HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-22, Page 8A .00t1 .A4trice Farmers :1 3 Won't bu _ your- . ._ .1 4.• The Ltiqkno ;entineI Bruce County, Friday Sep ember 2 4.• ^ • 3000 113a, wool picis TD•22.tatt ••••••'/Q- - ' somaimmo.m••••""'"'.'''' Leg Broken. One day last Week Mr. W. 3. Todd son of Councillor Todd, of St. Helens. had hislevbroken'•-by the kick tot a horse -while taking 'Out timbers. .The Our StQ Ready made lothing now coinplete. for Tratle, you will find it large and varied ,Pnd values I nOeXce e animal struck him just below the knee'breaking the bone and other - wisebruising the Iainb. Read the Advertisements The readers of the SEVIIINEL Will •End -the advertising coluntris very in- teresting•reading. . They will find the anunouncements from week to - week of all the -business men. who -want • your custom It casts -Money to ad- vertise and the Merchants will not advertise unless- they -have something special in the way of bargains. -Laurier's Meeting A _grand Liberal demonstration was held in the drill shed, 'Walkerton- on Tuesday afternoon last. 'A large Crowd from the :surrounding district was in at- tend. The meetino. was addressed by Mr. Laurier, _ Rowand, M. -P.,- West Bruce ; Mr. MulOck, M:P. North Welling,ton ;i -Dr. Landerkin, d :A. Good, Job .The .township council of -Kinloss are - L • .deserving of 'credit for the Way they are fixing up the. roads leading the - , village. - Between _Lueknow and the Gray „OX a .he4iTy Coat -Of- gravel has been put iipOn the road and next . week, .they intend ,i1gravelling • the -boundary east of the village. :-When. the gravel is properly :packed it will Make a first;claistiOb. 1 Cou.ngannon FaitShoW e also a full range of i_ the note AteIissaVaterproofs the, be-S-tl,r in the market, and jitiSt the- .090;7 - to keep yq# warm, - ry,. and comfortable fair and winte-reatjier. 4 • North - York Mr. McMullen, M. M.P.,- Mr.- Patters rt., M.P. North Brant, and 111r.1 O'Conner, M.p.p. South. Bruce. Our1,;stiicl. Tweeds, Serge., Worsteds : and Beavers for _ ordared •siiitS:.-and;.*:-.(i*4r‘.0 .COAtS- coPtai11$ 11144y pieCea: of eixeerler4- -values - and- if -,you are in iieed: of -a„..suit, oyercOat. 'a Oi' 707.00rproof -, --Wp ---. -*ill be , pleased l to show our •gdocts• A 141111100CH & LIMKN.0111 POST OFFICE.. S 7 --p.m. • KiliTOUg Ig."11th • 6:13 a. Daily - Kinloss - W, G. & • iNtorth 3:4$ p. 02. Goderichl Intermealate a • OG r. L. &,.* North 10.30 p. m, Laalisid4, 3. Q0.p, Frido.pi gir.,(3-. se B. ,Sonth n 1-4 ". S01.1th .ati . . &j3.- South 10.00 a - W -,13.North 3.20-15. 0,- 4 .30 p.!th oagi •Kinloss A Call from Nortti Bruce -- 1 The, , •ShoWi. at Dungannon this • JibII year .,promises to • be- - birert- a greater auccesss than formerly-, and everything isbeingdone by the directors to Make it the show -cf the season. • The date of the fair is ThursdaY and 'Friday; October 12th and 13th: and as all the . _ other shows in the vicinity are Over .At a meeting of - the north Bruce 'Presbyterian congreantion on Wea- r, a good • I that time it' will give everyl)ody .an opportunity to visit Dungannon. Slatingithe Roof . The TrusteeS_ of the -Lucknow. Methodist church are. having al new slate. _roof put on the. church in the village.Iti„. - have saved the• Church people good deal of money and annoyance if .the slate had. been put on the builclingin the -first place instead of the -M, etalic shingles. Mr: JamesFindlay,I.,of Hamilton, has the job of putting On the new roof and the portion done looks well. Tough Steel nesday, . from 1.Mr:- - James Warren; CO. e: nesday of last week the names of Mr. McDonald, late of Ashfield, Mr. Mc- Kenzie, late .ef. Morden, _Manitoba - Mr. Munroe; of _Kintore, and. Mr Dewar, of OwensOund, Were proposed assuitable person.s for the pastorate! of the church.- On -a vote being taken Mr.. McDonald received a ..majority but nothing. .definate . was done towards (proceeding with a regular Can:. The Appeal Case • On Thursday reit in the High court- of Justicein TOrbntn..the - appeal case -Of. Roe vs Village of LuCknow :was sargued.- Mr: I. Garrow, Q. 0., -for .the deferidants'appealed fruit: the judgment of the -junior - judge of the COUnty Court of ,Huron in favOr of the plaintiff.in an action in that court for injurieS done to. the Plaintiff's' sta,llion Garfield,- owing, as alleged to the neg- ligent use of a steam whistle. attached to the defendant'S vimtenvorks: where- - the :rhorse.. becitiee frightenede We received, a Warden, on Wed engineer of the new steel 'county l bridge- being erected at Paisley, a sample of the old- country steel that is used in .the structure. The piece. gent to us was taken from one of the hangers or. braces and in. the trat. was doubled tbgether in the cold and 'hammered flat,. without the least crack or flaw to the, steel. It is first-class roaterial and. should make a good bridge. - Voters' List The' voters' now in the ha . - ii3tiesd.sys and. - ',VitTOLtiv. • ligt0-4E- Annuli Harvesf. Thanksgiving Th annual Harvest Thanksiriving - servica in connection with the church,of EngU n at 8 m. _St:Peters.- church.-- The serm n will be preachedby-Rev. Mr. -Turn, ull, of Goderich. Some D•efinitions- - :It, the plaintiff :tVccorcliiig. ...to the _ Schoolmaster, "Stability" was recently defined -as. beiiig the I cleaning,- up .of: -a stable; and ae y, er to Some- qUestion about thispasage " The inoneyiproid (1 ., -ty the,:conwany to defray the 1.y; of members in ,pece niary distress. , In , simitner it - Seek', di day is -longer-owing to the expansion! of . the. 'heat.; " and . that season. - itself IS thus. 'explained.: Once -a year we-havei the whole .brightsidse of the sin': turned towaids- Then.it:is.surnme.r. , The sun :is,: in the solstice and stands -still: " Fi.rie-Sh.eep Wawanosh, the.. well,known breeders - lists for the village are ds of the villagb Clerk, whose notice.appears' in anoOter col- umn. . The -total number of voters .-on .the. list for all purposes- is 337., 50 of. whom are ladies - entitled : to. .v@te: at inunicipal el 'etioni, and those on the. ; list able - to 'rote for members to the legislature .-.ohly,--numberl..20 . There are i 220 voiters • in the • - ...lorthern Division, and .11,7-. in the- -Southern •Doitvei4orn. 1 a_satnrii;!... the total +number of to -: serve as . The elite tainMerit - -in •-:, the -a_uy,-. Hill on Tne clay evening next, under the auspices ,of . the Ladies Aid Society, - Will afford otiriCitiz'ens 'Ti...oppoitunityli of.hearilig two of the best elOcutionists} .and c.omic. lieciters in -the- Dominion.: Messrs. Cartier and SteVeris; of Bramp- ton. Mr: - L. 11. Stevens, . as a Ara- inatic ..eloctitionist has -few equals in America, and as the kiTorkshire- Co••• .rinedian" To* W.-Cartiel.is pronounced by the presS, and public generrally the .best. in his -line. - The . Rey.- W. W. . Wiash; Incumbent of Christ Church, . - - Bramptory4ntlyho..is well known- MI* .-the people of Luaknow, inrspeakin-g -Of Messrs:;Carter and :Steyena says: "AS the seaSon Of the, -year is ri4w approach- EAP_ 4- - , be held on A.-ionday- 25th, • Teacher Engaged . . : .,- .Lki..4. a -School Board ineeting on MOn- - dayikveninu last, Miss .Sadie. Christie, -of (Parnett'5P.0,; lialdirnand .County, li ,.: was,: engatged‘ to teach the third' de: ,I -. -part -tent of --our-. Public Sehool till Jan4ary, - at - the 'rate - of $275 salary per 'itt.' nnuin. Fruft -Slealers 'Beware 'Tie - new .orinainal code is calculated to-flter those who have hithettO been too i:ii7eady to appropriate the fruit in tseopie'S.: garden - for 'their own ::luse4- Those -w-Ii6 -have been -.in the doing must- -beware for the Off&tse punishable- a tern', of one; -month and three years for. the second. - off4nce. ?i Music Clastas- _11Mrs. M.:Arinstrong, purposes- re - her of'ganizirigl her 'mUsiC classes for the f41.1 te-rtn,.:.-coiniiieneing- the first -.of QictOb(-1._ .. -Instrumental- music -on. Plana:- 0 rgan-, and . Guitar -\ .:focal Music thorOuali, brass .harraOny . • . _ 4-411. counterpoint, - privately Or • in- Ckt-iunt ‘t.SL Sons, of West of Leicester -sheep, kick& More : vat `e°161,B6-0,11 -atailittg.ti-111‘; 2.14'ti°111,2411ct" CAT41 .111°11 V""ei) 41).t.7r - ebate 941 sirre..v.ktner Webster. Bros. have opened out a .a0.• salk cot' 93. • West Hucoves' . -Velitiorl dt .1.,,.., ...rag fAVIiiierS of , - :StRiding of :Huron- will be A COP' tile 'V rthe -town of Clinton, .on Mon- - day;.( for the . purpose of nprninating ictober the 2nd; at one : o'cloCk, :lield ir, P-331Iidates.for.both.-the DOroinion and ca4":41.Parliaments. Eac-li polling stib- L6'iion in both ridings is. entitled to as - the _Hon. ddelegates and hr5'e'l...'3re 4.urier and other -prominent 117.14 ilkrm leaders will be present, it is ..",i-elicAii,ble . that every. -part of West: 'es' n should be thoroughly repre- Huro - • si .atIthe meeting. sent'. .. - - laurels to their successful career of prize winners at the leading elhibi- tions in the Dominion, At the Indus- trial Fair in Toronto jest week they carried off ses en prizes with their fine flock and also succeded in selling eight animals at large figures. One tam which Messrs. G.aunt offered to a 'neighbOring- farmer in WaWa.no- sli ing when . entertaintuentsi of various kinds will -19e provided for the public, -I feel .that l I am doing a .service to society when I commend. to them Tom Carter, "The- Yorkshire -Comedian." Sometimes 'comic selection's are of suCh a positively vulgar type that th,ere is ' A cammenditble hesitality-in employing comic entertainers. I think I . am pli quite safe in giving general assurance that there treed be no a prehensicar• of Carter. W, Idle many of • - • . $20. a short time. ago carried of the • -first prize . his class, and was after- 1wars sold for the SUM of e--50. It pays to raise good .sheep 1-.14. Messrs. fection. Ti?ey are exhibitincr at the Gaunt how to herdlethem to pee-.. t, Nestern Fair :in London- this week'. and we haVe 06 doubt -will carry, off many prizes there. a.sSes-,- also. lessoni -in elocation:.. kesidence, Campbell Street. - . ried in Olinton • _ Jo§eph 3;1410 -ugh, - of Pungannon - • ' as before MagistrateS ;Steep and IcGariii last lAsynday on two counts . • -one for selling. -liquor: on -Sunday,, - . • " ""- orrrie.nied 00erauon .WOrkmen has counnenced Oper:- ation-on the stone Work for - the new bricks -block for Allin on he other, of having -the blinds 'd • wn. of h gter,hours. w44. proven. that -. e. Oquor was given a- boarder on a• ( °c- ites certificate. Two of the phree bar were up..acording to law,• while Campbell street. It is a difficult task to build the stonework_ along -the sides of. thetreek and a coffer dam had- to be built of gravel to. keep- the. water sfroin the workmen. A large portion • • • any danfreir in that direction. with Mr. his selections .have a-rnOfal -of the wall' is 'already completed, and . _. .- if nothing-'unforseen happens _ the•work • on the foundation. Will -be :finished' in a week Or so. - Messrs_ D. • B. 'Mc..;-. Kenzie. and Jock. ., datn. are the:night another humorously sa, staff and...the punip -haS tO.: be "kept. -has .-neve • scoltled, nyti going pret V lively to : save --themselves. late at. tr. glit Since s -froin. being washed out or 'drowned by night--eato suddenly in the soakage through-. the "dam: .This. his -pocket handker4 Work will Make one Of the, ranSt .sub... realistic. I.' most 1.). . stantial imp-royements tivit has been Mr. Carter - to ' thli built. in the villa.crp, and when = the- those ,desiring_ to 14e Iv - . two brick blocks are finished %till crive•the main stet 4 6iticed 4ppear- are [-full of humor, they. lesson,- and Ins aim is ev .r to try. ...!mnd . • • . . lift his'.andlienCe-tO 4 higher Moral leVel. a, butcher shop in the building on Catnpbell Street; opposite Mr. W. H. Smith's book store, and are prepared to siipply the citizens of the village with first -Class- meats. A I trial is solieited and satisfaction gua-ranteed. -Cure for the.Tra.mp Evd A. Kansas -wothan who has been elected police justice of her city has, adopted a novel solution for the tramp problem. The first tramp who was brOughtibefore 'her for judgment was sentenced to two baths a day for ten days and to hard labor on the, =stone with the.cider that he ihould be fed if he worked and starve if shirked.i The prisoner; surVived the ordeal, !but now the first glues -60n at trainp asks .on approaching' a Kansas town is whether the police justice is .a man or Woman. • Al Shows . L°c4• Fame's Advocate gives the Th Atli sound advice; "Do not fihe local' exhibitions. They at incentives to improvement. neglec are gfur`at all classes provided are "ee "lit'led. Do not neglect fitting well fib. arranging other exhibits y before the fair." Take ct only the choicest roots rains, etc.. and have every - d in the. neatest possible ke your entries early e secretary in getting - through his w and thus aid a ork without_ hurry or 1\ case they should be confusion. In liaree certificates of required have peo.,r) stock o hand. 'on Then, Mr. Carter's ability.- 'tie- d does .' riot. claim to be artistic, he says, he.. is plain Tom Carter, but; then; in _. , , . his perforMance he is perfectly natural, and therel4y -Shows the highest type of - art. If the French saying be -tr.4-..- nothinu- s cceeds like success ---t len .If.' attenti)-e: listeners, hearty- applause and repeated encores are.any .criteion o‘ success I have Seen him succeed again- and . again:: Alt .one.. of 0.atherinos-where I -head him it .1f3 • . r, ,.. . ; 3- reported:that.one man, said "T.' twenty Miles to hear M .Carter r "The Scolding Wife," Fa; d after I -.MY or being d it." the "Yolikshire Lad will -suce, ect up stock till "the pains to sei 'iregeta,bles, thing 'arrange package. Ma irone was not. The first charge: was - , . • - .!Inot-sustained and the secole..id „reserved. ance. -; - talent for elevate AdmissiOn25 cents. iteserved scats 35 cents. Go and hear dial. the was_ go ite- ards wife out The vise out of is startlingly ly eonunend deratiOn of e satisfactory tertainthent.' Arrested on StisoiciL • a. teleuram from On the strength of n of'5Greenock, Lucknow Fall Show . •i The list of premiums for the Kinloss Branch AgricUltural. Exhibition. have 4udy their -list of entries. The fait to be held on Wednesday and: Thursday, 4th and 5th of October, promises to be the best ever held. in, Lticknow, The increased' prize list, the attractive . list of specials will- all contribute to the unusual. success which is antici- pated by the officers alik4 friends of the Society. The exhibits in the hall will , be in place. by noon the first day and • 'during the afternoon the judging will take place. In the evenilg the hall will be open to • the publi.E.. and in ad- dition to the numerous -articles on ex- -- hibition, - the • Lucknow ,BraSs hand will contribute a varied' programme of selections. The stock will be brought in the morning of the second day, and at one • o'clock klacrosse match for a prize of $12 - will be played between -o shots and a first -lc -Iasi visiting been issued and exhibitors, will now • - • - County Constable-Phais le' K. - Monday last, constal • sted. a- ti amp Leod of this village, •arr The • • k c -up. and_ put .-him lt. eyed.- in the sl7ett the Greenock constables air" village on Tuesday morning, . man -held in cuctody here wa er. ated. one wanted. and he was. 1 broke They ' are after a burglar wrt., town. -into and robbed a store in tha Ship a few days ago. The man, azaenstd-.-; ed appeared to -be a decent fell' felt very indignantat being take the lock-up., There are a large nu of tramps roaming through the cou at present .and scarcely :a day pas bUt. :robb.eries are reported; and would-be well -for- bus:mess men. a citizens generally to keep a sharp lo out for these travelling gentry.' Mai of theta- are to lazy to vfork and vide, an ekistance by- stealing.. • • to; team, after rhich the speeding m the ring, bicycle races, and-,otherrite- ticns will be presented.- A counterfeit of the Canadian 25 cent piece is in circulation. It is made of aluminum and is a good, imitation. Though lighter rn weigh than the silver quarter, it may easily be mistaken for a good coin.