Liet .Act" the; copies t re "uired by said section to be `so transmitted. orgdelivered of Ithe lied._ pursuant to the said Act of all persons appearing by the last1reviseed Assessment Roll of -the said municipality - elections for members to the Legislative As- sembly and the municipal elections. ani the said list. was first posted up in niy office. Luck- nova:.P. O this 16th day of Sept and remains ba=a.:eorinspectign: errors are: ffouniel3d upon to examine the urnceedings to have the. sal$ 'n:or ''any other mroediate according. to law. - � bated' at :Lucknow this aetb day of Sept; 189 - HUGH MOI RISON, ? • Clerk of the said municipaitty, Lucknow P. Q. FOR SALE HOUSE ANB LOT MIRE HOUSE IS SITUATED ON BOB. Street, Lucknew, is two story high,: and contains seven rooms. Kitchen ete., and is in good repair.. The lot :contains fontd a half acres, with small orchard of app��n �,�- plana and_ cherry trees, sinall fruits ete. - Fust class well and .pump, -with large b$ra,- drive shed and other .ontbuildinga.. The �pp Ince will be sold cheap, and anyonedesiring a comfortable home :would -do well to see this place. For Airthor particulaers-. apply to' - MBS. THOS, BURNS 209042 tucks of A 6�- day Clo-cks in walnut and oak 8 day - Clocks strike every half hour -, 8 day:Clocks wire:: -11 nth= ural gond alt• -at ' cla : . d Clocks y :prices" alarm 1 with ` Clocks oda a- and walnut Every Clock warranted. fiC111613 If you want a first-class s cheaper than'the cheapest, c Dr, Tent's - LUC- KNO a • 9