HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-06, Page 3s.1 • lc DO_ Si. Lk OSS lliburg14 Little 'lip to SeiOn a' German tidy GREgD. -fOR NVULTII nipeeer snut like - one stunned; he 01_ and I thought. he well.Weinded. t waset.little-knooked ii sInd torn 'on one Maned Myself and take in the situation, a third and stiU more featirit extosicrn • 'eV leswed.quiteolose to us. The bom lutist have been thrown straight at the doer of . the hall smashed the windewe =a relletinded . :from -the 0414. I dragged- the-- EmPrem, whom I had On niy- art*, away With MO, and read- ied having kiecited dawn Name persen-whO blocked the way as I -was endeaverhig to! reedit -the statecase.leading to the hoz., The: tion to turn. . ••.• Then he followed, tit up...tlie stairs, and -.at ..limit we all reaohed the box:" is mei A 'I: The Mark Tajaiey Czar and Albert Bathe. Isiatiaii and Reit— Sickroom nista. .T-see11113 the -.death -of Duke'Eruest of Saxe:. -thel3ritish. Court into Mourning, but since this is the deed season. and. every .0ne, in- - eluding Reyaltiee, ..le awey from London, '• the tribulation outsid.e. the- Imperial: olrele . Victoria. feels the lass -of her brother -in - for these freqeent raps -of '.,King Death eat the Aber of the- Royal-Fainily and. connexions remind; Her :_biajestf that abeerdance, with general Otatistice the, :.time -is. not far distant when.' she herself Will .be sumo:Med *the toute.presaic manner to. render an --facCotoil.- of her stewardship. - :Every -day, dIring the Dukes Wises, Q.C.Oen.- ** noting ..bis -condition. " That- Ms. -recovery trona the firdt wae- hopeless -was *ell known . in the rayal circle. The. resiilt, therefore-, I4 was' JO early. days !meet- heartY(11--aer .111laie.sty'S; in. fact,' at onetime the:Queen did not knew which blether -she- - liked the best, Erneit or Albert. The Duke at Saxs-.0ehurg.laild -Gotha was- juet One Yefir .oi.der.' than Q10811 Viderier, . and 'when she • some young. felloW,_ Much -.better Jo:eking, __than -ohs -late Prince:Consort. Ernest -used rakittb•-•looking.loaperiat on lower -Up. go: his 'hrother, who -was iike a twin to him.. -Ernest hedheld very.libbits -communication- _ with his sitter -in-law tor many- years rust, having -teen annoyed' after- _Prince- .Alberifs. cause Her Mejeaty allowed Princest 'Louise and Princese :Beatrice to marry other than ROYALTIES PAaKED- LIKE SA,RDINES IN .-A BO. . Made at the Danish -Batton for the reception this auntie' obtain - ie. pet .npen it, that, all manner -_. of- dodges" 'taxa-- been " resorted to -in. order to MIAs things comfortable for oll concerned. .. The. :Prince of - Wales i has "alwaye Complained. of the -stuffiness of the" Casale when it is -•full, as his -every Aepst and Septeuther. -But the other iliustrissiani- Wiese good-natured oaf aU is_thebtirlY Tsar.; always- cheerful end: jovial- no Matter whet • • Immense Ore the. preparations new behig a the setts** le very -bad form. Above. all,- Collette nee ether peoples children., Mother' lipids* -resent this, ' and one taking • *bi- liberty is considered a Very in - impress _s. _Wliliiigness to retire. Never monopolize thieenvertation at table. There ii; a valuable idelition to every home and its initiates in the ready-lietener, who teems* *In Et -viand es vieltor ie. allo_wed-the morn, ble in the vreode, study in hie own room ;made whatever his predilection &Aides, redolleoting thet the dinner and evening be - THE WAY AWN lignET teoubles the wonian -whs. overworked. She's hol- anti pele. and worries bet. Now, -the way to look well b to be welt An& the way 'to be went M any _such vromalso - la to laitbiully use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. scription: • That is only medi.cine that's • guarante,cd to build up 0 wonisn's strength and. to - cure woman's ailmen-ter, In . every 1‘ female complaint," irregulmity, or wealineas and in every exhausted. condk- Of the 'female systein —if it -ever fang to beneet or. cure, you. lAvo your -money... bac There is only''Orte medicine tOr tarrh, worthy- the name. Dozens ara advprtiSed, but only the proprietors- of Dr. Sage's Ca.tarrbi Remedy sfty- this ". If we .can't cure you, wall pay you-, Mt„t end ens -that de - witting on every tide.: beauty the ;Shape, thtissieetiottllyi urged iiienwernaitkinalreen - Magazine:and- pi mph-. not to bottle -0%4a tepping sOrien • they heve their. inee -in the-. :general • struggle-. ter lovelliteseT1-. Why,: [the.. great Btizio is- '01000 _to Worm, ut that a, .00 the night ..ef the grand ministerial .futio- Mon Which Wei to beithe. ismbitiont *Omelet Waterloo.' •• Doers. Olt thlit liond,Cable.men- bran loathe in tis.Womfiles.cariserl:liTiittit Rebourd in's high- solietees, fell t rough :*111. K.ing, and takes things as they find them.' u0 Nogr,11A*11-AyAiisp,sTABT itojeurn.. • In thefermer *case simply rise, sax -inch- few parting Words es ere necessary and • go. -Do „nob keep others welting while' you tattle on, or think of Other, things wbieh might bp .said. When.the time fixed . The hostese . wilt doubtless ' ley, " I with yer(oeuld , remain - with us longer," and in kindly_ Utterance . should not be taken. at a plans in order to tarry laiger: Likewise when the. s:latter responds' .: 4• 'Thank -16u. The time really 'seems very shert„ atilt hise been -se hesppllyi. spent," --she has- Made a rettirti of ocitrteisy in kind which will be muah more pieissatitly recalled in _aftei dale plimentar-y utterenceit of the :hostess, It 40 always desirable in periling with our friends, -whether _toren. lima or - for an eternity, to leave With than agreeable impieesional and. -imperial 'Majesty . of -.All the Rns- stag deep. not growl if yestordeY's.gerviettes hive been:lefts on the towel horse by Mils, -.take and 'the -.clean ones forgotten hi the -burry of the .moment ; while, if -the supply of soap _shad& run Short:the Taw doei not - hesitate to 'borrow a piece front . either -his .Royal faiher-in-levi or the Crown Prhie, 0. -But tile King cf England that is- to be I As rather. above : that:kind of:thing,- and likes eve;yiiing to be as 'ship:shape as it ii at ALRERT: EDWARD'S- _FAMILY .WEIG •IN sg-im OF THE BRAN. BATH. BY TAKING Eir°8 • German. Breast Bass= You 0,ough .easy and soon ar9 cured of SAT or IT. German Breast Balsam is the best dough mailable he has ever used. Mr. D. F. Snii.th,.0r$anizer Patrons of Industry, has no hesitation in recommend- ing Eby's Gernian. Breast Balsam, the best medicine in existence for coughs and colds. Mr. Chas. Cameron, "Underwood, says he got splendid results from using Mr. John Ilepner, Dlanager Port Men Brush Co., says : Eby% German. Breast Balsam is an indispensable necessity in his household and recommends it as, a valuable remedy for Coughs and Colds. Put up iii 25c. and 50c. bottles: Ask your druggists for LOENTS nearly 603 pagess. Noel for,e- le FiArl:::iffse,:e. oaohtillis,yvt::rai'an:otilidthnesptral:htioen 141fixedps.:8. Josiah Al tory assigned. ends_ _ Now,. Whilelbriet beths aud`v7loils -other. beentifYing. lotions . ere fn 'Doll: vtlee to. be neglected by the p etty spree". hi matzoh et . To begin_urith, Women-eit too mach., and the itell,trained belly that hat been. drilled ; ::: The Isputg girl *leo desire's to keep: .away- oreVe feet and 14lat jadedlook we ell know go weli,. and to. retain - the iiiippletiess Ind. adorable. :bloom -.ef textromell youth, inland,: when eft wader -or . off anty, esi the. case may be—tind s in :her oWn i ream,- make 'a brated: book kept in :the hall in whioh every guest of the Prince . of Wiles' on alighting has- to stibearlbe. "his signeture and -his weight. Assuming he deal not knoW the latterithe weighing .maschine always 'stands -like- the- executioner of - the Baran! Von Blitzen, headily by. The guests, however,. _are not called u:pon. fitstate their weights en the termination of their:: visit. No such' demand en them is otistoniary, so thai,) it - is 1130t te des whether. the Sandringham hot- . -So -many horisekeepers„ both young and old, are- in doubt as the - right time to eook Vegetables -and _meats that the .follow• - peeve Of:value to some one : Mi.; J. Rowe, Port tient says BbY's • Is ime of the Most ancient: and illustrions ot. the sovereign 'housed of Europe; Pei - prinCes were. renovined no- less' in times -of pea.te-.- thin' in times -of war. -- Bernard, Auccessor of the great Gestavne Ad -draws," and the : Bleetor Frederick, of Saxoey, the friend of gartin Luther - were both mem... - Isere, of -this :house. Qriginally:.: the fardiy. lug custorn'in the Guelph family. • - • Thuringia and.' Emperor of 9C4-erreany, Comes to the tired mueelesr-only when.- the Recipes for the B.AICING MEATS. Beef sirloin, rate7-Bight minutes lei each Beef • Sirloin. Well - done -Ten. to:fifteen _Beef rile•or rum.p.=--Tru to fifteen minutes Beef filletc--Twerity to ter•entrfiVe min - limb, well- dene—.Filieen Minutes for inituttee for each Pound. .043i.five to lhirty i--- 7 7''9 ' - ' ' ' .1 '. 'When. the' ninsiular syeteisa, . is. perfeet y at herbs, two ' allspice,. ..blie - anion,. wilt and- The Middle.-eged Wernan,!could,-I- am poet- peliper, Ole cinart Steck, stale breado4 . Cat titre,. woo backimuoh. .of.: the freshneee and the . tomatoes -On -half, puolithent 'in: .1 -it sauce, lithesonteneeeofj girlhood itt she Would he.: at ,pan with the'lierlse and. anent -Stuck. : with a little pabistO -learn how ti.rest....::-.,:. 'two oloves,add ialt end pepper •,anc.1- *jails .. .Fi*6 minute* Of rest flablon Oaf& bActic on, cover with -water; :: . Pot- the:. saucepan On :the fiber or. oil a 'hard, imooth.:i ileiteh-; are the-- fire,- stirring' the Outsets . Oceeelianally.-. worth- half in hottr.of. so -Ogled* "- reit "•.in When the, toniatees are) -.thoroughly looekesi -.: herbs. and Onions, Work the teniateee throegh .. Sent° ane.hte said tO 2 t a women- .4: to7 the sieve; .make,the.stook beillitg hot; ;Airs .d4:: "-Never stind whi3n yon::Oati eit'l :the tomato' pulp ititis hi.. put* isqpires:of never sit When You.aan lie down:r This sir, -masted bread:: in the,: tureen and pour -the hertastion, applied With some. emotion , is -• chase. "'-• "The reigning- Duke of Saxe- Sialfial branch - of .the 'Ernestine line et the Hoose of -13-4.i.ony. . The, EMperOr ' - -family end it remained in the -Ereesthie line until, the .Enaperor„ 9harlee V., took ib away' from: John the Magneinimone and gaVe it to • his cousin, the Duke of Dileigeen, the repre, : direct ancestor -of theStig,of Saxony. Had -. sovereignty of Saxony- would ii011ia vested • Veal; well done—: -Eighteen to twenty min - bell to four Braised meat—Three and one ,swa.ighing from. tiors;ie to five. Turkeye, weighing tram, nine to twelve pounds. --Three - three- aid one-balf amine theni otirefully:_to.-kie. that they- are by tate lido's; --I do reconamend freqUent all right.: • Wipe *eat: ;but de --not wash. 41144 -lapset iille oeinplete fellowneig; No*. Put slayer .of muihrootne in the ',bottom of 'big hi.sohbeconting boeh tit 'flesh 'end: -spirit an:earthen -dish, then sPrinkle- Well ' with se the rest that conies: -.. If e 'sort Of - Bea, -silt, ' then inether - layer -of • mitehroms, .4histio -calin i'l whi h - hill 'th tvith.-a folded *mei and- 'Stand in, :-a :yery . . ' , II - - Etiquette of Cards. : mesh and strain_ through,. coarse: bag., •• To As -far akthe etiquette ef_ the sknature is 'every qtiart Of' thie. liquor add one- oursise ef Peirerner19 *ere ieHene itit'reiY.fttg rde - far ••ibled ketble r-thirty.ptitittets.;;., then_ eold a :000 -ner•11°110ea•ferm 130 ef10' 014' *me. looter Oa °Opt whine allspice,-* half 'mince with the. a,dditien OfliliSe er:Mrss YOU. are. .atil - three _Moles -. or_ -mice; -,.,Bia.--•.fifeeen.IFiteger.ald 1 joneSi. - I • whciaiscisver ,y•04 stand, aoide tii.:. cool,- : When -.:t0i(1,- libiaill tnetifY- 3"311T: °°rielP°'14ent i 4- Y9-ur ilia".. thichtgli flannel and put :_iti7•tintall ' bOttles,-.1-rial Ettyiel .and: . estate, . yen..., niay l: de -- tie_ - • - ' ' to • -Cork tightly: Sia,,i end An .-orte - 'of.. :severe' • Ways; Flees° 'r& -- .Eogland's Admiral, who hes been sitting ' ' . tight for- thei past- few weeks in .,Germany ready to step Jule -the dead irtan's shoes, has lost no 151.131a 'In taking- np the- sucoesslon.• Wbether.he intends to hold te*er peas it on - the._ handling of -the late-, Dalre's property, knows 1116.1)64k -too well: to let sneh a golden - on -hie own dominioos enough-. to Make oven the y*y,..-has stood WWI* Edinburgh- and -helped; liim. to proelaim himself without- any castle: or shooting -Ibex 1 or his. paha s. . ,:. - EYE . WITNESS OF ORSINI S : .. 'ATTEMPT ON . -CAKE AND rAerRY. Sponge cake—Forty-fiva to Plain .caske—Terenty fGrby•five min - Gingerbread -7f wiinty` tor -thirty minutia. Plum three hours. Beead'ilnddittg-,--$iiiiy-tive minutes.. P.les .:with two .cruste—Thirty to. forty - U 11111 -an hour, pudding--Twe and one-quarter -to Sneeessor of the Ten years spent in revising, 100 editors. employed, more than. $100,000 expended. Abreast of the Times k 'Library in Itself Invaluable iu the household, and to the mall, sit -educator.. Ask your Btiokseiler to shaw it toyou. pages, inustranons, testimonias, etc. CgrDo-not buy reprints of ancient editions. filling to e, MARRIED' SINGLE. c, • leftln det4eb as to thiet, ,inuch .emberraga- - • d lace. lin a Pen . ef -.Intermitted'. es to whether the writer- is Wean strangers, -et exect keep adding the water -as tizs : wastes &Way-, until the fru.i.eie quite -tender. Then; :while t Yen may -still worth remove the &Miens skhi end itell- stone the damsons and pass them-. through ' " YOU a slate into the juice in the jar. Pitt One- ---mrY t 3' , half pound of leaf _sugar, brokeii into tonsil May 'Write - lilts. Petrick Fitzgerald out " 'was :to every one peend..ef..pnlp; and betillully and! -Piainl.Y.. in the left7hand. -cornet of ' ' "below our- engraved cheese - _which should - be: btlecl until .. ib viiiting e4d in:yeur . lettser -, .this lacing on readily indicate all you wish to may place Wire. P. F. before the eld in parentheses!. • You , The late Doke of Coburg 'was- a _witness sof 'Orsini's attempt -.on *the life, of .EmperOr - Napoleon. 7 He was in Paris it the time,: en tone of hie sell-impossii missions on behalf of .G-irmany unity and Was sifolting a -cigar at the entrance of the- upera riotise, awai.ng 1 -Of the- Imperial party, 'Oar ght- et occurred. -together quiokly tea etiff paste. stones,- hlanoh the kernels, and' add to the. Or you may gimp y the. Wald langitar. up and (lawn in f rout of - the . theatre. 10114 4114:141-e-11a12'711111-tittItle*CareVr48cYlifi,iigtert. 7W9P3PectVileiltif* ' 0..a ilifiare away and re-entered th-e hail. ...At - at 6 tali gave 10:0 the impreesiones: it the -a had' fired. :We turnear te the. Wheat rolls --Ten te eighteen minutett. Bread --Forty to .siity minutes.. Bircuit---Teit to 'eighteen minutei. 'String betins—aie and one-half .te two Shell beens—One to We hours. Cattliflotrer-Thirty to forty minuted: Cabbage, new —Thirty -. to forty-five Assparague-Fifttien th eighteen- minutes. Onions—Thirty-five to forty-five minutes. Oyster plants—Forty to sixty minutes. . Peas—Fifteen to .tvienty mlnntes. :Potatoes bolledT—Twenty to 'thirty min- Paratips---Thirty-five to forty-five 'min -Rents for the Sick Kann. iiexenipt. ; There hre beanie for the wounds Wenzel:O. rower or wishes/ &Peal tine Are. : the Ventral This. The fish's :tail, or; more Properly C9sUaill fin, has peculiar twisting move men% alternately from right to left; that .onibodies the segos -prineiple that is mmie use of in the const.raction ets. Anew pro - pillar. The dorsal and anal fins ttat oteady it in the wthter find their °conferral/ the masts with their sails 'and keel cf -vowel.. It is the forward, dorsal fih that the fibh mainly rellet -upon as P. Wen:10U of atom and defence. Next bi power to the fish's 9=04 fin are its ventr.al •Ons, respond with the legs of limn and of birds. and the hind legs of animals. With tUns. -the 'till ascende ,aina descends 1'e -the water and it -uses them _wile bralo to atop for- ward metien: The pectoral fins sire used ass - an adjunct of respiration ill ra neWing the 'Water in tbe vicinity of the Toe • iteater, •caiteining air, is taken into the mouth, and forced through the gilis,...whoes blood vessels eire,eibleto absorb exygesfront likeitatrixiin, whether internal or •exfar--- the air lit Its passage. . The IfIglit*innio ''''61141" '434' Turnips—Thirty-five to fifty minutes. cling! 'to the- spoon -! in a ma: „r -end leaves - the whoio the' Meat :201egatit' end:- else- the.. the -pan cotite ..dry.- Pour. into pots and meet convenient methed of showing one's - reinerkedsibere that the -Visiting Ho* water, comMonly eelled sap,- fleece- tone whi tint an.c1-.1o.est dictate . eery to the •-life of a tree, tsetse tioni.tlie.tibai'iiii:3c11*. 4,0610.0. omistaes •her• sequoia t The. chievaitipit of a Tree' is. Bloc& of Wade * atePttobwienitirtt. ficheinfy,Ithelheart Y - lassie ere ''unalterahle, its eine ei roots to the -topmost lea an kava;einclaY . Slokriese is a calamity front which noilesli of the.rich, but :the poor must bear their saivn infirrnitisi.. With love, exquisite hespits1 learteknorrooldown tile book -aiiteick syringe the nasal eS:vitY- with cold of.bleed throW the .beed backs , rase "the A 'Sig." (-).- "Ur"' ealii water. If this does tot, step • the tliiw dealers everywhere sell it; cue. cirste onTy 25 oenbd a bottle: arms OP as fox as poisible end apply _,cold 80-gged Rehab—What far, are yeti •etar- Beiferia t aid every .theery ' the name ice tiSe card an, authority. tells that ivanaed hem ta!,if. a .1?0 it011- t. St. the 1210101' engraved bat. script threugh._•.ilit '\the right, hand corner, the ay. 0_ r ewe_ "centre iliould have the,addraesereloleltv.tg is name should r ere- cane° nye sponges to the bridge Of 9the. nese !bud the rgkyl that scrap 0'.paper .aroundi Theizio.laktiet way to treat a barn *or scald. that bit o' paperis. I got it out 4 .14 -news- ban:doge with linen.. ease ef prostration 'Ragged Robert --What's it 'about? from either- _accident administer mild 1, 'Moldy Delke--4ts's erticle ths -. When a, delicate persiia "is: fatiggted 'and teen tonna in o;ti bqkuli note., • -hes no appetite, sponging the body. '44th,1* • coin door the a down hear instant a second bomb' eXploded to). er ppreachitig carriage et -the. Binpeier,.. -Inch . the -coachmen, heroes, .Berceakts "so:leers of the escort.. were, knocked . Cries -sounded front the etre-4,14,nd ',-, . intermingled with cries lor help. . eltr• c1.34 1"43 ei7-8! th.e huisbarto s • name . full,: end should. . b- Written With thelnitlals -. haa •a.- terrible time. w.i,tho.th . Include • dal". t about '17, • • - &hug tar in the fitiit leex e• thte.r Bmgceitsi lthee liter Ani a -bathing.whiekei, diltiteA alcohol er mak \ To Setae More cora rei-mabbag slew. - • Corn Extractor. Always sde anti pi.balets. A bilg in the ear may UedremcfnedoUtWith Beware et est etsitubes tenitleittons.. tilts 44 They-fountl a- .in'yeeestrb; eldest. er the onlY a known farniliy writes only Niles before her twill - n daughters write the color, and is taid to weigh - 971.• carats, thus ,,.11111 It.hist been decade es the. Jagerestoutehi•- is of pure bine-white "mime. e pitting ell -abets in. theeliade.ln. -eize. not widc'w's card the dear name et) long hoine, -Sentiment. is - as old as- anything else, as wivii propriety fovea:lel 'use, *beet in all le -indicated bY the -discovery In' -Egyptian •• praetical-,Masttere the. Widow writea • her tombs -dating, back- to!. B. -C. .2000•of wed-.' WO Christian name ineltead .of that ot her clasped betas. • - rie,:veu4pria .4614.tests a little warn), water. Apply with. a ellenfie • Pattan't Painless Corn Extractor. A.ts er syringe, sill .after cob: injecsbion.incline . druggists% 0 • Distressing -vomiting may be relieved. by 1 lie—I 61Pc to glad. that.you. stew -willing ler opplying to the stomach es. het. 'shingle ee 'begin housekeeping in, a simple and woo - woollen parlbrought front th.e Oven: . - .,- ' onkel way, but are you. sure yoti -can get In oases ef sleeplessness as *ell as sick- along witheut serveutel ' ' ii-ess' frequent clump:4 of pillows will have She --Yes Indeed , that's easily filed. a soothing inilamae. ' Tie ease Omuta fit We can hir'e furnished sparttneots Which the pillow and ha kept- smeoth. A. chenge have been lett in charge of a lionsekeepert. of nightgoitne is rest ul, Ind the refreshing you know, and as for •• the mettle, we ceir- selete of cool. Water - or some . stley toile,t leave our oraer With a °starer. water, .like 'vender or orange dotard asp- . • / plied to the foreheed„throat, holds and feet - - Why Suffer .vdth toothaohowhen Gibbon* ' r. wo;:lir B. testa_ big. etieleereiner , ran,i‘'drifiBearn, 0.17:11313thteivil -: ti.:11T- la Thi:.• BalPres ily- r 'the - a.r.1) The was bs . silent per cent. of_itt total miners' . -punoeual metals." f. affairs. et an ut said . s.